Ergoferon - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets for resorption) of a drug for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

Ergoferon - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets for resorption) of a drug for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Ergoferon. Comments of visitors of the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Ergoferon in their practice are presented. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Ergoferon in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the preparation.


Ergoferon - used in the complex therapy of bacterial infections (pseudotuberculosis, whooping cough, yersiniosis, pneumonia of various etiology, including atypical pathogens (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) pneumoniae, Legionella spp.), is used to prevent bacterial complications of viral infections, prevents the development of superinfections. in the pre- and post-vaccination period increases the effectiveness of vaccination, provides nonspecific prophylaxis of acute respiratory viral infection and influenza at the time of postvaccinal immunity formation. preventive efficacy against ARVI non-influenza etiology, prevents the development of intercurrent diseases in the post-vaccination period.


The components of the preparation have a single mechanism of action in the form of an increase in the functional activity of the CD4 receptor, receptors for Interferon (IFN) -gamm and histamine, which is accompanied by a pronounced immunotropic effect.


It has been experimentally proved that:


1. Antibodies to interferon-gamma increase the expression of IFN-gamma, IFN alpha / beta, as well as interleukins associated with them (IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, etc.) improve the ligand-receptor interaction of IFN,restore cytokine status; normalize the concentration and functional activity of natural antibodies to IFN-gamma, which are an important factor in the natural antiviral tolerance of the organism; stimulate interferon-dependent biological processes: induction of expression of antigens of the main histocompatibility complex of type 1, 2 types and Fc receptors, activation of monocytes, stimulation of the functional activity of NK cells, regulation of immunoglobulin synthesis, activating the mixed Th1 and Th2 immune response.


2. Antibodies to CD4, probably allosteric modulators of this receptor, regulate the functional activity of the CD4 receptor, which leads to an increase in the functional activity of CD4 lymphocytes, the normalization of the CD4 / CD8 immunoregulatory index, and the subpopulation of immunocompetent cells (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD20).


3. Antibodies to histamine modify the histamine-dependent activation of peripheral and central H1 receptors and thus reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, reduce the permeability of capillaries, which leads to a reduction in the duration and severity of rhinorrhea,edema of the nasal mucosa, coughing and sneezing, as well as a decrease in the severity of allergic reactions associated with the infectious process by suppressing the release of histamine from mast cells and basophils, the production of leukotrienes, the synthesis of adhesion molecules, the reduction of eosinophil chemotaxis and platelet aggregation in reactions to contact with the allergen.


The combined use of components of a complex preparation is accompanied by an increase in the antiviral activity of its components.




Antibodies to human gamma interferon affinity purified + Antibodies to histamine affinity purified + Antibodies to CD4 affinity purified + excipients.


Antibodies are applied to lactose in the form of a mixture of three active water-alcohol dilutions of the substance diluted 100 to 12, 100 to 30 degrees, 100 to 200 times, therefore it is permissible to call Ergoferon a homeopathic remedy.




The sensitivity of modern physicochemical methods of analysis (gas-liquid chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, chromatography-mass spectrometry) does not allow to estimate the content of ultra-small doses of antibodies in biological fluids, organs and tissues,which makes it technically impossible to study the pharmacokinetics of the drug Ergoferon.



  • prevention and treatment of influenza A and B (including avian influenza A / H5N1 and swine influenza A / H1N1);
  • prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections caused by parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, coronavirus;
  • prevention and treatment of herpes-viral infections (labial herpes, ophthalmoherpes, genital herpes, chicken pox, herpes zoster, infectious mononucleosis);
  • prevention and treatment of acute intestinal infections of viral etiology (caused by calicivirus, adenovirus, coronavirus, rotavirus, enteroviruses);
  • prevention and treatment of enterovirus and meningococcal meningitis, hemorrhagic fever with kidney syndrome, tick-borne encephalitis;
  • complex therapy of bacterial infections (pseudotuberculosis, whooping cough, yersiniosis, pneumonia of various etiologies, including caused by atypical pathogens (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) pneumoniae, Legionella spp.);
  • prevention of bacterial complications of viral infections, prevention of superinfections.


Forms of release


Tablets for resorption № 20.


Instructions for use and reception scheme


Inside.The tablet should be kept in the mouth, not swallowing, until it dissolves completely. At one time - 1 tablet (not during a meal).


Children from 6 months. When prescribing drugs for young children (from 6 months to 3 years), it is recommended to dissolve the tablet in a small amount (1 tbsp.) Of boiled water at room temperature.


Treatment should be started as soon as possible, with the first signs of acute infection, according to the following scheme: in the first 2 hours the drug is taken every 30 minutes, then during the first day, 3 more doses are administered at regular intervals. From 2 days and further take 1 tablet 3 times a day until complete recovery.


For the prevention of viral infectious diseases - 1-2 tablets a day. The recommended duration of a preventive course is determined individually and can be 1-6 months.


If necessary, the drug can be combined with other antiviral and symptomatic agents.


Side effect

  • reactions of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.



  • increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • galactosemia;
  • malabsorption syndrome.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


The safety of the use of Ergoferon during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied. If necessary, the drug should take into account the risk / benefit ratio.


Use in children


Allowed to use the drug for children from 6 months of age.


special instructions


The composition of the drug includes lactose, and therefore it is not recommended for patients with congenital galactosemia, glucose malabsorption syndrome or galactose, or with congenital lactase insufficiency.


Influence on ability of management of vehicles and work with mechanisms


Has no influence.


Drug Interactions


There have been no incidents of incompatibility with other drugs to date.


Analogues of the drug Ergoferon


There are no structural analogs to the active substance of the drug Ergoferon.


Analogues on the pharmacological group of immunomodulators:

  • Acidonacetic acid;
  • Actipol;
  • Alkimer;
  • Anaferon;
  • Anaferon child;
  • Arbidol;
  • Arpetol;
  • Arpetolide;
  • Arpefly;
  • Affinoleukin;
  • Bactisporin;
  • Beast;
  • Broncho-Vax;
  • Broncho-munal;
  • Vilozen;
  • Wobenzym;
  • Galavit;
  • Gepon;
  • Glutoxim;
  • Groprinosin;
  • Deoxynate;
  • Derinat;
  • Zadaxin;
  • Imiquimod;
  • Immunal;
  • Immunal plus C;
  • Immunomax;
  • Immunorm;
  • Imudon;
  • Imunoriks;
  • Imunofan;
  • Interferon;
  • IRS 19;
  • Yodantipyrine;
  • Beresz Plus drops;
  • Copakson Teva;
  • Cats Clough;
  • Lycopid;
  • Marina;
  • Myelopid;
  • Milife;
  • Moliksan;
  • Sodium deoxyribonucleate;
  • Sodium nucleate;
  • Neuroferon;
  • Neovastet;
  • Optinat;
  • Panagen;
  • Pyrogenal;
  • Polyoxidonium;
  • Polyferon CD4;
  • Posterizan;
  • Posterizan forte;
  • Profetal;
  • Resnian;
  • Ribomunyl;
  • Rhinital;
  • Ruzam;
  • Splenin;
  • Sporobacterin;
  • Stemokin;
  • Stimforte;
  • Superlimph;
  • Tactivin;
  • Tamerite;
  • Timalin;
  • Timogen;
  • Timusamine;
  • Trekrezan;
  • Tubosan;
  • Uro Vaxom;
  • Ferrovir;
  • Phlogenzyme;
  • Helixor;
  • Exalb;
  • Epiphamine;
  • Erbisol;
  • Estifan;
  • Echinacea tincture;
  • Echinacea;
  • Echinocor.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (132):
Anna Mikhnina
Accepted Ergoferon whole family during a flu. He was appointed to us as a pediatrician. To the son 1,5 years. The reception began on the evening of the first day, when the temperature rose. At me and the son at once from the first day there was still a damp cough. The disease was as follows: a child 3 days a temperature 39, at night to 40, then 3 days 36.2 (apparently, asthenic syndrome). On the seventh day, the temperature returned to normal 36.6, cough almost passed; my temperature was 37.2 on the first day of illness, followed by 38.2 for 3 days, rose to 38.6 once in the evening. On the fourth day of illness, it returned to 36.6. Cough strong with sputum lasted all week and now (the 8th day of illness) is also strong, I accept ACTS and Augmentin. Both, I and the child, we continue reception of Ergoferon under the scheme or plan 1 t. 3 times a day. The husband began the procedure on the third day of illness and finished on the 5th day, along with the normalization of the temperature. But from the second day of illness he was heavily surrounded by Herpes - the face, only Valtrex saved. Although the annotation to Ergoferon says that he and this virus acts.In general, I can say that we were not seriously ill. Did Ergoferon help?
Anna MikhninaIt is possible that Ergoferon helped, if before that you used to get sick heavier. Globally, the effectiveness of any drug is checked by clinical studies and evidence base.
Anna Mikhnina
I think it's not usual for us to defeat the flu in 4 days and without complications. I set Ergoferon off :)
Nonsense, complete nonsense! Has anyone read the composition of the drug before taking?

antibodies to human β-interferon affinity purified * 0.006 g
antibodies to histamine affinity purified * 0.006 g
antibodies to CD affinely purified * 0.006 g
* are applied to lactose in the form of a mixture of three active water-alcohol dilutions of the substance diluted 100, 100, 100 times, respectively
auxiliary substances: lactose monohydrate; ICC; magnesium stearate

Where is the medicine ???? This is a dummy, on which someone is smarter than others and earns money. Now you do not need to sell air and water.You can sell a pacifier.
a guest
Julia, Ergoferon is an immunomodulator. Understand the topic before writing nonsense.
A terrible drug, after taking the fourth pill, my pressure dropped and pulse 160 showed, I thought that my heart would rise. And the baby has a rash. Do not drink it.
An excellent product! I use it for the second time, the child is 2.4 years old. We began to drink according to the scheme, as soon as the temperature rose, the first night to 38.9. And the next day only 37.6. At night it's normal. Then drank only 2 days for 3 tablets a day. And we are healthy!
Previously, used Kagocel, it helped, but did not.
The pharmacy was advised by Ergoferon. A good drug. I think there are two reasons for not effectiveness:
1. The virus adapts
2. Forgery, gentlemen, fake!
Child, 7 years old. 4 days temperature 39 and did not fall, cough, snot. The doctor immediately prescribed Ergoferon, I did not want to buy (to stuff the child), on the 5th day I had to buy,After 3-4 hours the temperature dropped and did not rise again! Finish it according to the scheme. I am very pleased, the result was seen right away. Previously, he had helped Orvire well, but something was not right this time.
If I'm sick with ARVI for three days, the temperature in the evenings is 38.3, in the morning of 37.1, is this drug effective to me?
Yuri, As a prophylaxis of bacterial complications of acute respiratory viral infection, it is still somewhat monotonous to draw on the use of Ergoferon in your situation, and I do not see the validity of the appointment for the treatment of a viral infection. Interferons in response to infection and already have to be developed by the body itself, without outside influence.
Tell me, how can I apply it? The child goes to the garden, where ever someone is sick before ...
Olesya, Yes, the drug Ergoferon can be used in children from 6 months of age, including for the prevention of influenza and ARVI.And since small children get sick often, until immunity is trained to drastically reduce the number of hospital patients you can not. It is necessary to grow.
How to drink properly? Child 2.5! The first two hours of 5 tablets, and then 3 in the course of 24 hours?
Pauline, Yes that's right. As well as written in the instructions.
If you have extra money, you can buy and think that it helps, and ergoferon, and kagocel, and other immunomodulators ... I try not to use the body gets used and no immunity ... It's all nonsense. With time started treatment of acute respiratory viral infection or flu, the disease usually passes within 3-7 days. Happens and more, but each organism is individual. I prefer if I already take immunomodulators or antiviral, then in the form of suppositories viferon, kipferon, for the nose like derinat. Simply to each organism it is necessary to pick up a medicine. Someone is ergofero, someone is arbidol, someone else. Well, personally, I do not see any benefit from them ... Ascorbic acid will win all))))))))))))))
Two weeks ago I ate ice cream at home, and on the trail. day rose temperature 38, and in the daytime 37.5 it stayed for 3 days, my throat hurt, it hurt to swallow, the pain was so terrible that I could not even eat it. Nothing helped. I rinsed the soda and salt with iodine, citric acid, calendula, absorbed the lysobate, and had no effect until I bought amoxicillin, I drank it all for 5 days. Has passed or Has taken place 3 days, again I can not swallow, has bought or purchased Ingavirinum a spray, and I dissolve anti-angin, all the same the pain does not facilitate, even to me a saliva to swallow painfully, descended or went to hospital have told or said all correctly did or made. And now you need to buy a solution of hexoral and ergoferon, so I bought the solution and rinsed it, and the ergoferon did not take it too expensive, advise something else, I'm 22 years old.
Victoria, There are two points that can be associated with a sore throat. The first serious - angina. You can not cure her by rinsing. We need serious medications - antibiotics, so that the disease does not become entrenched in the body and does not lead to complications of the organs.The second is a trivial ORZ or ARVI, which is what you treat, that you will not go through the treatment yourself, even from your Geoxoral, which you are currently using in treatment. All other cases, including the first, require treatment in the ENT doctor. So you said that you went to the hospital and what did the doctors say? Did you see a profile ENT specialist? What is the diagnosis? Judging by the time of illness in you or chronic tonsillitis in the stage of exacerbation, or sore throat, but with antibiotics you simply did not cure your illness from here and relapse.
Hmm, I read and am amazed! For example - on the 3rd or 5th day of the illness, Ergoferon began to take on and immediately got better the next day. You did not think that it was not from the pills that helped, but because on the 3rd day and further the organism itself is already fighting, the interferons themselves are produced? That's better! Tablets are effective at the first signs of the disease!
We read the instruction:
Antibodies to histamine affinity purified * 0.006 g
antibodies to CD4 affinity purified * 0.006 g
auxiliary substances: lactose monohydrate 0.267 g; MCC - 0.03 g; magnesium stearate - 0.003 g
* Monohydrate is applied to lactose in the form of a mixture of three active aqueous-alcohol dilutions of the substance diluted 100-12, 100 30, 100 50 times, respectively.
If anyone does not know, the active substances are diluted as we see even at 100 at the 50th degree, and this is 10 at the hundredth degree. This number the American mathematician Edward Kazner (1878 - 1955) in the first half of the XX century proposed to call the googol. The term googol has no serious theoretical and practical significance. Kasner proposed it in order to illustrate the difference between an unimaginably large number and infinity, and for this purpose the term is sometimes used in teaching mathematics. The number of particles in the universe is 10 to 81 degrees. That is, it was not even bred in this universe. What kind of effect are we talking about ???
Today I just took the last tablet of ergofero, I feel that I am completely healthy. Previously, such a quick recovery has never happened! It's just a miracle!
I came from a pharmacy with packing of ergoferon, I already dissolved three tablets, and it became a bit easier,at least sneeze without end stopped. Let's see how many days I'll completely recover.
Lily and others like her, engaged in advertising the drug Ergoferon, I noticed your advertising reviews. Everything is fine and you seem to have played. For the time being I endure a warning, but if the hooliganism continues, the drug will get on the blacklist and moderation of reviews for him will be significantly tightened. My Directory is a repository of objective information about drugs, and not advertising reviews as on other sites.
Hello! Tell me, please, whether it is possible to drink trentalum and engoferon simultaneously or in an hour after reception trental, and then ergoferon !? Thank you.
Anya, Ergoferon is combined with Trental, therefore it is possible to take them together and there can be no interruptions between the reception of one or the other.
To us the doctor has registered Orvirum as antiviral.Can you replace it with Ergoferon, since we already have it?
Alexandra, Absolute replacement will not work, because the active substances in the drugs are different, although both are really antiviral. I want to draw your attention to the fact that it is allowed to use ARVI for children from 1 year, Ergoferon for children from 6 months of age.
A dummy full, began treatment of bronchitis at the beginning of the disease on the advice of pharmacists, 5 days - nothing, only worse, the temperature rose to 39, I take other medications. In short - cheating and drawing money!
It is very strange that this medicine can be treated up to 6 months. The doctor told me that immunomodulators can take no more than two courses a year.
And if I made a mistake and gave the child 4 tablets, and not 5 at the beginning, he will help?
Svelana, If so written in the instructions, then you can.

CM., It's okay, continue taking the drug further according to the prescribed schedule, no adjustments are necessary.
And how to give the child from 6 months, what dosage?
Tell me, what is the gap between taking this medication? Well, for example, we drank it two months ago, when again it can be taken?
allaDosage is the same for children and adults. For children only the method of reception differs (in the boiled water it is necessary to dissolve the tablet). A specific dose and regimen for your child can be obtained from a pediatrician, depending on the severity of the illness or the need for prevention.

Ksenia, The standard preventive course is admissible once every six months, but if there is a doctor's recommendation, then it is possible and more often.
Good day. Question: 1. A child took Kagocel for 6 years (the younger sister was most likely infected with ARVI), but he still fell ill, could he jump quickly to ergoferon? 2. The child does not take syrups and Pr.For everything else, it causes oneself to vomit (even on compotes or fruit drinks). Will it be useful if you do not dissolve the pill and swallow whole, or dilute it in a cup of water or juice?
Fly-lisi, Skip, as you put it easily, cancel one drug and the next day start another. Still, the evidence base for one and the other drug is not much.

Tablets Ergoferon is best to dissolve, try to motivate the child to resorption, like to say that if you do it right, give you candy, the medicine is not opposite. If not at all, let's eat with food, grind and baby food, for example, children like it. Just look at everything to eat (the whole dose should enter the body).
This "divorce", homeopathy, no "antiviral" action in "this" can not be!
Benefits of ergofero not found. I took preventive measures, my wife was sick, I tried to make sure, the result was not satisfactory.But herpes for the first time in 10 years showed up. The truth is in an easy form.
I probably would not have linked the reception of ergoferon and herpes, but my colleague at work complained of severe herpes, in his opinion, caused precisely by the ergofero.
Ergoferon appointed a doctor from the polyclinic. On Wednesday night, the temperature rose 39. On Thursday, below 38, the temperature could not be brought down. On Friday, the same temperature did not fall below 38, nose with a stream, a cough appeared. In the evening I started receiving ergofero (+ viburkol suppositories, they had, I thought that it would not be superfluous). Now Saturday, since morning the temperature was 38 and 5, by 15 o'clock in the afternoon the temperature dropped to 36 and 9. The state of health has noticeably improved. There was a desire to do something about the house. But today the temperature of my children has risen. I started giving them ergoferon. I will write the results. All Health!
Has started to drink Ergoferon, the temperature and does not fall already the fourth day, but the pressure has dropped to 100 \ 60, me shakes and a storm.
Ulianova it's the same Maria and the rest, you do not have one single warning to the drug Ergoferon? I can change it to a ban on the site. Only then do not pretend to be ordinary visitors like now, this number will not work. Let's more without advertising.
The 100% Soother. Four days on the couch, paracetamol, on the fifth as a cucumber. The organism will do its own thing.
Good afternoon! In vain here scare the ergoferon. My child 1.2 years of age helped me a lot with the flu, we got sick with the whole family, the body cope very hard.
My question is: the elder goes to the kindergarten, he is 3.2 years old. How long can the prophylactic course of ergofero last so that the child is not used to and the body has not stopped fighting infection itself.
Mignonette, In this regard it is better to consult your pediatrician who knows your child and his accompanying diagnoses and conditions. According to the instructions, the preventive course of taking the drug Ergoferon is from 1 to 6 months.
Hello, I breastfeed a month-old baby, I'm sick, I drink ergofero, can I take the drug and feed my baby or not? Nobody really answers, is it possible or not ?!
OlgaBecause clinical studies of the use of Ergoferon in pregnancy or breastfeeding has not been carried out, so the instruction also provides a footnote on the relationship between risk and benefit in these conditions. That is, the appointment of the drug should be adequate to the state and it can be assessed only by the attending physician at full-time admission, and not independently.
The drug is very good, the temperature was brought down from 39.1 to 38.5 per day, then in two days it dropped to 36.4, by the evening it was normal. Now I accept under the scheme or plan 3 tab. in a day. Strong cough, runny nose, headache. I am ill for the 5th day. The problem, vomiting and diarrhea. There is nothing I can, I feel sick.
You come to the doctor in the gravest condition. The temperature is 38.5-39, it is not possible to knock it down for 4 days already.Everything is mortgaged - both the nose and the chest. Cough is dry, does not clear throat. And when you are discharged from the ergoferon and from the cough of erespal ... You come to the pharmacy and they tell you that this is all immunomodulating (placebo) pacifier ... And you do not even know what to do next! It is necessary to be treated as it was before: antigrippin in powders (from a flu and viruses), r-r of calcium chloride (from a cough), drops protargol in a nose and shock dose of ascorbic. My district amateur of these pacifiers - then arbidol, then an amber. Itself eternally on the sick-list. Just a shame to be a guinea pig!
a guest
Please, tell me, the 6-month-old child is sick with orvi (temperature 37.5, cough, green snot) for the eighth day. Inserted 10 suppositories wiferon. Today the doctor prescribed ergofero. We, of course, bought. But I doubted, but does it make sense at this stage?
a guest, This is already a question for your treating pediatrician. About drugs for the treatment of colds and ARVI, there is a good expression that if you take these drugs, then the disease passes for 7 days, and if you do not take it - then for a week smile
Can I take antibiotics with ergofero?
Tatyana, Can. According to the instructions, and in life use of Ergoferon with antibiotics does not lead to the emergence of negative side reactions.
The daughter was prescribed by the pediatrician ergofero. The temperature was asleep on the third day from 39 to normal. In addition to ergoferona gave her children's nurofen, copious drinking and bed rest. Be healthy!
Very good drug, I save myself and family members from all sorts of infections ... The main thing at the time of starting the reception at the first signs (perspiration in the throat, nasopharynx, headache) and strictly according to the scheme specified in the instructions, everything passes in the first same day ... Then take for prophylaxis ... Well, if you really got sick, then in combination with more serious drugs ... All health!
I got sick 3 weeks ago: cough, runny nose, temperature 37.2, took azithromycin, ACS and cough, the temperature dropped to 36.6, but the cough does not go away, at first it was with phlegm, and now there is no sputum. I cough so much that it even hurts my side, and today the temperature rises again to 38. Should I take ergofero?
kovaIt is worth to go to the doctor, take tests (total blood, urine) and do an x-ray. It is doubtful that in your situation will help Ergoferon. More like bronchitis or pneumonia, and they are treated with antibiotics.
Have registered ergoferon at an arthrosis. I do not understand whether it should be taken? What does it give?
GalinaFor the treatment of arthrosis does not give anything. The rest, ask the doctor why he has appointed Ergoferon for the treatment of arthrosis and what he wanted to achieve with this appointment.
The first three tablets washed down with water, do not hurt? Will it work?
Katerina, Particularly no harm, as well as good. The ergoferon, like the others, has the protein structure of the molecules, so in the stomach they are destroyed and do not act, which limits their use by other methods of administration (sublingual or under the tongue of the tablet, candles, etc.). So take it right, as prescribed by the doctor and the instructions.
For me, Ergoferon is optimal for today, both in price and in effect. Children recently only they fly. I concluded that it helps the human body to fight the disease. The temperature falls slowly, but as expected on the 4th day of illness. The children use the pill, I dissolve for a very long time. I have this question, how often and with what frequency can Ergoferon be used? Our pediatrician says that you need to change the medication periodically so that you do not get addictive!
Inna K
Hello! How often can you use Ergoferon in treatment and is it addictive?
Inna, Often it will not be used anyway, only at times of flu epidemics or at the first signs of infection. About the change of the drug - when will cease to exert its positive influence on the body, then you will think with the doctor than to replace this drug, but it is too early to bother with it.

Inna K, Answered above. There is no getting used to Ergoferon.
Ergoferon did not help in the prevention of autumn colds. Every fall I catch an infection and this fall she again overtook me, although she took this medicine as it should be according to the instructions - it dissolved, even took 1 hour before eating, so that it could absorb. I have been taking it since the beginning of September and now I'm sitting all snotty and writing this review.
And why is it not stated in the article that this is homeopathy?
Tatyana, It is indicated in the composition of the preparation. Indeed, because of the large dilution of the active substances (antibodies) that make up the drug, it is permissible to call Ergoferon a homeopathic remedy.Notes on the attribution to the group of homeopathic medicines in the official instruction is not available until now.
The drug is good. The husband began to take the first manifestations of herpes (nose, lips) and on day 3 everything went away. It is necessary to dissolve.
Just a standard medicine does not recognize homeopathy as its direction, and in order not to frighten off the buyers the manufacturer simply does not specify all the details about its product. Does not finish, I think so. In our family Ergoferon somehow did not get accustomed at all. A couple of times I had to turn to him, but did not get a sensible result. Just thrown away money for the wind and spent time regarding the developing disease.
As far as I know, the antiviral needs to be taken just before the disease. Then it is no longer relevant, the virus gained momentum, there are only antibiotics. I work with people, so the issue of prevention is relevant for me. I choose for myself the optimal drug, and all in any way.There was hope for Ergoferon, but 2 times after his admission had recovered in full force.
Hello. And for prevention, how many tablets should I take a day?
Vitalina, it's the same Hope555, In the Directory is not welcome as advertising, and anti-advertising drugs. In the rating of the reviews of ordinary visitors. Let's tell the honest public what your compass is promoting, while at the same time trying to drown the competitor - the drug Ergoferon. I'll tell you so, I can see what kind of medication you are promoting and report here, your competitors, apparently, it will be interesting. So tie it until I take countermeasures. I want to believe we understand each other. I'm going to turn my Handbook into a garbage dump, like the others will not give.

Anastasia.In the manual, everything is written - 1-2 tablets of Ergoferon per day are needed to prevent infectious diseases. The course of preventive treatment is individual and ranges from 1 to 6 months.
In 4 days after acceptance of an ergofona at me the sneezing, zalozhennost a nose and strong pains in a throat became frequent.
Catherine 777
After the course of taking ergofero I can not stop diarrhea in a son of 5 years. It's already the fifth day. Maybe, of course, it's just a coincidence, but the instructions say: with an accidental overdose, dyspeptic phenomena are possible. Maybe for my child the norm of this drug was an overdose.
I saw advertising on TV, I decided to buy it for a cold. The second day I accept, it does not become easier. The temperature keeps. I turn to Acits. The medicine is a placebo.
Ordinary chalk. Money on the wind. Began to drink for prophylaxis. Three days later, my throat, snot with pus, and a temperature of 37.5. Head to repel who did this ...
I was treated with an ergoferon for a cold. The cold was happy with a light form, otherwise it usually starts with a sore throat, then a cold, well, and then a cough to the mind.Everything went light with this drug. Another caught rotavirus - diarrhea, vomiting, fever, weakness, also helped the same drug. At least vomiting stopped, I did not argue diarrhea for 2 days, but there was no nausea and vomiting.
Infected with a colleague at work with viral muck, the temperature is not large 37.7, aches in muscles and joints, headache, a terrible condition, but no coughing or snot. She began to dissolve Ergoferon on a pill after 2 hours, by the evening the ache was gone, and two days later she felt wonderful, her colleague stayed for 5 days. Now the child is sick with chickenpox, no one has ever been sick from adults. All together drink Ergoferon, then I'll write to help or not.
Ill with quinsy 3 days drank azithromycin. Today I applied to the therapist prescribed ergoferon according to the scheme of 1 day - 1 t. 5 times, 2 and the following days for 1 t. 3 times and drink breast-feeding № 4. Whether treatment is correctly appointed or nominated? The throat still hurts, the voice disappears and a cough begins.
nv-pospelova, Most likely your diagnosis is not angina, but ARVI in which the use of antibiotics is a useless waste of time and money. If the doctor made a mistake and looked at the sore throat, then the situation should look at the throat and decide if the abscess on the tonsils remained (for example, the doctor looked) then you should continue treatment with antibiotics (from another group, so it's better not to start with azithromycin, but take penicillin - Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, etc.), but if the throat is cleared of pus under the action of an antibiotic, then you can recommend a warm drink to remove toxins from the body and Ergoferon is not necessary.

Judging by the description of the problem and the fact that coughing begins, it is likely that the inflammatory bacterial process in the body continues, possibly an inflammation from the throat went lower and provokes bronchitis. In this case, injectable forms of antibiotics (Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone and others) and expectorants (Lazolvan, Bromhexin, Acetylcysteine ​​and their commercial counterparts) can be advised. But to adjust the treatment, a doctor's consultation is still necessary. Probably, in your case it is necessary to address to other expert.
I'm sick from the middle of November. Waves in waves, i.e. it seems that everything has already recovered, and suddenly the rhinitis again poured out like a bucket, the head again cast-iron, coughing finds strong attacks. So I experienced 3 waves in 1.5 months. Previously, I was ill with seasonal colds once a year for two weeks, always without temperature, and did not even consult a doctor. I decided that even now I will recover. But now I saw that the situation is much more serious than usual. I do not know if doctors work in the New Year holidays, I just went to the pharmacy and, on the advice of my friend, bought Ergoferon. The next day the rhinitis remained strong, but the head felt much better, further - better. Today finish the last 3 tablets from the package. Coryza almost passed, coughing happens, but much less often. There remained a strong weakness, but this is natural after two months of illness. I'm quite sure that Ergoferon helped me, I want to buy more packaging, fix the effect, but I doubt if it will not be too much?
Olga, It will not be much. According to the instructions, the course of preventive treatment can last from 1 to 6 months, so you want to drink one more pack of Ergoferon - drink safely, nothing terrible will happen.
a guest
Causes herpes!
I accept the second day of ergoferon, it is not clear yet. Began to take on the second day of illness (maybe the flu). With an increase in temperature above 38 I take paracetamol, teraphly alternately, and not simultaneously. The temperature is around 37.5. From coughing I take mucaltin, as an expectorant. I grovel my throat. The cough does not pass. Does ergoferon help cough?
Read the reviews, the feeling: some advertise, other competitors.
I would like real feedback.
Usually, first I read, then I buy, and most often I do not buy. And here on the contrary, well, that's thrown out 300 rubles with something in the trash. This is the same fuflomycin pure water. We read the composition:
1 tablet contains: antibodies to gamma interferon human affinity purified - 0.006 g *, antibodies to histamine affinity purified - 0.006 g *, antibodies to CD4 affinity purified - 0.006 g *
Excipients: lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.
it is unclear how to help fight the antibody virus to interferon and immunoglobulin, and antibodies to histamine - it's quite interesting (it's not protein and not even an amino acid)
And then quite interesting, we read under the asterisk:
* are applied to lactose in the form of a mixture of three active water-alcohol dilutions of the substance diluted 100 * 12, 100 * 30, 100 * 50 times, respectively.
I do not know how to do a degree, so I marked it with an asterisk. 100 in the 12th degree? Yes, there are more chances to be killed by lightning than to find the active substance in the pill. To see absolutely at us shit with medicine, will soon be treated with prayers and lamp oil.
One advantage - drink boldly, there will be no side effects. And harm from the auxiliary means too.
Serg111, From a cough Ergoferon will not help him with his range of indications, which are described in the instructions. You can use it to treat a bacterial infection (which often causes a cough), but only in a complex therapy with other medicines.

About the reviews - we fight both with advertising, and with anti-advertising equally in proportion to the strengths and revelations, so treat the medicine and leave yours.
Today I drink the last day of Ergoferon. Advised his friends. There is no temperature for 2 days. Did Ergoferon help? May be.Or maybe it's passed as before. The cough keeps. Usually fit into the treatment in 4 days. (Abundant drink, do not eat, febrifuge, if above 38). In general, in the purity of the experiment is not sure. Rather helped than did not help, maybe 50/50. It's bad that there is no data on the pharmacokinetics, it's annoying.
To the child, 1 year and 7 months, in hospital have registered ergoferon for preventive maintenance of a flu. Almost immediately after the start of taking this drug, I stopped learning my child. The daughter became absolutely inadequate. There was drowsiness, and against this background and a terrible capriciousness. For a week I did not understand what was happening to the child. She screamed, she was psychotic, she threw everything, then fell to the floor and fought in hysterics. And this hell lasted a week! The only thing that pleased, so it's a good appetite. There were thoughts that this is the effect of ergofero, but once again carefully studied the instruction, nothing close to this is not found. But the drug is still canceled. And, oh, a miracle! Already the next day, what happened! The daughter completely recovered, as if nothing had happened.
This is a homeopathic drug in fact, it acts as a placebo. The instructions indicate the dilution rate of 100 ^ 12, that is, it was diluted 100 times by 100 times. The concentration decreased by 10 ^ 24. Here it is appropriate to recall the Avogadro number, which is of the order of 10 ^ 24 particles / mole. So it turns out that in the preparation at best 1 molecule of the active substance.
No harm, no good, only wasted money for a pacifier with milk sugar.
There is no sense from him, I drank myself, I still had ARVI for a week. I give the child a second time, and again a strong diarrhea began, the first time the doctor is sure that it is from nurofen, but now exactly from ergafferone. We believe doctors, and they are paid money for vtyuhivanie us these "drugs." Now we are fighting with diarrhea, and tablets in the trash can.
Without ergofero I am ill for seven days, and when taking ergofero only a week! And it pleases ... I will not spend any more money on it.
Has got in infektsionku with the child of 1,5 years with the diagnosis an allergic bronchitis, two-local chamber, on the same day beside ORVishnikov, mother and the daughter sneeze not ceasing, from a nose pours.She asked her husband to bring ergofero, gave instructions. Today is the 5th day, my son has passed, but I caught this infection. Now think helps or not ... By the way, and earlier we had ARVI with this drug won. Maximum 3-4 temperature, but no complications :-)
Has started to drink Ergoferon when practically has already recovered, therefore objectively about medical properties I can not tell or say. But the pulse goes off scale, heart beats like mad, hands shake and storm.
The doctor prescribed Ergoferon, said in a week's time I will be running. To me 53 years, special problems with heart did not notice, but after reception of Ergoferona, the pulse has very strongly risen! Immediately stopped taking and went to the doctor. He said that this happens with this drug, and prescribed another. After such side effects, I do not advise anyone to buy it.
Did not help. Neither as prevention, nor as treatment.
To the child 4,5 years, we go to a kindergarten and very often we are ill with ARVI.When, for the last time in November 2015, the doctor fell ill, I appointed ergoferon, after coming home and reading the instructions, I decided to continue taking this drug as a prophylaxis. Every morning, after breakfast, 1 tablet dissolved and went to the garden. It's the end of February, and we have never missed a garden. I think so, the ergoferon does not just work, it's a great fellow!
My opinion is that during the reception of ergofero, and any feron, the immune system relaxes and forgets how to fight the infection by itself. The use of this drug, a personal affair is a private matter for parents, but as a prophylaxis personally, I would not apply them.
We did not fit the ergoferon, fed a child for the prevention of colds, still picked up ARD, I thought at least during the illness will help. No. Mistaken. The child still got sick 10 days, with a very bad cold and cough. I personally did not see any effect on the use of ergofero. I think that this is another dummy.
Faith K.
Well, that at least someone helped, in my case it was absolutely zero. Not only did the disease suffer very hard, but it also got a complication. Now I do not buy any antiviral drugs.
Svetlana 427
Maybe someone helped him, but not me. She drank a course for prevention, two days later she got sick with the flu, with subsequent complications. I will not take ergofero anymore.
The drug is controversial, not suitable for everyone and not always even for one. He helped me. The very beginning was easier. At the same time, I'm not fond of pills, but I want to say that almost all the friends complain that the usual drugs help to become ill, so I do not advise you to take a fancy, but in combination with other drugs at the beginning it can facilitate, but not cure.
Took two. For the first time after taking it, it became a little easier to bear the disease, and the second time after taking it, not exactly what did not help, there was dizziness. Perhaps the drug no longer copes with viruses that constantly mutate.The term - an antiviral drug is only in our country, there are no such medicines abroad, they are considered useless.
My child has a temperature of 38.5 days, without a cold, without a cough, and his throat is clean. Age of child 1.3 months. We already get sick, the doctor did not determine the diagnosis and did not deliver the diagnosis. What for he has appointed or nominated to us ergferon, an antiviral preparation if we with all might be ill or sick. The virus in us is getting settled. I do not understand! For your profit!
So we were assigned without visible indicators, just drink maybe, I called my doctor and asked about the ergoferon, he told me not to take it himself and not let the child. It turns out his influence on the immune is not fully understood, so you take it at your own peril and risk, and it is not known what consequences this will later turn out.
I bought a baby for Orvy. She honestly chewed these nasty pills and eventually we were ill for two weeks. No promised antiviral and immunomodulatory effect is not felt!
I took it as a prophylaxis, but the temperature did not drop, after three days I had to start drinking a course of antibiotics.
For the first time in my life I caught a flu with a high temperature. The doctor prescribed only this medicine and a plentiful drink. The temperature lasted two days, on the third day began to jump up and down, but it did not rise to great values ​​already. Took about seven days, on the eighth day I was practically healthy. Although the flu is said to take place in a week :), so the ambiguity remains.
I took ergofero and remained very disappointed. I had not particularly trusted antiviral agents before, but I hoped that this drug could be better, hopes did not materialize. I was ill for a long time and with complications, if I did not take it, it would probably be easier for Orvi to move.
Tatyana and the rest, In my Directory both advertising and anti-advertising of medicines are prohibited under the guise of reviews of ordinary visitors.You are doing extremely unethical, in relation to your competitor and their product, the drug Ergoferon, artificially winding up the negative. More similar from your team (and I see how you work) will not be published - you can not try. And if I find out in the name of which medicine you are doing this, then I think it will be interesting for everyone to know, including your competitor. Do not aggravate, I beg of you.
chernyakova faith vasilevna
Ergoferon helps, it is checked up, but today the husband instead of one tablet has accepted at once 4, and in half an hour still 4. Than it is fraught? Thank you.
chernyakova faith vasilevna, Nothing. At micron amounts of the active substance of the drug Ergoferon it is impossible to obtain any significant overdose. So let her husband take it further, as recommended by the doctor in charge.
I got sick, I take ergofero on the third day. As long as the result is not there, the temperature became even higher and put a nose in it.I hope I will not take antibiotics.

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