Actovegin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets, injections in injections, ointment, gel and cream) drugs for the treatment of metabolic disorders of the brain in adults, children (newborns) and pregnancy "Page 3

Actovegin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets, injections in injections, ointment, gel and cream) drugs for the treatment of metabolic disorders of the brain in adults, children (newborns) and in pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Actovegin. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Actovegin in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Actovegin in the presence of existing structural analogues.Use for the treatment of metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain, trophism of tissues, burns and bedsores, diabetic polyneuropathy in adults, children (including newborns), as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Actovegin - antihypoxant, is hemoderivat, which is obtained by dialysis and ultrafiltration (compounds with a molecular weight of less than 5,000 daltons penetrate).


Positively affects the transport and utilization of glucose, stimulates oxygen consumption (which leads to stabilization of plasma cell membranes in ischemia and a decrease in the formation of lactates) thus providing an antihypoxic effect.


Actovegin increases the concentrations of ATP, ADP, phosphocreatine, as well as amino acids (glutamate, aspartate) and GABA.


The effect of the drug Actovegin on the assimilation and utilization of oxygen, as well as insulin-like activity with the stimulation of transport and glucose oxidation, are significant in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy.


In patients with diabetes mellitus and diabetic polyneuropathy, Actovegin reliably reduces the symptoms of polyneuropathy (stitching, burning sensation, paresthesia, numbness of the lower limbs).Objective disorders are reduced sensitivity, mental well-being of patients improves.


The effect of Actovegin begins to manifest no later than 30 minutes (10-30 minutes) after parenteral administration and reaches a maximum, on average, after 3 hours (2-6 hours).




Deproteinized gemoderivat from calf blood (Actovegin concentrate or granulate) + auxiliary substances.




With the help of pharmacokinetic methods it is impossible to study the pharmacokinetic characteristics (absorption, distribution, excretion) of active components of the drug Actovegin, since it consists only of the physiological components that are usually present in the body.

To date, there has been no reduction in the pharmacological efficacy of hemoderivatives in patients with altered pharmacokinetics (including liver or renal insufficiency, metabolic changes associated with advanced age, due to metabolic peculiarities in newborns).



  • metabolic and cerebral disorders of the brain (including ischemic stroke, craniocerebral injury);
  • peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences (arterial angiopathy, trophic ulcers);
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • wound healing (ulcers of various etiologies, trophic disorders / bedsores /, burns, disturbance of wound healing processes);
  • prevention and treatment of radiation injuries of the skin and mucous membranes with radiation therapy.


Forms of release


The tablets covered with a cover of 200 mg.


Solution for injections (injections) 40 mg / ml in ampoules of 5 ml and 10 ml.


Ointment for external use 5% (not supplied to Russia).


Cream for external use 5% (not supplied to Russia).


Gel for external use 20% (not supplied to Russia).


Instructions for use and dosage




Assign inside 1-2 tablets 3 times daily before meals. The tablet is not chewed, washed down with a small amount of water. Duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks.




The solution for injections is administered intraarterially, intravenously (including as an infusion or dropper) and intramuscularly. The infusion rate is about 2 ml / min. In connection with the potential for the development of anaphylactic reactions, it is recommended to test for hypersensitivity to the drug before the infusion.


The duration of the course of treatment is determined individually, depending on the symptomatology and severity of the disease.


Metabolic and cerebral disorders of the brain: from 5 to 25 ml (200-1000 mg per day) intravenously daily for two weeks, with the subsequent transition to a tablet form.


Ischemic stroke: 20-50 ml (800-2000 mg) in 200-300 ml of 0.9% solution of sodium chloride or 5% solution of dextrose, intravenously drip daily for 1 week, then 10-20 ml (400-800 mg ) intravenously drip - 2 weeks with the subsequent transition to the tablet form.


Peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences: 20-30 ml (800 - 1000 mg) of the drug in 200 ml of 0.9% solution of sodium chloride or 5% solution of dextrose, intraarterially or intravenously daily; duration of treatment 4 weeks.


Diabetic polyneuropathy: 50 ml (2000 mg) per day intravenously for 3 weeks with the subsequent transition to the tablet form - 2-3 tablets 3 times a day for at least 4-5 months.


Wound healing: 10 ml (400 mg) intravenously or 5 ml intramuscularly daily or 3 to 4 times a week, depending on the healing process (in addition to local treatment with Actovegin in medicinal forms for external use).


Prevention and treatment of radiation lesions of the skin and mucous membranes with radiation therapy: the average dose is 5 ml (200 mg) intravenously daily in the interruption of radiation exposure.


Radiation cystitis: every day 10 ml (400 mg) is transurethral combined with antibiotic therapy.


Side effect

  • skin rash;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • hyperthermia;
  • hives;
  • edema;
  • drug fever;
  • anaphylactic shock.



  • Decompensated heart failure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • oliguria, anuria;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hypersensitivity to similar drugs.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


The use of the drug during pregnancy did not adversely affect the mother or fetus, however, if the drug is needed during pregnancy, the potential risk to the fetus should be taken into account. So the use of Actovegin in these cases requires caution.


special instructions


In connection with the potential for the development of anaphylactic reactions, it is recommended to perform a test (test injection of 2 ml IM) before the infusion.


In the case of intramuscular route of administration, the drug should be administered slowly in an amount not exceeding 5 ml.


Solutions of Actovegin have a slightly yellowish tinge. The color intensity can vary from one batch to another, depending on the nature of the raw materials used, but this does not affect the efficacy and tolerability of the preparation.


Do not use an opaque solution or solution containing particles.


With multiple administrations, the water-electrolyte balance of the blood plasma should be monitored.


After opening the ampoule or vial, the solution should not be stored.


Drug Interactions


Drug interaction of the drug Actovegin is not established.


However, to avoid possible pharmaceutical incompatibility, it is not recommended to add other medications to the infusion solution of Actovegin.


Analogues of the drug Actovegin


Actovegin does not have structural analogs for the active substance.


Analogues for the pharmacological group (antihypoxants and antioxidants):

  • Actovegin granules;
  • Actovegin concentrate;
  • Antisthenes;
  • Astrox;
  • Vixipine;
  • Vitanam;
  • Hypoxen;
  • Glathion;
  • Deprenorm;
  • Dihydroquercetin;
  • Dimephosphone;
  • Cardiocipine;
  • Carditrim;
  • Carnitine;
  • Carniffite;
  • Kudevita;
  • Qudesan;
  • Kudesan for children;
  • Kudesan Forte;
  • Levocarnitine;
  • Limonar;
  • Mexidant;
  • Mexidol;
  • Mexidol injection 5%;
  • Mexicor;
  • Mexipridol;
  • Mexiprim;
  • Mexicin;
  • Methyl ethylpyridinol;
  • Metostabil;
  • Sodium oxybutyrate;
  • Neurox;
  • Neurolephone;
  • Octolipen;
  • Oliphen;
  • Predizin;
  • Preductal;
  • Rexod;
  • Romekor;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Tiogamma;
  • Tiotriazolin;
  • Trekrezan;
  • Tridoukard;
  • Trimectal;
  • Trimetazidine;
  • Phenosanic acid;
  • Cerekard;
  • Cytochrome C;
  • Eltacin;
  • Emoxibel;
  • Emoxipine;
  • Energet;
  • Yantavit.

Similar medicines:

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Reviews (425):
Hello. Half a year ago I did an MRI and received a conclusion: a diffuse heterogeneity of the pituitary gland against whichcan not exclude microadenoma in the central - upper parts of the adenohypophysis. The doctor has appointed or nominated to apply Actoveginum / in.
Will he be able to help in my case, what dosage is needed and what time course of treatment. Thank you.
lukyanuk98, The specific scheme of therapy is chosen by the attending physician. Microadenoma is something in common, not even a diagnosis. In order to prevent the growth of excess pituitary tissues using special medicines or radiotherapy and microadenomas are subdivided from the specific location of the site in the pituitary gland - prolactinoma, corticotrophinoma, etc. Depending on the site, appropriate suppressants are used. Actovegin seems to me in this matter you will help a little.
Hello! To the kid of one and a half month, have registered Actovegin. I read that he is fierce and in side effects right up to the anaphylactic shock ... Strangly to prick. Tell me, are there any cases of such side effects? Thank you!
A wonderful drug! I use 10 years (seasonally spring-autumn) vascular dystonia (two strokes behind the shoulders). 10 injections (and it is better than droppers) and you, as new. I recommend!
Tatiana Ditman, Everything that is written in the instruction in side effects, once happened to patients who took Actovegin. In percent - anaphylactic shock happens hundredths of a percent of all side effects. If there is a fear of prescription, I recommend starting to prick in injections in the procedural office of the polyclinic, where they can promptly come to the rescue in case of unforeseen reaction of the body to the medicine.

A biting ... As any injection, but if you compare with the same Ceftriaxone, it is much less painful. Everyone has their own reaction to the pain from the injection.
Hello! My son is two years old, he was prescribed Cortexin + Actovegin. Has anyone been prescribed this course of treatment? The child was diagnosed with hyperactivity.
woodSuch treatment regimens are prescribed, including for children. According to the instructions for side effects, when using the drugs mentioned in the question, there should not be any.
Light M
Hello. Tell me, please, what are the contraindications for taking Actovegin during pregnancy.
Light M, While all that is indicated in the instructions for the use of the drug Actovegin regarding pregnancy is relevant to the present. That is, the drug during its use in pregnant women did not have a negative effect on the fetus, but no clinical studies in this direction were conducted and the statistical base was not collected, as the footnote says, that it is necessary to use the medicine with care. Simply put, the drug is still underdeveloped for use in pregnant women, but if there is a vital need, it can be used.
Pregnancy 34 weeks did uzi,said that the placenta is growing 2-3 degrees hyperechoic, the doctor as if not insisting said to take Actovegin, they also said that polyhydramnios.
MAMA, Interesting you have a doctor. I understand it or there is a problem, or it is not. And so maybe there is an aging placenta, and maybe not, you can take it, or you can not take it. I would advise you in case of such ambiguous recommendations to contact internally to another doctor with your ultrasound results and not yet take Actovegin, because the recommendation of the doctor is not specific and it can not be interpreted, but it should not be allowed to drift yourself, nevertheless you will soon have to give birth and I would like to inform you before the deadline.
After the tick-borne encephalitis was transferred, the following problems began: severe headaches completely depriving the patient of working capacity (in addition: pain and burning in the whole spine, numbness of the limbs, later bruises appeared, as if the vessels were bleeding, now in the arm and leg of pain along the nerve). Headaches decreased and began to appear with a break after such a treatment regimen: actovegin drip, mildronate and piracetam intravenously, vitamins of the group ... With other treatment regimens there was no result ...Diagnoses that doctors write: the consequences of neuroinfections, encephalopathy of complex genesis, angiopathy, neuralgia, (chondrosis), myocardial dystrophy ... (there are other diagnoses on internal organs that appeared after the transferred neuroinfection) ... I want this scheme to help as long as possible ... What will be the consequences in the future, I do not know ...
Good afternoon! The cardiologist has appointed or nominated Actovegin: I have GB 2 items, disturbances of a rhythm on type paroks. forms of AF, dyslipidemia (if correctly written off from the certificate), venous disease of the extremities, uterine fibroids, breast fibroma, etc. etc. I'm afraid to prick, suddenly some thrombus will move ... Tell me, support, reject my doubts, please. The year the drug lies ...
Nadia, Consult a gynecologist and a mammologist about your ... -th (fibroma, myom). Since Actovegin is still a stimulant, so that it does not cause growth or a qualitative change in your diseases. As for blood clots, you can not worry, for the cardiovascular system, the drug is acceptable to use.
ovb75, Moved your question to the drug Adaptol, where it is more appropriate.
I have Raynaud's syndrome. The vascular surgeon prescribed Actovegin. Whether there is a sense to treat such dear or expensive preparation as allergies of 30 years. I took a few ampoules for testing, but I did not dare to pierce, the ampoules were lying in the room for several months (I did not know how to store them), there are no changes. Can I apply them now?
SVETLANKA, Patients with Reynaud's syndrome (or disease) are multifactorial and complex patients, it's not a cold, so you can give an unambiguous answer, which treatment should be used (usually using vasodilating drugs, in your situation, not heard about Actovegin). Here everything is decided by the attending physician, his experience and the patient's condition, and your question can not be remotely solved.

Use the ampoules of Actovegin when storing the house, if only they were not exposed to direct sunlight and the expiration date of the medicine purchased has not yet expired.
Question to the administration. I'm looking for the eye gel Actovegin. In our city (Saratov) I can not find in any pharmacy, they say, there are no suppliers. On the radar, Apteka. Ru not. He generally is on sale somewhere or withdrawn from production ?! Thank you!
BatmanThe drug dosage form of Actovegin you have never existed (at least in Russia it is not registered). There is mention only of gel Actovegin 20% and ointment or cream 5%. But these forms are used externally (on the skin, in places of wounds and trophic ulcers), but not in the eye area.
Hello. I'm pregnant for 18 weeks. The head, the pressure raised or increased is very hurted. The doctor prescribed Actovegin. But the headaches do not pass.
m.prihozhaeva, Actovegin in your situation is unlikely to help. Given the short term and the fact that most drugs to reduce high blood pressure during pregnancy are contraindicated,It is necessary to consult a cardiologist to prescribe adequate therapy for the current condition.
Hello! My grandmother is 75 years old, after a stroke with a hemorrhage. Stroke is already 4. The neurologist at us does not speak anything sensible. Refused the right side, now slowly it turns out to raise a leg. There are memory impairments. Very much I ask you to advise treatment, for normalization and improvement of work of a brain! Thought to prick Actovegin, but in combination with what it can be used! Thankful in advance for your answer!
DenisWith a neurologist, communication will have to be adjusted in any case, because through the Internet you hardly raise your grandmother to the feet to the extent that it is required by the current level of medical development. I can only say in the recovery period, except for symptomatic therapy (aimed at removing symptoms associated with the current disease, for example, when insomnia after a stroke is prescribed drugs to normalize sleep, etc.), you can use drugs that improve microcirculation and blood flow (Piracetam, Cinnarizine, Vinpocetine , Pentoxifylline).But you need to know that this recovery period has already come, with stroke at each stage of the pathological process, its treatment.
Hello! I have an inflammation of the sciatic nerve. I have severe pain in my leg. Have appointed or nominated: Mesipolum, meksidol and aktovegin in a vein. Why do actovegin and mexidol? The doctor came to Petersburg from Makhachkala, can send.
Hello. My mum has type 2 diabetes. He drinks mannil tablets, glucose. On the feet of such purple specks, and where the fingers are as if the freckled skin. The vascular surgeon prescribed a quarantil, trental in tablets and actovegin also in tablets, everything to drink 2-3 months. Mom has drunk already 2 months, but neither maculae, nor this freckled skin on legs or foots do not pass or take place. Sometimes her legs are smeared with tselostoderm, the spots on her legs are not so violet. Tell me, please, can it be possible along with actovegin in tablets to smear feet with cream or ointment of Actovegin? Or is it better to take a course of treatment with Actovegin injections?
kotik35, Mexidol and Actovegin in your treatment regimen can be considered as an additional therapy to improve metabolism in nervous tissue. It is necessary to look at the nature and duration of the underlying disease (sciatica nerve inflammation), if the episode of the disease occurred recently, then it is possible to do without something extra. And if there is an opportunity to consult another specialist - you can use this chance, if you have any doubts, remotely not always it is possible to say whether the treatment scheme is suitable or not.

Galina11071987If 2 months of treatment do not lead to a result, then the way to administer medication is changed is meaningless, since if it helped, at least there was some improvement. It is also embarrassing that after using Celestoderm the spots turn pale, there may be a problem in skin disease and it is worth to consult a dermatologist for advice. In any case, Trental and Actovegin in diabetes mellitus were only a plus, for a common system of blood flow and vessel walls.
I probably did not say it that much, sorry.Today stains on the legs are generally of a terrible violet color, legs in calves all burn. And can you tell whether these spots can be smeared with ointegin ointment along with tablets? Or this ointment only with wounds and burns? Thank you in advance.
Galina11071987In your case, outwardly Actovegin will be useless. Consult a doctor with all the sores and test results for replacement of the treatment regimen. Probably, the proposed variant does not help (it may be a neglected case or severe), if you did everything on the advice of a doctor.
Killing on the spot. You will not live for sure. Exogenous poison.
I will write, as I at home treated my mother for a stroke. The result is excellent. So:
1. Tiotriozolin 2.0 w / m 2p / d
2. Reosorbilact 100.0 in / in the cap. 2 r / d
3. Mildronate 5.0+ fiz.r-p 10.0 in / in slowly. 1 r / d
4. Piracetam 10.0 + fiz.r-p 10.0 w / v slowly very. 1 r / d
5. L-lysine esc. 5.0 + fiz.r-p 10.0 in / in 1 r / d
6. Lasix 2.0, in the evening 1.0 in / in the cap. after the dropper rheosorbylact.
7. Actovegin 2.0 in / m 1 r / d
8. Magnesia 5.0 w / m 1 r / d
9. Ascorb. acid 2.0 in / m 1 r / d.
10. Nicergoline 2 table 1p / d
11. Vitacap 1 table 1p / d
12.Asparks 1 tab.3p / d
13. Enap H in the morning 1 table.
14. Enap 10 in the evening 1 tab.
All this is 10 days. And then the tablets are all the rest. The result was visible from the first days. A month later, Mama herself got up and walked a little, and after three months fiz. procedures, massage with ointments it has become much better, all the symptoms have almost passed ...
Hello. My daughter prescribed Actovegin 2.0 ml IM. The baby cries - very painful pricks! Is it possible to mix Actovegin with an anesthetic, and, if possible, which? Novocaine, lidocaine or something else?
yuta, Injections of Actovegin are not painful (no more than other intramuscular injections). It's you who still did not prick antibiotics like Ceftriaxone. And anyway it is impossible to prick with anesthetics, because the structure of the drug Actovegin is protein and it is not known which conglomerates are formed after such mixing. If you do not chop at all and the child's age allows you to use pills, but this issue must be agreed with the doctor in charge.
With this drug should be very careful, my mother from him all over the body rash went. And from Detrolex too.
Good afternoon! Tell me please, my son is 3.5 months old, made brain uzi, enlarged the ventricles of the brain, the anterior horns of 5 mm, the rear horn of 21 mm - left, 15.5-right, 3rd ventricle - 5.3 mm, 4th not widened, the interhemispheric cleft - 6.5 mm was also widened. Have appointed meksidol 1/4 tablets 2 r per day to drink a month and actovegin for 0.1 10 days. I'm worried that Mexidol will put a liver and will not give any good, and Actovegin is contraindicated in case of fluid retention, I can not understand the correct treatment. If you can at least somehow comment on it will be very grateful.
wischnja, I will start right away with the validity of the treatment: apparently if you were doing ultrasound of the brain it means that there are some clinical manifestations of this condition in the child (this, of course, was worth pointing in the question), because in itself any study does not give a complete picture and even appoint a it is impossible for him to medicate, without the patient's illness.For example, with arthrosis, X-rays do not give rich soil, so that you can assign a particular medicine, only assumptions. Let's say there are reasons to prescribe a treatment.

Now about the reasonableness of the appointment. Here I can only say whether the drugs listed in the question are allowed in children or not. Because none of them ventricles the brain does not reduce, because the reason is not in the structure, but in the functioning of your child's brain. Therefore, based on clinical data, the doctor prescribed a set of drugs that, in his opinion, will help restore normal processes of brain functioning, and excess fluid will go away and the ventricles will recover in size independently.

Actovegin - there are no questions with this. The fluid retention that you indicated in the question refers to contraindications and this is slightly different than in your case, the main thing is the treatment of the disturbed metabolic and vascular functions of the brain, for which it is prescribed.

As for Mexidol, I can only say that this drug is not used in children, not because it is not possible, but because the clinical trials of this drug have not been carried out in children and statistics on the use of the drug in children have not been accumulated.Here everything depends on the severity of the child's condition, when there is nothing to treat, and the problem is serious, one has to resort to drugs that may not be suitable for this age group, but based on his experience, the doctor can prescribe such treatment as an exception. Here questions to your doctor as a specialist and his knowledge of drugs for a specific case and a specific patient. And yes, the appointment of pills to a small child is doubtful, given that they are covered with a sheath and can not be divided and broken.
Ultrasound was done in 1 month, planned to just check, there were only slightly increased horns and everything, so they said to drink Elkar and fresh air, and at 3 months to check whether the condition worsened. It worsened, as the interhemispheric fissure widened, a little on tiptoe rises a little on tiptoes and very rarely jerks the chin, just drew attention to the head, it's tadpole, 42 cm circumference, that's why they began to drink mexidol ... Soon we will prick the pricks, Mexidol probably will stop giving. October 12 to another neurologist let's go can he clarify the situation.Thank you very much for your reply, if you can add something, I will gladly read it)))
wischnja, Yes, go to another neurologist, preferably a special child. Now under the description all what is indistinct and smeared, like gets on tiptoe, and can and does not rise, like the chin quivers, and can so always and it is its norm. Of course, the brain process started in childhood in the adult state is more difficult to treat, but also it is not worthwhile to stuff a healthy child with chemistry without a case. If justified, then they take risks and are treated not only with light, but also with heavy means, but a clear justification is needed.
To me aktovegin the gel at pregnancy from a varicose registered, has not helped or assisted. Flebodea much better helps.
Hello. My head is spinning, there are no tests yet, but I was prescribed Actovegin, a glaucer and a cerebard, all in / m. Tell me, please, it's not much?
svetlanak_A lot or not a lot is decided by the attending physician who is responsible for the patient. For my part, I can say that such treatment can be prescribed when there are no obvious problems with the functioning of the brain, but this is the definition of high or low blood pressure, problems with conductive structures (osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine). The causes of vertigo are actually a lot and reduce everything to costly treatment of the brain tissue itself, which I think is wrong. Survey and determination of causes is always primary, if the condition does not threaten the life and health of the patient, in your case, most likely, there is no obvious threat.
Hello! Pregnancy is 32 weeks, diagnosed with moderate infertility and aging of the placenta of the 2nd degree. The gynecologist has appointed a certain course of treatment, including a dropper of Actovegin + glucose course in 10 days. But another doctor said that actovegin is an excerpt from calf brains, in Europe it has long since been abandoned and no one knows what consequences it will entail.Now I'm afraid - is it worth it to drip? Is it dangerous to actovegin in this case and what is the potential risk of the fetus?
AlilovaMore than indicated in the instructions I have nothing to add. Actovegin is used according to the indications during pregnancy, but under the strict supervision of the doctor for the state of the fetus and the health of the woman. Here the whole question is in your confidence in the doctor who leads the pregnancy.
Hello! It would be desirable to learn or find out, whether it is possible to apply a preparation at a hypothyrosis, I accept eutiroks 150. Also have defined the raised or increased intracranial pressure. Is this a contraindication? How can this be correlated with the contraindication for the drug - fluid retention, swelling?
Vasilyeva, With hypothyroidism, you can take the drug Actovegin, there should be no negative side effects and according to the instructions for this disease the medicine is not contraindicated. About the raised or increased pressure is to the expert who has appointed or nominated a preparation.Probably, you have prescribed it for increased intracranial pressure, because there is another mechanism for the origin of edema, and from the instruction there are edemas of the periphery (limbs - arms, legs). Next time, write the diagnosis and a detailed description of the symptoms.
Anna Z
Good afternoon! I was prescribed a jet in / in Actovegin because of disorders of cerebral circulation (PA syndrome). Pregnancy is 25 weeks. After 4 times the drug was very much drawn to sleep for several hours, the feeling was as if I can now turn off.
I suffer from frequent, almost daily, headaches, often increases the pressure. Accidentally (made MRI of the nasal sinuses), a bilateral anomaly of Kimmery and subluxation of the atlant was detected. The neurosurgeon has appointed the further supervision at the neuropathologist. The neuropathologist has appointed or nominated Actovegin in / m on 5 ml. 10 days, Metamax IM in 2 ml. 10 days, cardiomagnet (my hemoglobin - 160), glycine, enap (with increasing pressure). The course of treatment should be repeated 2 times a year: in spring and in autumn.Is it possible to stab Actovegin and Metamax at the same time? For example, in the morning - metamax, in the evening - Actovegin? Thanks for the answer.
ktyjrBoth drugs combine well. Negative side effects in the joint reception of Actovegin and Metamax should not be. You can not even distribute the reception of these drugs on time, but you can prick everything, let's say, in the morning at the same time. Just do not mix solutions of different drugs in one syringe.
Good afternoon. MRI of the brain showed the anomaly of Arnold-Chiari-1. Small-glaucous glial changes of the cerebral hemispheres from two sides without atrophic changes and still make the diagnosis of encephalopathy. The neurologist said not parsya and prescribed actovegin twice daily for two months, carniton once a day, too, 2 months and another milgamma twice a day a month. The immunologist said that all this together is too much. And how to be now I do not know. Tell me, please, can all this in turn one after another drink a drink? Thank you in advance.
Thatochka, The immunologist probably was horrified at the cost of the prescribed treatment and only. In other respects, the whole treatment complex can be taken together. The truth of the validity of treatment based on the data only MRI is not set, we need a clinic. If you are all right with your head (no pain, dizziness and other symptoms), then you can stop only at Actovegin, if the money is good and / or there are violations from the head-neck - take as advised by the doctor, your brain thank you will say.
Hello! I was diagnosed with discirculatory encephalopathy 1st., A syndrome of cephalgia. Vegetative dystonia. The doctor appointed actovegin in / in cap. 800mg. on 200ml of physical solution №10 + ceraxon 10ml once a day 1 month. + sirdalud 6 mg capsules - once daily 2.5-3 months. I'm in a panic from such a lethal dose of drugs. Very much I ask your authoritative opinion on the given purpose, and in the material plan it is more than 10 thousand, for me it is very expensive.
Vera1601Who diagnosed such diagnoses, he should treat - if we are about authoritative opinion. And so the symptoms and the examinations are needed. We have a cephalgia, which seems to be not a diagnosis, but a condition in which we have headaches, which in turn can be caused by various diseases, and Sirdalud is appointed, which, in order to eliminate muscle spasms, means that we found clamps in the region of the cervical calving of the spine, possibly cervicalgia (or called even cervical osteochondrosis), which gives headaches and concomitant pains. Also need data from the X-ray of the spine, even better MRT of the relevant departments.

By appointment, there are no discrepancies, all the preparations shown in the question are combined and there should be no side effects when they are taken together. But this is the maximum that can be reliably answered in your situation. And it is better to consult internally with a good neurologist, since the nuances most likely in your situation will be many.
Thank you very much for the quick response. Because of the very high cost of drugs (I was even prescribed to stab chondrolone 25 injections of 2 ampoules + don 18 injections + magnesium B6 +antidepressant), I can reduce the dose of Actovegin, for example, 400 mg or do not use 10 droppers, and 7-8 and drink a ceraxon not 1 month, but 2 weeks? Or in this case there will be no effect of treatment? Please advise how to proceed? Of course, health is more important than money, but it can not be supported without money. Thank you.
VIKTOR, Moved your question to Solcoseril, where it is more appropriate.
Vera1601, The economic side of the question is my favorite and the most difficult, because it is better to choose treatment by the patient's wallet, because if you bend with the cost of treatment - the patient just does not pass it and will only get worse. So once I see differences - hondrolon and Don no need to chop and / or drink at the same time, it is the same type of inherently drugs and they can be taken in sequence - say, first pierce hondrolon, and then Don, but not both, in the end stretch treatment and save a one-time budget . Magnesium B6 is left, as is the antidepressant.

Doctors do not need to reduce the dosages of Actovegin and Ceraxon - try to start at the prescribed dose, until the budget is over. It is better to reduce the duration of therapy.Assume enough money (and the possibilities of the gluteal muscles) inject injections for 1 week for Actovegin and 2 weeks for Ceraxon, during this time there should be at least some dynamics, albeit insignificant. And if it does not, then do not have to think about where to get money to continue treatment.
Yes, he's not a sore one. To myself, a stab in the shoulder, it hurts because the needle in the body remains almost a minute. And the medicine itself is painless.
Very grateful for the opportunity to consult with really knowledgeable people. Dear admin, Your advice helped me a lot. Thank you so much.
Elena Shatskaya
Good afternoon. I made my dad 7th injection of Actovegin in / m and he was very painful. Even began to limp on the right leg, so hip hind behind. How to help your father? And what is the cause of such acute pain, after all, and let in very slowly, and all the rules for the introduction of / m injections were observed. Did, of course, the second time in a row in the same buttock, tk.he himself insisted on this. I ask for advice. Sincerely.
Elena Shatskaya, There are several reasons: abscessing (it is necessary to look at the places of the first and second injections, whether there is swelling and inflammation, that is, an abscess), or they have got into the nerve. I advise you to wait a little, perhaps everything will pass by itself. If not - go to the doctor, most likely to the neurologist, can what lumbago has stratified simultaneously with nyxes of Actovegin. And the buttocks are better to alternate with nyxes.
I bought Actovegin in ampoules - a completely colorless coloration, but used to be yellowish before. Is not it a fake?
Vapentin, Most likely not, because the color of the source drug can be from colorless to light yellow or yellowish coloration. Correctly answer the subject of fake purchased or not, you can only request the original documents for a consignment of medicines that are in each pharmacy that sells drugs to the public.
Good afternoon. I am 36 years old. Disturb pain in the neck, weakness, fatigue, numbness 4, 5 fingers of the right hand, there are severe headaches and dizziness, made CT of the cervical department, the neurologist diagnosed: an anomaly Kimerli, osteochondrosis of the cervico-thoracic spine with radicular syndrome on the right and appointed: injections of Actovegin at 2 ml 10 days, Vennorm 16 mg 2 t. 1 month, Serrata 1 t. 3 r. 10 days and a tongin of 10 cap. 3 r. 1 month I still consulted with another neurologist, he said to drink Cavinton (or vinpocetine) for 1 t. 3 r. within 2 months. Advise, please, whether it is necessary for me now at such signs to do or make nyxes or it is enough to have a drink Cavintonum and to make massage. Thank you in advance.
Svetlana Sable, Massage is mandatory, but it is better to be treated in a comprehensive manner in a sanatorium. Cavinton will only be a plus for your conditions. Vestinorm can be if there are dizziness and significant strength, if the symptomatology is weak, it can be caused by the syndrome of the vertebral artery with the development of cervical osteochondrosis and then you can do without the appointment of this drug.Tonginal can be used, but if you drink Cavinton, then leave one thing in the treatment regimen. Serrata and Actovegin can be used together in this set, if the financial possibilities allow (the drugs are not cheap), and if not, while you can do without them.
Hello! I want to know your opinion about the treatment? Having felt a lump in my throat for 2 months I was treated with a therapist. The result is zero. 2 months treated an ENT, like as hr. pharyngitis. The result is the same. Have cured to that, that the dyspnea has begun, arms or hand and legs or foots grew dumb. Has passed or has taken place inspection and have directed to the neurologist and the psychologist. The psychologist has appointed or nominated atarax on 0,5 t. 2 times a day and gidazepam 1т. at night, and according to neurology I have a languid paresis of the upper and lower extremities, sensorineural hearing loss, dizziness and unsteadiness of gait. Assigned tivortin 100ml drip 5 days, actovegin v / m 20 days, gliaton 4.0 w / m 5 days then drip neuromidine 9.5% 1ml IM 5 days morning and evening, then tablets 5 days. So I do not know whether to take both the psychologist and the neurologist, or the appointment of one doctor, and then another? To me 51 year at me a myoma and a cyst of an ovary. What about the actovegin?
Moved your question to the drug Cavinton, about which he was asked.
Hello! The acquaintance was prescribed Actovegin in / in the stream without dilution 5 ml 1 r / d for 5 days. Then the doctor told us it was dangerous. Tell me please, what are the possible complications? Why it is impossible without breeding? Thanks in advance)
rarara777To understand remotely what exactly is your diagnosis on these symptoms is impossible. It is necessary gradually to spin your condition back, from the moment of the onset of manifestations, even in your opinion insignificant. This requires a good on-site diagnostician and the appointment of additional tests and studies, because by description, you can pick up a dozen or more diseases from oncology to allergies.

I can only say by treatment that all the medicines indicated in the question are combined with each other and according to the instruction of negative side effects, there should not be a joint admission, and the reception and duration of the course of therapy is determined by the attending physician.And the last doctor in the treatment chain usually takes into account the prescriptions of his drugs with those that were prescribed before him (if he is notified about it).
genri, Actovegin can be administered both in the form of a dropper, and jet, in this there are no problems. If there is an allergic reaction, then it will happen at least with breeding, though without. So decide with the doctor from whom you are being treated and follow his recommendations. Choose the most appropriate and who can fully trust. I prefer to assign my Actovegin to the patients in droppers rather than intra-arterially.
Rimma N.
I was very much tormented by headaches. Literally after 2-3 injections, I forgot about the pain. Very effective drug.
Hello. They diagnosed "Synovitis of the sternoclavicular joint". Have written out Flexen on 1т. 3p - 10 days. Arthrosilene aerosol 2-3r. per day, Actovegin by 1t. 3p - 2 weeks.
I can not understand why Actovegin? Of course, the testimony is good, but the price too)). I'm waiting for an answer, because I do not know whether to buy or not.
carinaTo stop the inflammation with synovitis, Fleksen and Arthrosilen will suffice. If there are no funds on the expensive Actovegin, in your case you can not buy it.
Thank you very much for the answer.
Hello. Is it possible to combine intramuscular injections of Actovegin with similar injections of Milgamma (do in one day)? The doctor appointed to do in a day, but did not specify the exact order.
I am 59 years old. Discirculatory encephalopathy 2 tbsp. On symptoms and as a prophylaxis 2 - 3 times a year I go through treatment including. and actovegin. But in the autumn I had a tumor of the adrenal gland (hormone is not active). They said after six months to undergo CT and tests to monitor the tumor in the dynamics. Now the neurologist has appointed or nominated: aktovegin 10 ml and cerakson 1000 drip in a day, a cortexin in / m № 10. After injections aktovegin in tablets 1 months. Question: can I be treated with actovegin in my situation with a tumor?
natella818If you are scheduled to take injections every other day, this means one drug a day, the next day - another drug. At the same time, Actovegin and Milgamma can be stabbed, only to mix in one syringe these preparations are not necessary and to stab in different buttocks. Order of priority is not special, these drugs are well tolerated when used together and according to the instructions of contraindications such a joint reception is not.

tatin, There may be questions with Actovegin, so address them to the oncologist or to the specialist who is dealing with this issue in your city. I would not prescribe this medication without consulting an oncologist. It changes the trophic processes and metabolism in the tissues, and accordingly can change the characteristics of the tumor.
Good day! I'm 24 years old, 3 years ago I received a chmt with a fracture of the base of the skull in the accident, I pierce it for spring / autumn prophylaxis: actovegin, mexidol, pyracetam and kombilipen. Tell me, for my age to stab so much medicine - a small load on the body? And are all these drugs combined? Thank you in advance?
TatianaAleksandrovnaIf this combination is prescribed by a doctor, then everything is fine, I do not see the bust. If you have come out on such a combination yourself, then I do not consider the issues of self-treatment, there are many nuances. Consider this complex as a vitamin with an emphasis on the brain, nerves and nervous system.
Lydia Goryacheva
After the introduction of actovegin intravenously for 5 days, edema of the eye, redness and a sticky tear appeared as with conjunctivitis.
Good afternoon. In the winter of this year, my mother (80 years) had a pinched nerve. After the treatment, the pains passed, but the foot lost sensitivity. The neurologist has registered intravenously Actovegin 10,0 ml on 200 ml fiz. solution and Cytoflavin also 10.0 ml. on 200 ml. fiz. solution. Both droppers every day. Is not it too much 400 ml. And will the veins survive? Can replace the pill? The truth and tablets prescribed Aksamon, Tiogamma and Tanakan. Thank you.
Alina, As for me so superfluous appointment, especially intravenous preparations.No, the complex itself is good and if the finances allow you to conduct it. Two droppers a day, elderly women in hospitals are quite worried, if the kidneys are doing well and are working adequately to their age.

It turns out that your doctor in one complex collected all possible drugs, modern and expensive in the field of loss of sensitivity. I would like to see the previous treatment, because the loss of sensitivity during mechanical jamming is effectively treated by the same Glycine in tablets and I would add it to the therapy regimen instead of Actovegin.
Good afternoon! Yesterday I went to the neurologist with complaints of mild but often numb left side of the body (mostly the hands, jaw, tongue, head), infrequent (1-2 times a month) bouts of dizziness, sweating, great weakness in the legs and in the whole body, sometimes accompanied by nausea and darkening in the eyes almost to fainting. Also, there are complaints of low back pain. The doctor gave the direction for examination: MRI of the brain, MRI of the lumbar spine, ECG, OAM. He diagnosed VBN and MS (MS in question).Without waiting for the results of the examination, the doctor prescribed Actovegin 5.0 iv / 10 times, Cavinton Fort 10 mg 1x2 p. 1 month, Cytoflavin 2х2 r. 1 month, Traumeel ointment. Today received the results of MRI: as for the brain, everything is in order, there are no deviations, and as for the waist, they have found signs of degenerative-dystrophic changes of the lumbosacral spine. The ECG also showed no abnormalities. OAM is not yet ready. Do I need to take injections of Actovegin and take other drugs prescribed by a doctor if the brain is okay? I started taking injections today, I did not start taking pills yet. Tell me please! Will these drugs harm my body? I am 31 years old. Thank you in advance!
zdorovye, Multiple sclerosis is based on the data of MRI and clinic, so that you can not wait for analysis (I mean ECG and OAM). Vertebrob basilar insufficiency is necessary to see what is its cause - plaques in the vessels (ultrasound of brachiocephalic vessels), some mechanical causes, osteochondrosis and similar conditions, accordingly, both the tactics of prescribing drugs and their spectrum will differ.

There are degenerative-destructive changes in MRI, perhaps the appointment of non-nonspecific therapies (in the form of prescribed Actovegin, Cytoflavin and others), and corticosteroids (hormone therapy), if the changes are focal and also present in the brain (you like no, but as looked), plus a young age, which indirectly may indicate multiple sclerosis, but it is necessary to look through layered pictures and solve a competent neurologist.
Good afternoon! After a stagnant pregnancy, we put endometritis. Treated many drugs and fizioprotsedurami. There is an improvement, but not to the extent that the doctor expected from the treatment. He says there may not be enough blood flow in the pelvic area. 2 months drank kurantil, the cyst was formed it is not clear from what. And in this I advised to switch to Actovegin on 1 t 2 times a day, and not to drink cantaloupe. Do you think he can somehow help me in my situation to "build up" the endometrium?
Marina17It seems to me unlikely.Endometritis you alone Curantilom or Actovegin just can not cure. In conjunction with hormonal and other drugs, there may be some effect, but as an independent treatment is unlikely.
Good afternoon! The neurologist prescribed a dropper 200ml of saline solution + 5 ml of Actovegin + 5 mexidol. In the hospital (in another) they refuse to do. They say that you can not combine in a dropper. I can not contact the doctor. What to do?
Irina, All the same you can not force the personnel of this hospital to put a dropper all in one, because in the end they will incur primary responsibility, if something goes wrong and only then your attending physician (the more it is unknown what method of introduction he prescribed in the documents) . I prefer to divide drugs by different bottles. It is not known what will eventually happen with a cocktail from these funds in one bottle.
Good day. Here such problemka. A diagnosis was made: the quote "lumbago with sciatica" (a district therapist), the neurologist neither confirmed nor disproved.Assigned: Catena №50, Carbamazepine №10, Arthrosan in / m №3, Midokalm в / м №5, well and up to the heap Actovegin in / in №5. If I understand something correctly, then most of the drugs are antiepileptic (for which there was not even a single hint in 50 years). Well, now the question is: can this be all in this combination, how long will I last? Thank you very much in advance.
GoshaOf course, no one treats this set of lumbago drugs with sciatica. About that, of course, will people, and on more drugs, stretch out. The whole question is the adequacy of therapy, and for this it is necessary to know the diagnosis and / or symptoms, now nothing is clear at all.
admin, Hello again. The diagnosis was just put. And it is indicated in the med-card. I understand that the neurologist thought: "But you would not go, patient, and two steps farther, and wrote out the first thing that came into my head." Thank you for the answer.
Hello! I have pelvic varicose 3 degrees + homocysteine.Can I take Actovegin with phlebodeia as directed by a doctor? Thank you.
Elena38, You can. Actovegin will positively influence the intima of the blood vessels, which can be damaged with an elevated level of homocysteine, plus it will generally have a good effect on tissue nutrition, and the use of the Flebodia 600 preparation will positively affect the course of varicose veins.
marina b
Hello, my diagnosis is DDZP SHOP, GOP, cervicobrahialgia. Treatment is prescribed:
1. NaCl 0.9% 100.0 + Cavinton 2.0 droppers No. 5
2. Actovegin 5.0 in the number 5
3. Neuromidine IM number 5
Tell me, please, is it compatible and effective?
marina b, All three of the drugs mentioned in the question are combined and allow their joint reception. In one syringe or dropper, it is better not to confuse the clear case, in order to avoid negative individual reactions of incompatibility. On the effectiveness - in truth to say with your problems better sanatorium treatment and gymnastics will cope, rather than medicamental therapy.But considering the degenerative-dystrophic disease of the spine or DZPP, the prescribed treatment can be considered justified.
At me a hemangioma less than 1 sm, various hernias of a backbone, a spondyloarthrosis and varicose of the bottom extremities, and also SD on 2 types. Actovegin in my case will not affect the growth of hemangioma?
1Jerina, Actovegin does not affect the growth of hemangiomas. I can not assume at the expense of what mechanisms such changes are possible from taking this medication, and the instruction confirms it. If appointed as a doctor - you can take it calmly.
Catherine F
Hello. Is it possible to use Actovegin ointment rectally and will it heal the internal suture? Within 9 months, the internal part of the suture does not heal after the operation to excise the fistula and anal fissure. Blood and soreness appear at least once a month. Thank you.
Catherine FIt is more reasonable in this situation to consult a proctologist or a surgeon, because a non-healing 9 months seam is a serious call. Also worth checking the sugar in the endocrinologist.

Actovegin can promote the healing of postoperative wounds and stitches, based on its mechanism of action, although Solkoseril does it better, but I'm afraid that in your situation these are not the drugs.
Natalia T
Hello! I really liked your clear and understandable answers to the questions.
At me: there is a varicose phlebectasia (at whom it or him is not present?)): Expansion and Valium insufficiency of both BPV on shins, an incompetent perforant veins on both legs. Echopriznaki atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities without hemodynamically significant stenoses.
Propyl Flebodia 2 months. Then the doctor said to take a break for 2 months and now has appointed Actovegin on 2 tablets. 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
In the instructions to actovegin, 3 times a day is recommended for 1-2 tablets. and not less than 4 weeks.
Maybe it's better to drink 1 tablet 3 times a day? and 4 weeks? or is it not important?
Natalia TIf the patient is actually shown taking Actovegin, I would do it in the dosages recommended in the instructions (1 tablet 3 times a day for 4 weeks). And if you just need to get rid of the patient, then I would not take this drug at all.
Natalia T
many thanks)
Oksana V.
Pregnancy is 14 weeks, frequent headaches (especially when weather changes), general weakness, hands are shaking, pills a day, heart palpitations in ecg. At me a chronic pyelonephritis, there was a fiber in urine 0,1-0,15. In the maternity hospital punctured ceftriaxone 6 injections + 5x + linex, the protein fell to 0.03 - discharged + 5 days 5 days 1t 3p \ d. On the 3rd day after taking the tab. immediately began to vomit - stopped receiving. After an EEG a neuropath. fast. the diagnosis of encephalopathy is easy. form was prescribed by Actovegin + fizrast. В \ В стр.х1 \ 5д. The gynecologist added Milgamma B \ M x1 \ 10d., Magne B6x1 \ 3 \ 1month., Papaverin candle x1 \ 10d., Ferratab x1 \ 2 \ 1month, Glycine x1 \ 2 \ 10d., Valerian x1 \ 3 \ 1month., Kislor foam. Pressure 110 \ 60 gemogl.110. Uzi fetal norms without pathologies, threats. A year ago, a child was lost in utero at 30 weeks, d.premature aging of the placenta. Is it worth taking all this chemistry, afraid of repetition? Age 36 years. Thank you in advance!
Oksana V.Treat all medications prescribed to you by doctors as vitamins. They are not harmful in pregnancy and for the fetus. And here is that your state and health should not be solved and treated physically. The problem, if it exists, of course, apart from pyelonephritis, in your condition is remotely difficult to diagnose and treat.
Have actovegin been administered intravenously and mexidol, while taking them?
Antonina, Mexidol and Actovegin can be taken together. According to the instructions and experience negative side effects with such a joint use should not be. Only in one dropper or syringe solutions of these drugs should not be mixed in order to avoid unwanted interaction.
Maria S
Hello. The neurologist after ZCHMT in the early recovery period in the presence of narrowing of the ICA appointed actovegin 4.0 vm №10, kombilipen 2.0 №10. The dosage of Actovegin is not clear. On sale there are 400 mg, 40 mg and 80 mg. What dosage should I choose?
Hello! At me a thrombophlebitis and constantly in July-August the trophic ulcer opens, to me have appointed or nominated 2 years ago treatment:
1: L-lysine-1 amp.
2: Actovegin 5.0-1 amp.
3: Xantinol-1 amp.
4: Vitamin C 10% -5 amp.
5: No-shpa-1 amp.
6: Dexamethasone-1 amp.
All this I was injected with 2 20-cc syringes 2 times a week with 0.9% physiological solution through a butterfly. The doctor who prescribed this treatment does not work for me anymore. I came to another hospital so that they could rummage through me, they were indignant, as they stabbed Actovegin and L-lysine together, they say that it is necessary to alternate every other day. Tell me, please, can they be stabbed together or not, I was pricked before and everything was fine?
Hello. I have for several months felt a heaviness in my chest, accompanied by the inability to breathe a full breast and blurred consciousness, as if something was deafened,and the last 2 weeks there were constant headaches, dizziness, impaired coordination of movement, zalozhennost right ear, squeezing in the neck on the right, and even tachycardia appears sometimes even in a state of rest, and even when walking, all the time. The neurologist has appointed or nominated УЗДС БЦА and a roentgen of a cervical department of a backbone. Result UZZD BSA-indirect movement of the right vertebral artery diameter PA on the right 3.2 mm, left 3.5 mm, everything else is normal, and my x-ray is generally lost and on the basis of this the doctor prescribed me Actovegin IV and Pyracetam IM. At me thus strong allergy, and for today still also a diarrhea does not pass or take place 2 weeks. Took pancreatin and acipol 10 days, does not help, so today in the stool also blood clots added. I wanted to get your advice, frankly, I'm afraid to do injections and against the background of allergies and against the background of GIT disease and to be honest, in complete confusion and anxiety! P.S. Tomorrow I will go to do ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
Maria SIf your doctor did not make a mistake, it is a dosage form of Actovegin in a solution for intravenous drippers (drip injection) or for intra-arterial administration in 250 ml vials.But in the appointment is intramuscular and there is clearly an error in either the dosage or the prescription, ask the doctor who prescribed this treatment regimen for you.

BLACK, In one day it is possible, in one syringe it is impossible. If everything is pierced intravenously, then a break between injections or droppers is necessary, or it is possible to put Actovegin intramuscularly, and L-lysine intravenously.

mishik3000, You may have internal blood loss at all, then your alleged neurological symptoms fit well into the described picture. In general, with such a heap of problems you need to beat all the bells and be examined for the maximum possible range of diseases. Precisely need a normal neurologist who will not lose X-rays (he is also necessary), plus a consultation of the gastroenterologist, at worst a surgeon, about bleeding (ulcer, hemorrhoids and other possible causes). While I would not take any medication, I need to understand with doctors what is happening to your body.
Thanks for the answer! Maybe in this case, call an ambulance?
mishik3000, Try it. Not a fact that they will take it, because remotely, even I have doubts, and there will be even more, since we have an ambulance if it really helps us to die, so they may not take it. But I would try, in the hospital you would quickly scroll on the available analyzes and studies, save time, but, again, now to get into the hospital a big problem.
Hello! Thanks for answering. I was initially injected through a butterfly into a vein on the same day and Actovegin 5.0 and L-lysine by diluting the physiological solution with 2 and 20-cc syringes. Then all the other drugs (xanthinol, no-shpa, dexamethasone) were taken into these syringes. And now doctors are categorically afraid to inject me in one day by vein them together, I alternate every other day.
BLACKSo, you were assigned incorrectly, but now you have corrected yourself. Get well.

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