Sextapage - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (liquid polyvalent solution for external use) of the bacteriophage drug for the treatment of purulent infections in adults, children and in pregnancy

Sextapage - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (liquid polyvalent solution for external use) of the bacteriophage drug for the treatment of purulent infections in adults, children and in pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Sextapage. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of specialists in the use of the bacteriophage Sextafag in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Sextapage in the presence of existing structural analogues.Use to treat purulent infections and treatment of wounds in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Sextapage - has the ability to specifically lyse microorganisms (staphylococci, streptococci, pathogenic intestinal and pseudomonas aeruginosa), Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Klebsiella pneumoniae.




Mixture of phagolysate of staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumonia (Piobacteriophage polyvalent) + Auxiliaries.




Prevention and treatment of various forms of diseases and conditions caused by the above pathogens:

  • purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, respiratory tract, lungs and pleura (inflammation of the sinuses of the nose, middle ear, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy);
  • surgical infections (purulent skin lesions, suppuration of wounds, abscess, phlegmon, mastitis, osteomyelitis, peritonitis, burns);
  • urogenital infection (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, colpitis, endometritis, salpingoophoritis);
  • enteral infections (gastroenterocolitis, cholecystitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis);
  • generalized septic states;
  • purulent-septic diseases in newborns and infants (omphalitis, pemphigus, gastroenterocolitis, sepsis);
  • treatment of freshly infected wounds;
  • prevention of nosocomial infections due to epidemiological indications.


Forms of release


Solution for oral, topical and topical use (liquid polyvalent) 20 ml.


Instructions for use and how to use them


Before use, the bacteriophage vial must be shaken and scanned. The drug should be clear and free of sediment.


Attention! In case of turbidity, do not use the drug!


Due to the content of the nutrient medium in which the bacteria can develop from the environment, causing the drug to cloud, it is necessary to observe the following rules when opening the vial:

  • Wash hands thoroughly;
  • treat the cap with an alcohol-containing solution;
  • remove the cap without opening the plug;
  • Do not put the stopper on the inside of the table or other objects;
  • do not leave the vial open;
  • The opened vial should be stored only in the refrigerator.


When using small doses (2-8 drops), the drug should be taken with a sterile syringe in a volume of 0.5-1 ml.


The preparation from the opened bottle under observance of storage conditions, the above rules and absence of turbidity can be used during the whole shelf life.


Treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases with localized lesions should be carried out simultaneously both topically and by taking the drug inside within 7-20 days (according to clinical indications).


Depending on the nature of the source of infection, the bacteriophage is used:


1. Locally in the form of irrigation, lotion and tamponization with liquid phage in an amount up to 200 ml, depending on the size of the affected area. When abscesses, the bacteriophage is injected into the cavity of the focus after removal of the pus by puncture. The amount of the drug administered should be somewhat less than the volume of the removed pus. When osteomyelitis after appropriate surgical treatment, a bacteriophage 10-20 ml is poured into the wound.


2.Introduction into cavity - pleural, articular and other limited cavities up to 100 ml of bacteriophage, after which capillary drainage is left, through which bacteriophage is repeatedly introduced for several days.


3. For cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, the drug is taken orally.In case the cavity of the bladder or renal pelvis is drained, the bacteriophage is injected through the cystostomy or nephrostomy 1-2 times a day for 20-50 ml in the bladder and 5-7 ml in the renal pelvis.


4. With purulent-inflammatory gynecological diseases, the drug is injected into the cavity of the vagina, the uterus in a dose of 5-10 ml daily once.


5. With purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, the drug is administered in a dose of 2-10 ml 1-3 times a day. Bacteriophage is used to rinse, rinse, instill, inject wetted turund (leaving them for 1 hour).


6. With conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis, the drug is injected 2-3 drops 4-5 times a day, with a purulent ulcer of the cornea - 4-5 drops, with purulent iridocyclitis, the drug is used 6-8 drops every 3 hours in combination with oral intake.


7. In the treatment of stomatitis and chronic generalized periodontitis, the drug is used in the form of mouth rinses 3-4 times a day at a dose of 10-20 ml, as well as by insertion into the periodontal pockets of turunds soaked with iobacteriophage for 5-10 minutes.


8. When intestinal forms of the disease, diseases of internal organs, dysbacteriosis bacteriophage is used through the mouth and in the form of enemas for 7-20 days.Through the mouth, the bacteriophage is given 3 times a day on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals. In the form of enemas prescribed 1 time per day instead of one reception through the mouth.


In the event that chemical antiseptics were used before the bacteriophage was used to treat wounds, the wound should be thoroughly washed with a sterile 0.9% solution of sodium chloride.


Use of bacteriophage in children (up to 6 months)


In sepsis, enterocolitis of newborns, including premature babies, the bacteriophage is used in the form of high enemas (through the gas pipe or catheter) 2-3 times a day. In the absence of vomiting and regurgitation, the use of the drug through the mouth is possible. In this case, it is mixed with breast milk. Perhaps a combination of rectal (in enemas) and oral (through the mouth) application of the drug. The course of treatment is 5-15 days. With a recurring course of the disease, repeated courses of treatment are possible. In order to prevent sepsis and enterocolitis with intrauterine infection or the danger of nosocomial infection in newborns, the bacteriophage is used as an enema 2 times a day for 5-7 days.


In the treatment of omphalitis, pyoderma, infectedwounds the drug is applied in the form of applications daily twice (the gauze wipe is moistened with a bacteriophage and applied to the umbilical wound or to the affected area of ​​the skin).


Side effect


There have been no reactions to the administration of Sextapage.



  • individual intolerance of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


It is advisable to use the drug during pregnancy and during breastfeeding in the presence of infections caused by phagosensitive strains of bacteria (on the recommendation of a doctor).


Use in children


It is possible to use the drug in children according to age-related dosages.


special instructions


Opening of vials and ampoules, the procedure for the introduction of a polyquatic Sextapage is carried out with strict adherence to the rules of antiseptics. Before use, the vials and ampoules are shaken and scanned - the preparation should be clear and free of sediment. If the drug is clouded or the integrity of the package is not affected, it is not used. Storage of the drug after opening the vial or ampoule is not allowed.


Drug Interactions


The use of Sextapage does not exclude the use of other antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.


Analogues of the drug Sextapage


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Piobacteriophage complex liquid;
  • Piobacteriophage polyvalent purified;
  • Piopolyphage;
  • Sextapage (Piobacteriophage polyvalent liquid).

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (68):
Sextapage is a rather expensive medicine. But in the package there are four ampoules and you can buy the right amount of ampoules without overpaying extra money. In my case, I had two ampoules. Effective against many pathogens. We used it against pneumococci. Within a month it was necessary to drip 2-3 drops into the nose and the pharynx. We treated the child. To drip it was necessary 3 times a day. Have transferred the Sexafag well. It can and is swallowed. There is no unpleasant aftertaste.After using Sexafage 10 minutes, we did not drink anything and not if the drug acted. We managed with pneumococci. I trust this medicine, since it is recommended even for infants.
Piobacteriophage complex liquid is not cheap lek.sredstvo! But very very effective - CHECKED !!! Treated a child of angina (and twice fell with angina in infectious diseases with a difference of 3 days), for the second time the temperature almost 40 could not bring down 4 days, then they advised us to buy this medicine, burying the child in the nose by a droplet and yawning 2 cubes in a syringe , so on the second day she pus just cough and spit out and the temperature recovered. Very satisfied! Now we always have it in the presence of a house, so to speak. It also works well for conjunctivitis and all purulent parashi. I trust this drug and advise everyone very much.
Production of the drug Sextafag in late 2013 was upgraded to the new requirements of GMP. That is, now the drug is produced according to world quality standards, and not only regional Russian, as it was before.
The son (3 years) had been ill for 2 weeks, was treated, and passed the tests. According to the analysis showed - streptococci and recently transferred mononucleosis in a latent form. The otolaryngologist of an antibiotic (supraks - a course of 10 days) has appointed us, and after treatment - a sextapage (on 10мл 2р / д). Diluted sweet compote and the taste of the nasty was not felt. On the first day of taking the sextapage, the stool became diluted, the stomach twisted. Immediately I will say that this is not because of food, and no other drugs have been drunk. She gave a smekt, it became easier, but the diarrhea did not go away, because in the evening they drank a sextapage again. On the 2nd day, it also started nauseating, but again I repeat - not because of food, tk. he did not eat at all! In the evening, persuaded to eat at least a cookie (second reception of a sextapage), he vomited after this reception! Has given motilium, again vomited! Everything, I will not poison the child any more, drink it yourself! And it is necessary to write down in side effects - Vomiting, vomiting, diarrhea! Next I will not experiment, maybe something else.
Elena, you eradicated for 10 days suprax all the beneficial microflora of the intestine to your child, it would be necessary to treat without antibiotics immediately with a sixth and without dilutions. He is not disgusting - like a tear to taste.We treated both angina and sinusitis with only a sextapage - everything went away! On the way, even the intestines were cleaned of any rubbish))). You just poisoned your son with an antibiotic, unfortunately ((((... Do not sin on what saves people ....
The doctor has appointed or nominated for strengthening of immunity (after my immunogram) a sextafag + likopid too for immunity since my throat often hurts. On the fifth day of administration, the throat, the runny nose is still all the same, they have not raised any immunity. Likopid drank earlier, but in a smaller dose, the dermatologist from a psoriasis appointed or nominated, too most on zeros. But it's still nothing, that year for immunity Viferon was prescribed so on the 7th day of taking the temperature under 40 and a wild pain in the throat. Probably, until you can not better not drink anything, let the body work.
The child was diagnosed with rhinitis and staphylococcus rose in the analysis in passive growth .. lor prescribed to drip into the nose a sextapage 10 days. Now the 6th day and improvements are noticeable! The baby stopped sniffing, acne and redness around the nose went, I hope further - better.
My child is almost 2 years old, a sextapage was prescribed to us by an immunologist, according to the smear tests the child was found with bacteria in the nose and throat. There was not even a month yet so my son would not get sick. And everything begins with wheezing in the nasopharynx, then a runny nose, and then the temperature, etc. We take today the first day of 1 ml in each nasal passage and 1 ml through a syringe irrigate the neck and so 3 times a day. Esteemed the reviews are very good, God help us to help.
We were assigned a 1-meter-old sextapic in the mouth and 0.5 in each nostril, today was the third day of the reception, when the nose dripped, my daughter screamed and grabbed her head, she said that her head ached very badly ... I even do not know what to think .. .
Tatyana, Talk calmly with the child that the drug is needed not to go to the doctor or something else, so as not to get sick and for which you need the reception of Sextapage. The drug is not dangerous and is more visible in your situation, the child's accentuation on himself and problems in the psychological plan, rather than a side effect.
The taste of the medicine is similar to that of aspen bark, only less bitter. Has started to accept with today, later I will write off as state of health.
We take the 4 day drug from angina 5ml 3 times a day and we lubricate the throat, there are no improvements so far (((Tempura still holds 39. I do not even know if you do not want to drink antibiotics, a month ago the angina was (((In full they were drunk and Here again (((
tata, Angina needs to be treated with antibiotics, nothing can be done about it, all the rest is ancillary therapy.
The therapist prescribed treatment for a sextapage during pregnancy at week 39, it helped, my throat and runny nose ached terribly, diagnosed tracheobronchitis. The drug is very good, and advised in the future it. Now I am a nursing mother and again my husband has infected me, I hope a sixth fan will quickly put me on my feet.
Oleg Sokolov
At me a genyantritis. Usually in the autumn there is an exacerbation.Last year I ordered and bought a sextapage. Filled in the nose. Not immediately, but breathing normalized. By the summer, the attack had receded, but now it resumed. In the right frontal lobe at times, slight pain and a feeling of increased pressure. Again I ordered a sextapage, but its effect absolutely does not affect either the rhinitis or the sinusitis.
I was prescribed a bacteriophage by a gynecologist for cystitis and normalization of the flora, after treatment with antibiotics. An hour after taking 20 ml, my tonsils became sick, and angina began, with pain in my head, nose, and ears. The doctor said to take further, here I drink, the temperature is 37.5. I hope that the treatment is right ...
OlgaMost likely, angina and taking Sextafag is a coincidence. Infection you picked up somewhere else (maybe during a hike to the doctor).
We take from staphylococcus in the nasal cavity in a child 3 years old 5th day. While the effect is zero. I hope the treatment is correct. It hurts good reviews about this drug.
Svetlana Donici
Write how much is a sextapage, I'm abroad and am looking for a way to find.
Svetlana Donici, Consultations on the prices and availability of the drug Sextafag (like any other) in pharmacies, especially abroad do not provide. Approximately in Moscow it costs from 800 to 1000 rubles per packing. Ask in the help pharmacy network of the territory where you live its availability and prices.
My son was 4 years old when we were treated with a sextapage. He had a staphylococcus from his nose. 10 days were treated, pouring in the nose. After that, we checked everything is normal.
I have a husband in the skin purulent wounds on his shoulders. He drank a sextapage 3-4 years ago. Has passed. Now the sores started to go away, we check the stuff. Doctors say no need to feed. It seems to be possible. Or at it or him at once a diarrhea begins because of it do not advise. But for almost a month, other drugs do not help. I do not know what dose to give him. Who knows how to drink advise?
Anna X
We treated a sextapage adenoiditis in a little boy over 2 years old.Have addressed to loru in occasion of a periodic rhinitis within last 2 months (from September till November). The rhinitis stopped for 2-4 days, it was worth to bathe the child or take a walk in windy weather, and the subfebrile temperature again flowed from the spout and popped out. ENT skaz, which we have on the back wall due to adenoids, prescribed 10 days to drip the sextapage. Has helped or assisted already for 2 day. And now, when someone in the family is ill, I bury the child for prophylaxis. Good medicine! I buried it for myself - there is a burning sensation for a couple of minutes, maybe that's why the children do not really "like" this drug.
Nasiba, Orally (through the mouth) the drug Sextapage can be used. Take it 3 times a day on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals. Dosage for an adult patient for 1 intake is 20-30 ml, depending on the severity and prevalence of the infectious process. So, it is necessary to consult a doctor in person for consultations to determine the need and the specific dose of the bacteriophage to be taken.
My daughter had a loose stool with mucus from a month old,in sowing the amount of Klebsiella is slightly exceeded, and the rest is normal. Treated antibiotic, sorbents, acipol two weeks and no sense. I decided to try a sextapage in 2 courses. By the end of the first course, the stool had become more fluid, but the mucus completely disappeared. Here finish the second course and I hope this problem will not return to us. Has transferred or carried well, the child drank it or him without problems. The only side effect is a small rash on the breast, which quickly passed after lifting.
Oh well
With care, give babies. You need constant monitoring of an attentive doctor.
To us the doctor has appointed or nominated 3 times a day on 6 ml on the second day there were red cheeks without temperature, the doctor has told or said it normally, it is necessary to treat. With this treatment for 7 days. On the 4th day, the temperature and vomiting appeared, I did not give the medicine. We wait for the doctor on the house. There is no sense in trusting doctors, there is no difference between doctors and babies, or an adult.
Hello! My son is 3 years old, staphylococcus in nose and throat, passive growth. They drank and drank a sextapage for a week, the stuffiness of the nose did not go away, a strong swelling in the nose.It took 8 days after the treatment, but no changes, I would say that it got worse, at nights it can not breathe at all, it suffocates. Lor said that it takes time, but according to the reviews here I see that many helped at once the sextafag, I do not understand why it does not help us? Breathes at night only with the help of vasoconstrictors - it's harmful. I do not know what to replace them, and what should I do next?
Anara, Changing ENT is unequivocal. It looks like there is a normal infectious process with inflammation, which must be treated with antibiotics, and before that, take swabs on the flora and sensitivity, then imagine what to treat (it may be possible to postpone the treatment in your case until the results of bacteriological studies are obtained and the treatment will go blindly).
Recently I had to take Sextafag, because I was resting on the sea and it's not the first time I have there that there is cystitis. Extremely unpleasant thing, but what to do, it is necessary to be treated. I sometimes even some antibiotics did not help, as I later found out, this addiction could be.But when I started taking an antibiotic in parallel with Sextafag, then there were no such problems anymore. In it, the bacteria go some way, which is just not getting used to. Helped by the way is excellent! Now, at least I will know how to treat cystitis.
Hello! I want to buy a Sextapage for my friend, she lives abroad. She has pyelonephritis, caused by the bacterium Escherichia Koli. She is also currently taking antibiotic therapy. Tell me, please, how correctly to apply and you need to drink a solution of baking soda?
ElenakomIt is necessary to be treated by what the doctors advise, because the escherichia coli or E. coli, saprophyte, which lives on and in the human body and under normal conditions does not present any harm. With the weakening of immunity, it can act as an infectious agent and provoke inflammation, including that found in places where it should not be. You can try, but this requires the appointment of a doctor who treats your girlfriend, and so you can do harm. About soda did not understand.
And I Sextafag cured cysts on the ovary. Delays were for 1.5 months, went on uzi - a diagnosis of 3 cysts on the left ovary. Gynecologist prescribed hormonal. Because I without hormones are not thin, I decided to look for another treatment. Appealed to a familiar doctor, he advised the candles of Imunofan, Genferon and Sextafag. I moisten them with a cotton swab and insert them together with the rest of the candles. I am already being treated for almost half a year and the cycle has recovered. Plus, any kind of bikak in the form of thrush has not been seen for a long time. So, girls, a good drug.
Julia Z
Good evening. To the son of 8 months. A smear from the throat showed a staphylococcus aureus and a pneumonia pneumonia streptococcus. The pediatrician assigned a sextapage to 3 drops in each nasal passage. I am confused by the fact that for treatment in the throat was prescribed to drip into the nose and the dose seems to me a little.
Julia ZAbout the instillation of drops of the Sextapage into the nose everything is normal, the nose is connected with the cavity of throat and pharynx, so the medicine will get where it is needed. The dosage is indeed too small, usually used in a child older than 6 months 2-10 ml per day.If it is assumed that one drop contains approximately 0.05 ml, a minimum value of 40-45 drops per day (you can divide this dosage by 3 doses). I would consult with another doctor on the adequacy of the dosage of the drug. It seems more likely that the doctor is counting on a placebo, and if there really is no problem then why is there something to assign.
Tell me, please, but do you use the sextafag for blepharitis? Thank you in advance.
Hello! Tell me please, is it possible to develop resistance to bacteriophages in bacteria?
At me an exacerbation of a chronic pyelonephritis, all over again saw nitroxoline, furamag and sekstafag 20 ml a day (for the night since he dear), and has noticed, that he appreciably helps, pains in kidneys decreased on a trace. day after its administration. Then the doctor told me to finish the course nitroxoline / furamaga and drink amoxiclav (I did not tell her about the bacteriophage).
Against the background of amoxiclav, my condition has deteriorated again, the temperature is higher than it was at the beginning, the kidneys are ill again.Again started to drink a sextapage, now 3 times a day (today is the beginning of the second day), but I do not feel noticeable improvements, like last time. Could it develop resistance to the pathogen?
DilaraThere is no blepharitis in the indications of direct indication of treatment, but it is an inflammatory process with local localization on the surface, so you can try.
AlinaQW, I'm more inclined to the fact that you do not have resistance to Sextapage developed, but simply with Furamag and Nitroxoline, the doctor guessed, but the abolition of this combination was erroneous and led to the reactivation of the infection. I would return the entire first therapy regimen completely and be treated to the finish.
Admin, thank you, I have already returned furamag / nitroxoline 4 days ago, but there are no special results in terms of reducing pain and temperature.
AlinaQWTherefore, it is necessary to connect more powerful antibiotics or look for the cause, perhaps cystitis is just a background disease. Address to the doctor, on the Internet you will make nothing.
Polaris vulgaris
And this sextafag can be dripped into the middle ear, there is a hole in the membrane and infection from Polaris vulgaris from there? Already a year as I fly this ear, I do antibiotics and now I do ceftriaxone, but there is no reaction.
Polaris vulgarisProbably there is Proteus vulgaris in the question, and not an incomprehensible polaris. The drug Sextapage can be used not only inside, but also locally (in the focus of infection). The phagolysates of this drug include Proteus vulgaris, but the doctor's attending physician determines the question of the purpose of this or that drug.
Very good drug. We would have known earlier about him, did not stuff the children with these antibiotics. Now, however, minus 40, and we go to kindergarten, no snot, no cough. Very good if all is healed, then gradually he will cure.We have more experience with three children.
Tell me, please, inhalation for how many minutes do you need?
Hello. Tell me, please, can I take it with rotavirus infection?
Katerina, Standard, up to 10 minutes using a nebulizer.
Tat'6, You can take Sextafag if there is an additional activation of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines against the background of a weakened rotavirus infection of immunity. And from the virus itself, this drug is useless, it works against bacteria.
Anatoly G5
I take the drug inside of the urethritis. Is it possible to do additional instillations in the urethra?
Anatoly G5You can try, but usually with urethritis this is not practiced. It's not a fact that Sextafag will pass through the entire urethra as expected and will stay there for the proper effect.This is not an antiseptic.
We were assigned a polyvalent pyobacteriophage. We took a sextapage. The doctor prescribed 1 ml each. to drip in a nose 2 times a day. To the child of 8 years. To drip in a nose 1 ml, it for time is not it is a lot of?
irik, The doctor did not lie. The whole point of using Sextapage as a means of fighting nose infections in washing with plenty of medication. At the same time, he, of course, will get into the nasopharynx, exerting his therapeutic effect there. In one nose, the spread of bacteria is not usually limited, and they go lower.
Have made a smear from the throat the total golden staphilococcus + Pseudomonas aeruginosa lor has appointed Sextafag to wash out a throat on 5 ml 2 times a day, and can and truth dig in in a nose these 5 ml can at the same time and the sinusitis will cure?
himera_1984, I would pour in the nose. In the oral cavity and tonsils, the medicine will still fall. And sinusitis is treated with antibiotics.
Good afternoon. Tell me, please, the dosage and the way of using the bacteriophage to a child of 7 years with chronic tonsillitis (the doctor prescribed only a gargle of a throat of 1 per day)? Is it possible to flush the tonsils with the drug and with what frequency? And is it necessary to take the drug inwards (to also specify the dose, duration) to improve the result of treatment? Thank you.
Irina_SenFor the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, you can rinse and undiluted preparation Sextafag, it's still a local action. You will not do the washing yourself, so the doctor will dissolve everything there, more precisely, he will not do this and wash it with an undiluted solution of the drug. I prefer washing with antiseptic solutions - Furacilin, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, etc.

Inside you can take a lot of things, but not Sextapage. Without exacerbation the child can be tried to give - Tonzilgon, Imudon, IRS 19 and the like. And with an exacerbation - definitely antibiotics, there are many and better to look at the spectrum and flora which are suitable, first make an antibioticogram.And if the tonsils do not perform their function uniquely, so that there are no complications on the kidneys, heart and other organs.
Good afternoon. At the analysis in a urethra have found Streptococcus anginusus 10 * 5, the doctor has written out normoflorin L, but having read about a sextapage I think it is better to try this medicine? About sekstafag learned, tk. now finish drinking intesti bacteriophage, which I prescribed a gynecologist for treatment in its direction.
AnastasiaKon, With regard to this strain of streptococcus can be treated anything, it's saprophyte - a natural inhabitant of the human body. Although the presence of Streptococcus anginosus in the urethra suggests either not everything is in order with immunity, or serious bacteria are still in the stage of incubation, or trite did not get into the smear. Not the fact that after treatment with the whole range of medicines recommended by the doctor (Normoflorin L and Sextafag) you will be able to get rid of this streptococcus. In the treatment of such infections it is better to use antibiotics.
Hello. The child smells from the mouth. The doctor appointed a sextapage, said a red throat. He is 2.5 grams, but he almost smells from his mouth. Prompt pzhl, helps or assists is not present?
Guli, I would start with examinations and searching for causes from a gastroenterologist and dentist. It is unlikely that tonsillitis-pharyngitis can give a steady smell from the mouth throughout the year, and the throat is red, it is red in all children.
Hello. Tell me please. My daughter is 2 years old. Born without pathologies. The first time urine with an increased number of leukocytes came after a lacunar angina. This was in February 2017g. In April, they lay in the nephrologic department of the city of Novosibirsk. They delivered DMR of the 2nd degree and chronic pyelonephritis. Treatment: electrostimulation of ureters 2-4 times a year, we have already been 3 times. Kanefron 2 weeks a quarter. Elcar and MgV6 alternate 2 times a year and furagin 1/2 for the night. In June 2017g. were at a reception with the nephrologist Simantovskaya TP. Assigned: 10 days water, 10 days kanefron, 10 days cranberry juice, once a quarter electrostimulation 10 sessions and oat broth a month. Once a week, phytotherapy.At night 1/2 furagin. Once every six months, mgB6, kudesan, elkar alternating. Performed all clearly, in the summer the analyzes returned to normal. From September to the present, the 4th exacerbation, 4-course of antibiotics, in / m ceftriaxone, another month of zinnat, another time of suprax and again of / m ceftriaxone. The urine on the bacterium is negative. But the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes in urine often rises due to reflux. Recently treated and a spout, nothing helped except the sextapage. Now I have purchased several packages. I decided to serve 10 ml each. 3 times a day. Can we replace the use of antibiotics with a sextapage?
natikotIf there are leukocytes and even red blood cells in the urine, then the child has an inflammatory process and Sextafage you definitely can not cure him (children can get self-healing, after all the organism is young, but you should not rely on it, if you are not lucky only you will be to blame ), just run the infection into a chronic process. I still understand how to use this medication in a calm period, probably in your treatment regimen this is the moment of taking mineral water, Morse, Kanefron, but not in a blooming inflammatory process,which as I understood from the question is at the moment.
The doctor prescribed to drink inside of 10 ml. The child is 8 years old. My throat is constantly sore. Question: Do you need to wash these 10 ml with water?
OlgaDo not drink.
Bakposev revealed vaginitis with abundant bacterial growth: Lactobacillus spp, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphilococcus hominis. On consultation with one doctor, I was discharged from Amoxiclav oral 7 days 2 times a day and Metronikon Neo vaginally 7 days 2 times a day. On consultation with another doctor, I was prescribed another treatment regimen: Sextafag vaginally 5-10 ml 1 time a day for at least 7 days and probiotic inside to restore intestinal microflora. Since my vaginitis is not the first time, but has a chronic form, and intensifies against the backdrop of a drop in immunity, the doctor decided to take antibiotics does not make sense. What treatment is more justified?
Nadezhda1980If you have already been treated with antibiotics earlier,and the pathogenic flora still appears, then it is better to restore the flora not with antibiotics, but with probiotics (including local ones), Sextafag will also be normal, plus increasing the local immunity with Polyoxidonium, Genferon, etc. So I'm more for the second treatment regimen, but it can be supplemented. Plus to do colposcopy without fail.
Yuri Yu
Good afternoon. Tell me, in what volume should be buried in the nose Sextapage child 9 years old with inflammation of the adenoid and the presence of thick snot? Interested in - the volume; how many times a day; and the duration of the course?
Yuri Yu, The attending physician of the child decides. A standard recommendation for children according to the instructions is 2-10 ml of Sextapage per day, depending on the severity and extent of the infection process. The daily dose is recommended to be divided into 3 divided doses.
Good afternoon. To the child of 5 months. Not confirmed atopic dermatitis - inflammation and wetness on the skin. In stool revealed staphylococcus 10.8 appointed course Sextafaga.A dermatologist associates the disease with dermatitis with the effect of staphylococcus aureus. We accept the fourth day, there was a hope for improvement - but no, it gets worse. The area of ​​skin lesions increases, the child becomes wet and screams. Can this be a reaction to a medicine, or is it time to cancel a drug?
Elena11, Sextapage is not always and not all work, compared to antibiotics is a weak drug. It is necessary to try to prescribe to the child antibiotics sensitive to this causative agent (they should have made an antibiotic) to understand whether the inflammatory changes in the skin are really related to the presence of the pathogen in the child's body and then to look at the results of the treatment, where to go next.

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