Ginokomfort - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (gel for intimate hygiene restoring with tea tree oil, moisturizing with mallow extract) medications for the treatment of vaginal discomfort in women. Composition

Ginokomfort - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (gel for intimate hygiene restoring with tea tree oil, moisturizing with mallow extract) medications for the treatment of vaginal discomfort in women. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Gynocomfort. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Gynocomfort in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Gynocomfort with available structural analogues.Use to treat vaginal discomfort in women, including during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the preparation.


Gynocomfort - quickly eliminates vaginal discomfort in the form of irritation, itching, burning and long lasting moisturize the mucous. Gynokomfort will return a sense of comfort in intimate areas and protect against adverse effects.


Vaginal discomfort is an unpleasant problem, familiar to most women and occurring at any age. However, due to its intimacy is not usually discussed, resulting in a painful condition will only get worse. Vaginal discomfort may be manifested by itching, burning, irritation, and dryness of mucous, and pain during sexual intercourse.


Discomfort in the intimate zone can be associated with a variety of reasons:

  • use of antibiotics and antifungal drugs;
  • transferred vaginal infections (eg, thrush or vaginosis);
  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • constant reception of hormonal contraceptives;
  • menopause;
  • stress conditions, a strained rhythm of life;
  • chronic diseases (eg, diabetes);
  • change of habitual way of life (for example, with climate change);
  • long-term wearing of close synthetic underwear;
  • constant use of daily pads.


In all these cases it is important to maintain moisturizing and protection of the vaginal mucosa.


The effectiveness of the moisturizing gel is achieved through a unique combination of natural plant components:

  • extract of mallow has a soothing, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • extract of chamomile and bisabolol have an anti-inflammatory effect, soften the mucous membrane of the vagina and strengthen the regeneration processes in it;
  • panthenol has a regenerating effect.


The effectiveness of the restoring gel is achieved through a unique combination of natural plant components:

  • Tea tree oil has a pronounced antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • extract of chamomile and bisabolol have an anti-inflammatory effect, soften the mucous membrane of the vagina and strengthen the regeneration processes in it;
  • panthenol accelerates regeneration processes;
  • Lactic acid maintains a normal pH level and helps restore the vaginal microflora.




Chamomile extract + Malva extract + Panthenol + Bisabolol + auxiliary substances (Ginocomfort Intimate gel moisturizing with applicator).


Chamomile extract + Panthenol + Bisabolol + Tea tree oil + Lactic acid 80% + auxiliary substances (Ginocomfort Intimate gel regenerating with applicator).



  • eliminates the sensations of vaginal discomfort: itching, burning, irritation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • has a prolonged moisturizing effect on the mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • prevention and elimination of discomfort during and after antibiotic treatment;
  • has a pronounced softening and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • envelops and soothes mucous membranes;
  • prevents damage to the mucosa and promotes its regeneration;
  • replenishes the lack of natural lubrication in conditions of hormonal imbalance;
  • state after laser surgery and diagnostic procedures in the genital area;
  • microtraumas of the vaginal mucosa (small wounds, cracks);
  • additional protection when visiting public places (swimming pools, saunas, saunas);
  • The moisturizing gel does not contain latex-damaging substances, it is compatible with condoms;
  • can be used as a lubricant;
  • can be used for intimate hygiene.


Forms of release


Gel 50 mg with an applicator (Gynokomfort restoring, Ginokomfort humidifying).


Instructions for use and how to use them


Enter with the help of the applicator vaginally 1 - 2 times a day. To do this, screw the applicator onto the gel tube. Collect the necessary amount of gel (maximum 5 ml), pressing on the tube. Disconnect from the tube, insert into the vagina, squeeze out the contents of the applicator, pressing the rod. Remove the applicator, rinse it with warm water and leave until the next application.


Suitable for daily use.


Side effect


With local application, the components of systemic action do not exert.


Sometimes there may be allergic reactions.




Individual intolerance of components.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


You can use a moisturizing gel Ginokomfort during pregnancy and during lactation after consulting a specialist.


There is insufficient clinical data on the use of restoring gel Gynocomfort during pregnancy and lactation.


Use in children


Insufficient clinical data.


special instructions


Gel Ginokomfort is not a contraceptive.


It is not a medicinal product.


Drug Interactions


With local use, the systemic effect on the body and interaction with other medicinal products is minimal.


Analogues of the drug Gynocomfort


The Ginocomfort gel has no structural analogs for the active substance.


Analogues for the pharmacological group (agents for treating itching and discomfort in the vagina):

  • Hexicon;
  • Gel for normalization of vaginal microflora Floragin Gel;
  • A medical product for maintaining the balance of the vaginal microflora Floragin Ovuli.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (17):
Good afternoon! Can I apply Gynokomfort Intimate gel restoring if there are polyps on the cervix?
lotos12577, Can. On the polyps of the cervix Gynokomfort does not affect and this is clearly written in the instructions. From the contraindications of this drug only individual intolerance of the components, but this is not yet try - do not know. Or if there have already been individual allergic reactions to some of the components of the gel, then it should not be used.
Good evening. To me of 55 years at me a problem of dryness, an itch in the field of an intimal zone. My gynecologist recommended that I use Ginocomfort gel, but I have a brief burning sensation when I apply this remedy.
Is it possible to use gynecomfort in postmenopausal women? To me 54. Dryness, burning and discomfort. Atrophic vaginitis. And is it possible to use the drug as a lubricant?
RayaIn postmenopausal and menopausal dryness and discomfort in the vagina, the drug also needs to be used, it is for this purpose that the Ginocomfort gel is created. About the lubricant a little did not understand, this is for what purpose do you want to use it? How to use lucidly written in the instructions to the drug above, how to properly pledge vaginally and how many times a day.
Good evening. I wanted to consult with you about this drug. I had a chronic thrush because of antibiotics, which I took from pyelonephritis, but there were unpleasant sensations in the vagina: irritation, discomfort, baking. After reading reviews about the drug, I can say it is sure that I need it. Having bought it with confidence for the first 3 days, I could not believe that it had finally stopped, but the next day again the same symptoms arose, I do not understand why? Please tell me how to be in this situation?
Ilana, Because a doctor who knows and understands the whole system should treat. What was the treatment for the so-called chronic thrush (for my subsequent answer, you need to register on the site)? If there were no oral antifungal drugs, then you need to start with them, plus perhaps similar candles. Gynocomfort does not eliminate the cause of your unpleasant symptoms, fungus, but only smoothes unpleasant sensations. A classic example of independent treatment is due to a lack of understanding of the essence of the pathological process.
I bought gynocomfort a month ago, I applied 10 days, as indicated in the instructions: 2 times a day. Then he paused. However, immediately after an intimate affinity a napkin appears on the napkin, and there are no painful or unpleasant sensations. I went to the gynecologist. Looked, took the analysis conclusion - everything is fine. But again after the intima - the blood. Although the act itself is comfortable. What does this mean and what to do?
Lyudmila FalaleyevaHormonal dysfunction was not put? Gynecologist did not advise to pass tests for hormones? It happens that the blood or the so-called daub on the napkin, especially after the sexual intercourse, is not of a mechanical nature, but hormonal, so it's worth checking this moment.

There are no other thoughts, if everything passes as standard and painless. The gynecomfort can not damage the mucous membrane or irritate it; on the contrary it should prevent it.
Thanks for the recommendation.
Hello! I would like to know why after the introduction of this gel, I get discharges as very dense flakes without any sensations and smells? What could it be? Thank you!
AlexandraPerhaps there are excess gel. If there is any doubt, it is necessary to show the doctor to determine whether the disease is a physiological condition. It is necessary to watch, it is impossible to solve such a problem remotely. According to the description of the problem of excretion without color and odor, most likely because of the gel.
At me at drawing of this agent there is a short burning sensation.
I am 52 years old. Climax. Dryness of the vagina, discomfort, atrophic processes. What kind of gel Ginokomfort moisturizing or regenerating fits better?
Tatyana, In your case it is better to use a moisturizing gel Ginokomfort.
After the thrush for a long time there was no itching and burning there, I gave up swabs, but everything is fine. The doctor said that the microflora is broken, advised restoring gel gynocomfort. There is tea tree oil in the composition, which has antiseptic effect and lactic acid, to restore the pH. And Pantenol soothes and moisturizes the mucous membranes. I really helped, discomfort vanished.
During pregnancy I used moisturizing gel Ginokomfort, to get rid of dryness unpleasant there. The doctor said that it could be because of hormonal changes. The gel is safe for the child, with natural ingredients, panthenol and tea tree oil.From the problem really helps, a couple of times a day it used, and everything is fine

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