Warfarin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations (tablets 2.5 mg) of the drug for the treatment and prevention of thrombosis and embolism of blood vessels in adults, children and pregnancy. Interaction with alcohol and diet

Warfarin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations (tablets 2.5 mg) of the drug for the treatment and prevention of thrombosis and embolism of blood vessels in adults, children and pregnancy. Interaction with alcohol and diet

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Warfarin. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Warfarin in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Warfarin analogs in the presence of existing structural analogs.Use for the treatment and prevention of thrombosis and embolism of vessels of adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Interaction of the drug with alcohol.


Warfarin - an anticoagulant of indirect action. It blocks in the liver the synthesis of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors, namely, 2, 7, 9 and 10. The concentration of these components in the blood decreases, the process of blood clotting slows down.


The onset of anticoagulant action is observed 36-72 hours after the beginning of application of the drug with the development of maximum effect on 5-7 days from the beginning of application. After discontinuation of the drug, the restoration of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors occurs within 4-5 days.




Warfarin sodium + excipients.




Warfarin is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract. Metabolised in the liver. Warfarin is excreted from the body in the form of inactive metabolites with bile, which are reabsorbed into the digestive tract and excreted in the urine.




Treatment and prevention of thrombosis and embolism of blood vessels:

  • acute venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism;
  • postoperative thrombosis;
  • repeated myocardial infarction;
  • as an additional tool for surgical or medicamentous (thrombolytic) treatment of thrombosis, as well as for electrical cardioversion of atrial fibrillation;
  • recurrent venous thrombosis;
  • repeated embolism of the pulmonary artery;
  • Prosthesis of valvular and vascular valves (combination with acetylsalicylic acid is possible);
  • thrombosis of peripheral, coronary and cerebral arteries;
  • secondary prevention of thrombosis and thromboembolism after myocardial infarction and atrial fibrillation;
  • treatment and prevention of transient ischemic attacks and strokes.


Forms of release


Tablets 2.5 mg.


Instructions for use and dosage


Warfarin is prescribed once a day at the same time. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor in accordance with the indications for use.


Before the start of therapy, MHO is determined. Further laboratory monitoring is carried out regularly every 4-8 weeks.


The duration of treatment depends on the clinical condition of the patient; treatment can be canceled immediately.


The initial dose for patients who had not previously used warfarin was 5 mg per day (2 tablets) for the first 4 days.On the 5th day of treatment, MHO is determined and, according to this indicator, a maintenance dose of the drug is administered. Usually the maintenance dose of the drug is 2.5-7.5 mg per day (1-3 tablets).


For patients who previously used warfarin, the recommended starting dose is a double dose of a known maintenance dose of the drug and is administered within the first 2 days. The treatment is then continued with a known maintenance dose. On the 5th day of treatment, MHO monitoring and dose adjustment are performed in accordance with this indicator.


It is recommended to maintain the MHO index from 2 to 3 in case of prophylaxis and treatment of venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, atrial fibrillation, dilated cardiomyopathy, complicated heart valve diseases, prosthesis of the heart valves with bioprostheses. Higher MHO values ​​from 2.5 to 3.5 are recommended for prosthetic valve replacement with mechanical prostheses and complicated acute myocardial infarction.


Data on the use of warfarin in children are limited. The initial dose is usually 0.2 mg / kg per day with normal liver function and 0.1 mg / kg per day if liver function is impaired. The maintenance dose is selected in accordance with the MHO indices.The recommended levels of MHO are the same as those of adults. The decision to prescribe warfarin in children should be taken by an experienced specialist. Treatment should be performed under the supervision of an experienced pediatrician.


There are no specific recommendations for taking warfarin in elderly patients. However, older patients should be closely monitored because they have a higher risk of developing side effects.


Disturbance of liver function increases sensitivity to warfarin, because the liver produces clotting factors, and also metabolizes warfarin. This group of patients requires careful monitoring of MHO indicators.


Patients with renal insufficiency do not need any special recommendations for choosing a dose of warfarin. Patients on peritoneal dialysis do not need an additional dose of warfarin.


Pre-, peri- and post-operative anticoagulant therapy is performed as described below. Identify MHO one week prior to the scheduled operation. Stop taking warfarin 1-5 days before surgery. In the case of a high risk of thrombosis, low molecular weight Heparin is administered subcutaneously to the patient for prophylaxis.The duration of pause in taking warfarin depends on MHO. Acceptance of warfarin is discontinued:

  • 5 days before surgery with MHO> 4;
  • for 3 days before surgery with MHO from 3 to 4;
  • 2 days before surgery with MHO from 2 to 3.


It should be determined MHO in the evening before the operation and enter 0.5-1 mg of vitamin K1 orally or intravenously, with INR> 1.8.


Consider the need for infusion of unfractionated heparin or preventive administration of low-molecular-weight heparin on the day of surgery. Subcutaneous administration of low molecular weight heparin should be continued for 5-7 days after surgery with concomitant reconstituted warfarin.


Continue taking warfarin with a normal maintenance dose on the same day in the evening after small surgeries, and the day the patient begins to receive enteral feeding after major surgery.


Side effect

  • bleeding;
  • increased sensitivity to warfarin after prolonged use;
  • anemia;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • eosinophilia;
  • jaundice;
  • rash;
  • hives;
  • itching;
  • eczema;
  • necrosis of the skin;
  • vasculitis;
  • hair loss;
  • nephritis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • tubular necrosis;
  • reactions of hypersensitivity, manifested as a skin rash,and characterized by a reversible increase in the concentration of liver enzymes, cholestatic hepatitis, vasculitis, priapism, reversible alopecia and calcification of the trachea.



  • acute bleeding;
  • severe liver disease;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • acute DVS-syndrome;
  • deficiency of proteins C and S;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • patients with high risk of bleeding, including patients with hemorrhagic disorders, varicose veins of the esophagus, aneurysm of the arteries, lumbar puncture, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with severe wounds (including surgical ones), bacterial endocarditis, malignant hypertension, hemorrhagic stroke, intracranial hemorrhage ;
  • pregnancy (1 trimester and the last 4 weeks);
  • established or suspected hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Contraindicated use of the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy (use of warfarin is not recommended in the remaining periods of pregnancy, except in cases of emergency) and within the last 4 weeks.


Warfarin rapidly penetrates the placental barrier, it has a teratogenic effect on the fetus (nasal hypoplasia and chondrodysplasia, optic nerve atrophy, cataracts leading to complete blindness, mental retardation, physical development, microcephaly) at 6-12 weeks of gestation. The drug can cause bleeding at the end of pregnancy and during childbirth.


Warfarin is excreted in breast milk in unmeasured quantities and does not affect the coagulating activity of the blood of the infant fed. Therefore, the drug can be used during lactation (breastfeeding).


special instructions


A mandatory condition for therapy with warfarin is strict adherence to the patient's intake of the prescribed dose of the drug. Patients suffering from alcoholism, as well as patients with dementia, may not be able to comply with the prescribed mode of taking warfarin.


Fever, hyperthyroidism, decompensated heart failure, alcoholism with concomitant liver damage, may increase the effect of warfarin.


With hypothyroidism, the effect of warfarin can be reduced.


In the case of renal failure or nephrotic syndrome, the free fraction of warfarin in the blood plasma increases, which,depending on the concomitant diseases, can lead to both an increase and a decrease in the effect. In the case of moderate hepatic insufficiency, the effect of warfarin is enhanced. In all of the above conditions, careful monitoring of the MHO level should be carried out.


Patients receiving warfarin should be prescribed paracetamol, Tramadol or opiates as pain medications.


Do not take warfarin in patients with hereditary intolerance to galactose, a deficiency of the enzyme lactase, a violation of absorption of glucose and galactose.


If it is necessary to achieve a rapid antithrombotic effect, it is recommended to begin treatment with the administration of heparin; then for 5-7 days, combined therapy with heparin and warfarin should be carried out until the target MHO level is maintained for 2 days.


To avoid coumarin necrosis, patients with hereditary deficiency of antithrombotic protein C or S should first be treated with heparin. The concomitant initial loading dose should not exceed 5 mg. The administration of heparin should continue for 5 to 7 days.


In the case of individual resistance to warfarin (it is rare) to achieve a therapeutic effect, 5 to 20 shock doses of warfarin are necessary. If the use of warfarin in such patients is ineffective, other possible causes should be established: simultaneous administration of warfarin with other drugs, inadequate diet, laboratory errors.


Treatment of elderly patients should be carried out with special precautions, as synthesis of coagulation factors and hepatic metabolism in such patients is reduced, resulting in an excessive effect of warfarin.


Drug Interactions


It is not recommended to start or stop taking other medicines, to change the doses of the medications taken without consulting the attending physician.


At simultaneous appointment, it is also necessary to take into account the effects of cessation of induction and / or inhibition of the action of warfarin by other drugs.


The risk of developing severe bleeding increases with the simultaneous use of warfarin with drugs,affecting the platelet level and primary hemostasis: acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel, ticlopidine, dipyridamole, most NSAIDs (with the exception of COX-2 inhibitors), antibiotics of the penicillin group in large doses.


Also, combined use of warfarin with drugs with a pronounced inhibitory effect on cytochrome P450 isozymes (including cimetidine, chloramphenicol) should be avoided, and the risk of bleeding increases within a few days. In such cases, cimetidine can be replaced, for example, Ranitidine or famotidine.


The effect of warfarin can be enhanced with simultaneous use with the following medicines: acetylsalicylic acid, allopurinol, amiodarone, azapromazin, azithromycin, alpha and beta interferon, amitriptyline, bezafibrate, vitamin A, vitamin E, glibenclamide, glucagon, gemfibrozil, heparin, grapafloxacin, danazol, dextropropoxyphene, diazoxide, digoxin, disopyramide, disulfiram, zafirlukast, indomethacin, ifosfamide, itraconazole, ketoconazole, clarithromycin, clofibrate, codeine, levamisole, lovastatin, metolazone, methotrexate, met onidazol, miconazole (includingin the form of an oral gel), nalidixic acid, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, omeprazole, oxyphenbutazone, Paracetamol (especially after 1-2 weeks of continuous administration), paroxetine, piroxicam, proguanil, propafenone, propranolol, influenza vaccine, roxithromycin, sertraline, simvastatin, sulfafetrazole, sulfamethisole, sulfamethoxazole / trimethoprim, sulfafenazole, sulfinpyrazone, sulindac, steroid hormones (anabolic and / or androgenic), tamoxifen, tegafur, testosterone, tetracyclines, thienyl acid, tolmetine, trastuzumab, troglide tafon, phenytoin, phenylbutazone, fenofibrate, feprazone, fluconazole, fluoxetine, fluorouracil, fluvastatin, fluvoxamine, flutamide, quinine, quinidine, chlorohydrate, chloramphenicol, celecoxib, cefamandol, cephalexin, cefmenoxime, cefmetazole, cefoperazone, cefuroxime, cimetidine, ciprofloxacin, cyclophosphamide, erythromycin, etoposide, ethanol (alcohol).


Drugs of some medicinal plants (officinal or non-formal) can also enhance the effect of warfarin: for example, ginkgo biloba, garlic (Allium sativum), angelica sinensis, papaya (Carica papaya), sage (Salvia miltiorrhiza); and reduce: for example, ginseng (Panax ginseng), St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum).


You can not simultaneously take warfarin and any preparations of St. John's wort, and it should be borne in mind that the effect of inducing the effects of warfarin can persist for another 2 weeks after stopping the intake of St. John's wort. In the event that the patient is taking St. John's Wort preparations, MHO should be measured and discontinued. Monitoring of MHO should be thorough, because its level can increase when the St. John's wort is canceled. After this, you can prescribe warfarin.


Also, the action of warfarin can be enhanced by quinine, which is contained in tonic beverages.


Warfarin can enhance the effect of oral hypoglycemic agents of sulfonylurea derivatives.


The effect of warfarin may be weakened when applied simultaneously with azathioprine, aminoglutethimide, barbiturates, valproic acid, vitamin C, vitamin K, glutethimide, griseofulvin, dicloxacillin, disopyramide, carbamazepine, colestyramine, coenzyme Q10, mercaptopurine, mesalazine, mianserin, mitotane, nafcillin, primidon, retinoids, ritonavir, rifampicin, rofecoxib, spironolactone, sucralfate, trazodone, phenazone, chlordiazepoxide, chlorthalidone, cyclosporine.


The use of diuretics in the case of pronounced hypovolemic effects may lead to an increase in the concentration of clotting factors, which reduces the effect of anticoagulants.


In the case of concomitant use of warfarin with other drugs listed in the list below, it is necessary to monitor MHO at the beginning and at the end of treatment, and, if possible, 2-3 weeks after the start of therapy.


Food rich in vitamin K weakens the effect of warfarin (this should be taken into account when developing a diet for drug treatment); a decrease in the absorption of vitamin K, caused by diarrhea or the use of laxatives, potentiates the effect of warfarin. Most of the vitamin K is found in green vegetables, so when treating with warfarin, you should use the following foods with caution: amaranth greens, avocado, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, canola oil, leaf shayo, onion, coriander, cucumber, chicory, kiwi fruit, lettuce, mint, green mustard, olive oil, parsley, peas, pistachios, red algae, spinach greens, spring onions, soybeans, tea leaves (but not tea-drink), greens turnips, watercress.


Analogues of the drug Warfarin


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Warfarex;
  • Warfarin sodium;
  • Warfarin Nycomed;
  • Warfarin sodium clathrate;
  • Marewan.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (80):
Buranovskaya Grandmother
Warfarin has heard a lot of bad things, in particular, that rat poison is used to make this medicine. Just heard that from the wrong dosage can be internal bleeding. In general, something incomprehensible. In a few months I have an operation, and the doctor prescribed to drink three tablets once a day at a strictly certain time. I'm afraid to drink warfarin, but I was told in the pharmacy that there are no analogues to this medicine.

Now I'm thinking. The doctor says that we will constantly do a blood test to prevent blood clots and bleeding. First, the analysis is done twice a week, then - once a month. When taking warfarin, you should not take ketoprofen, aspirin and other medicines containing aspirin and ibuprofen. Also, you should not drink alcohol while you are taking the medicine.
The son after the operation took warfarin, the doctors incorrectly picked up the dose total - again got to the hospital - sores in the gastrointestinal tract + the blood did not curdle for several days. Be careful when taking this medication.
Good evening! help with advice! The husband drinks warfarin nicomed for 3 months for 3.5 tablet, today at 13.00 he drank his next dose, but at 23.00 taking his evening medications (cardiomagnesium and detralex) accidentally added another dose of warfarin (3.5 tablets) to them. What to do? How to take it at 13.00 or 23.00? What is the double dose of the day? Very frightened!
Elena, Sorry that I am not responding very promptly (was on vacation). If there was such an error in taking the drug Warfarin, then take the next dose at 13.00, that is, as usual. Since it is necessary to cancel or skip the taking of tablets of this drug in case of overdoses, that is, when there are bleeding and rising levels of INR, these manifestations will not appear immediately and there is a high probability that there will be no disturbances. Mainly let the patient no longer make such mistakes and everything will be fine.

To monitor the state after a reception error is naturally necessary, but nothing fatal should be. If absolutely exciting - contact a doctor, report a violation of the drug and give an analysis to the INR.
How long can I take warfarin?
SergeiIn some cases, warfarin is taken for life.
Warfarin takes 1 year, after two attempts to eliminate atrial fibrillation and atrial fibrillation (RFA). A month ago I donated my blood to INR, the analysis showed 3.04. I need an indicator of 2.5 - 3.0. Before that, I took 2.5 mg + 1/4 tablet. Therefore, I gradually removed a quarter of a pill and a month later I took the analysis for MNO. The result was 5.29. Is it possible to cancel warfarin temporarily before restoring normal INR? What could be the reason? I take an extra morning Prestarium 20 mg, Betaloc-Zoc 25 mg, Hypothiazid12.5 mg, in the afternoon Diroton 20 mg, in the evening Warfarin 2.5 mg, Cordarone 100 mg, Liprimar 20 mg at night Physiotens 4 mg since the evening in the evening is still growing , despite the medications taken. You have to fight with him every night.Visiting a cardiologist temporarily (1 month) is impossible, very far from a medical institution where there is a cardiologist.
TatyanaThe question is very complicated, as when taking such drugs as Warfarin, how many doctors have so many opinions. Of course, this issue must be agreed with the doctor.

INR more than 5 refers to the indications for withdrawal of the drug Warfarin. It's a lot. But for patients at risk, it may be necessary to somehow compensate for the elimination of Warfarin by other anticoagulants. Therefore, you also need a mandatory consultation of your doctor.

The withdrawal of warfarin takes place simultaneously, without a gradual decrease in the dosage of the drug.
Hello! At me one week ago there was a scraping of a cavity of a uterus (the frozen pregnancy of 15-16 weeks, have found out only in a month). After operation the phlebitis on the right arm or hand has begun. She did UZDS, the doctor prescribed heparin ointment, a / b, detraleks, aspirin. After 5 days, the UZD again had a thrombus in the armpit,The same doctor in addition to the already prescribed treatment added warfarin. Tell me please, should I take all this? What is the probability of bleeding?
Lyudmila, The probability of bleeding exists. Even when Warfarin takes a long time. In your case, the pathological process is not stopped, so you need to take Warfarin, given that the first method of selecting drugs was adequate.
I use warfarin nycomed - 2.5 mg. seven months after the operation - prosthetics of the aortic valve of the ascending artery - a dose of 2.5 tablets to maintain the level of INR (2.5-3.5). Purpose - LIFE. After discharge from the "federal center of the heart of the blood and endocrinology im.Almazova", St. Petersburg (operative treatment for only 16 days) received instruction - "life with warfarin" - on which I live. The previous article about warfarin is very well written, I will only put emphasis.

- my co-worker on warfarin for 8 years (after valve replacement) - no problems;
- Humble yourself with the fact that if you want to live, you must strictly follow the instructions, control the INR, strictly follow the diet to exclude: alcohol, greens, GREEN TEA !!! Herbs - St. John's wort, mint, ginseng root ... (INR indicator stabilizes)
- before sanitizing teeth - stop taking warfarin (and then on the instructions)
- with any bleeding: oral cavity, stomach, nasal, uterine - stop taking warfarin and to your beloved doctor on the line!

VALERY, Thanks for the detailed story about life with Warfarin. Many household moments, even I did not know.
Exclude from the diet greens. Is it all either individual plants? Green onions too, to exclude?
dedulkaCaution should be exercised in the treatment of warfarin and the simultaneous use of herbs, including onions. Here, all the salt is that the green contains vitamin K, which weakens the effect of Warfarin.This footnote is made for lovers of eating greens for food in large quantities, but occasionally in small quantities you can also greens. Everything is within reasonable limits.

Doctors often prohibit greens, because they know that our people do not know the measures and if they get it, it will stop hard. If the patient is such, then it is easier for him to refuse than to be responsible for the consequences.
Question. I take warfarin for 7 years, there were no side effects in the form of bleeding. Before menstruation, 3 days of nosebleeds, mostly night, morning. INR 3. Menstruation is usually normal. This time lasted more than 15 days. After that, every evening, a small bleeding with clots. Could this be from taking a warfarin? Thank you.
Diana, Apparently some failure of the menstrual cycle, and perhaps the error in the diet (the doctor had to warn about the restrictions in nutrition, although for 7 years I think should develop a habit). Go to the gynecologist, on the side effects of taking Warfarin does not seem to be painful atypical discharge. INR is normal.
Aziza Ramazanova
For 20 years I have been wearing a mitral prosthesis. She used to drink Fenilin, then 10 years on Warfarin, until the problems began two years ago: at a dose of 3.5 tablets. MNO -1, almost did not liquefy the blood, although I tried to buy it in different places, even in different cities, the result is the same ... Translated to Cincumar everything was perfect, MNO stable, with him I just rested until he disappeared with sale! The doctor suggests to go back to Warfarin - I do not know what to do ??? I'm in a panic.
Aziza Ramazanova, Yes Sinkumar, contains the active ingredient Azenokumarol and is not identical in this respect to Warfarin. Analogues for this substance are not found in Syncoumar. Why did it disappear - there were rumors that there were problems with the production of this drug at a plant in Hungary, but no one provided any specific information. Apparently they considered the problem to be frivolous and forgotten about the patients. The registration certificate, that is, the right to sell it in Russia, was not withdrawn. We will have to try Warfarin as the closest and most adequate analogue.Perhaps, the addiction to it has already passed during the time of the reception of Sincumar.
I read about warfarin.8 years ago - VCS, six months ago - stenting (one stent). I was assigned only Plavix. Cardiomagn. Warfarin - never appointed ... Is this, different medications? Maybe I also need to drink varfarmn? Prompt.

PS One vessel could not be cleaned - occlusion :-( I'm going to be operated on, I'm looking for a cheaper place :-( Stenocardia pulls out .... my soap ***@yandex.ru
VyacheslavAs for the need for Warfarin in your case, only the analysis on INR may respond. It is not done everywhere, as if done in hospitals. If the coagulation factors are good - warfarin is not shown to you. Especially now you are assigned Plavix - also a good drug.

About the operation I will not say, highly specialized operations are a subtle sphere of medicine, a knowledgeable person is needed. And it's not worth it to get cheap.

I do not advise you in the mail, I already talked about it on the pages of the Directory.
Warfarin take a month 1/2 t 25mg (with atrial fibrillation) was prescribed together with omeprazole. Do I need to drink together? After taking dizzy. It's good that the reception at 19 o'clock. It is interesting to use warfarin for myopia and in general when taking warfarin what kind of fear.
Tonya, And for what purpose have appointed or nominated Omeprazolum? Because with the joint intake of these drugs, the effect of Warfarin is intensified and a correct dosage is necessary. Myopia is not in contra-indications for taking Warfarin, therefore from this side there should not be any problems.
I saw in the first comment the mention of rat poison. These are all the stories that are transmitted over a broken phone. :-)
If you read the history of the drug, you will understand everything about the connection of warfarin and rat poison. The fact is that Warfarin is an anticoagulant in a healthy person, or with a multiple dose increase, it can cause bleeding. Even before the synthesis of the final form of warfarin, anticoagulants were used to control rodents.Even the poison anticoagulant is difficult to name, since the mechanism of action is not toxic. The method is simple - the rat eats the bait, which contains a shock dose of the substance and the rat dies of multiple bleeding. For people this information is completely useless, since the dose of Warfarin for a person is therapeutic. We are dealing with one of the first laws of pharmacology: "The medicine becomes an poison in case of an overdose." So, never believe horror stories that people who are far from medicine tell.
Health to all!
irina 63
Question to the doctor. Really looking forward to the answer. Hello! My mother is 65 years old, she was made on January 23, 2015, an emergency cavitary operation to remove a thrombus from the artery that goes to the heart (I apologize for the wrong medical terms, I'm not a doctor and live far from my parents). The operation was conducted in Kazan, and she lives 130 km from him. All the news I learn by phone. Now she is at home and there is absolutely no one to consult about taking medications. She was prescribed a dose of warfarin 2.5 (2.5 ml each) a day, on February 13, the first INR was done, it showed 6.27.I looked at the websites of the INR norm and see that it is very much. She was reduced to 1 tablet. In addition, she takes tablets for the spine, she very much needed Bonviva (containing ibandronic acid), she is very afraid of whether it is possible to take this drug with warfarin? And today, February 14, she appeared on the calf of legs, I think, an allergic reaction in the form of a rash. To drink usual suprastin she too is afraid, suddenly any reaction will be. There is no one to consult with. Please, tell me what simple drugs can be taken with warfarin and those that I wrote to you, especially Bonviva. Help, tell me.
irina 63, While everything is normal for your mother. The INR has shown a two-fold excess of the norm - therefore, the Warfarin norm has been reduced, an absolutely correct algorithm, since such drugs are prescribed by the method of selecting an adequate dose.

Bonviva, I understand your mother is also necessary, otherwise the spine will collapse, so this drug will not be canceled. Especially the increase in cases of bleeding on this drug is not proven in the end.That is, carefully combine with Warfarin this drug can be, assessing the likelihood of possible bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract (which can signal the appearance of staining black stools, bloody vomiting, pallor, changes in heart rate). But with basic treatment it's also difficult to do something, it's better to leave it as it is.

Suprastinum also with all specified preparations it is admissible to application. According to the instructions, there are no indications of side effects during mutual admission. A rash on the skin may well be the result of taking those drugs that she was prescribed in the hospital or at all something ate. Let him take further, if the reaction is maintained, then it may be necessary to correct the treatment, but so far it has been selected competently. Do not get hung up on the bad, everything is fine.
Question to the doctor - after the hospital (attack of atrial fibrillation) I take warfarin 2 tablets 2 times a week. Today is the mouth full of blood. What to do?
luslar, Urgently call an ambulance. Let them drive to the hospital, they will offer to stay - stay.Do at least an analysis on MNO and edit the treatment regimen with Warfarin.
Does taking warfarin affect cholesterol?
luslar, No, cholesterol or lipid metabolism in the body warfarin is not affected. If there are problems with elevated levels in the blood of the latter, the drug is still indicated for admission.
I take Warfarin 2 years after heart surgery - have replaced the mitral valve. But my diagnosis is congenital rheumatoid heart disease. In addition, I take more medications: digoxin, veroshpiron, sotahexal - but often there is blood from the nose I go to give blood to the INR. It jumps, regulates it for me, but after a while everything repeats itself. Although I try to follow all the recommendations. But agree to me 71 years and sores a lot - then my legs ache, then the lower back, something they need to be treated, but it's worth starting treatment as it affects. The sciatic nerve became inflamed and treated. But the whole year she suffered from tachycardia or arrhythmia all the time.It was from 110-140 again treated. Now I have pressure on my left hand from 84-90, and on the right from 140-160.
Good afternoon.
How to move from warfarin (nycomed) to the usual Warfarin? Now I take 2.25 tablets (2.5 mg).
Is there a difference between these drugs? In the hospital, for some reason, they focused on warfarin-nycomed.
ValeryThe active substance in the preparations is one - Warfarin sodium. The drug produced by Nycomed was always the standard of treatment. It is necessary to understand that if money is not enough, then any Warfarin, even a domestic one, can be appointed to the patient, but if there are enough funds, then for such a complicated drug as Warfarin I would choose a foreign analogue. Maybe this is my subjective opinion. The transition should not be any - you just replace the drug of one firm by the other one and see how the organism reacts to such a substitution and the INR indicators.
Hello. I was diagnosed with a thrombosis of the left upper leg vein.The doctor prescribed treatment with the following drugs: detralex, one tablet 2 times a day, heparin ointment 2 times a day, warfarin 2.5 mg 2 times a day. There were questions, but I am on an outpatient treatment and I can ask my doctor these questions only on Monday. Maybe you can help me? First, I did not analyze the INR. Secondly, in the instruction warfarin is recommended to be taken once a day. Thirdly, is it possible to combine all these preparations?
Alla.Nik.20106486, All the drugs you mentioned in the question are combined. According to the instruction of negative side reactions during joint admission should not be.

As for the control of INR when taking Warfarin - yes, it should be carried out. Whether the INR is prescribed before taking Warfarin is not and this will not be a violation. The main problem for you now is vein thrombosis, not the level of INR. INR is more correct to appoint on the 5th day of admission and adjust the result of the dose Warfarin.

Warfarin is taken once a day, at the same time.
Warfarin was taken by my sister for the prevention and treatment of venous thrombosis of both legs.Since the sister is already quite old, the doctor explained that while there is a course of treatment with this drug, then constant monitoring is necessary. After checking MNO, she began taking Warfarin one tablet a day. The maximum effect is usually felt on the seventh day, but almost at the same time, it also has side effects. Nausea and vomiting just do not allow continuing treatment. The drug is good, but there are too many side effects and contraindications, so you will have to look for another alternative.
After taking warfarin (2-3 tablets at 2.5 mg at 17.00), my blood pressure decreases, sleep is disturbed, dryness in the mouth appears at night.
My father is 70 years old. Have appointed Warfarin. The dose was increased, despite the transferred hemorrhagic stroke and other concomitant diseases. I went to the hospital - blood clots in the urine.
Analogue warfarin - Pradax. Taking pradaxu does not need to donate blood to the INR. The truth in the price bites.
Valery Vladimirovich
Nine years ago, transplantation of aortic and mitral valves, since then on warfarin. Many in the area of ​​3, the dose of the drug is 1.25 tablets daily at 19 hours. To all colleagues in our misfortune advised to learn by heart the interaction of warfarin with other drugs and food. You need to know for yourself what blood is living or dying, and also when the changed dose begins to work. I drink green tea daily, without any problems. All of you health. "Take care of yourself".
November 27 will be 14 years old as I have operated on. Diagnosis: congenital heart disease: bicuspid aortic valve. We put a prosthetic aortic valve - MEDINZH-23. Since then on feniline, and later on warfarin. I take 3 tablets every day. Recently, MNO began to fall and the number of platelets in the blood dropped sharply. Recent analyzes of MNO-1.69,1.77,1.75, and platelets 24, 12, 28. What should I do? But I lead an active lifestyle, do not despair. I am 71 years old.
Hilma, With Warfarin, you definitely have to do something, because with thrombocytopenia (and the norm of platelets in an adult is 180-320), taking this medication is contraindicated. But we have a decrease in the level of INR, which is even more dangerous, in simple terms, the blood thickens. In general, I would not delay with a visit to the doctor, because delay for a long time can have negative consequences for the cardiovascular system.

Perhaps, the replacement of Warfarin for more expensive analogs is shown without this pobachki - Rivaroksaban and others. Or maybe even have to go with anticoagulants in other groups of drugs. It is necessary to look at the history of the patient and himself. Address to the cardiologist.
An analogue of warfarin, pradax, though, a drug expensive within three thousand. Receiving pradax does not require constant monitoring. Issued in capsules, a substance of gray color.
Site visitor question Vladimir.ON moved to the required section:
I ask for advice: I take Digoxin and with it - Warfarin, Diver for about 3 years, but recently there is blood in the urine. (there are also clots). Should we abandon Warfarin, Diver? What to do?

Vladimir.ON, It is necessary to see a doctor who will prescribe an analysis for you for INR (blood clotting) and adjust the dose of Warfarin.
I am 69 years old. Analysis for prothrombin showed 1.47. I have IHD and signs of atrial fibrillation. The doctor has appointed or nominated to drink Warfarin. The dose was 5 mg. Whether the doctor has correctly appointed or nominated to me this preparation?
tamara_vladimirova, The normal values ​​of INR, probably you did exactly this analysis for prothrombin (otherwise you have not indicated), amount to 0.7-1.2. At you 1,47 means I can make the assumption that preparations like Warfarin you accepted and earlier or any detail you have not specified in a question (for example, presence of atrial fibrillations, that you specified as a ciliary arrhythmia, this disease also has different forms) .

The mechanism of initial intake of Warfarin is intelligibly described in the instruction. First, the INR and the indications for its reception are determined (this is done by the doctor). Then, prescribe the drug at a dosage of 5 mg for the first 4 days, then do a reanalysis for prothrombin or INR and then, by its result, adjust the further intake of Warfarin.So I can assume that the therapy you picked up correctly, the rest must be clarified with your doctor.
At the 33rd year of my life I have 26.07.2015. the son died from internal bleeding. He took warfarin for 6 years. In 2009, he was operated to replace the valve. All instructions on the use of Warfarin he observed, the INR tested. Why did it happen so? I believe that Farfarin is a very dangerous medicine, it must be replaced by a safer, even expensive one.
Asya, I'm sorry for your grief. But Warfarin is a normal remedy, judging by the fact that your son regularly gave INR, then taking pills and dosage he controlled, therefore, because of what the internal bleeding developed can be learned only from the report of the pathologist, and so you can only guess. There are no direct analogs to Warfarin, there are only generics according to the mechanism of action, but there is no guarantee that they would have a different outcome, especially after the fact, when the grief happened. Any medicine is a poison, therefore I urge to be extremely cautious with any medicines.
Good afternoon.mum have registered Warfarin on 1 tablet in day in the evening, among other preparations. She has a complicated rhythm disorder of the heart. But every day after its reception the whole body begins to itch terribly, there is a scabies (urticaria). The doctor does not say anything and does not change the drug; says that drugs are very difficult to select.
Good afternoon. My daughter before pregnancy constantly took warfarin in a dose of 1.5-2 tablets a day. When after childbirth can she switch from fractiparin to warfarin? And can I take the drug warfarin when breastfeeding?
TanaAs for replacing Fraksiparin with Warfarin, you need to ask your doctor's doctor for help. Not the gynecologist, but the one who prescribed the medicine. There may be nuances of such a replacement.

About the use of Warfarin during breastfeeding, there are no restrictions. The active substance of the drug is excreted in milk in an inactive form and does not affect prothrombin time in the child.
Good evening. My child is 14 years old. We take warfarin for eight months. We give out every ten days, but m always jumps. The dose was raised to six mg, and many only two times were 1.8 and 2.0. And again it goes down by 1.26, by 1.0, by 1.48. As the doctor raises the dose, it may be that one time he rises and falls again. We follow the diet. Does this all mean that warfarin does not help us? One of these days there was a bleeding from a nose.
lila, Without a diagnosis the child can not answer your question, because INR 0.8-1.2 is the norm, below 0.5 - the risk of thrombosis is increased. The norm in the treatment with warfarin and other anticoagulants is 2-3. When the valve is prosthetic, its norms. If there is bleeding, then the limit of the anticoagulant effect is probably reached and should not be increased further. Maybe just an increased dose did not have time to work at the time and it must be reduced, but before that, again, pass the analysis to the INR. Remotely, such adjustments are still not made. It is necessary to carefully monitor the patient's coagulation system and select a medicine. And Xarelto as a substitute was not offered (although the purpose of this medication also depends on the diagnosis)?
My brother does not take warfarin any more. Tomorrow is a funeral. Gastric mucosa and esophagus ruptures, massive bleeding, in the hospital failed. No doctor warned about his diet. He himself, like many patients, did not read the instructions for use and did not report to relatives about the prescribed medication. I think in our medicine this is a dangerous medicine. Judging by the reviews, no one has a guarantee from such an event.
A similar case of my mother's friend - a husband lying sick after a hemorrhagic stroke and with a stomach ulcer. Warfarin.
Hello. Advise, please, as to me to pass from fenilina on warfarin, tk. I have been drinking Phenylline for 10 years after the operation for a lawsuit. mitral valve. They told us to drink for life, but in pharmacies they have not ordered pheninyl for a long time, I do not know why. I was picked up in Moscow after the operation by phenylin. What should I do?
Khadizhat, Substitution of Phenylin for Warfarin is possible, since these are preparations of one pharmacological group (anticoagulants of indirect action), even suppress both drugs with approximately the same coagulation factors.You need to contact your doctor, an ideal cardiologist to change the therapy scheme and the medications you take.
Hello! I want to ask a doctor a question. Husband in September 2015g. suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, during the medical examinations, bacterial endocarditis was detected against the background of the CHD. In April 2016, a heart operation was performed (prosthetics of the mitral and aortic valve). Have written out Warfarin, while on life. But in the article I read that contraindications: bacterial endocarditis, and so hemorrhagic stroke. How to be? Than can threaten? At the time of discharge, INR was 1.47. A week later, the INR showed 1.46. Drank 2 tablets. Dosage was added, drinking 2t + 1/4. There was vomiting, abdominal pain, missing appetite, decided to give the body a rest, started after 3 days to drink 2 tablets, as before, all the side symptoms disappeared. Have handed over the analysis on MNO 1,55. Should I abandon Warfarin? What should we do? With our doctors in the clinic there is no sense in talking, they do not really explain anything.
Ajgyun, With doctors all the same it is necessary to be friends, because with such diagnoses it is remote to consult empty, the normal expert all the same to internal doctors will send. About the need to use Warfarin, after prosthetics - this is the drug of choice, but it is necessary to use it or similar preparations. It is no longer worth looking at a stroke or endocarditis - the first diagnosis, an accomplished fact, and apparently the patient's body recovered after the illness, this contraindication refers to the early stages of stroke development, when the use of Warfarin can be dangerous. Endocarditis in your husband also wants to believe he is treated (an operation has been performed, most likely antibiotic therapy), so from these positions, too, everything is fine. A dosing Warfarin can only go through the control of INR, depending on the level of this indicator and the dosage of the drug varies.
admin, Thank you.
Hello! I take Warfarin 2.5 tablets. after aortic valve replacement. I always drink at 7 pm at the same time.Now there is a flight with a change of time zones (difference - 6 hours) How to continue taking warfarin? Strictly after 24 hours or can you move the reception?
IvanIf the time zone shift is temporary and will soon return home, take it in the old time, of course, if 6 hours is in the minus, that is, you will take at 13.00, and not at night (if 6 hours per plus). So after returning back, you do not have to re-enter the reception time. If for permanent residence, it is better to correct the medication of a new time and take it constantly at the same time.
Hello! My husband took warfarin for just over a year. checked the INR every month, adjusted the dosage. At present, the doctor advised me to switch to xarelt. It seems that as for xarelto, the INR can not be checked ...
Hello! I take warfarin a month. While problems did not see. Now I picked up the virus, I was afraid of something, although I understand that I have something to help myself.The cough comes down. What can I drink? Tell me please. There is nowhere else to go.
olio, It is necessary to be surveyed (to obey, to hand over analyzes, a roentgen under indications). The fact that you subjectively descends somewhere coughing does not mean that bronchitis has developed or what is more serious and it is necessary to take antibiotics and Warfarin has nothing to do with it. You need a full-time consultation of a doctor who will determine the diagnosis and prescribe a treatment.
Is there a connection between the dose of warfarin and the multiple bruises on the body?
liubov, There is. It is necessary to pass the analysis of INR, if the indicator is more than 3, contact the attending physician, because bruises are most likely caused by the use of Warfarin and correction (reduction) of the taken dose of the medicine is necessary.
Hello! Help please understand.My father had an operation to replace the aortic valve with a biological one on December 21, until now he can not find the necessary dose of Warfarin (currently 3.5 tab.), But the INR does not exceed 1.65. Recently, additional injections are made to the abdomen. He also had problems with blood coagulability (like a low platelet count), during the operation there was a strong bleeding, made an infusion of blood during the operation, and poured 1 liter of blood 3 or 4 days after the operation, then the INR was somewhere 2, 5. Maybe this drug does not suit him or does he need additional treatment? Tell me please. We are very worried about him!
Warfarin (tablet 2.5 mg) was drunk by my mother after an ischemic stroke for almost 1 month. Appear on the body bruises. INR is more than 5. Now he drinks 0.5 tablets, but in the urine there is blood and from the nose too.
Svetlana88, Maybe not suitable Warfarin, more precisely ineffective in his case. I understand your dad is still in the hospital, so he will be picked up by other drugs.You can try to find out from the attending physician if he does not recommend medicines that go beyond the limits of free medicine. Sometimes the doctors of the hospital are trying to treat only what the state provided them and these are not always adequate drugs.
Are there any data on the effect of the drug prostomole uno on the action of warfarin?
Serg, No data showing the development of side effects in the joint use of drugs Prostamol Uno and Warfarin, at the moment there. So the joint use of the medicines mentioned in the question is permissible.
I am 75. Atrial fibrillation for 12 years, I take a lot of medications (about 10 titles) including. and Warfarin 5. INR always jumps from 1 to 5. The doctor now recommended Xarelto 20, but he costs 65 euros for a month.
Anatoly Evstafiev
Good afternoon. I live in Latvia. I took orforin. Then I switched to pradax 150.Do not monitor blood clotting levels - it's convenient, but expensive.
Grigorieva R.I.
Hello. Many thanks to all for such useful information, and yet, I accidentally got here, and began to carefully read into this very serious, life-saving information about taking warfarin. To me have made more week of operation have put the pacemaker. By the way, none of the ECS here is not met, maybe I do not need Warfarin? But the doctor prescribed the appointment for life, but with all this did not tell, did not explain how dangerous this drug, if there are any violations. Gave an extract in which I know little. Naturally, I did not know the strict list of products, of course - I do not. The fact that I drank the drug strictly at the same time - also did not know. Evening reception, and it's okay - it was a reception and 6 pm, and 7, today in general in 8. I passed the MNO, passed, the response was said within 10 days. And drink these 10 days as needed, if at the discharge of INR I had 1.6, the doctor so on the run at discharge said: "While drinking 2 tablets, hand over MNO, if it is raised to 2-3, reduce the tab.So when do I have to reduce these pills? The result I still have to wait 8 days. Before the operation I felt much better. And now he is after some kind of upset stomach, diarrhea, constant dizziness, at night takes fear, as if dying. The pressure does not hold, then it drops low - 95 to 55, then 170-180 to 100. Headache. And yet such a strange symptom - inside the hands become cold, as if a cool breeze blows along the veins along all hands. Is it very scary so to live? I am 55 years old. Thank you all very much again. Be sure tomorrow I urgently give the MNO a paid way to immediately find out the result. And I'll start taking it strictly at the same time, and stick to the diet. What else would you advise me?
Grigorieva R.I., INR will not react so quickly, so that the recommendations are given to you sensible in terms of analyzes. About the recommendations for proper intake and nutrition - this is a defect of your doctor, had to tell these nuances. Otherwise - diarrhea is bad, while you take, but if you keep the disorder for a long time - contact a doctor for corrections in treatment, since given the diagnosis and age, you are more likely to take other medicines that could cause diarrhea.

Pressure Warfarin does not correct this task of antihypertensive drugs. In general, instead of paying INR, go for this money to an admission to an intelligent cardiologist, since free time medicine has not been found on you and consult on the problems that have arisen.
When taking Warfarin-Nycomed, 1 year, more than half of the hair on her head was lost. The doctors transferred to the syncumar. I read the side effects of this drug and also baldness.
Hello. On June 6, 2017, my father (65 years) was treated for aortic dissection of Type 1 aorta according to DeBakey, a prosthetic repair of the ascending aorta and aortic arch was performed with a valve-containing conduit. After discharge, warfarin was prescribed 7 mg per day. INR at discharge - 2.65, the target value - 2.5-3.0. The cardiologist at the place of residence did not change the dosage of warfarin and sent him to the hospital for registration of documents for rehabilitation in the sanatorium of the cardio-profile. Four days after discharge, my father began moderate nosebleeds. INR 3.65, but in fact it is likely to be less (somewhere 2.8), because in our cardio-dispensary, the blood on the INR is taken from the finger). The maximum value of INR (inertial, for the second knock after discontinuation of the drug - 4,1).Four days after the abolition, the INR fell to 1.1 and no more rose above 1.9. Now the dose of warfarin is 2 1/4 tab. (INR 1,7 - venous blood, 2,65 - capillary, in different laboratories). Recommendations for nutrition, he observes, foods with a high content of vit. To the excluded. I insist that he undergo a liver and kidney examination because he had a history of hepatitis B in 1991 (infection during the passage of a flight medical board in a military hospital), and just as he was taken to cardiosurgery for surgery, he developed decompensated cardiopulmonary and hepatic-renal failure (aortic dissection affected the left hepatic and general iliac arteries), but cardiologists from local hospitals for some reason are skeptical about my questions and believe that in the first place you must correct the dosage of the drug. And how to correct it, tell at the mercy if nobody knows if my father has any pathologies of the liver and kidneys that can affect the metabolism of warfarin.
Forgive me for the long preface, now the actual questions:
1. What blood test is more revealing, venous or capillary?
2.What is the maximum daily dose of vitamin K and vitamin C for warfarin users? The manufacturer's recommendations in the manual to the drug are essentially profanity. The situation of my father is further complicated by the fact that his main diagnosis (aortic dissection) is in fact a contraindication to taking warfarin. Vitamin K in fact affects not only the coagulability of blood, but also the strength of the vessels.
3. What pathologies of the liver and kidneys can affect the effect of taking warfarin? That is, what do you have to complain to doctors and what kind of research? ))) Unfortunately, the qualified doctors in their city are a few (((
Thank you in advance.
Katia PogosyanCardiologists are probably right. With respect to warfarin, severe liver and kidney diseases, indicated as contraindications to taking this medication, are precisely serious diseases (hepatitis with cirrhosis or fibrosis, severe chronic renal failure), that is, factors that significantly affect the life of the patient, and are not found by the result of a simple ultrasound.In the course of the operation, tests for hepatitis, syphilis and HIV had to be taken, even if the operation was emergency and these analyzes should be indicated in the hospital discharge.

More accurate analysis with the capture of venous blood (from the vein). From the finger, blood can be taken for screening as part of medical examinations or for determining mass illnesses (like the inflammatory process for colds).

Taking a vitamin K antagonist, which is the drug Warfarin, the dosages of this vitamin for patients cease to be relevant for similar healthy people, otherwise the body will fight two antagonistic (essentially opposite) components. Therefore, a diet with a restriction of foods containing vitamin K (green leafy, cabbage and others), in any case, relevant to your father.
I take warfarin for two months and regularly give blood, but the INR does not rise above 1.7. I take 4 tablets each. I am 65 years old. The therapist to raise the norm is no longer solved.
Tatyana, So let him send to the cardiologist, if his knowledge is not enough.
I accept Warfarin Nycomed for 4 years, almost all hair has got out.

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