Blemaren - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (tablets, granules) of a drug for the treatment of urolithiasis, the dissolution of kidney stones, porphyria, gout in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

Blemaren - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (tablets, granules) of a drug for the treatment of urolithiasis, the dissolution of kidney stones, porphyria, gout in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Blamaren. Presented are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors specialists on the use of Blamaren in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Blamaren in the presence of existing structural analogues.Use for the treatment of urolithiasis, the dissolution of kidney stones, porphyria, gout in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition and diet for the duration of treatment with the drug.


Blamaren - dissolves and prevents the formation of uric acid stones due to alkalinization of urine to pH 6.6-6.8 (with urine pH within 6.6-6.8, the dissolution of salts of uric acid is significantly increased). In addition, it reduces the excretion of calcium, improves the solubility of calcium oxalate in urine, inhibits the formation of crystals and, consequently, prevents the formation of calcium oxalate stones.




Citric acid + Potassium hydrogen carbonate + Sodium citrate + auxiliary substances.




Bioavailability is about 100%. It is excreted by the kidneys.



  • dissolution of uric acid and calcium oxalate stones and prevention of their formation;
  • dissolution of mixed uric acid-oxalate stones (with an oxalate content of less than 25%);
  • alkalinization of urine in people receiving cytotoxic drugs or drugs that increase the excretion of uric acid;
  • gout (regulation of uric acid level);
  • symptomatic treatment of porphyria of the skin.


Forms of release


Granules for solution for oral administration.


The tablets are effervescent.


Instructions for use and dosing regimen




Before ingestion effervescent tablets are dissolved in 200 ml of liquid (tea, fruit juices or alkaline mineral water). The daily dose is 2-6 tablets


The daily dose is evenly distributed throughout the day and is taken after a meal.


The dose is considered correctly selected if the urine pH within a day is within 6.2 -7 - to dissolve uric acid stones; 7.5 - 8.5 - for the dissolution of cystine stones; 7.2-7.5 - for the treatment of porphyria; at least 7.0 - in the treatment of cytostatics.


If the pH value of urine is lower than indicated, the dose should be increased, if higher - reduced. The duration of treatment is 4-6 months.


Efficiency monitoring (urine pH determination) is carried out 3 times a day, before each single dose is taken with the help of indicator paper. The resulting color on paper is compared for 2 minutes with a scale and enter the value in the control calendar.


In the presence of cystine stones and the treatment of porphyria, a special indicator paper with a pH value of 7.2 to 9.7 should be used to monitor the efficacy.




Before ingestion, the granular powder is dissolved in 200 ml of liquid (tea, fruit juices, or alkaline mineral water). The daily dose is 6-18 g (2-6 measuring spoons). In one measuring spoon, 3 g of granular powder.


The daily dose is evenly distributed throughout the day and is taken after a meal. The dose is considered correctly selected if the pH during the day is within the range of 6.2-7.0 (for dissolution of uric acid stones); 7.5-8.5 (for cystine stones); 7.2-7.5 (for the treatment of porphyria); at least 7.0 (in the treatment of cytostatics). If the pH value of urine is lower than indicated, the dose should be increased, if higher - reduced. Duration of treatment is 4-6 months.


Side effect

  • allergic reactions;
  • edema (sodium retention);
  • metabolic alkalosis;
  • dyspepsia.



  • hypersensitivity;
  • acute and chronic renal failure;
  • metabolic alkalosis;
  • urinary tract infections caused by urea-degrading microorganisms;
  • urine pH above 7;
  • the need to comply with a strict salt-free diet (for example, with severe forms of hypertension).


Application in pregnancy and lactation


There is insufficient clinical data for use in pregnancy and lactation.


Use in children


There is insufficient clinical data for the use of Blamaren in this age group.


special instructions


The average daily dose (12 g of granular powder) contains about 1.5 mg of potassium and 0.9 g of sodium (should be taken into account in patients with a restriction of consumption of table salt).


Can be used for chronic kidney failure, not accompanied by a delay of potassium ions.


Can be prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus.


When dissolving uric acid stones, do not exceed the daily dose, because with increasing pH above 7.0, phosphate precipitation occurs on the uric acid crystals, which prevents their further dissolution.


Diet during treatment. During treatment, the intake of foods rich in proteins and purine bases should be restricted, and sufficient fluid intake (at least 1.5-2 liters) should be ensured.


Drug Interactions


Simultaneous administration of preparations containing citrates and aluminum can lead to increased absorption of aluminum. The interval between doses of such drugs should be at least 2 hours.The effect of cardiac glycosides may be weakened, with their combined appointment with Blamaren, in connection with the presence of potassium in the formulation.


Some drugs that lower blood pressure (aldosterone antagonists, potassium-sparing diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme blockers), as well as anti-inflammatory non-steroid agents and analgesics can reduce the excretion of potassium. The possibility of simultaneous reception of such funds is established by the doctor.


Analogues of the drug Blemaren


Blamaren has no structural analogs for the active substance. The drug contains a unique combination of active ingredients.


Analogues for the pharmacological group (means for nefrourolitiaz):

  • Ginjaleling;
  • Rovatinex;
  • Uralit U;
  • Urolesan;
  • Tsimalon;
  • Cyston.

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Reviews (4):
I did not understand the meaning of this medicine at all. The taste of sour water after the granules, according to the effect in general, zero, only the stomach began to ache after a month of bleeding.Judging by the composition, lucky in the treatment of this medicine is not many, only someone who has stones with acidity of urine is not friendly, but so useless absolutely.
Take baking soda, extinguish with citric acid, dilute with water and bleached is ready.
Sergey Petrov
I was confused by the price of this drug. At the time of writing this review (14.03.207) - about 1,500 rubles per pack of 80 effervescent tablets, and this despite the fact that daily intake of 2-6 tablets a day, and the recommended course - 4-6 months ...

Total costs for the course: from 4 500 rubles. (with the minimum consumption and the shortest course) to 21 000 rubles. (at 6 months of 6 tablets per day).

Of course, many will exclaim, and I take it easy: "Health is more expensive !!!", but ... one big BUT - and what exactly is included in these tablets, do they really consist of such expensive components?

We read the composition of the drug:
* citric acid 1197 mg
* potassium hydrogen carbonate 967.5 mg
* sodium citrate 835.5 mg

Immediately delete the so-called. "auxiliary substances", which are banal sweeteners, acidulants and flavoring agents, imparting a lemon flavor to the drug and looking at the so-called. "active substances".And what we see - most of the composition is taken by banal citric acid. How so - 96 gr. Citric acid (C6H8O7) we are sold for 1,500 rubles?

But maybe the other ingredients are very expensive and very difficult to produce? Let's start with potassium bicarbonate (even zhut takes on the chemistry of this name, but not those who are even slightly familiar with chemistry!), But this is sodium carbonate substituted for potassium, it is also food additive Е501, used to stabilize the acidity of products and the price of this "miracle" of chemistry is 300 rubles / kg. (formula: KHCO3).

Apparently the last ingredient is infinitely expensive ... Let's take a look ... Sodium citrate (Na3C6H5O7) and about the horror - what a complicated formula, not otherwise requires expensive ingredients and sophisticated equipment for production? No, actually it's a banal sodium citric acid, yes, yes, yes - the same acid that we saw first in the list of "active substances", so how do we get it, apparently it's difficult ... In fact, almost every one of us, already received it, well, if you mix ordinary baking soda with citric acid, in order to get an effervescent carbonated drink (3NaHCO3 + C6H8O7 = 3CO2 + 3H2O + Na3C6H5O7).

We see,that all components of the drug - are harmless and in our everyday life we ​​get them in drinks and food (this is to the fact that a small skewed soda or acid - not harmful).
Sergey Petrov, Thank you for a detailed review of the chemical composition of Blumaren.

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