Doctors in Russia will prescribe medicines for international non-proprietary names (INN)

Doctors in Russia will prescribe medicines for international non-proprietary names (INN)

Since July 1, 2013, the order of the Ministry of Health must come into force, according to which a doctor in Russia will be obliged to prescribe drugs for medicines only in accordance with the international non-proprietary name (INN). And only in the absence of such a name it is possible to write out a group name, and in the absence of such a name, by the trade name of the drug.


Thus, officials of the Ministry of Health consider it possible to eliminate the corruption factor in the chain of doctor's interaction with representatives of pharmaceutical companies. After all, we know that often doctors prescribe a cheaper analogue, namely an expensive drug of the company with which they have an unspoken agreement, up to receiving interest for each sold package of the drug.


Here it is worth noting that not all cheap generics are really useful and many imported medicines can contain auxiliary substances,which significantly strengthen the strength of the therapeutic effect on the body of the main active substance. And in the pharmacy will offer, for example, an inefficient analog, simply because it is a domestic or a plant in the same area is located as a pharmacy, and entered order to sell its own.


Another point that the Ministry of Health will have to take into account later is that they will do with the corruption component in the chain a pharmacist-representative whose money and bonuses will be transferred from doctors. After all, pharmaceutical companies will promote their goods all the same and not to doctors, so pharmacists will bring their bonuses, money and gifts. What will the Ministry of Health do in this case? There is no answer in the new order. Probably, later we will have to take another one, aimed at streamlining the interaction of the patient-pharmacist relations.


And in the document itself there is a loophole, since it is prescribed that the doctor still prescribes the drug in the form of a trade name, if other drugs from the same group are not suitable for the patient, for example, due to an allergic reaction to the drug components, when all of them can cause allergies,but some specific analog does not cause a response of the human body.


So, how this order will be executed - we will see very soon. According to the experience of neighboring Belarus, where a similar decision exists for a long time, it is clear that this interaction is difficult to control and this initiative is already firmly forgotten, and in the prescriptions the trade names of medicines, and not the INN, again appear.

Reviews (2):
Was there an order in Russia? I think doctors do not know about him.

Elena Chistyakova, The order was. Simply strictness of Russian laws and such orders is leveled by the non-necessity of their implementation. Therefore, there will not be a single standard. The truth is that they want to introduce an electronic extract of prescriptions and then they can block the possibility to write out the algorithmically by trade names, then the doctors will write out exclusively on INN.

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