Popular New Year's medicines

Popular New Year's medicines

Carried out a small comparative analysis. The subject of the study were New Year's requests of compatriots related to medicines.


Popular New Year's medicines


Logical and, as it turned out, it was erroneous to assume that in the first place will be drugs to get rid of a hangover (such as Zorex, Fitrum-STI, Limontar) or to treat the consequences of a hard New Year's table - enzyme preparations (Mezim, Pancreatin, Creon) or a remedy for the treatment of microflora disorders (where, without overdue salads, standing for weeks) Lineks, Enterofuryl, Bifidumbacterin. It turned out not so simple as it seemed at first glance: funds for treating a hangover took only the fifth place in the ranking of the most requested medications, and enzyme funds are only the fourth.


So, what is included in the top three most popular New Year's medicines.


In the first place were funds for enhance male power, such as Tongkat Ali Platinum, Viagra, Levitra and others.A vivid example of the fact that excessive consumption of alcohol and overeating negatively affects the fragile sexual sphere, which leads people to search for additional stimulants (it's necessary to occupy yourself with something during the long New Year holidays, except watching TV).


In second place were funds for the treatment of colds, interferons and interferon-like drugs and antibiotics (Aspirin, Interferon, Ceftriaxone, Amoxicillin, Polidex, Lazolvan, Pertussin and many others). Doctors on holidays are difficult to access, and there is no reluctance to go to them, so the amount of requested funds for lowering temperature, coughing, catarrh and other cold symptoms and ARVI increases. This is not correct, since the self-medication with such serious drugs as antibiotics, on the "podgulyavshuyu" in the New Year's holidays, the liver can lead to the department of toxicology or resuscitation, and not to recovery. There are a lot of such cases.


The same group can include funds for the treatment of herpes (Acyclovir, Zovirax, Valtrex), which is also predictable, since after a heavy New Year's table immunity is reduced,and this provokes the reactivation of herpes infection, dormant in the human body, and the appearance of flowering herpes on the face and other places.


The third place is also reasonably occupied by cardiovascular drugs, especially for treatment of hypertension (Enalapril, Enap, Equator). And although alcohol for antihypertensive drugs affects rather as an activator (that is, it increases the therapeutic effect of their effect on the body), but the pills missed on the holiday (as they say, to save the liver) are felt by hypertensive crises or irregular heartbeats.


What else interesting can be found, so it increases the requests related to the interaction of alcohol with a particular medicine. Especially they like to search for the interaction of alcohol with contraceptives (Yarina, Janine, Jess). The effect of contraceptive, as many women believe, can be reduced (in fact, alcohol for contraceptives does not have a significant effect on the mechanism of the main action - prevention of unwanted pregnancy, but remains unexplained in terms of toxic effects on other organs and in particular the liver).Therefore, there is a need to consult with the Internet sources, and then the holidays are lost (men drink stimulants) :)


Here is a merry or not very picture of the holidays looming. For me it was interesting to know what our people live after the holidays in terms of pharmacology and the answers were received, although they turned out to be a bit unexpected at first glance, but with a thorough analysis, they are absolutely fair.


A little about research methodology: The sample consisted of more than 50,000 New Year's inquiries related to pharmacology, which were found both in statistics my reference book of medicines, and on the sites of partners or competitors that had open for analysis counters of statistical systems. The search was conducted both on direct occurrences of names of medicinal products, and with altered morphological forms, as well as with additional words. So we can consider the research objective and want to believe worthy of attention.


And how are you saved from illness on holidays? What medicines are of interest to you and your loved ones at this time? Waiting for answers in the comments.

Reviews (2):
Doc, but is it not for medicines from a sick head (all kinds of carbamazepines) that demand for New Year's holidays increases? According to my observations (working in the ambulance), potential consumers of this type of medicine should become more active during the New Year holidays, especially as they like to take on the chest as many healthy companions.
NSR, Compared with the drugs indicated in the article, they are not so prominent. Apparently, the target audience of psychotic drugs is not so extensive as to generate statistically significant demand.

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