Desmopressin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations (spray and nasal drops, tablets 0.1 mg and 0.2 mg) of the drug for the treatment of diabetes insipidus and bedwetting in adults, children and in pregnancy

Desmopressin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations (spray and nasal drops, tablets 0.1 mg and 0.2 mg) of the drug for the treatment of diabetes insipidus and bedwetting in adults, children and in pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Desmopressin. Comments of visitors of the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Desmopressin in their practice are presented. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues Desmopressin in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of diabetes insipidus and bedwettingadults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Desmopressin - a synthetic analogue of vasopressin. Has a pronounced antidiuretic effect. In comparison with vasopressin, it affects to a lesser degree the smooth muscles of blood vessels and internal organs.


When diabetes insipidus improves the reabsorption of water from the distal tubule of the kidneys, while simultaneously increasing the relative osmotic density of urine. This helps to reduce the frequency of urination and eliminate the increased need for fluids.


Desmopressin activates the blood clotting factor 8 and promotes an increase in the plasma plasmin activator level. Being a polypeptide, it is destroyed by digestive enzymes of the digestive tract.




Desmopressin is destroyed in the digestive tract. After intranasal application, the absorption is 10-20%. Metabolised in tissues.



  • diagnosis and treatment of diabetes insipidus;
  • treatment of temporary polyuria and polydipsia after operations in the pituitary (only for intranasal use);
  • bedwetting (both in the form of monotherapy and as part of complex therapy);
  • as a diagnostic tool for determining the concentration ability of the kidneys.


For intravenous administration:

  • haemophilia A of medium and mild severity;
  • Willebrand disease.


Forms of release


Spray nasal dosed.


Nasal drops.


Tablets 0.1 mg and 0.2 mg.


Instructions for use and dosage


Individual. For intranasal use in adults, the dose is 10-40 μg per day in 1 or more doses, in children aged 3 months to 12 years - 5-30 mcg per day.


For subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous administration, the adult dose is 1-4 μg per day, for children - from 0.4 to 2 μg per day.


Side effect

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • impaired consciousness;
  • coma;
  • intestinal colic;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • moderate increase in blood pressure (when used in high doses);
  • arterial hypotension (with rapid intravenous administration);
  • rhinitis;
  • edema of the nasal mucosa;
  • oliguria;
  • water retention in the body;
  • increase in body weight;
  • algodismenorea;
  • disturbance of lacrimation;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • skin rash.



  • congenital psychogenic polydipsia;
  • anuria;
  • fluid retention of various etiologies;
  • plasma hypoosmolality;
  • heart failure and other conditions requiring diuretic therapy;
  • hypersensitivity to desmopressin;
  • unstable angina;
  • Willebrand type 2B disease.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Adequate and strictly controlled safety studies of the use of desmopressin during pregnancy and lactation were not conducted. If you need to use desmopressin in this category of patients, you should weigh the expected benefit of therapy for the mother and the possible risk to the fetus or the baby.


special instructions


With swelling of the nasal mucosa, pronounced rhinitis, there may be a violation of desmopressin absorption when administered intranasally. In such cases, sublingual administration is recommended.


To avoid overload volume when prescribing desmopressin, special monitoring of the condition in patients of the following groups is required: children and adolescents, the elderly, persons with impaired water and / or electrolyte balance, persons at risk of increasing intracranial pressure. Caution is prescribed for violations of kidney function, cardiovascular disease, fibrosis of the bladder.


When using desmopressin as a diagnostic tool, as well as when repeated doses are given intravenously, forced hydration (inside or parenteral) should not be performed, the patient should take as much fluid as needed to quench thirst.


The use of kidney concentration in children under 1 year of age should be performed only in a hospital setting.


Drug Interactions


Indomethacin can increase the intensity (but not the duration) of desmopressin. Means that have the ability to increase the release of ADH (including tricyclic antidepressants, chlorpromazine, carbamazepine) can cause an additive antidiuretic effect, which increases the risk of fluid retention.


Analogues of the drug Desmopressin


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Adiuretin;
  • Apo-Desmopressin;
  • Vasomyrin;
  • Desmopressin acetate;
  • Mininin;
  • Nativa;
  • Presinex;
  • Emosint.

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Reviews (2):
Assigned to bedwetting a child of 5 years. Doctors said that problems in the head and standard techniques, including non-medicamentous ones, did not help to cure the cause, but the problems were in the head, in the pituitary gland, but through this we went through the bypass of different specialists and an expensive MRT.

After the examination, desmopressin was prescribed in a convenient form in the form of drops in the nose and only he was able to solve our incontinence problem, everything was normal. True, the effect does not come immediately, it must also be taken into account.
I can not live without it.

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