Orvirem - instructions for use, reviews, analogues and form of release (syrup) of the drug for the treatment and prevention of influenza A in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

Orvirem - instructions for use, reviews, analogues and form of release (syrup) of the drug for the treatment and prevention of influenza A in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Orvire. Presented are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors specialists on the use of Orvire in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Orvire with available structural analogues. Use for treatment and prevention of influenza type A in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the preparation.


Orvire - antiviral drug.Remantadine is a derivative of adamantane; is active against various strains of the influenza A virus (especially type A2). As a weak base, rimantadine acts by increasing the pH of the endosome, having a membrane of vacuoles and surrounding viral particles after they penetrate the cell. The prevention of acidification in these vacuoles blocks the fusion of the viral envelope with the endosome membrane, thus preventing the transfer of the viral genetic material to the cytoplasm of the cell. Remantadine also inhibits the release of viral particles from the cell, i.e. interrupts the transcription of the viral genome.


The appointment of rimantadine for 2-3 days before and 6-7 hours after the onset of clinical manifestations of influenza A reduces the incidence, severity of the symptoms of the disease and the degree of serological response. Some therapeutic effect may also occur if rimantadine is prescribed within 18 hours after the onset of the first symptoms of influenza.




Rimantadine hydrochloride + excipients.




After oral administration, Orvirem is almost completely absorbed into the intestine. Absorption is slow. Binding to plasma proteins is about 40%. Concentration in nasal secretion is 50% higher than in plasma.Metabolised in the liver. It is excreted by the kidneys 15% - unchanged, 20% - in the form of hydroxyl metabolites.



  • prevention and early treatment of influenza A in children older than 1 year.


Prevention of remantadine can be effective in contact with ill at home, with the spread of infection in closed groups and at a high risk of disease during an epidemic of influenza.


Forms of release


Syrup for children.


Instructions for use and dosage


In the treatment of the drug taken inside (after eating), washed down with water, according to the following scheme: children from 1 year to 3 years - on the 1st day 10 ml (2 teaspoons) syrup (20 mg) 3 times a day (daily a dose of 60 mg); in the second and third days - 10 ml 2 times a day (daily dose - 40 mg), on the 4th day - 10 ml 1 time per day (daily dose - 20 mg); children from 3 to 7 years - on the 1st day - 15 ml (3 teaspoons) of syrup (30 mg) 3 times a day (daily dose - 90 mg); on the 2nd and 3rd days - 3 teaspoons 2 times a day (daily dose - 60 mg), on the 4th day - 3 teaspoons 1 time per day (daily dose - 30 mg).


For prophylaxis the drug is prescribed: for children from 1 year to 3 years - 10 ml (2 teaspoons) of syrup (20 mg) once a day; children from 3 to 7 years - 15 ml (3 teaspoons) of syrup (30 mg) once a day for 10-15 days, depending on the source of infection.


The daily dose of remantadine should not exceed 5 mg / kg of body weight.


Side effect

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in epigastrium;
  • flatulence;
  • anorexia;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • neurological reactions;
  • violation of concentration of attention;
  • hyperbilirubinemia;
  • allergic reactions (skin rash, itching, urticaria);
  • asthenia.



  • acute liver disease;
  • acute and chronic kidney disease;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • children under 1 year;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


The drug is contraindicated for use in pregnancy and lactation.


Use in children


The drug is contraindicated for children under 1 year.


special instructions


Against the background of taking the drug may exacerbation of chronic concomitant diseases.


With epilepsy, the risk of epileptic seizures increases.


The syrup contains 60% sucrose, which should be taken into account when prescribing the patient with diabetes mellitus.


Perhaps the emergence of drug-resistant viruses.


Drug Interactions


When combined, Avroviem reduces the effectiveness of antiepileptic drugs.


With simultaneous intake of adsorbents, astringents and enveloping agents reduce the absorption of remantadine.


Medicines, acidifying urine (acetazolamide, sodium bicarbonate), enhance the effectiveness of remantadine because of the decrease in its excretion by the kidneys.


When combined, Acetylsalicylic acid and Paracetamol reduce the Cmax of remantadine by 11%.


Cimetidine reduces the clearance of rimantadine by 18%.


Analogues of the drug by Orvir


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Algiers;
  • Remantadine;
  • Rimantadine;
  • Rimantadine hydrochloride.


Analogues for the pharmacological group (antiviral drugs):

  • Avonex;
  • Allokin alfa;
  • Alloferon;
  • Algeron;
  • Altevir;
  • Alfaron;
  • Amizon;
  • Amiksin;
  • Anaferon;
  • Anaferon child;
  • Arbidol;
  • Arpetolide;
  • Arpefly;
  • Vero Ribavirin;
  • Viferon;
  • Wallferon;
  • Gevisos;
  • Genfaxon;
  • Genferon;
  • Genferon Light;
  • Herpferon;
  • Hyaferon;
  • Groprinosin;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Ingavirin;
  • Ingaron;
  • Inter;
  • Interferon;
  • Intron A;
  • Infagel;
  • Inferon;
  • Yodantipyrine;
  • Kagocel;
  • Lavomax;
  • Ladivin;
  • Layfferon;
  • Lokferon;
  • Midantan;
  • Neovir;
  • Oxolin;
  • Panavir;
  • Poludan;
  • Realdiron;
  • Reaferon;
  • Rebetol;
  • Relenza;
  • Ronbetal;
  • Tamiflu;
  • Tyloron;
  • Fladex;
  • Eberon alpha P;
  • Extavia;
  • Erazaban.

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Reviews (1):
The usual remantadine, no difference other than the other name, did not notice either in composition or in action. So to whom the first did not go, then the vowire will not go either. Although the remedy is good and works, but like remantadine.

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