Amben - instructions for use, reviews, analogues and forms of release (injections in ampoules for injection of 1% solution) of the drug for the treatment of bleeding in various diseases in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

Amben - instructions for use, reviews, analogues and forms of release (injections in ampoules for injection of 1% solution) of the drug for the treatment of bleeding in various diseases in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Amben. Presented are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of medical specialists on the use of Amben in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Amben in the presence of existing structural analogs. Use for the treatment of bleeding in various diseases in adults, children,as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the preparation.


Amben antifibrinolytic agent, an aminocaproic acid derivative. It has a hemostatic effect by competitive inhibition of enzymes - kinases (plasma, tissue, streptokinase) that activate the conversion of profibrinolysin (plasminogen) into fibrinolysin (plasmin).




Aminomethylbenzoic acid + auxiliary substances.




After ingestion Amben is detected in the blood after 15 minutes. After intramuscular injection, aminomethylbenzoic acid undergoes rapid resorption. After intravenous injection of the drug at a dose of 1.5 mg / kg, the concentration of aminomethylbenzoic acid in the blood rapidly decreases and after 3 hours reaches a level where the active substance is practically not detected. Aminomethylbenzoic acid is excreted by the kidneys through glomerular filtration and tubular secretion, while 50-60% is unchanged.



  • Bleeding during operations on the brain, incl. with subarachnoid hemorrhages; light; a heart; vessels; the bladder; on the thyroid and pancreas; about prostate cancer; otorhinolaryngological, dental - after removal of tonsils, teeth);
  • in obstetric-gynecological practice: uterine bleeding, obstetrics, delayed involution of the uterus, medical abortion, manual removal of the placenta, intrauterine fetal death, embolism with amniotic fluid;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • nose bleed;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • burns;
  • shock states of different genesis;
  • sepsis;
  • leukemia;
  • hemorrhagic conditions caused by radiation sickness;
  • violation of blood clotting (hemophilia, Verlhof disease, Willebrand-Jurgens syndrome), hemorrhagic diathesis of thrombocytopenic origin;
  • an overdose of anticoagulants or fibrinolytics (streptokinase, urokinase);
  • if there is a violation of procoagulation, platelet or vascular components of hemostasis;
  • transfusion complications and other conditions accompanied by activation of fibrinolysis;
  • allergic reactions caused by taking medications.


Forms of release


Solution for intravenous administration 1% (injections in ampoules for injection).


Forms in the form of tablets do not exist.


Instructions for use and dosing regimen


Intravenously, struino 50-100 mg (5-10 ml of 1% solution), repeated administration (if necessary) is performed with an interval of at least 4 hours.In acute fibrinolysis, fibrinogen is additionally administered (the average dose is 2-4 g, the maximum dose is 8 g), controlling the fibrinolytic activity of the blood and the fibrinogen content in it. The maximum single dose is 100 mg. The total (daily) dose and duration of treatment depend on the course of the disease.


Side effect

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • fluctuations of blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • dizziness.



  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • 1 trimester of pregnancy;
  • vitreous hemorrhage;
  • hypercoagulable phase of consumption coagulopathy;
  • increased sensitivity to aminomethylbenzoic acid.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.


Possible use in obstetric practice according to the indications.


In experimental studies it was shown that aminomethylbenzoic acid is a compound with low toxicity. There is no teratogenic effect and influence on the reproductive system.


Use in children


There is insufficient clinical data for use in children.


special instructions


Use with caution in patients with a predisposition to thrombosis. Treatment is carried out under the control of a coagulogram.In the treatment of hematuria with aminomethylbenzoic acid, blood clots in the urinary tract can form, which can lead to the onset of renal colic. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient supply of fluid in the body and monitor diuresis.


Use with caution in cases of cerebral circulation disorders.


The purpose of the drug requires checking the fibrinolytic activity of the blood and the level of fibrinogen. With intravenous administration, a coagulogram control is necessary, especially in IHD, after myocardial infarction, with liver diseases.


Drug Interactions


Simultaneous use of large doses of the drug and other haemostatic agents (for example, dicinone or etamzilate) can lead to the formation of thrombi (due to increased fibrin formation under the influence of hemostatics or due to the anti-plasmin action of Amben).


Compatible with glucose solution, hydrolysates, anti-shock liquids.


Analogues of Amben


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Gumbix;
  • Pamba.


Analogues for the pharmacological group (funds for the treatment of bleeding):

  • An antiseptic sponge with kanamycin;
  • Gumbix;
  • Contrikal;
  • Polycapra;
  • Protamine sulfate;
  • Remestip;
  • Hemostatic wipes Ankaferd Blood Stopper;
  • Simesan;
  • Spray hemostatic Ankaferd Blood Stopper;
  • Hemostatic agent Ankaferd Blood Stopper;
  • Stabisol HES 6%;
  • Stylamine;
  • Thysukol Kit;
  • Tranexam;
  • Transacha;
  • Tracerol;
  • Exacil;
  • Etamsylate.

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