Lozap - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations (tablets 12.5 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg, Lozap plus in combination with a diuretic) drug for the treatment of pressure in adults, children and pregnancy

Lozap - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations (tablets 12.5 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg, Lozap plus in combination with a diuretic) drug for the treatment of pressure in adults, children and pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Lozap. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors specialists on the use of Lozap in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Lozap with available structural analogues. Use to treat high blood pressure and reduce it in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Lozap antihypertensive drug. Specific antagonist of angiotensin 2 receptors (subtype AT1). Does not inhibit kinase 2 - an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of angiotensin 1 into angiotensin 2. Reduces OPSS, the concentration in the blood of adrenaline and aldosterone, blood pressure, pressure in a small circle of circulation; reduces afterload, has a diuretic effect. It prevents the development of myocardial hypertrophy, increases tolerance to physical activity in patients with chronic heart failure. Losartan (the active substance of the drug Lozap) does not inhibit ACE-kininase 2 and accordingly does not prevent the destruction of bradykinin, therefore side effects mediated by bradykinin (eg, angioedema) occur rarely.


In patients with arterial hypertension without concomitant diabetes mellitus with proteinuria (more than 2 g per day), the use of the drug significantly reduces proteinuria, albumin and immunoglobulin G excretion.


Stabilizes the level of urea in the blood plasma. Does not affect vegetative reflexes and does not have a long-term effect on the concentration of norepinephrine in the blood plasma.Losartan in a dose of up to 150 mg per day does not affect the level of triglycerides, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol in the blood serum in patients with hypertension. At the same dose, losartan does not affect the fasting blood glucose level.


After a single oral intake, the hypotensive effect (systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreases) reaches a maximum after 6 hours, then gradually decreases within 24 hours.


The maximum hypotensive effect develops 3-6 weeks after the start of the drug.


The combined drug Lozap plus additionally contains hydrochlorothiazide - a thiazide diuretic. Reduces the reabsorption of sodium ions, increases the release of urine ions of potassium, bicarbonate and phosphate. Reduces blood pressure by reducing bcc, changing the reactivity of the vascular wall, reducing the pressor effect of vasoconstrictor substances and increasing the depressor effect on the ganglion.


The maximum antihypertensive effect is achieved within 3 weeks after the start of treatment.




When ingested, Lozap is well absorbed. Eating does not affect the bioavailability of losartan.Approximately 14% of losartan administered to the patient IV, or taken internally, becomes an active metabolite. When ingested, approximately 4% of the dose taken is excreted by the kidneys unchanged and about 6% is excreted by the kidneys in the form of an active metabolite.


Neither losartan nor its active metabolite is removed from the body by hemodialysis.


The concentrations of losartan and its active metabolite in blood plasma in elderly men with arterial hypertension do not differ significantly from the values ​​of these parameters in young men with arterial hypertension.


Values ​​of plasma concentrations of losartan in women with arterial hypertension are 2 times higher than the corresponding values ​​in men with arterial hypertension. The concentrations of the active metabolite in men and women do not differ. This pharmacokinetic difference is not clinically relevant.



  • arterial hypertension;
  • chronic heart failure (as part of combination therapy, with intolerance or ineffective therapy with ACE inhibitors);
  • reduction in the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (incl.stroke) and mortality in patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy;
  • diabetic nephropathy in hypercreatininemia and proteinuria (urine albumin and creatinine ratio more than 300 mg / g) in patients with type 2 diabetes and concomitant arterial hypertension (reduction in the progression of diabetic nephropathy to terminal chronic renal failure).


Forms of release


Tablets, film-coated 12.5 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg.


Lozap plus tablets (in combination with a diuretic hydrochlorothiazide to enhance the effect).


Instructions for use and dosage


The drug is taken orally, regardless of food intake. Multiplicity of admission - 1 time per day.


With arterial hypertension, the average daily dose is 50 mg. In some cases, to achieve a greater therapeutic effect, the daily dose can be increased to 100 mg in 2 or 1 reception.


The initial dose for patients with chronic heart failure is 12.5 mg once a day. Typically, the dose is increased with a weekly interval (ie 12.5 mg per day, 25 mg per day, 50 mg per day) to an average maintenance dose of 50 mg 1 time per day, depending on the tolerance of the drug.


When administering the drug to patients receiving diuretics in high doses, the initial dose of Lozap should be reduced to 25 mg once a day.


For elderly patients, there is no need for dose adjustment.


When the drug is prescribed to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (including stroke) and mortality in patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy, the initial dose is 50 mg per day. In the future, hydrochlorothiazide can be added at a low dose and / or the dose of Lozap can be increased to 100 mg per day in 1-2 doses.


In patients with concomitant type 2 diabetes mellitus with proteinuria, the initial dose of the drug is 50 mg once a day, then the dose is raised to 100 mg per day (taking into account the degree of blood pressure reduction) in 1-2 doses.


Patients with a history of liver disease, dehydration, hemodialysis, and patients older than 75 years are recommended a lower initial dose of the drug - 25 mg (1/2 tablets 50 mg) once a day.


Side effect

  • orthostatic hypotension (dose-dependent);
  • nose bleed;
  • bradycardia;
  • arrhythmias;
  • angina pectoris;
  • vasculitis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • anorexia;
  • dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • toothache;
  • vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • abnormal liver function;
  • dry skin;
  • erythema;
  • ecchymosis;
  • photosensitization;
  • increased sweating;
  • hives;
  • skin rash;
  • itching;
  • angioedema (including swelling of the larynx and tongue, causing airway obstruction and / or swelling of the face, lips, pharynx);
  • anemia (a slight decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin and hematocrit, an average of 0.11 g% and 0.09 volume%, respectively, rarely - having clinical significance), thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia;
  • arthralgia (joint pain);
  • anxiety;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • drowsiness;
  • memory disorders;
  • paresthesia;
  • tremor;
  • depression;
  • fainting;
  • migraine;
  • tinnitus;
  • a taste disorder;
  • visual impairment;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • imperative urge to urinate;
  • impaired renal function;
  • decreased libido;
  • impotence;
  • gout.



  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • age under 18 years (effectiveness and safety not established);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


There are no data on the use of the drug Lopaz during pregnancy.However, it is known that drugs acting directly on RAAS, when applied in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, can cause a developmental defect or even the death of a developing fetus. Therefore, when pregnancy occurs, taking Lozap should be stopped immediately.


If Lozap should be used during lactation, a decision should be made either to stop breastfeeding, or to stop breastfeeding, or to stop treatment with the drug.


special instructions


It is necessary to correct the dehydration prior to the appointment of Lozap or to begin treatment with the use of the drug in a lower dose.


Drugs that affect RAAS can increase urea levels in the blood and serum creatinine in patients with bilateral renal artery stenosis or stenosis of the artery of a single kidney.


In patients with cirrhosis of the liver, the concentration of losartan in the blood plasma is significantly increased, and therefore, in the presence of liver diseases in the history, it should be prescribed in lower doses.


Joint intake of alcohol also increases the concentration of the drug Lozap in the body.


During the treatment period, the concentration of potassium in the blood should be monitored regularly, especially in elderly patients, with renal dysfunction.


Use in Pediatrics


The safety and efficacy of using Lozap in children and adolescents under the age of 18 years have not been established.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


Lozap does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or work with mechanisms.


Drug Interactions


The drug can be administered with other antihypertensive agents. There is a mutual enhancement of the effects of beta-blockers and sympatholytics. With the combined use of losartan with diuretics, an additive effect is observed.


There was no pharmacokinetic interaction of losartan with hydrochlorothiazide, digoxin, warfarin, cimetidine, phenobarbital, Ketoconazole and erythromycin.


Reportedly, rifampicin and Fluconazole reduce the concentration of the active metabolite of losartan in the blood plasma. The clinical significance of this interaction is still unknown.


As with the use of other agents that inhibit angiotensin 2 or its effect,joint use of losartan with potassium-sparing diuretics (eg spironolactone, triamterene, amiloride), potassium and potassium-containing salts, increases the risk of hyperkalemia.


NSAIDs, including selective inhibitors of COX-2, may reduce the effect of diuretics and other antihypertensive agents.


With the combined use of antagonists of angiotensin 2 and lithium receptors, an increase in the concentration of lithium in the blood plasma is possible. Given this, it is necessary to weigh the benefit and risk of joint use of losartan with preparations of lithium salts. If a joint application is necessary, the concentration of lithium in the blood plasma should be monitored regularly.


Analogues of medicinal product Lozap


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Bloktran;
  • Brozaar;
  • Vasotensis;
  • Vero-Losartan;
  • Zisakar;
  • Cardomin-Sanovel;
  • Karzartan;
  • Cosaar;
  • Lacka;
  • Lozarel;
  • Losartan;
  • Losartan potassium;
  • Losartan McLeodz;
  • Losartan-Richter;
  • Losartan-Teva;
  • Lorist;
  • Losakor;
  • Prezartan;
  • Renikard.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (104):
Inna Petrovna
For a long time, she drank Enap on the advice of a doctor from the polyclinic and all the while his head ached and was drowsy, as our doctor in the polyclinic came to see a new doctor and he appointed a new drug instead of the obsolete Enap for that moment Lopaz. Since then, headaches and drowsiness have gone away and my health has improved. Moreover, Loza has a beneficial effect on the heart, if the left ventricle is enlarged, which I actually had in diagnoses.
Saw a lot of everything from constantly increased blood pressure, in my 26 years I always have 140-150 .... That only I was not prescribed crying have written out Lozap, has started to drink ... And all has become covered by a terrible eruption, blisters and it is direct what what pustules. The husband has forbidden to drink, after I before a dream if 20 minutes was scratched, did not fall asleep. I stopped drinking them and everything went away. What now I do not know how to drink ((((
Tatyana, funds for decrease in high blood pressure a great many, but considering your allergic anamnesis, you still need to show your doctor how to prescribe the drug that is right for you.
I take a lopaz in a dose of 100 mg per day for more than a month - no effect of pressure has not decreased. Before drinking 7 years berlipril - perfectly kept the pressure. Have appointed lopas have become more frequent hypertensive crises. Side effect: nosebleeds. Even tried to increase the dose of 300mg a day bestolku, the pressure did not go down only the side effects. Urgently need to change it. To whom as, and to me it does not reduce the pressure, so it's by no means a magnificent drug. And he does not lower the pressure, he checked himself.
Is there an analog of this drug in Egypt?
Lydia, This I can not say. You can rewrite the active substance of the drug Lozap in Latin letters and ask the pharmacists, you must understand. Here is the name of the active substance in Latin: Losartan potassium may be picked up by local pharmacists.

In Greece on vacation, I similarly managed to buy a local analogue of a medicine for otitis.
I take a lopaz plus 1.5 months, 2 times a day.Pressure keeps badly and thus there was a strong noise in the ears, before this drank coronale. Now I do not know what to do, I need to change the drug again.
Only today I began to drink the drug, so far I can not say anything. The organism at all different. Saw first enap, then the lorist did not help or ran into a fake, tk. two years the pressure was normal. Now we decided to try this drug.
Tell me, are lopaz and enap not the same or partotypes?
Ksenia, These are two different drugs. Lozap is an antagonist of angiotensin 2 receptors (active ingredient: potassium losartan). Enap is an ACE inhibitor (active ingredient: enalapril maleate). The fact that they treat the same thing does not give them the right to call them absolute analogues, only if they are analogs to the disease.
Lozap and Lorista are analogues? What is the difference?
NinaThere is no difference between drugs, except for different manufacturers. In the rest they are 100% analogues for the active substance and the therapeutic effect.
Tell me, which is better? Lozap or Amprilan.
SashaWhat the doctor appointed, it is better ... I start the initial therapy with Lozap if I choose from two drugs.
Elena Nikolaevna
Tell me, please, is it possible to drink Lozap a month or two, as a course of treatment, to restore the pressure at the same level. The situation is this. Suddenly, after physical exertions during the week, diving into the ice hole, the pressure rose to 170/90, at a constant pressure of 125/70. The doctor prescribed a lopaz. And he said that he would have to drink it all the time. The cardiogram is normal. The pressure during the week without receiving the losap rose to 140-150, with the losap kept at 110-130. Is it possible to bring the pressure back to normal and not take the pills? Thank you.
I drink Lopaz 7 months, the pressure normalized, three days ago I bought a new package. And all three days the pressure is high. Perhaps, three days ago I suddenly became very ill and stopped Lopaz to act, or maybe bought Lozap - not Lozap? Do you have information about fakes of this drug?
Elena Nikolaevna, I can not please you. Drugs from pressure are taken constantly. My patients know about this, but many people tried to cancel the tablets themselves. As a result, however, the pressure reached the old figures after a while, and one got to the hospital with a heart attack (it may or may not coincide, maybe not).

Yuri, I do not have information about Lozap's fakes, but falsifications on the Russian drug market are a usual phenomenon. I would go to the pharmacy and ask for a certificate for the party - I always do that when there is a doubt about the legality of the origin of the medicine.

Another pressure can be increased if you have had a long break in taking the drug, although this should not be done. Or the medicine has really ceased to help, then a change in the treatment regimen is necessary,this also happens, though not as soon as you have.
If the drug is prescribed by a doctor in a state of hypocrysis, I advise taking a nospa or its analogue drotaverin, it enhances the action of any medicine, and in general the medicine taken should accumulate a stock of the active substance.
Nina Fedorovna
I take a lopaz for 10 years. No day passes, the pressure is normal, and when enalapril was taken there was perspiration and coughing, and with a losap all stopped. But everyone knows that this is all individually.
What is better than Lopaz or Lopaz plus?
Tatyana, Lozap plus contains in its composition, in addition to the main active substance Losartan also a diuretic hydrochlorothiazide. Following the logic of the man in the street, Lopaz plus will be stronger. And it is better that the doctor who advises you will advise you after he has examined the patient and understands what needs to be treated.
Viktor Ivanovich Tyrlov
I've been treating people for 38 years and I agree with the conclusion of the conference of cardiologists in Novosibirsk-a large percentage of hypertension from stress and drinking should be taken from hypertension tablets for a short time and go to calming pr-you, sleep and throw out the bustle and obsessive thoughts and fear. Valerian tablets - 2 in the morning on an empty stomach, during the day and at night, well, and the peony can still ... You can not have much chemistry - you will not want bread. Just kidding. Do not be ill.
Viktor Ivanovich Tyrlov, Yes. All diseases from nerves ...
How long can I drink a lopaz? They say only 3 years? I already drink 4 years.
laxundra, Lopaz, like any other antihypertensive drug, is taken for a very long time, sometimes for life. Cancellation or substitution of medication for another is possible in the case of ineffective therapy with this drug or in the presence of negative side effects that interfere with the life of the patient or pose a threat to his health.
Whether it is possible to accept simultaneously "Iodocomb", registered by the endocrinologist and "Lozap-plus", registered by the therapist? If so, with what interval in time?
Sofochka, Iodocomb can be used in conjunction with the drug Lozap. According to the instruction of negative side effects at joint reception should not be. Usually drugs like Iodocomb take 30 minutes before meals in the morning, and 15 minutes before meals (that is, after 15 minutes after taking Iodocomb), you can take Lozap.

When using thyroid hormones, you need to monitor blood pressure figures, jumps can occur and this will be due to the drug. And there are no restrictions on the combinations of the medicines mentioned in the matter of drugs.
Good afternoon! Can I combine Lopaz and Lopaz plus? At me an arterial hypertensia, accepted constantly Lozap 0,25 if raised or increased that 0.50 when has ended has gone to a drugstore, but it or him has not appeared, has bought or purchased Lozap plus. I took some time, then went back to Lozap.Does this influence pressure? Thank you
damaIt is useless to combine. If you need a combined treatment, then take Lozap plus, since this drug additionally contains a diuretic hydrochlorothiazide, and together take it with a pure Lozap meaningless.

It is possible to alternate, but only if this combination is recommended by the attending physician. In general, it is better to adhere to the selected individual scheme for taking antihypertensive drugs and without need (side effects or inefficiency), it should not be changed.
viktor ivanovich
Lozap took five years, after a heart attack, the therapist prescribed a dosage of 50 mg plus a cardiac 40 mg, simvastatin 20 mg, trombo ACC 100 mg, bisoprolol 2.5 mg and diuretics. While fakes like did not come across. Of course, there are side effects, but I'm 63 years old, maybe age also affects.
For 10 years I took Enap, I had a high blood pressure of 170/110. Three years ago I was prescribed Lozap regularly took 50 mg. At the moment, I have a reduced and increased pressure today, 90 \ 70 tomorrow can go up to 210 \ 120.In what dose should I take Lopaz or do I need a drug change?
Vasilih, In this case, it is necessary for 1 or 2 weeks to take Lozap's medication regularly and write down a blood pressure test in the special diary (even though in a notebook), measured every day in the morning and in the evening, after a 15-minute rest, if we consider the evening. Then the picture will be complete, if the pressure tends to decrease - it makes sense to reduce the dosage of the drug, if increased - to increase or change the treatment schedule. If it is equal, it means that it is possible to reduce the morning dosage and take the second half when increasing pressure, but only when it rises, but not constantly.
In April, saw Lozartan - increased pulse. Again I went back to enalapril. In November, the doctor recommended to Lorist (I did not know that this is the same thing). Has bought or purchased, moreover with diuretic effect - pressure falls, and can and to jump jump up it is healthy, thus a pulse 100. Not everyone approaches it, and at us, I look, it appoint or nominate to the right and on the left is in fact Enalapril of last generation (so has told or said doctor), so it's better.
Lyudmila, Lozap - this is not enalapril and a completely different group of drugs to reduce blood pressure. But for simplicity, doctors often call things by their own names.
nina alexandrovna
I take about 2 years Loristu H (sometimes I change the drug to Lozap +, if not given out at a discount). I buy in a drugstore. There is a suspicion that this drug causes terrible dryness in the mouth and periodontitis, the gums become like bunches, the connective tissue is growing, it is even a possible operation. I will try to replace the drug with a cardiologist.
I've been drinking losal for about 4 years. First I drank the floor of the pill in the morning, but the pressure rose in the evening. Have appointed or nominated to drink in the morning lopaz plus 0,5 and bisoprolol 0.5, in the evening a floor of a tablet of simple losapa. Now it was treated at the neurologist he has appointed or nominated in the morning of 1 tablet lopaz plus, but pressure sometimes decreases to 96/60 and frequent podruzhivanie almost daily.
Month took lopaz, 50 mg a day before bedtime.The pressure is usually 150/80, pulse 75 - I have had such parameters for decades without medication. I am 82 years old. The last two times did not take a lopaz, I felt a strong weakness when walking. Has measured pressure, somewhere 140/90. He lay down. Very soon vomiting began. After vomiting 250/100, pulse 100. Took a 100 mg lopaz. An hour later came to my usual rate. At me a hypertonia any strange - even at the strongest crisis the head does not hurt, only the head will become very dizzy, causing a vomiting. "Bad habits" I do not have.
as Alexander
Six years I take lisinopril, 10 mg. The pressure is not bad, but there are jumps up to 190/110, 170/100. But these jumps are not long, after five minutes the pressure returns to normal. Sometimes, to relieve pressure under the tongue of captopril, acts immediately. Essence of the question! Was at a reception with a cardiologist, told about these races, and she immediately replaced lisinopril with a lopaz. Why change if the drug works and side by side? The doctor is new, and as I noticed, every doctor works with his group of drugs, and appoints them only. They that write what thesis, and they do not care about people ?! You say that the drug does not work, and she says you do not take the pill. In general, something like this.
as Alexander, Pressure jumps indicate that the drug can not serve as the sole and sufficient for adequate therapy of hypertension, in this the doctor is right. The question of replacement is entirely on your cardiologist. I would first try to play with the dosage of lisinopril, increase its dose or add another drug to the scheme (say, a beta-blocker, if it is possible according to the indications). And yes, each doctor works with his group of drugs, with which he is accustomed to work, but this does not mean that he must necessarily all appoint only them. There is a huge number of doctors who go beyond their range of medicines and these are real professionals.
Mom 8 years used the drug ravel 1.5. The result was remarkable. But something happened, the pressure began to jump: something low, then high. The doctor appointed a lopaz and physiotherapy. Result after 2 weeks: the pressure jumps, the legs and face swell, and the record to the doctor after 3 weeks.
Igor Podolsky
My wife has a full set of diseases.Uses more than 100 of their names. Especially successfully fought with pressure. But for the last 10 days, the pressure can not be brought down. I went to the therapist today, and she ordered a lopaz. At the wife an arsonic sosnoidal polyposis - one month ago did or made operation. Bronchial asthma. Remote shchitovidka, etc. Is it possible to use this lop with this set, proceeding from the list of side effects?
Igor PodolskyI do not know what an arsonic sosoideal polyposis is, probably something cosmic. In fact, with all the sores of your wife, you can take Lopaz. Only after the pressure let him watch regularly, because with the removed thyroid gland the pressure can jump. I would therefore send your wife to a consultation with an endocrinologist, maybe this increase in blood pressure is related to his illness profile, and you will not treat your wife with those pills.
Drank two years in a row Enap pressure was an average of 165-105. The doctor in the hospital prescribed Amlodipin-Teva. Together. I started with Amlodipin and immediately put pressure almost 200 on 140, I got scared.Today started Lopaz, I do not know what will happen. At me a hypertension AH 2 items, risk 3. DE 2 tbsp. with left-sided pyramidal insufficiency.
I decided that Amlodipin had not approached me. While Lopaz seems to not give much pressure immediately.
Solodukha Marina
My husband suffers from hypertension for many years. Peel Enam, then Berlipril, but recently the pressure did not get off, the pulse reached 120. Heavy physical work. He sweated in the middle of the night. Ill with flu the doctor in addition has defined a tachycardia. She appointed Losartan together with Bisoprolol and a diuretic. Drank three months, the pressure is under control, but often headaches are excruciating. Now the drugs are over and the analogues Lozap and Bisoprolol ratiopharm were offered at the pharmacy. The pharmacist said that it is possible and one already taking the drug both take off pressure. My husband agreed.
The pressure begins to gallop. The doctor appointed Lopaz Plus. In the morning one tablet. In the afternoon the pressure is more or less, and in the mornings from bed from 170 to 190 at 65-75, 58-70 pulse. He asked her to appoint me in the evening, something to take that in the morning there was no pressure of this. Has told or said to drink two tablets Lozap Plus in the morning.He asked whether it was possible to drink them one morning, the other in the evening, I could not say, they should be drunk together in the morning. Is she right? Advise that you can still drink in the evening. I ask to respond to my email address. Yes, I have concomitant diseases - type 2 diabetes, adenoma of the prostate, and three years ago performed heart bypass surgery.
Valery Tkachenko, With such a rich bouquet of concomitant diseases, you need to coordinate any appointments with the attending physician. In the evening, usually prescribed drugs from the group of calcium channel blockers - Amlodipine, Verapamil, etc. I do not know why your doctor could not prescribe these simple and popular drugs, but only increases the dosage of Lozap. Perhaps it is worth consulting with another doctor, preferably a cardiologist.

I do not reply to the mail, but if they are subscribed to reviews and questions to the topic, then this answer should come to the post, on which they registered on the site.
I've been drinking four months. There was a noise either in the head, or in the ears. Permanent zoom, very unpleasant.No traffic jams, most likely this is a side effect from Lozap. I drink 50 mg, on a floor of a tablet for the night.
Hello. After applying enalapril, lopaz + bisoprolol in the morning and amlodipine at night. This is the best appointment that I had. The pressure returned to normal. Still for the night I drink a cardiomagnet.
hope is vladimirovna
At me an arterial hypertensia on reception at the doctor of the cardiologist has received purpose or appointment of preparations - kardiomagnol, konkor, lopaz and atoris. If there are no contraindications to the cardiomagnet and concreter about insomnia, then losars and atoris have a warning and I already experience it myself. At me and so problems with a dream, and here also this addition, even fenazepam very badly helps or assists I lay in a small drowse.
Valentina Ivanova
I take the drug Lopaz 100. It was very high pressure, it reached 200. Constant headaches, sitting on nimesilya. Before lozapa took enalapril. No effect from it was not. In the beginning she took a lopaz per day to 200 to keep the pressure. But somehow my conclusions began to drink afobazol.Drunk a course - and a miracle! I drink a lop in the morning only for 50. I have enough to keep the pressure. I take another diuretic hypothiazide at 0.25 after 2 days. For a year now, there are no problems with pressure. I want to try a day later to drink a lopaz.
Alexander Afanasyev
Is calcium lost when receiving lopaz +?
Alexander Afanasyev, Taking Lozap Plus can even lead to a slight increase in the level of calcium in the blood. So, calcium is not lost when taking this medicine.
gene, Moved your review to the drug Enap, where it is more appropriate.
Is it possible to take the scapula together with nifecard and euglocom?
olgash, It is possible, but such a complex should be appointed by the doctor in the event that high blood pressure or an accelerated heart rate is not stopped by monotherapy with these drugs.All three drugs can give a strong synergy, which can be fraught with hypotension (a sharp drop in blood pressure), bradycardia (a decrease in heart rate), or the development of blockades. So, the appointment of triple therapy should be justified, but there is no contraindication to the joint use of this scheme.
For a very long time, I could not find a drug to reduce pressure, because after a while, I started coughing. Amlodipine approached, coughing occasionally appeared. For many years I drank amlodipine, but something stopped him from lowering the pressure, a lopaz was prescribed. In general, he did not decrease the pressure either after 6 hours or a day, but there was an erythema on his face, like after windy weather and itching. Again, something new to look for, testing for yourself (
I am 60 years old. He served in the army for 32 years. Before retiring at 50, a stroke occurred. All ten years he accepted Enap NL. First 10 mg, the last 2 years 20 mg. But now his head and pressure are hurting from him, an average of 180 to 110. He was at a doctor's appointment with a therapist, assigned to our site in a polyclinic. When he measured the pressure, he said that the pressure was high.I told him that there are headaches when taking Enap NL. He advised, to change medicine for Lopaz plus. Since there are many varieties of this medicine, tell me please, what should I start taking? Sincerely, Ivan Petrovich.
serg111, Moved your question to the drug Losartan, where it is more appropriate.
Lozap take more than four years. On an electrocardiogram there was a hypertrophy of a left ventricle, now in norm. The pressure is constantly maintained in the norm. No by-products were noted. In my opinion, the drug is good.
Irina Demidova
I take Lopaz Plus for about six months. The pressure has dropped, is holding up well. There are no side effects (undesirable). I like it!
schkola365, The question is the same (asked to Amlodipin) only the medicine is different. Still it is interesting to know what the doctor advised you. If in the morning take Lopaz plus, and in the evening Amlodipine,then this is also an adequate therapy scheme in your situation, if the doctor immediately decided to leave Enap, which may have stopped helping you or leads to headaches (although headaches can be caused by high blood pressure). The rest was answered in a parallel question.
Some pills from pressure (egarbi, prestan, nebilong, enap, enam, enalapril) prescribed by my doctor cause a strong cough (I have chronic bronchitis). I do not even know what to take. Now the doctor has appointed or nominated lopaz, but to me he badly helps or assists. Very good helps prestans, I felt better, and the pressure of 130, this pressure has long been absent. But I can not take it, there is a strong cough. I eat blackberry, tk. I can not take all the medicine from the pressure.
Hello! The therapist to me has appointed or nominated in the morning to accept Lopaz plus, and in the evening Amlodipin-TEVA of 5 mg and Hypothiazidum of 25 mg. a floor of a tablet. On the second day after taking these medications, I had red spots on my body, scabies and swelling of the legs.On the advice of doctors, in the course of 4 days I take the floor of the Lopaz pill plus only in the morning. But by evening the legs are swollen, the body is a little tasty. I have a suspicion that hypothiazide causes an allergy. At the same time, on average, the pressure is maintained at 135 to 85. At the same time, the upper pressure measured on both hands differs by 15 units or more. In addition, that swollen legs swell head. Tell me, please, how correctly should I take medicine? Sincerely, Ivan Petrovich.
schkola365If the medicine causes an allergy, then at least half a tablet take, even a quarter all the same the body will itch, there will be a rash, etc. It is necessary to establish and completely exclude a drug that causes an allergic reaction. I understand that there is a suggestion that this is Lopaz or a diuretic. So let them replace these drugs with other drugs (in turn, to understand what is causing the allergy), the benefit of them now from the pressure of a great many. I would not start with Lozartan and his group, but let's take ACE inhibitors (Enalapril, Lizinopril). Given that you have a headache on Enap NL,then either some component of that scheme is present in the new treatment regimen, or the head hurts from reaching the target level of pressure while the organism so reacts to the raised level of arterial pressure. In any case, consult and select the drugs you need internally and a lot with your cardiologist.

LyudmilaA group of ACE inhibitors can cause a cough, which is what happened to you. It is necessary to select other drugs: Lozap correctly appointed, you can replace with Lozap plus with a diuretic, you can try for the night blockers of calcium channels (Amlodipine, Cordaflex), pure diuretics (Indapamide, Veroshpiron) in the morning. Combinations of drugs can be selected a lot, it all depends on the level of blood pressure and concomitant diseases.
Ivan Petrovich
Many thanks for the advice. Sincerely, Ivan Petrovich.
Hello! Is it possible to take a lop with the coronal?
gra4ev, Maybe.This is a good combination of drugs. With the joint use of Coronale and Lozap, a mutual enhancement of the positive effect occurs and it may be necessary to adjust the dose taken in the question of drugs in the direction of reducing them.
Hello, I accept lopaz + 2 years. Last time after reception begins frequent palpitation 100-110 strokes, have advised to accept pananginum. Are there any contraindications for combining these drugs? Thank you. Sergei.
kozulin, Preparations Lozap Plus and Panangin are well combined and such a combination can be considered successful. Side effects from the instructions and from experience when used together should not be. The truth for the treatment of tachycardia is used by other groups of drugs (for example, blockers Bisoprolol, Concor, Atenolol and others).
To me have appointed or nominated lopaz + 12,5 in the morning and in the evening lopaz 100. Like normally holds pressure in norm or rate, and that there were jumps up to 200 and above within half an hour. Before that, I tried a bunch of other drugs. To that that approaches. We are all different)
Lozap + take many years. The pressure stabilizes well, but I suffer from constipation and in the morning dryness in the mouth. I take the drug once a day for 50 mg.
Under what scheme to switch from metoprolol (used in the treatment of crisis in the hospital) on the lopaz? I drank 1 tablet a day in the morning.
Aida, Metoprolol and Lozap are different in terms of the active substance and the mechanism of action of the drugs. Replacement is possible only through the attending physician, it is better if it is a cardiologist.
Hello! My mother was diagnosed with a hypertensive crisis of grade 3 yesterday. The doctor prescribed to drink morning iruzid 1 tablet, bisoprolol 1/2 tab, zakardis 1 t 30 mg in the morning and one evening and a 50 mg lop at lunch. We are afraid to take it because my mother's pressure is not normalized. It can go up to 180 and go down to 90, she drank all the other medicines and we are afraid to take a lop because she now has a low pressure of 90 to 70.Can I take another lopaz? And yet she has angina, because of this drug can not it intensify? Still have registered to drink erinit, but we do not know, as well as when it or him to accept, have lost a leaf where about it the doctor wrote ...
AnnastasiyaThere are a lot of medicines and there are duplicates. At this stage, I would do without Lozap, given the pressure drop, and later, after 2 weeks of regular admission, I decided with the doctor about the gradual withdrawal or reduction of dosages of other drugs, but somehow everything turns out. For example, then removed Iruzid or Zokaridis.

About Erynit will have to find out from the attending physician, because this drug will well help your mother in the treatment of angina and the prevention of seizures. Usually take 2 tablets 3 times a day, but you can give and large dosages and more often (up to 40 mg 4 times a day).
Three times I started to take a lopaz. Each time a heartbeat began. Even from a dose of 12.5 mg once a day.
nina petrovna 53 years old
Does not help at all. I drink 100 mg daily + metoprolol + indapamide. And the noise in the ear.
Good afternoon, doctor! Tell me, please, what medicine has fewer side effects that do not affect heart rate when blood pressure decreases - Lozap, Cardosal or Edarby? The matter is that my attending physician insists on Lozap. Three times started to drink it with a dose of 12.5 mg two weeks, increasing the dose to 50 mg per day. From 12.5 mg the effect was zero, from 50 mg the pressure was not reduced for a long time, but in both cases the head was dizzy, it felt dry and dry in the eyes, the vision began to fall, the hands were bruised and the joints ached and the pulse dropped to 50-55. As soon as I stopped taking pills, everything was normal. The attending doctor said that the time will pass. If not, he said he would go to two other drugs. Which one to choose Cardosal or Edarby I do not know. At me pressure has started to skip half a year back, I not the hypertensive patient with the experience. Maybe that's why it's so difficult for me to pick up medicines for half a year. But Lopaz has already tortured me with his side effects. Advise how to be. Sincerely, Lana.
Valentina Ivanova, Tell me please. and you do not drink Loza constantly, with courses? Does it cause you an addiction or withdrawal syndrome? And how did you immediately come to a dosage of 50 mg? How long did it take before you felt that this dosage was yours (week, month)? At me from it the head cracks, I cease to drink and passes or takes place, and pressure as was, and remains does not get off and does not keep).
afrodita8, In the group, all three of these drugs are analogues (refer to angiotensin 2 receptor antagonists). According to the active substances, all are different. About the heart rate (heart rate), I did not understand what effect is not needed, Lozap, for example, as a side effect can give tachycardia or an increase in heart rate, a similar pobachka is noted in Cardosal. In the rest, patients with primary hypertension prefer to give medications more simply, from the group of ACE inhibitors (Enalapril, Lysinopril, etc.), but the doctor has appointed you from one group, perhaps there is some contraindication or concomitant disease not indicated in the question.
adminFor half a year, we changed many doctors in the clinic. I can not get to the same doctor, so I tell everyone everything from the beginning. That to me only did not write out - Нипертен (it that and has lowered a pulse which now above 60 rarely rises basically 50-55). Further Gisaar 50mg + 12.5mg Hydrochlorothiazide morning + Lercamen 10 evening (they sharply lowered my pressure and pulse, respectively). Left one Lercamen10 (pulse rang from 48 to 80 for a short interval of time, chest hurt and numb the left arm). Enalapril - did not change the situation, he really kept the pressure, but from the fact that the pulse was decreasing in proportion to the pressure, I felt half-unconscious. The cardiologist - has told or said all cancel it is necessary to restore a pulse, has appointed or nominated fiziootens 0.2. This medicine is certainly good, but it can not be taken every day, so that pressure does not rise. Here in January have written out Lopaz 2 weeks sawed 12.5 mg twice a day. The effect was zero, but the head was sick already then, they said to drink 25 mg * 2p. I drank a week, started pobochka, stopped drinking everything passed, two weeks ago again began to drink it at the insistence of the doctor, but I feel that it is bad for him to me. I do not know what to do, than to be treated. Was surveyed completely, except for an osteochondrosis anything serious is not present.And Holter showed that the pulse is low because of the effects of drugs on them. I do not know why the doctor chose a group of Sartans, maybe because they smoothly reduce blood pressure and do not affect heart rate, but Lopaz is probably not my drug. Do you think I should go cardosal and edarby, and what would the drug do to me more?
afrodita8, I would still return to the group of ACE inhibitors. According to the history, I see that the financial issue was not acute and doctors already experimented as best they could in the rich, because at first they appointed a blocker Niperten, saw that the pulse went down, why appoint Gisaar, that the pressure was under 200, and even in combination with a diuretic. It may even be easier to give Indapamide (if there is swelling, and given that in Amlodipine they wrote about swelling of the ankles, it might stop on it) and give (in plus or after the diuretic cancellation) the ACE inhibitor (take Enalapril, give Lisinopril, Diroton). And in the case of ineffectiveness of primitive primary drugs, then it is worth thinking about expensive and strongest. I have never understood the modern fashion for expensive medicines, given that it is necessary to take them for life, even from an economic point of view, this is inappropriate.I heard everything about the pulse, I did not hear about pressure, so your specialist, a competent and simple cardiologist who does not look at the patient's wallet, but acts step-by-step from simple drugs to complex and compound ones. And certainly in your situation no one will say that this drug will help, but this one does not or will not give side effects, it is necessary to select gradually and thoughtfully. And Lopaz does not go to you, then remember and let him no longer appoint you.
admin, Thank you very much for the answer. My blood pressure rose to a maximum of 140-150 / 100. Why did they write out Gisaar with a diuretic + lercamen I do not know, but from such a strong action I lived in delirium. When there was a course of treatment with vascular medications and milgamma once there was swelling of the legs, redness and pressure skipped 170/100 and pulse 120. But so high the pressure went up only once and it was after Gizzar and Lerkamen were canceled. The ambulance said, all this allergic reaction is possible for vitamins. The left ankle swells mainly in the summer, from the heat, probably. In summer, on the recommendation of a doctor 2 times a week I drink Blamaren diuretic, it helps.Therefore, when the doctor advised Lozap on morning 25, to add Amlodipine 5 mg in the evening, I, after reading the reviews, were afraid that my legs would swell even more. Physiotensis reduces blood pressure smoothly, does not affect the pulse, but keeps the blood pressure at the rate of 6 hours. I like it, but it's not everyday. I already drank Enalapril, he keeps the pressure well, but reduces very sharply, and the trouble is that, together with the decrease in pressure, the pulse also decreased. Probably, the doctor did not return to inhibitors more. If it were possible to pick up a drug that gradually and permanently reduced blood pressure, but did not reduce the pulse. It only remains to dream and try. It's bad that all these tests are bad for health. While you find the medicine, the stomach, liver, and head aches. From Lozap uniquely must be abandoned. Can it is necessary to replace Lizinopril, Dirotonom without a diuretic, so that the blood pressure does not drop sharply, or Amlodipine, if they do not all reduce the BP dramatically and do not reduce the pulse?
afrodita8, Blamaren has never been a diuretic, this drug is intelligibly written in my Handbook, look through the search.It is a remedy for fighting urolithiasis and kidney stones.

Amlodipine is also considered in your condition a bad choice for the appointment.

Try to start back with Dirotona, there is a minimum dosage of 2.5 mg. Start with its morning reception and measure the pressure. Adequately assess the condition should be after 2 weeks of regular admission. If the pressure rises above the norm, of course, you need to add a dosage of the drug at 2.5 mg until the required numbers are reached. With the appearance of edema, you can add to the morning intake of diuretic indapamide in a dosage of 2.5 mg.
admin, Thank you so much. I'll try this option, as you said. I apologize for mistaking the name of the medicine. I was prescribed 2 times a week Britomar 10 mg from the foot swelling, and Blomaren was prescribed to me by a urologist with suspicion of sand in the kidneys to prevent the formation of stones.
The dear doctor! Throughout the year, I drank to the lorist for 25 mg, in the morning and in the evening. The pressure was 140-130 \ 80 by the evening. Two weeks ago I made intravenous trental injections, after which the pressure in the evening began to rise to 180/90. The doctor prescribed a scapula 50 mg. in the morning, at 12-00, and in the evening.(only 150 mg). The pressure until the evening is normal - 130-140 / 80, and from the hours since 8 pm starts to rise, and by about 22.00, reaches 180/90. Decreases only after taking 0.4 mg. Moxonidine and Tab. corinfar. And so every day, in the afternoon the norm, in the evening moxonidine. What is the reason, and how to return the old regime? Thank you!
grigor, 150 mg of Lozap is more prescribed by the daily dosage regulation. I would raise the question of the ineffectiveness of this drug, it may have ceased to help you. In the morning I would add a diuretic, and in the evening I prescribe amlodipine, plus a basic antihypertensive drug (there are now a great many different groups). Any of the above drugs should be prescribed by the attending physician, it is better if it is a cardiologist, since concomitant diseases and previous treatment are not indicated in the question.
Thank you doctor for your advice. If it is possible, still a question. And can the nervous state affect the amount of pressure? For not long ago, before the doctor appointed me a strengthened losapic treatment, I was quite short of 25 mg. Lori in the morning and 25 mg. Lozap in the evening.Then with me there was a nervous stress and I began to wait for the evening with fear - suddenly pressure will rise. It rose to 200. Now the doctor prescribed another treatment in the morning, at 9.00 one tablet Edarby Clos, at 15.00 5 mg. Amlodipine and intramuscular injections of magnesia for 5 days. I'll see what happens. Thank you!
grigor, Stresses can affect the amount of blood pressure, but up to 200 it is unlikely to rise on a single stress factor alone. Treatment has been replaced, you need to look at the time interval of week 2, which eventually will be with the values ​​of blood pressure. Amlodipine, I would take at night, and not at 15.00, because before lunch is quite enough therapeutic window of the drug Edarby Clos.
grigor, Moved your question to the drug Edarby, where it is more appropriate.
Seven years I drink lopaz plus the result - thrombocytopenia. The doctor did not even say that it can not be used with low platelets. Today I accidentally found out.
The pressure was high 180-200 / 140, pulse 140.Have registered a diroton in the morning and in the evening a concor. I was coughing until I vomited until I realized that this was from medications. The pressure was still all spring. Now they prescribed a scapula 50 mg in the morning and a concor evening. But again the spring and again the jerks were tortured. Even with captopril slightly reduce and rise again.
Elena Alekseevna
I am 70 years old. Took a loser for about 2 years. AD was stable 150-170, for me it's good. Even started taking the pill on the floor with the same effect. But here the last 2 weeks there was a trouble - the husband has died. Now the lopaz helps only during the day, at night the blood pressure is up to 200-210 and does not decrease. I take Lozap closer to the night 2 tablets with a break 2-3 hours + andipal, papazone, rodicides, Validol. By the morning of AD again to 180-190. At me an old hypothyrosis, a bradycardia at nights below chss 50. L-thyroxine of 100 mkg usual dose. Hypothiazide took in a day, now every day. Began to take afobazol. I hope for improvement. I hope AD stabilizes.
Saw Lopaz plus half a tablet once a day for more than 6 years. I am 64 years old. The pressure was normal, but a year ago there were severe pains in the joints.The knees and lower back were especially affected. It was surveyed both at the neurologist, and at the rheumatologist, did or made a roentgen, went on fiziolechenie - nothing helped or assisted. I thought that a disability was coming. Accidentally on TV I heard from Dr. Myasnikov that drugs that end in "plus" are contraindicated to those who have "bumps" - bones on the big toes of the feet; increase the level of uric acid in the blood.
I do not know the level of uric acid, but I have cones. Stopped taking Lopaz Plus. A month later I felt relief in my knees and lower back. From Enap and its analogs, I have a dry cough.
While occasionally I drink Dibazolum, sometimes I put under Erinit's tongue, from varicose I drink Pentoxifylline, which also reduces pressure a little, with a sharp increase in the deposition under the tongue of Captopril with Glycine, but I can not pick up any medicine to reduce pressure, which sometimes falls from . All the pills have terrible side effects. And the therapist has never even heard of the fact that Lopaz plus destroys joints. What is there taught in the medical academies ...
Victor Ivanovich
Lozap 50 mg I take 25 days as prescribed by a doctor.The pressure keeps relatively well 120 ... 135/80 ... 85, but the heart rate reaches 100.
Yesterday, for the first time in my life, the pressure was 170/100, my head ached terribly. Sucked nitrosorbide, then 5 tablets of glycine and Corinfar. The pressure rose to 196/110. Pain in the nape became unbearable. I drank amlodipine, after a while lisinopril. Night sped up. Today the doctor prescribed Lozap +. I read reviews, they are disappointing. I have a pulse recently more than 95 beats per minute, my whole life is reduced platelets. The doctor for some reason did not want to hear this. I drank the first pill. I do not know what will end.
Hello. I am 50 years old. I have been suffering from hypertension since I was 30 years old. Plus, I was diagnosed with chronic glomerulonephritis, a protenergic variant. With this in mind, on the recommendation of a nephrologist for the last 5 years, I took Lozap 100mg in the morning, amlodipine 5m in the evening. The pressure almost all the time was within the norm. But 4 months began to rise to 150 / 90,160 / 100, and sometimes even higher. The therapist replaced the drugs on EdarbiClo 40 + 12.5mg in the morning, and Monopril 20mg in the evening.The pressure returned to normal, but there was a dry cough, a pain in the chest and a feeling of tightness in the throat, the face began to burn. After complaints about these pobachki appointed Valz 80mg at 18.00 and Lercamen 10mg in the morning. After that the pressure started to rise, the Wals was added up to 180 mg, but the pressure fluctuations remained, but the side effects did not go away, they could become a little less. Coughing is already tired. What do you advise? The fewest side effects were with the combination of Lozap and Amlodipine, but they began to help poorly, can increase the dose? Or again change for something else?
I bought a lopaz plus in the farmland, some unusual taste of the shell (like vitamins usually happens) and badly lowers the pressure. I have been taking this drug for 6 years already - everything was fine. The manufacturer is the same.
Yuriy67, This cough is allergic and if you do not change the treatment it will persecute you constantly. From the first treatment regimen, which did not give dry cough, I can only advise to increase the dosage of Amlodipine to 10 mg,and instead of the drug Lozap use Lozap Plus with a diuretic effect, but this scheme must be agreed with the nephrologist, how it will affect the course of glomerulonephritis and whether it is possible in general to use it in your case. And since there are a lot of drugs to reduce pressure, it is necessary to select according to the existing concomitant diseases and the severity of their course, it is better to address this question to the cardiologist in person.
Taya 70 years old
The doctor the cardiologist has appointed or nominated to me lopaz plus in the morning with amlodipin 5 mg lopaz in the evening and dopegit 250 mg. She drank almost a month, the pressure was 130 to 75, but there was swelling of the face, legs and the voice changed.
Hello. To me 47. The nervous system is weakened. Begin to rise steadily pressure for 4 months. Have appointed or nominated lozap 50, a floor of a tablet. Since I work at a computer and the pressure rises, basically, as I noticed, from overexertion, I took an adaptol in the morning. Has spent on drink month, pressure was not normalized. The dose was increased, now I take the pill floor in the morning, the pill floor in the evening, only 50 mg. I take a month, the pressure returned to normal almost immediately after the dose was increased.In quiet times, the pressure began to drop to 90/60, I feel good with him. Can you tell or can I need to reduce the dose? For example, evening? And whether it is possible to get rid of the drug altogether, I heard that when a cancellation occurs, a hypertensive crisis may occur. And yet, the family holiday is approaching, is it possible to use a little alcohol at such a dosage, for example, 100-150 grams of vodka or cognac, or 300 grams of wine? If so, how to deal with the drug, skip the reception or can you take it at the right time? Thank you in advance.
logos35At your age, completely cancel the drug, most likely will not work out. This is the case for young people under the age of 30 who have hypertension caused by psychological causes, which occurs after the elimination of external factors, with age other mechanisms are included.

Correct the dosages of antihypertensive drugs taken alone can and should be done. If now the pressure drops to 90 to 60 it is quite permissible to reduce or even remove one of the techniques of Lozap (morning or evening). Note at what time the pressure is lower in the morning or evening, if in the morning - reduce the evening dose of the drug and vice versa.

To alcohol I am negative, because this is not the product without which you can not do without. On the metabolism of Lozap he does not influence or his influence at the moment is not established.
Accepted Prestans - got edema quincke. The doctor recommended to try Lozap 50 in the morning and add a day to Lercamen 10. Two days I took, the condition is very bad, dizziness when walking shakes, pulls constantly into sleep, the hands dry and the shoulder girdle hurts, pressure 104 x89 pulse 101. Just a nightmare of some kind. I do not know what to do. To me 67 one kidney is not present (a hypernichrome - a cancer of a kidney). I'll have to try with a dosage and I want to separate Lozap only with 1 \ 2 tablets. Then go to Lercamen. And also separately. Two drugs seem to be too much for me.
AG-51You can try it in turn, because I did not see the figures of blood pressure on the tablets. The truth is confused by the high pulse, it may be worth trying beta-blockers, if they are suitable for health reasons or the high pulse was the result of an allergic reaction, then it is not necessary.In general, with your doctor, you need to work closely on the ideal scheme of therapy.

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