Piracetam - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations (tablets and capsules 200 mg and 400 mg, injections (injections in ampoules)) of a drug for the treatment of vascular disorders, pressure in adults, children and pregnancy »Page 2

Piracetam - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets and capsules 200 mg and 400 mg, injections (injections in ampoules)) drug for the treatment of vascular disorders, pressure in adults, children and pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Pyracetam. Presented are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors specialists on the use of Piracetam in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Piracetam analogues in the presence of existing structural analogs.Use for the treatment of vascular disorders, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy and pressure in adults, children (including newborns), as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Effect of the drug.


Pyracetam - has a positive effect on the metabolic processes of the brain, increases the concentration of ATP in the brain tissue, enhances the biosynthesis of ribonucleic acid and phospholipids, stimulates glycolytic processes, enhances the utilization of glucose. It improves the integrative activity of the brain, facilitates the consolidation of memory, facilitates the learning process. Changes the speed of propagation of excitation in the brain, improves microcirculation, without providing a vasodilating action, inhibits the aggregation of activated platelets. Has a protective effect in brain damage caused by hypoxia, intoxication, electroshock, increases alpha and beta activity, reduces delta activity on the EEG, reduces the severity of the vestibular nystagmus.


Has no sedative, psycho-stimulating effect. The drug improves the connections between the cerebral hemispheres and synaptic conductivity in neocortical structures, restores and stabilizes cerebral functions, especially consciousness,memory and speech, increases mental performance, improves cerebral blood flow.


Pharmacokinetics or action of the drug


After ingestion, it is well absorbed and penetrates into various organs and tissues. Penetrates through blood-brain and placental barriers, accumulates in the brain tissue 1-4 hours after ingestion. From spinal fluid is excreted much more slowly than from other tissues. Virtually not metabolized. It is excreted by the kidneys - 2/3 unchanged for 30 hours.




The drug is used in neurological, psychiatric and narcological practice.



  • cardiovascular diseases of the brain (atherosclerosis, hypertension, vascular parkinsonism) with the phenomena of chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency (memory, attention, speech, dizziness, headache);
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • comatose conditions, the consequences of injuries and brain intoxication in order to increase motor and mental activity;
  • diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by a decrease in intellectual-mnestic functions and disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere;
  • symptomatic treatment in patients with Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia of the Alzheimer type.



  • neurotic and asthenic-dynamic depressive states of various genesis with prevalence in the clinical picture of the signs of adynamia, asthenic and senesto-hypochondriacal disorders, phenomena of ideational inhibition;
  • sluggish-apathetic defective conditions in schizophrenia, psychoorganic syndromes of various etiology, senile and atrophic processes;
  • complex therapy of mental diseases occurring on "organically inferior soil";
  • complex therapy of depressive conditions resistant to antidepressants;
  • poor tolerability of neuroleptics and other psychotropic agents with the aim of eliminating or preventing the somato-vegetative, neurological and psychiatric complications caused by them;
  • epilepsy.



  • relief of abstinent, pre- and delirious states with alcoholism, drug addiction, in case of acute alcohol poisoning, morphine, barbiturates, phenamine;
  • chronic alcoholism with the phenomena of persistent mental disorders (asthenia, intellectual-mnestic disorders).



  • if necessary, accelerate the learning process and eliminate the consequences of perinatal brain damage, with oligophrenia, mental retardation, cerebral palsy.


In the complex therapy of sickle cell anemia.


Forms of release


Capsules 400 mg.


Tablets 200 mg and 400 mg.


Solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 200 mg / ml (injections) (in ampoules of 5 ml).


Instructions for use and dosage


Tablets or capsules


Inside at the beginning of treatment appoint 800 mg in 3 doses before meals, with the improvement of the condition, a single dose is gradually reduced to 400 mg. The daily dose is 30-160 mg / kg of body weight, the frequency of intake is 2 times a day, if necessary 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment lasts from 2-3 weeks to 2-6 months. If necessary, repeat the treatment.


With prolonged therapy of psycho-organic syndrome in the elderly, the drug is prescribed at 1.2-2.4 g per day; The loading dose for the first weeks of therapy is up to 4.8 g per day. Treatment with pyracetamol, if necessary, can be combined with the use of psychotropic, cardiovascular and other drugs.


When treating the aftermath of coma, in the post-traumatic period the initial dose is 9-12 g per day, supporting - 2.4 g,course of treatment - 3 weeks.


This dosage form is recommended for children from 5 years old - 1 caps. 3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 1.8 g. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 2-6 months.


At alcoholism - 12 g per day in the period of manifestation of alcohol withdrawal syndrome; maintenance dose - 2.4 g.


In sickle cell anemia, the daily dose is 160 mg / kg body weight divided into 4 equal portions.


Attention: the last single dose should be taken no later than 5 pm to prevent sleep disturbances.




Intravenously sprayed or drip, intramuscularly. The daily dose is divided into 2-4 admission.


Symptomatic treatment of psycho-organic syndrome: 4.8 g per day during the first week, then pass to a maintenance dose of 1.2-2.4 g per day.


Treatment of dizziness and related imbalances: 2.4-4.8 g per day.


Treatment of cortical myoclonia: begin with a dose of 7.2 grams per day, every 3-4 days the dose is increased by 4.8 g per day until a maximum dose of 24 g per day is reached. Treatment continues throughout the period of the disease. Every 6 months. should try to reduce the dose or cancel the drug, gradually reducing the dose by 1.2 g per day every 2 days.With little or no therapeutic effect, treatment is discontinued.


In sickle cell vazookklyuzionnom Stroke (adults and children): intravenously with 300 mg / kg per day divided into 4 equal doses.


dyslexia treatment in children older than 8 years old (in combination with other treatments) - at 3.2 g divided into 2 equal doses.


Side effect


Side effects are most often observed at doses above 5 g per day:

  • nervousness;
  • excitation;
  • irritability;
  • anxiety;
  • sleep disorder;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • anorexia;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • increased sexual activity;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • fussiness;
  • anxiety;
  • restlessness;
  • motor disinhibition;
  • decreased ability to concentrate;
  • imbalance;
  • increased conflict.



  • renal failure (CC less than 20 ml / min);
  • hemorrhagic stroke (acute stage);
  • Depression with anxiety (aggravated depression);
  • Huntington's chorea;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • children's age (up to 1 year);
  • hypersensitivity.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Adequate and strictly controlled studies of the safety of piracetam use during pregnancy have not been conducted. Use is only possible in cases where the intended benefit to the mother exceeds the possible risk to the fetus.


Pyracetam appears to enter the breast milk. If it is necessary to use during the lactation period, the question of stopping breastfeeding should be solved.


In experimental animal studies, there was no adverse effect of piracetam on the fetus.


special instructions


In the treatment of acute brain lesions, piracetam is administered in combination with other methods of detoxification and restorative therapy, in the treatment of psychotic conditions - with psychotropic drugs.


In the treatment of patients with cortical myoclonia, abrupt withdrawal of the drug should be avoided (risk of resumption of seizures).


In case of occurrence of disturbances of a dream it is recommended to cancel an evening reception, having added this dose to a day reception.


With caution appoint in patients with hemostasis disorder, after extensive surgical interventions, severe bleeding.


When taking piracetam, periodic monitoring of the indicators of kidney function is recommended, and in patients with liver diseases - the functional state of the liver.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.


Drug Interactions


Increases the effectiveness of thyroid hormones, indirect anticoagulants (against a background of high doses of pyracetam), psychostimulants.


When administered with neuroleptics reduces the risk of extrapyramidal disorders.


With simultaneous admission with neuroleptics, their central effect (tremor, restlessness, etc.) increases.


Analogues of the drug Pyracetam


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Lucetsam;
  • Memotropized;
  • Nootebril;
  • Nootropil;
  • Noocetam;
  • Piraben;
  • Pyramids;
  • Pyramidal;
  • Pyracetam buff;
  • Piracetam MS;
  • Pyracetam Obolensky;
  • Piracetam-Vial;
  • Piracetam-ratopharm;
  • Piracetam-Richter;
  • Piracetam-Eskom;
  • Stamine;
  • Cerebrial;
  • The escotrope.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (197):
Anna Rostov, It seems like that. Try to do Cortexin injections without Piracetam. If side effects do not appear, then you need to adjust the treatment scheme and change this medicine to another. Pain in the abdomen Piracetam can also give symptoms of dyspepsia too, regardless of the dosage form used (tablets or injections).
Anna Rostov
Thank you very much! You very much helped both advice and participation.
Hello. Tortured with dizziness. The neurologist prescribed Mexidol 1/2 t 3 times a day, Berroca vitamins, Piracetam 400 mg 2 times a day. I drink Paksil antidipressant, the instructions say that these drugs increase the effect of antidisruptive drugs.I am 35 years old. Can I take all these pills together?
Riabushenko AlenaThis combination of drugs is acceptable. Piracetam and Mexidol are sometimes prescribed together with Paxil in order to reduce the dose of the latter. Try to start taking this scheme and monitor your condition, since you may need to reduce the dose of the drug Paksil during treatment.
Thank you very much for the answer! And Paksil I drink 1/2 t once a day.
Riabushenko Alena, Then you can calmly take the medications prescribed by your doctor. With such a dosage of Paxil, I want to believe, correction will not be needed.
Victor N.
I am 68 years old. Memory and mundane - the further, the worse ... I took different drugs to improve memory. The real improvement was felt only by Piracetam and Pikamilon. In the instructions for preparations, a course appointment is recommended. In your opinion, short courses are more effective (2 months for piracetam, 2 months for picamylon, etc.).Or, longer lengths are preferred (for example, 6 months of pyracetam, 3 months of picamylon?). Tell me please an approximate scheme of sequential admission of these drugs for a long period to maintain the "mozgulyalki" in a more or less decent condition.
Victor N.The course of treatment should be established by the attending physician of the patient. If only "think-tank" support, then it is enough to alternate two-month courses of Piracetam and Pikamilon 2 times a year.
Victor N.
Thank you very much for the consultation. laughing
Tell me the weak muscles of the raw, prescribed pyracetam in cola with other injections. I did one piracetam injection in the buttock, such pain, the gluteus muscle jerked. Is not it a big dosage of 10 cubes at a time?
galena, Happens and poobole. It is permissible up to 12 cubes intramuscularly and this is only by instructions. And for a detailed consultation, describe your specific case by the rules: first register on the site,then a detailed description of the disease and the current condition, as well as the medications taken. Psychics are not here.
Vitaliy, First write in Russian, observing the gaps. I'm your stream of consciousness I will not rule, I have all the Vord red from mistakes, have respect. And in the second, carefully read my answers, where I forbid using Piracetam and Cinnarizine and show me, I did not find. With all due respect...
Piracetam was taken by my mother after a stroke (first injection in / m - after the pill). The effect was positive. Only had to reduce a single dose of injections. 5 cubes at once did not "go", it became bad (it was sharply thrown into the heat, the head "swelled" and swirled "- as my mother described.) We did two injections 2 times a day, injected slowly, because there was an improvement, the district neurologist did not have a split of injections.
I, too, are hypertensive, while beginning, but one crisis already was. I was approached by bisoprolol for daily intake, since there were also "problems" with palpitations.1 time a year in the day hospital "I'm digging" and "pierced" with vascular and cardiac preparations as prescribed by the doctor. In the tablets assigned different (actovegin, Cavinton, Noozam, glycine, Fezam / Sorry if the names of the drugs I write are not entirely correct, they are often such "catchy" /), but not piracetam. I have almost daily headaches. Does the doctor believe that this is the result of my Kimmery anomaly? Is it so? Can I ask a doctor to prescribe piracetam instead of glycine or noozam (fesam)? I want my head to hurt less often.
Edvelenka, Fezam is a combined preparation containing Piracetam and Cinnarizine, so more than sure, the effect will be similar to taking this medication. Kimmerle's anomaly occurs in every tenth patient (if diagnosed correctly) and can cause soreness and symptoms of circulatory failure in the brain pools, leading to headaches and may be asymptomatic. The rest to the doctor, whether he did everything to diagnose your condition and managed to choose a cure.Sometimes you have to put up with manifestations of diseases or anatomical features of the body, if medicine at this stage can not offer adequate treatment, rarely, but this happens.
Thank you very much for your reply. The diagnosis seems to be correct. Even I - the layman in medicine - saw in the picture MRI a fused vertebra. I drink painkillers almost every day (helps), and just sometimes bother to respond to colleagues that I really have so often a headache, and not "you're making something up for yourself."
Hello. I am 43 years old. I have a very long time, I remember how I began to pay attention from school - the noise in my ears seems to have increased over the years. Addressed to doctors, did or made MRT, have told or said a blood circulation bad in a head. Audibility is 100%. I received piracetam in pricks, but apparently it did not help.
Nikolay YBK
At a dizziness of a tablet will help or assist? Thank you.
Nikolay YBK, Dizziness may have a lot of causes from increased blood pressure to vascular disorders. Contact your doctor for testing and research, the results will diagnose the disease and the treatment is prescribed.
Hello! In 2002 there was a heavy BWT in a car accident, about a month the memory did not work at all (I do not remember at all 2-3 days before the accident, the accident itself, and a month after the accident), many times a day greeted acquaintances, etc. "phenomena." Then slowly the "operative" memory began to return. But still the memory does not work very well - I can not remember any events myself! If someone tells you that there was this and that, I immediately remember. But alone, without a hint, I can not remember the event! I will specify: I do not forget everything, but some random actions, events and moments from everyday life. Have registered a syrup Novopassitum (has not absolutely understood, what for to me a restful have registered - but did not begin to argue, accepted as it is necessary) and nootropilum in tablets. Recommended once a year to "drink" the course nootropil. I did not always follow this recommendation (I confess). Today I went to a local pharmacy, decided to drink a course, becausealready the last few years did not pass the course of taking medicine, he asked for nootropil - the price was upset! :( I asked for analogues simpler, cheaper, recommended Piracetam as a practical full analog. I bought a box of 60 400 mg tablets in three blisters. Read carefully the instruction, and the dosage is full "gag" :( mg / kg - Nitsche did not understand! on my 120 kg, something very "horse" doses are obtained !!! :( Tell me simple, everyday, human language, how many times a day and how many times take 400 mg tablets? I'm 45 years old, weight 120, height 190 (if it is necessary.) I understand that I should get to the reception, but he will not say anything new to me, but for the sake of clarifying the dosages ovki go to the polyclinic, get out of work and hang around in the queue, etc., something is not hunting! Tell me the dosage of the piracetam tablets I have indicated .There's probably something like a typical dosage for my case. the so-called shock dose, with the transition (in a week?) to the usual dosage? Thanks!
Jurbass, Start with 800 mg (2 tablets) 3 times a day. I think at this dosage you can stay for a long time, without the prescribed dosage reduction Piracetam, based on the condition and work of your brain.On the duration of the course, everything is individual, 2 months is thought to be the minimum period, but on this issue and for possible correction of dosage during the treatment it is still better to reach the attending physician, if possible.

Piracetam is a complete analogue of the active substance of imported Nootropil, so that you were not deceived in the pharmacy.
And yet pyracetam in tablets 200 mg take 2 times or 3 times a day?
admin, Thank you for your advice, very helpful and lucidly explained. For the dosage recommended by you, the tablet has already been purchased for the entire course (it turned out just over 2 months), I will keep track of my condition, if that - prolong the course of admission. Thanks for the recommendation to see a doctor, I agree with her, but, I just did not tell you everything about our local neurologist! :( This is a young guy (who came to replace our old doctor who retired), whose knowledge I personally have great doubts.When I addressed him for the first time (I was 32 at that time) and complained of the symptoms, he simply "killed" me with his diagnosis.He told me, almost verbatim: "what did you want, my friend, you already have that age, because you forget everything!" This is your "age." Damn, is it "age" at 32? At this very moment this person, like a doctor, for me "died" forever, so do not even ask me to go to his reception, I'm afraid to hear something like that from him :) Sorry for the off-top :)
Olesya, Specific dosage of the medicine is determined by the attending physician of the patient (even in the instruction is the value from and to), and Piracetam is taken 3 times a day in standard treatment regimens.

Jurbass, Yes, real professionals are now tight, they degenerate, either they themselves leave, or the system survives.
Hello! I'm worried about constant headaches. Can I take piracetam as an anesthetic?
Anton K
I will express my opinion. I remember reading once in a medical journal about the use of Muscovites large doses of pyracetam in the acute period of a stroke. We did not even try to try in our resuscitation, and I do not advise others.Why? By analogy with other types of injuries - a stroke, if you can say so, also trauma, only the brain. So, that normal doctors do with, for example, a fracture of the limb - impose a cast, providing, among other things, peace. So why should the brain act the opposite way, introducing in the acute period of hemorrhage (lasting not less than 10 days) piracetam, which acts excitantly? This is almost the same as hitting a stick on a traumatized limb. Your opinion on this matter, dear admin.
Ilyasova Alfira Gatofovna, Pyracetam is not an analgesic and has never been. Refer primarily to the neurologist to determine the cause of the headaches and get a diagnosis appropriate treatment.
Anton K
Marvelous are your deeds, Lord - a message has come about answering my post, and for the second day I have not been able to find either one or the other. Probably, the comment did not like.
Anton KIf the hemorrhagic stroke here I would rather stop the pulsation in the damaged arteries at all, and if ischemic - here on the contrary it is necessary to stimulate. So different treatment - different types of diseases. Another thing is that there are protocols and what you want to think, and they will force you to cure by order from the Ministry of Health.
Anton K, A tsiferki (pagination) under the comments to see and click on the next page, where your question is located and my answer is the same.
Anton K
I pressed the dial, clicked, dear admin, There was nothing. Today here was formed. Ischemic stroke? Is that micro. With "good" ischemia, and even with a cerebral infarction, it is hardly necessary to think about pyracetam. You are right - different treatment for different types. I remain at the opinion - in an acute period for a brain it is better barbiturates, diazepam.
Long-term administration of pyracetam is unsafe - as recent studies of neurologists (2011) have shown, with prolonged use, it subsequently causes senile dementia. The information is accurate.
Hello. I have chronic depression. I am 27 years old. I accept pyracetam (ashamed to admit) more than a year. I know that it is impossible so long-term and it is necessary to take breaks, but I, apparently, already dependency. Because thanks to him, I began to feel like a man. And I'm afraid I can not get off of him. Very much I am afraid in some years after such "successful" reception to turn to idiot, marasmus, moreover with chronic renal failure. Help me find an alternative, for example, if done, break a month, but during this period replace it with another nootropic? Help not to hurt yourself. Thank you.
KarinaSo long Piracetam certainly should not be taken. Especially in your case, perhaps there is no organic pathology, which must be treated with such medicines. In any case, it is worth turning to a therapist and there's nothing wrong with that. In absentia no one treats depressive conditions.
nina alekseevna
Pyracetam is an excellent and proven drug! I have been taking it for more than 20 years.Although the old drug, but very effective. And if you still take Cavinton, then generally you will forget about the headache.
VovochkaInfa interesting, I would like to see the original source! :) Share the source of "accurate" information :) Yandex in search of this information did not help. Share the link, it's really important. Without any irony. Seriously. We are waiting, sir.
Drink Piracetam 800 mg per day. In capsules morning and evening. Helps with dizziness, weight in the head goes away, somehow enlightenment comes. I have been drinking for a long time, for a whole year already. Constantly I think that the body gets used and probably needs to change the drug. To descend or go in hospital there is no absolute desire, after last reception. Very much I remained I am dissatisfied and offended by an inattentive and very quick reception. I understand that it is impossible to cure a lot of patients and all.
Kira P.
Now, during the next course of treatment, I was prescribed piracetam 400 mg. x 3p. per day, and in September last year doctors categorically forbade the reception of nootropics. In May 2016g.There was an operation about D \ K of the tumor of GM. Tell me your opinion?
Kira P.The opinion of oncologists in this issue is decisive, because their diagnoses are harder. My friend oncologist is also against nootropics in the presence of oncopathology, because no one has checked how they act on the body, and does not know, and specifically no such clinical studies because of a small sample of patients.
Kira P.
Thanks for the answer.
Respected admin, 9 January 2017 21:33 was a comment from the user Vovochka, in which he argues that piracetam with long-term administration subsequently causes senile dementia. I commented on the source of this information, but Vovochka did not reply. Do you have such information? Is this really confirmed? Or is it just a provocative throw-in? Since this is really important, clarify the situation, respected admin!
Jurbass, All the currently valid information is contained in the instructions to Piracetam. Specially checked once again by his sources - senile dementia and something similar there is not. This is official information. The rest can be conjecture, lie, self-medication, delirium and other unreliable information. Instructions change constantly, if new effects are claimed, they will necessarily appear in it.
admin - thank you! :)
Have appointed or nominated Piracetamum, a dosage decent. I am 39 years old. Vertigo, osteochondrosis, mental state is not very, but I'm going to rest, for 10 days. Can I start after? Or all the same have appointed or nominated - to drink, a status very unpleasant? I would not like to go on holiday with pills.
TatyanaIt is difficult to answer such an unclear question without a diagnosis and / or medical history. One thing I can say, in 10 days Piracetam will not have time to work, so look at your condition, this is not a means of instantaneous action.
Alexander S.
And you can simultaneously take Piracetam and Vinpocetine?
Alexander S., Joint use of the drugs mentioned in the question is possible. According to the instructions and from the experience of additional negative side effects with such a combination should not be.
Larisa Petrovna
Can piracetam be used for elderly people for 80?
Many thanks for the comments.
Larisa Petrovna, It is possible and sometimes even necessary. Naturally, it is necessary to look at the concomitant diseases and conditions that affect the choice of using a particular medicine.
I have a severe concussion, a friend advised Pyracetam, he is sold without a prescription? Also can prompt as to accept.
F, 26 years, 38 kg.
I have cerebral palsy and, as a consequence, problems with the cardiovascular system.I take piratsetam courses of 1 capsule per day. The pressure becomes 120 x 70, the overall well-being improves. A good drug and is inexpensive.
Lyuma, In case of concussion, the consultation of a neurologist in the internal order is obligatory, because it is possible to take Piracetam before a serious complication, which will not be diagnosed in time. With this do not joke.

And you can start with 800 mg, and preferably 1200 mg Piracetam 3 times a day. Even with your low weight, there will not be an overdose in this case. And to see the doctor without fail.
Hello. The third year I sit in the decree. I feel that with memory I have problems, if before I read the book and could retell it, now I retell with the retelling. Tell me, if you drink piracetam, it will help, and how to take it? After how long will it start acting?
OlesyaOur people love simple solutions. The brain is the same organ of the human body as we allow muscles.If it is not developed, then it will be lazy and forget the former or badly memorize a new one. So start the treatment with regular reading, solving crossword puzzles, quizzes, and not just watch TV, as now all people are doing, and that's why the brain degrades. If, after this, the problems remain, then it's all serious and it's necessary to be examined, to clarify the diagnosis, in order to know that to treat, you may need medications stronger than Piracetam. And so buy yourself and your child fruit, there will be more benefits.
Hello! My daughter was at the gynecologist and she advised her to drink Pyracetam from stretch marks on her body. How is this possible?
Olga, It's impossible. Or fantasy, or Piracetam is prescribed by a doctor from something else.
sofia wargus
To me the neurologist has appointed or nominated nyxes piracetam, актовегин, мидокалм. Can I take these injections at the same time?
sofia wargusThe drugs mentioned in the question can be used in joint therapy schemes. According to the instructions and from the experience, additional negative side effects should not be observed when using these medications at one time.
Hello. Since July I have started taking 2 piracetam 200 mg tablets. and 1 tablet of cinnarizine, but for a month there was severe drowsiness and dizziness, I had to remove cinnarizine. Further continued to drink piracetam 2 tablets 200 mg. 3 times a day. But already for 2 days, the appetite was gone, insomnia began, nausea, disgust for any food. Could this be from piracetam? These tablets were taken for the treatment of cervical chondrosis.
olga_baranica, Dyspeptic symptoms (nausea and aversion to food) and sleep disorders can be observed with the drug Piracetam. To check this for a while, cancel the medication, your disease allows you to do so without consequences. If the symptoms listed in the question are resolved within a week after Piracetam has been discontinued, it will be necessary to contact the attending physician to replace the drug with another.
Alexey (Alexross)
By what criterion do you reject questions?
Alexey (Alexross), Questions are published only from registered visitors or if they are of interest to a wide audience, but in this case the right to publish for the editor. Register as it should be by the rules of the Directory and ask your question again to be guaranteed to receive an answer to it.
After four piracetam drippers, the liver was very sore.
I'm a teacher. I noticed that I began to slow down the pace of the lesson, to lose my mind, to slow down the dialogue with the students. The second time in September I drink tablets, the brain reaction improves, the memory is better, I move faster and the lesson passes quickly.
Prompt. She gave birth to a baby in the evening, and regurgitated with blood clots closer to the morning. Doctors diagnosed hemorrhagic syndrome. In the history of childbirth it is written that there was placental insufficiency and stress of the fetus on the pelvic floor.
The child was made an ultrasound of the brain found a violation of cerebral circulation.
In the hospital, the child was given piracetam injections. Is it possible to inject a child, it is the 7th day? Is it safe? And is it necessary for such a drug at such a small age, can it be better to take a course of this medication later?
From varicose veins, the vascular surgeon prescribed troxevasin in tablets and gel. Drink 2 months. The neurologist has appointed or nominated in / m Cerebrolysinum, piracetamum and pyridoxine (10 days). Then Piracetam tablets 1 month. Is it possible to take all this together?
semiglazova.daryaIt is difficult, something worthy to advise in this situation, because your case is urgent, it is hardly possible to delay. But the toolkit including additional paid medicines is better to ask doctors who save your child. In our hospitals, sometimes a normal free medication is not found and we must strongly disturb (in a good sense) doctors to get good and necessary medicines, including those purchased additionally.
uafaThe joint use of the drugs indicated in the question is permissible. There should be no additional side effects.
Hello. Can piracetam and nogren be taken?
Angela, It is possible, but there is little sense in such an appointment. Both drugs are nootropics with a similar mechanism of action on the transport of glucose and ATP in the brain, so I would prescribe the taking of one medicine, and then another one sequentially, not simultaneously.
In fact, in huge doses, it is effectively used only for myoclonus-epilepsy. The rest is completely meaningless drug.
Hello. I have a full resection of the thyroid gland and I take eutirox on a life-long basis. 175 and 150 mg respectively every other day. And recently I was prescribed piracetam 800 mg. I just want to fix my memory, she began to limp.Can I take piracetam or do I have any contraindications for me?
Hello. My doctor prescribed Piracetam, assuring me that this drug is not contraindicated when driving a car. The instruction says that the concentration and reaction rate decrease. I drive daily, I travel a lot, at a dosage of 400 mg 3 times a day will not I have problems? And another question - are compatible vitamins B and Piracetam? Thank you.
Slavikus, The instruction notes the negative consequences of using Pyracetam while taking with thyroid hormone medications: "It is possible to develop central effects - tremor, anxiety, irritability, sleep disorders, confusion". This does not mean that these abnormalities will occur, but be careful when taking and canceling Piracetam when these side effects occur.
Nika-NNIt is better to try to start taking Piracetam on weekends or on days when you do not need to drive. Everyone has their own reaction to any medicine. If everything goes well, you can continue taking the drug on the days when you drive.

With vitamins of group B, Piracetam is possible. According to the instructions, there should not be additional negative side effects.
admin, Thank you very much, just tomorrow and will begin :-)
Thanks for the helpful advice and clarification.
Jurbass, Moved your question to the drug Meldonium, where it is more appropriate.
Sergey Viktorovich
A wonderful site and the "golden" words of the administrator: "to refuse mobile phones, tablets, a computer at the time of examinations, for memorization it will bring much more benefits than all the indicated drugs combined." Thank you.
Hello, Doctor.Can I take piracetam with noise in my ears? Lor and the neurologist did not diagnose the diagnosis, the noise and ringing for two months, very much interferes with living and thinking. MRI of the tumor did not show, but only "MR-signs of expansion of subarachnoid spaces of substitutional type". Thank you.
NikodimIf the ENT and the neurologist have not diagnosed the diagnosis, it may be worthwhile to consult a cardiologist, because the causes of noise in the ears can be organic in the ear itself, either by neurology or by vascular ones. Piracetam does not hurt, but I do not see any special significance for it, just like a placebo, it will suddenly work.
Thanks for the answer. To be honest, did not understand what's the point of turning to a cardiologist? Yes to it and not get. While I wait, absolutely deaf. Judging by the symptoms, something similar to Meniere's disease. Yes, I have to make myself a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment, because doctors in the district polyclinic of St. Petersburg do not treat me. Therefore, your answers are very helpful. A low bow.
NikodimWith Meniere's disease Piracetam will not help you in any way. It is necessary to focus on the symptomatology and consultation of a cardiologist with noise in the ears, plus appropriate examinations (ultrasound of brachiocephalic arteries, MRI with visualization of cerebral vessels and other studies) is also indicated for the differential diagnosis of vascular problems. Meniere's disease is treated depending on the alleged etiology of Betagistin, vascular, diuretics, it is possible to use hormonal drugs in inflammatory etiology.
The doctor, many thanks for consultations. I will focus on your recommendations along the way.
I have anosmia. Have registered piracetam. I've been drinking for a fortnight. No effect. What to do? Continue reception?
Sasha Nikolaevna, To begin with, it is necessary to look for a possible cause of this condition, there are many of them, both at the level of the head, and in the region of the nose, sinuses.And if you came to see a doctor and immediately prescribed Pyracetam, then it's not a fact that you can get a finger in the sky. In general, the question is not specific in terms of previous pre-examinations and analyzes.

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