Complivit - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and composition of complex vitamins (calcium d3, mama, iron, ophthalmos, radiance and others) for the treatment of hypovitaminosis and beriberi in adults, children and pregnancy

Complivit - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and composition of complex vitamins (calcium d3, mama, iron, ophthalmos, radiance and others) for the treatment of hypovitaminosis and beriberi in adults, children and pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Complivit. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Komplivit in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Complyovite analogues in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use to treat hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency in adults, children, as well as in women with pregnancy and lactation.Composition and names of the complex vitamin preparation (calcium d3, mum, iron, radiance, ophthalmos and others).


Complivit - A combined preparation containing a complex of Vitamins and minerals, which are important factors in metabolic diseases.


The vitamin-mineral complex is designed to meet the physiological needs of vitamins and minerals and is balanced against the daily needs. Compatibility of components in 1 tablet is provided with a special production technology for vitamin preparations.


Vitamin A (retinol) - is involved in the formation of visual pigments, is necessary for twilight and color vision: it ensures the integrity of epithelial tissues, regulates the growth of bones.


Vitamin B1 (thiamin) as a coenzyme is involved in carbohydrate metabolism, the functioning of the nervous system.


Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is the most important catalyst in the processes of cellular respiration and visual perception.


Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) as a coenzyme takes part in protein metabolism and the synthesis of neurotransmitters.


Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is involved in the synthesis of nucleotides, is an important factor in normal growth,hemopoiesis and development of epithelial cells: it is necessary for the metabolism of folic acid and myelin synthesis.


Nicotinamide is involved in the processes of tissue respiration and carbohydrate metabolism.


Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) provides collagen synthesis; participates in the formation and maintenance of the structure and function of cartilage, bones, teeth; affects the formation of hemoglobin, the maturation of erythrocytes.


Rutin (rutozide) participates in oxidation-reduction processes, has antioxidant properties, prevents oxidation and promotes the deposition of Ascorbic acid in tissues.


Calcium pantothenate as an integral part of coenzyme A plays an important role in the processes of acetylation and oxidation; contributes to the construction, regeneration of the epithelium and endothelium.


Folic acid takes part in the synthesis of amino acids, nucleotides, nucleic acids; is necessary for normal erythropoiesis.


Lipoic acid is involved in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, has a lipotropic effect, affects cholesterol metabolism, improves liver function.


Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate) has antioxidant properties, supports the stability of red blood cells,prevents hemolysis; has a positive effect on the functions of the sex glands, nervous and muscle tissue.


Iron is involved in erythropoiesis, as a part of hemoglobin it provides oxygen transport to tissues.


Copper prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia and oxygen starvation of organs and tissues, contributes to the prevention of osteoporosis. Increases the strength and elasticity of the vessels, acting on the fibers of connective tissue.


Calcium is necessary for the formation of bone substance, blood coagulation, the process of transmission of nerve impulses, reduction of skeletal and smooth muscles, normal activity of the myocardium.


Cobalt regulates metabolic processes, increases the body's defenses.


Manganese plays an important role in the metabolism, is part of many enzymes, strengthens bone and cartilaginous tissue.


Zinc has immunomodulatory properties, promotes the absorption of vitamin A, regeneration and hair growth.


Magnesium promotes normalization of arterial pressure, stimulates together with calcium the production of calcitonin and parathyroid hormone, prevents deposition of calcium salts in the kidneys.


Phosphorus strengthens bone tissue and teeth, enhances mineralization, is part of ATP - a source of energy cells.



  • prevention and replacement of vitamin and mineral deficiencies (hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency);
  • increased physical and mental loads;
  • period of recovery after long and / or severe diseases, including infectious diseases;
  • in complex treatment for the prescription of antibiotic therapy.


Forms of release


Each form and name of a vitamin preparation is intended for a specific age or sex group and for specific conditions of vitamin deficiency. Most often, a specific form of use lies directly in the name of the drug (Compliwit Iron - contains increased doses of iron, etc.).


Complivit - coated tablets.


Complimentary "Mama" for pregnant and lactating women - coated tablets.


Complivit-Active - tablets, coated with a film membrane.


Complivit Calcium D3 - chewing tablets 500 mg + 200 ME.


Complymium Iron - tablets 525 mg.


Compliwit Selenium - tablets 210 mg.


Complivit Ophthalmo - tablets, coated with a film membrane.


Compliwit Diabetes - tablets coated with a film sheath of 682 mg.


Complicant Radiance - tablets 735 mg.


Instructions for use and dosing regimen


Adults prescribe the drug inside, after eating. For the prevention of hypovitaminosis - 1 tablet once a day. When conditions are accompanied by an increased need for vitamins and minerals - 1 tablet 2 times a day.


The duration of the course is according to the doctor's recommendation.


The repeated course is carried out after 3-5 months, with the dose (depending on the results achieved) can be reduced to 1 tablet per day, and the break is increased to 8-10 months.


Side effect


Allergic reactions are possible with intolerance of the drug components.



  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


special instructions


It is possible to stain urine in a bright yellow color - completely harmless and due to the presence of riboflavin in the preparation.


It is not recommended to use Complyitum concomitantly with other preparations containing vitamins and minerals.


Drug Interactions


The drug contains iron and calcium, so it delays absorption of antibiotics in the intestine from the group of tetracyclines and derivatives of fluoroquinolones.


With the simultaneous use of vitamin C and sulfonamide drugs of short duration, the risk of developing crystalluria increases.


Antacid preparations containing aluminum, magnesium, calcium, as well as colestyramine reduce iron absorption.


With the simultaneous administration of diuretics from the group of thiazides, the likelihood of hypercalcemia increases.


Analogues of the medicinal vitamin Komplit


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • 9 months Vitamin and mineral complex;
  • Additive Multivitamins;
  • Additive Multivitamins with minerals;
  • Berroca;
  • Bio-Max;
  • Wang-e-Day;
  • Vectrum;
  • Wi-Mineral;
  • Wi-Fi;
  • Vidaylin-M;
  • Vitamin 15 Solco;
  • Vitaspectrum;
  • Vitatress;
  • Vitrum;
  • Glutamavit;
  • Jungle;
  • Dr. Theiss Multivitamins;
  • Duovit;
  • Kaltsinov;
  • Complivit Trimester 1 trimester;
  • Complivit trimester 2 trimester;
  • Complivit trimester 3 trimester;
  • Lavita;
  • Magnesium plus;
  • Maxamin forte;
  • Materna;
  • Mega Vita;
  • Megadin Pronatal;
  • Menopace;
  • Multi-Sanostol;
  • Multi-tabs;
  • Multimax;
  • Multiproduct for pregnant women;
  • Multiproduct for children;
  • Multi-product for women;
  • Neurocomplect;
  • Nova vita;
  • Oligovit;
  • Oligogal-Se;
  • Pedivit forte;
  • Pikovit D;
  • Polivit;
  • Pregnavit;
  • Pregnacea;
  • Revaitl Ginseng plus;
  • ReddyVit;
  • Selmevit;
  • Special Merz sweets;
  • Stress formula with iron;
  • Stress formula with zinc;
  • Stresstabs + iron;
  • Stresstabs + zinc;
  • Supradin;
  • Teravit;
  • Three-V-Plus;
  • Triovit;
  • UTSAVIT Multivitamin;
  • Fenyuls;
  • Ferro-vital;
  • Centrum;
  • Elevit Pronatal;
  • Endur-VM;
  • Unicab.

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Reviews (11):
I bought Complivit Radiance to prevent hair loss, which I usually happen in the spring and autumn, took as prescribed on the annotation of 2 tablets a day (according to the program of a strong shortage of vitamins and minerals), for 1 month, during this time in relation to the hair I did not see any significant positive changes, but my nails became stronger and now do not break from the banal burden.
14 years. I bought Complivit Iron, I read that it was only for adults. I do not know whether to drink or not ...
Olga, I would advise to take in the adolescent years of Complitiv Active, and Complivit Iron to give an adult familiar woman, it will be more useful and safer for you.
Complicant began to buy his wife, first joked over her, and then began to see badly in the evening and began to drink a compliment ophthalmo, now I calmly drive in the evening, my vision at dusk was restored. No more desire to joke with his wife.
I endure a warning distributors and / or producers of the Complement for advertising in the Directory under the guise of reviews of ordinary visitors. In the case of a repeat of the story in the future will be a punishment in the form of inclusion of the drug in the black list of drugs and moderation for it will be significantly tightened. Many pharmacists already know that my warnings are not an empty phrase. I advise you not to spoil your karma with your drug.
It's also tough on business. Is it advisable to take vitamins daily, like just in case. Especially with malnutrition?
ArtemIf the food is unbalanced, then the purpose of vitamins is justified.Also, the intake of vitamins is justified for special categories of people who need them (pregnant women, athletes, etc.). After severe illness, it is acceptable to take multivitamin preparations. If the diet is rational, varied, there is no evidence of vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis, the intake of vitamins is irrational and can either give nothing to a specific patient or harm in case of an overdose of fat-soluble vitamins (A, E and the like).
Thank you. Information is mass, and specifics are few in the Internet.
Is it possible for a pit to be complimented by radiance, to green tea for weight loss?
Makselinm, Understood nothing. Compliments Radiance and green tea for weight loss? Then you need to look at the composition of your tea for weight loss and whether it contains vitamins, which are contained in the compliment, so as not to overdose, as well as other unnecessary chemistry that can interact with the components of Komplivit.Incidentally, the composition of the latter and so contains the extract of green tea, so I do not see any additional meaning for tea.
I somehow drank. Not the worst thing, there are really a lot of vitamins different in it.

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