Kagocel - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets 12 mg) drugs for the treatment and prevention of influenza, ARVI and herpes in adults, children and during pregnancy and lactation. Composition

Kagocel - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets 12 mg) drugs for the treatment and prevention of influenza, ARVI and herpes in adults, children and during pregnancy and lactation. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Kagocel. Comments of visitors of the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Kagocel in their practice are presented. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Kagocel with available structural analogues. Use for the treatment and prevention of influenza, ARVI and herpes in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation (lactation). Composition of the preparation.


Kagocel - antiviral drug. Inductor synthesis of interferon.


It causes the formation in the body of the so-called late interferon, which is a mixture of alpha and beta interferons, which have high antiviral activity. Kagocel causes the production of Interferon in almost all cell populations that participate in the antiviral response of the body: T- and B-lymphocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells. When administered in one dose of the drug Kagocel titer interferon in the serum reaches its maximum values ​​after 48 hours. The interferon response of the body to the administration of Kagocel is characterized by a prolonged (up to 4-5 days) circulation of interferon in the bloodstream. The dynamics of accumulation of interferon in the intestine when taking the drug inside does not coincide with the dynamics of the circulating interferon titers. In the blood serum, the content of interferon reaches high values ​​only 48 hours after taking Kagocel, while in the intestine the maximum production of interferon is observed after 4 hours.


The greatest effectiveness in the treatment with Kagocel is achieved with its appointment no later than the 4th day after the onset of acute infection.For preventive purposes, the drug can be used at any time, incl. and immediately after contact with the infectious agent.




Copolymer gossypol (one of the pigments of cotton, natural polyphenol, toxic in a free form) with carboxymethyl cellulose + auxiliary substances.




When administered orally, about 20% of the administered dose of the drug enters the total blood flow. 24 hours after ingestion, the drug accumulates mainly in the liver, to a lesser extent - in the lungs, thymus, spleen, kidneys, lymph nodes. Low concentration is noted in adipose tissue, heart, muscles, testes, brain, blood plasma. The low content in the brain is explained by the high molecular weight of the drug, which hinders its penetration through the BBB. Output is mainly through the intestine: after 7 days after intake, 88% of the administered dose is withdrawn from the body, including 90% with feces and 10% with urine. In the exhaled air the drug was not detected.



  • prevention and treatment of influenza and other ARVI in adults and children aged 6 years and older;
  • treatment of herpes in adults.


Forms of release


Tablets 12 mg. Special pediatric form of the drug is not marked.


Instructions for use and dosage


The drug is taken orally.


Adults for treatment of influenza and SARS are prescribed in the first 2 days - 2 tablets 3 times a day, in the next 2 days - 1 tablet 3 times a day. In total, the course lasts 4 days - 18 tablets.


Prevention of influenza and ARVI is carried out by 7-day cycles: 2 days - 2 tablets once a day, break for 5 days. Then the cycle is repeated. The duration of the preventive course varies from 1 week to several months.


For the treatment of herpes, 2 tablets are prescribed. 3 times a day for 5 days. In total for a course lasting 5 days - 30 tablets


Children aged 3 to 6 years for treatment of influenza and SARS are prescribed in the first 2 days - 1 tablet 2 times a day, in the next 2 days - 1 tablet 1 time per day. In total, the course lasts 4 days - 6 tablets.


Children aged 6 years and older for treatment of influenza and SARS are prescribed in the first 2 days - 1 tablet 3 times a day, in the next 2 days - 1 tablet 2 times a day. In total, for a course of 4 days - 10 tablets.


In children aged 3 years and over, the prevention of influenza and ARVI is carried out by 7-day cycles: 2 days - 1 tablet 1 time per day, break for 5 days, then repeat the cycle. The duration of the preventive course is from 1 week to several months.


Side effect

  • allergic reactions.



  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • children under 3 years;
  • deficiency of lactase, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • increased individual sensitivity.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


The drug is contraindicated for use in pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).


Kagocel, when prescribed in therapeutic doses, is non-toxic, does not accumulate in the body. The drug does not have mutagenic and teratogenic properties, it is not carcinogenic and does not have embryotoxic effect.


Use in children


Kagotsel is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.


Children aged 3 to 6 years for treatment of influenza and SARS are prescribed in the first 2 days - 1 tablet 2 times a day, in the next 2 days - 1 tablet 1 time per day. In total, the course lasts 4 days - 6 tablets.


Children aged 6 years and older for treatment of influenza and SARS are prescribed in the first 2 days - 1 tablet 3 times a day, in the next 2 days - 1 tablet 2 times a day. In total, for a course of 4 days - 10 tablets.


In children aged 3 years and older, the prevention of influenza and ARVI is carried out by 7-day cycles: 2 days - 1 tablet 1 time per day, break for 5 days,then the cycle is repeated. The duration of the preventive course is from 1 week to several months.


special instructions


To achieve a therapeutic effect, Kagocel should be taken no later than the 4th day after the onset of the disease.


Kagocel is well combined with other antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and antibiotics.


Drug Interactions


With the simultaneous use of Kagocel with other antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and antibiotics, an additive effect is observed (they enhance each other's action).


Analogues of the drug Kagocel


Kagocel does not have structural analogs for the active substance.


Analogues for the pharmacological group (antiviral agents):

  • Avonex;
  • Alloferon;
  • Altevir;
  • Alfaferon;
  • Amizon;
  • Amiksin;
  • Anaferon;
  • Anaferon child;
  • Arbidol;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Bonaphoton;
  • Valaciclovir;
  • Valtrex;
  • Vivorax;
  • Virazole;
  • Virolex;
  • Viferon;
  • Genferon;
  • Gerpevir;
  • Herpferon;
  • Groprinosin;
  • Zovirax;
  • Ingavirin;
  • Interferon;
  • Inferon;
  • Lavomax;
  • The Medovar;
  • Nevirapine;
  • Neovir;
  • Oxolin;
  • Panavir;
  • Reaferon EU Lipint;
  • Relenza;
  • Remantadine;
  • Ribavirin;
  • Rimantadine;
  • Tamiflu;
  • Tyloron;
  • Famvir;
  • Famciclovir;
  • Cyclovir;
  • Epigenum sex;
  • Epigen labial;
  • Ergoferon.

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Reviews (43):
A good tool to treat the flu. Me and my family helped.
Judging by what I read on the Internet, this drug is very toxic and can cause infertility. In 1998, the World Health Organization banned the basis of this drug because of its toxicity.

You know, I'd rather sit in the hospital for a couple of days with the flu, which by itself will pass, then I'll run around the doctors and treat this problem. After all, the main purpose of women - these are children, and medicines such in the furnace need, why they are not prohibited until now, but on the contrary, money is invested in their further PR and development.
Kagocel is practically harmless, it's all nonsense. And he helps well.I take it for prophylaxis in the autumn, I can not get sick, I raise one of the children.
Recently, the doctor was diagnosed with this drug. In the evening I drank 2 tablets, at 3 am my neck ached terribly. I thought that I was awkward to sleep. In the morning, there was no pain, I drank two more pills, after a few hours the pain in the cervical region appeared again. Even checked again in the evening - 2 more tablets and the same result! Previously, this has never happened. Given that this is a completely synthetic inducer of interferon synthesis, I'm afraid even to guess on what and how it still affects. And we will never know about it, because the money is invested in a lot! And to read its full chemical name with a lot of derivatives is scary at all! It's better to use human recombinant interferon! Or cytovir!
I gave the preparation Kagocel to a child of 6 years old according to the scheme. The result did not see! I fell ill anyway. And they started giving on the first day of the disease. He had otitis and cough! As a result, 10 days of illness, 5 days, t-ra 38.5 and antibiotic!
You give the child an antiviral drug against a bacterial infection - and want him to help. It's strange! Kagocel and will not help with bronchitis and otitis, it's not from that, you're not going to have heart treatment with kidney drugs, right?
Kagocel helped me, too, I drank it from herpes. Tortured at one time, I had to buy medicine, but since then this infection has not protruded. It will be necessary to buy it for prophylaxis.
I've also read the criticism of the respected author about the Kagocel, and I was upset. Took this fall from a protracted ARI, it helped; From the first reception the symptoms began to disappear. Perhaps it was a placebo effect or the body itself managed, but the fact remains.
Here I have the first experience of taking kagocel, too, just in the spring was - was acutely ill. And kagotsel put me on my feet for three days, or rather on the third day I went to work, but the kagocel drunk to the end.
I kagotsel this year, when my husband instead of antibiotics brought him from the pharmacy. I did not want to drink at first - a new unfamiliar drug, and then I read the instructions, but there's only an allergic reaction from the side effects, so I do not suffer from allergies at all. She began to take Kagocel, the next day she began to feel better, and four days later she forgot about the illness.
The second time this year I was convinced of the effectiveness of kagocel for a child of 6 years, for the first time the temperature rose to 39.7, on the second day everything was fine, only in the evening 37, now it's ORVI plus rotovirus at the same time - a couple of times vomiting, completely liquid stool and snot river, on the third day is healthy, but I still added candles to Kipferon.
I really like this drug, my husband raises him from the bed for 2 days, all the symptoms of Orz and Orvi disappear, and most importantly, well-being is improving. Now I'm going to buy it, just for myself ...
My four year old son, who fell ill this winter, ARD, our pediatrician strongly recommended the drug Kagocel, which I gave the child according to the appointment - in the first two days of 1t / 2p.a day, and the next two days - one. On the last day of treatment, there were no improvements in the child and all symptoms persisted. Have addressed again to the doctor who has appointed or nominated other preparation, after which reception the illness at once has gone on a loss. Conclusion - Kagocel is not suitable for everyone!
I drank it only a couple of times, both times the doctor appointed. I do not take self-medication. The drug approached me, helped quite quickly. All the symptoms were completely on the 5th day. Of course, well-being began to settle earlier and gradually. But it was just so much that I was able to close the hospital.
It is better to take kagocel for prophylaxis. Then the big chances do not get sick at all. I still drank a full course in the autumn, and still did not get sick. At work, many sneezes, and always use public transport, I do not take viruses.
The drug is bad. They took a week for prevention and at the end of the reception they managed to get colds. There were snot and temperature - a typical flu.So there is no more reliable means than garlic and hardening. And all sorts of kagocels - this is not the topic ...
How many times can I repeat the course of kagocel?
Saw in the fall, to be precise in October. During this time, I never got sick.
But now the epidemic, many flu, I think I can repeat the course?
Zarina, Specific indications of the duration or frequency of taking Kagocel in the instructions are not indicated. This means that you can repeat the course now, if you have already drunk it in the fall. Negative consequences should not be.
a guest
I usually drink twice a year in courses, just right. And the doctor says so much will be enough. It's not often. And the body has good support. Zarina, only without fanaticism, although the drug is good, it is not necessary to overdo it.
I often had herpes before her on her lips. And if I start to smear it, then it appears in another place, then I'll anoint it, I do not know where I can crawl out. How I suffered, in the cold time it was generally horrible, almost every month popped up.Then I decided so it would not work, I went to the doctor. Have written out to me vitamins and kagocel, I drank all strictly under the scheme or plan, and now I feel freedom, for a long time the herpes did not disturb me, I hope, that have disposed of it or him for ever.
Kagocel and its distributors receive a warning For advertising in the reviews of his drug. If this continues with the forces of the employees hired by you, then I'll put this medicine on my Blacklist of drugs. This is a good sobering advertiser.
All amoxins, arbidols, interferons, ingavirines, viferons and kagocels are personal business projects of officials who under the noise cut grandmothers. The sale of these "medicines" is not possible in normal countries, because they will never be entered into the register without clinical trials. We also built a packaging machine, made pills and sell to anyone you want. At best, they do not harm, but certainly not treated. Think about why you drink any incomprehensible and thus insanely expensive chemistry, which has absolutely no effect.
Just the same, Kagocel has undergone clinical trials and its effectiveness in the treatment of colds of viral diseases is proved. It's another matter if the drug does not come up individually. It happens.
My daughter is ill the sixth day. ARVI. The temperature only slept today. The fourth day we are treated with kagocel according to the scheme, appointed pediatrician together with other drugs. On the second day of treatment, snot appeared and a strong cough. He still coughs. There is a suspicion of bronchitis. Today I'm waiting for a doctor. Improvements because of taking this particular medicine did not notice. I will insist on changing the treatment.
Irina So, it's not a virus, but an infection. With infections, the antiviral is powerless. And in general on good, to put the exact diagnosis and to appoint or nominate correct treatment - it is necessary to hand over analyzes in the beginning of illness. Questions to the doctor should be asked, and not a drug to scold.
Saw Cagocel in the winter. I managed this year without diseases, I do not know if kagotsel was a "guilt" or a coincidence, but the fact remains.Although a few years before that, I had been flawed every year, or even twice. I work a lot, I planted immunity, of course. In the current season I plan to repeat the prophylaxis. I think it will help, the result seems to have shown.
Or maybe its own immunity to raise, so that the body itself struggled with viruses?
Valerianovna, It is in any case better, always. And not medicines, but nonspecifically: a healthy sleep and rest, metered physical exertion, proper nutrition, reduction of stressful situations and their rapid overcoming, refusal from alcohol and smoking, and much more that is called a healthy lifestyle.
Tried to treat them for colds on the lips, because the instructions say that it helps. As a result, a week went "beauty" to work, spat and bought acyclovir. A chicken-feed.
Lyudmila, very medical term "cold on the lips" ...And to the doctor did not try to address? Kagocel - it's still antiviral, you never know what you had ...
Natalia Tsareva
For prevention in our family has proven its full inefficiency. Everyone got sick, including my three-year-old daughter and my mother. So we will not buy it anymore.
He helped me with a slight rhinitis, but I could not cope with the flu. I was lying in bed a week with a temperature of 38.7, I had to call the doctor several times to prolong the sick leave.
The drug causes infertility in 25% of men.
If you cure cold with kagocel, it passes for seven days, and if not treated at all, then for a week;)
sergius, what a heresy? It's even technically impossible! This is the same antiviral, and very good, as practice shows.
Daria and Natalia Tsareva, The Guide does not welcome both customized advertising reviews, and anti-advertising, by which you drown your competitors and their products. All this is an absolute bias for visitors to my site, so it is punishable equally. Your attempts at posting customized negative reviews for Kagocel, I saw, and will continue to apply hard measures to your group. Have a conscience and respect for your colleagues.
Saw kagocel 2 times, both for the doctor's prescription in conjunction with other drugs. I will not say that the effect is just "wow!", They did not create a miracle, I still got sick, but not for a week, as usual, but for 4 days. And I thought I had a cold easier. So kagocel works, but just do not get involved in it and do not need to drink it with every sneeze.
From antiviral is only good as long as you accept them. Has ceased - was ill. Kagocel is not any better than other drugs. And a pile of piles, just about them no one writes.
annnnn, kagocel mute has a different mechanism of action than other antiviral drugs, he, being the inducer of the synthesis of interferon, forces the body to produce its own interferon, i.e. self-resist disease - this is the drug and is good. As for the pobochek, I personally did not notice anything like that.
She started drinking Kagocel three days ago. The doctor ordered. It seems nothing like that, I feel fine. Worse is not exactly gone, there is no aches and temperatures. In general, there is a feeling that the common cold simply did not go further, but rather slowed down on the first symptoms.
To me, my husband and mother helped, the temperature decreases and the terms of the disease become shorter. When the flu virus is not particularly effective (with flu, Tamiflu helps).
Daria I.
Saw kagocel several times with ARVI, the difference with him and without it is palpable, but I can not say that I cured immediately or I immediately felt better, this effect should not be expected from him.
Tatiana Alexeevna
I would like to warn those patients who are allergic, do not try this drug at all. Yesterday I drank from two tablets prescribed by a doctor, one in the morning at 10 o'clock. After about forty minutes, shortness of breath started, followed by bursting headaches with burning of the entire head, then squeezing the upper chest between the breasts. Thanks to the ambulance, we arrived quickly and were taken to the hospital, the systems + intravenous injections + oxygen ... Since we do not have special departments for treating such patients, I was sent home satisfactorily. Yes, I got off preolichnenko. I am disabled since the first group, polio, I live alone. At the time of the attack, no one was around, only with the arrival of the ambulance came the social worker, and what would happen if it happened at night and I drank not one but two tablets? I ask you not to drink a non-proven drug if you are allergic.

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