Tranexam - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets 250 mg and 500 mg, injections in ampoules) for the treatment of bleeding during surgery, during menstruation in adults, children and pregnancy

Tranexam - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets 250 mg and 500 mg, injections in ampoules) for the treatment of bleeding during surgery, during menstruation in adults, children and pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Tranexam. Presented are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors specialists on the use of Tranexam in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Tranexam in the presence of existing structural analogs. Use to treat bleeding during surgery, during menstruation in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Tranexam haemostatic drug. Inhibitor of fibrinolysis. Specifically inhibits the activation of plasminogen and its transformation into plasmin. Has a local and systemic hemostatic effect in bleeding associated with increased fibrinolysis (platelet pathology, menorrhagia).


By suppressing the formation of kinins and other active peptides involved in allergic and inflammatory reactions, it has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.


In experimental studies, the own analgesic activity of tranexamic acid has been confirmed, as well as a potentiating effect on the analgesic activity of opioid analgesics.




Tranexamic acid + auxiliary substances.




If administered orally, a dose of 0.5-2 g absorbs 30-50% of the drug. It is distributed in tissues relatively evenly (with the exception of cerebrospinal fluid, where the concentration is 1/10 of the plasma one). Penetrates through the placental barrier and the blood-brain barrier (GEB), excreted in breast milk (reaching approximately 1% of the concentration in the mother's plasma).It is found in seminal fluid, where it reduces fibrinolytic activity, but does not affect the migration of spermatozoa. It is excreted by the kidneys (the main way is glomerular filtration), more than 95% unchanged during the first 12 hours.



  • bleeding or the risk of bleeding on the background of generalized fibrinolysis (bleeding during surgery and postoperative period, postpartum bleeding, manual detachment, chorion detachment, bleeding during pregnancy, malignant neoplasms of the pancreas and prostate gland, hemophilia, hemorrhagic complications of fibrinolytic therapy, thrombocytopenic purpura , leukemia, liver disease, previous therapy with streptokinase);
  • bleeding or the risk of bleeding on the background of local strengthening of fibrinolysis (uterine, nasal, gastrointestinal bleeding, hematuria, bleeding after prostatectomy, conization of the cervix due to carcinoma, extraction of the tooth in patients with hemorrhagic diathesis);
  • hereditary angioedema (for tablets);
  • allergic diseases, incl.eczema, allergic dermatitis, urticaria, drug and toxic rash (for tablets);
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx, including tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, stomatitis, aphthae of the oral mucosa (for tablets);
  • surgical interventions on the bladder (for the solution);
  • Surgical manipulations with a systemic inflammatory reaction, incl. sepsis, peritonitis, pancreonecrosis, severe and moderate severity of gestosis, shock of various etiologies (for solution).


Forms of release


Tablets coated with 250 mg and 500 mg.


Solution for intravenous administration (injections in ampoules for injection).


Instructions for use and dosage




The drug is prescribed inside.


With local fibrinolysis appoint 1-1.5 g 2-3 times a day.


With profuse uterine bleeding appoint 1-1.5 g 3-4 times a day for 3-4 days.


When bleeding against the background of von Willebrand disease and other coagulopathies - 1-1.5 g 3-4 times a day for 3-10 days.


After the operation of conization of the cervix - 1.5 g 3 times a day for 12-14 days.


With nasal bleeding - 1 g 3 times a day for 7 days.


Patients with coagulopathies after extraction of the tooth - 1-1.5 g 3-4 times a day for 6-8 days.


When bleeding during pregnancy, appoint - 250-500 mg 3-4 times a day until the complete stop of bleeding. The average duration of the course of treatment is 7 days.


With hereditary angioedema, 1-1.5 g 2-3 times a day, continuously or intermittently, depending on the presence of prodromal symptoms.


With the symptoms of allergy and inflammation - 1-1.5 g 2-3 times a day for 3-9 days, depending on the severity of the condition.


With generalized fibrinolysis, therapy begins with parenteral intravenous administration followed by a transition to oral administration at a dose of 1-1.5 g 2-3 times a day.




Intravenous (drip (dropper), jet). When generalized fibrinolysis is administered in a single dose of 15 mg / kg body weight every 6-8 hours, the rate of administration is 1 ml / min. With local fibrinolysis, the administration of the drug in a dose of 250-500 mg 2-3 times a day is recommended. When prostatectomy or surgery on the bladder is administered during the operation, 1 g, then 1 g every 8 hours for 3 days, after which they switch to the inside of the tablet form until the disappearance of the macrohematuria.


With a high risk of bleeding, with a systemic inflammatory reaction at a dose of 10-11 mg / kg for 20-30 minutes before the intervention.


Patients with coagulopathies before the extraction of the tooth are administered at a dose of 10 mg / kg of body weight, after extraction of the tooth, the intake, the tablet form of the preparation, is prescribed.


In case of disturbance of the excretory function of the kidneys, correction of the dosing regimen is necessary: ​​at a creatinine concentration of 120-250 μmol / l, 10 mg / kg twice a day are prescribed; at a creatinine concentration of 250-500 μmol / l, 10 mg / kg once a day is prescribed; at a creatinine concentration of more than 500 μmol / l administered at 5 mg / kg once a day.


Side effect

  • anorexia;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • violation of color perception;
  • blurred vision;
  • thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • tachycardia;
  • pain in the chest;
  • arterial hypotension (with rapid intravenous administration);
  • skin rash;
  • itching;
  • hives.



  • subarachnoid hemorrhage;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


It is used in pregnancy according to indications with obligatory allowance for contraindications, tranexamic acid penetrates the placental barrier and is excreted in breast milk (reaching approximately 1% of the concentration in the mother plasma).


special instructions


Before and during the treatment, the ophthalmologist should be examined for visual acuity, color perception, and the condition of the fundus.


Drug Interactions


When combined with hemostatic drugs and hemocoagulase, thrombus formation can be activated.


The solution for intravenous administration is pharmaceutically incompatible with blood preparations, solutions containing penicillin, urokinase, hypertensive agents (norepinephrine, deoxyepinefrin hydrochloride, metarnin bitartrate), tetracyclines, dipyridamole, diazepam.


Caution should be used in combination with Heparin and anticoagulants in patients with impaired coagulation and thrombosis (cerebral vascular thrombosis, myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis) or the threat of their development.


Analogues of the drug Tranexam


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Tranexamic acid;
  • Transacha;
  • Troxaminate;
  • Exacil.


Analogues for the pharmacological group (inhibitors of fibrinolysis):

  • Amben;
  • Aminocaproic acid;
  • Aprotex;
  • Aprotinin;
  • Aeros;
  • Vero Narkap;
  • Gordoks;
  • Gumbix;
  • Inhistril;
  • Contrikal;
  • Pamba;
  • Polycapra;
  • Trasilol 500,000;
  • Traskolan.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (99):
I happened to drink Traneksam during pregnancy. In the first trimester came to be kept in the hospital. There the gynecologist was appointed this drug as a blood-restorative. And it is surprising that this same doctor assigned to neighbors in the ward with the same symptoms and diagnosis appointed Dyufaston. Improvements I felt on the second day of taking the drug. The daub was gradually stopped and at the bottom of the stomach stopped pulling. However, there were some side effects. And without that the tormenting nausea increased, there was a slight dizziness. But these phenomena did not cause strong discomfort, so she continued to drink Traneksam.

A month later, after a lot of stress at work, the situation repeated. Once again assigned Traneksam, and again he coped well with the task. The result I was satisfied, I saved the pregnancy and safely endured it.
Question from the site visitor Martha moved to the required section:
I have dysplasia of the endometrium of the uterus, I have appointed traneks from bleeding. I drink 3 day the bleeding is over. Do I need to continue taking it?

Martha, On average, Traneks should be taken from 3 to 10 days, but such medications clearly indicate how much to take for the course of treatment and the duration of admission. Usually after stopping the bleeding, their reception is canceled.
I was burned with erosion and on the 10th day I lifted the baby, the blood discharges to the hospital began to go away once ... Can Tranex help?
Margo, Perhaps nothing terrible and no, but the doctor must go necessarily. Because there was an operation (albeit mini, but still).Do you want to bleed and leave the child an orphan? The child is to leave the grandmothers, dad, nurse, and most to consult. And do not try to play with drugs that doctors do not always like (know how) to appoint, so you can only do harm.
Tell me, if you assigned traneksam 500, and in the pharmacy there were 250 traneks, its just drinking 2 times more?
YanaIf you have already bought 250 mg instead of 500 mg, take in a double dosage from the prescribed in the prescription.
I had a pregnancy of 12 weeks. There was a hematoma in the uterus, bleeding opened. I was assigned tranexam in / cap and helped me.
Tell me, please, I get a dropper with tranexam and my eyesight got worse, the side effects say this, how indistinct the visual perception, will it happen, tell me? (((
IrinaIn your case, it is necessary to establish a clear connection between the deterioration of vision and the reception of Tranexam. Perhaps, during the reception of the drug you were engaged in visual work, other factors - pressure, including intraocular, etc. To resolve these issues, consult an ophthalmologist, let him see what happened to your eyes. If the blurred vision is caused by Tranexam, then after the drug is canceled, the vision will return to normal.
Hello! At me an abruption of a placenta 50 * 10 mm on 12 week of pregnancy! Drip to the tranecks. Someone had this ?! And what can I expect in the future what is the probability of saving the baby ?!
Evsviridova, Gemostatic drugs (including Traneksam) are used for detachment of the placenta, so this is normal. And the likelihood of preservation - then it's a probability, and adherence to the recommendations of doctors repeatedly increases the likelihood of maintaining a pregnancy. Do not think immediately about the bad, tune into a positive mood.
I take Tranexam for 12 days 2 tabs 3 times a day. Abundant bleeding from 29.07.2015. Nothing helps. Take further?
OlgaWhat to think - run to the doctor. You indicate a heavy bleeding, it is necessary to specify in what place (from the wound, through the female), but if it is plentiful and already more than a month, constantly, then I generally wonder how you are still alive. To cancel or add in severe cases the remedy is not possible remotely, only at full-time admission and quickly.
jammed lydia
My grandson is sick with thrombocytopenic purpura. I got pneumonia. Thrombocytes 30, then fall, then rise. The drug is prescribed intravenously and still injected with an antibiotic. I do not see the effect, the fifth day is dripping.
The gynecologist ascribed this drug. Pregnancy 7 weeks, found hematoma on the back wall about 1 cm in size. There are no bleedings. Should I understand this drug when there is no bleeding? Or he resolves hematoma?
Jeanne, Traneksam - haemostatic drug, that is, it stops bleeding, including those that lead to the formation of subcutaneous hematomas or hematomas with detachment of the placenta. The question of prescribing the drug in your case entirely on the doctor who leads your pregnancy, because sometimes appoint hemostatics, sometimes not. It all depends on the specific situation - you need to look at the patient and the problems that have arisen, remotely few things can be helped.
Hello. To me have appointed or nominated to traneksam from long monthly (today already 12 days). Usually not more than 5. Is it possible to apply it together with Pirazidol (an antidepressant prescribed by a doctor)? Thank you.
Alla, Tranexam can be taken simultaneously with Pirazidol. According to the instructions, no negative side effects should be taken when taking these medications together.
When bleeding appointed Traneksam - the symptoms disappeared on the first day.
Can I take traneksam together with Enap 10 mg? After removing the spiral bleeding for 5 days, the doctor prescribed this drug, I did not buy it in time.
The gynecologist appointed me transeks to drink 1t / 3p a day against the background of OK (belarus, and I drink it because myoma of the uterus was found 1 degree, as explained by the doctor - it is Belara that inhibits the growth of fibroids), tk. on the 10-12th day of taking the tablets, smears appear. Sometimes it helps, but often there is no smear before the start of menstruation. It turns out 5 times that it helps about 2.
Irina, Joint use of drugs Enap and Tranexam is possible. According to the instruction, there should be no negative side effects.
I drink the drug the third day, very strong nausea. I will not drink more.
Very good hemostatic. With gynecological bleeding, Vikasol does not help, but this drug does it.
Tell me, please, my daughter (11 years) was prescribed this drug in connection with a long 15 day period, quite abundant, is this normal for the child? Drink 5 days with the extract of water pepper and vitamins. I'm very worried.
ElenaA, The drug Traneksam appoint with a plentiful monthly, accompanied by heavy bleeding. Or do you think it is more reasonable to watch your daughter bleed and not take medicine? About the tincture of pepper I will not prompt, I never used such a remedy in my medical practice.
Tomorrow is an important meeting, and monthly started ... Can I use this tool?
natahavovkinaIn no way will your drug Tarneksam help your problem. Before the onset of menstruation, it was still possible to shift the term with the help of hormonal contraceptives, and so ... Have to postpone the meeting.
Hello.Instead of monthly, there were spotting (brown, dark brown). On the third week of these vydeleny appealed to the gynecologist. On uzi of pregnancy is not present, all norms or rates., To wait monthly (something there "corresponds to 1-st phase of a menstrual cycle"). Assigned: candles OCI - 1 pp. / D. in the rectum, Tranexam - 1t. * 3 r / d, 4 days and, when the monthly ones come, the digit st - 1m * 2 p / d, 7 days. Allocations stopped after the first day of Tranexam and OCI. Question: Should I continue treatment?
Thank you in advance for your response.

If it matters:
7.12.2015 - were childbirth.
12/17/2015 - there was bleeding, diagnosed with the Hematometer. Have treated (without cleaning has managed), then 2 times were usual monthly (last from April, 6 till April, 11th).
fairyOf course, it is worth continuing the prescribed course of treatment, the more so well the doctor guessed with the appointment, which can be doubt.
Hello. Prompt, to me have written out traneksamovuju acid, but I feed the child by a breast. Can I take these pills?
Zaharova Nadya, The effect of tranexamic acid on breastfeeding has not yet been studied (Tranexam has not been used in this group of patients), so the appointment for this condition can only be individual. Apparently the doctor who prescribed this medicine did not like your blood counts or excessive bleeding (but then it is necessary to determine the cause of bleeding and after that to prescribe treatment). This appointment is most likely not to harm a baby child.
After RVK on the 16th day there was bleeding, hospitalized, swabbed, assigned tranexam and injections (which, unfortunately, I do not know). On the third day the doctor let go home. After 2 days, bleeding opened again.
To me the preparation has helped or assisted.
Can you suggest taking Tranexam and iron preparations at the same time (in particular, injections of Ferrum-lek, sorbifer tablets)?
natus, No contraindications to the joint administration of the drug Tranexam and iron according to the instructions and from experience there. You can take, if this scheme is recommended by the patient's attending physician.
Traneksam appointed because smeared with blood three days. Pregnancy is 1 trimester, with allocation once a day. Today they are not, should it be taken? Still did not take until this day, today I drank 1t. Have appointed for 5 days. I think I'll drink three days. Is this enough?
Hello. I take thrombophlebitis Xarelto. Against this background, uterine bleeding started, the gynecologist suggested hospitalization or try taking tablets Traneksam. I stopped on the pill, take two days, the bleeding is less, but does not stop at all. What do you advise?
Ritka Marguerite, Everyone is responsible for their own health and the health of their child. Treatment to you was prescribed by a doctor, I see nothing wrong with him. The rest itself decide how and where you are being treated.

Tatyana, To take Traneksam as recommended by a gynecologist (two days is not enough) and if he continues to heal, the hospitalization is mandatory.
I have a pregnancy of 8 weeks. They found a hematoma and prescribed dufastone 1-3 r.v. day, traneksam 500 mg-3 r. in a day. The state of health worsened on the 2nd day after taking these medications, vomiting was added to the nausea. In side effects of tranexam, these symptoms are written.
Hello! Only 1 day I took traneksam (the doctor prescribed 2 3 times a day) and the lower abdomen was very sick. Further to drink or not to drink it? Bleeding stopped, which arose after a spontaneous incomplete miscarriage.
Ruzilya, Drink as many days as the doctor said, without self-activity in your case. Although if it is more interesting to spend this time in the hospital, then you can not take it.
At me there were monthly, gone in a bleeding 3 weeks.I went to the gynecologist, said that it's monthly so go, prescribed tranaxam 3 times a day for 2 tablets 5 days, after taking 4 days only smeared, 5 as well. Will they end and whether this is normal?
light-colored, Prolonged plentiful monthly norm are not. What's going on with you can be said only by the gynecologist internally, who performs the examination and sees everything live. So far, the recommendations are adequate and I would have listened to the opinion of the doctor, and on the sixth day I would have turned to him again, to check that he told you everything is in order or you need to still be treated.
I feel bad. I drink the second day, and the bleeding is greater.
Hello. Pugh Dimia, but after sex began bleeding (during sex straightened, sat up straight and became uncomfortable). The next day I found blood. Once such was, the gynecologist has appointed or nominated to traneksam and in three days all has passed or has taken place. But this time does not help, take 2 tablets (250 mg), 2 times a day, but the blood is still coming! Bleeding started on December 19 and to this day, the excretions do not change, neither more nor less.How to be? (color from brown to red).
AlexandraMore than a week already the blood is coming, and you are still thinking about going to the gynecologist or not. The causes of bleeding may be mass, so run to the doctor, until the holidays are gone, to see what you have there is broken.
I was at the doctor's, looked, did ultrasound, everything is fine, just a little damaged mucous, as I suspected!
Alexandra, That's right, they would guess, worried, drink useless in your situation tablets.
Hello! September 9, I gave birth to a child. Not a cesarean. About 1.5 months. after childbirth a blood. Then all was well. Since November 1, there has been a problem with day 4 (I thought such early menstruation). Milk was immediately expressed little and fed 3-4 times a day. Then it began to decline. Now, I feed them once a day, I thought lactation would improve. December 30, again began to smear, 31 afternoon had to run in the literal sense of the word (gifts and all that).And January 1, from the night, I'm bleeding. She went to the hospital and the uzi was told that everything was in order. Have appointed or nominated a dropper to traneksam have told or will help or assist, or we shall clean, there can be something after sorts or labors remains. We put the dropper on the tranexes better. She asked to be sent home for the night and continue treatment at home, and in the afternoon to come if necessary for procedures - the doctor told the child 4 months, he is not small, I at one time already plowed at work. In general, I wrote a refusal and went to my son. Honey. My sister advised me to drink tablets to the traneks. And the doctor, as you understand, did not say anything, except that there will be no responsibility. Here's a situation, I sit with the child allocation abundant, but a little easier. Tell me what to do in this situation?

Help, please, with my husband I do not live with my parents. The child has become used to me - he is capricious if I do not. What to do? Can it be that the body is so rebuilt? I already have the worst thing in my head!
tatyana23mLike a doctor, I also do not have an unequivocal view of what may be in you. If the latter did not come out as required, then everything is serious, up to a lethal outcome.If this is a restructuring of the body after childbirth and residual bleeding, or it is possible to assume the onset of menstruation, due to irregular lactation, then the tablets of the Traneksam may well help. But no one can give guarantees without dynamic medical supervision in a hospital. If you stay at home, then hope is only at random.
Thank you very much for your reply. I drank the pills for 2 days and everything was normal. And if the last one did not let him know about himself before, and not in almost 4 months and would have been normalized now? And the ultrasound as a doctor explained to me nothing showed (if the doctor certainly was not mistaken). After all, if there was a last ultrasound, it should have been shown?
tatyana23m, As I understood from the previous question - the bloody constantly from the moment of a birth of the child, therefore also there was a similar assumption. Ultrasound should show everything, but there is again a human factor, one can assume everything. If everything is normal, then it's good, then the treatment was assigned the right one.
At the child (9 years) frequent nasal bleedings, after delivery of a coagulogram of a blood by a hematologist the treatment by a tranexam on 125 * 2 r / d of 14 days was appointed. But is it dangerous when the oval window is open, because? in side effects is thrombosis, thromboembolism? Very much I worry, whether I am going to harm this treatment to the child?
violetta, Calm down. I understand that the hematologist has already taken into account possible concomitant diseases in the child, so you can take it calmly. Moreover, the possible paradoxical thromboembolism in this pathology is no more than a very rare probability.
Hello. Implanton delivered on 12/16/2016. After this, the daub (does not stop abundant, daily padding can not do, I use for pads for menstruation). The discharge is from dark brown to sometimes red. I went to the gynecologist, she appointed traneksam. I drank 2 days for 500 3 times a day, began to pull my legs from the hip to the heel. I had such feelings when pyelonephritis worsened (4 years ago). In general, I have chronic pyelonephritis.Can my aching legs be the result of taking tranexam? Does he somehow act on the kidneys? What to do, stop taking the drug?
irinakovThe primary reaction from using a contraceptive to treat Tranexam, hmm ... I would abolish Implanon, although removing it can be an unpleasant procedure, given the subcutaneous implant insertion, replaced it with another contraceptive and looked at what would happen with the cycle, that the blood became after using a subcutaneous contraceptive.
Hello. Tell me, please, does the tranecam have an anti-inflammatory effect or is it only prescribed for bleeding? Can it be taken if bleeding is not present? Gynecologist prescribed to drink 5 days.
vfhbya, Anti-inflammatory effect drug Traneksam has and it is spelled out in the instructions. This is its additional effect on stopping bleeding.If the doctor has appointed, probably, had for that necessity.
Thank you for information.
Hello, can I take tranexam and dicinone at the same time?
cveta123.ru, It is possible, but only with the permission of the attending physician and under its regular control, since with such a combination there is a great risk of blood clots and blood clots. Usually, such schemes are prescribed in hospitals, where there is control over patients.
Hello! Tell me please. Assigned Traneksam with bloody secretions, drank one day and discharge intensified. So it should be or stop the reception?
Anastasiya88, Drink at least three days, let the drug work. If the character of the discharge does not change or intensifies in three days, this may indicate an ineffectiveness of using the drug Traneksam.Also, if the bleeding intensifies in these three days significantly (that is, instead of an ointment, the blood will start flowing), then it is also worth contacting the doctor immediately, perhaps by ambulance, which means the problem is more serious and should be treated by other methods, including stationary ones.
Hello! Since April 2016, there is an implanon, from the end of September, a month-long month and two without a month (before that, but until the end of July I fed the baby) began. The latter were in the middle of December, from the end of January, it began to smear mostly brown not abundantly, but almost every day, also a few months there is a sharp pain on the left during the PA, and now periodically pulls off in the morning, went to the gynecologist she wrote me traneksam and vitamin C , on pain in the abdomen, I was told that this is the norm with COC and ultrasound, I do not need it, but I take tranexes for 3 days and I have bleeding bleeding heavily, from an ointment to "high-grade" ones. What to do? Again to the gynecologist?
GalyaFind yourself a normal gynecologist. With pain, ultrasound is not necessary ...Apparently your doctor knows how to look through the abdominal wall. A pain with contraception for him in general is normal. Yes, to you to the gynecologist on internal survey, with US and other analyzes, only to the normal expert, instead of that that will give. Especially the bleeding increases.
Hello! On the 16th day of the cycle, there was a uterine bleeding. Have written out to the tranecks. I drank three days. The legs began to ache under the knees. Apparently the veins. Today the fourth day I still have a weak daub. Can I still drink a pill today or not?
YalaIt is doubtful that an extra day of taking Tranexam will greatly worsen the situation with your knees, so that you can take it again.
Good afternoon. Tell me please. After taking tranexam for three days, my uterine bleeding stopped. As a result, it was six days. It's been five days already, and the pain in the uterus does not go away. Slightly subsided and all. Today I went on business, so the weight in the bottom of my stomach ached.How long after the bleeding can there be such a condition or should I go to see a doctor again? Or she just need to give time to bounce back?
Yala, Run to the doctor. If uterine bleeding has been diagnosed, and now pains in the lower abdomen are concerned, it is only to the doctor, perhaps even hospitalization will be indicated.
Hello. To me have appointed or nominated to traneksam (intermenstrual bleedings) on 2т. 3 r. a day - 5 days, but I take daily ehtitromb (antiaggregant). Is it possible to use at the same time? Thank you.
OlesiaA similar combination is permissible. According to the instructions and from the experience of negative side effects, when combined using the drugs mentioned in the question should not be.
Hello! My daughter is 12 years old. Menstruation is long. At inspection of a pathology it is not revealed, the doctor has registered,if the menstruation lasts more than eight days, take the transex at a dosage of 250 mg 2 tablets 3 times a day for 5 days. On the second day of taking the allocation completely stopped. Whether it is necessary to drink all course or it is possible to interrupt reception of a medicine?
ZalinaSol, I advise you to follow the doctor's instructions. Especially taking Traneksam for a long time is not assigned to your daughter.
A tablet should be chewed or swallowed?
LizkaSwallow, squeezed water, better boiled. Unless stated otherwise in the instructions, it is understood that the tablet should be swallowed, not chewed, especially to the tranecum-coated tablets.
Hello. 04/27/2017. there was scraping (glandular-cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium). Monthly came on June 3, 2017 and did not stop, 16.06. the doctor prescribed dicynon (injections) for 3 days and 5-7 days for transex at 1t 3p., but already 25.06, and the bleeding did not stop. Dosage bought 250 mg.
Lana Vasya
Good afternoon. I am 50 years old and have a uterine myoma. With a plentiful monthly doctor recommended traneksam. Now for the first time I started menstruating before the due date. After 2.5 weeks and abundant. Should I immediately start taking the drug?
Lana Vasya, Of course. The doctor has clearly written it to the Traneksam with a lot of menstruation. If you notice subjective bleeding at the beginning of menstruation (even before the term), then follow the prescription of the doctor and start taking the medicine.
I'm 47. Crashes started. There was a prolonged bleeding for more than a month. The doctor immediately suggested scraping. After my categorical refusal, I suggested that I try the tranecks. On the third day everything stopped. Very good tablets. Now there was a respite for 7 months, and again bleeding for more than 3 weeks. And again they offer scraping.
Hello. Due to polycystosis of the ovaries, I was assigned jez +.After 2 months of treatment, it began to smear brown and this does not pass for 2-3 months already. Was at the gynecologist, did or made a colposcopy and uzi a small basin everything is all right. Have registered traneks 1t. 3 times a day and everything smears. I do not know what to think anymore.
tatyana.29gruIf you take Traneksam for more than a week, then you need to look further at the doctors, which can be the cause of bleeding. I would cancel all medications and see if the system will return to normal, if not, I would look for a cause in hormones, tumors, other organ abnormalities.
Hello. My nightly 23.08 began very plentiful monthly, and due to the fact that six months before this incident I already had it, I immediately ran to drink the tranecks as I was prescribed by the doctor just those same six months ago, that is 2 tablets 4-5 times per day, but because. Tablets were small, I reduced the dosage to 2 tons. 3p. per day, is it possible to do so? I am very worried, and another question is whether after a decrease in monthly dosage can be reduced to 1t. 3 r.per day, for example? And the last, but important question: if I stop taking this tranex, while the monthly still go, but not so much, what will the consequences be? I would be happy to join my doctor and ask these questions to her, but it so happened that all the days until Monday are busy and do not get to her unfortunately. Thanks in advance for the answers.
lidiya, 2 tablets 3 times a day, the normal dosage of Tranexam in your situation, is no longer necessary. To appear to the doctor is necessary, the causes of bleeding may be various phenomena and diseases in women, from pregnancy to oncology. Reduce the dosage is not necessary, if for 5 days of taking the medicine the nature of the bleeding does not change - then the more it is worth talking to the gynecologist for a full-time examination if you need to take tests and change the tactics of treatment.
Thank you very much for your advice, but you still have not answered, what will happen if you just take and stop drinking transeks when the allocation is almost over? Is it fraught with any consequences? Will bleeding increase?
lidiya, Almost over - I know from experience that our people treat very widely, so it is better to address this question to your gynecologist after examining and determining the nature of the discharge. And in general, after the termination of bleeding Traneksam abolished simultaneously and without consequences, if all the recommendations of the doctor on the duration of taking and dosage of the medicine are met.
Hello. I am in the hospital for preservation. Pregnancy 8 weeks, detachment. Assigned to the traneksam, the doctor said droppers, eventually injections in a vein, jet. I'm worried, maybe I should insist on a dropper? Prompt, the dropper is more effective or not?
IrinaIf the doctor said droppers, then they should put drippers. It is also possible to inject Tranexam, but as for me, the risk of additional shock complications of such use is great. Emergency as I understand from the question there, so why put the body under stress.Let the nurses comply with the doctor's recommendations and do not engage in amateur activities.
Hello. I take Dufaston, but can I take it with tablets Tranexam? I will be grateful for the answer.
Elena17, The joint use of Duphaston and Tranexamum is possible. According to the instructions and from the experience of additional side effects with such a combination should not be.
The gynecologist appointed Traneksam. When you can take it or not?
yuliya311089, Tranexamic acid penetrates into breast milk, so it is better to stop breastfeeding for the time of treatment with Tranexam, and to squeeze and discard milk.
Good afternoon. Is it possible to drink traneksam and acipole?
Yala, Can. According to the instructions, additional side effects when Tranexam and Acipol are used together should not be.
Hello. The daughter will have an operation to remove the glands. She was assigned before the operation and after the injection of the cibor, and on the day of the operation, dicynon (she had a thrombosis). She tried to drink a small dosage of dicinone, something began to reduce from him, in general she was afraid to take it. But it might be better for tranexam, although the side-line can be a thrombosis? Can it be combined with a cibor?
Natalia Novikova, What Traneksam that Dicycin used in diagnosed thrombosis is possible, but cautiously and better in a medical institution. If the daughter is on inpatient treatment then you can use these medications on the recommendation of your doctor. With Cibor, these drugs can also be used, but with caution and under medical supervision.
I accept traneksam 4th day 2t. x 3p. The emissions became smaller (on day 1 the gasket).
a guest
Are the components of the blood in the Traneksam?
a guest, Traneksam does not contain any components of blood.

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