Bisoprolol - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (tablets of 2.5 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg) of the drug for the treatment of angina and depression in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition and interaction with alcohol

Bisoprolol - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (tablets of 2.5 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg) of the drug for the treatment of angina and depression in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition and interaction with alcohol

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Bisoprolol. Comments of visitors of the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Bisoprolol in their practice are presented. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Bisoprolol in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use to treat angina and reduce pressure in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.Composition and interaction of the drug with alcohol.


Bisoprolol - selective beta-blocker without its own sympathomimetic activity; has antihypertensive, antiarrhythmic and anti-anginal action. Blocking at low doses beta1-adrenoreceptors of the heart, reduces catecholamine-stimulated formation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) from adenosine triphosphate (ATP), reduces the intracellular current of calcium ions (Ca2 +), has a negative chrono-, dromo-, batmo- and inotropic effect (it calms the frequency of cardiac contractions, inhibits conduction and excitability, reduces myocardial contractility).


When the dose is increased, beta2-adrenergic blocking action exerts.


The total peripheral vascular resistance at the beginning of beta-adrenoblockers in the first 24 hours increases (as a result of the reciprocal increase in the activity of alpha-adrenergic receptors and elimination of stimulation of beta2-adrenoreceptors), which returns to the initial one after 1-3 days, and decreases with long-term administration.


The antihypertensive effect is associated with a decrease in the minute volume of blood,sympathetic stimulation of peripheral vessels, a decrease in the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (is more important for patients with initial hypersecretion of renin), restoration of the sensitivity of the aortic artery baroreceptors (no increase in their activity in response to a decrease in blood pressure) and CNS effects. With arterial hypertension, the effect occurs after 2-5 days, stable effect - after 1-2 months.


The antianginal effect is due to a decrease in myocardial oxygen demand as a result of a decrease in the heart rate and a decrease in contractility, diastole lengthening, and improvement in myocardial perfusion. By increasing the end-diastolic pressure in the left ventricle and increasing the stretching of the ventricular fibers, myocardial oxygen demand may increase, especially in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF).


In contrast to nonselective beta-blockers, when administered at moderate therapeutic doses, it has a less pronounced effect on organs containing beta2-adrenergic receptors (pancreas, skeletal muscles, smooth muscles of peripheral arteries, bronchi and uterus) and on carbohydrate metabolism, does not cause retention of sodium ions (Na +) in the body.When used in large doses has a blocking effect on both subtypes of beta-adrenergic receptors.




Bisoprolol fumarate + excipients.




Bisoprolol is almost completely absorbed from the digestive tract (80-90%). Eating does not affect the absorption of the drug. Permeability through the blood-brain barrier and the placental barrier is low, the secretion with breast milk is low. Metabolised in the liver. It is excreted by the kidneys - 50% unchanged, less than 2% - through the intestine.



  • arterial hypertension;
  • ischemic heart disease (IHD): prevention of attacks of stable angina pectoris.


Forms of release


Tablets 2.5 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg.


Instructions for use and dosage


Inside, in the morning on an empty stomach, not liquid, with a small amount of liquid.


With arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease (prevention of attacks of stable angina) it is recommended to take 5 mg once. If necessary, increase the dose to 10 mg once a day. The maximum daily dose is 20 mg.


In patients with impaired renal function (creatinine clearance less than 20 ml / min) or with severe impairment of liver function, the maximum daily dose is 10 mg.


Dose adjustments in elderly patients are not required.


Side effect

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • asthenia;
  • depression;
  • drowsiness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • hallucinations;
  • "nightmarish" dreams;
  • convulsions;
  • confusion or short-term memory loss;
  • impaired vision;
  • decrease in secretion of tear fluid;
  • dryness and soreness of the eyes;
  • hearing impairment;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • sinus bradycardia;
  • marked decrease in blood pressure;
  • violation of AV-conduction;
  • orthostatic hypotension;
  • decompensation of CHF;
  • peripheral edema;
  • manifestation of angiospasm (increased peripheral circulatory disturbance, coldness of the lower limbs, Raynaud's syndrome, paresthesia);
  • chest pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • constipation;
  • nasal congestion;
  • difficulty breathing when given in high doses (loss of selectivity);
  • in predisposed patients - laryngo- and bronchospasm;
  • Hyperglycemia (type 2 diabetes mellitus);
  • hypoglycemia (type 1 diabetes mellitus);
  • itching;
  • rash;
  • hives;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • increased sweating;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • exacerbation of psoriasis symptoms;
  • alopecia;
  • muscle weakness;
  • cramps in the calf muscles;
  • arthralgia;
  • thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis;
  • violation of potency;
  • withdrawal syndrome (increased angina attacks, increased blood pressure).



  • acute heart failure or chronic heart failure in the stage of decompensation (requiring inotropic therapy);
  • cardiogenic shock;
  • atrioventricular blockade of 2 and 3 degrees, without an electrocardiostimulator;
  • sinoatrial blockade;
  • syndrome of weakness of the sinus node;
  • bradycardia (heart rate less than 60 beats per minute);
  • cardiomegaly (no signs of heart failure);
  • arterial hypotension (systolic pressure less than 100 mm Hg);
  • severe forms of bronchial asthma and obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • severe violations of peripheral circulation, Raynaud's syndrome;
  • lactation period;
  • simultaneous administration of MAO inhibitors with the exception of MAO-B;
  • hereditary lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome;
  • pheochromocytoma (without simultaneous use of alpha-blockers);
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • simultaneous administration of floktaphenin, sultopride;
  • simultaneous intravenous administration of verapamil, diltiazem;
  • age under 18 years (effectiveness and safety not established);
  • hypersensitivity to bisoprolol, the components of the drug and to other beta-blockers.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Use during pregnancy is possible if the benefit to the mother exceeds the risk of side effects in the fetus.


Influence on the fetus: intrauterine growth retardation, hypoglycemia, bradycardia, respiratory distress (neonatal asphyxia) in neonates is also possible.


If bisoprolol should be used during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued, as bisoprolol is excreted in breast milk.


Use in children


Contraindicated for children under the age of 18 (efficacy and safety not established).


special instructions


Control of patients taking bisoprolol should include monitoring heart rate and blood pressure (at the beginning of treatment - every day, then once every 3-4 months), an electrocardiogram (ECG), a blood glucose concentration in patients with diabetes mellitus (1 to 4-5 month). In elderly patients it is recommended to follow the function of the kidneys (once every 4-5 months).


Patients should be taught how to count heart rate and instructed about the need for medical consultation at a heart rate of less than 50 beats per minute.


Before the start of treatment, it is recommended to perform an external respiration function in patients with a history of bronchopulmonary anamnesis.


Approximately in 20% of patients with angina pectoris, beta-blockers are ineffective. The main causes are severe coronary atherosclerosis with a low threshold of ischemia (heart rate less than 100 beats / min) and an increase in the end diastolic volume of the left ventricle, which disrupts the subendocardial, blood flow. In "smokers" the effectiveness of beta-blockers is lower.


Patients who use contact lenses should take into account that a reduction in tear fluid production is possible against the background of treatment.


When used in patients with pheochromocytoma, there is a risk of developing paradoxical arterial hypertension (unless an effective alpha-adrenoblockade has been previously achieved).


In thyrotoxicosis, bisoprolol may mask certain clinical signs of thyrotoxicosis (eg, tachycardia). Sharp abolition in patients with thyrotoxicosis is contraindicated, as it can strengthen symptoms.


In diabetes mellitus can mask tachycardia caused by hypoglycemia.In contrast to non-selective beta-blockers, it does not substantially increase insulin-induced hypoglycemia and does not delay the restoration of glucose concentration in the blood to a normal value.


With the simultaneous administration of clonidine, his reception may be terminated only a few days after the cancellation of Bisoprolol.


It is possible to increase the severity of the hypersensitivity reaction and the lack of effect from the usual doses of epinephrine (adrenaline) against the background of a weighed allergic anamnesis.


If it is necessary to conduct routine surgical treatment, the drug can be withdrawn 48 hours before the start of the general anesthesia. If the patient has taken the drug before the operation, he should choose a drug for general anesthesia with a minimum negative inotropic effect.


Reciprocal activation of the vagus nerve can be eliminated by intravenous administration of atropine (1-2 mg).


Drugs that reduce the reserves of catecholamines (for example, reserpine), can enhance the action of beta-blockers, so patients taking such combinations of drugs should be under constant medical supervision for the diagnosis of arterial hypotension or bradycardia.


Patients with bronchospastic diseases can be prescribed cardioselective adrenoblockers in case of intolerance and / or ineffectiveness of other antihypertensive drugs, but strict monitoring of dosage should be carried out. Overdosing is dangerous by the development of bronchospasm.


If elderly patients develop an increasing bradycardia (less than 50 beats per minute), arterial hypotension (systolic BP below 100 mmHg), AV blockade, bronchospasm, ventricular arrhythmias, severe liver and kidney dysfunction, reduce the dose or stop treatment. It is recommended to stop therapy with the development of depression caused by the use of beta-blockers.


Do not abruptly interrupt treatment because of the risk of developing severe arrhythmias and myocardial infarction. Abolition is carried out gradually, reducing the dose for 2 weeks or more (reduce the dose by 25% in 3-4 days).


It should be canceled before the study of blood and urine content of catecholamines, normetanephrine and vanillylmandelic acid, antinuclear antibody titers.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities; requiring increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.


Drug Interactions


Allergens used for immunotherapy, or allergen extracts for skin tests increase the risk of severe systemic allergic reactions or anaphylaxis in patients receiving bisoprolol.


Phenytoin with intravenous administration, drugs for inhalation of general anesthesia (derivatives of hydrocarbons) increase the severity of cardiodepressive action and the likelihood of lowering blood pressure.


Iodine-containing radiopaque diagnostic tools for intravenous administration increase the risk of anaphylactic reactions.


Bisoprolol changes the effectiveness of insulin and hypoglycemic agents for oral administration, masks the symptoms of developing hypoglycemia (tachycardia, increased blood pressure).


Antihypertensive effect weaken non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (sodium ion delay and blockade of prostaglandin synthesis by the kidneys), glucocorticosteroids and estrogens (sodium ion delay).


Cardiac glycosides, methyldopa, reserpine and guanfacine increase the risk of developing or worsening bradycardia, atrioventricular blockade, cardiac arrest and heart failure.


Combinations of bisoprolol with calcium antagonists (verapamil, diltiazem, bepridil) are not recommended, with their intravenous administration, due to the increase in the negative effect on the inotropic function of the myocardium, AV-conduction and blood pressure.


The combined use of Nifedipine and bisoprolol can lead to a significant reduction in blood pressure.


With the simultaneous use of bisoprolol and antiarrhythmic drugs of class 1 (disopyramide, quinidine, hydroquinidine), atrial-ventricular conduction may worsen and negative inotropic action (clinical monitoring and monitoring of electrocardiography is necessary).


With simultaneous use of bisoprolol and antiarrhythmic drugs of class 3 (for example, amiodarone), atrial dilatation may worsen.


With the simultaneous use of the drug Bisoprolol and other beta-blockers, including those contained in eye drops, synergy is possible.


Simultaneous use of the drug Bisoprolol with beta-adrenomimetics (for example, isoprenaline, dobutamine) can lead to a decrease in the effect of both drugs.


The combination of bisoprolol with beta and alpha-adrenomimetics (eg, iorepinephrine, epinephrine) can enhance the vasoconstrictor effects of these agents that occur with alpha-adrenergic receptors, leading to an increase in blood pressure.


Diuretics, clonidine, sympatholytics, hydralazine and other antihypertensive drugs can lead to an excessive decrease in blood pressure.


With the simultaneous use of bisoprolol and mefloquine, the risk of bradycardia increases.


The simultaneous administration of bisoprolol with floktaphenin and sultopride is contraindicated.


The effect of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants and the anticoagulant effect of coumarins during treatment with bisoprolol may be prolonged.


Tri- and tetracyclic antidepressants, antipsychotics (antipsychotics), ethanol (alcohol), sedative and hypnotic drugs increase the inhibition of the central nervous system. It is not recommended simultaneous use of bisoprolol with MAO inhibitors (except MAO-B) due to a significant increase in hypotensive effect. A break in treatment between taking MAO inhibitors and Bisoprolol should be at least 14 days.


Reduces the clearance of Lidocaine and xanthines (except diprofilina) and increases their concentration in blood plasma, especially in patients with initially elevated clearance of theophylline under the influence of smoking.


Sulfasalazine increases the concentration of bisoprolol in the blood plasma.


Rifampicin shortens the half-life of bisoprolol.


Analogues of the drug Bisoprolol


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Aritel;
  • Aritel Cor;
  • Bidop;
  • Biol;
  • Biprol;
  • Bisogamma;
  • Bisocardium;
  • Bisomore;
  • Bisoprolol OBL;
  • Bisoprolol Lugal;
  • Bisoprolol Prana;
  • Bisoprolol ratopharm;
  • Bisoprolol Sandoz
  • Bisoprolol Teva;
  • Bisoprolol hemifumarate;
  • Bisoprolol fumarate;
  • Bisoprolol fumarate Pharmaplant;
  • Concor;
  • Concor Cor;
  • Corbis;
  • Cordinorm;
  • Coronale;
  • Niperten;
  • Thyrez.

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Reviews (143):
Recently diagnosed high blood pressure, the doctor prescribed the drug Bisoprolol.I read the list of side effects and was horrified, but the doctor insisted on this drug. I tried it. I take the instructions in the morning before meals, according to the prescribed dosage. The state of health is normal, even better. Side effects do not appear, except that I go to the toilet more often. Prepacking is convenient, available in any pharmacy.

In general, I'm happy. The medicine works quickly, the pressure is maintained at the proper level (I'm logging the journal, where I write down the readings of the tonometer). I take the drug for a month and a half, but it seems to last a lifetime. In addition to taking the medicine, I follow all the doctor's recommendations. The pressure does not bother anymore.
I was prescribed bisoprolol for heart maintenance. I drink it for more than six months, the effect is palpable - stopped pain in the heart, the rhythm is normal ... And my pressure is skipping and it's very difficult to decide what to drink. And now I do not feel it at all (the first time after taking the drug the pressure measured regularly, but now there is no need for it). And most importantly for me, this drug has no side effects for the respiratory system - dry cough and shortness of breath.
Veronica, Thanks for the tip, but the pressure to monitor periodically stands, given that the episodes of its increase were you had before taking Bisoprolol.
Indeed, a good drug, checked for yourself!
I accept the appointment of a doctor for two weeks. Diagnosis of hypertension, tachycardia with arrhythmia combined. The pressure returned to normal, but sometimes it rises to 170-180 on the weather. But the pulse stably holds 51-56 beats per minute. Is it good?
Vladimir, Pulse below 60 beats per minute indicates bradycardia. Elevated pressure is also not happy. It is necessary to correct the scheme of treatment. Namely, I would adjust the dosage of bisoprolol towards its decrease (to remove the bradycardia), and to reduce the pressure, I would add the drug to the complex treatment regimen (ACE inhibitor, diuretic). The rest should be looked at according to your accompanying pathology.
I take bisoprolol 5 mg every morning for a year. The pulse became lower, before it was over 100, now 80-90. pressure at the level of 150/100 +/- 20 units. From hypertension I drink enalopril (20) - 2 times a day, and in the morning indapamide. She told the therapist that enalopril does not help much. Increased the dose from 10 to 20 and the result is not very ... The doctor added amlodipine. Can I increase bisoprolol? When I started taking bisoprolol, the pulse rate dropped to 70, and recently it rose again to 90. I am waiting for an answer, thank you
Svetlana, In principle, there are no special complaints. Probably, there are restrictions in finances, that's why the doctor is trying to find the available arsenal of available means. Of course, if the tachycardia continues to increase, then you need to raise the dosage of Bisoprolol (if the increased heart rate is frequent in you, not short-term).

In the event that the scheme indicated by you in the end will still leave you for high blood pressure and tachycardia, then I can advise the full scheme for more effective and expensive drugs, but here one must proceed from financial prosperity, since lifelong treatment.
I take bisoprolol 5 mg to maintain the heart, I have a vice. The drug is mainly used to reduce heart rate. To me too it is not enough enalapril 20 and 20. The doctor has replaced on lisinopril 20 and 20. Dose select. I wonder what the doctor will advise you. Write please.
Larissa, Specify, please, from whom and what help do you expect, and then from your feedback is unclear? Cardiac drugs are usually prescribed by the method of selection of dosages, usually from minimal doses to more significant, then combined if the effect of monotherapy with one drug is minimal. Thus, the stabilization of indices of pressure or heart rate (pulse) is achieved.
Moved your question and answer to the drug Eutiroks. Here he is off topic.
And how do you feel about the drug Tark? To the husband have appointed Tarka and Bisoprololum on 2.5 two times a day.
Valentina, A good drug, an adequate combination, there's nothing to complain about. It is visible your husband already was treated earlier by monopreparations from pressure, probably has accompanying problems with a warm rhythm, so this is adequate therapy of severe forms of hypertension.
Began to take Bisoprolol on the recommendation of a doctor, I have hypertension and tachycardia. I take 5 mg in the morning and in the evening. On the third day of intake, the pressure dropped to 90-100, the pulse rate is normal 60-70, I feel drowsy, dizzy, bother low blood pressure ... Can I lower the dosage and how much?
Galina, I have a rule in the appointment of cardiac drugs is - from less to more, from one-time to reusable use. The picture is not completely described by you, but if the pressure and pulse were not much higher than normal, I would start with a minimum dosage of Bisoprolol 2.5 mg once. If the excess was significant and the doctors, frightened, gave a dose that caused an excessive decrease in hemodynamics, then you can go to a single dose of 5 mg Bisoprolol.But it is better to coordinate such moments with the attending physician or cardiologist, since the full picture by you, I repeat, is not given.
During the summer rest, the pressure increased 190/90. I thought it was an adaptation to the heat. Before this, the pressure did not bother. The doctor of the sanatorium appointed a prestarium 5 mg, thromboas and bisoprolol 5 mg. Taken within 5 days as prescribed and pressure on the first day came back to normal. After the flight home I missed one reception of the Prestarium in the evening and the pressure rose again in the morning. I decided that I can not take two drugs at the same time and drank the prestarium because I missed it. In the evening, according to the schedule, the prestarium again has a pressure of 150/80. In the morning 170/85. Continue the course with bisoprolol or can you give it up?
Vladimir, Prestarium with bisoprolol is combined. They can be used together. The only restriction on beta-blockers (including bisoprolol) is young age in men who do not quite show beta-blockers because of potential problems with potency.And I do not see any limitations from your question.

The pressure should later return to normal, but if after 2 weeks it remains elevated, the algorithm is as follows: either we change the dosages of the active drugs (we increase the doses), or we change the combinations of the preparations to others. But for this you have to turn to the cardiologist.
I am 41 years old. The pressure excruciates me for a long time, but to the doctor has addressed only after frequent calls of first aid. The doctor has appointed or nominated 10 mg daily, here already somewhere a floor of year I accept this preparation and I think the dose can be reduced? And even 4 months are not monthly. Do you think there might be a connection?
Oksana, Reducing the dosage of any drug to reduce pressure is controlled by the digits of the latter. Let's lower the dosage and within a week or two we monitor the pressure and pulse (I do not know why Dr. Bisoprolol appointed you, because he also adjusts the heart rhythm) and record it. Then, based on the results of the records with the doctor, you can discuss - stay at a reduced dose or return to the previous one.

With the monthly situation is similar.We fix the time when they disappeared after the beginning of taking the drug or a month and later, after the appointment of Bisoprolol. If during the first month of admission - then it can be regarded as a side effect, but not 100%, it may simply coincide. If later, the reasons may be different. Consultation of a gynecologist is in any case shown, since abnormalities can be associated with a hormonal malfunction, and it in turn can be both associated with taking medications, and is not related.
I am 60 years old, arterial hypertension 2 tbsp. Blood pressure: 150/90, heart rate = 55. Took Lodoz. Recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Have registered Diabeton and Gliiformin. Are Lodose and Metformin (Gliiformin) combined? Is there a threat of developing hyperglycemia? Advised to replace Lodose with bisoprolol (5 mg in the morning). Heart rate fell to 50. Something in this scheme is not so. Advise proper treatment. Thank you.
Gennady, Lodose is the same Bisoprolol (though in the form of hemifumarate, that is, there are differences, not 100% replacement) plus hydrochlorothiazide (diuretic).In contraindications there is no diabetes. The threat of hyperglycemia is the same as in the case of bisoprolol. That is, you can take any of these drugs, but under the control of glycemia. Your pulse is low for taking beta-blockers, maybe you should look towards ACE inhibitors (same lisinopril). But in any case, you need to solve the replacement issues with the doctor, since the age and the concomitant pathology suffice, there may be many nuances in the appointment that the online can not solve.
My review of the drug is generally good. The doctor appointed in connection with complaints of trepyhaniya and heartbeats - extrasystoles. I accept the analog of Bisoprolol under the name BIKARD-LF.
In the morning Bickard 2.5 and evening Enalapril 5. Not only systolic pressure decreased, but also diastolic, and much more. Because of this, the difference between sys and dia is up to 60 and even up to 70 units. It's just that, and it's alarming. Heart rate also decreased to an average of 60 strokes.
Misses for forgetting the reception of Bickard in the morning can I compensate by reception in the afternoon?
By the way, omissions are fraught with a rise in pressure to 155 by 85 and above.If the drug is taken as it should be, the average pressure is 130/75 or 127/65
Lucia, You can compensate for gaps in taking medications based on Bisoprolol on the same day. That is, missed the morning reception - you can take in the afternoon and even in the evening, but not a double dose the next day. The latter can not be done. Of course, it is better to take heart products at the same time every day.
Hello. The cardiologist prescribed bisoprolol, a dosage of 1.25mg. The diagnosis - IHD, angina pectoris, PMK 1st., As well as paroxysms of atrial fibrillation were revealed. My working pressure is 100/60, 110/70. Very much I am afraid for pressure, whether it will fall absolutely? And can bisoprolol be taken with Phenibutum?
Pauline, Bisoprolol can be used in conjunction with Phenibut. In the instructions to these drugs there is no indication of negative side effects when taken together.

The pressure may decrease with the use of beta-blockers, which includes bisoprolol, but this medicine is prescribed for you to combat atrial fibrillation,so it is worth trying to poprinimat this drug, regularly monitoring the pressure in the morning and evening. If in two weeks all indicators are stable, then the scheme can be considered adequate and safe.
At me the diagnosis the Arterial hypertensia of 1 degree risk 2 n. The doctor prescribed a drug noliprel forte and bisoprolol 5 mg in the morning and amlodipine at night. But in the morning I still have an increased blood pressure of 140-150 at 95-100 and a pulse of 80-90 strokes. Can the drug be changed or the dose increased?
OlegIf the drugs show their inefficiency within two weeks from the start of treatment, then it is necessary to change the treatment regimen or, alternatively, increase the dosage of the prescribed medications. By the way, Bisoprolol as I understood from the diagnosis of a young man is very questionable appointment (if there were no complications in the form of myocardial infarction and other vascular and cardiac problems), as a result can lead to sexual weakness. So with this drug, men need to be careful.
Elena Valeryevna
Good afternoon! To the husband 51 year, the therapist has appointed or nominated to him bisoprolol 5 mg and amlodipin 5 in the morning. He has been taking this treatment since July. The pressure decreased, instead of 180/110 it became 120/80. But together with the pressure, the sex drive also decreased. How can you gradually "walk away" from these drugs and what can be replaced?
Elena Valeryevna, Already told above about Bisoprolol and other beta-blockers. They reduce sexual desire, up to impotence, can cause anorgasmia and other unpleasant consequences especially in the male part of the population. Replace with other drugs, other groups (ACE inhibitors and many others), depending on the symptoms of the husband and the concomitant pathology, which at that age can already be. In general, while your husband keeps the form and a heart attack with a stroke do not stand on the threshold, it is better without blockers. Consult a cardiologist.
Hello! I wanted to ask about side effects from taking bisoprolol, in terms of impotence.Are they generally reversible? If you stop taking it and switch to other drugs?
Alexey, Of course, as with any other drugs. There are cases when men are prescribed blockers and without them it is impossible. There is already either potency or life.
The doctor has appointed a concor, and I will not ask anyone - everything is on the konkor. And I see that he has many analogues. Can take and replace the concor with any other of them, which is cheaper.
Olga, Can. But it is better through the doctor and with the control of a condition. One patient was replaced by an expensive expensive drug at his request for a similar composition, but domestic and cheap, as a result, the pressure rose several times, with a crisis was hospitalized. returned to the previous scheme.
I have frequent tachycardia (pulse is up to 150 beats / min), panic attacks, tremor, BP during an attack can reach up to 180/100. My blood pressure is 110/80 and below. I'm buying attacks with anapriline, hydazepam and corvalol.I take an antidepressant for more than seven years (paxil, reksetin, paroxetine, now tsipraleks, dosage of 10 mg). Attacks have become frequent. They advised taking bisoprolol, is it shown to me in this situation? And is it compatible with an antidepressant? Thank you.
Inga, In your case it is better to consult a cardiologist, because antidepressants when taken together with beta-blockers (which include bisoprolol) can greatly lower blood pressure. As you understand from the question, it is high, but a sharp fall is fraught. So consult a doctor for full-time consultation.
Hello! At me pulse on the average 90 - 110, has started to accept bisoprolol 5 mg. Tell me, does this drug have a side effect on women's sexual desire ?! Thank you
YanaProbably not. I do not know such side effects, despite the fact that the negative effect of beta-blockers on male potency is a well-known fact.Yes, and the mechanism of action is different, so that women should be all right in this regard.
I am 61 years old. I have hypertension 2 tbsp. and tachycardia. I drink concor 2.5 and hood 10 in the morning and evening of amlodipine 5. The last time the pressure is high is 160/100. My budget is small. I have diabetes mellitus 2 tbsp. Glucose I manage to keep within 5-6 units. on an empty stomach, and here pressure I can not, that only did not drink. The doctor appointed metoprolol-ratiopharm. I have doubts about this drug, is it analogous to the concor. Thank you.
Nadia, Metoprolol and bisoprolol are not absolute analogues of the active substance - they have different. Group one - beta-blockers and effects from the application will be similar. Beta-blockers are more used to regulate the rhythm, including lowering the heart rate or heart rate and to a lesser degree to reduce pressure.
I am 58 years old. The diagnosis - IHD, angina, there is a rhythm disturbance - extrasystoles. Pressure 140/90.The heart rate is usually 57-60. The cardiologist appointed bisoprolol in the morning of 1.25 mg. Heart rate decreased to 53, pressure 110/70. Should I take bisoprolol with such a decrease in heart rate?
Lyudmila, Yes the heart rate has somehow decreased at you up to a bradycardia. In principle, the dosage is already lower than the lower one. Can the doctor have prescribed some other medications that you did not take earlier? The fall is that either reduce the dosage (although much less) or cancel bisoprolol and try other medications. If you feel good, you can take 3-4 days, perhaps the heart rate and stabilize at a level of more than 60 beats per minute, which is the lower limit of the norm.
I am 32 years old. The drug was prescribed by a doctor to stabilize the rhythm of the heart. Prior to this, there were courses of antidepressants. Bisoprolol was the most effective for my body. After the first reception the state of health at once became better! The doctor did not prescribe a dosage, but advised taking it as necessary.

I wanted to ask if bisoprolol is addictive. Two doctors of the cardiologist said,that the drug is harmless! After two months of taking, in different doses (no more than 1 tablet, more often 1/2 tablets) and not every day, I began to notice that I need admission. Concerns about addiction and compatibility with alcohol. Thanks for the answer!
AndreiOn request, I have not seen such regimens for cardiovascular drugs. There is either a constant reception or it is not necessary and indulge, since the algorithm is as follows: first we examine the cardiovascular and accompanying systems to identify the problem and the cause of the disease, then we treat this problem. Accordingly, about the addiction, I have nothing to say - my patients take bisoprolol for life if they are suitable for this medicine. The drug is really harmless in therapeutic dosages and if it does not cause side effects.

With alcohol, bisoprolol does not mix well, there may be drowsiness and other negative symptoms of the depression of the nervous system. Any medicine with alcohol is harmful in nature, and ethanol is such a product without which your body will easily manage.
I take the drug for more than 5 years. Problems began, similar to the disease of breathing and inflammation of ENT. and bronchi. I can not take it away for a long time. Poorly clears throat. If this is an allergy to bisoprolol. Than it can be replaced?
I am 54 years old. The drug I take about two months in a dosage of 2.5. CHS 57 - 55 and sometimes 50 and the doctor says that when taking this drug is the norm. The pressure stabilized but it happens and it rises especially for weather change and then do not take to stop the pressure without an ambulance, and then several times you have to call. And at the same time my heart aches. The cardiogram is taken off, it shows that everything is normal, and the heart hurts as if it has a mild fever. Maybe the drug does not fit? Sometimes, I measure pressure, 160 to 75 and enough to lie for 30 minutes, the pressure comes back to normal. The cardiologist does not believe when I describe this situation. And more wanted to ask at any pain in the heart to call an ambulance?
eugeneCough is usually characteristic of ACE inhibitors, which are most often taken with bisoprolol to reducepressure. About the similar effects in the Bisoprolol I have not heard if patients take this medicine for 5 years, as in your case. It is necessary first to clarify whether the medicine has responded or this additional disease. Such a picture is quite common in cores, first I do a full examination with lung X-ray, ultrasound of the heart and a standard set of blood and urine tests, and then if everything is clean and therapeutics do not have problems, I direct to the cardiologist to replace the medication or adjust the dosage, helps to get rid of additional side symptoms. You need to see a full-time doctor for a checkup.

Olga, Your heart rate is lowered, I would still adjust the dosage (half a tablet 2.5 mg gave to start and further evaluated the results by pulse, but you need to know your diagnoses, including concomitant complications - heart attacks and strokes).

Also it is not clear why bisoprolol is prescribed, if the problem is in the pressure, then other drugs that are more calculated to lower the pressure than the pulse are sufficient. The ambulance must be harassed when the pains in the heart change their character (intensify, become different), that is, they were alone for a week, but today they have become different, because, as in the saying,if after 60 years woke up and does not hurt, ask if you are alive.
Began to take bisoprolol appeared dizziness, insomnia. Before that saw Binelol, but it's very expensive.
Hello! My doctor prescribed a pressure from bisoprolol for my husband, but he strictly told me to drink in the evening, and in the annotation and on the site it is written that it is necessary to drink in the morning, is it right?
Gulssina, Bisoprolol is better to drink in the morning. Reception in the evening is possible, if in the morning your husband takes another beta-blocker (although this combination is almost not given) or incongruous with the indicated drug.
I underwent daily monitoring of the ECG, conclusion - Against the background of a sinus rhythm with an average of 50 to 137 beats. in the single individual supraventricular and ventricular extrasystoles, frequent episodes of displacement ST 2,3-3,0 mm in leads characterizing the potentials of the lower-lateral wall of the left ventricle (against the background of the initial changes).The doctor appointed me bisoprolol 5 mg, should I take it if my blood pressure is 110/80 - 120/90? In the summer of 2014, she underwent a Q-negative IM of an anteroposterior apical and lateral wall of a l. anginal variant. After discharge, the concore was prescribed for three weeks, the pressure was reduced to 85/55, 90/60. Went like a zombie, I'm afraid of a repetition of such a blood pressure. Bisoprolol is an analogue of the concor, can there be other alternatives to replacing this drug?
A good drug. Can I take it for life?
Hello. I am 28 years old. 3 weeks ago began to disturb the crises - a sharp rise in pressure 170/100 about the pulse to 90-95 blows, at the same time I begin to lose consciousness, my head becomes very dizzy, despite the fact that my heart rate is about 55-57 strokes on walking and if I lie, then it falls to 50 and 46 happens. They put him in the hospital and began to examine him, prescribed a diroton 1/4 tablets and bisoprolol 1/4 tablets in the morning all, and for the night Valdoxanum tablet 25 mg. I'm worried about the pulse, tell me please, is it not very low, before I fell ill with these crises, I was engaged in weightlifting for 5 years, my weight is 93 kg.Before these preparations I took 1/2 egilok 2 times a day and after taking the drug there were such seizures exactly after 10 minutes. Substitute for the above drugs.
DENMARK, It is not possible, but it is necessary. Like most cardiac drugs, bisoprolol is mostly taken by patients for life.

Lily, There's still Metoprolol, also a beta-blocker, although it has a different composition from Bisoprolol and Concor (another active substance) and other drugs. All these drugs regulate the heart rate and contribute to the normalization of the rhythm, and are not used to reduce pressure, if only with other drugs. After your serious heart problems, you need a cardiologist to change the drugs, not an online consultant.
AnatolyI see the problem of high blood pressure, I do not see a pulse problem. In a crisis, a person is worried quite likely that the pulse can jump, especially the value is uncritical and can be considered as the upper limit of the norm.Why beta-blockers (Egilok, Bisoprolol) in your case, I do not understand, since these are preparations for normalizing the rhythm. Maybe you have also found arrhythmia, then yes, do not look anymore, that these drugs can sometimes cause impotence in men and appoint. So in your case, questions to those doctors that you have prescribed drugs. I would in their place, appointed an ACE inhibitor (lisinopril, Perindopril, etc.), if indeed high blood pressure with a diuretic or combined Noliprel (for the youngest that drug) and then already looked at the dynamics. And so far there are more questions than answers.
The doctor appointed bisoprolol in connection with complaints of trepyhaniya and heart sinking. My blood pressure is normal. Can I take the drug if the pressure is normal?
lads, It is possible, but carefully and under pressure control. Basically, bisoprolol is used to treat rhythm disturbances. Before the appointment, you should have been examined for your heart problems (heart ultrasound, ECG, blood biochemistry).Similar symptoms can give and banal neurasthenia, which is not treated with bisoprolol.
Hello, I'm 21, complained of heart and pressure, made a stationary ECG, ECG and AD daily monitoring, ECHO - in conclusion, hypertensive disease of the first degree (the pressure of a calm state reaches 160/100, but rarely, usually slightly elevated systolic only) pulse also comes in a calm state up to 140 beats per minute, usually around 90-10, rarely in the area, slightly more than 60-70, have written that at night, heart rate and blood pressure are not sufficiently reduced, sinus tachycardia, sinus rhythm moments of sinus arrhythmia and prolapse (I pass through it, or I can not remember exactly what is transient), the doctor prescribed 2.5 mg of bisoprolol in the morning, but I'm a young guy and terribly afraid of drugs and their side effects, so I'm afraid to take bisoprolol, especially the doctor did not specify the duration of the procedure and how stop taking, for example, if you drank it once, and the next day decided not to take it, there will not be any side effects from the refusal, in view of the fact that the therapy in fact did not have time to start?
Alexey, Yes, some problems are observed. It may well be that nerves are fooling around (at a young age, all sorts of disturbances are a more frequent cause of increased pressure and heart rate than objective organic causes). My position on the appointment of beta-blockers to young men is this - it's better not to appoint them. Since these drugs in most cases negatively affect the potency, and this can further exacerbate the patient's condition. With the cancellation of cardiac drugs and bisoprolol, there are no exceptions to the side effects, everything should go quietly, but you should not do it yourself. It is better to find a competent cardiologist and go to him with the results of the examinations and already with a specialist to correct the therapy.
Thanks for the answer. Still a question, a tachycardia all taki, even if she on nerves, it is not good for heart, and I am engaged in sports, stopped for a while, now again on the sly I start, whether it is possible to spend on drink Riboxinum, Pananginum, Mildronate, whether they will be useful effect on the heart with tachycardia?
Alexey, You need to understand that tachycardia is a symptom of a disease or an altered state of your heart, and possibly the whole organism. I repeat, if everyone examined and the norm, it is either pumping in the gym, or nerves. Why then Mildronates-Riboxins, this is chemistry, which has in addition to good and negative on the body, and you seem to have a special reason and not (if you proceed from the whole story).
Hello, sister, 58th year, heart rate above 100, morning cortex 5 1/2 tablets, evening bisoprolol 5 also 1/2 table, both drugs on an empty stomach. Heart rate decreased to below 100 (80-90). In the last week, the upper pressure jumped 150 and the pulse again went up (for 110), this picture can be in the morning, and especially in the evening, i.e. floating high pressure (from 140) and pulse from 95. I read that bisoprolol is drunk only in the morning, and koraksan 2 times a day. I can not understand, maybe they need to change places or even go only to koraksan (this is for the pulse)? And to reduce the pressure, enalapril 5 was recommended in the morning, and in the evening there is a seedlopin of 5, but there is no special effect.What should I do: change the scheme? / Change drugs? / Look for another cardiologist? Thank you in advance for your response
inna, And Coroxan, and Bisoprolol are both drugs to slow the rhythm of the heart (it is more correct to say its adjustment). I'm wondering why they were assigned both? Maybe if the sister just started taking similar medications, try one of them, well, it's up to your doctor.

And still, it is visible for such figures of a pulse the dosage is weak, I appoint such small dosages to young people, so I would begin with an adjustment (increase) of a dose of drugs in turn, with control of the pulse and pressure indicators.

The result of these drugs should be evaluated after 1-2 weeks, at first the parameters can jump. It is not important to take it in principle in the morning or in the evening, if we prescribe two identical drugs, which I did not like initially, I would have appointed Bisoprolol in the morning and that's all, but you need to know the full picture of the sisters' illness in order to know what the correct scheme of the appointment is necessary. While it is visible it is not absolutely effective.
Thanks for the advice. I'll try to give her bisoprolol 5/1 table in the morning on an empty stomach and observe (by the way, about an increase in the dose advised and an ambulance doctor).
Bisoprolol was prescribed 2.5 mg in the morning. Very bad headaches. Changed the dosage in the smaller direction - the pulse was raised, and the headaches did not pass.
rais, Perhaps the cause of headaches is not at all in Bisoprolol. Can the raised arterial pressure the reason, there can be any neurologic pains (an osteochondrosis and other reasons). It is worth to see a doctor for examination and delivery of tests (if you did not give anything), then you will see what to do with you.
Mom since 2009 in complex therapy (appointment of a cardiologist) takes vasocardine (25mg 3p / day), cardic (20mg 2p / day), veroshpiron (25mg). The doctor-therapist wrote out bisoprolol 5 mg 1p / day (for lack of metoprolol in the drugstore p-ki) - said the same thing. Mom is 76 years old, lying down. Complications Parkinson, glaucoma, dementia 3st.Tell me - how safe is such a replacement and whether it is worth the risk. Until now, such sudden substitutions (atenolol, etc.), I ignored, I bought everything myself.
IRINA_vor, Bisoprolol, although not a complete analog of Metoprolol for the active substance, but for the group and mechanism of action, they are analogs (selective beta-blockers). I often change one for another, especially with the development of side effects in patients. So I can advise you to try to take Bisoprolol or find a suitable method for your mother Metoprolol in other pharmacies, if everything is as critical as you describe.
Mom after the operation of neurinoma of the auditory nerve three months. The pressure starts to rise 220-110 at night, and in the morning falls 140-90. The doctor appointed a lopaz in the morning. Now she started taking bisoprolol 0.5 in the morning, everything is fine during the day, and at night the pressure increases to 220-110. Can I take bisoprolol at night? Or add something else?
Good afternoon, my mother has a bradycardia and a tendency to lowered pressure, she takes a 10.1 tab. in the morning, vazar 160 / poltable. morning + evening, trimetazidine / 1t. morning + evening, aspecard / 1t.na night. Recently, with a relatively stable pressure (115-135 upper - 65-75 lower), the pulse jumped (105-110 during the day), but was 53-65. What advise to knock off the pulse, but did not decrease the pressure. Thank you in advance.
alena1969, It is necessary for your mother to add medicine for the night. Bisoprolol should not be given at night, leave it for the morning reception, and in the evening add another medicine for pressure. This may be an ACE inhibitor (Enalapril, Lysinopril, Perindopril and others) or angiotensin receptor antagonists (Valsartan, Losartan and others) or calcium channel blockers (Amlodipine, Nifedipine). Your mom, most likely, aged for the right appointment, contact your doctor.

innaTo Bisoprolol ask a question, and you can take it to reduce the pulse. True, the rapid pulse is not always a disease, it can increase with an increase in the body temperature of the patient and with other conditions and diseases not related to the cardiovascular system and diseases, endocrinological pathology.So for your diagnosis, diagnosis and subsequent treatment, your mother will still have to see a doctor.
Good afternoon! Very much it would be desirable to learn it is possible to use red dry wine when you drink Bisoprolol 5 mg a day. And another question is whether bisoprolol is treated or simply maintains the circulatory system from pressure surges. Does the long use of bisoprolol affect potency to me 40, I drink for 2 months this drug.
kalmar1974, Already answered above that with alcohol Bisoprolol poorly combines, there may be the appearance of drowsiness and other negative symptoms of the depression of the nervous system. Any medicine with alcohol is harmful in nature, and ethanol is such a product without which your body will easily manage.

Bisoprolol smooths pulse jumps and, to a lesser extent, increases in blood pressure, is taken for a long time, often on an ongoing basis. Cardiovascular problems are not infectious diseases, when I drank a week of antibiotics and everything became good.

About potency.Bisoprolol depresses the sexual sphere in men, in someone more, in someone less, so young men try not to prescribe and choose safer analogs. But there are situations when it is impossible to do, for example, after a heart attack, etc.
Good afternoon, back to my request of 19.02.15 about my sister / 58 years. Today the situation is as follows. About a month gave Bisoprolol 5 mg / 1tab in the morning. The pulse improved, but the upper pressure began to drop regularly (down to 95 at the bottom 60-70). At us in family the hereditary lowered pressure (100-110), especially the bottom (60-70). With a sharp drop in the upper pressure, I had to abandon bisoprolol, and somewhere in the week-and-a-half position was less: the upper pressure to 125-134, the pulse to 90. But then the pressure went down / 110-116, and the pulse went up / 117 . My sister has high acidity, diabetes type 2 (sugar in the district is not 6.5), diaphragmatic hernia, she is full, she lies a lot (she's been psycho-chronic since childhood and now takes Quetiron 100 / half a night). I know that this drug can lower blood pressure, but without it you can not, but the pulse is high.I can not yet understand what to do. How can you maintain a relatively normal pulse, but at the same time that the upper pressure does not fall? I know that it was impossible to cancel bisoprolol, but how to continue taking if the upper pressure falls? To drink / eat sweet? Coffee, of course, can not. Could you please tell me some options, I'll try and watch. Thank you in advance.
innaSo Mom or Sister, and then in the past question about my mother, this is already about the sister? I told you before, with such a heap of problems and prescribed drugs, dynamic monitoring should be performed by the attending physician, you will not achieve anything on the Internet. Primarily in your case, a survey (raise a bed and conduct a survey, psycho-chronicle - this is not a diagnosis with which lie), and only then all sorts of appointments.
Good afternoon, I have both heart problems and pressure, each in its own way. But my sister began to complain about severe pain in the joints, and the pressure of the upper is still low (85-87) with a pulse of 115-117.The doctor who treated nothing has not yet helped, although he has been watching her for a long time.
inna, And nevertheless, without a full-time doctor, you can not help here, as there are many drugs, even more diseases, eventually some drugs pull the pressure down, and the pulse is up, the others are vice versa, and this requires medical supervision. This is called titration of drugs, when a specific patient is assigned such a combination and in such proportions that there are no significant deviations and the desired effect is achieved. So search for the relatives of the sensible doctor.
Good afternoon! Consult, please. I'm a hypertensive patient with 10 years of experience. Accepted "Agen" (10 mg). Six months ago I had a hypertensive crisis, after which my palpitation increased sharply (80-120 / min). The doctor prescribed a drug Alotendin 5/10, which I took for about a month. After a sharp increase in the prices of medications and at my request the doctor replaced Alotendin with bisoprolol 5 mg (Ukrainian) and agents (10 mg) . And now, lately, I began to notice that by the evening my legs began to swell, especially the ankles. Is this a side effect of bisoprolol?
Smooth, I would rather think of Agen, which often causes puffiness from all the drugs in this group, rather than bisoprolol. If more than 2 weeks have elapsed since the replacement for Bisoprolol (otherwise the question is "recently", and this is not a specific period), it is possible to suspect either Agen or puffiness that has developed by itself or due to illness, regardless of reception of medicines. So you can alternately replace-cancel the drugs mentioned in the question on the analogs and trace the effect. If the puffiness persists - consult with your doctor to add a diuretic to the regimen.
Victor 1
Good day! Prompt please in the father high pressure 210 on 100 (55 impacts in a minute), he accepts within two years in the mornings Enalapril of 20 mg, in the evening Bisoprolol of 10 mg, but especially pressure does not decrease, in what there can be a reason ?! Can the dose be picked up incorrectly or do I need to change preparations ?! Thank you.
On an appointment with a doctor, he can not be dragged ....
Victor 1, Doses of drugs that your father takes and so the maximum possible. The next step is to either add new drugs or change the treatment regimen, as I understand the treatment does not bring the desired result. In addition, the dose of bisoprolol is exceeded for a particular patient, since the pulse falls below the lower limit of the norm (there should be at least 60 beats per minute at the minimum, otherwise it is a bradycardia, although not too obvious, but still an excuse for correction). In general, it is still necessary to examine and visit a cardiologist for your father, you can motivate him with the fact that with such figures of pressure he can wait in the future for a heart attack or stroke. Almost always works, no one wants to be a disabled invalid.
Hello! A 76-year-old woman with severe hypertension ("experience" is counted from 16 years of age) categorically does not want to take medication on an empty stomach, only after or between meals. The therapist two years ago has appointed or nominated under the scheme or plan: a diroton 10 mg 1 tab. in the morning, then amlodipine (bought Sandoz) 5 mg 1 tab.and kordinorm 5 mg 1 tab., in the evening diroton 10 mg 1 tab. (taken in its own way: diroton in the morning after an hour after breakfast, at 16-00 amlodipine, giving strong edema of the ankles [/ b], at 21-00 cord., for the night the diroton); the pressure is decent for the age and "stagnation" of hypertension, but the pulse is 52-53 bpm. plus blockage of the left leg of the bundle of the Hisnia (revealed by cardiogram and ultrasound of the heart). The cardiologist suggested replacing the cordonorm 5 mg with bisoprolol 2.5 mg, adding a cardiogram 75 mg. What is the point of replacing an imported drug (cordonorm 5 mg) with a Russian analog (bisoprolol 2.5 mg)? At the same time, she left amlodipine 5 mg, giving edema of the ankles (should not it be replaced with lercamen 10 mg (and will there be tachycardia?)?), Strictly in the morning with bisoprolol. Please, consult, after all, the cordonorm 5 mg or bisoprolol 2.5 mg, amlodipine 5 mg sildoz or lercamen (dosage?), In the morning it is necessary or can be left in the usual mode (point "in own way"), what to do with bradycardia and edema? Thank you!
TatianaIf I knew this patient and everything else is perfect (although at this age this is not always the case), I would recommend the following:
1.Amlodipine if it gives serious edema (I emphasize those that cause inconvenience), it is easier to replace this drug with a diuretic (veroshpiron or indapamide, depending on the state of blood electrolytes).
2. Cordinorm, as I understand it, is suitable for the patient, the question is only in a small bradycardia. Usually this issue is solved by changing the dosage of the drug. Cordinorm has a risk on the pill, so you can freely prilovilit 5 mg tablet and give half, that is, 2.5 mg. The doctor made it as simpler and prescribed a domestic analog of Bisoprolol 2.5 mg, which has a dosage of 2.5 mg.
3. Lercamen in this situation, I think is superfluous. The patient responds well to treatment, unnecessary pills to her to anything, but to replace those that do not fit her reasonably well, plus a dose adjustment.

After a meal, of course, no one takes medication for pressure, but if the patient refuses otherwise, then let her take it as convenient. These preparations for joint use with food react normally and absorbability and / or distribution in the body practically do not decrease.

And please, next time, write without special words with special symbols. We do not need excessive expression here, but it is more convenient for me to read without such a selection. Thank you.
Marina Alekseevna
Mom is 78 years old. IHD, hypertension, type 2 diabetes (on insulin), a disabled second group by heart. Tachycardia up to 140 beats per minute. The cardiologist wrote out bisoprolol. I tried to drink 0.5 tablets, now I drink 1/3 tablets. Since a long-standing violation of joints (moves only to the kitchen and toilet with a stick), a practically sedentary lifestyle. Moving even to the toilet causes severe dyspnea. Yesterday, the pressure fell to 90/60, although it has long been "working" 140/80. There was a lot of dizziness. After an hour the pressure became 100/60, dizziness became less. I connect this with the use of bisoprolol.
Hello! I am 27 years old. Half a year ago, he was diagnosed with grade 2 hypertension, arrhythmia and tachycardia. The pressure rose to 180/110, in the evening and at night 1200/80 fell. The doctor appointed Noliprel A Beforth on the floor in the morning and Bidop on the pill floor in the evening. A month later, headaches began, nausea, my head was spinning. I got scared and stopped taking pills a week later the pressure began to grow up. I again began to receive. Now I've lowered the dose, half the tablets of both of them became better, but sometimes there are attacks of tachycardia and the pressure rises slightly 145-150 / 90.Whether prompt it is possible so to accept the given tablets or to lower a dose that there were no by-effects? Thank you!
caban87If tachycardia attacks happen (meaning without a cause or after an easy job, such as walking), then either the medicine does not help, or the dosage is not chosen correctly, because in the case of competent selection of lifts and pressure and cases of tachycardia at such an early age should not be.

Buy yourself a good electronic tonometer, which measures the pulse and pressure and try to take the pulse and pressure indices yourself in the morning and in the evening, while recording on which dosages of tablets and the frequency of reception you have these figures. Then you can adjust yourself (if pressure and tachycardia increase, you can add Bidopa half a tablet in the morning or evening, if it starts to go down too low, on the contrary, cancel). Cardiac drugs and pressure are selected only by selection.

If you do not get it yourself, you can go to a cardiologist with your measurements, maybe he will adjust the treatment regimen for other drugs.
olga silch
Hypertensive with experience. Many years drank eagle and enalapril N. Recently, the pressure is creeping up. The doctor advised me to change the scheme. Completely examined in the cardiology center. Have advised to drink bisoprolol 5 mg a day since morning. The pulse fell to 48. I tried to reduce the dose. Pulse 53-54. At movement 60. Whether it is necessary to drink it further or to replace a medicine?
olga silch, Pulse is low. If such figures are observed continuously, I would change the medicine. Address to the cardiologist who has appointed or nominated to you Bisoprolol for change of the scheme or plan of treatment.
Hypertension more than 20 years. For 8 years she took Tenorik (100 mg) at night. The heart began to worry, the ECG showed age-related IHD (I'm 60 years old). The doctor recommended bisoprolol (5 mg) in combination with indapamide (2.5 mg). I carry the drugs well, but in the morning the pressure is high 170/110, I feel bad. Can I take medicine at night?
valuska, You can try for the night (if there are no other drugs for the night), but something I doubt that there will be a decent effect. Most likely, it will be necessary to change the treatment regimen, for example, add ACE inhibitors to reduce the elevated blood pressure or preparations of other groups. In general, there is reason to apply again to the doctor for advice and correction of the treatment regimen. Although I do not quite understand what is the point of canceling Tenorik, which contains a beta-blocker and a diuretic and give essentially the same set of beta-blocker Bisoprolol and diuretic indapamide. Perhaps it was worth revising the drugs and appointing them from other groups, if the indicated ones do not already have the proper therapeutic effect and are also badly tolerated.
Hello. To me of 40 years, have appointed or nominated bisoprolol in a dose 2.5. The tachycardia worried about 95 strokes per minute, sometimes there were arrhythmias, A / D 135/85, migraine pains, they are from 20 years old, stenocardia with stress and stress. After taking the drug, I take it from December 2014, gradually everything normalized and the pulse became 70, the arrhythmias were gone, the A / D became 110/70 - this is my pressure, the migraines became less frequent,pains in the heart were 2-3 times during this time, but there was tearfulness, swelling on the legs, pains in the legs, walking became hard, gained 10 kg in weight, and what else became bother, then the desire for closeness began to disappear, which was earlier there was never, and it worries me. Prompt, to what doctor to address, if it is an individual case, he can has affected or influenced my libido? The drug helped me with heart, pressure, with migraine, but my swelling and desire decreased, but it worries me. Thank you for your help.
anitanka, Puffiness and weight gain are links in one chain, one thing will go away - another will go away. Beta-blockers, including bisoprolol, can adversely affect the libido (desire), especially in men, drugs of this group often cause impotence. Probably, you were in a women's group with such a pimple. You need to contact a cardiologist for advice (after having passed the tests, having passed the ECG and ultrasound of the heart, kidneys). With edema it is easy to fight - the doctor will prescribe to you an additional diuretic and edema will gradually go away, like excess weight. But with a libido you need to think ...It may be necessary to change bisoprolol, but it is necessary to look at the seriousness of the previous disease, for which this drug is prescribed.
Hello! To me 50, uzi a thyroid gland has shown attributes difuzno-focal changes on type AITS with nodal formation. Recently, I feel fatigue and palpitations even in a calm state, with physical exertion, dyspnea, I passed tests of TTG, a / t TVE and svob.T4. After consultation, the endocrinologist diagnoses thyrotoxicosis and appoints bisoprolol 2.5 three days and then 5 mg in the morning on an empty stomach and after eating tirozol 10 mg. I've been drinking bisoprolol for two weeks, in the first week the pulse with 90 beats at rest has decreased to 56 (the doctor recommended to measure the pulse on waking without getting out of bed), then again started to rise to 74 for today, I take tirozole only 4 days. How are these two drugs combined, why suddenly the pulse again became more frequent and do I need to take some vitamins with these drugs? What can be affected by taking bisoprolol and tyrosol, how can this negative be minimized? Thank you.
Hello. It is possible to learn or find out I accept bisoprolol about month on 2.5 mg. Can I stop taking this medication at this dosage?
Irina, Bisoprolol potentiates and enhances the therapeutic effect of Tyrozole. If the drugs are prescribed by a doctor, no further changes to the treatment regimen should be made. Pulse 74 beats per minute is quite adequate and fit into the norm, but 56 strokes was immediately low.

MumiytrollIf the doctor has canceled taking Bisoprolol, then at this dosage you can stop drinking immediately, without gradually reducing the dose of the drug, because this is already the minimum possible dosage.
Hello! I take in the morning Bisoprolol 5 mg. It helps, but swells around your legs. What to do?
vitaliy, It is better to see a doctor. Here you can suggest several options - if the drug adequately helps in the treatment of the underlying disease, you can change it for another time to another and see what will happen with puffiness.It is possible that the drug is taken separately, and swelling occurs separately, then the additional appointment of diuretics or diuretics is indicated. You can immediately appoint diuretics. Or reconciles with peripheral edema (with a small degree of puffiness), if Bisoprolol helps well and does not want to take anything extra. There are many options, contact a therapist or cardiologist for a full-time consultation.
Hello. To me of 50 years the doctor has appointed or nominated Bisoprololum on 2.5 mg I apply long time. Is it possible to abruptly stop this drug or take some breaks. There were problems with a heartbeat in the form of an instant flutter or a kind of fading. Before that, a stroke, a problem with the vessels, was transferred.
Igor64, Go better to the cardiologist, he will prescribe and check your heart, plus correct the treatment regimen. Because trembling and stopping it is possible so the arrhythmia shows itself, and then it is necessary not to reduce or cancel bisoprolol, but even to increase its reception.Or change the drug itself, which has already ceased to fit your body to another. Without an objective picture in the form of research and analysis, to say something in your case is difficult.
nina ivanovna
10 months I take 5mg of bisoprolol. The pressure has decreased, the pulse is normal. But there were bouts of depression. Unfortunately, I did not know about such a side effect. Tomorrow I start reducing the dose with cancellation in the future. Analogues also cause depression?
nina ivanovnaDirect analogs for the active substance in 90% of cases give similar effects, and preparations from other pharmacological groups, but with a similar effect should be replaced by the attending physician, who knows the nuances of the patient's health. Online or remotely so you can not replace.
After taking bisoprolol, the state of health worsened, my head was always hurting, my pressure dropped, my eyesight, too, although I took the concore before, and everything was fine, but the doctor recommended it.
Hello. I am 28 years old. There was a tachycardia. Therapists said that, probably, a hormonal failure and was sent to the endocrinologist. Has handed over analyzes on hormones all in norm or rate. Have sent to the cardiologist. He said he would give direction to the area and prescribed bisoprolol. Tell me he will not hurt?
vital, Do not hurt. Only with the examination of the heart and blood vessels do not tighten (if everything is in order with hormones), you should pay attention to the lifestyle (food, alcohol, smoking, stress), because the reason for tachycardia should be. You do not have the age to have a tachycardia by itself for no apparent reason. Have to dig into your health.
I take the year of Bisoprolol 5 mg in the daytime before meals and Noliprel a bi-for pill 10 + 2.5 mg in the morning on an empty stomach. Before the reception ... that is ... a year ago ... the pressure was 160 to 130 ... now 108 to 78. The pulse is now 77 to 90. Is it worth dosing?
Irina, Bisoprolol is not exactly necessary, but Noliprel can be replaced with just A Forte (lower dosage) and after monitoring the pressure values.If the norm does not work out during the two-week admission - you can stay on the adjusted scheme of therapy and will only have to periodically monitor the state of the cardiovascular system.
I am 55 years old. I have atrial fibrillation of constant form, but I hardly feel it. Periodically, the pressure rises in the morning - 140 to 100. Very frequent pressure day and night 130/95 and 120/90, with the pulse can be for 100 beats / min. I accept from pressure in the morning only the Indap, but due to its diuretic I want to go to bisoprolol 5 mg. From your point of view, can I do that?
And in addition: I also take the Iodomarin-20 tablet after dinner for prophylaxis of thyroid gland and for a night on the Allopurinol-100 and Atorvastatin-40 tablet to support the metabolic processes of the body. How can bisoprolol behave in terms of compatibility with these medicines?
Jurchen, With such a heart rate, of course, the reception of drugs and beta-blockers (indicated in the question of Bisoprolol) is undoubtedly the drugs of choice.The doctor should prescribe medication after you make an electrocardiogram because blockers can be contraindicated during blockade.

Bisoprolol is combined with all the drugs mentioned in the question. From the experience and the instructions for negative side effects when taking these medications together should not be.
Begunova Elena
Accept bisoprolol about 3 weeks, 2.5 mg of another divide in half the pressure in the evenings 95-65 / 70, pulse 70, suffers from headaches and steel match eye (painful moving eyeballs), especially the left eye, in which I had a detachment retina. In general I have chorioretinopathy and high grade myopia, scleroplasty and keratotomy operations have been.
aliona1989, transferred your question to the drug Valz, where it is more appropriate.
I am 34 years old. My pressure is 110/70. For the last 5 years, it has already reached 140 \ 100, the pulse is 80-104. The doctor prescribed Enalapril 2.5 mg once a day and Verapamil 40 mg 2 times a day. After drinking 3 months, nothing has changed.The pharmacy advised bisoprolol 5 mg once a day, if nothing changes, then add Amlodipine. Constant burning of the chest, hard breathing, fatigue, bad sleep, I hear my heart beating, nausea. And to everything else in the morning within an hour after awakening, low blood pressure, and after dinner strongly rises. Tell me, please, do not take less. My local doctor said: "What pressure can you have in your years?" Having looked at a cardiogram 3 years ago, she prescribed Verapamil.
Elena Bychkova, Your therapist ... such FMDs still live. The patient complains of a burning sensation in the chest, an ambiguity with the pressure and does not even send a test. My advice to you, before it's too late go to a paid specialist, with your precinct, you do not cook porridge. Hand in biochemistry with cardiac parameters, pass an electrocardiogram and ultrasound of the heart and kidneys and then the doctor will decide what to do with you, it is possible to additionally recommend taking tests for hormones of the thyroid gland, judging by the symptomatology. And so to treat it is not clear that it is not clear what is not the matter.

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