Imunofan - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (nasal spray, rectal suppositories 100 μg, injections in ampoules for injections №5 and №10) drugs for the treatment of herpes, chlamydia, psoriasis in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

Imunofan - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (nasal spray, rectal suppositories 100 μg, injections in ampoules for injections №5 and №10) drugs for the treatment of herpes, chlamydia, psoriasis in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Imunophane. Presented are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors specialists on the use of Imunofana in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Imunofan in the presence of existing structural analogues.Use for the treatment of herpes, chlamydia, psoriasis in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the preparation.


Imunophane - has an immunoregulating, detoxicating, hepatoprotective effect and causes inactivation of free radical and peroxide compounds. Pharmacological action is based on the achievement of 3 main effects: correction of the immune system, restoration of the balance of the oxidative-antioxidant reaction of the organism and inhibition of multiple drug resistance mediated by proteins of the transmembrane transport pump of the cell.


The drug begins to develop within 2-3 hours (fast phase) and lasts up to 4 months (medium and slow phases).


During the fast phase (duration - up to 2-3 days), first of all, a detoxification effect is manifested - the antioxidant defense of the body is enhanced by stimulating the production of ceruloplasmin, lactoferrin, catalase activity; the drug normalizes lipid peroxidation, inhibits the disintegration of cell membrane phospholipids, and the synthesis of arachidonic acid, followed by a decrease in blood cholesterol and the production of inflammatory mediators.With toxic and infectious liver damage, the drug prevents cytolysis, reduces the activity of transaminases and the level of bilirubin in the blood serum.


During the middle phase (beginning 2-3 days, duration - up to 7-10 days), there is an intensification of the reactions of phagocytosis and death of intracellular bacteria and viruses.


During the slow phase (starts to develop for 7-10 days, duration of up to 4 months), the immunoregulatory effect of the drug manifests itself - restoration of the disturbed parameters of cellular and humoral immunity. During this period, the restoration of the immunoregulatory index is observed, an increase in the production of specific antibodies is noted. The effect of the drug on the production of specific antiviral and antibacterial antibodies is equivalent to the action of therapeutic vaccines. Unlike the latter, the drug does not significantly affect the production of reactive IgE antibodies and does not enhance the immediate-type hypersensitivity reaction. Imunofan stimulates the formation of IgA in its congenital insufficiency.


Imunofan effectively suppresses the multiple drug resistance of tumor cells and increases their sensitivity to actionchemotherapeutic drugs.




Arginil-alpha-aspartyl-lysyl-valyl-tyrosyl-arginine + auxiliary substances.




Prevention and treatment of immunodeficiency conditions of various etiologies in children and adults:

  • combined therapy of tumors;
  • papillomatosis of the larynx and oropharynx in children;
  • opportunistic infections (cytomegalovirus, herpes infection, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, pneumocystis, cryptosporidiosis);
  • complex therapy of HIV infection;
  • chronic viral hepatitis;
  • chronic brucellosis;
  • diphtheria (including bacteriocarrier);
  • burns;
  • septic endocarditis;
  • long-term healing wounds;
  • purulent-septic complications;
  • bronchoobstructive syndrome;
  • cholecystopancreatitis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • psoriasis.


As an adjuvant for vaccination against bacterial and viral infections in adults.


Forms of release


Spray nasal dosed.


Candles rectal 100 mcg.


Solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections №5 and №10 (injections in ampoules for injections).


There are no other forms of release, such as tablets.


Instructions for use and how to use them




Intranasally. When using the bottle, hold it upright with a spray gun.Remove the protective cap from the sprayer. Before the first use, fill the dosing pump by pressing on the wide rim of the sprayer 3-4 times. Insert the nebulizer into the nasal passage with the vertical position of the head. Press the wide rim of the spray gun a single time until it stops. In one dose of the drug contains 50 mcg imunofana. The daily dose should not exceed 200 mcg.


In the complex therapy of acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases accompanied by symptoms of intoxication and immunodeficiency, Imunofan is prescribed 1 dose (50 mcg) in each nasal passage 2 times a day, daily for 10-15 days.


For opportunistic infections (cytomegalovirus and herpetic infection, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, pneumocystis, cryptosporidiosis): 1 dose (50 mcg) in each nasal passage 2 times a day, daily, treatment course 10-15 days. If necessary, it is possible to repeat the course in 2-4 weeks.


In chronic viral hepatitis and chronic brucellosis: 1 dose (50 mcg) in each nasal passage 1 time per day, daily, treatment course 10-15 days, to repeat the course should be repeated courses in 4-6 months.


In the scheme of treatment of patients with HIV infection: 1 dose (50 mcg) in each nasal passage 1 time per day, daily, for 10-15 days. If necessary, it is possible to repeat the course in 2-4 weeks.


In the treatment of cancer patients in the scheme of radical combined treatment (chemoradiotherapy and surgery): 1 dose (50 mcg) in each nasal passage 1 time per day, daily, for 8-10 days before chemoradiotherapy and surgery followed by continuation of the course in during the entire treatment period.


In patients with a common tumor process (3-4 stages) of different localization in terms of complex or symptomatic therapy: 1 dose (50 mcg) in each nasal passage 1 time per day, daily, for 8-10 days. If necessary and the presence of severe toxicosis is recommended to re-conduct the course.




Rectally. Single and daily dose - 100 mcg (1 suppository).


In the treatment of cancer patients in the scheme of radical combined treatment (chemoradiotherapy and surgery): once, daily, the course of treatment of 8-10 suppositories before chemoradiotherapy and surgery followed by continuation of the course throughout the treatment period.


In patients with a common tumor process (3-4 stages) of different localization in the form of complex or symptomatic therapy: once, every day, the course of treatment of 8-10 suppositories, with a break of 15-20 days and the repetition of courses during the entire period of subsequent treatment.


In children with malignant disease of the hematopoietic or lymphoid tissue: 1 time per day, daily, treatment course 10-20 suppositories. The administration of the drug should be carried out throughout the course of chemoradiotherapy and after completion of the course to prevent the development of toxicosis.


In the complex therapy of children with papillomatosis of the larynx and oropharynx: 1 time per day, daily, treatment course 10 suppositories.


For opportunistic infections (cytomegalovirus and herpetic infection, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, pneumocystis, cryptosporidiosis): 1 time per day, daily, treatment course 10 suppositories.


In the complex therapy of HIV infection: 1 time per day, daily, treatment course 15-20 suppositories. If necessary, repeat courses should be conducted in 2-4 weeks.


With chronic viral hepatitis and chronic brucellosis: once a day, daily, the course of treatment of 15-20 suppositories, in order to prevent recurrence, repeat courses should be performed after 2-3 months.


With diphtheria: once a day, the course of treatment 8-10 suppositories.With diphtheria bacteriocarrier - 1 time in 3 days - 3-5 suppositories.


In the treatment of burns of 3-4 degrees with toxemia, septicotoxemia, in surgical patients with septic endocarditis, long-term non-healing wounds of the extremities, purulent-septic complications: once a day, daily, the course of treatment 7-10 suppositories, up to 20 suppositories.


With bronchoobstructive syndrome, cholecystopancreatitis, rheumatoid arthritis: 1 time in 3 days, treatment course 8-10 suppositories, if necessary, the course should continue to 20 suppositories at the same interval.


When treating psoriasis: 1 time per day, daily, treatment course 15-20 suppositories.


In adults, in the vaccination scheme - once a day on vaccination.


Side effect

  • individual intolerance.



  • children's age up to 2 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation for the injectable form of the drug;
  • hypersensitivity.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration and rectal suppositories are contraindicated in pregnancy complicated by Rh-conflict.


Due to lack of scrutiny, the nasal spray should be used with caution in pregnancy and lactation.


Use in children


Contraindicated in children up to 2 years.


special instructions


As a result of the activation of phagocytosis, a short-term exacerbation of foci of chronic inflammation, supported by the persistence of viral or bacterial antigens, is possible.


Drug Interactions


Increases the effectiveness of other types of drug therapy: the use of Imunofan helps overcome the resistance to glucocorticosteroid (GCS) therapy. The administration of imunofan is possible in combination with SCS and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).


Analogues of the drug Imunofan


The imunofan has no structural analogs for the active substance.


Analogues on the pharmacological group of immunomodulators:

  • Actinolysate;
  • Actipol;
  • Alkimer;
  • Anaferon;
  • Anaferon child;
  • Arbidol;
  • Arpetolide;
  • Arpefly;
  • Affinoleukin;
  • Bactisporin;
  • Beast;
  • Broncho-Vax;
  • Broncho-munal;
  • Vilozen;
  • Wobenzym;
  • Galavit;
  • Gepon;
  • Glutoxim;
  • Groprinosin;
  • Deoxynate;
  • Derinat;
  • Dr. Theiss;
  • Zadaxin;
  • Imiquimod;
  • Immunal;
  • Immunomax;
  • Immunorm;
  • Imudon;
  • Imunoriks;
  • IRS 19;
  • Yodantipyrine;
  • Lycopid;
  • Myelopid;
  • Milife;
  • Moliksan;
  • Sodium deoxyribonucleate;
  • Sodium nucleate;
  • Neuroferon;
  • Neovastet;
  • Optinat;
  • Panagen;
  • Pyrogenal;
  • Polyoxidonium;
  • Posterizan;
  • Posterizan forte;
  • Profetal;
  • Resnian;
  • Ribomunyl;
  • Rhinital;
  • Ruzam;
  • Splenin;
  • Sporobacterin;
  • Stemokin;
  • Stimforte;
  • Superlimph;
  • Tactivin;
  • Timalin;
  • Timogen;
  • Timusamine;
  • Trekrezan;
  • Tubosan;
  • Uro Vaxom;
  • Ferrovir;
  • Phlogenzyme;
  • Helixor;
  • Exalb;
  • Epiphamine;
  • Erbisol;
  • Ergoferon;
  • Estifan;
  • Echinacea;
  • Echinocor.

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Reviews (13):
Unexpected effect: it became better in 2 hours, and in a day 3 days my ears were as new.Thanks to those who invented such a miracle!
Irina, Thanks for the feedback about the preparation of Imunofan. Another would be told in more detail what happened to your ears or the diagnosis that was cured by this medicine. And it's so incomprehensible ...
In general, and not a cure. They gave the child a spray in the nose, but they did not see the effect. Written helps with immunodeficiencies, but as in the year before last, it hurt 4 times during the winter, and in the past, when immunohanone was given 4 times as well. We could not find the meaning of this medicine for ourselves.
Stunning product. My daughter under the age of 8 suffered from chronic obstructive bronchitis. Constant inhalation and antibiotics. Imunofan was advised by a familiar doctor. After using, I literally saw the light of God. We use imunofan in injections (5 ampoules - 1 every 2 years). To us already 15 years and I have forgotten, that such a bronchitis, and already about catarrhal diseases I in general am silent. My mom cured eczema exactly imunofanom.To myself, my husband and my eldest daughter, too, I do as prevention every 3 years. I advise everyone. And the doctors, they would only have a lot of drugs to write out, and no one writes out the imunophane. And why should they? After all, people do not get sick after years, doctors do not benefit from it.
Do not waste your money - this drug does not work, it is checked for yourself. I write the response, because I was led to an excellent, convincing description of this medicine and decided what to do during the epidemic, to carry out prevention. Has pierced in the beginning of September of 10 ampoules imunofana, to the husband has bought or purchased in the form of drops in a nose, tk he is afraid of nyxes. And what do you think, fell down at the end of September with a terrible purulent sore throat, then everything went to the bronchi. I got sick with both my husband and my mother-in-law. Then everything turned into complications in the form of bronchitis, which without antibiotics can not be treated. The mother-in-law generally called an ambulance. Now so much money was thrown out for treatment, with all the sprays, gargles, anti-expectorants, antibiotics, tablets for resorption, it's just creepy how much we managed all the treatments. All the hope was on imunofan, which let us down, and it is also not cheap worth the injection of 5pcs - 467rub, pierced 10p and nasal spray 785rub. That's how we strengthened our immunity. They just threw money away.I do not advise anyone, do not waste your money.
Imunofan is an excellent, and most importantly, very effective drug. At me a chronic hepatitis With. And so, after a course of treatment imunofanom to me it becomes much better. Many side effects of hepatitis go missing. The course is 20 days with a repetition every 6 months. Well, I constantly take hepatoprotectors. Has noticed still, as to hurt or be ill; be sick an ORVI became much less often. For a year almost did not hurt. Once there was a cold, and the flu in early 2016 generally passed me by. Although every day I use public transport. It happens several times a day, not just for work and back. Imunothan is my salvation.
Alexander Petrovich
parfum-klass, ma'am, do not say nonsense. The drug is wonderful, it is pricked according to the scheme with other drugs. That's when the effect is amazing.
Elena D.
To me the preparation has helped or assisted from herpes, but for three months.
Alya 1985
No medicine can give a life-long effect.
Her husband has oncology. With the next chemistry, leukocytes fall to 1.8. Imunofan helps raise to 5.0 for five injections. Has appointed or nominated the chemotherapist.
My sister has oncology of the breast. After another chemotherapy, the leukocytes were 5.5, then fell sharply to 2, after five injections, everything was restored.
Three years ago, on the appointment of a doctor, she pierced imunophane, several months later she discovered that small plaques of psoriasis had passed. The rash was like chickenpox. Now she started to chop her course.
Half a year ago, I got sick with herpes zoster. The pain is still strong in the area of ​​the rash. Which only drugs did not take, including stabbing 10 injections of Imunofan. The result is zero. It's just hellish pain. And immunity did not increase, every month, then ARVI, then pharyngitis.

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