Atarax - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (tablets 25 mg, injections in ampoules for injections) of the drug for the treatment of irritability and skin itching in adults, children and in pregnancy

Atarax - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (tablets 25 mg, injections in ampoules for injections) of the drug for the treatment of irritability and skin itching in adults, children and in pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Atarax. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Atarax in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Atarax in the presence of existing structural analogs. Use for the treatment of irritability, pruritus and abstinence syndrome in chronic alcoholism in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Atarax - derivative of diphenylmethane, has moderate anxiolytic activity; also has a sedative, antiemetic, antihistaminic and m-anticholinergic action. It blocks central m-cholinergic receptors and histamine H1 receptors and inhibits the activity of certain subcortical zones. Does not cause mental dependence and addiction. The clinical effect occurs after 15-30 minutes after ingestion.


Has a positive effect on cognitive abilities, improves memory and attention. Relaxes skeletal and smooth musculature, has bronchodilating and analgesic effects, moderate inhibitory effect on gastric secretion. Hydroxysin significantly reduces itching in patients with hives, eczema and dermatitis. At long reception the syndrome of cancellation and deterioration of cognitive functions was not noted. Polysomnography in patients with insomnia and anxiety demonstrates elongation of sleep duration, decrease in the frequency of nocturnal awakenings after single or repeated administration of hydroxyzine in a dose of 50 mg. Reduction of muscle tension in patients with anxiety was noted when taking the drug at a dose of 50 mg 3 times a day.




Hydroxysin hydrochloride + excipients.




Atarax is highly absorbed from the digestive tract. Bioavailability for ingestion and intramuscular injection is 80%. Hydroxysin is more concentrated in tissues (in particular, in the skin) than in plasma. Hydroxysin penetrates the blood-brain barrier (GEB) and the placental barrier, concentrating more in the fetal tissues than in the mother's body. Metabolites are found in breast milk. Hydroxysin is metabolized in the liver. The main metabolite (45%) is cetirizine, which is a blocker of histamine H1 receptors. Only 0.8% of the hydroxyzine is excreted unchanged in the urine.



  • for relieving anxiety, psychomotor agitation, a feeling of inner tension;
  • increased irritability with neurological, mental (including generalized anxiety, adaptation disorders) and somatic diseases, chronic alcoholism;
  • syndrome of withdrawal from chronic alcoholism, accompanied by psychomotor agitation;
  • as a sedative during the period of premedication;
  • skin itching (as a symptomatic therapy).


Forms of release


The tablets covered with a cover of 25 mg.


Solution for intramuscular injection (injections in ampoules for injection).


Instructions for use and dosing regimen


The drug is taken orally.


For symptomatic treatment of pruritus for children aged 12 months to 6 years, the drug is prescribed in a daily dose of 1-2.5 mg / kg body weight in several doses; Children over the age of 6 years - in a dose of 1-2 mg / kg per day in several receptions.


For premedication to children, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 1 mg / kg of body weight for 1 hour before the operation, and also additionally the night before the operation.


Adults for symptomatic treatment of anxiety appoint a dose of 25-100 mg per day in several doses during the day or at night. The average dose is 50 mg per day (12.5 mg in the morning, 12.5 mg in the afternoon and 25 mg at night). If necessary, the dose may be increased to 300 mg per day.


For symptomatic treatment of pruritus, the initial dose is 25 mg, if necessary, the dose can be increased 4 times (25 mg 4 times per day).


The maximum single dose should not exceed 200 mg, the maximum daily dose is not more than 300 mg.


In elderly patients, the initial dose should be reduced by a factor of 2.


Side effect

  • dry mouth;
  • retention of urination;
  • constipation;
  • violation of accommodation;
  • drowsiness;
  • general weakness (especially at the beginning of treatment);
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • tremor;
  • convulsions;
  • disorientation;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • tachycardia;
  • nausea;
  • increased sweating;
  • allergic reactions;
  • fever;
  • bronchospasm.



  • porphyria;
  • pregnancy;
  • the period of labor activity;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • increased sensitivity to cetirizine and other derivatives of piperazine, aminophylline or ethylenediamine.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Atarax is contraindicated for use in pregnancy, during labor.


If it is necessary to use Atarax during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped.


special instructions


If it is necessary to conduct allergological tests, Atarax should be discontinued at least 5 days before the test.


Patients taking Atarax should refrain from drinking alcohol.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


Patients taking Atarax, if necessary to manage the car and mechanisms, should be warned that the drug can affect the concentration of attention and the speed of psychomotor reactions.


Drug Interactions


Atarax potentiates the effects of drugs that depress the central nervous system, such as opioid analgesics, barbiturates, tranquilizers, hypnotics, ethanol (alcohol) (combinations require individual drug doses).


Atarax with simultaneous use interferes with the pressor action of epinephrine (adrenaline) and anticonvulsant activity of phenytoin, and also interferes with the action of Betagistin and cholinesterase blockers.


With the simultaneous use of hydroxyzine does not affect the activity of atropine, alkaloids of belladonna, cardiac glycosides, hypotensive drugs, blockers of histamine H2 receptors.


It is necessary to avoid the simultaneous administration of Atarax with MAO inhibitors and holinoblockers.


Analogues of drug Atarax


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Hydroxysin.

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Reviews (14):
I live in a paneled high-rise building. And somehow it has long been believed that there is no light on the floors - it gets dark, it's dark, even though the eyes have been forged. All the light bulbs, personally bought and self-twisted, disappear with enviable constancy in an unknown direction. In this situation it is natural that I had fear. It's like, it's clear, who do I need there? But the instinct of self-preservation still sounds alarm every day. And it came to the point that the fear of entering the dark porch began to slowly prevent us from living - all right, in the summer, a long day of light, and with the onset of autumn, waiting at the entrance to the entrance of someone from the neighbors, under the pretext of "breathing air," everything became more problematic. Plus, I began to notice that I am constantly tense, even the muscles of my neck and back started to hurt. And no matter how funny and stupid it did not look, I decided to go to a psychotherapist. Was prescribed drug Atarax. After reading the instructions, in particular, the options for side effects, I thought hard, but is it worth starting at all? Still risked, but what if it helps? ..Surprisingly, no pobochek showed, well, if only a little sleepy, but it does not bother me. But most importantly, the feeling of anxiety gradually decreases. I will not say that I stopped being afraid, but I do not wait for neighbors and I'm less stressed. The course is appointed - half a year, while the drug I drink 2 months, and the results are very encouraging.
Atarax was prescribed to relieve anxiety. I will not say anything bad, I did not have any pobs, except for one thing: that only for 2 months was enough of its effect.
Christina 235
In the early days, Atarax liked it, because immediately began to notice the changes in itself, it was very easy to bear. But by the end of the week, my head began to ache and hurt my head, I stopped drinking for 2 days. Everything went away, I decided to start again and again the same symptoms. In general, I decided not to drink it any further.
Good afternoon! To me the allergist has registered atarax at a urticaria, it helps or assists perfectly. But how much can you drink it? I was prescribed for a month, I stop drinking - everything starts again: itching, and even sneezing (there was not any earlier).Also, treatment for dysbiosis (enterofuril) and for cholecystitis (an antibiotic) and a diet was prescribed. On a diet, I sat for a month, and again returned to the old food. I have been drinking atarax for six months already, without it I can not.
Oksweta77You are shown a complex examination with a therapist, because you sat down on Atarax and developed addiction. In general, these drugs are not recommended for more than a month. Usually it takes 7-10 days for your problems. If it helps, then skin symptoms are only a consequence and by such a long-term treatment with tranquilizers you only ruin your body. It helps with the symptoms, does not mean helps in the treatment of the disease.
So is this a psychological problem? It is not from diseases of the bile or intestines? Hives began after the death of a friend, the allergist said that it was a push, plus negative processes in the bile and intestines. A gastroenterologist said that from the gastrointestinal diseases there are no such problems (well, urticaria).Which doctor should I go to? Is it possible that this can be from psychological problems? I was tested for parasites, did not find ... Thank you.
Oksweta77, And you read the mechanism of action of the drug Atarax and from what diseases it helps and even the layman becomes clear that the allergy is psychological, which indirectly confirms the onset of the disease after a stressful situation (the death of a friend). Your doctor is primarily an allergist, secondarily a psychologist, a psychotherapist, and then all the rest. And the gastroenterologist and gastroenterologist had to see and assign the necessary studies and analyzes that the treatment process will not hurt, but will even help.
Valentina Dadyko
I drink atarax, but itching does not stop, but about the dream correctly, less began to wake up at night and became calmer, less anxiety.
I had severe headaches, especially towards the night closer, what a dream it was. I was prescribed a neurologist at Atarax and two weeks later I looked even better. She began to sleep and her headaches decreased.
Pugh Atarax, but I still can not understand. I do not feel it better - fear, fear. Maybe I'll take a drink longer ...
Atarax was prescribed to me by a therapist after complaining about the numbness of the fingers, the pain and bad sleep associated with it. I drink less than a month. There are no specific changes and improvements yet.
Uncle Roma
Hello. I suffer from PA (a sense of anxiety when going out), a feeling of internal tension in the body, noise and ringing in the head and ears. The therapist prescribed: Fluoxetine (in the morning), and also Atarax (day and night on a pill) and Anvifen (three times a day, 250 mg capsule). Fluoxetine I did not drink - I was frightened of pobochek (on the Internet not very good reviews). Atarax (day and night for 25 mg.) And Anvifen drank a week. Of the pluses - the internal tension seems to have become less. And now the downsides: it is written that it is setting up a dream, but I have the opposite - a dream like comes and then it hits my brain, "Do not sleep." As a result, I fall asleep more or less about 4-7 am, and often wake up, but it was before.Only like you dozed off - then again you shudder and so on the new you try to fall asleep. Even to the noise and ringing in the ears added a buzz in the right ear, which sometimes sharply can intensify for a couple of seconds (this was not before). Thought he could from Anvifen (he improves the brain and improves performance) and until he stopped taking it. And I think, can Atarax also reduce the dose? And it's still impossible to sit on the Internet for a long time - it immediately covers drowsiness and lethargy. I also accept Concor (2.5 mg in the morning).
Uncle Roma, Drowsiness and lethargy most likely from Atarax, Anvifen such effects can not give, plus he normalizes sleep. Fluoxetine - it depends on the specific doctor, in the case of panic attacks, I would choose a more specialized drug, the same Zoloft, Alprazolam, etc. Try to consult another specialist and try a new course of treatment if this one does not give the desired effect, and I do not advise changing the medication set, because to say now would definitely help you with the full course of prescribed medications or not you can not.
Natalia Borisovna
Atarax appointed a psychotherapist. I drink with half a year on half a tablet in the morning and in the evening. There was a period when I decided to stop, I got on the ambulance to the hospital. The district therapist strongly recommended not to stop taking very shattered psyche.

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