Buserelin - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (nasal spray Depo, injections in ampoules for injection Long FS 3.75 mg) of a drug for the treatment of endometriosis and infertility in women, including during pregnancy. Composition and alcohol

Buserelin - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (nasal spray Depo, injections in ampoules for injection Long FS 3.75 mg) of a drug for the treatment of endometriosis and infertility in women, including during pregnancy. Composition and alcohol

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Buserelin. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Buserelin in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Buserelin in the presence of existing structural analogues.Use for the treatment of endometriosis, uterine fibroids and infertility in women, including during pregnancy and lactation. Composition and interaction of the drug with alcohol.


Buserelin - synthetic analogue of natural GnRH. Competitively binds to the receptors of the anterior pituitary cells, causing a short-term increase in the level of sex hormones in the blood plasma.


The use of the drug in therapeutic doses leads (on average 12-14 days) to complete blockade of the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland, thus inhibiting the release of LH and FSH. As a result, the synthesis of sex hormones in the ovaries is suppressed and the concentration of estradiol (E2) in the blood plasma is reduced to post-menopausal values.




Buserelina acetate + excipients.




After subcutaneous administration, Buserelinum is completely absorbed from the digestive tract, plasma is observed 1 h after administration. Cumulates in the liver, kidneys, as well as in the anterior pituitary. It is metabolized by tissue peptidases. It is excreted in the urine and bile in unchanged form and in the form of metabolites.


With intranasal application, the drug is completely absorbed through the nasal mucosa. In small amounts excreted in breast milk.




The hormone-dependent pathology of the reproductive system, caused by absolute or relative hyperestrogenism:

  • endometriosis (pre- and postoperative periods);
  • uterine myoma;
  • hyperplastic processes of the endometrium;
  • treatment of infertility (when carrying out the program of in vitro fertilization);
  • hormone-dependent prostate cancer;
  • mammary cancer.


Forms of release


Spray nasal dosed (Buserelin Depot).


Lyophilizate for the preparation of a suspension of prolonged release for intramuscular and subcutaneous injection 3.75 mg (injections in ampoules for injections) (Buserelin Long FS).


Instructions for use and reception scheme


Spray nasal


In the treatment of endometriosis, uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplastic processes, the drug is injected into the nasal passages after purification at a dose of 900 μg per day. A single dose of the drug with a full pressure pump is 150 mcg. The daily dose of the drug is administered in equal portions for one injection in each nostril 3 times a day at regular intervals (6-8 hours) in the morning, afternoon and evening. Treatment with Buselelin should be started on the first or second day of the menstrual cycle, administered continuously throughout the course of treatment.The course of treatment is 4-6 months.


In the treatment of infertility by in vitro fertilization, the drug is injected intranasally with one injection (150 μg) into each nostril 3-4 times a day at regular intervals. The daily dose of 900-1200 mcg. Buserelin is prescribed at the beginning of the follicular (on the 2nd day of the menstrual cycle) or in the middle of the luteal phase (21-24 days) of the menstrual cycle preceding stimulation. After 14-17 days with a decrease in estradiol in the serum of patients not less than 50% of the baseline level, absence of cysts in the ovaries, thickness of the endometrium is not more than 5 mm, stimulation of superovulation by gonadotropic hormones under ultrasound monitoring and control of estradiol levels in serum begins. If necessary, dose adjustment may be carried out by Buserelin.


Ampoules Buserelin Depot


With hormone-dependent prostate cancer - 3.75 mg intramuscularly every 4 weeks.


In the treatment of endometriosis, endometrial hyperplastic processes are 3.75 mg IM once every 4 weeks. Treatment should begin in the first five days of the menstrual cycle. Duration of treatment is 4-6 months.


When treating uterine fibroids - 3.75 mg IM once every 4 weeks.Treatment should begin in the first five days of the menstrual cycle. Duration of treatment - before the operation 3 months, in the remaining cases - 6 months.


In the treatment of infertility by in vitro fertilization, 3.75 mg IM once at the beginning of the follicular (on the 2nd day of the menstrual cycle) or in the middle of the luteal phase (21-24 days) of the menstrual cycle preceding stimulation. After blockade of the pituitary function, confirmed by a decrease in the serum level of estrogen in the blood serum, not less than 50% of the baseline (usually determined 12-15 days after Buserelin Depot injection), in the absence of cysts in the ovaries (according to ultrasound), the thickness of the endometrium is not more than 5 mm, stimulation of superovulation by gonadotropic hormones under ultrasound monitoring and control of the level of estradiol in serum begins.


Rules for the preparation of suspension and drug administration


The drug is administered only intramuscularly. The suspension for the IM injection is prepared with the help of the applied solvent immediately before administration. The drug should be prepared and administered only by specially trained medical personnel.


The vial with Buselinen Depot should be kept strictly vertically.Tapping lightly on a vial, it is necessary to achieve that all лиофилизат was on the bottom of a vial.


Open the syringe, attach a needle with a pink pavilion (1.2 × 50 mm) to the solvent intake.


Open the ampoule and dial into the syringe all the contents of the ampoule with the solvent, install the syringe to a dose of 2 ml.


Remove the plastic cap from the vial containing the lyophilizate. Disinfect the rubber stopper of the bottle with an alcohol swab. Insert the needle into the vial with lyophilizate through the center of the rubber stopper and carefully insert the solvent into the inner wall of the vial without touching the needle with the contents of the vial. Remove the syringe from the vial.


The bottle must remain stationary until the solvent is completely saturated with the lyophilizate and the suspension is formed (for about 3-5 minutes). After that, without turning the bottle, you should check the presence of dry lyophilizate at the walls and bottom of the vial. If a dry residue of the lyophilizate is found, leave the vial until it is completely soaked.


After the remaining dry lyophilizate is not left, the contents of the vial should be gently stirred in a circular motion for 30-60 seconds until a uniform suspension is formed.Do not overturn and shake the bottle, this can lead to the loss of flakes and the unfitness of the suspension.


It is necessary to quickly insert the needle through the rubber stopper into the vial. Then cut the needle cut down and, tilting the vial at an angle of 45 degrees, slowly fill the syringe completely. Do not flip the bottle when typing. A small amount of the drug can remain on the walls and bottom of the vial. The consumption of the residue on the walls and the bottom of the vial is taken into account.


Immediately replace the needle with a pink pavilion on a needle with a green pavilion (0.8 × 40 mm), gently turn the syringe and remove air from the syringe.


Suspension Buselelina Depot should be administered immediately after preparation.


Using an alcohol sponge, you need to disinfect the injection site. Insert the needle deep into the gluteus muscle, then gently pull the plunger of the syringe backward to make sure that there is no damage to the vessel. Administer the suspension intramuscularly slowly with constant pressure on the syringe plunger. When the needle is clogged, it is replaced with another needle of the same diameter.


Side effect

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nervousness;
  • fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased memory and ability to concentrate;
  • emotional lability;
  • development of depression or worsening of its course;
  • noise in ears;
  • hearing and vision impairment (vague vision);
  • a feeling of pressure on the eyeball;
  • "tides" of blood to the skin of the face and upper chest;
  • increased sweating;
  • dryness of the vagina;
  • decreased libido;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • demineralization of bones;
  • menstrualnopodobnoe bleeding (usually during the first weeks of treatment);
  • palpitation;
  • increased blood pressure (in patients with hypertension);
  • hives;
  • itching;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • bronchospasm;
  • anaphylactic and / or anaphylactoid shock;
  • angioedema;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • a violation of appetite;
  • increase or decrease in body weight;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • changes in the lipid spectrum;
  • thrombocytopenia or leukopenia;
  • nasal bleeding;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • edema in the ankles and feet;
  • weakening or strengthening of hair growth on the head and on the body;
  • pain in the back, joints;
  • irritation of the nasal mucosa;
  • dryness and pain in the nose.



  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Contraindicated use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation.


special instructions


Patients with any form of depression during the treatment with Buselelin should be under close medical supervision.


Induction of ovulation should be carried out under strict medical supervision.


In the initial stage of treatment with the drug, the development of ovarian cysts is possible.


Repeated treatment should be started only after a thorough assessment of the relationship between the expected benefit and the potential risk of osteoporosis.


Patients who use contact lenses may develop signs of eye irritation.


Given the intranasal (spray in the nose) way of use, there may be irritation of the nasal mucosa, sometimes - nosebleeds. The drug can be used in rhinitis, but before using it, the nasal passages should be cleared.


The use of Busherelin in combination with surgical treatment for endometriosis reduces the size of pathological foci and their blood supply, inflammatory manifestations and, consequently, shortens the operation time, and postoperative therapy improves results, reducing the frequency of postoperative relapses and reducing the formation of adhesions.


Before the beginning of treatment with the drug, it is recommended to exclude pregnancy and stop taking hormonal contraceptives, however, during the first two months of using the drug, it is necessary to use other (non-hormonal) methods of contraception.


The menstrual cycle and recovery of menstruation is observed within 1-2 months after the end of the drug Bucerelin. At the same time, you can start planning a pregnancy.


In case of drinking alcohol together with the drug Buserelin, consult your doctor.


To treat prostate cancer should not be prescribed to patients after an orchiectomy. At the beginning of prostate cancer treatment, an exacerbation of the disease (usually less than 10 days) associated with an initial transient increase in androgen concentration in the blood ("flash phenomenon") is possible. In this case, severe pain in the bones or in the location of the tumor, exacerbation of symptoms (including dysuria) is possible. The intensification of neurological disorders in patients with metastases in the spine can lead to temporary weakness and paresthesia in the lower extremities. It is necessary to warn the patient about the need to continue therapy, despite the side effects, which in the course of further treatment decrease or disappear.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.


Drug Interactions


Simultaneous use of Buserelin with other drugs containing sex hormones (for example, in the induction of ovulation), can contribute to the emergence of the syndrome of ovarian hyperstimulation.


With simultaneous application of Buserelin can reduce the effectiveness of hypoglycemic agents.


Analogues of the drug Buserelin


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Buserelin FSintez;
  • Buserelin depot;
  • Buserelin Long FS;
  • Buserelina acetate;
  • Suprefact;
  • Suprefact of the depot.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (49):
A friend stabbed a bead, several injections. Previously, she had beautiful and marbled skin, after the pricks turned into dried apricots, it's terrible to look at her so beautiful a girl, now she looks like a witch, and even a hysterical woman turned into a meager. Who would have thought that such consequences from the bead will be. Her husband divorced her and found a young man. Although the child she has an adult (gave birth before the injections), but no happiness now, draw conclusions.
One cure, the other is rattling.
I was 37 when I took Buserelin Spray. After the end of the reception, the skin on the back of the hands, the arms of a 60-year-old woman, changed very much.
natali 38 years old
Has made three nyxes. I experience the delights of menopause, but the menstruation does not stop and it constantly smells, the pains in the abdomen are terrible, I sit on painkillers. The doctor canceled the treatment, explaining the immunity of the body of the drug. To me have put an endometriosis. Maybe I had to pierce the full course, all six jabs.
Svetlana 31
Miscellaneous occurs, there are contraindications and personal intolerance. But Buserelin works. My friend helped, she is happy, while there were no obvious side effects.
Kolya Buserelin. I do not feel any special anxiety. Light tides in the morning. No pain, no masagna. Feeling that I do not pass treatment at all. Monthly stopped. The biggest worry is whether to return? And what if I go into menopause?
Irina, Monthly usually recover after 1-2 months after the end of the course of treatment with Buselelin. So, if you do not have to get menopause by age and testimony, then it will not appear on the background of treatment and soon everything will return to normal, after the end of the course of treatment.
Good afternoon. Today I did 2 injections, after the first several times there was dizziness and severe nausea. Menses were and even plentiful, the doctor has told or said we shall look or see after 2 nyxes.Tell me, how did you mix this drug?
Olesya, Supplemented the instruction with the rules of preparation and use of ampoules Buserelin Depot. Probably, you asked about this dosage form in your question.
Good evening! We diagnosed endometriosis. The doctor appointed Buserelin 3 injections. I have a question, but 2 is not enough? I accidentally spoiled the third injection. Buy again?
Y-yuy82Remotely online to your question is impossible to answer. Sometimes enough for the treatment of endometriosis and three injections of Buserelin Depot, but usually more appointed. So address on this question to the doctor who appointed you this treatment scheme for clarification, maybe two injections will be enough, and maybe the degree of your disease is heavy, so that three were enough and this is only the beginning of the course, after which the doctors want to assess the course of the disease . Usually Buserelin koljat 6 months if to translate on ampoules is 6 ampoules.
Nataliya Moskva82
There was a third operation on endometriosis. The first injection was made on the second day after the operation (September 15), after 3 days menstruation began (this is the norm), but after the 2nd injection (on October 13) a month later (abundant) came back again. On uzi again there was a cyst and speak that again an endometrioid. They prescribed 4 injections of Buserelin.
By appointment, the doctor made 6 injections. I experienced the "delights" of menopause - hot flashes. But warmed up. After the last injection, menstruation came in 3 months. Have recovered at once. But a year later, endometriosis returned and again endometrial hyperplasia. Now she delivered the Mirena system. Let's see the result.
I was assigned buserelin after the lapar, the endometrioid cyst was removed. The injections were done by the husband, nothing complicated. Have appointed or nominated three nyxes. Monthly stopped after the second injection, there also began strong tides. It's been 2 months since the last injection. Tides decrease, but have not yet passed and there are no monthly ones yet. I'll wait a couple of days and get a doctor. I'm afraid ...
I am 54 years old. Monthly go regularly. Separate diagnostic curettage after bleeding was performed. Histology - fragments of glandular polyp of the endometrium. Endometrium secreting type. The diagnosis at discharge is small uterine myoma. Hormones LH-0.1 IU / l, prolactin 170 IU / l, estradiol-0.23 nmol / l. The doctor prescribed 3 injections of Buserelin, and I have type 2 diabetes. I'm afraid to use this drug. Maybe another treatment is possible?
MarinaS, Probably - surgical, when the surgeon will remove myoma. It is possible to treat conservatively, it is necessary to take advantage of this chance. Moreover, Buserelin can be taken with diabetes, so on this side your doubts are groundless. And the side effects of any drug can be. In surgical treatment, too, there are many contraindications and postoperative complications. So it's up to you to decide in the end.
Elena T.
I am 50 years old. I'm hypertensive. In November, scraping was carried out, resulting in bleeding.In December there was a second small bleeding. The doctor appointed Buserelin Long to stab for 6 months. On December 29, the first injection was made. On January 4, severe dizziness began. On January 5, the pressure rose to 223/132, nausea, vomiting, weakness in the whole body, could not open my eyes, thought I was dying. The ambulance brought down the pressure. Nausea and vomiting were several days, noises in the ears, sleep disturbed, walked along the wall. Repeatedly, the pressure was raised up to 200. The monthly came on 13 January. Weak and dizzy so far (before dinner is stronger, and by evening it's getting better). January 29, you need to do the 2nd injection. I do not know whether to do it or not? This state of 6 months I can not stand.
Elena T., I can imagine poorly on the basis of the question for which the doctor Buserelin was appointed, but that it must be canceled or replaced with another treatment unambiguously, because the side reaction to it is vivid and threatening the life and health of the patient. So if there were no other external or internal factors (coincidences) with taking the medication, then it is necessary to consult the attending physician and to choose another treatment, for this there is every reason.
Good afternoon! Does it matter in what form do you take: buserelin depot (nyxis) or nasal spray?
Ada, Is of no fundamental importance, because the dosage in the spray and injections is comparable only to the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Of the features, it can be noted that in men Buselelin is used to treat hormone-dependent prostate cancer in the form of only intramuscular injections, but these are nuances and exotics, which the doctor will tell you in relation to a specific disease.
Yesterday put the first injection - I sleep on the go, even energy tea does not help. I want to think that this will not last long. In general, I have preparations for the operation, I was told by the time, maybe it will.
Have appointed or nominated Buserelinum / m three nyxes. Multiple uterine fibroids and endometriosis 3 tbsp. I was afraid to put it, I read bad reviews! March 29 was the second injection, no side effects! A couple of grooves had hot flashes, but it quickly happens, as if a prick of chlorides were put.But I feel myself a person, my stomach does not ache, there are no bleeding, and, strangest enough, the sexual desire only increased, there is no dryness of the vagina. The local doctor sent me to an operation to remove the uterus, but I'm afraid of surgery, I went to another doctor. She also advised three injections of Buserelina, and then they said "Mirena" we will put and we will continue to live peacefully. So do not be afraid, you are treated, the reaction of the organism is different for everyone, the main thing is the mood!
After rdv have appointed 3 nyxes Buserelinum. The endometrium was 5.5, now 6.0, it was said still it is necessary to put Buserelin.
I also had 3 injections, made ultrasound, endometrium 5.4 mm. The doctor said - a lot. Has appointed or nominated 2 more nyxes, has told or said, if the endometrium will not be 3 mm, the uterus will be removed. I do not agree to the operation, I ask Mirren to deliver. May 20 the next injection.
Nonsense what you write ... The muzzle is old, like the 60-year-old, the husband divorced. I personally did not get anything from this prick, which was that and stayed ... All the sores cured Buselelin depot, we wait for the mash, the doctor said to wait for a week, pricked 4 injections, there is no mess for 54 days ...
50 years. Hyperplasia of the endometrium, myoma, hemorrhage. Abundant monthly for 5 years. In May and September there was a cleaning in the hospital. They did not delete anything, although they asked for it, they appointed Buserelin. I was afraid .... But after the first injection, I felt great (for some reason the doctor appointed the first on day 18). A month later, the second one was stabbed, there were no terrible side effects, on the contrary, the skin cleared, weight decreased and the stomach became smaller. Ultrasound is beautiful. Endometrium 3 mm, myoma contracted 2 times. I again began to live normally! A puncture of 3 pricks, then will appoint or nominate other treatment. I am pleased!
At me an endometrioid cyst and a myoma of the small sizes. Onkomarkery sa19.9 and 125 above the norm twice, hyperplasia 1.1 cm. Assigned charozette 10 tab., Then 3 injections Buserelina will do. More stones in the bile were found. Is this treatment normal?
busirelin-16It is reasonable to treat the cyst at the beginning with the help of hormonal means and Buserelin with an endometriotic process is also a well-founded appointment.The rest of the questions should be examined internally with the attending physician.
Hello. Tell me, please, a doctor prescribed me with myoma and endometriosis intranasally, but for some reason in a double dose. The day should be 900 mcg, and she prescribed twice as many, two injections into each nostril 3 times a day. But in the instructions everywhere written a maximum of 900-1200 mcg. I when told or said to her about the instruction, she speaks, that always so appoint or nominate. But if the instructions say it, you can, they say, by instructions. And I can not understand how it's better? At the beginning of the admission, when I used the drug in a double dose, I felt very badly, a real toxicosis as during pregnancy. But if you do everything according to the instructions, then everything is completely tolerable. But, can, really, a double dose is necessary? And you have to endure bad health? Myoma and endometriosis in my early stages.
mercha, I do not know what you have for the technique of doctors, there is an instruction in which exactly written, not more than 900 mcg per day.That is, 1 injection of an aerosol into each nostril and so do 3 times a day (one dose contains 150 μg of active substance Bucerelin, and we go to the required dose of 900 mcg per day). 1200 mcg is possible only in the treatment of infertility by the method of IVF. You with the initial stages of the disease and the more you no longer need.
Hello. I am 30 years old. I made a second laparos and the doctor appointed me Buserelin Long. Has already made 3 injections, has passed or has taken place month, but monthly still is not present, but a status awful strong tides, a headache, disturbances of a dream, a nausea. I hope that soon everything will be over and the drug Buserelin Long will bear fruit and I will be able to get pregnant.
I did three injections, the last two weeks ago. Tides do not give a normal life, get wet from the top to the heels a hundred times a day, sleep normal, too.
I am 55 years old. I was hospitalized twice with bleeding. Diagnosis: glandular-cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium. Adenomyosis. Multiple uterine myoma. On the assurance of 3 doctors need to prick Buserelin Long.Long time was solved, but the doctors were adamant - only these injections, although I was ready to undergo surgery, since it is even dangerous to keep such a uterus (this is my opinion). February 19, she made the last 6 injections. After 4 injections nothing felt bad, after 5 months went by. The doctor said to continue. After 6 pricks, the pressure increased sharply 200/100 or higher, the ambulance brought me to him, then went to the therapist and she prescribed to drink daily a high-pressure drug and for life. As a result, the 5th day I sit on tablets, and the pressure is 150/90 and above. So I waited for side effects. I regret very much that I agreed to stab Buceriling Long, I'd rather have the operation done. As a result, myoma remained, hyperplasia decreased, but the doctor said if it increases again, then only surgery. For myself, I concluded: the next experiment of the drug and the tape measure: lucky, no luck. Now, women's problems have increased hypertension. This is such a sad experience. Maybe someone helped this drug, but too much risk in this.
50 years. After the 4th injection, the results were positive: the fibroids decreased, the cysts on the ovaries disappeared. There are no bleedings.I stand before the choice - to continue?
Hello. We diagnosed an endometrioid cyst and prescribed 3 injections of Buserelin. The pads were - tides, irritation. Very unpleasant, but you can tolerate. And now it's 3 months after the end of the course and I find out that I'm pregnant! Even without waiting for the monthly. I'm afraid to jinx it, it's just tests. At the reception did not go, tk. learned only today) Believe in miracles! All women who want to get pregnant advice - do not be afraid, everything will turn out.
elena.klimova.66Ask a physician for the doctor, there are many nuances. Positive dynamics are there, but if the final therapeutic effect is not achieved it is possible to continue treatment, there is not much left. The duration of the course of treatment for your diseases is 4-6 months (considering the single injection of 4 weeks, we will conditionally assume that the 4-month course of Buserelin Depot has already passed, so about 2 injections remain).
In the hands of the ampulla mannita (to prepare a suspension of buserelin). In pharmacies only 0.15% solution is sold.Than it is possible to dissolve a medicine? Or buy another bottle of solvent?
OlgaIs it possible to replace 15% with the existing Mannit solution on the market with that which is found with Buserelin as solvent 0.8% - I do not know. But at home you will not be able to dissolve it to the exact percentage, the proportion will be too complicated, even I will not count. It is easier to buy a new ampoule or to find a competent specialist who will tell whether it is possible to replace Mannit with another concentration in this combination, whether Buserelin will lose in this case in its operation.
Hello. Have resected myoma of the uterus. Have appointed or nominated buserelin a spray. When the first vial (1 month) was over within 2 days found in the pharmacy this drug could not, there was a break of 2 days. Then resumed treatment. How can this affect further treatment? Because Originally there was a diagnosis of the polyp, then Buserelin began to take on the 8th day of the cycle.
Sovereign, 2 days - this is not critical. Of course, it is better not to allow interruptions in treatment, but this is not the pass to worry about. Continue treatment further, as the doctor advised.
I am 47 years old. Nasal Buserelinum is prescribed for 8 months, brown discharge appeared on the 5th month. I'm worried. What does it mean?
GLENA, Specify the reason or description of the problem for which treatment Buserelin was assigned, so that it would be easier to parse. But in your case it is better to turn to the treating gynecologist, who appointed you this medicine. By the nature of the bleeding, it is probably time to change the tactics in the application of this drug and it may be canceled if there were no omissions in the reception.
Hello. To me have appointed or nominated a preparation Buserelin, after operation in occasion of an endometriosis. The first injection was made on July 11th. I can not figure out on what day to stab the next 28 days on 29 or on 28 day? Tell me please.
Irina, In fact, there is no particular criticality. It will be correct to stab Bucerelin for 28 days.
Hello. I have Cr prostate T2cN0M0, during the GT. Have appointed or nominated hormonal therapy with the subsequent irradiation. The first injection is Zoladex 10.8. The second - in three months (S Buserelini 3,75), tk. There is no Zoladex in the oncologic dispensary. And after all the doctor has registered to me 3 Zoladeksa. Will the treatment be effective if it is finished with Buserelini 3.75?
Anwar, Buserelin on action is similar to Zoladeksu. Of course, if you start therapy with one drug, you should continue treatment with this drug. All of your situation from the poverty of our medicine, and perhaps politics interfered, because Buserelin is produced from us, and Zoladex is an imported medicine.
Put DS: Myoma of the uterus large. Assigned before the operation to prick Buserelin Long on the first day of menstruation. I pricked it, now I'm swimming.The doctor said that the following menstruation will be meager.
Hello. In connection with endometriosis, hyperplasia, myoma, anemia, buserelin was prescribed. The first 3 months all went well: the monthly was meager, the mood and sleep did not change, even the condition of the hair improved. After 4 pricks, tides started, after 5 insomnia. Now I have already delivered 8 injections, in April 9 injections. I understand that the monthly probably will not return. Ultrasound shows that everything is normal. Yes, it's a climax. But I do not have to give birth. I hope to maintain the body in the future. Do not be afraid of this drug, it heals. And after 4-6 injections, the monthly returns, if you are far from the age of menopause.
I have myoma and endometriosis. Have appointed 4 injections Buserelin. The injection did in 1 day of menstruation, they walked 12 days, very abundant. Then they again came on time and even more abundantly. It's time to put 2 nyxes, put (it was already 8 day old menstrual period) and already 24 days they are not over yet, not abundant, but still they get in the way. After 2 weeks, 3 pricks. I do not know what will happen next. In addition to these red days and tides, nothing else bothers.

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