Digoxin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets of 0.1 mg and 0.25 mg, injections in ampoules for injection in solution) of a drug for the treatment of heart failure in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

Digoxin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets of 0.1 mg and 0.25 mg, injections in ampoules for injection in solution) of a drug for the treatment of heart failure in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Digoxin. Comments of visitors of the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Digoxin in their practice are presented. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Digoxin in the presence of existing structural analogues.Use for the treatment of heart failure and rhythm disorders in adults, children, as well as in pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the preparation.


Digoxin cardiac glycoside. It has a positive inotropic effect. This is due to the direct inhibitory effect on Na + / K + -ATPase on the membrane of cardiomyocytes, which leads to an increase in the intracellular content of sodium ions and, accordingly, a decrease in potassium ions. The increased content of sodium ions causes activation of sodium-calcium metabolism, an increase in the content of calcium ions, as a result of which the force of myocardial contraction increases.


As a result of an increase in the contractility of the myocardium, the shock volume of the blood increases. The final systolic and terminal diastolic volumes of the heart decrease, which, along with an increase in myocardial tone, leads to a reduction in its size and thus to a decrease in myocardial oxygen demand. Has a negative chronotropic effect, reduces excessive sympathetic activity by increasing the sensitivity of cardiopulmonary baroreceptors. Due to the increase in the activity of the vagus nerve has antiarrhythmic effect,caused by a decrease in the rate of impulses through the atrioventricular node and an elongation of the effective refractory period. This effect is enhanced by direct action on the atrioventricular node and sympatholytic action.


Negative dromotropic effect is manifested in increased refractoriness of the atrioventricular node, which allows to use for paroxysms of supraventricular tachycardias and tachyarrhythmias.


Atrial tachyarrhythmia contributes to slowing the frequency of ventricular contractions, lengthens the diastole, improves intracardiac and systemic hemodynamics.


A positive batmotropic effect is manifested in the administration of toxic and toxic doses.


Has a direct vasoconstrictive effect, which is most clearly manifested in the absence of congestive peripheral edema.


At the same time, the indirect vasodilating effect (in response to an increase in the minute volume of blood and the reduction of excessive sympathetic stimulation of the vascular tone) tends to prevail over direct vasoconstrictive action, resulting in a decrease in the total peripheral vascular resistance (OPSS).




Digoxin + excipients.




Absorption from the gastrointestinal tract can be different and is 70-80% of the dose. Absorption depends on the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, dosage form, concomitant intake of food, from interaction with other medicines. With a normal acidity of gastric juice, an insignificant amount of digoxin breaks down, while a greater amount of digoxin can degrade under hyperacid conditions. For complete absorption, sufficient exposure in the intestine is required: with a decrease in motility of the gastrointestinal tract, bioavailability is maximal, with minimal peristalsis. The ability to accumulate in tissues (cumulate) explains the lack of correlation at the beginning of the treatment between the severity of the pharmacodynamic effect and its concentration in the blood plasma. Metabolised in the liver. Digoxin is excreted mainly by the kidneys (60-80% unchanged). The intensity of renal excretion is determined by the value of glomerular filtration.



  • in the complex therapy of chronic heart failure 2 (in the presence of clinical manifestations) and 3-4 functional class;
  • tachysystolic form of flickerand atrial flutter of paroxysmal and chronic course (especially in combination with chronic heart failure).


Forms of release


Tablets 0.25 mg.


Tablets for children 0.1 mg.


Solution for intravenous administration (injections in ampoules for injection).


Instructions for use and dosage


Method of application - inside.


As with all cardiac glycosides, the dose should be selected with caution, individually for each patient.


If the patient before the appointment of digoxin took cardiac glycosides, in this case, the dose of the drug should be reduced.


Adults and children over 10 years of age


The dose of the drug Digoxin depends on the need to quickly achieve a therapeutic effect.


Moderately rapid digitalization (24-36 hours) is used in emergency cases


The daily dose is 0.75-1.25 mg divided into 2 doses, under ECG monitoring before each subsequent dose.


After reaching saturation, they switch to supportive treatment.


Slow digitalization (5-7 days)


The daily dose of 0.125-0.5 mg is prescribed once a day for 5-7 days (until reaching saturation), after which they switch to maintenance treatment.


Chronic heart failure


In patients with chronic heart failure, the drug Digoxin should be used in small doses: up to 0.25 mg per day (for patients with a body weight of more than 85 kg to 0.375 mg per day). In elderly patients, the daily dose of digoxin should be reduced to 0.0625-0.0125 mg (1/4; 1/2 tablets).


Supportive therapy


The daily dose for maintenance therapy is set individually and amounts to 0.125-0.75 mg. Supportive therapy, as a rule, is carried out for a long time.


Children between the ages of 3 and 10


The saturation dose for children is 0.05-0.08 mg / kg per day; this dose is prescribed within 3-5 days with moderately rapid digitalization or for 6-7 days with slow digitalization. The maintenance dose for children is 0.01-0.025 mg / kg per day.


Side effect

  • ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • ventricular extrasystole (often bigemini, polytopic ventricular extrasystole);
  • nodal tachycardia;
  • sinus bradycardia;
  • sinoauric blockade;
  • flicker and flutter of the atria;
  • AV blockade;
  • on the ECG - reduction of the ST segment with the formation of a two-phase T wave;
  • anorexia;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach ache;
  • necrosis of the intestine;
  • sleep disorders;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • neuritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • manic-depressive syndrome;
  • paresthesia and fainting;
  • rarely (mainly in elderly patients suffering from atherosclerosis) - disorientation, confusion, single-color visual hallucinations;
  • staining of visible objects in yellow-green color;
  • flickering flies before your eyes;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • macro and microposs;
  • skin rash;
  • hives;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • nasal bleeding;
  • petechiae;
  • hypokalemia;
  • gynecomastia.



  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • glycoside intoxication;
  • Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome;
  • atrioventricular block of degree 2;
  • intermittent blockade;
  • children up to 3 years;
  • patients with rare hereditary diseases: fructose intolerance and glucose / galactose absorption impairment syndrome or insufficiency of sucrose / isomaltase; deficiency of lactase, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Drugs digitalis penetrate the placental barrier.During delivery, the concentration of digoxin in the blood serum of the newborn and the mother is the same. Digoxin on the safety of its use in pregnancy refers to the category "C": the risk in the application is not excluded. Studies of pregnant women are inadequate, the administration of the drug is possible only if the intended benefit to the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.


Digoxin penetrates into breast milk. However, data on the effect of the drug on the newborn are not provided.


Application in elderly patients


Caution is prescribed to elderly patients. In elderly patients, the daily dose should be reduced to 62.5-125 μg (1 / 4-1 / 2 tablets).


Use in children


Contraindicated in children under 3 years.


special instructions


To avoid side effects resulting from an overdose, the patient should be monitored throughout the treatment period with Digoxin. Patients receiving digitalis preparations should not prescribe calcium preparations for parenteral administration.


It is necessary to reduce the dose of Digoxin to patients with chronic pulmonary heart disease, coronary insufficiency, violations of water-electrolyte balance, renal or hepatic insufficiency.Elderly patients also require careful selection of the dose, especially if they have one or more of the above states. It should be borne in mind that in these patients, even with impaired renal function, the values ​​of creatinine clearance (CC) may be within normal limits, which is associated with a decrease in muscle mass and a decrease in the synthesis of creatinine. Since in renal failure pharmacokinetic processes are violated, the dose selection should be carried out under the control of Digoxin concentration in blood serum. If this is not feasible, then the following recommendations can be used. The dose should be reduced by approximately the same percentage, by how much the QC is reduced. If QC is not determined, then it can be approximately calculated based on the serum creatinine concentration (CCS). For men according to the formula (140-aged) / KKS. For women, the result should be multiplied by 0.85.


In severe renal failure, the serum concentration of Digoxin should be determined every 2 weeks, at least during the initial treatment period.


With idiopathic subaortic stenosis (obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract by asymmetrically hypertrophicinterventricular septum) the appointment of Digoxin leads to an increase in the severity of obstruction. With severe mitral stenosis and normo- or bradycardia, heart failure develops as a result of a decrease in the diastolic filling of the left ventricle. Digoxin, increasing myocardial contractility of the right ventricle, causes a further increase in pressure in the pulmonary artery system, which can provoke pulmonary edema and aggravate left ventricular failure. Patients with mitral stenosis are assigned cardiac glycosides when right-ventricular failure is attached, or in the presence of atrial fibrillation.


In patients with AV blockade of grade 2, the appointment of cardiac glycosides can aggravate it and lead to the development of the attack of Morgagni-Adams-Stokes. The appointment of cardiac glycosides with AV blockade 1 degree requires caution, frequent ECG monitoring, and in some cases - pharmacological prophylaxis with agents that improve AV conduction.


Digoxin in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, slowing AV conduction, facilitates impulses through additional ways of bypassing the AV node and, thereby, provokes the development of paroxysmal tachycardia.The probability of occurrence of glycosidic intoxication increases with hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypercalcemia, hypernatremia, hypothyroidism, marked dilatation of the heart cavities, pulmonary heart, myocarditis and in the elderly.


Monitoring of their plasma concentration is used as one of the methods of controlling the content of digitalization in the appointment of cardiac glycosides.




Allergic reactions to digoxin and other medicines of digitalis develop rarely. If there is an increased sensitivity to any one medicine of digitalis, other representatives of this group can be used, since the cross-sensitivity to the medicines of digitalis is not peculiar.


The patient is obliged to follow the following instructions:

  1. Use the drug only as prescribed by the doctor, do not change the dose alone;
  2. Every day, use the drug only at the appointed time;
  3. If the heart rate is below 60 beats / min, you should immediately consult a doctor;
  4. If the next dose of the drug is missed, it should be taken immediately, when possible;
  5. Do not increase or double the dose;
  6. If the patient did not take the drug for more than 2 days, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it.


Before discontinuing the use of the drug, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it.


If there is vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, rapid pulse, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Before surgical operations or when providing emergency care, it is necessary to warn about the use of Digoxin.


Without the permission of the doctor, the use of other medicinal products is undesirable.


Drug Interactions


With the simultaneous administration of Digoxin with drugs that cause electrolyte imbalance, in particular hypokalemia (eg, diuretics, glucocorticosteroids, insulin, beta-adrenomimetics, amphotericin B), the risk of arrhythmias and the development of other toxic effects of Digoxin is increased. Hypercalcemia can also lead to the development of toxic effects of digoxin, so I / O administration of calcium salts should be avoided for patients taking digoxin. In these cases, the dose of Digoxin should be reduced. Some drugs can increase the concentration of digoxin in the blood serum, for example, quinidine, slow calcium channel blockers (especially verapamil), amiodarone, spironolactone and triamterene.


Digoxin absorption in the intestine can be reduced by the action of colestyramine, colestipol, aluminum-containing antacids, neomycin, and tetracyclines. There is evidence that the simultaneous use of spironolactone not only changes the concentration of digoxin in the blood serum, but it can also distort the results of the determination of digoxin concentration, therefore special attention is required when evaluating the results.


Decrease in bioavailability Digoxin is noted with simultaneous administration with activated charcoal, astringent drugs, kaolin, Sulfasalazine (binding in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract), metoclopramide, proserin (increased motility of the gastrointestinal tract).


Increase in bioavailability Digoxin is noted with simultaneous appointment with antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, suppressing intestinal microflora (reduction of destruction in the digestive tract).


Beta-adrenoblockers and Verapamil increase the severity of the negative chronotropic effect, reduce the strength of the inotropic effect.


Inductors of microsomal oxidation (barbiturates, phenylbutazone, phenytoin, rifampicin, antiepileptic, oral contraceptives) can stimulate digoxin metabolism (when they are canceled, digitalis intoxication is possible).


With simultaneous use with digoxin below these drugs, they may interact, due to which the therapeutic effect or the side effect or toxic effect of digoxin is manifested: mineralocorticoids, glucocorticosteroids with a significant mineralocorticoid effect, amphotericin B for injections, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), diuretic drugs that promote the release of water and potassium (buometadine, ethacrynic acid, furosemide, indapamide, mannitol and derivatives of thiazide), sodium phosphate.


Hypokalemia caused by these drugs increases the risk of toxic effects of Digoxin, so when used simultaneously with Digoxin requires constant monitoring of the concentration of potassium in the blood.


With the simultaneous administration of St. John's wort, P-glycoprotein and cytochrome P450 are induced and, consequently, the bioavailability decreases, metabolism increases and the digoxin concentration in the plasma decreases markedly.


With simultaneous administration with amiodarone, the concentration of digoxin in the blood plasma increases to a toxic level.The interaction of Amiodarone and digoxin inhibits the activity of the sinus and atrioventricular nodes of the heart, and also slows the conduction of the nerve impulse through the conduction system of the heart. Therefore, in the appointment of amiodarone, it is necessary to cancel Digoxin or reduce the dose by half.


Drugs of salts of aluminum, magnesium and other antacid agents can reduce absorption of digoxin and reduce its concentration in the blood.


The simultaneous use of antiarrhythmic agents, calcium salts, pancuronium, rauwolfia alkaloids, succinylcholine and sympathomimetics with digoxin can provoke the development of cardiac rhythm disturbances, therefore in these cases it is necessary to monitor the cardiac activity and the patient's ECG.


Kaolin, pectin and other adsorbents, colestyramine, colestipol, laxative, neomycin and sulfasalazine reduce digoxin absorption and thereby reduce its therapeutic effect.


The blockers of the "slow" calcium channels, Captopril - increase the concentration of Digoxin in the blood plasma, so when they are used together it is necessary to reduce the dose of Digoxin in order to avoid toxic effects of the latter.


Edrophonia (anticholinesterase agent) increases the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system, so its interaction with digoxin can cause a pronounced bradycardia.


Erythromycin improves digoxin absorption in the intestine.


Digoxin reduces the anticoagulant effect of heparin, so doses of Heparin should be increased with a simultaneous appointment with digoxin.


Indomethacin reduces the secretion of digoxin, so the risk of toxic effects of the latter increases.


A solution of magnesium sulfate for injection is used to reduce the toxic effects of cardiac glycosides.


Phenylbutazone reduces the concentration of digoxin in the blood serum.


Drugs of potassium salts can not be taken if, under the influence of Digoxin, there are conduction abnormalities on the ECG. However, potassium salts are often prescribed together with digitalis preparations to prevent cardiac rhythm disturbances.


Quinidine and quinine can dramatically increase the concentration of Digoxin.


Spironolactone reduces the rate of excretion of Digoxin, therefore, when combined, the dose of Digoxin should be adjusted.


In the study of myocardial perfusion with waist (Thalia chloride) preparations in patients taking Digoxin, the degree of waist accumulation decreases at the sites of the heart muscle lesion and the results of the study are distorted.


Thyroid hormones increase metabolism, so the dose of Digoxin should be increased.


Analogues of medicinal product Digoxin


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Digoxin Grindex;
  • Digoxin TFT;
  • Novodigal.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (48):
Tell me ... Today my mom had a seizure (put a dropper) diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, like as against the background of the thyroid gland, she was prescribed to drink tablets of digoxin. Please tell me whether to accept it or not, they say that it is very strong.She has 75-80 beats per minute and pressure 110 on 80. Answer who knows)))) Savior for earlier !!!
Elena, As you described the situation, then Digoxin to your mother is shown, since with atrial fibrillation it is the drug of choice. The drug is strong, but many cores with its attendant problems accept it. So it's worth worrying (it's right, everyone worries), but you also need to take the drug, carefully following the scheme that you prescribed the doctor.
Thank you very much for the answer!!! :) She still took three days, and tomorrow to the doctor! Will check shchitovidku, can on a background of this problem with heart !!!!
olga alexandrovna
My mother has signs of congestive heart failure, mostly in a large circle. Uz signs of local pericarditis. Moderate expansion of the left atrium. Extrasysts (according to the results of ekg). age 83 years. Whether it is possible to accept digoxinum.
olga alexandrovna, Rhythm disturbances (extrasystoles in the case of your mother) may serve as the basis for the appointment of the drug Digoxin, but it can be prescribed only by a fully-in-house doctor, since the drug has a special scheme for taking and accumulating the right concentrations (the so-called digitalization) in the body, plus age and possible contraindications.
Hello, Merry Christmas! I can not find in the instructions how the reception of Digoxin is associated with food intake: before, after, together ..? Clarify please! For most drugs this is very important. Thank you. Irina.
Irina, Thanks for the compliments. Digoxin is better taken half an hour before meals, as eating reduces the absorption of the drug.
Can I take 83 years after a heart attack? Thank you.
Denis, Can. If the drug is prescribed by a doctor - there are indications for its use.Digoxin is not contraindicated for use in myocardial infarction, it is generally from another area, albeit associated with the heart.
Indication of the drug = side effects. Absurd. What "clever" it produces? And doctors prescribe a dose of 1 tablet, regardless of age. And our doctor from the hospital at ul.Yakusheva 41 such a questionable drug, even the correct dose can not be counted - 540 mkg translates as 0.025 mg.
TatyanaDigoxin is difficult to select a drug, but if he went to a patient and the dosage is matched correctly he is good at coping with a variety of heart problems. In your case, it is worthwhile to find an adequate doctor who will be able to choose an adequate dosage for your condition.
52 years old. The diagnosis is atrial fibrillation (cordarone, biol, digoxin, perineva, xarelto, rosuvastin). One of the medicines is digoxin 1t. 5 days a week. Days after 10 after admission, the pulse fell to 50 (arrhythmia almost did not feel) constantly (49-52).Couple of days did not drink a medicine, an arrhythmia. Pulse is 65-90. What to do? THX
allat62, I so see that from an arrhythmia to you Digoxin helps or assists, but its dosage it is necessary to correct. Do this with your doctor, and preferably a cardiologist. Judging by the set of medicines for health problems, the wagon and the cart, so go to the doctor and do not look for happiness in online consultations, nobody will help you here, only they will do harm.
All over the world he was banned and here everyone is poisoned by the people. Of course, why pay a pension. Still mercury start to treat or cyanide there too a dose should be selected, and replacement to it *** for a long time already is ...
den, And what is this replacement? Probably a wooden box ... I usually in such emotional cries always wait after the advertisement of a miraculous and necessarily expensive means, which is certainly helping. Only a lot of packets of this wonder-money you will buy for retirement to which you have lived?
vladimir onoprienko
I am 68 years old. I have experience of using Digoxin for about 3 years, and the result is positive. I had atrial fibrillation. He was treated for a long time at a homeopathist, and almost liquidated an arrhythmia. But it coincided with the fires in the forest near Moscow, when the city was choking in a fire, and the arrhythmia returned to me. The homeopath could not help me anymore, so he said it himself. I had to turn to cardiologists. That's when they appointed Digoxin, Warfarin, Diower. True, now Warfarin began to give me internal bleeding, I had to reduce the dose twice, but I continue to take Digoxin.
Vladimir.ON, The question is transferred to the drug Warfarin, where it is more appropriate.
The drug helps really, but you need exactly the prescribed dosage and many side effects. Those. Consultation of a cardiologist is mandatory.
Hello! I want to ask you about Digoxin. I mean,that from him my side had side effects, namely: aversion to food, headache, dizziness, nausea, weakness, some not understandable fears (my mother herself will not understand what she is beginning to fear). During these fears, trembling and shortness of breath, the heartbeat and aches in the whole body become more frequent ... Simple sedatives of the type of Valerianka, Persen, Glycesed or Barbovan, Trikordina, Corvalol, etc. such symptoms or "attacks" do not remove, but only gidazepam. Previously, this has never happened, but it appeared a month ago that it coincides with the beginning of the reception of Digoxin's mother. Accepts Digoxin Mom 5 days a week. So those 2 days a week, when Digoxin Mom does not drink, the attack basically does not happen, but there are and they grow in these 5 days of admission, which involuntarily leads to such an opinion about the side effects of Digoxin. Yes, the district doctor does not really agree with this, although he will not understand what is happening to his mother ... After another attack, Digoxin stopped giving to my mother, because it's getting scared. Now I am now in a state of complete confusion and even panic, because Digoxin needs a mother with her heart failure, so that she does not progress ...I do not know what to do and what to do next? To consult with experts there is no possibility ... Let some time mom leave without Digoxin, I'll watch everything. And in the meantime Digoxin, accumulated in the body, can, will be withdrawn. Well, then you can still take it and when, after how long? Doses of Digoxinum mum accepted both on 0,125 mg two times a day and on 0,125 mg once a day, and here in last 5 days and on 0,0625 mg a day. But, along with this, my mother takes in parallel other drugs: Carvedilol, Kaptopres, Furosemide, Cardiomagnol, Spironolactone, Amiodarone, which, each in its own way, increase the concentration of Digoxin in the blood. Probably because of them Digoxin accumulated excessively in the blood, I think so. And if it comes out, can we continue to take it further? Maybe, even in a child's dose, but is it possible at all and how much? And the scheme, maybe, less often, but what? Or is it something to replace? What can you say and tell on everything? Respond me, please, very much you I ask. I sincerely thank you in advance!
LaraWith Digoxin, everything is much more complicated than with the rest of the drugs that we have discussed.Here you can not get rid of online advice, because the drug is as good for those people that it came up to, so dangerous for its overdoses and other side effects. Patients Digoxin are selected in a hospital, rarely at home and then under the strictest control of a doctor (this is if everything is correct, and not as they like from us). Therefore, canceled - well, but where is the guarantee that your mother's rhythm will not fail, in this case, the ambulance may not be in time, given the record of diseases and heart problems. Canceled, looked and let's continue to take. Perhaps, everything will be all right. On dosages I will not advise anything, all individually for this drug, your graveyard is enough to take another life for yourself.
I take 0.25 mg. per day, to maintain the heart muscle. After what period of time should I take a break?
0965412411, Digoxin is taken for a long time, perhaps for life. As with other medications to treat cardiac problems and with pressure, long-term treatment and changes in regimens or withdrawalthe drug should be made by the attending physician, ideally by a cardiologist.
My husband has atrial fibrillation and chronic heart failure. Digoxin, he takes several years on a matched scheme for him: 1/2 tablets in the morning 20 minutes before meals from Monday to Friday, Saturday and Sunday break. Now he lies in a hospital in grave condition. The doctor prescribed him a digoxin every day. In addition, he takes veroshpiron, bisoprolol, prestarium, torasemide (furosemide intravenous infusion has been given to him), betagistin, xarelto, glycine, rosuvastatin. Erosions were found in the esophagus and stomach. I'm very worried if it will not be worse with taking digoxin without interruption and when combined with any medicine.
savaAt erosions it is necessary to be cautious with reception of Xarelto and other similar preparations. In the rest the scheme is multidisciplinary and is appointed by a specialist, so it is necessary to adhere to it. Judging by the furosemide drippers, the condition at the time of admission was severe, so that the patient could wish for recovery and adhere strictly to the recommendations.With the treatment in this state, you should not experiment, but rather trust the treating doctor.
When taking Digoxin for a long time, you need to take a break, and then take it again. And a dose of 1/2 tablets or even less. Mom took it for a long time, there were side effects of AD 109/60, then 130/60, dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, insomnia. Her heart rhythm disorder and angina, IHD + diabetes, sit on insulin. Additionally, we drink isoptin 240 for 1 tablet a day. Kardiket 40 mg - 2 tab. in a day. Furosemide and veroshpiron.
Can I take Digoxin and Anaprilin simultaneously? Thank you!
Vladimir.ON, It is possible, but not simultaneously, but together, in one medical complex. According to the instructions and from the experience of negative side effects when using this combination should not be. It may be necessary to change the dosage of the previously taken medication (if one was prescribed).
Many thanks for the answer about the compatibility of Digoxin and Anaprilin! I have been taking digoxin for many years, but in the peak arrhythmias I took the risk of taking Anaprilin. It helps. Thank you.
Her husband has constant atrial fibrillation. Appointed in the morning Concor, before dinner Digoxin 0.25 mg, at night Cardiomagnum. Pulse 48-50. The doctor said that all the same everything is taken daily.
Hello! I'm 67 years old, suffering from heart failure. The doctor to me has written out to accept digoxin. Tell me please, can I take Citramonum during the day, which helps me with a headache and a motherwort extract in tablets at night. Thank you!
Love, Yes, you can. Citramon and Motherwort can be combined with the intake of Digoxin. According to the instruction of negative side effects or interactions from such compatibility should not be.
Hello, the grandmother (82 years), is registered Bisoprololum (2.5) and Digoxin (1/2), but even in such sparing dosages the pulse drops to 40. Whether it is necessary to continue reception of preparations?
qwerty123, The diagnosis is not specified, on purpose I can judge, that any arrhythmia. The pulse is weak and bisoprolol cancellation suggests itself, but the nuances of the diagnosis are the answer. If this is a strong arrhythmia, then it's better to live with a bradycardia than not to live at all, so contact a doctor (preferably a cardiologist) who assigned this scheme and adjust it to the state of grandmother's health.
svetlana sv
Hello! At my mum (81) a ciliary arrhythmia, earlier accepted digoxin on 1t (0,25 mg) in day. 10/24/2016. she was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis: cerebral infarction in the left cerebellum hemisphere, left thalamus (vertebrobasilar pool), on the background of chronic vascular encephalopathy, expansion of the ventricular system of the brain, as a result of hypertension Sst., CAC P-S st. At admission: on the ECG, atrial fibrillation, blockade of the left NPH. Hypertrophy of the left ventricle with overload.
After discharge for outpatient treatment, digoxin was administered 0.125 mg per day.After consultation with a cardiologist, we take 0.001 mg. After a while in the morning, the pulse became within 42-45 bpm at a pressure of 150/90. After a small load, the pressure decreased slightly, the pulse increased, and in the evening the pulse decreased again below 50 beats. At night we drink 2.5-5 mg of enalapril. Mom is just sitting, not getting up. The cardiologist recommended to suspend reception of digoxin, to watch that the pulse does not exceed 80 beats, then continue the reception. And already 5 days we do not take it, today day after the load pulse was 78 beats, although in the morning after sleep 44 beats / min. The reception of digoxin was started. Whether prompt, please, it is possible to do or make in reception of digoxin such breaks or it is better to drink it or him more regularly, but to correct a dose? Thank you!
I want to note that the indications for digoxin have now become very, very limited, and even more so it is not a drug of choice, even with constant arrhythmia. If digoxin is prescribed to you immediately better, apparently, change the cardiologist.
svetlana sv, About a dose of 0,001 mg at all did not understand, probably had in view of 0,1 mg and it in general the minimally possible or probable children's dosage of Digoxinum. And in the rest you did everything right, as the cardiologist advised you.In taking Digoxin, you can take breaks, it is not forbidden. By the way, Enalapril is usually prescribed in the morning reception, why your mother this drug is appointed in the evening, I do not understand. Perhaps there is an incongruous combination that your mother takes in the morning, so they made such an exception.
Good afternoon. At granny (80 years) atrial fibrillation. We drink Digoxin 1/2. She did not take a break for 2 days. How can we be? Continue drinking without a break this week or is it better to do? Thank you so much.
Tatyana, Take a break later if this is spelled out in individual recommendations for your grandmother. If you do not make a break once a week, nothing terrible should not be as well, Digoxin's dose is average for an elderly person, I do not see any special problems.
Tell me, please, how or what to divide the tiny tableto into two equal parts? I have it or crumbles, or is divided into two unequal parts.
ALENA, I'm sharing a knife. You can crush the tablet into a uniform powder and divide the resulting pile into two equal parts. I do not know other lifhakas, nor are special devices known.
Vera Igorevna
Hello. My grandmother drinks 1,5 years on 1/2 tablets. My heart feels better, but as she drinks, her head begins to ache.
Good afternoon. To me have appointed today digoxin, and I here have read through that at a syndrome of Volf-Parkinson-White it is impossible to apply. And I did not read having drunk a pill of 0.25 and immediately fear would not be worse, what to do. Will not it be worse?
LoveIf you have this rare syndrome diagnosed, then the drug Digoxin should be canceled and / or replaced with another medicine. Take it with obvious contraindications is not necessary. If taken once and the next day with a rhythm is all right, we will assume that everything worked out, but correction of therapy is indicated.
Digoxin to my mother was prescribed by a cardiologist. After 2 weeks, the pulse was restored, the flickering arrhythmia passed. I switched to maintenance, every morning 1TB 0.25 Hungarian, a week ago bought ours - the domestic ones said the same thing, only the producer of the other one started here: a week later, the pulse 118, a flickering arrhythmia, racked his brains before the explosion, went to buy Hungarian, so as not to jinx it - the pulse began to recover and the arrhythmia does not show. It is a pity that I threw out the packaging. Domestic in the plates, and Hungary in the bank - so be more careful.
My mother does not close the heart valves. We have been treated for 4 years (mother 80). Four doctors were changed. Now the doctor is right for us. But she went on vacation and can not get in touch with her. And to mum it is again bad. The doctor prescribed mum droppers digoxin 1, furosemide 4, asparks 5. Is it possible to drip to her this dropper. Heart rate 109.
Tatyana, The fact that the heart from this dropper should become easier is a fact, and the rest is already with the treating doctor to decide or those who examined and saw the history of your mother. Thick valves are not a diagnosis.Plus, the profile of the medications taken by the patient is not disclosed in the question.
Hello. Tell me, please, when it is better to take digoxin: before meals or after; in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening? Thank you.
TatyanaDigoxin is taken before meals. Depending on the scheme of digitalization (fast or slow) it is taken 1-2 times a day. Accordingly, at regular intervals between doses, this is more important than morning-evening.

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