Wobenzym - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets) drugs for the treatment of cystitis, thrombophlebitis and sexually transmitted infections in adults, children and pregnancy »Page 2

Wobenzym - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets) drugs for the treatment of cystitis, thrombophlebitis and sexually transmitted infections in adults, children and pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Wobenzym. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors specialists on the use of Wobenzima in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Wobenzym analogues in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of cystitis, thrombophlebitis, sinusitis, sexually transmitted infections in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Wobenzym combined preparation.It is a combination of highly active enzymes of vegetable and animal origin. Has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, fibrinolytic, decongestant, antiplatelet and secondary analgesic effect.


Wobenzym has a positive effect on the course of the inflammatory process, limits the pathological manifestations of autoimmune and immunocomplex processes, positively influences the immunological reactivity of the organism. Stimulates and regulates the functional activity of monocyte-macrophages, natural killers, stimulates antitumor immunity, cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, phagocytic activity of cells.


Under the influence of Wobenzim, the number of circulating immune complexes decreases and the membrane deposits of immune complexes are removed from the tissues.


Wobenzym reduces infiltration of interstitium by plasma cells. Increases the elimination of protein detritus and fibrin deposits in the inflammation zone, accelerates the lysis of toxic metabolic products and dying tissues, improves resorption of hematomas and edema, normalizes the permeability of the vessel walls.


Wobenzym reduces the concentration of thromboxane and platelet aggregation.It regulates adhesion of blood cells increases the capacity of erythrocytes to change its shape by adjusting their ductility, and normalizes the number of normal discocytes (platelet) and reduces the total number of activated forms of platelets, and normalizes blood viscosity, reduces the total number mikroagregantov, thereby improving microcirculation and blood rheology, and also supplying tissues with oxygen and nutrients.


Vobenzim normalizes lipid metabolism, reduces the endogenous synthesis of cholesterol, increases HDL, reduces the level of atherogenic lipids, improves absorption of polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Vobenzim increases the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy, increasing the concentration of antibiotic in blood and plasma, the inflammation and reduces the side effects of antibiotics (dysbiosis).


Wobenzym reduces the severity of side effects associated with taking hormonal drugs (including hypercoagulable).


Wobenzym regulates the mechanisms of nonspecific defense (the production of interferons), thereby demonstrating antiviral and antimicrobial effects.




After taking Wobenzim, the enzymes included in the preparation are absorbed from the small intestine by resorption of intact molecules and, when bound to blood transport proteins, enter the bloodstream. Then, the enzymes, migrating along the vascular bed, accumulate in the zone of the pathological process.




As part of complex therapy:

  • thrombophlebitis (including acute thrombophlebitis of superficial veins), post-phlebitis syndrome, obliterating endarteritis and atherosclerosis of lower limb arteries, lymphatic edema, prevention of recurrent phlebitis;
  • cystitis, cystopyelitis, prostatitis;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • chronic infections of the genitals, gestosis, mastopathy, adnexitis, to reduce the frequency and severity of side effects of hormone replacement therapy in gynecology;
  • angina pectoris, subacute stage of myocardial infarction (to improve the rheological properties of the blood);
  • sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • pancreatitis, hepatitis;
  • pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • Diabetic angiopathy, diabetic retinopathy;
  • autoimmune thyroiditis;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis, Bechterew's disease;
  • atopic dermatitis, acne;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • uveitis, iridocyclitis, hemophthalmus, application in ophthalmic surgery;
  • treatment of postoperative complications (inflammatory processes, thrombosis, edema), adhesions, posttraumatic and lymphatic edema, plastic and reconstructive operations;
  • traumas, fractures, distortions, ligamentous apparatus injuries, bruises, chronic posttraumatic processes, inflammations of soft tissues, burns, injuries in sports medicine.



  • disorders of microcirculation, post-stress disorders, as well as disruption of adaptation mechanisms;
  • side effects of hormone replacement therapy, hormonal contraception;
  • with surgical interventions to prevent infectious complications and adhesions.
  • It is recommended to prevent infectious complications and improve the quality of life during chemo- or radiotherapy; viral infections and their complications.


Forms of release


Tablets, coated with a shell, soluble in the intestine, in blisters or a bottle of 20, 40 or 800 tablets.


Instructions for use and dosing regimen


Established individually, depending on the severity of the disease.


Adults, depending on the activity and severity of the disease prescribed in a dose of 3 to 10 tablets 3 times a day. In the first 3 days of taking the drug, the recommended dose is 3 tablets 3 times a day.


With an average disease activity, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 5-7 tablets 3 times a day for 2 weeks. In the future, the dose should be reduced to 3-5 tablets 3 times a day. Course - 2 weeks.


With a high disease activity, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 7-10 tablets 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks. In the future, the dose should be reduced to 5 tablets 3 times a day. Course - 2-3 months.


With chronic long-term diseases, Wobenzym can be used according to the indications of courses from 3 to 6 months or more.


To increase the effectiveness of antibiotics and prevent dysbacteriosis, Wobenzym should be used throughout the course of antibiotic therapy at a dose of 5 tablets 3 times a day. After stopping the course of antibiotic therapy to restore the microflora of the intestine Wobenzym should be prescribed 3 tablets 3 times a day for 2 weeks.


During the radiotherapy and chemotherapy Wobenzym should be used in a dose of 5 tablets 3 times a day before the end of the course of radiation and chemotherapy topreventing infectious complications, improving the tolerability of basic therapy and improving the quality of life.


With the preventive purpose of Wobenzim 3 tablets are prescribed 3 times a day for 1.5 months with a repetition of the course 2-3 times a year.


Children aged 5-12 years are prescribed in a daily dose of 1 tablet per 6 kg of body weight. Children older than 12 years of age, the drug is prescribed according to a scheme designed for adults. The duration of treatment is determined individually.


The drug should be taken at least 30 minutes before eating, without chewing, washing with water (200 ml).


Side effect


Wobenzym, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients. In most cases of side effects, withdrawal syndrome, addiction was not observed even with prolonged use in high doses.


In some cases: slight changes in the consistency and odor of stool, urticaria (go with a lower dose or drug withdrawal).


The patient should be warned that if other side effects occur, it is recommended that you stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.



  • diseases associated with an increased likelihood of bleeding (including hemophilia, thrombocytopenia);
  • conducting hemodialysis;
  • children under 5 years;
  • individual intolerance of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


With caution and under the supervision of a doctor, it is possible to prescribe Wobenzym during pregnancy and lactation.


Use in children


Contraindicated in children under 5 years.


Children aged 5-12 years are prescribed in a daily dose of 1 tablet per 6 kg of body weight. Children older than 12 years of age, the drug is prescribed according to a scheme designed for adults. The duration of treatment is determined individually.


special instructions


It should be borne in mind that at the beginning of treatment with Wobenzym may exacerbate the symptoms of the disease. In such cases, it is recommended to temporarily lower the dose, treatment should not be interrupted.


With infectious and inflammatory diseases, Wobenzym does not replace antibiotic treatment, but increases their effectiveness.


Wobenzym is not doping.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


The drug does not adversely affect the ability to drive a car and perform work that requires a high rate of psychomotor reactions.


Drug Interactions


With the simultaneous administration of Wobenzym with other drugs, incompatibility cases are unknown.


Analogues of the drug Wobenzym


Wobenzym does not have structural analogs for the active substance.

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Reviews (151):
Hello! A child of 8 years old, suffers from atopic dermatitis from 2 months, that only we did not try, we treated the intestines (dysbacteriosis), we performed parasite prophylaxis, Helicobacter pylori. Sometimes it got better, but then everything came back. The doctor suggested autoimmune dysfunction and appointed a wobenzyme, on day 3 of the intake the itch practically went away, the skin was almost cleared. I'm afraid to rejoice in advance. This effect was only from hormonal creams. How much can you take vobenzim to your child? If you cancel all rashes will return?
Vale, For a child of your age, you can take 1 tablet for every 6 kg of weight. The course is usually long - 2-3 months. It is possible to conduct several courses a year.

Given the atopy to predict the result of treatment is impossible. It is necessary to find an adequate scheme of therapy and try to treat such patients, the other is not given. With atopy, one must learn to live and the limitations on the quality of life are sometimes superimposed, but with this in most cases nothing can be done. It's good that you have already picked up the drug that helped the child.
Good afternoon. Tell me, please, can I take Wobenzym along with Diflukan?
cat, Such a combination is possible. Negative side effects when using the combination of drugs indicated in the question should not be.
Alla Konstantinovna
Wobenzym I liked. To me their doctor advised to take during the course of antibiotics. So I want to say that he is a dysbacteriosis, which constantly appears against the background of antibiotic therapy, essentially subconsciously. And in general I feel much better than before.
Hello everybody. For five years I had an autoimmune thyroiditis. Regularly: pills, paid ultrasound, the delivery of tests for hormones (and they, too, for money) ... In short. In the regional hospital No. 11 in Ryazan, an excellent doctor advised me to drink vobenzim. The price was a bit shocking, but the course was over. Since then, a year has passed since 4, and hormones are normal, like a carbon paper. I do not know whether tablets helped or rural life is so fruitfully influenced? (joke). Thanks to all.
Hello, I would like to consult. Can I take a pill before taking it in half, because I have problems with swallowing large tablets?
ella_fadina, It is impossible. Because the Wobenzima tablets are covered with an enteric coating that allows the drug to work in the intestine, and not before. When the shell is destroyed, the effectiveness of the use of the drug falls. The tablets are smooth and round, should slip well inside.
Marina Feodorovna
I take Wobenzym for several years as a prophylaxis, courses of 400 tablets. (15 tablets a day) 2 times a year. Initially, at the age of 48 began to take because of the constant unbearable arthritic pain in the fingers. The pains disappeared immediately after the first course. My husband and I adore this drug!
Tell me, please, whether it is possible to determine the authenticity of the drug, how to make sure that the purchase is not a fake?
Nellie, You can determine for certain if in the pharmacy you ask for a certificate for a batch of a specific medicine (a copy is acceptable) and you will be provided with it. In the rest, one can only assume by the appearance of the package, the tablets themselves.
Wobenzym helped in the treatment of cystitis, although after treatment with antibiotics still had to take it for three weeks, but I was glad that I did not get used to it.
Hello! Is it possible to take Wobenzym in a dubious analysis for hepatitis C. NS3 positive. Doobsledovanie recommended to pass no earlier than three weeks. Insanely scary. I'm ready to drink anything, if only not to be confirmed. Do not harm and will not worsen the situation drug? If combined with Viferon suppositories? Help, please advice!
Marousia, I would not take anything and waited for a second analysis, maybe not everything is as bad as it seems. From Hepatitis C, Wobenzym will not save you. The virus is either present in the blood or not, the other is not given. The same with Viferon.
Hello, I think that the reviews here are real, in any case, my mother Vobenzym helped with edema on the leg (a painful joint), she advised me to read about him on the Internet, she said that it helps from everything!))). Drinks on 2 tablets. three times a day. And the edema was on the third day of admission. I think I need to drink a course (my sore is on the list of testimony), confuses only that in the reviews they write that constipation happens, but I have this very trouble.
Good health to everyone! The husband took Wobenzyme when he contracted pneumonia. Against the background of the reception, the joints of the legs ached heavily, they ceased to hurt when they were withdrawn. The tablets stayed and I decided to drink it. In the course of the month, all my chronic illnesses worsened in turn, but they also took turns. I have a history of polyarthritis from the childhood and my legs ache always, and after taking Wobenzim, the pain first became acute, and then they left almost completely. When there was an exacerbation of any sores I reduced the dose of the drug to 3 tab. x 2 times a day sometimes even up to 3 tab. x 1 time per day. I noticed that against the background of taking the drug slowly, but surely the weight decreases with the same diet and energy appears. My job is connected with night duty and I still had to work during the day. There was a boiled chicken, and after taking the drug somehow everything was normal: even a good sleep. In general, I want to say that each organism is individual. And more to take down tablets it is necessary at least 1 glass of water, and it is better 2-mja.
I take the drug. The result so far I can not say. I would like to know if it affects the blood test?
OlgaIf I had seen in the literature evidence of the effect of Wobenzym on the human body or data on multicenter placebo-controlled studies of the effect of this medication on patients, it could be said with certainty that its admission to blood counts, and unfortunately I can not do it.
Alexander Vladimirovich 65 years old
To me have written out the given preparation for treatment of destruction of a vitreous body of an eye. But I always take Zilt and Pradaksu as I have six stents, as well as cures for hypertension and arrhythmia. Can not I hurt Wobenzym?
Alexander Vladimirovich 65 years oldWith all the drugs mentioned in the question, Wobenzym is combined. In general, there has not been a mention in the manual or literature that there are medications that interact negatively with this drug.
Like Antonina, the oculist has appointed or nominated as began to float "lohmatushki" before the right eye. Reception of the drug began according to the scheme 2X2X2, it took 2 weeks.The ophthalmologist has still recommended vitamins Vitro-cap, but yet did not connect ... That I can tell about initial sensations from reception vobenzima: lohmatushke it did not become less, but it is clear, the further inspection of an eye (a cystoscopy) is necessary, yet did not have courage to descend or go in ophthalmic institute for this messy procedure. Maybe it seems to me, but there seems to be an indirect effect, which was not the purpose of taking the drug - like the knee became less (ttt). I'll take the drug further, for 2-3 months, and then we'll see.
Hello! Prompt, whether occurrence of constipations after reception Vobenzima is possible or probable? I drink the second month, and about the same amount I suffer with constipation.
Victoria, So it is necessary to cancel. To do this, contact your doctor who appointed Wobenzym. Although there is no direct indication of constipation in the instructions, but a change in the stool consistency is in the side effects to this medicine, so everything is possible.
Guest 1111
Good afternoon.Wobenzym appointed an ophthalmologist, the reason - floating opacities in the eye! Has appointed or nominated to accept 15 tablets in day (5-5-5), whether any researches were carried out on the fact of the help vobenzima in resorption of a haze in a vitreous body? What exactly is this effect achieved? Thanks for the answer.
svetlana Pronina
Is it possible to drink the drug with an ovarian cyst? Attached the doctor accept 3 tab. 3 times a day.
Guest 1111I did not see the results of clinical studies of Wobenzym, therefore I can not say that this drug can have a therapeutic effect to solve your problem. Here everything relies only on the experience of the doctor who appointed you this remedy.

svetlana ProninaA similar answer is right over your question. Clinical studies and the experience of using the drug Wobenzym for the treatment of ovarian cysts I do not know. If your doctor has a similar experience - take as advised by your doctor.
Pavel Anatolyevich
According to the instructions, the minimum intake dose is 10 tablets per day, maximum 30 tablets. And this is a minimum of two weeks, and usually within 1.5 months, and 2 more times a year. And this is at a fabulous price for the drug. Was not it easier to increase the concentration of substances in one tablet and not swallow them with handfuls? It's not difficult to count what it costs. If 10 tablets a day, then this is 900 tablets per year. And if on 30 tablets in day even to consider it is opposite. Everything is done for pumping money from us, and not for our benefit. But there are reasonable limits. Enough of impudence. Each such move is another drop in a cup of hatred. And the cup has edges.
Drank vobenzim on the recommendation of a gynecologist in preparation for pregnancy. I think that it is necessary to approach this question very responsibly. The drug, as the doctor explained to me, contains enzymes necessary for the body with the help of which it improves the metabolic reactions, brings all the cells of the body into tone. For the conception of the baby it is very important that everything works like a clock. Saw his year, became pregnant, endured and gave birth to a healthy little son.
Marina K.
I am 50 years old. For the first time I tried vobenzim 3 years ago, with bronchitis. After recovery, I was surprised to find that joint pains had suddenly occurred 3 months before bronchitis (heredity + strong cooling). True pain after the next draft resumed. Recently I drank Wobenzym together with Arthra (6 months), from joint pain (diagnosis - osteoarthritis 1 item + starting menopause + high uric acid content). Wobenzym significantly improved the condition of the joints and spine. Saw 4 months to 3 tons. I'm going to drink another course in the fall. I'm happy with the drug, although many are skeptical about it! As a biochemist, I perfectly understand the mechanism of the action of vobenzima. I hope, with God's help and help of the medicine, to improve my terrible condition to the beautiful. I highly recommend this drug to all.
Svetlana Borisovna
To me have appointed or nominated this preparation at a cystitis in a complex with other medicines. After taking Vobenzima, I have a heaviness in my stomach. I drink omeprazole, but the feeling of heaviness does not pass.
Accepted vobenzim for the treatment of endometriosis and inflammation of the endometrium, saw it along with hormones and antibiotics. She noted that the side effects of antibiotics became much less pronounced. And the inflammation passed quickly enough, apparently enzyme preparations accelerate the body's response to treatment.
Wobenzym I was appointed reproductologist in preparation for IVF, it is a drug with a systemic effect, it works in a complex manner for the whole organism. For the treatment of gynecological diseases of various inflammatory diseases is also applied.
Tasha and the rest, I'm your attempts to advertise the drug Wobenzym in the reviews under the guise of ordinary visitors noticed. For the first time I bear a warning, but if such an advertising policy continues to be followed by a toughening of punishment - all the visitors of the Directory noticed in such advertising will be banned without the possibility to leave comments, the drug itself will get on the local black list and the moderation of the reviews will be significantly toughened.So let's live amicably and no more hooligan.
Rem Kosin
Will vobenzim help with lymphedema of the feet, or in the instruction about swelling for another reason? I write in reviews because I registered, but the question did not turn out technically.
Rem Kosin, All right you signed up and asked a question. To date, there are no drugs for conservative ways of treating lymphostasis or lymphedema. With the same success as Wobenzym, I can advise any of the one million medications available to doctors for the treatment indicated in the matter of the disease, but the result will not be noticeable. Except how to use lymph drainage, compression therapy (wearing special knitwear), LFK has not been invented to treat this disease at the moment.
Good afternoon. After taking Vobenzima, which I prescribed a gynecologist for 1 table. 3 times / day, there were pains in the stomach and rumbling in the intestines.Is it possible to take it simultaneously with drugs to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, with enterosan?
Elena_, Rumbling in the intestine in patients receiving Wobenzym is possible and is not considered grounds for cancellation of the drug, but the pain in the stomach - it is a negative sign, and you must deal with the doctor, due to this drug intake Wobenzym, or the pain of organic nature (for example, undiagnosed previously gastritis or its aggravation). Receiving additional funding is unlikely to help your problem, if the cause of the reception of Wobenzym and Enterosan general enzyme preparation, and enzymes in nepischevaritelnyh dosages and as contained in the Wobenzym.
After cauterization of erosion, 3 tablets were taken by wobenzym 3 times a day. Thanks to him, everything there was healing quietly and quickly, for a year I was checked twice, and there was no relapse, there were no complications. Although warned that there may be.
The ophthalmologist appointed or nominated vobenzim at an exfoliation of a retina.
Wobenzym greatly helped in treatment and recovery after laparoscopic surgery because of endometriosis. Expensive, but most importantly, that everything ended well, I was very afraid of surgery and the postoperative period.

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