HOLISAL - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (dental gel for gums or ointment) for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis and teething in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

HOLISAL - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (dental gel for gums or ointment) for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis and teething in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Холисал. Presented are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Holisala in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Холисала in the presence of available structural analogues.Use for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis and teething in adults, children (including infants), as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the preparation.


Холисал - a combined preparation for topical application in dentistry with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic action.


When topical application of choline, salicylate is rapidly absorbed by the oral mucosa, providing a local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. It inhibits the activity of COX, the function of macrophages and neutrophils, the production of interleukin-1 and inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins. It also has antimicrobial and antifungal activity in acidic and alkaline environments.


Cetalkonium chloride - antiseptic, acts on bacteria, fungi and viruses.


Gel ethanol-containing adhesive base provides rapid development of the effect and permanently retains active substances on the mucous membrane.


Analgesic effect occurs in 2-3 minutes, while its duration is 2-8 hours.




Choline salicylate + Cetalkonium chloride + auxiliary substances.




When applied to mucous membranes, it is well absorbed.




For topical application on the oral mucosa as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of periodontal diseases, mucosal damage, diseases occurring with inflammatory reaction and pain:

  • stomatitis of different etiology;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • damage to the oral mucosa while wearing dentures;
  • trauma of the oral mucosa;
  • pain with teething in children;
  • cheilitis;
  • Candidiasis of the oral mucosa (thrush);
  • small operative interventions in the oral cavity;
  • red flat lichen if localized to the oral mucosa;
  • damage to the oral mucosa with Stevens-Johnson syndrome (as part of complex therapy).


Forms of release


Gel dental for gums and oral mucosa in tubes (sometimes mistakenly called ointment).


Instructions for use and how to use them


Kholisal is used topically 2-3 times a day before meals (for analgesia) or after meals and before bedtime. A strip of gel 1 cm long for adults and 0.5 cm for children is squeezed out onto a clean finger and rubbed with light massaging movements into the affected area of ​​the oral mucosa.


With periodontal disease, the gel should be placed in the gingival pockets or applied as compresses, or gently rubbed into the gums 1-2 times a day.


Side effect

  • short-term burning sensation in the place of application of the preparation, passing alone;
  • allergic reactions.



  • hypersensitivity to salicylates and other components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Caulisal should be used with caution in pregnancy and during breastfeeding.


Use in children


Caution should be used in children younger than 1 year.


special instructions


When the first signs of side effects appear, the patient should immediately consult a doctor.


The drug should be used only for topical application.


The drug does not contain sugar.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


The drug does not limit psychophysical activity, ability to drive vehicles and service moving mechanisms.


Drug Interactions


When applying Holisala in doses much higher than recommended,it is possible to strengthen the effect of other simultaneously used anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic agents.


Analogues of the drug Holisal


Structural analogues for the active ingredient Hohlisal does not have a drug.


Analogues on the therapeutic effect (means for treatment of gingivitis):

  • Anti-Angin Formula;
  • Vokar;
  • Deoxynate;
  • Dentamet;
  • Kamistad;
  • Metrogil Denta;
  • Novosept Forte;
  • Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste;
  • TerraFlyu LAR;
  • Tiniba;
  • Tinidazole Acry;
  • Tharyngept;
  • Fervex from a sore throat;
  • Sage.

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Reviews (1):
Tried different drugs that reduce pain with teething. Among them was Dentol Baby, and Kalgel. With the second child I discovered Holisal gel. I'm delighted with this drug. The child had no allergies to it. The pain probably passes instantly,because after 2-3 minutes after applying the gel Holisal the child calms down and ceases to be capricious. The gel was used from six months after the flattery of the teeth began. Too often I do not use the medicine, only when the child can not be distracted or he can not calm down and fall asleep.
The medicine is economical. A small tochka enough to smear the swollen gums. 10 grams of holil is enough to survive teething with maximum comfort!

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