Diclofenac - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, injections, candles, ointment, gel and eye drops) drugs for the treatment of inflammation and pain in adults, children and pregnancy

Diclofenac - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, injections, candles, ointment, gel and eye drops) drugs for the treatment of inflammation and pain in adults, children and pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Diclofenac. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Diclofenac in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Diclofenac in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use to treat inflammatory diseases of various organs and pain syndrome in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Diclofenac - has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, analgesic and antipyretic effect. Indiscriminately inhibiting cyclooxygenase 1 and 2, disrupts the metabolism of arachidonic acid, reduces the amount of prostaglandins in the inflammatory focus. In rheumatic diseases, the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of diclofenac significantly reduces the severity of pain, morning stiffness, swelling of the joints, which improves the functional state of the joint. In injuries, in the postoperative period, diclofenac reduces pain and inflammatory edema. Like all NSAIDs, the drug has anti-aggregative activity. With topical application reduces swelling and pain in inflammatory processes of non-infectious etiology.




Absorption - fast and complete, the food slows the absorption rate for 1-4 hours. Changes in the pharmacokinetics of diclofenac against the background of repeated administration are not noted, diclofenac does not accumulate. 65% of the administered dose is excreted as metabolites by the kidneys; less than 1% is unchanged, the rest of the dose is excreted as metabolites with bile.



  • Inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including rheumatoid, psoriatic, juvenile chronic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease), arthrosis, gouty arthritis, bursitis, tendovaginitis. The drug is intended for symptomatic therapy, reducing pain and inflammation at the time of use, the progression of the disease is not affected.
  • Pain syndrome: headache (including migraine) and toothache, lumbago, sciatica, ossalgia, neuralgia, myalgia, arthralgia, radiculitis, with oncological diseases, post-traumatic and postoperative pain syndrome, accompanied by inflammation.
  • Algodismenorea: inflammatory processes in the small pelvis, including adnexitis.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT - organs with severe pain syndrome (as part of complex therapy): pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis media.
  • Locally - injuries to the tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints (for pain and inflammation removal during stretching, dislocations, bruises), localized forms of soft tissue rheumatism (pain and inflammation elimination).
  • In ophthalmology - non-infectious conjunctivitis, post-traumatic inflammation after penetrating and non-penetrating injuries of the eyeball,pain syndrome with the use of excimer laser, during the operation of removal and implantation of the lens (pre- and postoperative prophylaxis of miosis, cystoid edema of the optic nerve).


Forms of release


The tablets covered with a cover, soluble in an intestine (25 mg, 50 mg, prolonged 100 mg).


Candles 50 mg and 100 mg.


In ampoules, injections a solution for intramuscular injection of 25 mg / ml.


Ointment for external use 1%, 2%.


Gel for external use 1%, 5%.


Eye drops 0.1%.


Instructions for use and dosage


The dosage regimen is set individually, taking into account the indications and severity of the condition. Inside, in / m, in / in, rectally, topically (skin, instillation in the conjunctival sac). The maximum single dose is 100 mg.


Inside: adults - 75-150 mg / day in several doses; retard-forms - once a day (if necessary - up to 200 mg / day). When the clinical effect is achieved, the dose is reduced to a minimum maintenance dose. Children aged 6 years and older and adolescents are prescribed only tablets of usual duration of action at the rate of 2 mg / kg / day.


As an initial therapy (for example in the postoperative period, in acute conditions) in / m or / in.In / m - 75 mg / day (in severe cases, 75 mg twice a day with a break of several hours) for 1-5 days. Later on they switch to taking tablets or suppositories.


Rectal: 50 mg 1-2 times a day.


Nakozhno: gently rub into the skin 2-4 gels or ointments 2-4 times a day; After application, wash hands.


Instillation (eye form of the drug, drops): instilled in the conjunctival sac 1 drop 5 times for 3 hours before the operation, immediately after the operation - 1 drop 3 times, then - 1 drop 3-5 times a day for the required for time management; other indications - 1 drop 4-5 times a day.


Side effect

  • sensation of bloating;
  • diarrhea, nausea, constipation, flatulence;
  • peptic ulcer with possible complications (bleeding, perforation);
  • gastrointestinal bleeding without ulcers;
  • vomiting;
  • jaundice;
  • melena, the appearance of blood in the feces;
  • defeat of the esophagus;
  • aphthous stomatitis;
  • necrosis of the liver;
  • cirrhosis;
  • pancreatitis (including with concomitant hepatitis);
  • cholecystopancreatitis;
  • colitis;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • sleep disturbance, drowsiness;
  • depression, irritability;
  • aseptic meningitis (more often in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and other systemic diseases of connective tissue);
  • convulsions;
  • general weakness;
  • noise in ears;
  • a taste disorder;
  • itching;
  • skin rash;
  • alopecia;
  • hives;
  • eczema;
  • toxic dermatitis;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • proteinuria;
  • oliguria;
  • hematuria;
  • Anemia (including hemolytic and aplastic anemia);
  • leukopenia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • eosinophilia;
  • agranulocytosis;
  • cough;
  • bronchospasm;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • anaphylactoid reactions, anaphylactic shock (usually develops rapidly);
  • swelling of the lips and tongue;
  • itching, erythema, rashes, burning with local use.




Hypersensitivity (including other NSAIDs), complete or incomplete combination of bronchial asthma, recurrent nasal polyposis and paranasal sinuses and intolerance to Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) or other NSAIDs (including in anamnesis), erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and 12-finger intestines, active gastrointestinal bleeding, inflammatory bowel disease, severe hepatic and heart failure; period after aortocoronary shunting; severe renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 30 ml / min), progressive kidney disease, active liver disease, confirmed hyperkalemia,Pregnancy (3 trimester), lactation period, children's age (up to 6 years - for tablets covered with enteric-coated 25 mg).


Hereditary lactose intolerance, impaired absorption of glucose-galactose, deficiency of lactase.


Carefully. Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, liver disease in history, hepatic porphyria, chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, a significant decrease in the volume of circulating blood (BCC) (including after extensive surgery), elderly patients (including those receiving diuretics, weakened patients and patients with low body weight), bronchial asthma, simultaneous reception of GCS (including prednisolone), anticoagulants (including warfarin), antiplatelet agents ( clopidogrel), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (including citalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline), coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, dyslipidemia / hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, peripheral arterial disease, smoking, chronic renal failure (CC 30- 60 ml / min), the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection, prolonged use of NSAIDs, alcoholism,severe physical illnesses.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Contraindicated in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. In the first and second trimester of pregnancy should be used according to strict indications and in the lowest dosage.


Diclofenac penetrates into breast milk. If it is necessary to prescribe the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued.


special instructions


In patients with hepatic insufficiency (chronic hepatitis, compensated cirrhosis), the kinetics and metabolism do not differ from similar processes in patients with normal liver function. When performing long-term therapy, it is necessary to monitor liver function, the picture of peripheral blood, the analysis of feces for latent blood.


During the treatment period, it is possible to reduce the speed of mental and motor reactions, so it is necessary to refrain from driving motor vehicles and practicing other potentially dangerous activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.


Drug Interactions


Increases the concentration in the plasma digoxin, methotrexate, lithium and cyclosporine.


Reduces the effect of diuretics, against the background of potassium-sparing diuretics increases the risk of hyperkalemia; against the background of anticoagulants, thrombolytic agents (alteplase, streptokinase, urokinase) - the risk of bleeding (more often from the gastrointestinal tract).


Reduces the effects of hypotensive and hypnotics.


Increases the likelihood of side effects of other NSAIDs and glucocorticosteroids (bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract), toxicity of Methotrexate and nephrotoxicity of cyclosporine.


Acetylsalicylic acid reduces the concentration of diclofenac in the blood. Simultaneous use with Paracetamol increases the risk of developing nephrotoxic effects of diclofenac.


Reduces the effect of hypoglycemic agents.


Cefamandol, cefoperazone, cefotetan, valproic acid and plikamycin increase the incidence of hypoprothrombinemia.


Cyclosporine and gold preparations increase the effect of diclofenac on the synthesis of prostaglandins in the kidneys, which increases nephrotoxicity.


Simultaneous use with ethanol (alcohol), colchicine, corticotropin and preparations of St. John's wort increases the risk of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.


Diclofenac enhances the effect of drugs that cause photosensitivity.Drugs that block tubular secretion, increase the concentration in the plasma of diclofenac, thereby increasing its toxicity.


Antibacterial drugs from the quinolone group - the risk of seizures.


Analogues of the drug Diclofenac


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Artrex;
  • Beliefed;
  • Voltaren;
  • Voltaren Emulgel;
  • Diklak;
  • Diklobene;
  • Dicluberl;
  • Diqlovit;
  • Diklogen;
  • Diclomax;
  • Diclomelan;
  • Diclonac;
  • Diclonate;
  • Dicloran;
  • Diclorium;
  • Diclofen;
  • Diclofenac of potassium;
  • Diclofenac sodium;
  • Diclofenac Sandoz;
  • Diclofenac-AKOS;
  • Diclofenac-Acry;
  • Diclofenac-ratopharm;
  • Diclofenac Long;
  • Diclofenacol;
  • Diphene;
  • Dorosan;
  • Naklof;
  • Naklofen;
  • Naklofen Duo;
  • Sodium diclofenac;
  • Orthophene;
  • Orthofer;
  • Orthoflex;
  • Rapten Duo;
  • Rapent Rapid;
  • Revmavek;
  • Redwood retard;
  • Remetan;
  • Sanfinak;
  • SwissSet;
  • Feloran;
  • Flotac.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (76):
I use candles diclofenac for struggle against pains at monthly. Earlier that only did not try and but-shpu and baralgin - a zero effect, and then has tried or tasted diklo in suppositories and began to live without pains at affairs. One drawback is the rectal use, and I do not have any more flaws.
My husband after one in - muscular injection of diclofenac formed a terrible necrosis. The drug was the company SYNTHESIS in the city of Kurgan. Treatment is carried out soon 2 months. Special improvements are not present. Than correctly to treat this terrible necrosis.
NELLY, the situation is certainly unpleasant, but it is unclear what necrosis has developed in your husband? In any case, such serious things on the Internet you can not cure if the superficial tissues were necrotic due to the reaction to the drug (or its substandard analogue, which in our conditions is quite possible), then the treatment will be long and surgical, just like necrosis of the internal organs, for example, the liver.

To advise in that case, moreover and not on the therapeutic profile, I will not. I will not help myself, but I can do much harm.
Thank you very much for your understanding. But how can we prove that in the ampoule was not Deklofenac, we do not know. They applied to the laboratory of ROSNNADZOR for medicines in the city of Kurgan. But we were refused there. They said that Moscow does not permit such analyzes. And his necrosis is very strong at the injection site. Sorry that I do not write very clearly. But I was already bursting out. Very sorry for her husband. He is very sick. Bye
NellieIf the labs allegedly do not have the right to do the relevant tests, then I would go to the prosecutor's office with a statement. I hope your husband was with this necrosis on the sick leave, if not, and the problem still remains, then forensic examination and examination of this medicine will be scheduled (Diclofenac ampoules should not be thrown away). It is understandable that the laboratory that conducted the research may itself be interested in concealing the facts, since it already knows by the volume of complaints, including from lactated producers.

In any case, the process of slandering unscrupulous producers is long, and when the policy is mixed up (the matchmaker, someone else in the local government has the owner of the only pharmacy in the district), the result even with 100% guilt of dealers is unlikely to be proved. This is our reality.
Zoya Zhestyannikova
And can anyone here answer the question? Several times I bought Diclofenac 100 produced by Hemofarm (reumatoLogica), the tablets smell quite strong with chlorine. I bought in different drugstores, even in different cities and with a big difference in time, I usually took 50 mg of 2 tablets, and I wanted to go to 100 mg, but the smell somehow alarms. Several years ago I already took D100, I do not remember that there was a smell. And can it be normal?
Zoya Zhestyannikova, any medicine has a specific odor. I did not observe the smell of chlorine for Diclofenac, it may all be in a specific manufacturer. You can try to change the medicine from another manufacturer and make a comparison. It is also possible that it seems to you: did not try to give another person a smell, what smell he would feel and compare sensations
Zoya Zhestyannikova
Thanks for the advice, I'll try!
Hello! Respond, please, through how many days after last application diklofenaka it is possible to renew thoracal feeding ???
Elena, the drug Diclofenac short half-life and as a result, a small amount of active metabolite is formed, so that the resumption of breastfeeding 1-2 days after the end of the drug is completely acceptable. Trace amounts of the drug in breast milk should no longer be.
Three days pricked diclofenac, there were pains to the right of the spine, gave to the buttock and leg, today again pain. The doctor has written out ointment viprosal - any effect What to do or make?
Tatyana, go to the doctor, be examined and treated for problems.
Can you buy Diclofenac for intramuscular use and if not, then you do not know where I could buy it?
OlgaPUnfortunately, I do not give advice on purchasing medicines, and also on prices in specific cities. On the Internet, you can find a lot of pharmacy databases of a specific region (mainly of course large cities), where you can also find out information on the availability of drugs in specific pharmacies in the region.
I have arthrosis, there are such pains that I'm ready to climb onto the wall, I drink diclofenac, it helps me great, but I want to know if it can be used if I am pricked by Mukosat, and then I feel that my knee is starting to hurt again.
effigyOf course, there may be a joint application of Mucosate and Diclofenac. There are no restrictions in the instructions for the joint reception of these funds are not observed.
Inna P.
When the father was suffering from osteochondrosis, he was prescribed to stab arthraldol for the restoration of cartilage of joints and diclofenac for anesthesia.
The main thing I regretted, is that before applying the drug diclofenac, did not read about the huge number of side effects that it causes. My knees hurt for a long time already - gonarthrosis is a rather unpleasant disease. The traumatologist advised me to drink this medication, and already on the second day severe pains in the stomach began. Too late I read that diclofenac thus has a negative effect on health, and can lead to an ulcer. I had to abandon its use. But from pains in joints he nevertheless saved me.
Who knows when numbness of the foot (from pinching the nerve), help diclofenac? The neurologist said that he will help, but I'm afraid of putting it, but what if something dangerous will happen? In the sense of the side effect?
AntonIf the pinching of the nerve is caused by inflammatory changes in the surrounding tissues, then yes, it will help. And the side effects - from this, unfortunately, no one is immune, so it is necessary to exclude conditions in which Diclofenac is contraindicatedand try to poprinimat, in another way to find out whether it suits you or not is impossible.
An analogue was used - a dicloberl. Consequences - necrosis of the gluteus muscle, did the operation.

Added later: An analogue was used - a dicloberl. Consequences - necrosis of the gluteus muscle, did the operation. About the list of prohibited drugs. Dicloberte we used for several years, periodically, there were never any side effects, the injection was done by the same person. And one moment, if I may say so, such a reaction. I just want to warn you - be careful.
Alyona, Individual idiopathic reactions are sometimes very strong, the main thing is not to forget your list of prohibited drugs and talk about it to doctors, as many of these drugs have cross reactions. And necrosis sometimes and from wrong statement of an injection happens.

Added later: Thank you for clarification and details of your situation, Alyona.
Can I drink alcohol on the day of the injection, only in the evening?
Christina, No you can not. Alcohol can be tolerated, but there is no health. With the joint use of Diclofenac with alcohol, the risk of ulceration and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract is great.
How long does it take to treat diclofenac?
Valentine, Looking for what. To get rid of lumbago, 3 ampoules of the drug will be enough. In case of exacerbation of chronic, including articular pain with arthrosis or arthritis, it may take time from a short weekly pulse therapy, up to two weeks of treatment.
I'm sorry, I meant how many days the course can last while treating with pills.
Valentine, I told you that the doctor decides. It can be a short course for a week, extended by two weeks, and someone is more appointed.Everything depends on the disease and the stage of the disease.
Hello. Help me please. My mother has a hernia in her lower back, and occasionally from pains I put her a shot of diclofenac. When the last time I gave her this shot, immediately, as I stuck a needle in her, there was a great pain as never before. After it formed a tightness in the buttock, a hemorrhage. And now, like two weeks of terrible continuous pain from the buttocks to the heels. No painkillers injections or ointments help. In the hospital they say that this necrosis and you need to endure. Please advise something, very sorry for my mother.
galiaYes, it is necessary to suffer, in the hospital the truth was told. Sometimes UHF helps to the abscess area plus antibiotics, if bacterial inflammation has joined, sometimes we do not advise it, depending on the degree of damage.

Diclofenac for injection is itself a reactive drug and long injections are best not to get carried away. For the prevention of this in the future, it is necessary to alternate the buttocks for a shot: today is left, then tomorrow in the right we inject, and so on.alternating. Although it happens and on level ground there. Here the pains from the buttocks to the heels are embarrassing, the nerves, when they pricked not hit, that is, in the lateral (extreme lateral) quadrant, the buttocks did the injection? Have not touched the sciatic nerve?
Good evening. At me an exacerbation of a gout, one tablet of 100 mg a day somehow does not rescue or save from pains, whether it is possible to increase a dose and for how much days?
Valentina, Maximum can be given up to 200 mg per day (2 tablets), but for this it is necessary to justify that we treat in general what is needed, rather than trying to fight with absolutely left diagnosis. Also, the body is already used to Diclofenac and shows a change in the drug. In general, a broad question, there is something to think about rheumatologists, to which I advise you to apply.
Diclofenac candles was prescribed by a gynecologist with an ovarian cyst - 10 days for 1 per night. On the 6th day of the reception, there was a rash on the body, and on the 7th day - nausea and diarrhea, then ceased taking. One cure - the other is crippled.Honored side effects: especially impressed with jaundice, cirrhosis, liver necrosis ... In general cool!
After the first injection in the evening there was a strong diarrhea, chills and insomnia.
Good afternoon, I have pains in the lower abdomen and something starts to press on the anus, already it becomes difficult to sit. Is it possible to use candles D in this case?
12 days ago to me did or made laparo and have removed extrauterine, + have found an endometriosis. Yesterday they did ultrasound, they said pain, most likely not with regard to gynecology, since they do not see anything in the pictures.
Venera, On ultrasound could not see the problems. On gynecology can no longer be a problem, but for surgery quite. Quickly to the surgeon for examination, the pain in the lower abdomen with irradiation into the anus is abnormal and can be dangerous for life and health. Especially considering the fact of a complex operation. No Diclofenac in your situation should be treated independently, first look with the doctors at the appointment for the cause of the pain, and then everything else.
I have a pinched sciatic nerve, the pain is terrible, I drink diclofenac, it helps.
Tell me, please, is it possible to pierce diclofenac, like an ambulance? The fact is that my left arm is being taken away. Every day it gets worse, I can not even hold a spoon. To the neurologist I shall get only in a week (at us with doctors it is very complex or difficult). Thank you.
Olga, Diclofenac will help if there is inflammation in the affected joint, usually it is accompanied by pain. If the hand is taken away more like a neurological or vascular problem. It is possible to assume even a stroke, as the most terrible vascular and neurological complication. I would hurry up and maybe turn to the therapist, usually it's easier to get to this specialist.
The husband has a pain in the lower back, sitting and walking heavily. How many days should I chop Diclofenac? In a box of 10 ampoules. Thank you)
Nika, A minimum of 3 injections, an average of 5. Further, depending on the dynamics and reduction of pain and other unpleasant symptoms of lumbago.
Whether prompt it is possible to make a prick Dikloberl № 75 in a muscle of a leg or foot?
Vetcha, Can. I understand that you want to make yourself an injection of Diclofenac - this is permissible if you own this technique and will follow the rules of aseptic and antiseptic. The truth will be rather painful, like if you inject a similar drug into any muscle.
Many thanks for the advice, I have the technique of injecting.
Irina Nikolaevna Nazarenko
Hello! Two hours after the injection of Diclofenac, the throat swelled. Are such reactions known to this injection? We used to get stabbed, everything was fine.
Can I use Pyracetam and Diclofenac at the same time?
Irina Nikolaevna Nazarenko, Similar to Quincke's edema or other allergic reaction in response to Diclofenac injection. Such at any preparation can be. I would be careful not to use a drug that caused such a side reaction in the future, unless, of course, it is precisely established that the edema occurred precisely because of the action of the drug and there was no stratification of other factors in time (intake of allergenic food, stress factors, etc.). ).

Elena Troshina, Can. According to the instructions and experience negative side effects when used together, mentioned in the question of drugs, should not be.
On the third day of using candles, a terrible diarrhea started, which only doctors could stop ... It was something terrible!
I take suppositories of diclofenac. Has registered the gynecologist from a cyst. On the 3rd day, a terrible diarrhea started. I fell asleep with the entergel. But literally for 4 hours. And the next day, diarrhea awoke me and took me to the toilet for two hours for sure.
Hello.The drug I have been taking for several years, but periodically, with pain, no more than three days in a row. Can diclofenac lead to a decrease in hemoglobin to 70?
AntonidaSo much could hardly lower hemoglobin due to Diclofenac, although anemia is in the side effects of this drug. In any case, it is necessary to be screened for cancer markers, to do colonoscopy and gastroscopy, to donate blood for a lack of vitamin B12. This is only the minimum from which the cycle of anemia surveys begins, because 70 g / l is a low level of hemoglobin, even for a woman.
I suffer from pains of incomprehensible etiology in the joints. Analyzes, examinations all this from the age of 14, biochemistry, to rheumaprobes ... Everything has passed. I still do not know what it is. And the x-ray did at exacerbations, when brushes ached atky. I'm not an amateur at all to drink anything, much less painkillers. I experienced people say that it means not so much it hurts once I do not drink. No, I'm just sorry for the stomach and I'm afraid of getting sick with painkillers. I bought candles diclofenac, I've tried one so far, like nothing so, it works.But I read that a lot of pobochek from him, I do not know. But all the same candles are better than tablets, this is in my opinion. Well, or injections. The only drawback is that the injections are painful (
Pinched nerve. Have registered an ointment and nyxes diclofenac. I experienced all the side effects, I will not wish the enemy. Pain removes almost instantly, but the consequences are horror.
Hello. I am 39 weeks pregnant. At night, a nerve wound between the ribs from a strong cough. Addressed to the neuropathologist, he prescribed ointment diclofenac. Three times during the day, they smeared. The pain has significantly decreased. Then we read that in the third trimester it is contraindicated. Tell me, what consequences can there be? Thank you.
AlyonaProbably not. Ointment Diclofenac is allowed to prescribe to pregnant women as an exception. Probably, this is your case. When applying medicines in the form of ointments, gels or creams, the absorption of the active substance (which is beneficial, but also causes side effects and affects contraindications) is minimal.
I can greatly hurt my father's knees - diclofenac helps.
Has given six years or summer child one tablet of diclofenac 100 mg, what to wait?
Yuna, Norm Diclofenac for children 6 years of age and over 2 mg / kg body weight. Probably a six-year-old child was given an excess of medication, then watch his condition. Pay special attention to the gastrointestinal tract, so that there is no bleeding (dark stools, vomiting blood). I want to believe that everything will be fine and this overdose will pass without consequences. If not, consult a doctor, in case of bleeding, even an ambulance.
Katyamama Alisa
Daughters 3,5 years old, she has arthritis of the joint. Diclofenac was prescribed 12.5 mg 3 times a day. Is it possible to give his child?
Katyamama AlisaDiclofenac tablets are contraindicated for children under the age of 6 years and so far there has been no change in the instructions on this matter. Even if it was a relative contraindication (say, do not preobsledovavli drug among the younger age group),then Diclofenac tablets are covered with an enteric-coated membrane and can not be divided, the minimum dosage of one tablet in this case is 25 mg. I would apply again and maybe to another doctor.
I was convinced that the medications in tablets do not help. Saw diclofenac - no use, drank teraflex - the same. Until she stabbed diclofenac in pricks and did not switch to elbon, there was no sense.
My mother (70 years), long-acting diclofenac drinks - 1 capsule per day - due to pain in the knees and lower back (protrusion, osteochondrosis, spondylolisthesis) here for a month, pain relief is. She tried to stop taking diclofenac, but several days later she had to start drinking again. Tell me please, can both take and Omega? A few months ago she treated an erosive gastritis with Pylobacter.
olga alexandrovnaOf course, your mother shows a simultaneous reception with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (which include Diclofenac) preparations of proton pump blockers (omeprazole,Omez and other trademarks) for the protection of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Especially the gastritis she already has.
A good drug for pain in the back and in the joints. We used pills and injections. But you need to read the instructions!
Wildly the stomach after diclofenac inflames, but except for it or him nothing pains or removes ... I try to put no more than three days, parallel to a cola elbonu and I drink omeprazole. And still, every time, then heartburn and eructation.
And yet, do you drink or not drink diclofenac if your knee hurts? In addition to anesthesia, does inflammation remove?
LyudmilaBased on the Diclofenac group - refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs you can understand that inflammation removes and at the expense of this relieves pain. And whether it is necessary in your specific case - to the attending physician please apply for diagnosis and treatment.
I have arthrosis of the knee joint. After a trip to the sea, it became aggravated. Kolya every other day, arthradol and sometimes take pills diclofenac. It helps, relieves pain, but I'm afraid to take these pills often. After their reception I feel an increase in body weight and sometimes heartburn, a delay in urination. How to be, can they be used in such a reaction?
Tatyana, Diclofenac is best taken with proton pump blockers (omeprazole, omez, etc.), so you protect the gastrointestinal mucosa from destruction and reduce the symptoms of dyspepsia (heartburn, abdominal pain, etc.). And since non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which include Diclofenac, should be taken as minimally as possible until the symptoms of inflammation disappear.

The basic drugs for the treatment of arthrosis are chondroprotectors (Artradol, Arthra, Don, Structum, Teraflex and many others). These drugs take necessary courses for a long time to slow down the destruction of cartilage.
After taking amlodipine, she has arthrosis of joints, diclofenac relieves pain, but I have hypertension, and it increases blood pressure.
Сергей is different
Injury of the sciatic nerve. The first injection was made, alcohol was taken to relieve fear, I wait for the results of side effects.
Valentina Ivanovna
The reviews are good, I will use ointment, I hope to cure the spine after fracture. Thanks for the advice.
Hello. I entered the hospital with a fever and joint pain. Rheumatologist prescribed 4 months of daily injections of diclofenac. Diclofenac can be taken so long?
Tatyana, Diclofenac is permissible to apply for a long period of time, this is a decision on your doctor, based on the severity of the inflammatory process, but you are required to schedule time for periodic consultations and blood tests so as not to miss the development of adverse reactions (from the gastrointestinal tract, pictures blood, etc.), the risk of occurrence of which increases with prolonged administration of this medicine.
Cheslav. Good afternoon. I have oncology: adenocarcinoma 6b Gleason with MTS in the bone of the skeleton 4st. Palliative treatment was prescribed: tramadol 1x5 r / d, carbamazepine 200mg at 1x5 r / d. Sometimes bone pain does not go away from these drugs and such a dose. Desperate pierced himself with diclofenac 75mh5 days. Pain syndrome has passed. I felt well, one injection lasted for a whole day. But taking diclofenac in injections is a limitation - 5 days. Through what interval can I again resort to injections? 3-4 weeks or more? Thanks for the answer.
Cheslav, Diclofenac can be stabbed for a long time, under the supervision of a specialist, with control of blood levels and realizing the possible risk of developing bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. 5 days is the average time the drug is used to achieve a sustained anti-inflammatory effect. In your case, I would recommend contacting your doctor to prescribe adequate analgesia with other drugs than Tramadol, or for approval use of Diclofenac as a permanent aid for your condition.

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