Metamax - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (capsules or tablets 250 mg, injections in injections) medications for the treatment of heart pain and changes in the myocardium, encephalopathy in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

Metamax - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (capsules or tablets 250 mg, injections in injections) medications for the treatment of heart pain and changes in the myocardium, encephalopathy in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Metamax. Presented are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as the opinions of physicians specialists on the use of Metamax in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Metamax in the presence of existing structural analogs.Use for the treatment of heart pain and changes in the myocardium, encephalopathies, vascular insufficiency in adults, children, as well as in pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the preparation.


Metamax - angioprotective agent. It is a synthetic analogue of g-butyrobetaine, which inhibits the enzyme g-butyrobetaine hydroxylase. Metamax has the ability to reduce the synthesis of Carnitine and reduce transport through the shells of long-chain fatty acids. The drug is able to prevent the accumulation in the tissues and cells of derivatives of acylcoenzyme A and acylcarnitine, an activated form of unoxidized fatty acids. Metamax restores the normal balance between oxygen transport and oxygen consumption by cells in ischemic tissues, prevents disruption of ATP transport, activates glycolysis, which passes without additional consumption by oxygen cells. Reducing the concentration of carnitine leads to an enhanced synthesis of the vasodilator of g-butyrobetaine.


A wide range of pharmacological effects of the drug explains the mechanism of its action. Metamax increases the ability to work and the intensity of metabolic processes,reduces the severity of symptoms of physical and mental stress, has a cardioprotective effect, activates humoral and tissue immunity. In cases of development of acute ischemic tissue damage, these properties of the drug can reduce the size of the necrosis zone and shorten the rehabilitation period. Metamax in patients with chronic heart failure increases the contractility of the myocardium, increases exercise tolerance (physical), and also reduces the incidence of stenocardic attacks. With ischemic chronic and acute disorders of cerebral circulation, Metamax promotes redistribution of blood flow in ischemic areas, thereby improving blood circulation. With dystrophic and vascular pathology of the fundus, the drug is able to improve regional blood circulation. In patients with chronic alcoholism during the withdrawal period, Metamax eliminates functional disorders of the nervous and somatic system.




When taken orally, Metamax is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract, the maximum concentration in the blood plasma reaches after 1-2 hours. The bioavailability of Metamax is 78%.The half-life of the drug is 3-6 hours. Metamax is metabolized with the formation of two metabolites, excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys.


When the drug is administered intravenously, the maximum concentration in the blood is noted 10-15 minutes after the administration. The half-life period depends on the administered dose of the drug, averaging 2-4 hours. The half-life with prolonged use of Metamax partially increases.




3- (2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium) propionate dihydrate (Meldonium) + auxiliary substances.




Metamax is prescribed for:

  • ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • reduced physical performance (including athletes);
  • discirculatory encephalopathy;
  • chronic alcoholism, incl. for relief of abstinence syndrome;
  • chronic bronchitis, infectious-allergic bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (as part of complex therapy as an immunomodulator);
  • eye diseases associated with retinal dystrophy, pathology of the vessels of the fundus.


As part of complex therapy used in the treatment of cardialgias (pain in the heart) against the background of dystrophic changes in the myocardium, in the treatment of dystrophic heart diseases.


The drug is used to reduce the duration of the rehabilitation period in the postoperative period.


Forms of release


Solution for injections (injections in ampoules).


Capsules 250 mg (sometimes mistakenly called pills).


Instructions for use and dosage


Metamax is prescribed for mental and physical overstrain to adults once a day 500 mg intravenously, or 4 times a day for 250 mg in capsules. The course of therapy is 10-14 days, a second course is possible after 2-3 weeks.


Athletes Metamaks in capsules appoint twice a day for 500-1000 mg in the morning before training. During the competition, the course of treatment is 10-14 days, before the competition - 2-3 weeks. It is possible to use special schemes in combination with other means.


In the treatment of unstable angina, Methamax is administered intramuscularly and intravenously once daily for 0.5-1 g.


In chronic CHD, Metamax is prescribed three times a day for 1 capsule (250 mg) for 4 days, then 1 capsule twice a week for 1.5 months.


With dyshormonal myocardial degeneration proceeding with cardialgia, Metamax is prescribed twice a day for 1 capsule, in the morning and in the evening. The duration of treatment is 12-14 days.


In chronic alcoholism, Metamax is prescribed intravenously twice daily for 500 mg or four times a day for 2 capsules (500 mg). The duration of treatment is 7-10 days.


With retinal dystrophy and pathology of the vessels of the fundus, 10% solution of the drug is administered subconjunctivally and retrobulbarno in 0.5 ml for 10 days.


In the acute phase of cerebral circulatory disorders, Metamax is administered intravenously once a day at a dose of 500 mg for 2-3 weeks.


In the treatment of chronic cerebral circulation disorders, the drug is administered intramuscularly once a day at a dose of 500 mg or 1-3 times a day for 1 capsule (250 mg). The course of treatment is 14-21 days.


When treating dyscirculatory encephalopathy, Metamax is prescribed 1-3 times a day for 1 capsule, in the morning. The duration of treatment is 14-21 days.


In the treatment of infectious-allergic bronchial asthma, the drug is prescribed daily for 1 capsule for 3 weeks.


Side effect

  • tachycardia;
  • lowering of blood pressure;
  • dyspepsia;
  • excitation;
  • in rare cases - allergic reactions (skin rashes, itching).



  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


The safety of Metamax during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not fully understood. It is advisable to refrain from prescribing the drug during these periods.


Use in children


In pediatric practice, there is no objective experience with Metamax today.


special instructions


With continued use of Metamax, it is advisable to monitor the functions of the liver and kidneys.


With the simultaneous use of Metamax with nifedipine, nitroglycerin, peripheral vasodilators and beta-blockers, special care should be taken because of the likely development of arterial hypotension and moderate tachycardia.


Drug Interactions


With concomitant administration, Metamax enhances the action of nitroglycerin, cardiac glycosides, beta-blockers, nifedipine, other antihypertensive drugs and coronarodilators.


It is pharmacologically compatible with antiaggregant, antianginal, anticoagulant and antiarrhythmic agents.


Metamax can be administered together with diuretics, cardiac glycosides and bronchodilators.


Analogues of the drug Methamax


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • 3- (2,2,2-Trimethylhydrazinium) propionate dihydrate;
  • Angiocardil;
  • Vazomag;
  • Idrinol;
  • Cardion;
  • Medatern;
  • Meldonius;
  • Meldonium dihydrate;
  • Melfor;
  • Midolat;
  • Mildronate.

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