Drugs for the treatment of pulmonary diseases

Ceftriaxone - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of the drug for the treatment of infectious diseases of bacterial nature.

Erespal - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of the medicinal product for the treatment of coughing, hoarseness of voice, sore throat and other diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Augmentin - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of medicines for the treatment of various infectious diseases.

ATSTS - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug for the treatment of bronchitis and dry cough.

Mukaltin - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of medicines for the treatment of dry cough.

Ambrobene - instructions for use, ratings and analogues medicament for the treatment of dry coughs, liquefaction and excretion of viscous mucus in bronchitis, pneumonia.