Libexin - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (100 mg tablets, Muco syrup) for the treatment of dry and wet cough in adults, children and in pregnancy

Libexin - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (100 mg tablets, Muco syrup) for the treatment of dry and wet cough in adults, children and in pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Libexin. Presented are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Liebesin in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Libexin in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of dry and wet cough in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Libexin - the drug blocks the peripheral links of the cough reflex due to the following effects:

  • local anesthetic action, which reduces the irritability of peripheral sensory (cough) respiratory tract receptors;
  • bronchodilator action, which suppresses the stretch receptors that participate in the cough reflex;
  • a slight decrease in the activity of the respiratory center (without respiratory depression).


The antitussive effect of the drug is approximately equal to that of codeine. Prenoxidiazine does not cause addiction and drug dependence. In chronic bronchitis, the anti-inflammatory effect of prenoxdiazin was noted.


Prenoxidiazine (the active substance of the drug Libexin) does not affect the function of the CNS, except for the possible indirect anxiolytic action.


Carbocysteine ​​(the active substance of the drug Libexin Muco), being a mucolytic effect on the gel phase of endobronchial secretion, rupturing the disulfide bridges of glycoproteins and, thus, reducing the viscosity and increasing the elasticity of the secretion.


Carbocysteine ​​activates sialic transferase - the enzyme of goblet cells of the bronchial mucosa, normalizes the quantitative ratio of acidic and neutral sialomucins, promotes mucosal regeneration, normalizes its structure, activates the activity of ciliary epithelium, restores the secretion of immunologically active IgA (specific defense), improves mucociliary clearance.




Prenoxdiazine hydrochloride + excipients (Libexin).


Carbocysteine ​​+ auxiliary substances (Libexin Muko).




Prenoxdiazine is rapidly and largely absorbed from the digestive tract. Most of the accepted dose is metabolized in the liver, only about 1/3 of the accepted dose of the drug is excreted unchanged, and the rest - in the form of metabolites (4 metabolites of prenoxdiazine are allocated). After 24 hours after taking 93% of the drug is allocated. For 72 hours after oral administration, 50-74% of the dose taken is excreted with feces and 26-50% with urine.


Carbocysteine ​​is rapidly absorbed after oral administration. Bioavailability is low (less than 10% of the dose) as a result of possible rapid passage through the liver.It is excreted mainly by the kidneys together with metabolites.



  • unproductive cough of any origin (with catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, influenza, acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema);
  • night cough in patients with heart failure;
  • when preparing patients for bronchoscopic or bronchographic examination);
  • acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases accompanied by the formation of viscous, hard to separate sputum (tracheitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectatic disease) and mucus (inflammatory diseases of the middle ear, nose and sinuses) (Libexin Muko) .


Forms of release


Tablets 100 mg (Libexin).


Syrup (Libexin Muko).


Instructions for use and dosing regimen




The average dose for adults is 100 mg 3-4 times a day (1 tablet 3-4 times a day). In more complicated cases, the dose can be increased to 200 mg 3-4 times a day or up to 300 mg 3 times a day (2 tablets 3-4 times a day or 3 tablets 3 times a day).


The average dose for children, depending on the age and body weight of 25-50 mg three or four times a day (1/4 - 1/2 tablet 3-4 times a day).


The maximum single dose for children is 50 mg (1/2 tablet), for adults 300 mg (3 tablets).The maximum daily dose for children is 200 mg (2 tablets), for adults - 900 mg (9 tablets).


When preparing for bronchoscopy, the dose of 0.9-3.8 mg / kg of body weight is combined with 0.5-1 mg of atropine for 1 hour before the procedure.


Tablets are swallowed without chewing (to avoid anesthesia of the oral mucosa).




1 measuring cup of syrup (15 ml) contains 750 mg of carbocysteine. Take 3 times a day for 1 cup (15 ml), preferably separately from food intake.


The duration of treatment should not exceed 8 days.


Syrup for children




1 scoop of syrup (5 ml) contains 100 mg of carbocysteine.


Children aged 2 to 5 years: 1 measuring spoon (5 ml) 2 times a day (200 mg per day). Children older than 5 years: 1 measuring spoon (5 ml) 3 times a day (300 mg per day).


Treatment should not last more than 8 days without consulting a doctor.


Side effect

  • skin rash;
  • angioedema;
  • itching;
  • hives;
  • dry mouth or throat;
  • anesthesia (temporary numbness and loss of sensitivity) of the oral mucosa;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • propensity to constipation;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • mild sedative effect;
  • weakness;
  • fatigue.


It is necessary to emphasize,that both sedation and fatigue are manifested at doses above therapeutic, and all symptoms spontaneously cease within a few hours after discontinuation of the drug.



  • diseases associated with abundant bronchial secretion;
  • condition after inhalation anesthesia;
  • intolerance to galactose, insufficiency of lactase or malabsorption of glucose-galactose;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the stage of exacerbation;
  • chronic glomerulonephritis (in the phase of exacerbation), cystitis;
  • pregnancy (Libexin Muko);
  • children under 15 years old (Libexin Muko syrup), up to 2 years (Libexin Muko syrup for children);
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Libexin is only possible if the potential benefit to the mother exceeds the possible risk to the fetus or child.


Libexin Muko is contraindicated in pregnancy. With caution - during lactation.


Use in children


With caution in childhood (Libexin).


Contraindicated in children under the age of 15 (Libexin Muko), up to 2 years (Libexin Muko for children).


special instructions


The drug can cause complaints from the gastrointestinal tract in patients with lactose intolerance, tk. tablets contain lactose (0.38 mg of lactose in each tablet).


The content of ethanol (alcohol) in the syrup is 0.2 g of ethanol per measuring cup. It can be dangerous for people with liver disease, alcoholism, epilepsy, traumas or brain diseases, pregnant women.


Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and perform work associated with increased risk


Taking the drug in high doses can slow down the reaction rate, so when taking the drug in high doses, the question of the possibility of driving a car or taking jobs associated with an increased risk must be addressed individually.


Drug Interactions


Libexin tablets are not recommended to combine the drug with mucolytic and expectorant agents, it can make it difficult to isolate sputum liquefied by the latter. There are no preclinical or clinical data on the interaction with other drugs.


The syrup increases the effectiveness of glucocorticosteroid and antibacterial therapy for inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.


Libexin Muko potentiates the broncholytic effect of theophylline.


The activity of carbocisteine ​​(in syrup) weakens antitussive and m-cholinoblocking drugs.


Analogues of the drug Libexin


Analogues for the pharmacological group (cough remedies):

  • Alex Plus;
  • Ambro Hexal;
  • Antussin;
  • Atropine sulfate;
  • Biolin Cold;
  • Bronchalamine;
  • Bronhalis Hel;
  • Bronchicum;
  • Bronchicum inhalate;
  • Bronchicum C;
  • Bronchicum cough syrup;
  • Bronhipret TP;
  • Bronhonal;
  • Bronhosan;
  • Hexapneumine;
  • Herbion syrup of primrose;
  • Herbion syrup of plantain;
  • Glycodine;
  • Chest fee;
  • Gustel;
  • Children's Tylenol for colds;
  • Doctor IOM vegetative pastilles from cough;
  • Dr. Theiss;
  • Insty;
  • Carbocysteine;
  • Kodelak;
  • Codipron;
  • Codterpine;
  • Broncho's Witchcraft;
  • Coldrex;
  • Coldrex bronchus;
  • Coldrex Knight;
  • Levopron;
  • Linkas;
  • Lordestin;
  • Mentoclar;
  • Metovit;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Mucosol;
  • Omnitus;
  • Paxelidine;
  • Pectosol;
  • Pectusin;
  • Pulmeks;
  • Pulmeks baby;
  • Sedotussin;
  • Sinecod;
  • Solutan;
  • Stoat;
  • Stoptussin;
  • Sudafed;
  • Pills for cough;
  • TeraFlu Bro;
  • Terpinkod;
  • Travisil;
  • Tusuprex;
  • Falimint;
  • Fervex from a dry cough;
  • Eucabal;
  • Erespal.

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Reviews (5):
I do not know by virtue of what features of the body, but I often have problems with sputum for colds. I cough horribly, it seems, the lungs will soon fall out, and the sputum is sitting motionless. It is insanely tiresome and annoying. Especially when you are at work. My colleague suggested using Libexin, apparently, I got all the employees with my cough. I read about him, I decided to try it. And, oh, a miracle! Finally, you can feel like a person during the day and normally sleep without barking yourself at night. The drug completely removes the urge to cough. Of course, this is not an option for the whole illness, sputum should be coughed up anyway, but while measures are being taken to dilute it, it is a very good tool! Now I always use it. I take 1 tablet three times a day, I have enough.Usually I use the drug for 2-3 days, then the cough becomes productive.
With a dry cough, libexine really helps, sputum goes off quickly enough, and when coughing it is a great relief. Dry cough just exhausts, that even at night you can not fall asleep from it! With the use of this drug, desires for coughing are reduced, only in taking medication, of course, need consistency and regularity, as in other cases!
A year ago I had a bad bronchitis, I was ill for a very long time of two months, then passed into sinusitis. Now my problem is that with the slightest cold, it goes forever into a dry cough, I have no strength, I do not sleep at night, attacks of a dry cough, like a crazy cough in the pillow, throat all throat. The doctor prescribed an erespal, but a side pile, I drink expectorating syrups, there's no use. Temperatures are not present, only a dry cough, a throat is pershit, and in bronchuses as if moths fly. Tell people to save. I'm thinking of trying out Liebesin.
Tanya, You do not need to experiment with medications, but you need to urgently undergo a checkup and get a consultation from a pulmonologist, since there is a high probability of chronicling your cough, which can lead to chronic bronchitis or bronchial asthma. Do not risk your health.
Sergey Solovyov
In general, the drug is not bad. True to codeine, it does not hold out.

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