Cardiomagnet - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets 75 mg and 150 mg) of the drug for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, including during pregnancy

Cardiomagnet - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets 75 mg and 150 mg) of the drug for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, including during pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Cardiomagnet. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors specialists on the use of Cardiomagnet in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of the Cardiomagnet in the presence of existing structural analogs. Use to treat the prevention of cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction and thrombosis in adults, including during pregnancy and lactation.


Cardiomagnet - Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, antiaggregant. The mechanism of action of Acetylsalicylic acid (the active substance of the drug Cardiomagnesium) is irreversible inhibition of the enzyme COX-1, which blocks the synthesis of thromboxane A2 and inhibits platelet aggregation. It is believed that acetylsalicylic acid has other mechanisms for suppressing platelet aggregation, which expands its use in various vascular diseases. Acetylsalicylic acid also has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect.


Magnesium hydroxide, which is part of the Cardiomagnet, protects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract from the effects of acetylsalicylic acid.




After taking the drug inside, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is absorbed from the digestive tract almost completely.


Magnesium hydroxide (in the applied doses) does not affect the bioavailability of acetylsalicylic acid.



  • primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, such as thrombosis and acute heart failure in the presence of risk factors (eg, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, obesity, smoking, old age);
  • prevention of recurrent myocardial infarction and thrombosis of blood vessels;
  • prevention of thromboembolism after surgical interventions on vessels (coronary artery bypass grafting, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty);
  • unstable angina.


Forms of release


Tablets, film-coated 75 mg and 150 mg.


Instructions for use and dosage


Tablets should be swallowed whole, washed down with water. If desired, the tablet can be broken in half, chewed or pre-grated.


For the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, such as thrombosis and acute heart failure in the presence of risk factors (for example, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, arterial hypertension, obesity, smoking, elderly age), 1 tablet of cardiomagnet containing acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in dose of 150 mg in the first day, then 1 tablet of Cardiomagnesium containing acetylsalicylic acid in a dose of 75 mg once a day.


For the prevention of repeated myocardial infarction and blood vessel thrombosis, 1 tablet of Cardiomagnesium containing acetylsalicylic acid in a dose of 75-150 mg once a day is prescribed.


For the prevention of thromboembolism after surgical interventions on vessels (coronary artery bypass grafting, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty), one tablet of Cardiomagnum containing acetylsalicylic acid in a dose of 75-150 mg once a day is prescribed.


With unstable angina, 1 tablet of Cardiomagnet containing acetylsalicylic acid in a dose of 75-150 mg once a day is prescribed.


Side effect

  • hives;
  • angioedema;
  • anaphylactic reactions;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • ulcers of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • perforation of the stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • stomatitis;
  • esophagitis;
  • strictures;
  • colitis;
  • bronchospasm;
  • increased bleeding;
  • anemia;
  • hypoprotrombinemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, eosinophilia, agranulocytosis;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness, insomnia;
  • headache;
  • noise in ears.



  • hemorrhage in the brain;
  • propensity to bleedings (insufficiency of vitamin K, thrombocytopenia, hemorrhagic diathesis);
  • The bronchial asthma, induced by the intake of salicylates and NSAIDs;
  • erosive-ulcerative lesion of the gastrointestinal tract (in the phase of exacerbation);
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • renal failure of severe degree (CC <10 ml / min);
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • simultaneous reception with methotrexate (> 15 mg per week);
  • 1 and 3 trimesters of pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • children and adolescents under 18;
  • hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid, excipients of the drug and other NSAIDs.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


The use of cardiomagnesium in high doses in the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with an increased incidence of fetal developmental defects. In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, salicylates can be prescribed only with strict risk and benefit evaluation. In the trimester of pregnancy, salicylates in high doses (> 300 mg per day) cause inhibition of labor, premature closure of the arterial duct in the fetus, increased bleeding in the mother and fetus, and the appointment immediately before childbirth can cause intracranial hemorrhages, especially in premature infants. The appointment of salicylates in the first and third trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.


Salicylates and their metabolites are excreted in small amounts with breast milk.The accidental intake of salicylates during lactation is not accompanied by the development of adverse reactions in the child and does not require the cessation of breastfeeding. However, with prolonged use of the drug or its administration in a high dose, breast-feeding should be stopped immediately.


special instructions


Take the drug Cardiomagnesium should be after the appointment of a doctor.


Acetylsalicylic acid can provoke bronchospasm, as well as cause attacks of bronchial asthma and other reactions of hypersensitivity. Risk factors are the presence of bronchial asthma in history, hay fever, nasal polyposis, chronic diseases of the respiratory system, as well as allergic reactions (skin rash, itching, urticaria) to other drugs.


Acetylsalicylic acid can cause bleeding of varying severity during and after surgical interventions.


The combination of acetylsalicylic acid with anticoagulants, thrombolytics and antiplatelet drugs is accompanied by an increased risk of bleeding.


The intake of acetylsalicylic acid in low doses can provoke the development of gout in predisposed individuals (having decreased uric acid excretion).


The combination of acetylsalicylic acid with Methotrexate is accompanied by an increased incidence of side effects from the hematopoiesis.


Admission Cardiomagnesium in high doses has a hypoglycemic effect, which must be borne in mind when prescribing it to patients with diabetes mellitus receiving hypoglycemic drugs.


When combined appointment of GCS and salicylates should be remembered that during treatment, the level of salicylates in the blood is reduced, and after the abolition of SCS, an overdose of salicylates is possible.


It is not recommended to combine acetylsalicylic acid with ibuprofen, as the latter worsens the beneficial effect of acetylsalicylic acid on life expectancy.


Excess dose of acetylsalicylic acid is associated with a risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.


When combined with acetylsalicylic acid and alcohol, the risk of damage to the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and prolonging the time of bleeding is increased.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


There is no evidence of any influence of the Cardiomagnet on the ability of patients to drive vehicles and work with mechanisms.


Drug Interactions


With simultaneous use of acetylsalicylic acid increases the effect of the following drug substances: methotrexate (by reducing renal clearance and displace it from its association with proteins), Heparin anticoagulants (due to abnormalities of platelet function and displacement anticoagulants from binding with proteins), thrombolytic and antiplatelet drugs (ticlopidine), Digoxin (due to reduction of its renal excretion), hypoglycemic agents: insulin and sulfonylurea derivatives (due to hypoglycaemia iCal properties of the acetylsalicylic acid in high doses and displacement of sulfonylurea derivatives association with proteins), valproic acid (due to repression of its association with proteins).


Additive effect is observed with simultaneous administration of acetylsalicylic acid with ethanol (alcohol).


Acetylsalicylic acid reduces the effect of uricosuric agents (benzbromaron) due tubular competitive elimination of uric acid.


By enhancing the elimination of salicylates, systemic GCSs weaken their action.


Antacids and cholestyramine with simultaneous use reduce the absorption of Cardiomagnesium.


Analogues of the drug Cardiomagnol


The cardiomagnesium does not have a structural analogue for the active substance. However, there is a large number of combination preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid as an active substance and which can be considered as substitutes:

  • Agro;
  • Godasal;
  • Coplawix.

Similar medicines:

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Reviews (292):
These hearts are cardiovascular real prevention of cardiovascular diseases. At me their mum with the daddy in the beginning drank, and now I give them to the husband, he already had the first problems with heart. TTT, no one heart attacks and other heart diseases during this time was not ill (short-term pain in the heart, especially after stress is not counted, which themselves and passed).
The doctor prescribed Cardiomagnolo on the 4th day the rhythm of the heart increased and moreover, the extrasystoles began to appear. His heart beat violently, then died away and was again started by a rapid rhythm.On 9 and 10, I hardly went to work, it was very bad, I thought I would die on the way. Then she stopped drinking. Extrasystoles are now single, but before they were not. The cardiomagnum was assigned to Corvitol, which I drank for 6 years. Maybe they are not compatible?
Irina, it does not look like it's in Cardiomagnola or Corvitol. More like the lack of adequate therapy for your disease. Cardiomagnil successfully combined with any heart medications, whether as a Korvitol blockers or antihypertensive (pressure) drugs. You should consult with a cardiologist and optionally carry out an additional examination, as the person have symptoms that go beyond the side effects of medications, just prescribing coincided with the emergence of these problems in the body.
In 1 st pregnancy there were edemas, the pressure on the 5th month of pregnancy rose, which lasted until the birth. For 33 weeks, they were put through a kidney failure. She is now pregnant for the second time, for 18 weeks.The nephrologist prescribed for prophylaxis Cardiomagnet, take before delivery. After reading the instructions horrified! Maybe someone had a similar situation? What to do?!
Catherine, it is better to solve such problems with your doctor. Cardiomagnet can be taken in the second trimester of pregnancy and only on strict indications. Probably, the doctor also has appointed or nominated to you this preparation because of gravity of the basic disease. If in doubt, consult a different doctor.
I have high blood pressure and had a high pulse up to 120, the doctor prescribed 1/2 table. Concor 10 mg of 1 table. and Cardiomagnet according to 1 table. a day, but I had surgery a stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, the doctor I said this, but it still has appointed, and I remember that after the surgery, the surgeon asked me whether I took aspirin, because I entered the hospital urgently with gastric bleeding. And now I have read the instruction about Cardiomagnet and I am afraid to take it. What to do? The pressure excruciates constantly.
Lyudmila, With a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer (I so understood the combined defeat) I would have been afraid to appoint Cardiomagnolo. Although the absolute contraindication are erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, that is, your doctor is right, appointing this drug. In any case, you need a doctor's consultation (maybe another). If your ulcer does not bother you, then the use of Cardiomagnet is justified, but keep track of your condition and health.
I have a pregnancy of 7 weeks, and the doctor prescribed Cardiomagnet. The use of cardiomagnesium in high doses in the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with an increased incidence of fetal developmental defects. Your opinion?
Natalia, I would certainly pointed to the doctor for his mistake, but rather consulted with another specialist. Sometimes there are situations when you need to choose or / or because people go to doctors, and do not prescribe drugs themselves.
Have registered Cardiomagnolo, heart knocks and pressure jumps, the instruction has read - horror. In the evening I took a pill and in the morning I get up - my eyes are red. Now I do not know what to do, drink further or not. Can I replace the drug with Omakor?
MarinaAbsolutely different drugs. You can replace the cardiomagnet with, for example, Aspirin cardio or other antiplatelet agents, but not with omega-3 acids (Omacor). It is better, of course, if the doctor will choose a replacement for you, since the drugs have contraindications.
I constantly have a temperature of 35-35.5, the doctor said that my blood circulates badly, so I'm cold, I said to drink a cardiomagnum to dilute the blood, but I read that the main substance is aspirin, and yet it lowers the temperature, where I still have to lower , and so low, I'm in doubt, tell me how to proceed correctly? Thank you!!!
NINA L, It's all about the dosage of aspirin. In drugs for dilution of blood, the dosage of acetylsalicylic acid is minimal, and for decreasing the temperature, more dosages are needed.Thus, the two effects can not overlap if everything is taken correctly.
Hello! Tell me, please, at what age should I start taking the Cardiomagnola? And yet, it's very scary to start taking the drug after reading the side effects. For example, edema Quincke or bronchospasm. How can you protect yourself in this sense? Thank you!
HopeAfter forty years, you can already think about taking the drug Cardiomagnolo (if before that everything was in order with the heart and blood vessels was). As for the side effects in the form of allergic reactions, no one can give guarantees here, only after trying the drug, you can find out if it will go to you. If you previously took Aspirin and everything was fine, then there should be no side effects.
At what time of the day to take a cardiogram, and before meals or after?
PaulIt is better to take the drug Cardiomagnol in the evening after eating and try to stick to this schedule all the time.
My mother does not take this medication out of the medicine cabinet, she takes it every day and always after a meal, so the doctor appointed. The cardiomagnum perfectly liquefies the blood, which has a beneficial effect on the whole organism and normalizes the pressure. If there is no allergic reaction to aspirin, it is even prescribed in preventive measures.
Do not drink this poison people. After all week of reception at me the giddiness has begun, could not rise two weeks from bed. Diagnosis is the destabilization of cerebral vessels. The neurologist said that this side effect of the cardiomagnet. It is better to eat garlic for the night, also dilute the blood and no side effects!
Oksana, In the majority of people, Cardiomagnet does not cause side effects. It seems more likely that you are on an individual intolerance to this drug. So it is not bad, as a drug of choice for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks.
How much can I take a cardiomagnum without interruption .... a month? ... two? ... three? ..
Galina, How long do you want. This drug is prophylactic and take it for life (if there are no contraindications and complications of taking this medication).
Can I use a cardiomagnet with potassium orotate and magnetite?
Sasha, It is. There were no side effects or negative interactions of these medications.
a lion
Appealed to doctors with a problem, noise in the ears. The neurologist has registered a tanakan, an ENT !!! (for some reason) cardiomagnet. Is it compatible?
a lion, I would not recommend a joint reception of Cardiomagnolo and Tanakana. Since the latter has a footnote in the manual that patients receiving a regular acetylsalicylic acid (active ingredient of the drug Cardiomagnesium), Tanakan's administration is undesirable.
Valery P
The eighth month I take Trombo-Ass after prosthetics of the aorta and aortic valve. The district therapist advises to switch to Cardiomagnet. I also take Warfarin and Digoxin. Will they be combined?
Valery P, The active substance in the preparations of Trombo ACC and Cardiomagnum is the same - it is acetylsalicylic acid. If one medicine was well tolerated, there is a possibility that the second one will be transferred normally.

I usually do not replace drugs with identical ones, because if a person has a normal course of treatment and there is a result, then there is no special reason to change the drug to a similar one, since sometimes auxiliary substances can give allergic reactions. Let the district doctor tell you what is the meaning of the transition from the drug Trombo ACC to the analogue.
Good afternoon. To me of 25 years, I plan pregnancy. The doctor appointed Cardiomagnolo (2 weeks), because according to the analysis she did not like the aggregation (density) of the blood. Is not it too early? Will not it hurt? Or a doctor - know better .....
Elena, The doctor is responsible for you, so he knows better in any case. About the appointment of the drug Cardiomagnet at a young age there are no contraindications or strangeness, as strokes and heart attacks in 20 years are currently found, and this drug is an effective prophylaxis of thrombosis. Probably, it is worth to thank your doctor that he found the problem on time and prescribed treatment. It is better to take pills that are practically harmless than to become disabled at a young age. Pay attention to your and your doctor on the following admission to special conditions of the drug during pregnancy, given your planned pregnancy.
Good afternoon! I am 37 years old, there are no special sores, but I smoke and take oral contraceptives, as my father at the age of 60 had a stroke with paralysis of the left side. Do you think I should start prophylaxis with a cardiomagnet? Thank you.
Yuliya, Prevention of thrombosis can be carried out from 35 years.It is necessary to take a blood test for MNO or prothrombin to see your current condition, in order to solve the issue of preventing thrombosis in your case. It should also be taken into account that Cardiomagnesium can have side effects, as any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent can negatively affect the gastric mucosa, so consult with a doctor for additional factors and contraindications for taking this medication.
Hello! To me 42 years, sometimes there are attacks of an arrhythmia - heart as if "turns over", the therapist has appointed or nominated kardiomagnal + angiovit. At the first application within a month, the seizures practically disappeared. After a break in a month, again resumed! When I applied the effect again, I did not feel it. Can replace drugs?
Elena, Cardiomagnet and angiovitis are not the drugs of choice for treating arrhythmias. A cardiologist should be examined and an adequate therapy of cardiac arrhythmia should be prescribed.All that you have been prescribed is vitamins and a means for preventing thrombosis.
Prompt, whether probably after reception of a cardiomagnetic an itch on a skin of arms or hand, legs or foots. At mum there were rasces, already up to a blood, in general she slope to an allergy.
Svetlana, Possible, like any other allergic reaction. Although the doses of the active ingredient are small, it can cause side effects, including allergic reactions described by you. It is necessary to consult a doctor to replace the drug with another one.
I bought a cardiomagne - coated tablets, noticed that, taking it in his mouth, he begins to dissolve. Threw in a glass of water - crumbled in 3 seconds. What is this - a fake?
VictorSince you describe more like a fake. The film membrane of the original drug Dendrodiamond cardiomagnet is strong enough and hardly soluble in cold water.If you crush or chew a pill, then it is possible to dissolve it, but it's necessary to make efforts.
Pugh Cardiomagnet week. Is the taste of aspirin in the mouth normal?
To me 54 years, after removal of a lien a constant threat of thromboses, a high level of thrombocytes (600-1200), in this connection there were cramps in legs or foots. The hematologist advised me to take a cardiomagnet, after 2 weeks the cramps stopped, and now (m-t-t) I forgot about them.
TatyanaThe active substance of the Cardiomagnum is Acetylsalicylic Acid, which is simplified and is Aspirin. So the taste of Aspirin (if you feel it) is completely justified.
I took this drug for three days. Eyes like a rabbit are red, watery. I'll go back to taking aspirin and a clove of garlic for the night.
My mother (59 years old) has high blood pressure. The doctor appointed BI-Pre-Starium, Noliprel-1 tablet in the morning and Cardiomagnum-1 tablet in the evening.After that, we started: weakness (feeling as if you were going to fall), fatigue, sweating in the morning, and pressure jumps in the range of 140-102 during the day (sometimes within one hour). Tell me, please, what is the reason. Thank you.
Hope, Translated your question into Russian, so that the majority would understand. It seems to me that the doctor went too far with antihypertensive drugs, I would leave something from Prestarium or Noliprel, since your mom's blood pressure drops below the norm (100 for hypertensive patients are quite sensitive figures). I do not know the whole history of the disease (perhaps at lower dosages and the number of medications the pressure does not decrease), but from what you have seen it seems so.

There is another option for the development of side effects on some of the drugs, but the probability of an overdose problem is more likely.
I am 47 years old. 8 years ago it was before the infarction. Now again, the ECG is bad. The doctor-therapist appointed Cardiomagnolo. (Taking Acetylsalicylic acid, felt much better.Passed stiffness in the body.) I hope that Cadillomagnum will help me without side effects, and if that, I can reduce the dose. My body reacts quickly to drugs.
I am 70 years old. I have type 2 diabetes - 18 years. I accept Glybometh L-thyroxine, Prestarium, vitamins for diabetics. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract are often a loose stool. The doctor appointed Cardiomagnolo, but having read the instructions, I doubt whether it is possible for me to take it. Advise please. Thank you.
AlexandraThe cause of diarrhea should be established by your attending physician, perhaps this is a manifestation of a side effect on the taking of one of the drugs you marked in the question. About the Cardiomagnet, because you listed the contraindications and the appointment at your age of this drug is justified (especially if prothrombin time is determined and MNO and tests have shown the need for thrombolytics). So treat the diarrhea and watch your condition after the appointment of Cardiomagnet, since any new remedy can give a side effect.
Have appointed or nominated kardiagnol. The smallest dose, and how much time to take did not say, can during preventive maintenance take breaks in reception. Again, the stomach must be protected, there was a 12-finger ulcer.
galena, There are no interruptions in admission Cardiomagnola. It is taken for life, as heart or drugs from pressure. If there were problems with the ulcer, then follow it and pay attention to pain in the abdomen or the appearance of black stool (unmotivated food), because the drug contains acetylsalicylic acid, which can harm the gastrointestinal mucosa. But even the peptic ulcer in the majority tolerate the drug well.
Hello! To me 29, the raised or increased pressure 130-140, on health I do not complain, it is transferred easily. The cardiologist has registered Konkor 5mg 1/2 tab. in a day. Having read the opportunity. side effects, reviews, decided to refrain from this drug. Tell me please, will I be able to lower the pressure with the help of a cardiomagnet. I also have hemoglobin 178.On idea to me this preparation approaches or suits.
gorohovyi, Cardiomagnet is not used to reduce high blood pressure. There are no such components in its composition. Ask the doctor to prescribe you the minimum doses of other drugs, the same ACE inhibitors, if the beta-blockers to which Concor relates are frightening.
One year ago there was a heart attack, six months ago stenting, right now I accept Koplaviks, whether it is possible to replace it or him with Cardiomagnolo (because of the price!)?
Stepan, Coplawix can not be replaced by Cardiovascular alone, since the drug you are taking now contains clopidogrel additionally and the replacement will not be equivalent. It is better not to risk and turn to a cardiologist, maybe he will allow you to replace based on your condition and the time interval from the moment of the onset of the disease.
My mother was prescribed a cardiomagnolo by a doctor in charge. Takes a constant 3 years. The last six months, leucocytes have been reduced to 3 units, almost everything has been checked, except for the bone marrow. The general condition is normal, there are no special complaints, the temperature is normal. Could this be the result of taking a cardiomagnola? Very worried about my mother ...
Rita, Leukopenia (a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood) does not belong to the side effects of taking the drug Cardiomagnet. Most likely the decrease in white blood cells in your mother is caused by other factors. The reason must be sought if this is a stable state, and not a temporary effect (which in principle is possible).
Hello! I'm 34 years old, 183 89 increase weight, varicose veins of the lower limbs (like the operation was lying - the preparation of hypertension contra), wear a compression garment, I smear cream against Edematous Sophia, edema is avoided, chronic prostatitis in remission (conclusion urologist). Half a year ago I found out what the 180/100 crisis is. The cardiologist immediately put on record with hypertension prescribed noleprol, then noleprol forte, cardiomonitor nyxes for brain activity. The pressure returned to normal. For half a year I threw off 31 kg.The pulse was 85-110, the doctor prescribed noliprel to be replaced with concord 5 mg. The pulse is normal (60-70). He studied the relaxation systems, self-massage, the system Mesnika NG. etc., drank a course of sedatives. Has handed over analyzes a sugar the norm, a cholesterin norm - after a mertinil, the urologist has registered tiofan has written the conclusion of a hepertonia not a renal genesis, has told or said all in norm after a week hospital and set of analyzes and researches, vitamins every day on one compliment. Holter did (mean daily BP 147/93). 100 times made a cardiogram in the norm (not significant changes since childhood), uzi of the heart, kidney-norm. The shchetovidku checked the norm. Salt limited (quite, only in mineral water), I do not drink, I do not smoke, I did not smoke, I reduced the service on the service. It seems all right. Family, wife alone, a child, sleep normalized, walk an hour before bed, aerobic exercise, swimming pool. AD can sometimes go up from 150 knocked down, legs warm, massage, breathing, if at the service of 1/4 kapoten immediately falls. Only here is the condition as written in the side effects of concor - asthenia, dizziness loss of attention, lightheadedness (bright light intensifies) weakness, detachment somehow. The same was with noliprel. It can from a cardiomagnet, it is possible to pass on aspirin cardio?
Cardiologist with health mail Anton Vladimirovich Rodionov
writes - In your situation, aspirin is not needed at all. In primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, it is not recommended since 2012.
my treating hypertensiologist says that she appoints, and to take the prescribed treatment is my business.
I would like to know your opinion
Tell me please, is the cardiomagne really difficult to dissolve in cold water? (I read about this a little higher). For many years my husband drinks it after a heart attack. I just did an experiment - the tablet dissolved in cold water very quickly. So this is a fake ?! Branded packaging: jar of dark glass, Denmark
Vladimir, In your situation, a lot of things are put together and understood in the online consultation, without the documents of research on the hands is impossible.

Of course, to exclude the side effects hypothetically caused by the cardiomagnet is necessary, the change to Aspirin cardio in this case is small, which will change. Usually the side effects of Cardiomagnesium are rare,much more often these effects can be caused by antihypertensive and cardiac drugs, which you listed in your question.

And about the refusal of aspirin in primary prevention, so I'll tell you that all the familiar and sane physicians are already given to their old parents and grandmothers prescribed heart forms of aspirins for prevention, and that means something.

The doctor consultant from the site for you is not responsible, only the attending physician and it is better if it is a competent cardiologist. This doctor is the ultimate truth.
Olya, I realized that I made a mistake by writing about the difficult dissolution of the Cardiomagnola. I just asked my patients how they conducted this test and it was standard for all of them: to throw the pill into a glass with water and stir intensively. So the solubility is not checked. It must dissolve, otherwise it simply would not dissolve into the intestines of the person who takes this medication. The mechanical effect on the tablet should not be that it should decompose into its constituent parts in a glass of water and this will not be a fast process.And the originality of the drug is not checked by anyone, it's better to ask for a certificate for a medicine in the pharmacy, where you buy it - it's safer than a test for solubility.
After hypertensive crisis, the doctor prescribed a cardiomagnet along with the drugs from the pressure. Now the pressure has returned to normal, but I still drink my cardiogram for the third month. I feel much more cheerful and what makes me very happy, migraines with which I have been suffering for 20 years (now I'm 43) have become much easier. Migraine begins on 4-5 days after menstruation, lasts 2-3 days, analgesic drugs are not effective, life is at zero ... And now the headache is certainly felt, but much, much easier! I want to ask, can I play sports with a heart? I work on a stationary bike and run.
MariaThe metered exercise in your situation is useful. The main thing is that you have developed (even you) an individual training program. The main indicators of health - pulse, pressure, should be quickly restored after training,then such physical cardio-loading is beneficial. You can go to rehabilitators in the clinic, they have these issues to a greater extent.

The cardiomagnet can be taken under physical exertion, there are no restrictions in this respect.
Hello! To me 32 years I year drank Kardiomagnol 0,75 after the doctor has registered Mildronat on 500 mg 2 times. After it, I felt it did not matter whether it was possible to start taking the Cardiomagnet again after 5 months.
marina, Cardiomagnet and Mildronate are different in their actions and indications of medication and treatment alone does not cancel the treatment with another medicine. You need to clarify with the doctor why you canceled Cardiomagnolo (it may no longer be necessary and the blood counts returned to normal) and appointed Mildronate. The cardiomagnet can be started to drink again tomorrow, the question is whether ...
Accepted a cardiomagnolo (the cardiologist has registered) ... Periodically I suffer a frequent ekstrosistaliej.The arrhythmologist appointed Omakor twice a day (morning and evening) for 6 months. Whether prompt please, whether it is possible to accept a cardiomagnum for the night together with Omakorom? Are these medicines compatible? Thank you.
Tatyana, You can combine the drugs. No side effects were observed with the co-administration.
Hello. I am 30 years old. I would like to know, here I have a week or two, the right arm and leg are numb, as if being taken away. The wife does massage to the hands and feet, but does not help. And after a dream, it's almost always headaches. To the doctor did not address, but the familiar nurse to me has told or said that, most likely, at me a thrombosis. Has recommended a preparation Kardiomagnol, has told or said, that he will help or assist. Especially at me in 27 years there was a predinfarction. I want to note that I smoke and smoke often. Can I use this drug? Thank you in advance.
dinar, Such a young man as you just need to be closely monitored by a doctor. This is not an 80 year old grandfather whose pain and numbness come from everything.Here the problem is clearly either in the vessels or in the nervous system, so it is necessary to start with general and biochemical analyzes, ultrasound of the internal organs and vessels of the neck, just in case and ultrasound of the legs. So, like you, I do not even assign anything until they bring me the results of all the tests, or else the person who receives the pill goes home and forgets about the examinations, which is a crime against his health. So guard your health while there is something to protect.

Regarding the question - Cardiomagnum you definitely will not hurt and you can apply it (with caution I prescribe to patients with gastritis or gastrointestinal ulcers), but it is necessary to be examined.
rose flower
Hello. I accept a cardiomagnet for 2 years. To remove the tooth and the doctor recommended to stop taking the drug 7 days before removal. Is it possible to stop taking the drug and can there be a rash after stopping?
Thank you.
rose flower, In principle, there are grounds for discontinuing the use of the drug Cardiomagnet, since bleeding can increase and coagulation time increase, which when removing a tooth is not good.As for the rash, most likely it could have been caused by anesthetic medications, which should be administered before the tooth is removed. I understand that earlier there were no adverse reactions to Cardiomagnet.
I am 52 years old. There were interruptions in the heart. Strong acceleration and as if turned over. Did the cardiogram show nothing. The attending physician appointed a cardiomagnet and a triductan. 1 time per day cardiomagnesium and 2 times per day triductan. Is it correct.
Liuba, What you prescribed a doctor - this is not a cure, but more vitamins. Cardiomagnolo can already be taken by age. Tricuktan - this is more restorative for the heart. All this can be taken and even necessary, but this is not a cure, but a strengthening and prevention.

I would have done more ultrasound of the heart (cardiogram not all can show), a biochemical blood test with cardiac parameters, and went to see a cardiologist with the results of the research, more can be said for prevention, especially age allows you to get such advice if before this did not pass such a specialist.
To me 62 years and I the hypertonic.Along with the drugs from the pressure I take acetylsalicylic acid 1/4 part. Can it be better to take a cardiomagnet or not a significant difference? Thank you.
My mom was prescribed a neurologist cardiomagnum in 2011 February she lost consciousness on a fraction of a second, 2 times and before that they were dizzy and after the second time they prescribed this drug to sing uninterruptedly since February, 2011, I would like to know if you need to pause or it fine?
TamaraIt is believed that special drugs have some advantages in protecting the gastrointestinal tract from the harmful effects of acetylsalicylic acid, but I can authoritatively say that this is not true. A quarter of the usual aspirin will not cause significant harm to the patient's gastrointestinal tract, and the level of prophylaxis that in fashionable drugs that aspirin has is the same. But if there is money, I would prefer special means.

Mikayel, Cardiomagnine is taken for life and permanently. Interruptions in the prevention of strokes and heart attacks should not be allowed.If a side reaction has been revealed on the Cardiomagnola (rarely, it happens), it can be replaced with special heart forms of Aspirin or Polokardom. There are many means for this.
Many thanks for the answer now it's all clear :-) Thank God that Mom does not have side effects just wanted to know whether to take a break.
To me of 39 years, have appointed or nominated a hormonal preparation Kjajra and simultaneously Cardiomagnolo. Can I take them together? I can refuse Claira if I do not, but from Cardiomagnola? Can I just stop taking it or not? Tell me please. Thank you.
TatyanaBoth drugs can be taken together. Negative interaction between them was not observed.
Good evening. I am 35 years old. I took tests before pregnancy. Analysis of "thick" blood. The doctor appointed me a quarantil 75 (before conception) 1 tablet 3 times a day. As soon as she got pregnant, she was given injections of Fraxiparin in the abdomen daily until she gave birth (stabbed exactly 40 weeks) + continued to take the quarantil.Two years have passed since the birth. Can and should I take Cardiomagnum or Aspirin Cardio for the prevention of thrombosis? There is a small numbness of the left arm (during sleep) and periodically on the left side of the chest as if something "presses".
IrinaJudging by the description of your problem, I'm afraid, as it were, Aspirin or Cardiomagnum was not too weak for you, and given the current symptoms, consult a doctor, and urgently. If I'm wrong and everything is fine, then it's good, but with a blood test as a baseline examination, I would advise you to start, and the heart to examine, too, would not be bad. In general, to the doctor and urgently!
Hello. To me 51 year and at me as complication after excision of an intracranial tumor, a convulsive syndrome, for prevention of attacks I accept a convulsion constantly. Now the doctor advises to take still a cardiomagnum, as a prophylactic means of cardio diseases by age, is it possible such a combination of drugs?
larisayzag, This combination is possible, but there is one nuance, both of these drugs mutually reinforce each other's effects, that is, they can be taken, but it may be necessary to adjust the dose to receive (in terms of their reduction). If the doctor who ordered you additionally to the Cardiomagnum to Conlevule, viewed this point, you must indicate it for your own good.
How to take cardio magnesium for prophylaxis?
Denis, Cardiomagnet is taken exclusively for prophylaxis and only so. Dosages in accordance with the purpose of admission are detailed in the instructions to the drug.
The husband takes Koplavix within a month after the stenting of the femoral artery. A week ago, I stopped feeling the taste of food. Read in the instruction that Coplanix is ​​one of the side effects. Tell me, please, how can I fully replace Koplavix in order to avoid such pobochki? Thank you!
MarinaThere is no full replacement for this drug. Since there are no structural analogues of Coplavix, both Cardiomagnesium and any other preparations based on acetylsalicylic acid can not be its complete analogues. The decision of your problem - to address to the cardiologist or the therapist, that proceeding from the basic disease to pick up necessary antiplatelet which will not cause by-effects.
My mum has diabetes mellitus, it takes mannil and formethine, pressure rises whether it is possible to take a cardiomagnum? I will be grateful to know the answer.
VictoriaIt is not possible to remotely answer your question. Acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of the cardiomagnet can increase the hypoglycemic effect of Formethine. So it is better to address on this question to the endocrinologist for internal consultation.

And one moment. To reduce pressure, the cardiomagnet is not used (this statement was derived from your question and it is incorrect).
Lyudmila Ch
Hello! Saw the contraceptive pill "Novinet", forgot to drink in time a pill (I drank at 12 o'clock in the evening). Remembering in the morning, drank at 6 am. Then the same day at 12 pm she drank again, as per the schedule. It turned out an overdose. The next day I could not get out of bed, veined my veins. Varicose veins for almost 25 years, almost did not heal. On the fifth day I went to see a doctor. I was diagnosed with subacute thrombophlebitis. There was a thrombus and redness near him. To me have written out detraleks, kardiomagnil, kenotal. The surgeon at the place of residence abolished the cenotal, appointed in his place tsellebex and amoxiclav. After reading the instructions, I was afraid to drink these medications, I drink what the doctor prescribed in the hospital. Redness did not pass. Has decided to drink an amoksiklav. It is necessary to drink once a day. When he drank it, he again tightened the vein. I threw him to drink, it became easier. Now on sick leave for 7 days. The thrombus becomes softer, the redness subsides. How many days can the treatment last? Am I right that I did not drink an antibiotic? Celebrex did not drink like that. How long can I take these medications? The doctor says that all his life.Can these drugs be combined with drugs to treat colds? or other treatments. Is it possible to take a break, for example, on holidays, if you drink alcohol? Thanks for the answer!
Lyudmila Ch, Sorry for the long answer, the case is not trivial and I needed time to prepare an answer. We'll begin the order.

What wrote you a surgeon in the clinic (Celebrex and Amoxiclav) also fits into the scheme of treatment of thrombophlebitis, especially Celebrex same drug that Ketonal in nature, so do not realize that you are in a new treatment regimen scared (reaction to an antibiotic not good, it may be right that they stayed on the first treatment regimen). And okay, the main positive dynamics already exist and it's good.

About lifelong treatment. This is your doctor is partly right, since the patient comes to see me, who treats his thrombophlebitis (after long lying in the hospital developed the disease) for a long time, periodic courses of cardiovascular drugs, plus twice a year in-patient treatment with droppers. So I would like to hope, but maybe everything.This scheme you, of course, unstable, the same Ketonal he only for the time of the active phase of inflammation. So then correct the treatment regimen as soon as active inflammation subsides. To be observed at the surgeon precisely will be long.

Combination with drugs to treat colds? Here you need to clarify what kind of medication. If these are anti-inflammatory drugs from a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, Aspirin), then there are at least two such medications in your existing kit for treatment (Cardiomagnesium (Aspirin in a small dose) and Ketonal). So, or tell me what else you are taking or telling another doctor before prescribing cold medicines, what exactly you are taking at the moment to treat thrombophlebitis.

About the drugs and alcohol already said and my position is known. This is not the product that is vital to man. Especially, to whom such a formidable diagnosis was made. You can drink at the feast at the feast, and not think about how to treat the perforated ulcers because of the use of gastrogenic drugs together with alcohol. Or another extreme - to treat the consequences of the underlying disease and exacerbations due to self-abolished tablets and pills.In general, you understand me and give up alcohol.
Tell me please, is the cardiomatograph and kardiask interchangeable?
Alla, In the Cardiomagnesium there is an additional component Magnesium hydroxide, which protects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract from the harmful effects of acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of the drug. In the preparation KardiASK this component is not present. The rest of the composition is similar (and there, and there acetylsalicylic acid as the main active ingredient).
Hello. I have a high hemoglobin - 174, in this regard, I take Pentoxifylline. Having visited a reception with a hepatologist, I was also assigned a cardiomagnet. Can I combine these drugs?
Thank you very much in advance. Konstantin. 30 years.
Konstantin, The picture of your disease is not particularly clear to me. I do not understand why Pentaxifylline was prescribed for you with an elevated hemoglobin level. Come on.Answering your question: to combine Cardiomagnum with Pentoxifylline it is possible that there should be no side effects. The blood picture should be monitored periodically to normalize the analyzes.
Is it possible to take ascorutin with a cardiomagnet?
marina, Can.
Good afternoon, I'm interested in the compatibility of Cardiomagnesium drugs, and mighty Cialis, the reception is not at the same time but with a pause in a few hours, it's just very interesting and important, these drugs will not resonate with each other?
Vladimir, In the instructions for the use of Cialis it is written that acetylsalicylic acid (active ingredient of the drug Cardiomagnesium) does not increase the duration of bleeding on the background of Cialis intake. Other side effects, I also can not think of, so take, the direct ban manufacturers in the instructions are not indicated.
Hello. Tell me, please, what is the best drug for the prevention of thrombosis clopidogrel or cardiomagnesium?
Alla, These drugs have a different effect on the mechanisms of blood thinning. According to my observations Clopidogrel is stronger anyway. If you need a primary prevention of heart attacks and strokes, I would use a cardiomagnet. If you already have serious health problems - Clopidogrel will appoint you a doctor.
Hello. I am 53 years old. You can take a cardiomagnet without analysis for prothrombin, or still not necessary.
RimmaYou can start without a prothrombin, the age already allows you to take preventive measures.
Good evening! Is it possible to combine Cardiomagnet and OxyELITE Pro fat burner?
Irina, In the dietary supplement you submit, there are some herbs and substances that I hear for the first time and they do not grow in us, so I can not tell you how the simultaneous reception of this drug with the Cardiomagnon is correlated. I think the distributors of this fat burner, you will not say anything intelligible.
Hello! The husband of 48 years, on legs or foots varices, smokes much, tests stress at job. He does not want to go to doctors, he says that there is no time. Can I myself "appoint" a cardiomagnum to prevent the formation of blood clots and in what dose? Thank you for your reply.
Tatyana, Sure you can. Especially the age and risk factors in the form of varicose veins, smoking and stress in your husband are available. To the doctor, however, the trip does not postpone, since the question is whether the cardiomagnola will suffice as a prophylaxis or something stronger is needed. Let it begin to take 1 tablet 75 mg per day.
Lyudmila Grigoryevna
I am 63 years old.I accept Captopril and Cardiomagnolo. At a pressure of 135/75 I already feel bad. In the morning I almost always feel broken and after waking up I throw in sweat. Why is that? From what this sweating? Can the presence of aspirin in the medicine aggravate this condition? Thank you.
Lyudmila GrigoryevnaAspirin in Cardiomagne hardly gave such a reaction. But you should see the doctor. The medicine for pressure is antediluvian. Captopril is now used only in urgent conditions, when it is necessary to quickly reduce pressure during hypertensive crises, but as a means of constant intake of this drug has long been practiced and not appointed.

As for your sweating - if there are no concomitant diagnoses, it makes sense to show up to the gynecologist. Perhaps this is something related to the hormonal background, as well as the endocrinologist would be nice to seem. On drugs yet to nod early.
I would like to clarify when to drink a cardiomagnet in the morning or evening?
Galina, Usually taken in the morning at the same time, but there are no fundamental differences, the main thing is that it should be the same time (in the morning - in the morning, in the evening - in the evening).
Hello, at me the site in shchitovidke, I drink eutiroks. The heart began to hurt, I drank the preductal, it does not help. Also it hurts, I want to try a cardiomagnet. The cardiogram has shown, that all in norm or rate, whether it is possible to combine eutiroks and a cardiomagnum? Thank you in advance.
Olga, Eutiroks and Cardiomagnet can be taken together. And according to the instructions and experience of using negative effects from the joint intake of these drugs should not be.

And one more tip, if the heart hurts - do not self-medicate, and seek advice minimally to the therapist, and it is better to the cardiologist. There can there something serious, and can and an osteochondrosis of a backbone which imitates heart pains.

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