How to properly dilute the antibiotic Ceftriaxone? Which solvents (novocaine, lidocaine, water for injection) should be used to reduce pain and how many are needed to obtain a dosage of 1000 mg, 500 mg and 250 mg for adults and children

How to properly dilute the antibiotic Ceftriaxone? Which solvents (novocaine, lidocaine, water for injection) should be used to reduce pain and how many are needed to obtain a dosage of 1000 mg, 500 mg and 250 mg for adults and children

In the article we will talk about the cultivation of the antibiotic Ceftriaxone solution of lidocaine 1% and 2%, or water for injection for adults and children, in order to obtain an initial dosage of the finished solution of the preparation 1000 mg, 500 mg or 250 mg. Also we will analyze that it is better to use antibiotics for breeding - Lidocaine, Novocaine or Water for injections and that it helps to remove painful sensations during the injection of the ready-made Ceftriaxone solution.


These questions are most common, so now there will be a reference to this article so that it does not repeat. Everything will be with examples of use.


In all instructions to Ceftriaxone (including drugs with a different name, but with the same composition), it is recommended to use 1% Lidocaine as the solvent.


1% Lidocaine is already contained as a solvent in packages of such drugs as Rosin, Rocefin and others (the active ingredient is Ceftriaxone).


Advantages of Ceftriaxone with a solvent in the package:

  • You do not need to buy a solvent separately (to understand which one);
  • in the ampoule of the solvent, the necessary dose of the solvent has already been measured, which helps to avoid mistakes when typing the correct amount into the syringe (it is not necessary to understand how much the solvent is taken);
  • in the ampoule with the solvent there is already a ready solution of 1% lidocaine - you do not need to cultivate 2% lidocaine up to 1% (in pharmacies it can be difficult to find exactly 1%, it is necessary to dilute additionally with water for injections).


Disadvantages of Ceftriaxone with a solvent in the package:

  • antibiotic together with the solvent is more expensive for the price (choose what is more important - convenience or cost).


How to plant and how to prick Ceftriaxone


For intramuscular injection, 500 mg (0.5 g) of the drug should be dissolved in 2 ml (1 ampoule) of 1% solution of lidocaine (or 1000 mg (1 g) of the drug - 3.5 ml of lidocaine solution (usually 4 ml,as it is 2 ampoules of lidocaine in 2 ml)). It is not recommended to inject more than 1 g of solution into one gluteus muscle.


The dosage of 250 mg (0.25 g) is diluted as well as 500 mg (250 mg ampoule did not exist at the time of this writing). That is, 500 mg (0.5 g) of the drug should be dissolved in 2 ml (1 ampoule) of a 1% solution of lidocaine, and then collect in two different syringes for half the finished solution.


Thus, we generalize:

1. 250 mg (0.25 g) of the finished solution is obtained as follows:

500 mg (0.5 g) of the drug should be dissolved in 2 ml (1 ampoule) of a 1% solution of lidocaine and dial the resulting solution into two different syringes (half the finished solution).

2. 500 mg (0.5 g) of the prepared solution is obtained as follows:

500 mg (0.5 g) of the drug should be dissolved in 2 ml (1 ampoule) of a 1% solution of lidocaine and dial the resulting solution into 1 syringe.

3. 1000 mg (1 g) of the finished solution is obtained as follows:

1000 mg (1 g) of the drug should be dissolved in 4 ml (2 ampoules) of a 1% solution of lidocaine and dial the resulting solution into 1 syringe.


How to dilute Ceftriaxone with 2% lidocaine solution


Below the plate with the dilutions of the antibiotic Ceftriaxone 2% solution of lidocaine (2% solution is found in the pharmacy more often than 1% solution of the dilution method which we have already talked about above):


Breeding Ceftriaxone


Abbreviations in the table: CEF - Ceftriaxone, P-l-solvent, B-injection for injection.The following are examples and explanations.




The child is given a course of injections of Ceftriaxone twice a day for 500 mg (0.5 g) for 5 days. How many flasks of ceftriaxone, ampoules with a solvent and syringes for the entire course of treatment?


If in the pharmacy you bought Ceftriaxone 500 mg (0.5 g) (the most convenient option) and Lidocaine 2%, you will need:

  • 10 vials of ceftriaxone;
  • 10 ampoules of lidocaine 2%;
  • 10 ampoules of water for injection;
  • 20 syringes for 2 ml (2 syringes for each injection - one is applied with a solvent, the second is typed and injected).


If in the pharmacy you bought Ceftriaxone 1000 mg (1.0 g) (did not find ceftriaxone 0.5 g), and Lidocaine 2%, you will need:

  • 5 flavors of Ceftriaxone;
  • 5 ampoules of lidocaine 2%
  • 5 ampoules of water for injection
  • 5 syringes for 5 ml and 10 syringes for 2 ml (3 syringes for preparation of 2 injections - one is used for the solvent, the second and third we collect the required volume, the second one immediately, the third is put in the refrigerator and the rings after 12 hours).


The method is acceptable provided that the solution is prepared immediately for 2 injections and the syringe is stored with the solution in the refrigerator (freshly prepared ceftriaxone solutions are physically and chemically stable for 6 hours at room temperature and for 24 hours when stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2 ° to 8 ° C ).


Disadvantages of the method: the injection of the antibiotic after storage in the refrigerator may be more painful, while storing the solution may change the color, which indicates its instability.


The same dosage of Ceftriaxone 1000 mg and Lidocaine 2%, although the scheme is more expensive, but less painful and safer:

  • 10 vials of ceftriaxone;
  • 10 ampoules of lidocaine 2%;
  • 10 ampoules of water for injection;
  • 10 syringes for 5 ml and 10 syringes for 2 ml (2 syringes for each injection - one (5 ml) we add the solvent, the second (2 ml) is typed and injected). A half of the resulting solution is drawn into the syringe, the rest is discarded.


Disadvantage: treatment is more expensive, but freshly prepared solutions are more effective and less painful.


Now popular questions and answers to them.


Why use Lidocaine, Novocaine for breeding ceftriaxone and why can not water be used for injections?


To dilute Ceftriaxone to the desired concentrations, you can use water for injections, there are no restrictions, but you need to understand that the intramuscular injections of the antibiotic are very painful and if it is done on water (as usually happens in hospitals), then it will hurt as if injected drug, and some time after.So it is preferable to use an anesthetic solution as a dilution agent, and water for injection should be used only as an auxiliary solution when diluted with lidocaine 2%.


There is still such a moment that it is not possible to use lidocaine and Novocaine because of the development of allergic reactions to these solutions. Then the option with the use of water for injection for breeding remains the only possible one. There will already have to endure the pain, since there is a real likelihood of dying from anaphylactic shock, Edema of Quincke or get the strongest allergic reaction (same hives).


Also, lidocaine can not be used for intravenous administration of an antibiotic, only STRICTLY intramuscularly. For intravenous use, it is necessary to dilute the antibiotic in water for injection.


What is better to use Novocain or Lidocaine for breeding an antibiotic?


To dilute Ceftriaxone, do not use Novocaine. This is due to the fact that Novocaine reduces the activity of the antibiotic and in addition increases the risk of developing a mortally dangerous complication in the patient - anaphylactic shock.


In addition, according to the observations of the patients themselves, the following can be noted:

  • pain with the introduction of Ceftriaxone is better removed by Lidocaine than Novocain;
  • pain associated with administration may be increased after the administration of non-freshly prepared solutions of ceftriaxone with Novocain (according to the instructions to the preparation, the prepared Ceftriaxone solution is stable for 6 hours - some patients practice the preparation of several doses of Ceftriaxone + Novocain solution to save antibiotic and solvent (eg 250 mg ceftriaxone solutions from a powder of 500 mg), otherwise the remainder would have to be discarded, and for the next injection, use a solution or powder from new ampoules).


Is it possible to mix different antibiotics in one syringe, including with Ceftriaxone?


In no case should you mix ceftriaxone solution with solutions of other antibiotics, because it may crystallize or increase the risk of developing allergic reactions in the patient.


How to reduce pain when you administer ceftriaxone?


Logically from the above - you need to dilute the drug on Lidocaine. In addition, not the least role plays and the skill of introducing the finished product (you need to enter slowly, then the pain will be small).


Can I prescribe an antibiotic myself without consulting a doctor?


If guided by the main principle of medicine - Do no harm, then the answer is obvious - NO!


Antibiotics are medicines that can not be dosed and prescribed by yourself, without consulting a specialist. Since choosing an antibiotic on the advice of friends or on the Internet, we thereby narrow the field of activity for doctors who can treat the consequences or complications of your disease. That is, the antibiotic did not work (it was improperly pricked or diluted, incorrectly taken), but it was good, and since the bacteria are already accustomed to it as a result of an incorrect treatment regimen, it will be necessary to prescribe a more expensive reserve antibiotic, which, after the wrong previous treatment, is also unknown whether. So the situation is unequivocal - you need to go to the doctor for prescription and prescription.


Also, allergy sufferers (ideally, again, all patients who are taking this medication for the first time) also showed the appointment of scarification tests to determine the allergic reaction to prescribed antibiotics.


Ideally, it is necessary to sow biological fluids and human tissues with the sensitivity of the sown bacteria to antibiotics so that the purpose of this or that medicine is justified.


I would like to believe that after the appearance of this article in Directory questions on the method and schemes of breeding antibiotic Ceftriaxone will be less, since the main points and schemes I've just sorted out left only to carefully read.

Reviews (70):
Only imported ceftriaxone of European production helps.
Hello! At me a thrombocytopenia, and to me have registered ceftriaxone (an unsuccessful extraction of a tooth). Can I chop it? Assigned 2 times a day. And before that, she drank amoxiclav (did not help).
Julya, Ceftriaxone with prolonged use can cause thrombocytopenia, that is, there is a risk. If you were assigned a short course (7-10 days), probably nothing terrible will happen. But after the termination or ending of treatment by the given antibiotic I would advise you to hand over the analysis of a blood, for own calmness, considering your accompanying pathology.
I do not like this injection. But he treats a sore throat love
To me today the doctor has registered this antibiotic. When I bought, I did not want to sell lidocaine in any pharmacy, insisting that this antibiotic can only be bred by novocaine. But I used to always put on lidocaine, much more tolerant than novocaine.
Natalina, Do not listen to anyone. Breed lidocaine. It can not be, if there is an allergic reaction to this drug, otherwise there are no problems. Including the cultivation of ceftriaxone. If you breed Novokainom the number of complications is statistically greater.
Suspicion of pneumonia, prescribed 1.0 twice a day, immediately decided to take a shot, diluted with water for injection (that was in the pharmacy). Miraculously remained alive, I was paralyzed from pain and for some time my family was pumped out in all possible ways within an hour. The next shot was made on Novocaine, heaven and earth), though each injection (already 4 pcs) sat down with "powder in my porcelain" and does not resolve.Now I've read about lidocaine for the dissolution of ceftriaxone, maybe there will not be pain at all when injected and everything will dissolve ...
I treat maxillary sinusitis with ceftriaxone on lidocaine for 4 days, during the injection of the medicine it is a little painful, tolerable. But the bruises and seals are terrible. I hope, will pass or take place, if only the genyantritis can be cured.
light, Bruises and seals will gradually dissolve after the course of treatment with an antibiotic. However, in order to reduce these phenomena, it is necessary to inject the medicine slowly and for a long time, it is better to entrust the relative who knows how to do the injections, and then in the polyclinics the nurses usually hurry up and can inject quickly, which aggravates the phenomena indicated by you.
I liked the drug. I put it on the lidocaine. Indeed, when the first time put in a hospital, it was terribly painful. Then put at home, slowly. The sky is from the earth! Now I can not buy lidocaine in pharmacies. I read reviews about novocaine and water for injections. I do not even want to try. I'm afraid.
I got sick with purulent bronchitis, so I inject myself with ceftriaxone water + lidocaine, after 4 pts bronchitis almost left, I cough up the remnants. Ceftriaxone Darnitsa, no worse than medaxone.
The drug is painful, but you get used to it! With lidocaine it is not very painful, but it works on the heart. And Novocaine was pricked to me, but it also normally anesthetizes. Of course, lidocaine is better.
I pierced myself a course of 20 injections of 1 per day. Water + Lidocaine + Ceftriaxone = never a single bump, not a single bruise and all without pain. He did it to himself in the thigh. The main thing is sterility during cooking and after the injection. And most importantly - slowly enter. 5 ml I injected for about 1.5-2 minutes.
One year ago he was treated at a hospital, the doctor prescribed a dorogus Iranian Loraxon, and did not want to hear about ceftriaxone (they say, it is poorly cleaned and there will be an allergic reaction). The first day pricked Loraxon, the rest of the days - our ceftriaxone, since there was no money for an expensive name, as a result, everything is absolutely normal. The first injection was specially diluted with water to make a test for lack of allergy (such as mantoux).This injection was very painful, he could not walk more than an hour. The rest were on lidocaine - almost did not feel.
Oleg T.
10 injections of 1 gr. this drug pierced himself in the buttock. He treated white acne on his head in his hair and nasolabial triangle. Sowing on the flora showed pathogenic staphylococcus and sensitivity to ceftriaxone and some other drugs, the doctor advised it. Having read on the Internet a bunch of horror stories, I realized that all the ills are from the solution on the water, or a quick introduction. Did for myself for the first time in my life, for me it was a feat))) I really liked the result, the effect of the treatment, too. The drug is injected slowly, I spent 40 seconds on 4 dice for it, pulling or aching sensations are possible after the injection. If you do everything according to the instructions and correctly, then bruises of cones and seals will not be.
Health to you!
To the son, 2 years, yesterday the doctor has appointed or nominated ceftriaxone. I grow with lidocaine 1%, 3.5 ml., Tolerates well, we are already on the mend.
Raised cefazolin to a child with lidocaine and water,the district police officer raised the kipish, which is impossible, frightened him terribly. But I did not notice any side effects, just a feeling that I could do much harm.
Prompt, please, to plant ceftriaxone it is necessary lidocaine + water for injections?
nataliaIf lidocaine is a special injection 1%, then it is not necessary to dilute it with water for injection. All other methods of dilution of Ceftriaxone are given in the article above.
Nina Vasilievna
Good afternoon! In order to avoid compaction and bruising, after injection in this place, put a small square of food film - the greenhouse effect, seals and bruises will never happen. Health and good luck to all! I can not say anything about the preparation, only started to stab, but we have oncology.
Doche appointed ceftriaxone with lidocaine - it went well, and made yourself with novocaine, in the morning got up - swelling of the face.
The drug is super! Cured the cat of rhinotracheitis (the cat screamed of course, but alive!), Then she was treated herself - a complication after pulling out the tooth. Bruises and bumps were, smeared with an iodine net. It hurts the first couple of injections, then apparently the body adapts to the drug and does not feel at all. At the same time, the baralgin was appointed - this is the complete PPC! (
I always do on novocaine and I'll tell you, there are injections more painful.
Hello. To the child of 5 years, have appointed or nominated ceftriaxone with lidocaine and saline solution. Very surprised and asked the doctor, just fizr-p, can water for injections? (I do the injections myself at home). In general, after the first injection the child howls from the pain in the semipopic, although this preparation is pierced not for the first time.
Yana, Generally, water for injection is used to dilute Ceftriaxone, if required. Apparently, something is confused by your doctor.
Have appointed or nominated the child at an otitis.The temperature was asleep only for 3 (!) Day.
Hello. To the son of 13 years, weight of 58 kg, the diagnosis of a bronchitis. The doctor prescribed 1 g cefrioxone 3 times a day. Is not there a lot of dosage?
I'm engaged in mountain tourism. Fell in the mountains, hurt my hand, there were terrible pains. Lipid lactocaine 2% from the neck to the little finger, 10 injections at a time. People, you are so cowardly. In the world, 1.5 million people die each year from complications of influenza. In 2016, the president of Ossetia died. Allergy to lidocaine is a rare phenomenon. Everyone who tore the wisdom tooth chopped lidocaine into the gum. I thought you need to dilute with water, because it does not dissolve in pure water. I correctly understood from the article that if there is no allergy, then you can 4 cubes of lidocaine per ampoule of ceftriaxone?

No one can not be trusted. Now I have injected 2 ml. lidocaine 2 water, injected in 3 seconds. No pain. Magnesia or vitamins of group B, really though, something you feel for about 3 minutes.
n.korukalova, For children over 12 years of age, the daily dose of antibiotic Ceftriaxone may be up to 2 grams.The maximum dose limit is determined by the attending physician depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease and / or complications.

BollemarDilute with water for injection only 2% of lidocaine, because the standard lidocaine for injection has a dilution of 1% and 2% must be adjusted to the indicated dilution. And so you can pierce the piercing, but 1%.
"And you can pierce the pier, but 1%."

I read about this in your article, and in the table everything is clearly written. I'm translating from Russian into Russian. Why can not 2% Lidocaine 4 cube? What antibiotic does not divorce, or what other reasons? I have an abstract to the antibiotic, I have read and understood the version of the manufacturer's factory. Today, I will dissolve the pure 2% lidocaine 4 cube and I'll write it off. Found in tyrnete that people do not bother and for years bred 2%.
P.S. This year, a strange infection was, sluggish ... No temperature or other symptoms of acute respiratory infections or ARI were not. A whole month, in the morning a little in the throat ached, during the day everything passed. A month later, it began to drop into the bronchi, began drinking Biseptol 480, 2 boxes according to the scheme. Until the end was not cured, immediately added Sumamed 3 days on the pill. Also helped a little.And now my friend, a military doctor, advised ceftriaxone. Crawled into the tyrnet, stumbled upon your forum. Yesterday at 20.00 I pricked, it became easier in the morning, now for the breastbone again something pershit.
And here a question, at a considerable quantity of an antibiotic, it is necessary to drink antifungal preparations. I at that time drank nizoral. But after the course of the antibiotic. Whether it is necessary to drink during reception of antibiotics nizoral and him similar?
Bollemar, 2% I do not advise, because the concentration of lidocaine is more than prescribed, and this tool can be given to the heart, the ambulance may not be in time, so it is better to breed the scheme from the article to 1%. And since we have many people drink vodka for years and do not die from cirrhosis :)

Antifungal can be drunk, after a standard course of antibiotics (usually not less than 7 days, here Sum Sumed). From antifungal it is possible and Nizoral (ketoconazole), and preparations on the basis of Flukonazolum - now this good suffices. Ceftriaxone if started to sting, colitis complete course of 7 days, this is not gonorrhea, which will pass from a single shot.
Thank you for the article.To the husband in purpose or appointment have written about lidocainum, 2% on 2 ml, and about water for injections are not present, in a drugstore to us have told or said that it is necessary to dissolve ceftriaxone 1 g in 4 ml and have sold lidocaine twice more. I injected him with such a dosage yesterday, today I'm going to change half of the lidocaine to water for injections.
And yet, before the appointment of injections, my husband began to drink amoxiclav 875 twice a day. Question: The doctor prescribed a shot of ceftriaxone 1g per day for 7 days and continue to drink amoxiclav, is this a new method of some kind? Before, they changed one antibiotic to another, now it is possible to combine?
TatyanaIt's right, of course, to replace Amoxiclav with Ceftriaxone. Combinations of antibiotics are used mainly in hospitals and in the case of severe infectious diseases and conditions (severe pneumonia, sepsis, etc.). Most likely, your doctor made a mistake.
A son (28 years old) was diagnosed with a bilateral bilateral sinusitis. The doctor prescribed Loraxon treatment according to the scheme: 2.0 x 2 times a day - two days, 1.5 x 2 times a day - two days, 1.0 x 2 times a day - three days + Alersis 1 ton per day -7 days, Vibracil and Polidexa-7 days. And instructions on the use of antibiotic daily dose 2.0.It is still unclear how to dissolve 2.0, and how much lidocaine + water must be administered once. Are such high doses dangerous for the body?
milly54, The dilution scheme is the same as for obtaining 1 gram of Ceftriaxone solution. Add additional liquid for breeding is not necessary. In technique, fill all the water in one ampoule, dissolve the powder, type the solution into a syringe and then pour into the second ampoule with the powder, also dissolve the powder in this ampoule and then type the resulting double solution.

In the rest everything is at the discretion of the attending physician, because 2 grams per day I used in treatment, 4 grams (as prescribed to your son) even for an adult person - did not use and did not meet such a scheme with colleagues. If the doctor assumes such responsibility for possible consequences, then he understands that the course of the disease is severe and radical measures are needed to recover the patient.
Anastasia Kravtsova
Quite accurately, that there are no other options, except how to dilute lidocaine cephalosporin antibiotics can not be.My brother was sick with pharyngitis, the doctor prescribed to stab five days of cefazolin, and the doctor warned that only lidocaine according to WHO standards can be used as a solvent for cephalosporins. No novocaine, water for injections are not needed. Yes, and it is not so painful for him, they used to do it on Novocaine, so then they got out of the way, my mother does not mourn. So thank the doctor for advising me on lidocaine!
Lidocaine is a safe enough drug, how many antibiotics did not prick only used it. I used 1% usually, in my opinion, this is quite enough. On novocaine, there is an allergy more often, and it does not so well anesthetize, and with Lidocaine it does not hurt in five minutes, so it's possible to forget that the injection did :)). In addition, he has evidence for use with cephalosporin antibiotics, and in Novokain I have not read this in the manual. Just do not forget to make an allergy test if you use Lidocaine for the first time to prevent allergic reactions.
Rituyla and the rest, I kept wondering where this advertisement of such an ordinary drug as Lidocaine had not yet looked, that one of the medicinal forms - 1%, that we produce in Russia and / or is supplied by one company - appears in advertising reviews. But the rules of the Directory for any advertisement are the same, even domestic, so if hooliganism with paid reviews will be continued, then all the comrades who marked such advertising comments will follow the ban, and the moderation of reviews to the drug will be significantly toughened, and for now a warning for your excessive activity. So do not create an information noise any more, everyone knows it perfectly well from this article and how it is necessary to breed Ceftriaxone.
Lidocaine buffous injection for 100 mg / ml 10 ampoules of 2 ml. Tell me how much is the percentage solution and how much it needs to dilute ceftriaxone 1.0 g?
TatyanaIf Lidocaine 100 mg / ml is like a 10% solution of lidocaine, if you have correctly written it.For injections, you need to bring it to the value of 1%, that is, dilute 10 times with water for injection, that is, for 1 ampoule of 2 ml of similar Lidocaine 20 ml of water for injections is necessary. Than such dilutions I would buy the dosage of the solvent as close as possible to the desired, otherwise it will take a lot of water and at the price it will turn out the same way.
If a diagnosis is known, can it be pricked without a prescription than swallowing a bunch of pills?
SoniaIf the doctor has diagnosed you, then he should have prescribed the treatment. And I do not advocate or support self-medication, this is followed by more problems and mostly in patients.
On one water to cook it - will write down in masochists. wink Once in the hospital diluted with water, so I was dragging a leg to the second floor in my hands, and covered with a cold sweat from the pain. wassat

And doctors, I do not want to offend anyone, but there are not many doctors here. And only after receiving an objective assessment of symptoms from (minimum) 5 specialists, having learned all the necessary information about the disease / treatment, you can draw conclusions and accurately diagnose.
The author of the article confuses the terms, the solution is a mixture of the preparation and the solvent. It is written that you can not inject more than 1 gram of the solution into the muscle, but apparently it means that you can not inject more than one gram of the drug.
goshIn medicine, the solution is considered to be an active substance without a solvent, so there is no error in the written.
With ceftriaxone given novocaine (procaine) after the test, tolerable, but nausea ...
Treated otitis ceftriaxone, injections and perfectly. Cured.
Good afternoon. To me, unfortunately, in a drugstore they told to plant ceftriaxone 1 g lidocaine 2% 2 ml and did not tell to dilute even with water for injections. I punctured 5.5 days twice a day. Now I'm worried whether it could affect the heart adversely at the time of pricks the heart did not hurt, but after I found out there is a pain in the heart area, but I can screw myself.Whether it is necessary for me to check up heart and what can show its or his status, can make an electrocardiogram?
KatyaDenIf there is pain in the heart, then the ECG is at least reasonable, but it's not worth it. Usually, if something happens, it happens immediately, and not after a week or a month. Pass the ECG, calm down and live on as if nothing happened.
Good afternoon! Have appointed Ceftriaxone 1 mg 2 times a day. In the pharmacy, Lidocaine Bufus injection 20 mg / ml 10 ampoules of 2 ml were sold to him. How is it a miracle to breed? Can buy 1% lidocaine?
Nelya, 20 mg in 1 ml is a 2% solution of lidocaine. About how to use it for breeding is written in detail in the article above. For simplicity, it is better to buy 1% Lidocaine so that you do not play with dilution to the proper proportions of the available solvent.
Good evening. The son was ill. Temperature 39. Coughing is not a cough, it just coughs. To the child of 11 years. Drank azithromycin in tablets - does not help.The doctor appointed ceftriaxone on lidocaine 1% 2.5 with physiological saline 2.5. I'm afraid to do on lidocaine. So many cases and complications on the heart. How to be. I have never thought about it before, and after reading the reviews it becomes scary. Can you please tell me how to dilute this famous ceftriaxone better?
Leila, Afraid of reactions to lidocaine - dilute Ceftriaxone with water for injection (can be saline solution). If you suffer, he will become a real man. And so they are pricked with breeding lidocaine and children as adults and everything goes well. Individual reaction is possible, as with any medicine, you do not podstelesh.
Good evening. Cold of the kidney "pyelonephritis". Have appointed or nominated cefazolinum, pricked 3 days. The first was diluted with novocain pain horrible. Sick after the introduction of another 10-15 minutes and a lump, it hurts terribly ... But with my acute pyelonephritis did not help. The doctor changed for ceftriaxone, he is much boly, he did not risk dilution with lidocaine 1%, there is no pain, but the sensations are pulling, with the correct introduction of cones can be avoided, or will, but small. I feel better.A very good drug, but it can not be used without prescribing the doctor yourself. Many adverse reactions. Do not be ill.
Just figured out the miscalculation. In the pharmacy, instead of a 1% solution of lidocaine - 10%, was given and injected for three days intramuscularly twice a day with 1 gr. ceftriaxone. I hope to live until morning. I feel a slight numbness in my lips.
PeterIf there are problems with health I would call an ambulance, all the same the dosage of lidocaine 10 times put in the norm and this could negatively affect the heart. Take the risk.
Today I did 10 injections without lidocaine, just on water for injections. There is nothing terrible and pain is strong too, just injected slowly.
She only bled ceftriaxone with lidocaine on saline. No pain.
I have been confirmed pneumonia. The doctor prescribed ceftriaxone, while saying that in addition you need to take novocaine or lidocaine. Novocaine was given in the pharmacy.We put the first injection, I could not get up for 10 minutes, my legs were numb simply? I barely got to the house, I was lying for 2 hours, I could not get up. After reading reviews, the next day I bought lidocaine and water for injections, put a second injection - the pulling sensations in my legs repeated, but there was no complete numbness. So I draw a conclusion, that all the same it is better lidocaine?
ewgenica123, Specifically wrote in the article above that the cultivation of ceftriaxone Novocaine reduces the activity of the antibiotic. In all other respects, there should not be much difference. Rather, you have some special individual reaction. Put the medicine on Lidocaine and everything will be fine.
Hello. Three days ago, we prescribed ceftriaxone. Correctly stab. 1gr. + 2 ml. novocaine. Neither in the pharmacy, nor in the appointment of any accents about the solutions were not. So, and stab 1 bottle + 1 ampoule. In the Internet, doubts were raised about cones on the legs (stab in the thigh). After reading, I understand - all the wrong things. Can not infiltration occur due to improper breeding?
The wounded lynx
Peter disappeared. How interesting ...
EnniIt is better to use Lidocaine, but from the use of Novocain, your infiltrates are unlikely to have formed, when using the latter, allergic reactions are more common. It is such a reaction of the body to the medicine itself, provided that with aseptic and preparation of the solution, you are doing everything right.
Good afternoon. The doctor appointed Ceftriaxone for 7-10 days, I put on the water for 3 days. I'm allergic to lidocaine. I aches, I do not feel my legs. Tell me, do you have to bet 7 days? Can they really treat gastritis? In a pharmacy they say this drug is not for this.
Dayana, For the treatment of gastritis appoint other antibiotics. The minimum duration of treatment with Ceftriaxone is 5 days, and if the doctor has appointed 7 days, then 7 days. Ask the other doctor your doctor.
Good day. Assigned 1 g of ceftriaxone on lidocaine 7 days, also some comments on the percentage, water for injection was not, everything she found on the Internet, PPC just doctors. So, if I take one ampule of 2 ml of lidocaine 2%, then according to the annotation to it - 1 ml - 20 mg (2%), 1 amp - 40 mg (4%), I ampule 40 mg (4% ) diluted with water 1: 1, I get 20 mg (2%), i.e. as a result, in the solution, which I will dilute the powder, all the same, the concentration of lidocaine will be 2%, so it should be? I would like to clarify, tk. my health, it is one, until I know everything thoroughly, I will not start pricking, I do not want to pile up any ...
Anya, Yes 1 to 1. As described in the plate above.
Describe pzhl how to conduct (most) a test for sensitivity to the a / b, in order to avoid allergies?
HattyLi, At home nothing. I have a negative experience, when a woman with Quinke's edema entered the waiting room of the hospital after she had unearthed her hand and made herself how she considered a test for antibiotics,in the end, an immediate reaction took place. Well saved. Therefore, either in a medical institution, or risk without my absolution.
Thank you. I understood everything)) I'll go to a medical institution.

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