Dexamethasone - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations (tablets 0.5 mg, injections in ampoules (solution for injections), drops ophthalmic ophthalmic) drugs for the treatment of inflammation in adults, children and pregnancy

Dexamethasone - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations (tablets 0.5 mg, injections in ampoules (solution for injections), drops ophthalmic ophthalmic) drugs for the treatment of inflammation in adults, children and pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Dexamethasone. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Dexamethasone in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Dexamethasone in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of inflammatory and systemic diseases, including the eyes, in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Dexamethasone - synthetic glucocorticosteroid (GCS), methylated derivative of fluoride prednisolone. Has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, immunosuppressive action, increases the sensitivity of beta-adrenoreceptors to endogenous catecholamines.


Interacts with specific cytoplasmic receptors (receptors for GCS are present in all tissues, especially in the liver), with the formation of a complex inducing the formation of proteins (including enzymes that regulate vital processes in cells.)


Protein metabolism: reduces the number of globulins in the plasma, increases the synthesis of albumins in the liver and kidneys (with increasing albumin / globulin ratio), reduces synthesis and enhances protein catabolism in muscle tissue.


Lipid metabolism: increases synthesis of higher fatty acids and triglycerides, redistributes fat (accumulation of fat occurs mainly in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle, face, abdomen), leads to the development of hypercholesterolemia.


Carbohydrate metabolism: increases the absorption of carbohydrates from the gastrointestinal tract; increases the activity of glucose-6-phosphatase (increased intakeglucose from the liver to the blood); increases the activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and the synthesis of aminotransferases (activation of gluconeogenesis); promotes the development of hyperglycemia.


Water-electrolyte metabolism: retards Na + and water in the body, stimulates the excretion of K + (mineralocorticoid activity), reduces the absorption of Ca + from the gastrointestinal tract, reduces the mineralization of bone tissue.


The anti-inflammatory effect is associated with the suppression of the release of eosinophils and mast cells by inflammatory mediators; inducing the formation of lipocortins and reducing the number of mast cells that produce hyaluronic acid; with a decrease in the permeability of capillaries; stabilization of cell membranes (especially lysosomal) and membranes of organelles. It acts on all stages of the inflammatory process: it inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins (Pg) at the level of arachidonic acid (lipocortin depresses phospholipase A2, suppresses the liberation of arachidonic acid and inhibits the biosynthesis of endoperoxides, leukotrienes, promoting inflammation, allergies, etc.), the synthesis of "pro-inflammatory cytokines" ( interleukin 1, tumor necrosis factor alpha, etc.); increases the resistance of the cell membrane to the action of various damaging factors.


Immunosuppressive effect is caused by induced lymphoid tissue involution, suppression of lymphocyte proliferation (especially T-lymphocytes), suppression of B-cell migration and interaction of T and B lymphocytes, inhibition of release of cytokines (interleukin-1, 2, gamma-interferon) from lymphocytes and macrophages and a decrease in the formation of antibodies.


The antiallergic effect develops as a result of a decrease in the synthesis and secretion of mediators of allergy, inhibition of release from sensitized mast cells and basophils of histamine and other biologically active substances, a decrease in the number of circulating basophils, T- and B-lymphocytes, mast cells; suppression of the development of lymphoid and connective tissue, reducing the sensitivity of effector cells to mediators of allergy, inhibition of antibody formation, changes in the immune response of the body.


In obstructive airway diseases, the effect is mainly due to inhibition of inflammatory processes, prevention or reduction of mucosal edema, a decrease in the eosinophilic infiltration of the submucosal layer of the bronchial epithelium and the deposition of circulating immune complexes in the bronchial mucosa, as well as inhibition of erosion and desquamation of the mucosa.Increases the sensitivity of beta-adrenergic receptors of small and medium-sized bronchial tubes to endogenous catecholamines and exogenous sympathomimetics, reduces the viscosity of mucus by reducing its production.


Suppresses the synthesis and secretion of ACTH and, again, the synthesis of endogenous GCS.


It inhibits connective tissue reactions during the inflammatory process and reduces the possibility of scar tissue formation.


The peculiarity of the action is a significant inhibition of the pituitary function and a virtually complete absence of mineralocorticosteroid activity.


Doses of 1-1.5 mg per day depress the function of the adrenal cortex; the biological half-life is 32-72 hours (the duration of oppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-cortical adrenal gland system).


The strength of the glucocorticoid activity of 0.5 mg of dexamethasone corresponds to approximately 3.5 mg of prednisone (or prednisolone), 15 mg of Hydrocortisone or 17.5 mg of cortisone.




Easily passes through the histohematological barriers (including through blood-brain and placental). Metabolised in the liver (mainly by conjugation with glucuronic and sulfuric acids) to inactive metabolites. It is excreted by the kidneys (a small part by the lactating glands).




Diseases requiring the introduction of high-speed GCS, as well as cases where oral administration of the drug is not possible:

  • endocrine diseases: acute insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, primary or secondary insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex, subacute thyroiditis;
  • shock (burn, traumatic, operating, toxic) - with ineffectiveness of vasoconstrictors, plasma-substituting drugs and other symptomatic therapy;
  • cerebral edema (with a brain tumor, craniocerebral trauma, neurosurgical intervention, cerebral hemorrhage, encephalitis, meningitis, radiation injury);
  • asthmatic status; severe bronchospasm (exacerbation of bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis);
  • severe allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases;
  • acute severe dermatoses;
  • malignant diseases: palliative treatment of leukemia and lymphoma in adult patients; acute leukemia in children; hypercalcemia in patients with malignant tumors, with the impossibility of oral treatment;
  • blood diseases: acute hemolytic anemia, agranulocytosis, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in adults;
  • severe infectious diseases (in combination with antibiotics);
  • in ophthalmic practice (subconjunctival, retrobulbar or parabulbar injection): allergic conjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis without epithelial damage, iritis, iridocyclitis, blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, scleritis, episcleritis, inflammation after eye injuries and surgical interventions, sympathetic ophthalmia, immunosuppressive treatment after transplantation cornea;
  • local application (in the area of ​​pathological education): keloids, discoid lupus erythematosus, annular granuloma.


Forms of release


Tablets 0.5 mg.


Solution in ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular injection (injections for injections) 4 mg / ml.


Ophthalmic eye drops 0.1%.


Ophthalmic suspension 0.1%.


Instructions for use and dosage


The dosage regimen is individual and depends on the indications, the patient's condition and his reaction to therapy. The drug is administered intravenously slowly by jet or drip (in acute and urgent conditions); intramuscularly; possibly also local (in pathological education) introduction.To prepare a solution for intravenous drip infusion (dropper), an isotonic solution of sodium chloride or a 5% solution of Dextrose should be used.


In an acute period with various diseases and at the beginning of therapy, Dexamethasone is used in higher doses. During the day, you can inject 4 to 20 mg of Dexamethasone 3-4 times.


Doses of the drug for children (intramuscularly):


The dose of the drug for substitution therapy (with adrenal cortex insufficiency) is 0.0233 mg / kg body weight or 0.67 mg / m2 body surface area, divided into 3 doses, every 3rd day or 0.00776 - 0.01165 mg / kg body weight or 0.233 - 0.335 mg / m2 body surface area daily. For other indications, the recommended dose is from 0.02776 to 0.16665 mg / kg body weight or 0.833 to 5 mg / m2 body surface area every 12-24 hours.


When the effect is achieved, the dose is reduced to a maintenance dose or until the treatment is discontinued. The duration of parenteral use is usually 3-4 days, then switch to maintenance therapy with dexamethasone in tablets.


Long-term use of high doses of the drug requires a gradual dose reduction in order to prevent the development of acute adrenocortical insufficiency.




Conjunctival, adults and children over 12 years with acute inflammatory conditions: 1-2 drops 4-5 times a day for 2 days, then 3-4 times a day for 4-6 days.


Chronic conditions: 1-2 drops 2 times a day for a maximum of 4 weeks (no more).


In postoperative and post-traumatic cases: starting from the 8th day after surgery for strabismus, retinal detachment, cataract extraction and from the time of injury, 1-2 drops 2-4 times a day for 2-4 weeks; with antiglaucoma filtering operation - on the day of surgery or the day after it.


Children from 6 to 12 years with allergic inflammatory conditions: 1 drop 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days, if necessary, treatment is continued after 10 days of monitoring the condition of the cornea.


Side effect


Usually Dexamethasone is well tolerated. It has a low mineralocorticoid activity, i.e. its effect on water-electrolyte exchange is small. As a rule, low and medium doses of Dexamethasone do not cause delays in sodium and water in the body, increased excretion of potassium. The following side effects are described:

  • decreased glucose tolerance;
  • Steroid diabetes mellitus or manifestation of latent diabetes mellitus;
  • oppression of adrenal function;
  • Isenko-Cushing syndrome (moonlike face, pituitary-type obesity, hirsutism, increased blood pressure, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, muscle weakness, striae);
  • delay in sexual development in children;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pancreatitis;
  • steroid ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • erosive esophagitis;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding and perforation of the wall of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased or decreased appetite;
  • indigestion;
  • flatulence;
  • arrhythmias;
  • bradycardia (up to cardiac arrest);
  • increased blood pressure;
  • hypercoagulation;
  • thromboses;
  • euphoria;
  • hallucinations;
  • affective insanity;
  • depression;
  • paranoia;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • nervousness or anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • increased intraocular pressure with possible damage to the optic nerve;
  • propensity to develop secondary bacterial, fungal or viral infections of the eyes;
  • trophic changes of the cornea;
  • exophthalmos;
  • sudden loss of vision (with parenteral administration in the area of ​​the head, neck, nasal concha, scalp may deposition of drug crystals in the vessels of the eye);
  • hypocalcemia;
  • weight gain;
  • negative nitrogen balance (increased protein breakdown);
  • increased sweating;
  • fluid retention and sodium (peripheral edema);
  • slowing growth and ossification processes in children (premature closure of epiphyseal growth zones);
  • osteoporosis (very rare - pathological bone fractures, aseptic necrosis of the head of the humerus and femur);
  • rupture of muscle tendons;
  • delayed healing of wounds;
  • steroid acne;
  • stria;
  • propensity to develop pyoderma and candidiasis;
  • skin rash;
  • itching;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • local allergic reactions.


Local with parenteral administration: burning, numbness, pain, tingling at the injection site, infection at the injection site, rarely - necrosis of surrounding tissues, scar formation at the injection site; atrophy of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with the / m introduction (especially dangerous is the introduction to the deltoid muscle).




For short-term use according to vital indications, the only contraindication is hypersensitivity to dexamethasone or the components of the drug.


In children during the growth period, SCS should be used only in absolute indications and under the strictest supervision of the attending physician.


With caution, the drug should be administered in the following conditions and conditions:

  • gastrointestinal diseases - peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, esophagitis, gastritis, acute or latent peptic ulcer, newly created intestinal anastomosis, ulcerative colitis with perforation or abscessing threat, diverticulitis;
  • parasitic and infectious diseases of a viral, fungal or bacterial nature (currently or recently transferred, including recent contact with a patient) - herpes simplex, herpes zoster (viremic phase), chicken pox, measles; amebiasis, strongyloidiasis; systemic mycosis; active and latent tuberculosis. The use in severe infectious diseases is permissible only against the background of specific therapy.
  • pre- and post-vaccination period (8 weeks before and 2 weeks after vaccination), lymphadenitis after BCG vaccination;
  • immunodeficiency states (including AIDS or HIV infection);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (incl.recently suffered myocardial infarction - in patients with acute and subacute myocardial infarction, a foci of necrosis may develop, a delay in the formation of scar tissue and, as a consequence, a rupture of the heart muscle), severe chronic heart failure, hypertension, hyperlipidemia);
  • endocrine diseases - diabetes mellitus (including a violation of carbohydrate tolerance), thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, Itenko-Cushing's disease, obesity (3-4 items)
  • severe chronic renal and / or hepatic insufficiency, nephrourolythiasis;
  • hypoalbuminemia and conditions predisposing to its occurrence;
  • systemic osteoporosis, myasthenia gravis, acute psychosis, poliomyelitis (except for the form of bulbar encephalitis), open and closed angle glaucoma;
  • pregnancy.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


In pregnancy (especially in 1 trimester), the drug can be used only when the expected therapeutic effect exceeds the potential risk to the fetus. With prolonged therapy during pregnancy, the possibility of impaired fetal growth is not ruled out. In case of application at the end of pregnancy there is a risk of atrophy of the adrenal cortex in the fetus,which may require replacement therapy in a newborn.


If it is necessary to carry out treatment with the drug during breastfeeding, then breastfeeding should be discontinued.


special instructions


During treatment with dexamethasone (especially long-term) it is necessary to observe the oculist, monitor blood pressure and the state of water-electrolyte balance, as well as patterns of peripheral blood and blood glucose levels.


To reduce side effects, antacids can be prescribed, and K + intake should be increased (diet, potassium preparations). Food should be rich in proteins, vitamins, with a restriction of fat, carbohydrates and table salt.


The effect of the drug is enhanced in patients with hypothyroidism and liver cirrhosis. The drug may enhance existing emotional instability or psychotic disorders. When referring to psychoses in an anamnesis, Dexamethasone is given in high doses under strict doctor's supervision.


With caution should be used in acute and subacute myocardial infarction - possibly spreading the focus of necrosis, slowing the formation of scar tissue and rupture of the heart muscle.


In stressful situations during maintenance treatment (for example, surgical operations, trauma or infectious diseases), a correction of the dose of the drug should be made in connection with an increase in the need for glucocorticosteroids. the patients should be carefully monitored for one year after the end of a long dexamethasone in connection with the possible development of relative adrenal insufficiency in stressful situations.


With the sudden cancellation, particularly in the case of the prior use of high doses may develop the syndrome of "lifting" (anorexia, nausea, lethargy, generalized musculoskeletal pain, fatigue), as well as worsening of the disease, about which he was appointed Dexamethasone.


During treatment, Dexamethasone should not be vaccinated due to a decrease in its effectiveness (immune response).


Assigning Dexamethasone with intercurrent infections, septic conditions, and tuberculosis, treatment with antibiotics is necessary to simultaneously bactericidal action.


Children during long-term treatment with Dexamethasone need careful monitoring of the dynamics of growth and development.Children who were in contact with sick measles or chickenpox during the treatment period prophylactically prescribe specific immunoglobulins.


Due to the weak mineralocorticoid effect for replacement therapy with adrenal insufficiency, Dexamethasone is used in combination with mineralocorticoids.


Patients with diabetes should monitor blood glucose and, if necessary, correct therapy.


An x-ray control of the osteoarticular system (images of the spine, hands) is shown.


In patients with latent infectious diseases of the kidneys and urinary tracts, Dexamethasone is able to cause leukocyturia, which can be of diagnostic significance.


Drug Interactions


The pharmaceutical incompatibility of dexamethasone with other intravenous drugs is possible. It is recommended that it be administered separately from other drugs (iv bolus, or via another drip as a second solution). When a solution of dexamethasone is mixed with heparin, a precipitate forms.


Simultaneous administration of dexamethasone with:

  • inducers of hepatic microsomal enzymes (phenobarbital, rifampicin, phenytoin, theophylline, ephedrine) leads to a decrease in its concentration;
  • diuretics (especially thiazide and inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase) and amphotericin B - can lead to increased excretion of K + from the body and an increased risk of developing heart failure;
  • with sodium-containing drugs - to the development of edema and increased blood pressure;
  • cardiac glycosides - their tolerance is worsened and the probability of ventricular extrasitolia increases (due to hypokalemia caused);
  • indirect anticoagulants - weakens (less intensifies) their effect (dose adjustment required);
  • anticoagulants and thrombolytics - the risk of bleeding from ulcers in the digestive tract increases;
  • ethanol (alcohol) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - increased risk of erosive ulcerative lesions in the gastrointestinal tract and development of bleeding (in combination with NSAIDs in the treatment of arthritis, a decrease in the dose of glucocorticosteroids due to the summation of the therapeutic effect);
  • paracetamol - the risk of hepatotoxicity increases (induction of hepatic enzymes and the formation of a toxic metabolite of paracetamol);
  • acetylsalicylic acid -accelerates its excretion and reduces the concentration in the blood (with the abolition of dexamethasone, the level of salicylates in the blood increases and the risk of side effects increases);
  • insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs, hypotensive drugs - their effectiveness decreases;
  • vitamin D - its effect on absorption of Ca2 + in the intestine is reduced;
  • somatotropic hormone - reduces the effectiveness of the latter, and with praziquantel - its concentration;
  • M-holinoblokatorami (including antihistamines and tricyclic antidepressants) and nitrates - contributes to increased intraocular pressure;
  • isoniazid and mexiletine - increases their metabolism (especially in "slow" acetylators), which leads to a decrease in their plasma concentrations.


Inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase and looped diuretics can increase the risk of osteoporosis.


Indomethacin, displacing dexamethasone from a bond with albumin, increases the risk of developing its side effects.


ACTH increases the effect of dexamethasone.


Ergocalciferol and parathyroid hormone interfere with the development of osteopathy caused by dexamethasone.


Cyclosporine and ketoconazole, slowing the metabolism of dexamethasone, may in some cases increase its toxicity.


Simultaneous appointment of androgens and steroid anabolic drugs with dexamethasone promotes the development of peripheral edema and hirsutism, the appearance of acne.


Estrogens and oral estrogen-containing contraceptives reduce the clearance of dexamethasone, which may be accompanied by an increase in the severity of its action.


With simultaneous use with live antiviral vaccines and against other types of immunization increases the risk of virus activation and the development of infections.


Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics) and azathioprine increase the risk of developing cataract in the appointment of dexamethasone.


With simultaneous use with antithyroid drugs is reduced, and with thyroid hormones - increases the clearance of dexamethasone.


Analogues of the drug Dexamethasone


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Decadron;
  • Dexaven;
  • Dexazone;
  • Dexamed;
  • Dexamethasone buff;
  • Dexamethasone Nycomed;
  • Dexamethasone-Betalek;
  • Dexamethasone-Vial;
  • Dexamethasone-LENS;
  • Dexamethasone-Ferein;
  • Dexamethasone sodium phosphate;
  • Dexamethasone phosphate;
  • Dexamethasone-lang;
  • Dexapos;
  • Dexafar;
  • Dexon;
  • Maxidex;
  • Oftan Dexamethasone;
  • Fortecortin.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (215):
Dripped in the eyes of Oftan from allergic conjunctivitis on the advice of an ophthalmologist. To scratch and be red eyes quickly stopped thanks to this remedy.
Dexamethasone in tablets was prescribed to me by a gynecologist in connection with the problems of the ovaries, to drink half a pill overnight for a month. And I'm inclined to fullness. Who had a similar case, tell me + and -
Olga, plus there is only one, if the doctor has prescribed a drug for you, then there is the probability and his confidence that he will help you get rid of problems with the ovaries.Minus - like any glucocorticosteroid Dexamethasone can cause the appearance of excess weight. But if the course is short-lived, the probability of such an outcome decreases, in contrast to long-term systemic therapy with hormones.
Do not take it for a long time !!!! My mother herself has appointed herself and took more than a year !!!! Recently died of wounds that are not healed, from excess weight, from lack of immunity. Please - only as prescribed by the doctor !!!!
Lyudmila Vasilevskaya
At my husband COPD (the third group of physical inability), before the next medical commission to pass all necessary procedures and to receive results of researches on its disease, he annually lays in a hospital. In 2012 he was routinely examined with dexamethasone in November. He left the hospital with a small stomach disorder (there was diarrhea). And at the end of December he had a gasp in the background of the common cold and an ambulance took him to pulmonology, where he was again prescribed dexamethasone. Already in the hospital, diarrhea again appeared. He discharged on January 14. Diarrhea could not be brought down.At the end of March he was already diagnosed with chronic gastroduodenitis, although he had never had any problems with the digestive tract before. There was blood in the stool. In April, a rectum cancer with liver metastases was diagnosed and an operation was performed at the end of April. The medicine has contraindications, which must be remembered. I think that oncology has developed against the background of these contraindications.
And what if there is not anything that does not help anymore?
AlexeyFor many years of practice I can say one thing - this does not happen. If this drug does not help, then you need to look at others. Those do not help - we are looking for combinations. If at all on zeros - then we try to vary the dosages (sometimes it helps to remove negative side effects). So look for a competent doctor with a comprehensive approach.
My mother (57 years old) had a brain tumor, a month after she was diagnosed she was lying all the time, there was the possibility of not surviving the operation for another 2 weeks.The doctor prescribed 4 mg of the drug per day in the form of injections. After the first injection, my mother began to walk again and command all. In a joke she invited my father, with moral fatigue from my mother, stop giving injections.
I can say that dexamethasone saved my newborn daughter from meningitis. Meningitis developed as a complication after severe labor and fetal hypoxia. The treatment was at first only medications that did not help. Three days later the medicine had to be changed. One of the appointed was dexamethasone in injections. A few days later, the puncture showed that it was working.
The first child was borne, after a month and a half a second child was born, so that as for the first time it did not happen again, the gynecologist prescribed 3 injections of dexamethasone at 8 mg, and did not understand how it would help.
Yuliya, It's difficult for me, as a NOT obstetrician-gynecologist, to say what the motivation for using Dexamethasone in pregnancy is. Perhaps in the catabolic action of the drug.Although the application should be justified, because the drug is a hormone, and this is serious. It is necessary to ask the motive for the prescription of the medicine from the doctor who assigned it to you, without this in any way.
10 injections of dexamethasone after surgery. Has typed or collected more than 25 kg for 3 months and at the same time the stomach has come to the stomach: business hardly up to an ulcer has not reached. In general, the weight I had for about a year, then I began to lose weight and dropped even more than it was :-) stomach three months with a gastroenterologist treated on diets, broths, food from a steamer. It's a long time ago, but all this time I was sober: why did it blow me so ?! In the hospital, of course, no one told me what kind of drug it was, what kind of pills it had, and what a hormone it all the more ... In short, I really would not want to take it again.
The elbow hurts. The orthopedist appointed Ketorol and dexamethasone. Has made only 3 nyxes. Now everything hurts: liver, stomach. Such a feeling that you want to eat, you feel sick all the time. I do not do any injections. Now I fly everything inside me.
I got sick with bronchitis, I was treated with tsiprolet and inhalations with berodual and lazolvanom, but it got worse, choking started, taking euffilin. It should be noted that she was engaged in self-treatment, finally called a doctor who said that he urgently injected dexamethasone, which we did in his presence. After about 10 minutes, a terrible tachycardia began, pressure jumped, I was almost unconscious, the doctor did not let me die completely, the ambulance came, measured the pressure, checked for a stroke, made a cardiogram, gave the pill to pressure, and then asked the doctor whether he measured me pressure, hearing that there is no and that my constant 120 for 80 exhaled lightly, if I had hypertension, I would not have written it now, so the medicine is a double impression, at night the sputum was clear, but in such quantity that it was more like a vomiting , after hours he felt that it was much easier to breathe, as if the bronchi had been cleansed by a washcloth, cough decreased significantly, but on the advice of the ambulance went to the grass only, at the approach of the spasm I grab the mentos, the usual helps.
Emma, Thank you for your story. It is rather about how you do not need to be treated yourself (especially so strong medications as in your case), as well as how correctly selected treatment works great, even if it is considered to be strong by our people.

Till now I observe certain prejudices concerning hormonal preparations to which Dexamethasone belongs, including, but the medicine is excellent for treatment of those diseases to which it is intended.
January 24, could not get out of bed, something that "entered" in the lower back. She called a doctor at home, he diagnosed - osteochondrosis, appointing: ketorol in / m, meloxicam in table., Ointment "Naise". I was treated for a week - 0 results. On February 4, a neuropathologist was summoned to the house, he made an appointment in a complex of 4 drugs in one syringe: dexamethasone 1 ml, nicotinic acid 1 ml, cyanocobalamin 1 ml and lidocaine (1 time per day). After the first injection I began to turn on my side. The next day - get out of bed. Today after the third quietly walk around the room and even here I sit by the computer. In total, 5 injections were prescribed. I hope after the 5th I'll go to work.Yes, by the way, from the first day of treatment (24.01) took 3 times a day "ranitidine" for the stomach in the pharmacy prompted.
Alyona, Your example is indicative of how an accurate hit of a hormone helped improve the quality of life and cope with the disease. Many doctors are afraid of hormones and I think undeservedly. The effect is sometimes astounding and rapid, which is confirmed by your example, when standard therapy did not help. I wish you every success in your treatment.
I will briefly describe my problem. Who does not have one - thank God, who has something similar - read, think carefully and advise. At me infectious koksartroz right-sided and already and left-handed (have brought an infection, by the way, in an out-patient department at a dressing already almost begun to heal wounds on a leg or foot). Walking, overcoming pain, I can. He was treated with different medications and chondro. , and gljuko, etc., etc., and here in the end (on the advice of a doctor) reached the "Don". What would not get on the "Don" made in the belly or Deribasovskaya ordered Naturlicht "Don" from Italy. Have brought.I began to be treated: (injections, powders - in general, all as it should). And what would you think this month and expensive treatment is over? And a very specific ALLERGY. The doctor prescribed anti-allergenic tablets (L-cet) and injections (tavegil and dexamethasone), and I began to be treated now not only from coxarthrosis, but also from allergies. And then at some point in the treatment (when it did not hurt much and it did not hurt much), I suddenly felt relieved and realized that my coxarthrosis was no longer "pulling me out". I began to walk almost without feeling pain. I turned to the doctors: an orthopedic surgeon and an allergist. As V.Vysotsky sang -... the answer to my question was simple ... - the surgeon said that the breakdown and dexamethasone well removes coxarthrosis pain, but he worries that I can "go" "JALUNIKI", but the allergist said , that all these side effects for a long, more than a month, or even two applications of dexamethasone. On this day: May 4, 2014: 1). Allergy (earned for their blood and I must say no small money) does not let me go for a long time. 2) I try to use dexamethasone very rarely (only with severe pain as I am afraid of unforeseen consequences). 2). I use diclofenac when there is an allergy.And, as they say ... our song is good - start from the beginning. But recently the allergy after diclofenac began to manifest itself more and more often, and dexamethasone perfectly anesthetizes, but I'm afraid of "Galunikov." Be wise therefore. Or maybe everything is much simpler: the cost of 5 ampoules of dexamethasone 5 (five), and the average cost of chondroprotectors is 500 (five hundred). What do you think? Sincerely. Eugene.
P.S. Waiting for an answer, to .. with ...... l ....
0962507384, What can I say. The story is interesting, only the ending is wrong. Yes Dexamethasone well helps in relieving inflammation caused as arthrosis or an allergic reaction, but the disease is osteoarthritis self treat it hondroprotektory that you should take as a basic therapy (may be foreign not indulge, Russian Don, you would not have gone exactly the same ). And if the allergic reaction persists after taking Dona, then most likely the factors that cause allergy in you still persist and are not eliminated (maybe in general it's not because of Dona, it just coincided). I see your problem in a consultation with a rheumatologist (and literate), you can pass this specialist to the money saved on medications from abroad and the appointment of an adequate treatment regimen.If you long indulge in hormonal medications you can get a very unexpected and unpleasant result, and what can be read in the comments above. So any treatment should be systemic and justified, the rest is profanity.
Polina I.
My mother (72 years) has COPD and emphysema for several years. This winter there was a terrible exacerbation - a suffocating, exhausting cough that did not stop for a long time, lack of strength, severe weakness, a fever for several days, was choking at night ... The doctor prescribed antibiotics for 10 days, did not help. As a result, my mother was hospitalized, but after 2 weeks there was no significant improvement, unfortunately ...
Today, after 5 days of taking Dexamethasone, cough almost ceased, mom sleeps at night, appetite and mood improved.
It is clear that Dexamethasone has many side effects and contraindications, but what if the other drugs do not really help? Are there any dexamethasone substitutes "less" harmful?
And yes, the problem is to find a competent doctor, alas.
Polina I., There is no concept of harmful medicine or useful. If your mom can improve your quality of life on hormones, although before that you yourself say that for 2 weeks she was unsuccessfully tried to pick up other medicines in the hospital (I doubt if she just lay in the hospital without appropriate medication), then this medicine must be left . Especially the age, especially the heap of accompanying diagnoses. One thing is unclear, why her hormones were not prescribed before, or went on about the prevailing opinion about the harm of hormonal treatment. So let it remain while on treatment with Dexamethasone, then gradually it will be possible to cancel the hormone, but under the control of the general condition and dynamics. Not the fact that it will be possible to cancel completely, only my mother does not speak about it, her morale should not be reduced.
I have a red lichen planus diagnosis, the doctor prescribed Dexamethasone, I want to know if I will have a weight change?
NairaNo one can give guarantees here,the whole question is what you want to see on the way out: an unpleasant illness or unpleasant changes in weight, which may not be. The doctor said his word, now it's up to you.
I have eczema on my hands. Itching and flaking have already been tortured. They advised me to rub my hands with dexamethasone. Itchy and a little decreased skin peeling. After a three-day application. Can anyone encountered such a problem write a review of the same.
Lyudmila, You would go better to a dermatologist, and then playing with hormones in general is fraught with health. A doctor would have looked at that for the problem and perhaps he himself would have prescribed special ointments containing Prednisolone in one form or another.
To my mum of 66 years, 4 g. Back have revealed a sarcomatous tumor of a brain. There were 3 operations, the last (removed the cortical plate) led to the need for taking dexamethasone 4 mg / day, kolim already 2 years (this is very long), but even from the tablets it was not possible to get away from it.After each visit to the doctors and their advice on reducing the dosage, there were seizures, which had to be removed from the recumbent position within 1.5 months. Niraz did not work for one purpose, fell into the hospital, called the ambulance more than once, but ... Once again they returned to the previous dose, the doctors raise their hands, they appoint him again and say that he needs to leave, but no one told him. Slowly I was able to reduce two small divisions and so far. Accepts simultaneously triampur, finlepsin retard, indapamide, bidop. Tell me, please, did anyone encounter such a problem? And what to do to avoid the side effect of dexamethasone? A year after receiving the itch and fragility of the vessels appeared, scratching causes minor bruising. Thank you in advance, Olesya.
OlesyaIt seems to me that the doctors wanted as best, but if there is no alternative, then with Dexamethasone you will not be able to leave. At least for now. There is such an unpleasant feature in hormonal drugs, if they help and cancel causes negative reactions of the body, then they are appointed indefinitely.Experimenting on health, driving an already sick body into seizures is not worth it.

About the fragility of the vessels from the available online consultation I can advise you Ascorutin (a drug based on vitamins). The rest of the drugs may have side effects and it is better then to coordinate this moment with the attending physician, given the severity of your mother's condition.
Hello! Situation: osteochondrosis (extensive) of the spine, lumbar and thoracic parts, severe pain syndrome. NSAIDs were used: ibuprofen, diclofenac, piroxicam, nimesulide, meloxicam. The neurologist was appointed: ksefokam, arkoksia - a slight decrease in pain. Next, Pregabalin is prescribed as the best option, increasing the dosage from 75 mg / day to 600 mg / day, the effect is insignificant, muscle pain persists. At the present time - celebrex 200 mg / 2 times a day. How, in your opinion, is the use of Dexamethasone effective in such a situation? If so, is it enough to use tablets or need injections? Thank you in advance for your reply.
EgorA lot has been tried. As for Dexamethasone, the option is justified in your case. The most optimal in your case will be the introduction of the hormone directly into the spasmodic muscle, but for this you need an expert capable of such injections. And yes, improvement should occur within one maximum of two injections, if not - then indulge further hormones does not make sense (or the diagnosis is not the same or the case is completely neglected). In principle, a lot of tried, you can just in case MRI of the spine, the experience of illness I see already allows you to go through this procedure to understand whether you are treating.
Many thanks that you answered!
Doctors suggest that you try to transfer your mother from dexamethozone to drugs such as cortef. Is this generally practiced? How is it done - in a hospital, or there are clinics such as boarding houses, or at home? In addition, she found no data on the effect of the latter in the area of ​​cerebral edema and after removal of the sarcomatous meningioma of the brain.
Thank you!
Olesya, Cortef (in your case, probably it will be Solu-Cortef - injection form of the drug) is a hydrocortisone-based drug, in some ways this active ingredient is weaker than prednisolone (as the base unit of action) in something (eg, mineralocorticoid activity ) it is stronger than prednisolone. Can cause swelling.

Dexamethasone in this regard is stronger than prednisolone. But if doctors steadfastly want to reduce dependence on one hormone, translating it to another means a sense of some one (usually this is a general condition of the body that can not draw a strong hormone). In addition, Cortef can be taken indefinitely.

As to whether or not this tool will go - here until you try it - do not find out. I understand that your mother's condition is heavy and predicted here it's like wondering at the coffee grounds. I repeat, the scheme is justified.
Hello. It started with seborrhea, itching, redness of the elbows, knees, face, dandruff. Have prescribed a set of shampoo, ointments, vitamins. All has passed or has taken place on a floor of year well again a set + a diet. Somehow I cut a Bulgarian, the sparks hit my knees a week later in these places. It was a scary itching in the sleep I ripped to the blood to the dermatologist.They say so and so he is from seborrhea + itchy ches. The diagnosis: a dermatosis he to me fukarcinum, atsiklovir, kremgene precisely nepomnju something from an itch. I'm all there. It has passed, but at these places scars through time to ooze have begun. I'm to a dermatologist, and he gives me dexamethasone + calcium gluconate + betasalek. They put me in / in dexamethasone and passed for a month. Then the scars began to flow again, the spots began to flow on the head, the size of the scars increased. Have put one more prick has passed or has taken place again is even worse it because of deksametazona. My kidneys are pulsing during the reception and the terrible is terrible, and after all it's only worse and seborrhea and spots like dermatosis and the psyche is suppressed as a drug of some kind.
Hello again! I about the transition from dexamethasone. Doctors sent us back with their mother again, without even giving us a scheme to switch to another safer drug: they said who appointed, let him and clear up - and this is the first regional clinic named after Ochapovsky! Tell me, please, the scheme for switching to cortef or prednisolone with 4 mg (1 cube) is introduced in | m 2.5 years (very long I know, but no one can help me. Novorossiysk sends to Krasnodar, Krasnodar to Novorossa).The adrenal glands, apparently, have already ruined what can be offered as maintenance therapy? Thank you in advance!
OlesyaThe case with your mom is complicated and I remember it. I remember that any change (decrease) in Dexamethasone therapy in your case leads to serious consequences, so no one wants to take responsibility, because everyone sees the medical history. Here you need to find two moments. The first - such a change, taking into account the severity of the condition, it is necessary to spend in the hospital in order to provide the necessary help, in case of deterioration, so the clinic in your case is not an option and there is nothing to demand from the local doctors. The second - the entire volume of the current hormones, is replaced by new ones, that is, they made the last injection of Dexamethasone and the next day we inject the corresponding doses of the same Cortef, half replace it (at least I did not hear such techniques). This does not mean that it will immediately improve, it will be different. But if there's a deterioration again, then on Dexamethasone you'll sit indefinitely, and those doctors who say that the hormone needs to leave,let them translate themselves, such smart people are now full in hospital-polyclinics. You need to try, but the final result is difficult to predict. Perhaps everything will remain as it is. Moreover, substitutes I will not say that it is better in terms of pobochki.

And further. In the Krasnodar Territory there has always been good medicine. Where did all go? ..
Hello! Recently handed over analyzes on set of hormones, from them the prolactin is raised only. But the symptoms of hair on the chin, breasts, drop out heavily on the head. The doctor diagnosed Hyperprolactinemia and prescribed bromocriptine and dexamethasone. Tell me, this is the right treatment, and then so many horrors on the Internet are written. Thank you!
Lena, Bromocriptine is the base drug for the treatment of hyperprolactinemia, but what the doctor wanted to say by prescribing Dexamethasone (not the weakest means), I can not understand from your question. Perhaps, this point should be clarified by the doctor.
In continuation of the previous comment: Dexamethazone, she wrote, saying that thanks to him will leave extra hair on the face and chest, which should not be in women in these places. Is it correct?
Lena, Interesting you have a doctor. Gave up hormones - increased prolactin. Assigns the right medicine - bromocriptine. Then he sees excess hair growth, and hormones associated with it are normal (from your words) and here the doctor appoints a strong hormone - Dexamethasone. This appointment is correct, if there is a reason for this - a change in the level of the corresponding hormones of androgens. You just need to understand for yourself whether I am concerned about these hair and whether I'm ready to accept the possible side effects that the instructions have from the use of the hormone. In general, either you have misunderstood something, or the attending physician has not told you everything.
Hello everyone, I have problems with weight, or rather, with his absence ... With an increase in 182, weigh 62 ... Mom advises to drink dexamethasone for a month ... What do you think, will help?
Amide, You have a tough mom. Assign a hormone to your baby. Probably, she is an endocrinologist by profession and prescribes preliminary tests for the hormonal background, so Dexamethasone is so easily prescribed.Go to the endocrinologist-doctor and deal with the weight, if the tests show that everything is in order, then you need to lean on the calorie.
Assigned Dexamethasone in the treatment of chorioretinitis, edema of the macula. During the month, they were pricked in / in and parabulbar. The Itsenko-Cushing syndrome developed, added 15 kg, received 190/100 pressure, pulse 140 (usually 100/60), "clouding of the mind (on encephalogram - encephalopathy of unknown origin), myasthenic syndrome, double vision, joint pain, edema, the eyesight improved a little, after discharge and withdrawal, the general condition was simply awful. Against the backdrop of a sudden withdrawal, unbearable pains in the joints and bones! The doctors spread their hands and assumed that I had invented it and it was always "such!" A year later the problems with the retina returned , and vascular drugs: chickens In two years (now) the diagnosis: bilateral Aseptic Necrosis of the Head of the Femur Bone - invalid ... That's how I was "disfigured" by doctors ... The drug is terrible!
Hello! At me here what question: at my 16 years or summer daughter the levels of hormones of adrenals dgea and op-17 (the raised body height of hair there are overestimated,where they should not be), the doctor prescribed this drug 0.5 tablets per day for 2 months, I read the summary and reviews of this drug and now I think it will not hurt her health? And more: in general, it is prescribed to people with joint diseases, etc. where is the connection? And they also write that it is difficult to go from it, is it not possible that my child will receive more harm than good?
Martha, At your daughter as I understood from a question hormonal disturbances in an organism, therefore to her and the hormonal preparation Dexamethasone has been appointed, joints here have nothing to do with it. As for the damage to health, the withdrawal of the drug, all these doubts should be eliminated by the attending physician, since all people are different, probably he had no other choice if hormones were prescribed for the young girl. Scheme for the abolition of therapy should also be prescribed by your doctor, there are no general schemes for everyone.
I want to tell you about my history and I want to hear advice! I have bronchial asthma, at first I was sitting on prednisolone, but with him I thanked God quietly! Here's how the month I was advised dexomethasone, 1-ampule 4 ml per day, the horror I all swollen face like a ball, pain all over the body, a terrible depression,I do not look like myself, and every day I get more and more, I do not get into my things, people are ashamed to show themselves (( recourse Tell me please, how long does it take to leave the dex ... And will everything return to its proper place? I weighed 54 now 66 kg, I'm 28 years old, but I look awful compared to how I looked. Who faced with such write, that further waits at cancellation of this preparation.
Leila, Side effects after the end of the course of treatment Dexamethasone do not go right away - it takes 1-2 months. If the normalization of the main parameters did not occur after the specified period - I send the patient to the endocrinologist for examination, taking tests and hormones, to understand what has been disrupted as a result of taking hormones and how we will treat it. In most cases, everything ends well if you cancel hormones correctly stepwise, as prescribed by the doctor and the treatment was not too long.
In December, I went to a hospital with a strong bowel disorder, a doctor in conjunction with other medicines prescribed injections of dexamethasone,stabbed for 2 weeks, then they just stopped stabbing everything, there was no gradual abolition, it took 4 months to recover by 8 kg already, especially the stomach and hands.
aboutWhat does your post have to Dexamethasone? Removed ...
To the child (2 years 4 months) ENT has diagnosed adenoids of 2nd degree. The child breathed only with the mouth, the nose could not be washed at all, although the canals were clean by ear. Laur prescribed dexamethasone + metazone 3 drops 3 times a day in the nose for 7 days. After the first instillation, without any problems, she blew the baby off and stopped dry cough, at night she began to sleep and breathe with her nose and breathes only with her nose as she should.
Sungatullin Naila
The doctor diagnosed "Osteoarthritis" and "Osteoporosis." Chondroprotectors take courses for 6 months, sometimes I drink decoctions, but sometimes the joints swell and hurt, can I take dexamethasone in such cases?
Sungatullin Naila, Independently it is impossible.This is a strong hormonal drug, which sometimes, and with a skillful appointment, causes side effects, and I myself do not know how to get to it.
Explain what the effect of dexamethasone on pain in the lumbar region (smoothed lordosis, protrusion, Schmorl's hernia is small - such a diagnosis by MRI). The neurologist has appointed or nominated on 1 ml in the morning of 5 days. Thank you.
olga, Dexamethasone - synthetic glucocorticosteroid (GCS), a hormone. This is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug, and the main substratum of your pain is inflammation. This mechanism is affected by the drug Dexamethasone, removing inflammation and thus reducing the pain effect in the lesions.
Hello, today began swelling Quincke, an ambulance, on call, injected intravenously 6 ml of Dexamed, swelling asleep, whether it is possible to wait for the side effect in the form of weight gain, I am very inclined to fullness. 43 years. Thank you.
OlgaAny side effect of using the drug is a probability. That is, guarantees that there will or will not be a particular event is 100% virtually impossible to predict. So to say what will happen to your body after the injection Dexamethasone can not. According to my observations, single injections of hormones very rarely lead to a side effect in the form of obesity. It is better to concentrate on the good and not to think about the bad and not too lean on the food, then there will be no excess weight.
Hello. Interested in such a question. Grandmother, 78 years old. Preserved after taking ketan pain in the thigh. Can not get up. The orthopedic physician prescribed intramuscular injections of dexamethasone 4 mg plus mohvalis intramuscularly in the morning in the course of 3 days to the right buttock. The diagnosis of coxarthrosis of the third degree. Whether it is expedient such treatment? We plan endoprosthetics, but we can not queue on a quota due to the fact that the grandmother always lies and does not get up.
TatyanaSo the choice is not rich. Somehow it is necessary to raise a grandmother, otherwise you will suffer with it. So the hormone dexamethasone with strong anti-inflammatory Movalis can be considered as a drug of choice, but it is necessary to monitor the general condition of the patient and especially the gastrointestinal tract after treatment, there may be pimples, especially at this age.
Hello. At me here is how all has begun: lomilo the left arm or a hand when it was already unbearable has gone to the neuropathologist. They prescribed me: dexamethasone in / m, dexalgin v / m and milgamma, and why else have sirdalud in tablets. Has done or made nyxes 5 days - the pain has absolutely not left, from sirdalud absolutely has refused after the first tablet - one continuous pobochka. I'll have to look for a more competent doctor.
Hello! I have fibromyalgia, and also a hernia on the spine. Pain is strong at night. The doctor neurologist appointed physiotherapy and / m dexamethasone: 3 days for 12mg per day and three days for 8mg per day. I'm confused by the dose, tell me, please, is not too much a dose? Thank you!
LatifahAccording to some sources, glucocorticosteroid preparations (Dexamethasone refers to them) are contraindicated in fibromyalgia. Besides, I can not understand why a neurologist prescribed this drug for you. From pains? Plus monotherapy with hormone, not complex treatment. I would have thought about the competence of a specialist and consulted another doctor.

And the dosage of Dexamethasone is normal. Maximum of 20 mg per day is permissible according to the instructions.
Thank you, dear admin!
The neurologist has appointed or nominated from pains, yes. Apparently, to get rid of me .... About fibromyalgia, he missed the ears in general. I'm surprised pleasantly that you are competent about this sore. To me have diagnosed 10 years ago, all this time the periods of remission were replaced by an exacerbation, but how it is now - yet was not. I started on a new examination (from fear for life :)): I realized that we do not know fibromyalgia or do not want to know. So the neurologist did not listen to me and appointed to pierce dexamethasone, to relieve pain.
LatifahIt is difficult to find a competent doctor with fibromyalgia. I am competent enough to suggest that Dexamethasone in literature is referred to as a remedy that should not be used in your diagnosis. Doctors do not read our books in the majority of their books, maximum prospectuses of pharmaceutical representatives, and in most cases, which gave education in the university, they are treated, even morally obsolete or harmful as it is established by recent research. Therefore, you should be examined, find a sensible specialist and choose competent treatment with it. The disease is rare and therefore there will be difficulties, but the road will be mastered by the going.
Hello! My uncle has liver cancer with metastases to the kidney, spleen, lungs.
Did two chemotherapy procedures, does not help. There were no pains and no. Weakness, loss of appetite, swelling of the legs in the groin area. Doctors were sent to symptomatic treatment without prescribing anything. A fellow oncologist advised dexamethasone to improve the general condition. They injected 4 mg once a day for 3 weeks. The condition improved.He began to eat, his mood improved, his weakness went away, he began to walk. Today there was sluggishness in his hands, a confused speech. So does the drug work, or does cancer progress?
LanaMore like the progression of the underlying disease. Most likely the metastases have gone higher, but this is only my guess based on your medical history. Probably, it is necessary to address repeatedly to doctors, for purpose or appointment of that most symptomatic therapy. Be strong!
Hello! A month ago, I was treated in a hospital with a diagnosis of psoriasis. They pierced me with 5 ampoules of dexamethasone, 5 ampoules of aloe and 2 packs of vitamin B6, B12, and 5 cans of 200ml of hemodeza. There was a rash on the hands of the hands in the form of red vesicles, as well as peeling on the head under the hair. After 10 days, everything went away, I left the hospital. Now the rash has appeared again. I can pierce myself again with dexamethasone with vitamins and aloe. Will it not hurt? Waiting for an answer, with respect Alexander.
Sasha, Whether this scheme will harm or not you will be able to tell only the doctor at the internal reception (better dermatologist or immunologist). Because the history of psoriasis requires a comprehensive study, not a brief enumeration of what was and how it became. Plus analyzes. And Dexamethasone is a hormone and if you too often get carried away with this type of medication, you can get serious health problems, as complications of unsystematic reception.
Hello! To me of 72 years, a carcinoma the renal-cellular cancer, the right kidney and a metastasis in L5 on the right in a backbone - 5 sm are removed (the surgeon has told or said, that has cleaned completely, has put a design and screws). After 2 months of pain, the strong appeared already on the left in the leg below the knee. On the CT-soft component on L5 - 5 cm Pain intensifies at night, Pentaglide + Tramadol on the floor of the pill not always help. I am examined further. And while the surgeon appointed Dexamethasone - 8 mg IM in a day. I have hypertension, coronary artery bypass grafting, hypothyroidism, the liver aches, the ulcer of the 12th intestine is in remission. After reading the instructions, I realized that it is better to double the dose of pain medication than to take the drug.And how do you think? Thank you in advance for your response.
Galina, I believe that it is better to follow the recommendations of the attending physician with your problems rather than engage in amateur activities. Especially with oncology hormone therapy, including Dexamethasone and other glucocorticosteroid drugs are used very successfully. And you can provoke an aggravation of a peptic ulcer by anesthetizing. I would not risk it.
Hello. Has appointed or nominated the neurologist after MRT (protrusion of disks) a backbone deksametazon intravenously on 8 mg. for 5 days at the end of a dropper with Berlithion and Euphyllin. How much I gain weight in 5 such injections. And maybe that weight will not be added at all. Or vice versa to lose weight. Which is more likely to expect me? Thank you! very worried!
mix030, The same probability as in any other probability - 50 to 50. That is, you can gain weight, and maybe not, you can lose weight, or maybe not.Hormones are non-alternative drugs, when a fast and often persistent effect is needed, or when other methods of treatment have already been tried and not helped. Here the question is in trusting the patient to his doctor. According to my observations, every 5 patients on hormones give some kind of pity and then with prolonged admission, short-term courses often do not give any side effects.
Hello. I was diagnosed with allergic rhinopharyngitis. There was a very strong laryngeal edema appointed dexamethasone 4.0 in / m 1 time per day and 2 days for 2.0 also 1 time per day. And with 4 days of pills lamilan. Can you suggest a withdrawal syndrome? In advance thanks for the answer.
valya, No, it will not. The short-term course of Dexamethasone should not affect your health status or the development of withdrawal syndrome after the end of the drug intake.
Hello. The neurologist has appointed deksalgin and deksametazon in one syringe v / m, I can something not correctly understood, whether it is possible to mix these preparations? I'll do the injections myself - in front of 2 days off, I did not find anything about it in the instructions.
Vera..., The first time I've heard about such a technique. I usually prescribe to my patients a separate intake of any intramuscular injection. Solutions of different drugs have the property of reacting to mixing negative manifestations in the form of precipitation or the appearance of flakes, which complicate the administration or lead to the appearance of allergic reactions or abscesses at the site of administration of such a cocktail.
Dear Admin, good evening!
I really hope for your advice. I am 27 years old. Exactly 3 months ago the neurologist prescribed me a course of dexamethasone 4 mg / ml with novocaine 5 ml in one syringe vn / m, 5 times every other day. Complaints: pain in the joints, pain from the back (thoracic area), pain in the head. All these pains intensify after active training (running), as well as after stress. Has received a direction on MRI of a backbone and a direction on inspection on joints. According to the doctor's recommendations, until you get results, you need to pass the appropriate course. After one injection, dexamethasone felt a list of side effects: fever,palpitations, headache, numbness of the body (including the reduction of libido), emotional instability (depression, apathy), severe weakness (running now many can not), bloating. Naturally, I immediately stopped pricking dexamethasone. Ie injected one shot. After that I was prescribed a movalis (I once or twice chopped it). After the examination, it turned out that I was all right. And the cause of pain in the head and back are trigger zones, which are treated with manual therapy. With the joints, too, everything is in order. The problem is that all the side effects that I have listed have remained to this day. Although it's been 3 months already. I addressed to the neuropathologist and the endocrinologist on this question. They say that one injection of dexamethasone can not act for so long. I want to note that the problems are not contrived, I really feel these side effects. Tell me, please, what should I do in this case? Is it worth doing some surveys? Or can you just wait for the dexamethasone action?
MichaelA highly incomprehensible situation.In the sense that one injection can cause changes, but they are also really fast and pass. For 3 months, everything has passed, if the medicine is to blame. More like activation of some hidden process in the body, which led to the appearance of such fuzzy symptoms. The triggering trigger could also be a Dexamethasone injection.

If the mental side of the question is all right and to the head you usually do not type and do not scroll the situation, then this possible problem is omitted, although the psychic lability is very much like. It would be desirable to ask, how with pressure and in general cardiovascular system? When was the last time the ultrasound of the heart, kidneys and ECG? All the symptoms indicated in the question, except for bloating, fit into bloodstream disturbances, although they are not clear, but you are not old enough to age. Neurology was initially dismissed, since you consulted with a specialist. And the endocrinologist any analyzes appointed or nominated?
At the expense of mental instability, I admit this option. But it is psychic, not psychological. I have periods of neurosis, mental apathy.About eight months ago, I worked with a psychiatrist on this issue. He diagnosed - personality disorder. That is, the psyche is in order, the problem is heightened anxiety. Three months he drank the antidepressant Paxil under the supervision of a psychiatrist. I had strong side effects from him. By the way, very similar to dexamethasone (almost one in one). But after Paksila's cancellation, everything returned to normal within a month. Maybe, I have a very sensitive psyche for such drugs, and it really does need some time for a full recovery after dexamethasone. Although I admit the fact that there may have been some change in the psyche after the injection of dexamethasone. Because there were emotional problems - a feeling of deafness, numbness of the nervous system, as if under tranquilizers (there is almost no emotion). Depression and apathy.
At the expense of pressure, before the injection of dexamethasone was all normal. Ultrasound of the heart, kidneys and ECG for a long time did not do, but again there were no complaints before the injection. I ran 4 times a week for 5-10 km. But, as I wrote earlier, my head, back and joints ached. Now the heart beats hard and often, shortness of breath, weakness. Periodic trembling in the body.Strangers touch my forehead and say that I have a high fever and heat (that is, an objective opinion).
The endocrinologist believes that the problem is in psychology. Has directed me to hand over analyzes on a number of hormones, but only that I have calmed down, that is in it there is no necessity.
Do you think it's possible that I really inspired myself all these symptoms and they became reality? Or it makes sense to begin examination of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels?
Good afternoon! 16.09.15 I had a planned coronary angiography. In connection with the allergy to the contrast agent intravenously, Dexamethasone 8.0 mg (2.0 amp) + NaCl 0.9% - 200 ml was administered. - 3 days (dropper). Everything went well. However, when taking the tests in October and November, high-density cholesterol and triglycerides were greatly increased (although I take Atoris 40 mg for 8 years). Whether it can be from reception Dexamethasone, if yes, how much time the side effect lasts, what will recommend to pass or take place to me inspections?
MichaelJudging by the situation described by you, it is now more understandable that it is probably senseless to do some research for you.The point is psychosomatics, that is, first there was an activator process in the brain, that the medicine is harmful (and not vice versa, as in all other people) and then the organism began to give out reactions conditioned by the psychic process. The temperature fits perfectly, like the other objective symptoms. The human body can drive people into such painful conditions, but it turns out that one should simply calm down, including sometimes medically. Start your recovery process with the tests that the endocrinologist prescribed, make sure they are normal and move with the psychologist (or with the psychiatrist if the problem is already started) to your further psycho-emotional recovery. I'm more than confident that examining all the systems of the body will not bring you any hope that you will find some kind of somatic disease. Although if you have not done anything before and Paxil has already been taken, you can undergo examinations and pass tests (if you have sufficient financial resources), this will improve your psychological state too, when you know that you are absolutely healthy, maybe you will not need help from a psychological service .

Navigator, Yes, Dexamethasone can lead to a redistribution of fat in the body and cause hypercholesterolemia. But I am confused by the shortness of the hormone administration in this story, although its dosage was decent, but for 3 months that have passed since the treatment everything should already come to normal. Maybe for 8 years Atoris stopped helping and you just need to change the statin to another. In general, it is necessary to break your head first of all to your cardiologist and play with the appointment of other cholesterol-reducing drugs.
Hello, at me an intervertebral hernia, being in a hospital has received five blockade with hydrocortisone. Further the neurologist has written out droppers deksametazona 4 m on 150, ch / s day novocaine. But 4 years ago I had thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. Can I receive such treatment with hormones? Well, another question, how will this affect the weight?
Zoch, Your thrombophlebitis is not a contraindication to such treatment. So if the doctor has appointed or nominated - means it is possible.Usually, doctors choose to weaker therapy (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, chondroprotectors, etc.) for initial treatment and then resort to hormonal treatment. I want to believe in you and it was (exception - the severity of the primary diagnosis, but one in five of the intervertebral hernias).

About how it affects the weight - no one can say, you can lose weight, often get fat, but according to my observations, no more than 5% of the cases from the general reception of Dexamethasone. The shorter the course of treatment, the less chance of getting any side effect, but such treatment is even a one-time treatment - this is always a risk and this should be taken into account by the doctor when prescribing and applying hormones strictly according to the indications.
Thanks for the answer! Yes, of course, before blockades and droppers, there were many other treatments from movalis to xefokama ...... and between ..... other drugs. Just a large hernia, and the operation was two years ago, here on the second I hesitate. Once again I thank for the answer!
ZochMost likely, in your case, the appointment of hormones is justified.
I have bronchial asthma. Have appointed dexamethasone, without even asking about the concomitant diseases. After a dropper, I feel terrible. If I give up the drug (only once), there will be no withdrawal syndrome?
89276346475, From one dropper nothing should be and cancellation of a one-time can be one-time, withdrawal syndrome will not be exact. But to cancel any treatment should the doctor or replace it with another, because asthma from you has not gone anywhere.
They prescribed dexamethasone for the discoid form of lupus erythematosus. They stung 2 ml a week, then 1 ml and 6 tablets a week, from January 1 6 tablets, from January 5 4, they said another 4 tablets a week. I can no longer face my face, I know where the heart and stomach are located (spasms in the morning), I suffocate (the sensation that the shchitovidka presses (I drink 75 micrograms), gaining weight.) On January 1, I could not get up, my ankle and knees burned fire and tore, released, but I feel like a wreck, my whole life hypotonic, and here the pressure is under 130.Can I stop drinking? The doctor is good and respectable, but it is impossible to talk, because believes that women have nothing in their heads and it makes no sense to talk to them.
Good afternoon! Happy New Year! Since 2013, I was diagnosed with chronic hepatitis of unknown etiology. 2-3 times a month I have Quincke's edema, usually on the lips or cheeks. With edema I put 1 cube or 4 mg. Dexamethasone is helping. But the last 2 months it does not help. The edema continues and passes only in 24 hours. What advise to do? Increase the dose or change the drug?
larala_pylyaJudging by the admission scheme described in the question, you are moving smoothly to the abolition of Dexamethasone. You can not stop taking this medication at once, because the risk of withdrawal syndrome development is great and then the negative effects will be similar or even stronger than those described above.
Hellcat, To search with the doctor, the reason of an edema Quincke and to exclude the given factor from your life,and also to consult with an allergist for the purpose of stopping the medicines of this condition and / or its predecessors. And especially not to delay the decision of this problem, since the swelling of the Quincke is a threatening condition. It's good that it flows in you is smeared (if you correctly diagnosed the problem), but if it develops in full force, the ambulance may not be in time, especially hormones in the usual dosage do not help you anymore. And yes, if the Quincke's swelling does not pass after the first injection of the hormonal drug (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, etc.), then add more.
Hello. After a virus encephalitis, a grandson (3 years) was assigned Dexamethasone. At the moment it takes almost 2 years. There have already been 4 attempts to gradually reduce the dose and get off, but less than 1 tablet does not work, the symptoms are supposed to return (we know that this is already a dependence). The dose in the period of recurrence is 2.5 - 3 tablets. The last dose reduction was very gradual, within 1 year. And nevertheless again deterioration of the general condition. Four times they were in different hospitals, doctors do not know how to help us.Do we really have no chances and will have to "sit" on Dexe all his life? Help, please, if you know how.
Vika, I hardly can remotely help in your situation. In your case, it is necessary to examine the child (which has probably already been done in hospitals and more than once), to take tests and to conduct research, even if the symptoms are to know, previous treatment - we will not cover all this remotely. Therefore, there is only one advice - to continue to look for your doctor, who can be trusted and whose appointed treatment will have the maximum result. You already have something to compare with.
Julia Julia
Hello my child had an attack of laryngitis at night. The attack was removed Hydrocortisone, then the doctor prescribed inhalation Dexamethasone 1ml for 3 ml of phys. solution for 4 days. Will the child have the "Cancel" syndrome if he stops breathing? And can such a short period of use affect the weight in the future?
Julia Julia, From a single injection and the use of inhaled glucocorticosteroids, withdrawal syndrome should not be, so you can safely cancel on the latest recommended inhalation. And the future will show the future, still now you should not do anything, but just watch.
Hello. My husband is 65 years old. In early August 2015, he was diagnosed with: cancer of the upper lobe of the right lung TZN1M1 IV st IV cells. gr. MTS in the brain multiple; operative treatment on the brain is not shown. Did not own the left side of the body. The neurosurgeon prescribed dexamethasone 5 days for 3 injections, 5 days for 2 and 5 one at a time. Almost immediately after the first injections everything was restored. Until now, we put one shot a day, because after even one skip the head immediately starts to hurt and ketorol almost does not help. Is it possible to continue to put dexamethasone (tried to drink Prednisolone in tablets, it does not help)? Still we accept a cytoflavin serially with pyracetamomas courses. Thank you.
grafova52, Of course, put the hormone until such therapy will help it to maintain normal life. Not the diagnosis and stage of the oncological process in the husband to experiment with treatment or think about side effects.
Thank you. We take omeprazole every day for six months, m. Do you need to drink something else from antacids? Now they talk a lot about proton therapy, do you think that in our case we can expect a positive effect? Thank you.
grafova52, I do not like antacids and use it in schemes rarely. Omeprazole will be enough. If the stomach is all right, worry about this is not worth it.
Hello! My mom (83g) 3 years ago found a meningioma in the right temporal lobe of the brain (already denied left arm and left leg and now she is completely recumbent) and atopic dermatitis (she is an allergic person since 25 years old), well, except for other diagnoses (twinkle, pressure , pancreatitis, etc.) is very much suffering from itching - the body has red spots.We treat and antihistamines - drinks 2 r day and ointments (help for a very short time), and hormones (dexamethasone and diprospan - intramuscularly), with dexamethasone recommended to her and neurologist from the tumor and dermatologist from dermatitis, and the pills do not help. I know that diprospan can be very rare, and dexamethasone for the past year was pricked 9 times, sometimes according to a 3-day schedule of 8 mg, 3 days of 4 mg, sometimes 5 days of 4 mg. The last time in January is 10 days for 4 mg, but it helps for a while - about a month. The big question is: how often can one conduct such courses of dexamethasone in our situation? Really looking forward to your reply.
Chuproxa, In your situation, if the hormones are observed to have a positive effect, you can take it for a long time, as the mother's health allows and on the recommendation of the attending physician. Especially with tumors, hormones can give positive results in the general condition of patients and the alternative is not particularly visible from the available in bulk application at the present time. So, if the doctor recommends and allows - colitis and do not think.
Thanks for the answer! I and hoped that you can at least in this way support it.
The dexamethasone was injected intravenously for 5 days with pneumonia, and after the withdrawal there was a relapse, again a course of antibiotics. There were never problems with sugar in the blood, and according to the analysis, sugar jumped to 6.4. For a week gain in weight +5 kg. Now on a stiff diet plus tea to reduce sugar and continue to drink antibiotics, because pneumonia has not gone anywhere. One question is whether the normal level of blood sugar will return or not? I am 38 years old and would not like to know what diabetes is.
Hello! I am 41 years old. 3 months ago the urticaria began, the body becomes red, sometimes the lips are slightly swollen. Approximately food allergy. I do not eat anything except buckwheat, rice, pasta. Soups on the water, meat, fish and silence forgot how to taste. Very thin. The doctor allergist appointed dexamethasone 2 amp. in / with saline solution for 5 days then 1 amp. 5 days, in parallel 2 types of antihistamine tablets of different origin, 1 in the morning the other evening.I'm worried about the high dose of dexamethasone, is this the right way?
Elena1373, No one will say whether your sugar will go away or not, only time will answer this question, well, your prophylaxis in the form of a gluten-free diet and tea should help to cope with the body. It is clear that Dexamethasone (and possibly pneumonia) were those stress factors that caused an increase in the level of sugar in the blood. Observe dynamically with the endocrinologist. I want to believe that everything will be fine.

nata-prim74The 8 mg dexamethasone prescribed for you by the doctor per day is not the maximum dosage (maximum for adults is allowed up to 20 mg, which is 5 ampoules). To be treated it is necessary, and differently than still it is possible to get rid of a strong allergic reaction. And to determine the allergen is also necessary, after passing the course of therapy, so it was clear what to exclude from the diet or can the allergy is caused by other factors - mites, pollen of plants and trees, temperature differences, etc.
Hello, Doctor! The diagnosis: hr. bronchitis.Fluorography: pericardial adhesions on both sides, roots are tight. Constantly formed white mucus, which you want to cough. The therapist prescribed 5 droppers: 4 ml dexamethasone with euphyllinum (10) plus ACS and tab. / RTI & gt; March 2 received the appointment, March 3 (impressed by reading pobochek) refused to dexamethasone, on March 4 agreed to 2 ml of dexamethasone and 5 euphyllin. Treatment will continue only on March 9 after 4 days of weekend. The therapist says that the effect of such treatment is weak. I struggle with my suspicion about dexamethasone. Whether to make the remaining 2 days on 4 ml or and 2 ml will help or assist? Weight 51 kg, height 159, 57 years. I appreciate your opinion, thank you, I hope to receive an answer by March 9. I wish you good health!
Eleanor, Here I am flied, here I am not flied or treated. Determine yourself for the beginning, what the final result of the treatment you need. And so cancel yourself and add back hormones in a comprehensive course of therapy can not, the sense of this treatment will be small. The rest, ask your doctor, judging by the purpose, is an adequate specialist.
Thanks for the replies and comments. Today was at the endocrinologist and to me already exposed the diagnosis - a diabetes. Dexamethasone is a terrible drug! Think a hundred times before taking it. I now do not treat pneumonia, but diabetes mellitus because of him and the sorrows of doctors.
Hello. At me an intervertebral hernia, the doctor has appointed or nominated droppers of a magnesia with nyxes deksametazona. I pierced 5 days, and after that the second week I have a small temperature (I did not measure, but I feel that there is), a runny nose, I sweat very much at night. Before this, I had a maximum once a year, and then I'll lie down for a couple of days, I'll drink paracetamol and everything will pass, but now it's all the time. Do not tell me - will it pass by itself? And if so, when? Thank you.
ANTON_VIIIf you get cold, then you'll get sick until you get better. If there are any reactions to the drugs, then with regard to Dexamethasone I would wait a week for this time, the side post-reactions should pass. I would still measure the temperature and go to the doctor, because you can not understand your situation remotely.Perhaps the medication and cold have coincided, this also happens.
Good afternoon! Since childhood, I suffer from atopic dermatitis and allergies to poplar pollen (watery eyes and runny nose). Now to me 27.
At the age of 18 he was registered in the hospital, combed his wounds on his hands, wrote out hormonal ointments in the hospital, smeared once a week, everything was fine.
At the age of 24 began to notice that after sex or alcohol the face began to blush (ruled out alcohol).
Then moved from his parents, began to live with a girl. And the dermatitis left with brushes (became clean), passed to the body, face, limbs. There was a very strong itching (before this was not), I comb everything into the blood (the wounds then get wet, do not heal), the whole skin is peeling (constantly), becomes covered with a crust and the skin is peeling off, then a new skin appears and again peels (in an exacerbation) chills, wounds from the lymph flow. I could not sleep properly, woke up, sweated, itched.
Has registered to the paid allergist, before was only in budgetary sq.
In the direction of the doctor gave blood, there is an increased immunoglobulin ige 270, passed a large test (20 thousand rubles) for household and food allergens, everything is normal.
Then the doctor began to prescribe drugs (timodepressin, antihistamine, metipred, etc.), but nothing gave an effect, except for dexamethasone (after all the symptoms pass), he did the course during an exacerbation of 6 days per injection a day. Further after the cancellation, the next day, gradually everything returns.
The paid doctor does not say anything.
Has made uzi adrenals, a liver, a stomach and td, all in norm or rate.
Then, during the next exacerbation, I applied to the State Research Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, where I was given a dropper (a chill appeared, stopped doing), gave a lot of creams from moisturizers to corticosteroids, smeared every day, but unfortunately the skin remained unchanged. Before discharge, they injected him with diprospan, it became better. But a week passed and the symptoms return.
Also I follow a strict diet (I lost 6 kg). During the injections of dexamethasone I recover a little.
Why is dexamethasone good? (I am afraid of it or him often to prick because of collateral)
And where to look further? Apply to a gastroenterologist?
Dmitry40, You have a classic atopy, that is, allergic manifestations (they all manifest differently, you have cutaneous manifestations, someone has sneezing, coughing, or other allergic symptoms) without any apparent cause or allergens. And to search for the specific reasons provoking exacerbations is necessary (as it was in your case with alcohol), because the treatment suits poorly and radical therapy (that is, took a course of therapy and forgot) I have not seen in such cases. Usually we are looking for aggravating allergens (chocolate, fruit, cheese), if we find it - we exclude from the diet. Stressful factors play a big role in provoking the disease, they should be limited (write yourself that life with a girl contributes to the exacerbation and spreading of the disease over new areas of the skin).

You can enroll to a gastroenterologist, but not the fact that he will find something sane that really affects your problems. It is better to use this money for a long resort treatment near the sea. Really observed a stable remission in atopy in children, which parents took away for months to the Crimea, Sochi, the Mediterranean coast.It's expensive, but give more to medicines, because all these pills, creams or ointments help for a short while, and if Dexamethasone helps poorly, even more so.

Hormone treatment is good, and it helps quickly, because it affects stress hormones, and it has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, stabilizes the membrane of mast cells and blocks other allergenic factors. Adequate for the strength of the funds is no more, but the side effects with prolonged use all spoil.
adminEvery year I go to rest for a month in the Crimea. (just before this was not).
How can I take dexamethasone (tablets) during exacerbations with minimal side effects?
And what drugs from stressful situations (atarax, tenoten)?
Dmitry40Regarding the dosage of the hormone, this is for you to have an internal doctor, you need to look at the skin, look at the documentation and previous studies, this is not an issue for online consultation.

From sedatives, Atarax is a strong medicine and is released only on prescription, so what to say if you do not get it so easily in the pharmacy.Tenoten is over-the-counter, but I tend to believe that this is more homeopathy than some kind of treatment, not treatment. In general, weak soothing herbs (Valerian, Motherwort, Novopassit) you can buy in a pharmacy without a prescription, but strong chemistry is already only on the prescription of the doctor and his advice.

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