Drug instructions and reviews »Page 11

Wilprafen - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of medicines for the treatment of ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, bronchitis, pneumonia and other infections.

Pimafucin - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug for the treatment of candidiasis (thrush), vaginitis, as well as fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

Panangin - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of the drug for the treatment of potassium and magnesium deficiency, heart failure and myocardial infarction.

Levomecol - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of a medicinal product for the treatment of burns, wounds, use in gynecology.

Furacilin - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of medicines for the treatment of wounds, boils, purulent lesions of the eyes and eyelids (blepharitis), and gargling with angina.

Nimesil - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug for the treatment and relief of pain in various diseases.