Ferrum Lek - instructions for use, analogs, testimonials and release forms (syrup or drops, 100 mg chewable tablets, injections for injection) drugs for the treatment of anemia and iron deficiency in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

Ferrum Lek - instructions for use, analogs, testimonials and release forms (syrup or drops, 100 mg chewable tablets, injections for injection) drugs for the treatment of anemia and iron deficiency in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Ferrum Lek. Comments from visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors specialists on the use of Ferrum Lek in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Ferrum Lek with available structural analogues.Use to treat anemia and iron deficiency in adults, children (including infants), as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the preparation.


Ferrum Lek - anti-anemic drug. In the preparation of Ferrum Lek, iron is in the form of a complex iron compound (3) hydroxide polymaltozate.


The molecular mass of the complex is so great (about 50 kDa) that its diffusion through the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract is 40 times slower than the diffusion of bivalent iron. The complex is stable and under physiological conditions does not release iron ions. The iron of multinuclear active zones of the complex is connected in a structure similar to the structure of a natural iron-ferritin compound. Due to this similarity, the iron of this complex is absorbed only by active absorption. Iron-binding proteins located on the surface of the intestinal epithelium absorb iron (3) from the complex through competitive ligand exchange. Absorbed iron is mainly deposited in the liver where it binds to ferritin. Later in the bone marrow it is included in the hemoglobin. The iron complex (3) hydroxyl polymaltozate does not possess the prooxidant properties inherent in iron salts (2).




Iron (3) hydroxide polymaltosate + auxiliary substances.




The absorption of iron, measured by hemoglobin level in erythrocytes, is inversely proportional to the dose taken (the higher the dose, the lower the absorption). There is a statistically negative correlation between the degree of iron deficiency and the amount of absorbed iron (the greater the iron deficiency, the better the absorption). Most iron is absorbed in the duodenum and jejunum. The remaining (unabsorbed) iron is excreted with feces. His excretion with exfoliating cells of the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract and skin, as well as with sweat, bile and urine, is approximately 1 mg of iron per day. In women during menstruation, there is an additional loss of iron, which must be taken into account.


After intramuscular injection of iron quickly enters the bloodstream: 15% of the dose - after 15 minutes, 44% of the dose - after 30 minutes.



  • treatment of latent iron deficiency;
  • treatment of iron deficiency anemia;
  • prevention of iron deficiency in pregnancy;
  • Conditions in which the treatment with iron for oral administration is ineffective or unrealizable (for the injection form).


Forms of release


Syrup (sometimes mistakenly called drops).


Tablets chewing 100 mg.


Solution for intramuscular injection (injections in ampoules for injection).


Instructions for use and reception scheme


Syrup and tablets


The drug is recommended to be taken during or immediately after a meal. Chewable tablets can be chewed or swallowed whole. The daily dose can be divided into several receptions or taken for 1 time.


Doses and duration of treatment depend on the degree of iron deficiency.


The syrup can be mixed with fruit or vegetable juices or added to baby food. The measuring spoon enclosed in the packaging is used to accurately dispense the syrup.


With iron deficiency anemia, the duration of treatment is about 3-5 months. After normalizing the level of hemoglobin should continue taking the drug for several more weeks to replenish the iron stores in the body.


Children under the age of 1 year are prescribed 2.5-5 ml (1 / 2-1 measuring spoon) of syrup per day.


Children aged 1 to 12 years - 5-10 ml (1-2 measuring spoons) of syrup per day.


Children over 12 years of age, adults and mothers who breastfeed - 1-3 tablets of chewing or 10-30 ml (2-6 measuring spoons) of syrup per day.


Pregnant women are prescribed 2-3 tablets of chewing or 20-30 ml (4-6 measuring spoons) of syrup until the hemoglobin level is normalized. After this, you should continue to take 1 tablet of chewing or 10 ml (2 measuring spoons) of syrup per day, at least until the end of pregnancy to replenish the iron stores in the body.


With latent iron deficiency, the duration of treatment is about 1-2 months.


Children aged 1 to 12 years - 2.5-5 ml (1 / 2-1 measuring spoon) syrup per day.


Children over 12 years, adults and mothers who breastfeed - 1 tablet chewing or 5-10 ml (1-2 measuring spoons) syrup per day.


Pregnant women are prescribed 1 tablet of chewing or 5-10 ml (1-2 measuring spoons) of syrup per day.




The drug in the form of a solution can be administered only intramuscularly. Intravenous administration of the drug is not allowed!


Before the introduction of the first therapeutic dose, each patient should be given a test dose of 1 / 4-1 / 2 ampoules (25-50 mg iron) for an adult and 1/2 day dose for children. In the absence of adverse reactions within 15 minutes after administration, the remainder of the initial daily dose is administered.


The doses of the drug Ferrum Lek are selected individually according to the total iron deficiency calculated according to the following formula:


Total iron deficiency (mg) = body weight (kg) × (calculated Hb (g / l) - detected Hb (g / l)) × 0.24 + deposited iron (mg).


With a body weight of up to 35 kg: a calculated level of Hb = 130 g / l, deposited iron = 15 mg / kg of body weight.


With a body weight of more than 35 kg: the calculated level of Hb = 150 g / l, deposited iron = 500 mg.


Factor 0.24 = 0.0034 × 0.07 × 1000 (iron content in Hb = 0.34%, total blood volume = 7% of body weight, factor 1000 - transfer from g to mg).


Calculation of the total dosage for iron compensation due to blood loss


With a known amount of lost blood, the introduction of 200 mg of iron (2 ampoules) leads to an increase in hemoglobin equivalent to 1 blood unit (400 ml with a hemoglobin content of 150 g / l).


The amount of iron that needs to be refunded (mg) = the number of lost blood units x 200 or the required number of ampoules = the number of blood units lost x 2.


At a known final level of hemoglobin, the above formula is used, given that the deposited iron is not required to be replenished.


The amount of iron to be reimbursed (mg) = body weight (kg) × (calculated Hb (g / l) - detected Hb (g / l)) x 0.24


Conventional doses of Ferrum Lek


Adults and elderly patients are prescribed 100-200 mg (1-2 ampoules), depending on the level of hemoglobin; Children - 3 mg / kg per day (0.06 ml / kg body weight per day).


The maximum daily intake for adults is 200 mg (2 ampoules); for children - 7 mg / kg per day (0.14 ml / kg of body weight per day).


Rules of drug administration


The drug is injected intramuscularly alternately into the right and left buttocks.


In order to reduce pain and avoid dyeing of the skin, the following rules should be observed:


the drug should be injected into the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks, using a needle 5-6 cm long;

before injection after disinfection of the skin, the subcutaneous tissues should be moved down by 2 cm to prevent subsequent outflow of the preparation;

after administration of the drug, subcutaneous tissue should be released, and the injection site should be pressed and held in this position for 1 minute.


Before applying the solution for the / m injections of the ampoule should be carefully examined. Use only ampoules containing a homogeneous solution without sediment. A solution for intravenous injections should be used immediately after opening the ampoule.


Side effect

  • feeling of heaviness;
  • feeling of overflow and pressure in the epigastric region;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • staining of stool in dark color (black stool) is noted, which is caused by excretion of unsweetened iron and has no clinical significance.



  • excess iron in the body (eg, hemochromatosis);
  • impairment of iron utilization (eg, anemia caused by lead intoxication, sidero-achestic anemia);
  • anemia not related to iron deficiency (eg, hemolytic anemia, megaloblastic anemia caused by a lack of cyanocobalamin);
  • Osler-Randu-Weber syndrome;
  • infectious diseases of the kidneys in acute stage;
  • uncontrolled hyperparathyroidism;
  • decompensated cirrhosis of the liver;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • 1 trimester of pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


During controlled trials, when the drug was used in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, there was no adverse effect on the mother or fetus. There was no adverse effect on the fetus when using the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy.


Use in children


Possible use according to the indications and in doses that take into account the age of the patient. Children under the age of 12 years, in connection with the need to prescribe the drug in low doses, preferably in the form of a syrup.


special instructions


Tablets chewing and syrup do not cause tooth enamel staining.


The drug in the injectable form should be used only in a hospital.


When appointing Ferrum Lek patients with diabetes should take into account that 1 tablet chewing and 1 ml of syrup contains 0.04 XE.


In cases of anemia caused by an infectious or malignant disease, iron accumulates in the reticulo-endothelial system, from which it is mobilized and utilized only after the cure of the underlying disease.


The drug does not affect the results of fecal occult blood tests (selectively for hemoglobin).


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


Does not affect the ability to concentrate.


Drug Interactions


Ferrum Lek for intramuscular injections should not be used concomitantly with iron preparations for oral administration.


Simultaneous application of the preparation of Ferrum Lek with ACE inhibitors can cause an increase in the systemic effects of parenteral iron preparations.


Analogues of the drug Ferrum Lek


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Iron polymaltose;
  • Maltofer;
  • Fenyuls Complex;
  • Ferri.


Analogues for the pharmacological group (remedies for the treatment of iron deficiency):

  • Aktiferrin compositum;
  • Aloe syrup with iron;
  • Biovital elixir;
  • Biofer;
  • Venofer;
  • Vitrum Superstress;
  • Vitrum Cirkus;
  • Hemofer;
  • Gino Tardiferon;
  • Likferr 100;
  • Maltofer;
  • Maltofer Foul;
  • Multi Tabs Active;
  • Pikovit Complex;
  • Sorbifer Durules;
  • Special Merz sweets;
  • Stress formula with iron;
  • Supradin Kids Junior;
  • Tardiferon;
  • Totem;
  • Ferlatum;
  • Ferretab Comp .;
  • Ferrinate;
  • Ferro Folgamma;
  • Ferrograduum;
  • Ferronal;
  • Ferrum Lek;
  • Heferol;
  • Enfamil with iron.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (29):
My little daughter was diagnosed with iron deficiency in the body. The pediatrician appointed the drug Ferrum Lek. A convenient form of medicine is syrup, ideal for taking pimples. In day it was necessary to give to the child 1-2 tea spoons during or after a meal. I tried this syrup myself and it turned out to be soooo sweet, sugary.Therefore, we took it exclusively at meal time, so that unpleasant sensations could be seized. My daughter drank without pleasure, but she did not protest much either. They drank a one-month course, passed a second analysis. Fortunately, hemoglobin rose to the required level, and it was not necessary to drink more of Ferrum Lek. Side effects are not noticed, no diarrhea, no vomiting. Pleasant price. In general, the drug, apparently, is not bad, but it tastes very much for an amateur.
Be careful when applying. After a week of the course of this drug intramuscularly, I got an anaphylactic shock, a fast one arrived on time.
I personally am afraid to give the drug to the baby, we are only 3 months old. Suddenly, it will not do.
ElinaChildren are not so easily prescribed iron. Hence, there were reasons for the doctor. If something goes wrong, you can always cancel Ferrum Lek.
Elina, if you are so afraid of giving a child, then drink the iron yourself, she will be given with milk. I did that.
A good drug. Although it is now expensive, but raised hemoglobin by 20 units from 100 to 120, which is already good for a woman (as our therapist said). Observed at the reception of iron dairy-free diet, because the milk binds iron and does not allow it to be absorbed in the stomach.
My friend, she was pregnant, was assigned a serum lek intramuscularly, and the nurse made intravenously with glucose. Then I found out that you can not do it intravenously. What will happen now, not scary?
TatyanaIf nothing happened immediately, it probably will not. Although confusing intravenous injection with intramuscular - this is a talent, because Ferrum Lek is not produced in intravenous injections.
Can I breastfeed when the baby is drinking Ferrum?
JeanneIt is permissible, only feed the child not immediately after taking the drug Ferrum Lek, and after a while, preferably at least an hour after taking the medicine, then the milk will not block the iron and it will be properly absorbed by the baby's body.Another option was suggested in the comments, when the nursing mother accepts iron preparations and this element is indirectly absorbed by the baby through the intake of breast milk, however, then it is impossible to accurately calculate the amount of iron taken.
And constipations happen? Have appointed one and a half year old child, he already had constipation, now he also has iron to drink ...
GalyaThe side effects of the drug Ferrum Lek have indications for constipation and diarrhea as a result of using this drug in patients. There is an equal probability of both the appearance of these side effects and the fact that everything will pass without consequences.
At me the feces became black in 1 day after acceptance, it is norm or rate? And at me the hemoglobin makes 70 units whether prevents a low hemoglobin to conception?
Aigerim, Black feces with the use of iron preparations, including the drug Ferrum Lek, is the norm.Low hemoglobin for men is not an obstacle to conception, unless it is a symptom of more formidable diseases. For women, it may well be an obstacle in the conception and bearing of a child. Therefore, before taking iron preparations, it is necessary to establish the cause of low hemoglobin level of the blood and only then to treat it. Although primarily usually prescribed iron, vitamin B12 and after look at the dynamics, in principle such a trial treatment is also acceptable at the initial stage.
Hello, dear admin! Tell me, please, if possible. Male, 75. With hemoglobin 100, serum iron is 19. Assigned ferrum lek 2 tablets per day. How much it is necessary to drink iron at normal, as we were told after the analysis, the level of iron in the blood? Will there be some undesirable consequences from this? Thank you very much in advance.
Natalia 08042015, According to experience, doctors for some reason always prescribe iron for anemia, even when the serum iron level in the patient is normal.I do not know why they do it. But I have not observed any cases of adjusting the hemoglobin level from such therapy.
Tell me, please, and pills Ferrum Lek and injections can be simultaneously applied?
Ruzanna, Something one (tablets or injections) will be enough.
Hello. Can you please tell the baby a month and a half, greatly reduced hemoglobin, discharged Maltofer, Akvadetrim, Ferrum Lek for intramuscular injection, the ampoule floor must be stabbed. Read reviews. To the little one of a month and a half I'm afraid.
feniks-sveta, Maltofer and Ferrum Lek are identical in composition preparations, together they should not have been prescribed, unless hemoglobin did not fall below the critical markers (the parameters in the question are not indicated). I would consult with another doctor about the reasonableness of such a neighborhood, given the age of the child.It may be worthwhile to conduct a survey to determine the causes of low hemoglobin content and contact a hematologist.
Tell me, please, whether it is possible to apply Ferrum Lek in ampoules 2-3 weeks before the planned IVF? Earlier I was treated with this medicine, it helped me a lot, hemoglobin lasted more than a year. Now dropped to 120, next month we plan Eco, I want to be safe.
IraniaTo prepare for IVF, iron preparation Ferrum Lek should not adversely affect. The doctor-reproductologist should know about a deviation or rejection in your analyzes. Before the procedure, I would try to establish the cause of the decrease in hemoglobin, given that this was not the first time. Sometimes, by pulling one thread, you can untie many health problems, including the possibility of natural fertilization.
Tell me please.A man, 75 years old, stenocardia and anemia. Before taking Totem, the iron level was 3.3 μmol / l, after the Totem's course, iron was 6.7. Do you think it makes sense to talk with your doctor about the possibility of taking Ferrum lek in tablets, in combination with folic acid?
Natalia 08042015There is a reason to stay on the Totem drug, and not try to experiment on a living person. In severe cases, you can not look at the mediotherapy courses of taking these or other drugs. Especially in the Totem of folic acid is not contained, but only iron, manganese and copper. Therefore, I can not trace the logic to the preparation of Ferrum Lek.
Understood. Hence, it is worth talking about the repetition of the course of Totem. Concerned about the current level of iron is 6.7; normal in the pope (with good health) 19.3. The theme of folic "surfaced" because of the low digestibility of iron, in our case.
Natalia 08042015, From my experience.Folic acid is theoretically possible and gives an improvement in digestibility, but if the body does not perceive iron well, vitamins will not accelerate the entry of this element into the blood. Here, milk really slows down absorption, and vitamins do not give a tangible effect.
Hello. Can you please tell me whether you need to divide into two doses of a daily dose of syrup Ferrum Lek? The instructions everywhere write a daily dose of syrup and do not write how many times a day to take children from 1-12 years. Thank you.
Yuki, One measuring spoon of the drug Ferrum Lek (goes along with the syrup) for one reception. If a day is prescribed one spoon, then take it once a day, if two measuring spoons, then twice a day. If the child does not tolerate a two-time dose of the drug - it is permissible to take the whole dose at a time. Usually two measuring spoons of a medicine prescribe at serious forms of an iron deficiency anemia.
After the 8th injection of Ferum Lek, my hands swelled and large pimples appeared, some with blood under the skin.

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