Actovegin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets, injections in injections, ointment, gel and cream) drugs for the treatment of metabolic disorders of the brain in adults, children (newborns) and pregnancy "Page 2

Actovegin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets, injections in injections, ointment, gel and cream) drugs for the treatment of metabolic disorders of the brain in adults, children (newborns) and in pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Actovegin. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Actovegin in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Actovegin in the presence of existing structural analogues.Use for the treatment of metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain, trophism of tissues, burns and bedsores, diabetic polyneuropathy in adults, children (including newborns), as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Actovegin - antihypoxant, is hemoderivat, which is obtained by dialysis and ultrafiltration (compounds with a molecular weight of less than 5,000 daltons penetrate).


Positively affects the transport and utilization of glucose, stimulates oxygen consumption (which leads to stabilization of plasma cell membranes in ischemia and a decrease in the formation of lactates) thus providing an antihypoxic effect.


Actovegin increases the concentrations of ATP, ADP, phosphocreatine, as well as amino acids (glutamate, aspartate) and GABA.


The effect of the drug Actovegin on the assimilation and utilization of oxygen, as well as insulin-like activity with the stimulation of transport and glucose oxidation, are significant in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy.


In patients with diabetes mellitus and diabetic polyneuropathy, Actovegin reliably reduces the symptoms of polyneuropathy (stitching, burning sensation, paresthesia, numbness of the lower limbs).Objective disorders are reduced sensitivity, mental well-being of patients improves.


The effect of Actovegin begins to manifest no later than 30 minutes (10-30 minutes) after parenteral administration and reaches a maximum, on average, after 3 hours (2-6 hours).




Deproteinized gemoderivat from calf blood (Actovegin concentrate or granulate) + auxiliary substances.




With the help of pharmacokinetic methods it is impossible to study the pharmacokinetic characteristics (absorption, distribution, excretion) of active components of the drug Actovegin, since it consists only of the physiological components that are usually present in the body.

To date, there has been no reduction in the pharmacological efficacy of hemoderivatives in patients with altered pharmacokinetics (including liver or renal insufficiency, metabolic changes associated with advanced age, due to metabolic peculiarities in newborns).



  • metabolic and cerebral disorders of the brain (including ischemic stroke, craniocerebral injury);
  • peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences (arterial angiopathy, trophic ulcers);
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • wound healing (ulcers of various etiologies, trophic disorders / bedsores /, burns, disturbance of wound healing processes);
  • prevention and treatment of radiation injuries of the skin and mucous membranes with radiation therapy.


Forms of release


The tablets covered with a cover of 200 mg.


Solution for injections (injections) 40 mg / ml in ampoules of 5 ml and 10 ml.


Ointment for external use 5% (not supplied to Russia).


Cream for external use 5% (not supplied to Russia).


Gel for external use 20% (not supplied to Russia).


Instructions for use and dosage




Assign inside 1-2 tablets 3 times daily before meals. The tablet is not chewed, washed down with a small amount of water. Duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks.




The solution for injections is administered intraarterially, intravenously (including as an infusion or dropper) and intramuscularly. The infusion rate is about 2 ml / min. In connection with the potential for the development of anaphylactic reactions, it is recommended to test for hypersensitivity to the drug before the infusion.


The duration of the course of treatment is determined individually, depending on the symptomatology and severity of the disease.


Metabolic and cerebral disorders of the brain: from 5 to 25 ml (200-1000 mg per day) intravenously daily for two weeks, with the subsequent transition to a tablet form.


Ischemic stroke: 20-50 ml (800-2000 mg) in 200-300 ml of 0.9% solution of sodium chloride or 5% solution of dextrose, intravenously drip daily for 1 week, then 10-20 ml (400-800 mg ) intravenously drip - 2 weeks with the subsequent transition to the tablet form.


Peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences: 20-30 ml (800 - 1000 mg) of the drug in 200 ml of 0.9% solution of sodium chloride or 5% solution of dextrose, intraarterially or intravenously daily; duration of treatment 4 weeks.


Diabetic polyneuropathy: 50 ml (2000 mg) per day intravenously for 3 weeks with the subsequent transition to the tablet form - 2-3 tablets 3 times a day for at least 4-5 months.


Wound healing: 10 ml (400 mg) intravenously or 5 ml intramuscularly daily or 3 to 4 times a week, depending on the healing process (in addition to local treatment with Actovegin in medicinal forms for external use).


Prevention and treatment of radiation lesions of the skin and mucous membranes with radiation therapy: the average dose is 5 ml (200 mg) intravenously daily in the interruption of radiation exposure.


Radiation cystitis: every day 10 ml (400 mg) is transurethral combined with antibiotic therapy.


Side effect

  • skin rash;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • hyperthermia;
  • hives;
  • edema;
  • drug fever;
  • anaphylactic shock.



  • Decompensated heart failure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • oliguria, anuria;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hypersensitivity to similar drugs.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


The use of the drug during pregnancy did not adversely affect the mother or fetus, however, if the drug is needed during pregnancy, the potential risk to the fetus should be taken into account. So the use of Actovegin in these cases requires caution.


special instructions


In connection with the potential for the development of anaphylactic reactions, it is recommended to perform a test (test injection of 2 ml IM) before the infusion.


In the case of intramuscular route of administration, the drug should be administered slowly in an amount not exceeding 5 ml.


Solutions of Actovegin have a slightly yellowish tinge. The color intensity can vary from one batch to another, depending on the nature of the raw materials used, but this does not affect the efficacy and tolerability of the preparation.


Do not use an opaque solution or solution containing particles.


With multiple administrations, the water-electrolyte balance of the blood plasma should be monitored.


After opening the ampoule or vial, the solution should not be stored.


Drug Interactions


Drug interaction of the drug Actovegin is not established.


However, to avoid possible pharmaceutical incompatibility, it is not recommended to add other medications to the infusion solution of Actovegin.


Analogues of the drug Actovegin


Actovegin does not have structural analogs for the active substance.


Analogues for the pharmacological group (antihypoxants and antioxidants):

  • Actovegin granules;
  • Actovegin concentrate;
  • Antisthenes;
  • Astrox;
  • Vixipine;
  • Vitanam;
  • Hypoxen;
  • Glathion;
  • Deprenorm;
  • Dihydroquercetin;
  • Dimephosphone;
  • Cardiocipine;
  • Carditrim;
  • Carnitine;
  • Carniffite;
  • Kudevita;
  • Qudesan;
  • Kudesan for children;
  • Kudesan Forte;
  • Levocarnitine;
  • Limonar;
  • Mexidant;
  • Mexidol;
  • Mexidol injection 5%;
  • Mexicor;
  • Mexipridol;
  • Mexiprim;
  • Mexicin;
  • Methyl ethylpyridinol;
  • Metostabil;
  • Sodium oxybutyrate;
  • Neurox;
  • Neurolephone;
  • Octolipen;
  • Oliphen;
  • Predizin;
  • Preductal;
  • Rexod;
  • Romekor;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Tiogamma;
  • Tiotriazolin;
  • Trekrezan;
  • Tridoukard;
  • Trimectal;
  • Trimetazidine;
  • Phenosanic acid;
  • Cerekard;
  • Cytochrome C;
  • Eltacin;
  • Emoxibel;
  • Emoxipine;
  • Energet;
  • Yantavit.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (425):
GuzelIf all is well, what is the use of prescribing and taking the drug (any, not just Actovegin). Or the neurologist does not tell you something, or there is a problem, or look for another neurologist.
Hello. I am 29 years old. For several months, the pressure rises, dizzy, a little choking and tingles a little on the left side of the chest. I completed the full course of treatment. Tablets saws, pierced piracetam, ultrasound of blood vessels, all organs, ECG all is well. Month was good. And yesterday started again, only now it's always dizzy when I go, I went mrg the brain and blood vessels all right, I prescribed actovegin iv in 10 mg once a day whether it is possible and what to advise ???
Hello, is it possible, together with pricks of pride and following Actovegin?
IvanYou can drink it, you need a question. While the grounds for Actovegin, I do not see.

The vascular pierced, the pills that were not indicated, but we will think in the same direction they were prescribed.So now you need to wait with the medications or continue taking vascular until the condition is normal: Piracetam, Fezam, Sermion.

You can still consult a neurologist, since the reactions are similar to neurological symptoms, especially if the work is connected with a computer.

ClaraIf you are about the drug Gordoks, we read its purpose in the instructions: to prevent intraoperative blood loss and reduce the volume of blood transfusion in the operation of aortocoronary shunting using AIC in adult patients. That you are going to treat this combination - I do not understand.
Thank you. Tablets drank mildronate, sometimes anaprilin under the tongue and enamp 5.Today was the first day in the hospital, came pressure 145/70, they immediately put me a dropper magnesia, I do not know what to do and to whom to turn to properly treated, and I myself I work in the oil company as a welder for watches. Tomorrow I will go to a private clinic to the neurologist. Forgot to say to quit throw, a month I do not smoke can this be connected ??? Has bought or purchased nikorette, afabozolum - helps or assists.
Ivan, I remember your history. More and higher pressure is present. So it is necessary to look in this direction. Pick up a competent antihypertensive therapy, and the basic, and not the puffs here is a pill, there is a pill. That is, those drugs are from pressure, which are taken for life and permanently.

Perhaps it would be more rational not to seek primary neurologist and a cardiologist for the pressure correction and after a couple of weeks after the normalization of the pressure to evaluate the vascular and cardiac symptoms, it seems to me a high probability of passing only a component of this treatment.
HELLO. Mom was in a coma for 4 days, did actovegin in / in 15 injections. Then I received a pill for 1.5 months. We had MRI's conclusion, "MP - picture extracerebral surround education right cerebellopontine angle with mild marked perifocal reaction and masseffektom MP - a picture of a single supratentorial focal gliosis, more likely to vascular genesis, mild expressed leukoaraiosis;. Mild expression of internal hydrocephalus MR - signs right-mezeotimpanita. with the defeat of the cells of the mastoid process of the right temporal bone.Can I take an Actovegin pill?
Lana, It is possible, it is possible. The question is, if this is a monotherapy by one Actovegin, then will it help in your case. Whether doctors in this case have gone on appointment of a placebo, and not the cheapest. In general, the diagnosis is serious, I answered your question, the rest to the narrow specialists.
Thank you so much.
Good afternoon! I was prescribed the use of Actovegin 5.0 ml for 10 days intramuscularly, but in the instruction that something is not written how correctly to administer the drug? Do I need to breed it and so on, how do I correctly enter it at home? Thank you
elena8282, I watch the injection for Actovegin 5 ml. All that you need is already added to the ampoule, just print it and you can stab without dilutions and dosages. And correctly to enter it or him it is necessary intramusculary,but if the person you are trying to introduce does not own the technique of intramuscular injection, it is better to go to the clinic in the treatment room.
The vessel of the eye burst. Minor hemorrhages in the vitreous body. Will Actovegin help me?
Hello! To the child of 5 years. The neurologist has put MMD. Has prescribed Actovegin and Phenibutum. Are they compatible? Thank you in advance.
valentinesIf this is not just the redness of the eyes, then maybe the doctor meant stabilizing the membranes of the vascular cells and thus getting rid of hemorrhages (the already drained blood thanks to Actovegin will not resolve), although Routin will help in strengthening the walls of the vessels better. If this is just the reddening of the eyes, then it will pass by itself and better strengthen the walls of the vessels with the same Routine.

ANDDrugs are compatible. There are no restrictions on joint admission in the instructions to the drugs.
Hello! My child is 4.5 years old.At it or him delay of speech development, on the basis of results EEG and personal survey the neurologist puts the diagnosis a hyperactivity. She prescribed Cerebrolysin for us. Another neurologist prescribed a course of Actovegin. Tell me, please, which of the drugs is more effective and safer in our case?
Olyalya, All drugs are equally safe, and already effectiveness is not an online decision. Try one, then another, from what effect will be more - it will be possible to repeat the course of treatment. In the issues of developmental delays of children, no one will present an unequivocal treatment, and having got to the third doctor, you could be assigned the same Cortexin. Maybe all of the above drugs are more than a placebo and children have the ability to outgrow their illnesses, but I can not take so much responsibility on myself that all drugs are equally bad or you do not need them - it's not.
I get dizzy and the pressure goes up to 150. I wanted to ask if you can use spasms of lungs Actovegin?
NellieIf only one Actovegin is prescribed, then he is useless with spasms of the lungs. But information for consultation is not enough - I want to know the age, the causes of adhesions (tuberculosis, pneumonia or something else), treatment and new appointments.
Can Actovegin be used with ointment or gel for pain in the feet, diagnosis: chronic arterial insufficiency, or they will not be effective and need injections? Thank you.
Anastasia, In your case, it is better to use injectable forms of Actovegin. Since the use of this drug locally has a greater effect in trophic disorders and lesions on the skin. Deeper the drug through the skin will not go or his intake will be minimal.
Is it possible to use injections of Actovegin to a child with an open oval window in the heart?
To the child of 6 months. PEP pyramidal syndrome Cortexin and Actovegin have been prescribed. Is it worth pricking?
The son had a trauma to the spine, cervical spine. There were violations of the arterial blood circulation of the brain. Cured, but the child quickly became tired. Last year, I received injections. Well helped. Now again it is necessary to pass. They said to do it once a year. The injections are painful. Can I replace it with tablets? Will the effect decrease because of this? My son is now 10 years old.
Alyona, In the instruction there are no contraindications for taking a drug with heart defects. If Actovegin prescribed a doctor for you - take it safely.

MARINA, Have appointed or nominated - means costs or stands. For such small children, you still will not find a sufficient number of safe drugs for treatment. Cortexin and Actovegin are used in pediatrics. And the effectiveness can be assessed only after the course of treatment.

CASH, In your case, it is better to injections, not tablets. A man must be patient.
Hello! With diabetic polyneuropathy, it is possible to apply immediately tablets, without preliminary injections? Thank you.
Irina, By experience I can say that the injection forms of Actovegin work more efficiently than tableted.
Hello! You can find out why Actovegin is banned for use in Europe, Canada and the USA. I have diabetes mellitus, 2 types, on tablets. Already 2 times did intravenous injections, as prescribed by the doctor, along with droppers octopilene. To reduce the pain in the legs. Can other drugs stab?
Lena, It is not recommended, because the countries of Europe and the USA try not to use drugs of animal origin in their pharmacopeia. Maybe because of the increased risk of allergies, maybe because of animal rights. I dont know. Our Ministry of Health permits these preparations.

The effect of using Actovegin is, it is true whether to evaluate the placebo or not, I am not able to do it on an outpatient basis, but the doctors prescribe it.You have side effects, so you should evaluate the possibility of changing the drug in your treatment regimen by the doctor who prescribes these drugs. Remotely here it is weak than you will help or assist, it is necessary to see all picture of illnesses or diseases with analyzes.
Prompt pregnancy 20 weeks. put marginal placenta previa and low placentalism and recommends taking Actovegin. Is there no risk for the child when taking this drug?
oxana, Risk for the fetus or for you when taking Actovegin during pregnancy is not. Doctors often use it in pregnancy and the consequences are not observed.
Hello! To the child 3 months, not absolutely confidently holds a head, when it or him I hold standing. The neurologist has appointed or nominated aktoveginum on 1 ml v / m in day, fiz a cabinet or study, massage the general or common, tsinnarizin. Can we do without Actovegin?
YelenochkaAnd what's the problem of stabbing Actovegin to a child who has problems? And I will not say that the medicine is not shown.What doctor has appointed or nominated - he and should cancel. Especially in the appointment of obvious flaws, I did not notice. I'm even more Cinnarizin, prescribed to children embarrassing, but neurologists appoint him.
Hello! Is it possible to take / in Actovegin with metaplasia of the stomach and pituitary hyperplasia? And can it be taken more than two courses per year?
Elina, Oncological diseases require mandatory consultation of an oncologist with the use of drugs that change metabolism and trophism in tissues. Metaplasia of the stomach, as far as I remember, is considered a precancerous condition, which if not treated or treated incorrectly can be maligned. Therefore, with the use of Actovegin, I would have delayed, unless you were prescribed this agent for the treatment of metaplasia.
Tatiana Bozhko
Hello! The cardiologist appointed actovegin and mexicor. After the first injection of Actovegin, after half an hour, I felt a slight tingling and itching, but everything went without antihistamines.The next day, I did not do any injections, since the reaction began in the form of hives, then the discharge blisters in the ears, chest, groin, elbows and knee folds, severe itching and burning. Suprastin in tablets and dexamethasone in / m gave no relief, the itching increased, blisters spread throughout the body. Can there be such a reaction in a day to these drugs? Or look for the cause in external factors? Previously there was a reaction in the form of urticaria and itching on piracetam. Thank you.
Tatiana BozhkoMore like the development of allergic reactions to some of the newly taken drugs. So I would cancel taking these medications and see a doctor for advice and changing the treatment regimen. Most likely, an allergy to Actovegin, since it contains protein components in its composition, which can potentially provoke an allergy.
sergei nikolaevich
Hello! At me pressure 160 whether application of a preparation of an antivigin for normalization of pressure and vessels is possible? With respect to you
Please tell me, is it possible to use actovegin for a 3-month-old baby (born with asphyxia) if an open oval window is detected with the ECHO of the heart? And is it not better for a child to use actovegin in tablets, and not in injections?
sergei nikolaevichI'm afraid that in your case this will be a useless treatment. It is better to consult with the cardiogram and cardiogram for a cardiologist to prescribe adequate basic therapy for hypertension. Actovegin in this scheme can be used, but only as a concomitant treatment.

Regina, Actovegin children can use. So small is still better injectable forms, not tablets. It's from the position that it's difficult that the shell tablets and to divide or rub them into powder is not worth it.
Tell me, is it necessary to take actovigin tablets before eating?
olgaWhen using the drug Actovegin before eating, no adverse reactions were seen.If the instructions do not indicate that the drug should be taken after a meal, then you can safely take before meals and side effects should not be. All this applies to Actovegin.
Hello. To the child 1,5 months, the neurologist has written out Actovegin in / m 2ml / 10 days. Because The baby is still very small, is this treatment dangerous? D / z "syndrome of tone disorders".
Hello, can I apply this medication on the nasal mucosa?
Oksana, Already answered and I will repeat only for your question, I will not do it again. Actovegin can be used for treatment in children. In this respect, there are no restrictions and treatment is not dangerous, even for very small children. Allergic reactions or individual incompatibility as side effects remain, but this is just like for any medicine.

AgathaI have not heard about this use of Actovegin. It is possible to use, only what effect from such treatment is unknown to me.
Hello! Actovegin is now often used in IVF protocols. I am now in a long protocol. In the anamnesis, myomoectomy, embolization of the uterine arteries (multiple uterine fibroids - nodes remained). The doctor (and I) is concerned that after the EMA the blood flow in the uterus may be compromised and the nutrition of the fetus will not be enough during pregnancy). Will taking actovegin help improve the endometrium and blood flow in the uterus in general? Thank you in advance!!!
Hello. I read all the questions that I did not find, I'll try to ask my own, I hope for an answer, Mamma, she was 79 years old, after a stroke, prescribed actovegin and similar drugs courses. Does this make sense? I realized that such drugs are prescribed in complex treatment or such an appointment as it is justified? Thank you.
Aurora, In my opinion, in your situation it is better to think about the real drugs to improve blood flow, allowed during pregnancy (I heard that gynecologists prescribe Piracetam). I understand in the repair profession there are qualified doctors and operations there are paid and for largemoney, not doctors should set tasks for you, and they themselves must solve them, it's not yesterday's medical students. Actovegin thinks I can use it, but in the absence of blood vessels for the action of this drug there is no substratum (the blood itself) in the place of ischemia, so that the medicine works.

Nina, The appointment of one Actovegin after a stroke is not a cure, but you are talking about the complex, which is another matter. Maybe your mom just waved, or maybe not, if the complex is selected adequate. The specifics in the matter are few.
I have a disco of the cervical spine with stenosis of the spinal canal at the level of C4-C5, C5-C6. Two years after the treatment in the hospital slowly began to return dizziness, nausea, shakiness when walking. Visited a neurologist. purpose: Actovegin 5.0 in / m No. 10, traumeel C 2.2 v / m No.5 every other day, Betaserk 16 1t. х 2 р. in d., bilobil forte 1t. x 1 p. in d. Tell me, please, how effective is the injection of Actovegin in / m? For technical reasons, I can not afford inpatient treatment, I do not have anyone to put a dropper at home, so I asked the doctor for a / m form, and now I'm worried that there will not be an effect. In advance thanks for the answer.
Nadina, Actovegin can be administered intramuscularly. This is better than taking orally (in the form of tablets), and when compared with intravenous administration (those same droppers) the effect is not much worse. So take the appointment of a doctor.
A woman, 87 years old, suffered an ischemic attack, all the functions were restored with actovegin within 24 hours, then another 2 days they put drippers 10 mg of actovegin, they wrote home with a recommendation to put 5 more droppers of 5 mg of actovegin. Associated diseases: diabetes 2, COPD, asthma, angina pectoris. Whether it is possible to replace droppers with tablets and whether it is possible to use actovegin with gliclazide, prednisolone and dilacidom. The neurologist did not explain anything to the doctor.
TamaraWith these drugs Actovegin combined. Considering an anamnesis, it is necessary to put droppers, as recommended by the hospital, although it is problematic at home (especially if a person can not reach the day hospital and polyclinic), usually they leave it in the hospital, but somehow they were quickly discharged.
Good afternoon. Assigned Actovegin as a complex therapy after fracture of the ankle (not fused fragment in ankle). Why is this drug with such a problem? Thank you.
Veronica, I would suggest from the mechanism of action of the drug: as a complex therapy Actovegin can be used to accelerate metabolic processes at the site of fracture, especially to restore the sensitivity of nerve endings and to accelerate the production of glucose and oxygen at the site of the fracture. Naturally isolated without the appointment of stimulants of blood circulation, calcium preparations and possibly other drugs, the appointment of only Actovegin will not give a special effect.
Hello. And if the elbow on the hand is red and peeling off with ointment or gel Actovegin it is possible to cure it? And how many times a day do I have to smear? And how many days
nastia, Redness and flaking of the skin - this is 10 diagnoses per vskidku, which are treated differently. All the same, finish your self-treatment with a visit to a dermatologist, so do not waste money on medicines and self-medication, but go to the doctor.
I have an intervertebral hernia! Poor blood circulation! And recently he squeezes and twists his head! The pressure rises! Will actovigin help in this case?
artem, Separately Actovegin - is unlikely to help. We need a complex, necessarily with drugs that improve microcirculation (Pentoxifylline, Trental), possibly with anti-inflammatory drugs (this is for the spine), plus drugs to reduce pressure and already to the heap of Actovegin. Your case is private and you need a doctor's examination (even for several, a neurologist and therapist are required), with the appointment of tests, X-rays or MRI and the selection of a treatment regimen.
There was an ischemic stroke in the left side, numbness of the limbs after the hospital.I drank two months of actovegin, numbness did not pass. Should I continue taking it?
Stanislav, I think that Actovegin as a mono drug is a bad medicine to treat the consequences of a stroke. It is better to use Glycine, drugs to improve blood flow in the brain tissues. Actovegin can be used as an additional tool in a multicomponent treatment of the consequences of stroke.
Drugs with proven inefficiency:

Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Solcoseryl - drugs with proven inefficiency!
Kate, Thanks for the excerpt quote. About a dysbacteriosis and absence of such diagnosis - has removed this moment. Talk better with gastroenterologists and they tell you a lot about dysbiosis (or how to properly speak the intestinal dysbiosis) will tell, including about the methods of treatment. Of course, the probiotics you mentioned do not cure this disease.

In general, there are a lot of smart people, it's easier to blame everyone for everything than to invent something, so the question of the effectiveness of these drugs is a matter for medical discussions, and not for the statements of the townsfolk.
Hello, tell me please, the son of 9 months, on nsg showed an easy dilation of both ventricles, although at 1 month. was easy. Dilation of the right w. Now the neurologist has appointed or nominated aktoveginum 1 / 4t - 2 times a day and glitsin on 1t - 2 r / d - has told or said, what not on the basis of an ultrasound, but only because of hyperactivity - but I can not name the child those, sleeps easy, itself falls asleep, plays independently for 30-40 minutes. I am embarrassed by these appointments - can you advise something?
Alisha, I advise you to consult another neurologist. The explanatory doctor would explain to you what are the criteria for hyperactivity and why this diagnosis was made to your child. And so some kind of diagnosis and no treatment. Actovegin do not buy yet, look for a specialist, the case is private.
Can you take Actovegin to athletes, they say he gives an explosive reaction? I'm doing crossfire.
Kirill, As for athletes know that the drug does not exactly give a reaction to doping.In the rest, it is better to consult with specialized sports physicians or at least just to try.
Hello. Tell me please if the drugs are compatible in the event that they are put simultaneously: arthoxane 20 mg w / w at the physique p \ r 0,9% 10,0, Actovegin 5.0 w / v and Alflutop 1.0 w / m? Thank you very much in advance.
I have kidney damage and cystitis after actovigil ... What should I do?
TamaraAll of these drugs are combined. In the instructions to them there is no indication of negative mutual side effects. You can put, only in one syringe they do not mix and do or make nyxes in different buttocks.

lily, Cystitis after Actovegin does not happen, this disease has bacterial nature, what does the medicine have to do with it. And so it is necessary to turn to a urologist and treat cystitis, most likely antibiotics.
Can actovine be used after the vertebral body helicoplasty?
Galina, It is necessary to clarify with the operating or dispensary surgeon, including depending on the postoperative period after vertebroplasty. In normal cases, such treatment is possible.
Nasal bleeding from one nostril is episodic. The reason is not fixed. Yes, rhinitis, especially during meals. Lubricating the nostrils with Actovegin allows you to get rid of bleeding for two or three days.
A year ago, I fell down and hurt my arm, forearm, my arm was blue, my bruise went away, but my hematoma remained, under the skin, the cone does not resolve, I tried various methods into the house. conditions, time runs, can try Actovegin gel - read the annotation (deeply penetrates the skin, saturating it with oxygen). What will you advice me?
Irina, I will advise you to go to a traumatologist and then to a therapist (if the traumatologist does not find anything).I also once had a woman at the reception with alleged hematoma after a bruise, but it turned out - rheumatoid arthritis. Such an inflamed knot was drawn, although it looked like a bruise.
Hello! Is it possible to use Actovegin in cervical osteochondrosis?
Andrei, It is possible to accept, and if Actovegin is prescribed in combination with other drugs, it is possible and will help. Isolated it thoracology or osteochondrosis will not cure, but help the cells of the spine and the surrounding vessels can provide.
Hello do not tell me it is possible to drink aktovegil in tablets together with milgamma?
Oksana, Can. According to the instructions for preparations of mutual side effects, there should not be a joint admission.
Hello, will the drug help with the phlebitis of the lower extremities?
Andrei, As an antihypoxic in combination therapy of phlebitis, varicose veins Actovegin can be used. If this is monotherapy only with this medicine - most likely it will be useless. The component is not the main one in the treatment of phlebitis.
Irina Z.
Please! Her husband has Parkinson's disease. Whether it is possible for him to spend on drink a course of Actovegin for improvement of brain activity. And whether Actovegin is compatible with its main drug - Madopar. I will be very grateful.
Irina Z., Actovegin is compatible with Madopar, which your husband takes. And about the appointment it's already questions to the doctor, if you have a specialist appointed this scheme - yes it is possible, and if a neighbor or the Internet - I do not advise, then the responsibility for possible consequences lies with the receiving medications alone.
Good afternoon. To me 27, at me vsd and a cervical osteochondrosis. Since there is no possibility to be treated permanently, I was prescribed Actovegin in / m 2 ml once a day - 20 days, mexidol 4 ml IM once a day - 15 days and kombilipen in / m 2 ml once a day - 5 days, then gradually switch to tablets.After 2 days of injections, the skin became very pale, but it felt much easier to feel, weakness and a constant headache goes away. But still there are doubts: is the course of treatment too long and is this pallor normal?
Ai-Rien, Add to your anemic organism even dosage gymnastics in the mornings or in the evening and everything would be wonderful. The treatment scheme is adequate and will probably justify itself. Paleness I do not know, maybe you just cheat yourself, there's nothing to turn pale, such drugs are not prescribed to you.
There was a hypertensive crisis, after which he was made mrt: mrt-picture of cavernous angioma of the left hemisphere of the cerebellum (size 15mm-16mm-17mm) against encephalopathy of mixed genesis. Mra signs of hypoplasia of the v4 segment of the left vertebral artery. Platelets, soy, basophils are greatly increased in the blood. Assigned (neurologist) mexidol, vinpocetine. While she was doing the injections, she felt good, after the abolition the pressure again sharply jumps. Another doctor (neurosurgeon) also appointed Meksidol, Actovegin, Vinpocetine and Cerebrolyzate. Are these medicines all together? Is the appointment correct?
kittengold, All the drugs you specify are compatible with each other. According to the instructions to them, there are no indications of negative side effects when these funds are co-administered.

About the correctness of the appointment - on the part of the neurologist completely, given that there is a positive dynamics. But here for the treatment of hypertension, these drugs will not help. It is necessary depending on the condition and additional pobachki basic treatment to reduce pressure - usually start with ACE inhibitors, as initial drugs or take medicine more seriously if the process is badly started and the figures are high. But it is necessary for you to address to the therapist, and it is better to the cardiologist, for inspection on a cardiological profile and purpose or appointment of therapy according to the put diagnosis.
Hello. I had an operation to remove the cyst of the brain. Naturally formed scars and there is a small atrophy of tissues. Is Actovegin shown for regeneration of brain tissue or can it provoke a repeated growth of the cyst? They say that biostimulators feed the tumor.
Perm-mv, To begin with, the cyst and tumor are two big differences. Cysts occur more often and do not talk about the malignancy of the process.

In occasion of your question in general. It is better to consult a doctor on such difficult questions. Only an expert in the data of the epicrisis of operative treatment and the postoperative period will be able to prescribe an intelligent treatment and not necessarily it will be Actovegin. In general, based on the question I can assume that Actovegin in your case can be used.
I have Parkinson's disease and I'm very unstable on my feet. Already 10 times in half a year fell backwards. To me the neurologist has registered injections of an autovegin. They will help me, should I feel it?
chlv-18If you were prescribed only one Actovegin from Parkinson's disease, and not as part of a comprehensive treatment regimen, it is doubtful that he gave you the proper effect on your underlying problem. I advise you to turn to a more adequate doctor in this case for the appointment of special antiparkinsonian treatment.
Thank you for the answer, but I take daily tablets from Parkinson's is Levodopa-carbidopa, and injections twice a year were prescribed by Mexuprem and Actovegin as neurometabolic therapy. So I'm asking, will there be any result.
Tatiana ITN
Good afternoon! Actovegin intravenously for 5 mg No. 10 was prescribed by an otolaryngologist in connection with hearing problems - a sharp deterioration in hearing. There is a hypertensive disease of 2 tbsp. Is it possible to replace injections with tablets and is effective treatment with Actovegin in case of hearing problems. Thank you!
chlv-18, Will or not the effect can be understood only if you try to be treated with the course of the drug and then evaluate the results with a specialist. Only the adequacy of the appointment can be assessed. So in your case, with Parkinson's disease as an antihypoxant, a corrector of the mental state and nerve conduction of Actovegin, the correct purpose.

Tatiana ITNIf only one Actovegin has been appointed to you by a doctor, then the adequacy of the appointment is questionable, rather like an excuse.First, the doctor had to prescribe a set of examinations, including instrumental examinations, to examine the head for tumors, which can also lead to deterioration of hearing and then prescribe treatment. And in combination with other drugs, it is possible to assign Actovegin as a corrector for the work of brain cells, but not as a basis for treatment.

With hypertension, you can take Actovegin. The method of transporting the active substance of the drug in the body does not play a special role, but if injections are prescribed, it is better to puncture injections.
Tatiana ITN
Thank you for your prompt response! Your advice is very helpful!
I am worried about frequent headaches, diagnosed with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, pressure is normal, Aktovegin was prescribed a course for 2 months. Tell me, please, what kind of drug can replace actovegin, since there is no possibility to buy it, the budget does not allow?
NataliThere is no analogue for the active substance in Actovegin. This is the original brand drug of imported production, and therefore expensive now. You can replace others with the mechanism of action for the disease with medications, but this is all decided only through a neurologist, there is a mass of various means. If you want my opinion, then the physical culture in terms of this disease will give a much more positive effect than all the medicines taken together.
Tell me, please, can I take Actovegin and neurodegenerative at the same time?
fed-lenaThe medications you mentioned can be taken together. In the instructions there are no indications for adverse reactions in the joint administration of Actovegin and Neurodiclovitis.
Tanya S.
I have chronic pancreatitis. Is the use of actovegin effective in exacerbating the disease in order to accelerate the recovery of the pancreas? Is Actovegin effective in chronic pancreatitis?
Tanya S.If to speak directly, it is ineffective. If without the accompanying complex therapy of special drugs for the treatment of pancreatic diseases - generally ineffective.

Actovegin is an additional touch in the treatment, and quite expensive. If there is money for both basic therapy and Actovegin, it will not be worse. This drug - antihypoxantum has a beneficial effect on any cells of the human body, but mostly on the nervous, from this position, I usually proceed with the appointment of Actovegin.
Hello! I have a hernia of lumbar spine. The doctor recommended Actovegin in injections, then chondroprotectors. In the instruction for actovegin my disease is not present. Should I use it? Thank you.
felena426, I also do not understand why to prescribe an expensive drug when there are obvious medications that are proven to have a positive effect in the medium and long term - the same chondroprotectors. You can already play with a complex of additional drugs to saturate tissues with oxygen, glucose and other beneficial substances, when standard therapy does not help.And so, I would start your scheme with chondroprotectors and then look at the situation.
Hello. I am 28 years old. The head began to hurt. The doctor diagnosed a narrowing of the vessels of the brain. Has done nyxes Mexidol and piracetam. I drank tablets of nicergoline now I drink mildronate, but also suffer. Of course, it became easier, but it does not go to the end. Heard about the drug Actovegin. That someone with the same diagnosis, he helps with the first injection. I want to ask my doctor about this drug. Tell me, can he help me?
Oksana, Actovegin is a good drug and you can ask your doctor for help, but I suspect that in your case it will be useless. That is, it will help the brain tissues, which, due to the narrowing of the vessels, lose less oxygen and nutrients, but the problem itself is that the narrowing of the vessels will not solve this problem. It is necessary to search for why the vessels narrow and act on the cause, not the effect. You need to pay attention to pressure, kidneys, perhaps somewhere in these links is a violation.
To the son 2 months. neurologist prescribed Aktovegin 1/4, 3 times a day for 3 weeks, the diagnosis of PET, perinatal encephalopathy, while stating that such a diagnosis is all kesarennym children. The baby objectively has a small shortage of weight. There are no more complaints on anything: sleeping, eating, walking. I'm afraid not to heal a child, how does this drug affect digestion, for this age it is very important?
Natasha, Stupidity. Kesarennye children do not differ in terms of the brains from those born naturally. As for the diagnosis baby I can not say anything, may have encephalopathy, but I would have turned to another neurologist who specializes in children, perhaps he would recommend something else. After such statements, based probably only on the personal observations of the doctor, there is less confidence in him, personally from me.
Hello. To me the doctor the rheumatologist has appointed or nominated Actovegin in the spring, in the autumn. The neuropathologist doctor made an opening for me. He said that for a long time this drug banned in Europe, because of his developing Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's. She said that it is better to colitis trental. The institute could not find the information.What can you say about this?
Galina, I can only say that the doctor, by virtue of his competence, could point out the ineffectiveness of this drug (this can still be questioned if one tries to find the evidence base for using Actovegin), if he has such data. And to use in their work some stories, including from the Internet, about the harm of drugs and / or provoking such serious illnesses as Parkinson or Alzheimer's, this is already the height of unprofessionalism. I suspect the usual bullshit from the paid agent, who advertises his miracle funds. On the principle of drowning other people's medicines and move your own, and put a penny in your pocket.
Prompt, the therapist has diagnosed an intercostal neuralgia and has appointed or nominated to Milgamma and Diclofenac and in a complex Actovegin intravenously. Milgamma and Diclofenac began to stab at once, and Actovegin did not, and after 5 days. And after 2 injections, there was a weight and a feeling of restlessness in the heart, passes and starts again, then the wadded head.Can Aktovegin give such a reaction? There was the last injection, is it worth it to prove?
Pauline, The last injection of a special role will not play, I would stop at the first injections, the more you started piercing it later, it means that it is more likely that the side effects mentioned by you caused precisely Actovegin. And any, even the most harmless medicine and such pobochek can not give an individual reaction in the instruction, as it is an individual reaction of a concrete organism. Remember this drug and warn doctors next time to try not to prescribe this medicine, which caused a negative reaction of your body.
Hello. The angiologist diagnosed stenosing atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities against the background of peripheral neurogenic arteriospasm without the formation of chronic arterial insufficiency of the lower limbs and chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limbs of the C1s.
- Actovegin: 1t x 3 times a day (4 weeks)
- mexidol: 1t x 2 times a day (4 weeks)
- phlebodia 600: 1t x once a day (8 weeks).
But I have gastritis (at the stage of exacerbation), I am afraid to simultaneously take in such quantities these preparations. I'm a pensioner, actovegin is an expensive drug. Is it possible to give up something?
lyuminofo, Your gastritis these drugs will not hurt, they have no effect on the gastric mucosa, so that problems should not arise from this side. Of course, expensive drugs are prescribed to you, in principle you can search for and cheaper, including domestic analogues and you should immediately tell the doctor so that later you do not have unclear situations when the drug is not available because of the price. For example, Flebodia 600 can be replaced by analogues of Diosmina cheaper. Mexidol - let's leave him. But from the expensive Actovegin, given your situation, you can completely refuse, this is not a topical medicine in your case and with your combination of drugs. Otherwise, any changes in treatment regimens must be agreed with the attending physician.

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