Progestogel - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (gel, cream or ointment 1%) drugs for the treatment of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy in adults, children and in pregnancy

Progestogel - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (gel, cream or ointment 1%) drugs for the treatment of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy in adults, children and in pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Prog. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Progestogel in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of the Prohorgel in the presence of existing structural analogs. Use to treat diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy and mastodynia in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breast-feeding.


Prog - Progestogen for external use. The active component of the drug is progesterone.


The action of Progesterone is based on the blocking of estrogen receptors, which improves the absorption of fluid from the tissues and reduces the compression of the milk ducts, as well as the blocking of prolactin receptors in the breast tissue, which leads to a decrease in lactopoiesis.


Local use of the drug, creating a high concentration of progesterone in the area of ​​application, does not have a systemic effect and avoids undesirable side effects.


The mechanism of action of the Projug is based on an increase in the concentration of progesterone in the tissues of the breast. Progesterone reduces the expression of estrogen receptors in the breast tissue, and also reduces the local level of active estrogens by stimulating the production of enzymes (17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and estrone sulfotransferase) that oxidize estradiol to a less active estrone (binding the latter to enzymes that convert it to inactive estrone sulfate).


Thus, progesterone limits the proliferative effect of estrogens on breast tissue.


Progesterone also has a small sodium diuretic effect due to oppression of tubular reabsorption and an increase in cell filtration, preventing fluid retention in secretory transformations of the glandular component of the mammary glands and, as a consequence, the development of pain syndrome (mastalgia or mastodynia).


Along with this, the transdermal method of administering the gestagene also allows to influence the condition of the glandular epithelium and the vasculature, as a result of which the permeability of capillaries decreases, the degree of swelling of the mammary gland tissues decreases, the symptoms of mastalgia disappear.




Progesterone natural micronized + auxiliary substances.




In the transdermal mode of application, the Progestogen reaches the breast tissue without breaking down in the liver and without adversely affecting systemic effects on the body.


Absorption of progesterone for dermal application is about 10% of the dose. The study of the serum concentrations of prolactin, estradiol and progesterone in the treatment with Progestogen showed that after 1 hour after application, when the maximum absorption in the tissue is observed, the level of hormones practically does not change.


Cumulative applications on the area of ​​the mammary glands make it possible to create a high concentration in the range of action (10 times higher than in the systemic blood flow) of the drug when the applied dose is reduced.


The drug is re-metabolized in the liver with the formation of conjugates with glucuronic and sulfuric acids.


It is excreted by the kidneys - 50-60%, with bile - more than 10%. The amount of metabolites excreted by the kidneys varies depending on the phase of the yellow body.



  • mammalgia;
  • diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy.


Forms of release


Gel for external use 1% (sometimes mistakenly called ointment or cream).


Instructions for use and how to use them


It is necessary to apply 1 application of gel (2.5 g of gel, contains 0.025 g of progesterone) to the skin of the mammary glands by the applicator-dispenser until it is fully absorbed 1-2 times daily or in the 2nd phase (from the 16th to the 25th day) of the menstrual period cycle. The course of treatment - up to 3 cycles.


Side effect

  • tenderness of the mammary glands;
  • hot flushes of blood;
  • metrorrhagia;
  • decreased libido;
  • erythema in place of gel application;
  • swelling of the lips and neck;
  • fever;
  • headache;
  • nausea.



  • nodular forms of fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • tumors (tumorous formations) of the mammary glands of an obscure etiology;
  • monotherapy of breast cancer;
  • monotherapy of cancers of genital organs;
  • 2 and 3 trimesters of pregnancy;
  • individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


There is insufficient experience in using the Progestogen during pregnancy.


The use of the drug during pregnancy and during lactation is possible only if the intended benefit to the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus and the baby.


special instructions


The progestogen can be used for mastodynia associated with taking oral contraceptives, pubertal period, premenopause, premenstrual tension syndrome.


The drug should be applied to the skin of the breast with the applicator-doser, without rubbing or massaging the mammary glands.


After applying the cream, avoid direct sunlight.


Caution should be used in cases of liver failure, kidney failure, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, migraine, depression,hyperlipoproteinemia, ectopic pregnancy, abortion in the course, inclination to thrombosis, acute forms of phlebitis or thromboembolic diseases, bleeding of unclear etiology from the vagina; porphyria, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


Studies to identify the possible effects of the drug on the ability to drive a car or on the ability to control mechanisms have not been carried out.


Drug Interactions


The effect of the drug can be enhanced with simultaneous use with combined hormonal contraceptives.


Repeated treatment may be prescribed only after consultation with a doctor.


Analogues of the drug Progestogen


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Iprozhin;
  • Krajonon;
  • Prajisan;
  • Progesterone;
  • Utrozhestan.

Similar medicines:

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Reviews (13):
I noticed that I had chest pains, even if I accidentally touched her. I went to the doctors and finally got a diagnosis - mastopathy. In the chest, a seal was found in the form of a tangible lump. I wanted to do without surgery, I applied and smeared my breast with a progestogen for several months, but in the end I had to have an operation.
Galina Perova
It's best not to practice, and folk medicine does not always help. It is better to know exactly the diagnosis of a doctor, and then to think about how you will be treated. For example, I myself immediately became a gel to smear the chest, I heard about the progestogen, I decided to be treated. But the treatment did not help. Elbows bit, that to the doctor did not go. When asked, I was examined and Indinol Forto was prescribed. With these pills, my chest stopped hurting completely. And I was convinced that I always need treatment under the guidance of specialists.
Marina Evgenevna
I, too, was treated as a prostitute, but by itself it is not very effective.Compulsory treatment is necessary. This is the only way to cure this disease. I know a lot of folk methods from mastopathy, but nothing helped me personally. Only traditional medicine is effective.
About five years ago I found a little bump on my chest, and it grew during the day. The diagnosis was mastopathy. The medicines were written out Progestogel and cyclodinone. It helped.

Now, during menstruation, she noticed a painful inflammation of the mammary gland almost at the armpit, but after the cycle passes. I decided to repeat the course, but in general, in my opinion, these are the most advanced drugs in our meager market.

It is desirable to take a progestogen in combination with cyclodinone. For me personally, these are the most effective and affordable drugs, from what the meager market offers us.
In a free clinic they diagnosed fibroadenoma. We were going to have an operation. The friend advised the paid mammologist-oncologist. I went to him. He said that all this nonsense was prescribed by Aevit, Mastodion and the proverb.I take only a week and already there are results, the lump diminished and my chest stopped hurting.
After using the Progestogel ointment and capsules of Indinol forte, a tumor was formed. And not only me. A friend is the same. There are a lot of pills. I do not advise.
And you just need to smear one breast, where is mastopathy?
Lena, Yes, it is usual to place seals, cyst gel Progestogen and plaster, with a special spatula-applicator that comes with the kit. And already for one or not more precisely you should have a doctor say when prescribing treatment, sometimes find small cysts in the second breast about which they do not speak and therefore recommend to smear both glands.
Hello. 2 years ago to me have diagnosed a fibroadenoma left m, a fibrous-cystic mastopathy, cysts m-f. The doctor prescribed Progestogel gel, Indinol Forto and Aevit. Can I take them? Advise me what to do, please.
AsyaThe use of the drugs indicated in the question is acceptable in the complex therapy of the diagnosed diseases (provided that the diagnoses are listed correctly). The only Prozhezhegel and Indinol Forto can compete for one substrate of cytochrome, so dosage adjustments may be required from the average therapeutic values, but if both drugs are prescribed for the first time in the complex, they are appointed with this in mind.
Good afternoon. To me have diagnosed: a bilateral diffuse fibrous mastopathy. By appointment, the doctor began to use Progestogel gel along with drops Mastodinone. Gel is appointed from 16 to 25 days mc. 1 time at night - 3 cycles / a drop 3 months. On day 4 of the gel, morbidity of the mammary glands appeared, although before that there were no painful sensations, only the ultrasound showed a diagnosis. Specify, please, whether it is necessary to stop reception of gel, because of occurrence of by-effects? Thank you.
AnzhelikaIf the pain is tolerable, then by the result of communication with the attending physician you can continue using the gel,the diagnosis of mastopathy in this case will outweigh your negative feelings. If strong - the doctor can replace the Progestogen with another remedy, perhaps an oral hormonal drug. In any case, the doctor needs to be treated, because there can be many factors - from the day of the cycle to the progression of the underlying disease.
The best cure for chest pain in ps.

Before the progestogen I was treated with ibuprofen (it helps only when you use it, you have to drink it every pms) and mastodinone (I took it for three months, then it was all right for two months, then the chest got sick again). And it hurts me as if it is inflated from the inside and it will burst right now! (((
Then they wrote out the projet for two months. And already the third cycle without it does not hurt the breast.
And the price is the same as for the mastodinon, no difference.
The only drawback for me is that the gel is smeared with a stick unusually, it seems all the time that it is unevenly distributed. But if he cured me, then I did everything right))). So the drug works, I'm happy with the result.

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