Medicines with the letter H

Nazarel - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of medication for the treatment of allergic rhinitis or rhinitis, including pollen-induced plants.

Nasol - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of medication to treat the common cold and facilitate nasal breathing with genyantritis, influenza and other colds.

Nanoplast forte - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of medicines for the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis and sports injuries.

Nativa - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug for the treatment of diabetes insipidus of central genesis, nocturnal enuresis and polyuria.

Sodium thiosulphate - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of a medicinal product for the treatment of allergies and poisonings by arsenic, lead and other compounds.

Natulan - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug for the treatment of lymphogranulomatosis, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, brain cancer, lymphocytic leukemia.


Negram - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of medication for the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Neurodiclavitis - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of medicines for the treatment of pain and inflammation in arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica, lumbago.

Neuromultivitis - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of the drug for the treatment of polyneuropathy, neuritis and lumbago.

Nimesil - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug for the treatment and relief of pain in various diseases.

Niperten - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug to treat heart failure and reduce blood pressure.

Nitroxoline - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug for the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis and urethritis.

Nitrosorbide - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug for the treatment and prevention of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart failure.

Noben - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug for the treatment of neurasthenia and brain disorders.

Novobismol - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug for the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, including Helicobacter.

Novocaine - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of drugs for anesthesia, blockade and dilution of drugs.

Nonoxinol - instruction on the use of contraceptive, reviews and analogues of the drug for local contraception in women.

Nootropil - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of the drug to treat the effects of stroke and brain damage.

Noofen - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of the drug for the treatment of tics, stuttering, enuresis.

Norkolut - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of the drug for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and call of menstruation.