Isoprinosine - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets 500 mg) of the drug for the treatment of influenza, herpes, HPV (human papilloma virus) in adults, children and pregnancy

Isoprinosine - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets 500 mg) of the drug for the treatment of influenza, herpes, HPV (human papilloma virus) in adults, children and pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Isoprinosine. Comments of visitors of the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Isoprinosine in their practice are presented. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of isoprinosine in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use to treat influenza, herpes, HPV (human papillomavirus), as well as other colds in adults, children,as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Isoprinosine - immunostimulating drug with antiviral effect. Isoprinosine is a synthetic complex derivative of purine, which possesses immunostimulating activity and nonspecific antiviral action. It restores the functions of lymphocytes under conditions of immunodepression, prevents a decrease in the activity of lymphocyte cells under the influence of glucocorticosteroids, normalizes the incorporation of thymidine into them. Isoprinosine exerts a stimulating effect on the activity of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and natural killers, the function of T-suppressors and T-helpers, increases the production of IgG, Interferon gamma, interleukins (IL-1) and IL-2, reduces the formation of pro-inflammatory cytokines-IL-4 and IL-10, potentiates the chemotaxis of neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages.


The drug exhibits antiviral activity in vivo against viruses Herpes simplex (herpes simplex virus), cytomegalovirus and measles virus, human T-cell lymphoma virus type 3, polioviruses, influenza A and B, ECHO virus (enterocytopathogenic human virus), encephalomyocarditis and horse encephalitis.The mechanism of the antiviral action of isoprinosine associated with inhibition of viral RNA and digidropteroatsintetazy enzyme involved in the replication of some viruses, virus enhances depressed lymphocyte mRNA synthesis, which is accompanied by inhibition of the biosynthesis of viral RNA and translation of viral proteins, production increases lymphocytes possess antiviral properties of interferon alpha and gamma.


When combined, increases the effect of interferon-alpha, antiviral agents of Acyclovir and zidovudine.




After oral administration, it is well absorbed from the digestive tract. Inosine is rapidly metabolized by the cycle typical for purine nucleotides, with the formation of uric acid. It is excreted in the urine unchanged and in the form of metabolites for 48 hours. Cumulation is not observed.



  • treatment of influenza and other ARVI;
  • infections caused by Herpes simplex virus types 1, 2, 3 and 4: labial and genital herpes, herpetic keratitis;
  • shingles, chicken pox;
  • infectious mononucleosis caused by the Epstein-Barr virus;
  • cytomegalovirus infection;
  • measles of heavy current;
  • papillomavirus infection: papilloma of the larynx / vocal cords (fibrous type), papillomavirus infection of the genitals in men and women, warts;
  • molluscum contagiosum.


Forms of release


Tablets 500 mg.


Instructions for use and dosage


Tablets are taken after meals, washed down with a small amount of water.


The recommended daily intake for adults and children aged 3 years and older (with a body weight of 15-20 kg) is 50 mg / kg body weight in 3-4 divided doses, which on average for adults is 6-8 tablets per day, for children - 1/2 tablets per 5 kg of body weight per day.


In severe forms of infectious diseases, the dose can be increased individually up to 100 mg / kg of body weight per day, divided into 4-6 receptions. The maximum daily intake for adults is 3-4 grams per day, for children aged 3 years and older, 50 mg / kg per day


Duration of treatment for acute diseases in adults and children aged 3 years and older is usually from 5 to 14 days. Treatment should continue until the disappearance of clinical symptoms and for another 2 days already in the absence of symptoms. If necessary, the duration of treatment can be increased individually under the supervision of a doctor.


For chronic relapsing diseases in adults and children aged 3 years and older, treatment should be continued with several courses of 5-10 days with a break in admission in 8 days.


For maintenance therapy, the dose can be reduced to 500-1000 mg per day (1-2 tablets) for 30 days.


For herpetic infection, adults and children aged 3 years and older receive the drug for 5-10 days before the symptoms disappear, in the asymptomatic period - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 30 days to reduce the number of relapses.


In case of papillomavirus infection, adults are prescribed 2 tablets 3 per day for adults, and for children 3 years and older 1/2 tablets per 5 kg / body weight per day in 3-4 doses for 14-28 days in the form of monotherapy.


For recurrent genital warts, adults are prescribed 2 tablets 3 per day, children aged 3 years and older - 1/2 tablet per 5 kg / body weight per day in 3-4 divided doses, either as monotherapy or in combination with a surgical treatment for 14-28 days, then with a three-fold repetition of this course at intervals of 1 month.


Side effect

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in epigastrium;
  • itching;
  • headache, dizziness, weakness;
  • drowsiness, insomnia;
  • polyuria;
  • joint pain;
  • exacerbation of gout.



  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gout;
  • arrhythmias;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • children under 3 years old (body weight up to 15 kg);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Safety of the use of Isoprinosine during pregnancy and lactation is not established, therefore, the use of the drug is not recommended.


special instructions


After 2 weeks of using Isoprinosine, it is recommended to monitor the content of uric acid in the serum and urine. After 4 weeks of use, it is advisable to monitor liver and kidney function every month (transaminase activity, creatinine, uric acid level).


It is necessary to monitor the level of uric acid in the blood serum when prescribing Isoprinosine in combination with drugs that increase the level of uric acid or drugs that disrupt kidney function.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


There are no special contra-indications regarding the driving of transport or the management of machines and mechanisms.


Drug Interactions


With simultaneous use of immunosuppressants can reduce the effectiveness of Iprinosin.


Inhibitors of xanthine oxidase and uricosuric agents (including diuretics) may contribute to the risk of increasing the level of uric acid in the serum of patients taking Isoprinosine.


Analogues of the drug Isoprinosine


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Groprinosin

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Reviews (20):
The doctor prescribed this medicine from the papillomas in the groin, I can not say anything, but the small ones dissolved by themselves, the large ones, of course, had to be removed, but with fine medicine the medicine did well. Plus, the doctor was talking about a prophylactic effect and he too is, because this stuff did not appear any more.
At me in a year again they have appeared, has drunk Iosprinozin anew does not help any more.
Isoprinosine very badly affects the kidneys. After a couple of weeks of receiving from genital herpes, pain appeared in the kidney area. I went to take tests and it turned out that the sand in the kidneys went and the level of some kind of acid associated with the kidneys increased, there was nothing like this before. So I only sin on this remedy or antibiotics, which are assigned in parallel from another problem. I will not take this medicine again, as doctors will not persuade, is too young for such problems.
We prescribed a baby for warts, after the first pill I vomited and a strong sleepiness, I will not give more.
To me, isoprinosine was prescribed from genital warts together with allokin. The condylomas were removed. It helped me. Two years there is no condyloma.
Sorry, that I write the question in the responses: it did not turn out to register for the 2nd E-mail. Tell me, please, 1) should I take isoprinosine as a prophylaxis against H1N1 flu? 2) and as a medical product in case of H1N1 flu?
Skwo, Isoprinosine is effective for the treatment and prevention of influenza. Regarding its effectiveness in relation to swine influenza H1N1 - reliable data has not been reported, because the epidemic has recently begun and the statistics have not yet been processed and presented to the community.
To the child 3,4 years, the infectious mononucleosis virus Epstein Barr was diagnosed. Have registered a course �?РС 19 and изононозин. Can I drink Bronchomunal instead of isoprinosine?
nikias, What purpose? You have already prescribed lysates of bacteria in the preparation IRS 19, in Bronhomunal the composition of the bacteria is different, but the essence is the same. Isoprinosine in this therapy scheme acts as an immunostimulant and the pathogenetic effect is different. Children older than 3 years, the drug Isoprinozine can already take, so I can not see the reason for the replacement.
Natalia K.
Younger son Isoprinozin appointed pediatrician, he often ill, ARVI was heavy. The doctor forgot, apparently, that he has metabolic nephropathy, nothing serious, according to the nephrologist, "the main thing is to drink and write."I read the instruction that with caution, but I hoped for the best. As a result, the erythrocytes in the urine increased again, 1.5 times higher than normal. It happens, of course, much worse, but for three weeks we drink Kanefron, no improvement. So, with caution even with small problems with the kidneys!
Isoprinosine began to take from the papillomas on the body, but from the papillomas on the eyelids, it does not help something ...
Svetlana Nikolaevna
Isoprinosine - a preparation choleretic, before reception it would not hurt to do ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. If there are any problems, it is better not to drink, otherwise you can stay without the gall.
Isoprinosin drank a car and a small cart ... and no result. I will try alpizarin. Can be taken at the same time?
Vladimir.ON, Alpyrazine is in any case weaker than isoprinosine, because the latter is an immunostimulant, correspondingly gives a more pronounced immunity response.The whole question is, what are we treating and who prescribed Isoprinosine (in the question, the diagnosis and / or description of the medical history did not sound)?
admin, treat warts of all kinds and papillomas-all are many and almost everywhere, even on the eyelids formed ... Pugh Isoprinosin and I do lotions of hydrogen peroxide. The dermatologist considers the doctor to be the only way to save from warts-removal with a ray or other cauterization. But because education is the external manifestations of the disease of the body. I think, it is necessary to be treated "from within", here I drink Isoprinosinum.
Vladimir.ON, Determining the feasibility of using Isoprinosine and other drugs should start with the examination and diagnosis of human papillomavirus. Further to survey immunity (an immunogram and consultation of the immunologist) if in the analysis all will be pure or clean. It will be checked for oncological diseases.
This drug recommended a gynecologist from the papillomas, but cut the already almost complete course, but did not notice the effect.So also the herpes has jumped up, though the given tool like as well as from herpes is declared. Sorry for the money spent.
Liana Sh.
Isoprinosine was prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of plantar warts. The second week of reception has gone and here I feel in the mornings as though all bodies inside hurt.
Svetlana Nikolaevna, Cholagogue effect in the instructions to Isoprinosinum is not stated, but with prolonged admission it is necessary to monitor the liver and kidneys.
February 27 received a set of harmful effects from isoprinosine - nausea and vomiting, jump of blood pressure to 180, call an ambulance. This is the result of taking Isoprinosine.

I think it's better slowly, but it's true: these are Neumyvakin's recommendations for drinking soda and hydrogen peroxide in the case of wart infestation.

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