Calcemin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets, Advance with magnesium) drug for the treatment of hypovitaminosis and osteoporosis in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition of vitamins and course duration

Calcemin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets, Advance with magnesium) drug for the treatment of hypovitaminosis and osteoporosis in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition of vitamins and course duration

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Calcemin. Presented are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as the opinions of doctors specialists on the use of the vitamin Calcemin in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Calceamine in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of hypovitaminosis and osteoporosis in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.The composition of Vitamins and the duration of the course of treatment with the drug.


Calcemin - a combined preparation of vitamins and microelements. Regulates the phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Replenishes the deficiency of trace elements, calcium and vitamin D3, helps strengthen bones and joints, prevents diseases of the musculoskeletal system.




Calcium (calcium citrate and calcium carbonate) + Kolekaltsiferol (vit D3) + Zinc (in oxide form) + Copper (in the form of oxide) + Manganese (in the form of sulphate) + Boron (in the form of sodium borate) + auxiliary substances.


Calcium (calcium citrate and calcium carbonate) + Kolekaltsiferol (vit D3) + Magnesium (in the form of oxide) + Zinc (in the form of oxide) + Copper (in the form of oxide) + Manganese (in the form of sulphate) + Boron (in the form of sodium borate ) + auxiliary substances (Calcemin Advance).



  • prevention and treatment of osteoporosis of various genesis;
  • replenishment of calcium and micronutrient deficiencies in adolescents;
  • replenishment of calcium and micronutrient deficiencies in women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.


Forms of release


Tablets coated with a coating (including Calcemin Advance).


Instructions for use and course of admission


Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day during meals. The duration of the course of preventive treatment is 1 month.


Children aged 5 to 12 years are prescribed 1 tablet once a day during meals.


From the 20th week of pregnancy and during the whole period of breastfeeding, 1 tablet is prescribed 2 times a day.


With calcium and micronutrient deficiency, 1 tablet a day is prescribed.




Adults and children (over 12 years) - 1 tablet 2 times a day. The drug is prescribed inside while eating.


With a deficiency of calcium and mineral salts, the recommended dose is 1 tablet per day.


Side effect

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • allergic reactions.



  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • children under 5 years;
  • children's age till 12 years (Advance);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


It is possible to administer the drug Calcemin during pregnancy and lactation according to indications.


When used during breastfeeding, it should be borne in mind that colcalciferol and its metabolites are excreted in breast milk.


Use in children


The drug is prescribed for children older than 5 years.


special instructions


When using the drug, do not exceed the recommended dose, because. Increased intake of calcium can inhibit absorption in the intestines of iron, zinc and other essential minerals.


Drug Interactions


The drug interaction of the drug Calcemin is not described.


Analogues of the drug Calcemin


Structural analogues for the active substance of the drug Calcemin does not. However, there is a large number of similar drugs based on various combinations of vitamins and microelements:

  • Actyferrin;
  • Wang-e-Day;
  • Wi-Fi;
  • Vitaspectrum;
  • Vitrum;
  • Glutamavit;
  • Jungle with minerals;
  • Dr. Theiss Multivitamol;
  • Duovit;
  • Calcium Sandoz Forte;
  • Calcium Sandoz;
  • Kaltsinov;
  • Complivit;
  • Lavita;
  • Magwith;
  • Magne B6;
  • Magne B6 fort;
  • Magnelis B6;
  • Magnesium plus B6;
  • Maxamin forte;
  • Materna;
  • Mega Vita;
  • Megadin Pronatal;
  • Menopace;
  • Multi-Sanostol;
  • Multi-tabs;
  • Multimax;
  • Multiproduct for children;
  • Multi-product for women;
  • Oligovit;
  • Osteoka;
  • Pedivit forte;
  • Pikovitz;
  • Polivit;
  • Pregnavit;
  • Pregnacea;
  • Sorbifer Durules;
  • Supradin;
  • Teravit;
  • Totem;
  • Three-V-Plus;
  • Pharmaton Vital;
  • Fenyuls;
  • Ferretab;
  • Ferro-Folgamma;
  • Ferroplex;
  • Centrum;
  • Unicab.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (69):
I do not understand one thing: why this medicine is made with such large capsules? Each time to swallow such tabletschie - torment, and it seems that now stuck in the throat, you have to break. Is it really impossible to produce a tablet of a normal size? A good drug, and the price is acceptable, I drink it in the second year, I do not like the result. Before him was taking Calcium D3 Nycomed, was led to advertising, nothing wasted money. And Calcemin really helped and restore the nails, and strengthen hair. Over the past year, even with teeth, there was no problem. Of the side effects, the first thing I felt was nausea, and then constipation, I could not go to the toilet for a few days. But it was, while I drank 2 tablets a day, as the doctor appointed. As soon as I reduced the dose and started taking one tablet, the nausea went away and the stool became normal.
I drink 10 years, after removal of a thyroid gland. It's not a drug, it's a miracle! Before that, I tried everything, starting from Calcium D3 Nycomed and others. These preparations also include flavors, and dyes, and flavoring additives, and many, many things that irritate the gastric mucosa, so I could not drink them. I had stones in the kidneys, after they were gone, it turns out the components entering the Calcemin, prevent the formation of stones in the urinary tract. Only I drink Calcemine Advance!
True, it strengthens bones well!
She started to drink the drug and immediately became ill. I did not think that because of Calzemin Advance. But on the second day I took a pill and another attack of pain in my stomach. I stopped drinking and my pain disappeared.
Saw Calcemin during pregnancy, the therapist appointed. In 3.5 months, we have got the teeth! And my leg began to ache badly, was directly taken away, could not walk (old fracture). Has decided to finish off the remained tablets of Calcemin (10 tablets) and URA !!!!!!!! Our first tooth)))))))) Got out literally in a day 2-4, without pain,without psychos and my leg immediately passed !!!!!!!! Now the second tooth is on the way) Again I will start to take pills)))
In short, generally the norms of the pill.
My leg ached. Has spent on a course of Calceminum Advance 1 month. The pain is gone. All is well. In 3-4 months I will drink more prophylactically. The drug is good. There was no allergy. Saw 1 capsule 2 times a day.
Hello. My mom now drinks Calcemin - after fracture of the leg, 2 tablets a day. Pain and spasms in the intestine began to appear. Can tablets give such an effect? Very worried :-( Thanks
IoanninaSuch side effects are possible. You can try to reduce the dosage or even cancel for a couple of days the preparation Calcemin and see what will happen with the stomach. Also, similar phenomena are observed in hypodynamia. I understand your mom is now more time lies and the intestines can give signs of hypotension due to a general decrease in physical activity.If this is the reason, then you should follow the doctor's recommendations and put up with the pobochka, and as a traumatologist to allow to become more active - start moving according to his recommendations.
Tell me, how long can I take the drug without a break for a child of 5 years. My son crumbles teeth, hyperactivity, gnashing of teeth, while drinking the drug for 1/2 pills in tech. 2 months + fish oil, all problems are almost gone, but now I took a break (already 2 weeks have passed) and I have already observed yellowing of the teeth, my son became nervous, again gritting his teeth at night, appetite worsened. My child practically does not eat dairy products, does not at all eat nuts and little fruit. He is a meat-eater and an eerie sweet tooth, plus stressful situations in the garden, all this suggests that there is a lack of calcium. Doctors insist on donating blood for analysis, but a fence from the vein, and the child is terribly afraid. We tried to make a fence on the immunogram, so he then stuttered for 6 months.
Eugene, Conduct all the necessary tests, otherwise tell me that you will deprive your child of sweet for a long time, stutter will stop and go to donate blood himself. Sweet must be limited.Milk is a child's and senile product, it is necessary to drink it for children, if there are no side effects due to a lack of enzyme.

With respect to Calcemin, I can say that the preventive course of treatment with the drug is 1 month. In the rest it is necessary to look at the situation, but your deficit is more associated with food defects, when a child is spoiled and given what he wants, and not what is needed, but should not be. He at you that all life on vitamins will sit?
Do not believe it, shocked! By habit I chewed a tablet of calceamine (calceamine started to be taken for the first time) with water, immediately the tongue began to burn and my throat lasted about 20 minutes (this), was frightened in no joke, and found no similar symptoms anywhere. People who know what (it's) tell me if it's possible to chew or I have such an allergy, but inside it's not dangerous (it).
InnaMost likely you have such an individual reaction to the drug. For the truth, it should be noted that the tablets of Calcemin need to be swallowed, not chewed, but there is a big share of doubts that it was the wrong way of taking the medicine that caused the side reactions. Most likely, this drug does not suit you.If there are severe allergic reactions to medications - this can lead to fatal consequences in the form of anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema and even death, so be careful.
Hello, can I take calcemin after 55 years?
Larissa, It is necessary, especially for women. Since the need for calcium increases and the risk of osteoporosis with age only increases.
Can this drug be taken with psoriasis?
OLGA, Calcium preparations are used in the treatment of allergic diseases. With regard to psoriasis is increasingly difficult. Since no one knows the single-valued reasons for the occurrence of this disease, every specialist tries to bring his own developments into this disease: someone heals the liver, someone pumps up immunity. But if you go into the field of the fact that psoriasis is a disease of an allergic nature, then you can use calcium preparations.True, Calcemin is a multicomponent vitamin and mineral complex, so allergic manifestations can cause other components of it and I would choose a pure calcium supplement, the same calcium gluconate, for example.
Can I use this drug against hair loss?
380506678510, It is possible, if the cause of loss is a lack of calcium (for this it is most reasonable to pass the analysis). Usually this is not the cause of hair loss. It is best to consult a dermatologist for advice. Perhaps, the specialist will prescribe specialized drugs for the treatment of hair loss or alopecia: Alerana, Minoxidil and others.
I advise everyone to do a blood test for calcium, then already start taking Calcemin (especially - Advance). I have been taking it for several years about hypoparathyroidism after removal of the thyroid gland. Very satisfied - problems with unstable Ca ++ have left.Before, it was necessary to pierce / in calcium chloride or take D3. I take prophylaxis 1TB per day, my blood test for Ca ++ I do often (1 time in 3-5 months). Calcium D3 did not work!

I received a notification on calcemin advance with a question about the use of the child for 7 years about osteoporosis. In my opinion, this is not the right address. And if you wanted to know my opinion as a pharmacist, then I'll tell you a case from practice. For 7 years the child was given Calcium D3 for a long time and got a tachycardia that was difficult to correct, which was then treated for a long time. And this is not an isolated case. With calcium preparations, there must be caution and a constant blood test.

After taking Calcemin, there was pain in the kidney and swollen legs.
Elena Chistyakova, Thank you for your addition. For my part, I want to warn that calcium preparations can increase blood pressure, so this parameter should also be monitored, including when taking Calcemin.

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Lyudmila P.
I am 53 years old. In the sanatorium she made a densitometry of her legs. According to the results on the left - osteopenia, on the right - osteoporosis. The doctor recommended to drink Calcemin advance 1 year with interruptions. Recommendations for the duration of admission were oral. Prompt, through what intervals of time to do a break in reception of a preparation and duration of a break.
Lyudmila P.For prevention, it is enough to take the drug for 1 month, but this is not your case. The standard course of taking calcium preparations with a therapeutic purpose, if there are no contraindications to admission and there are no side effects - 3-4 months and then six months later a second course of treatment.It is necessary to start from such figures. In the case of severe calcium metabolism, it is possible to increase both the duration of treatment with Calcemin and an increase in the standard therapeutic dose of the drug.
Tell me please my mother 77 years old, very hurt joints, it's very painful to walk, friends advised to buy bon viva, they had their mom on their feet, and along with the bonviva calcemin advance, but on calcemamine advance diarrhea was discovered that can be done. What kind of calcium to replace, really want to help my mother.
shkl_m, Do you want to help mom - lead her to the doctor. Because the painful joints do not cure the drugs for the treatment of bones. All that you listed, your friends used to treat, most likely, osteoporosis, and the cause of joint pain in a person in the age of most cases is arthrosis. The treatment methods for these diseases are different. Therefore, than spend money on non-expensive drugs, it is better to see a doctor (ideally to a rheumatologist) donate blood, take an x-ray of the patients joints and then it will be clear what and how to treat your mother. And so the effect can be only in the form of a placebo and also unstable.Maybe your mother and not for nothing was treated with calcium medications, as with age, the risk of osteoporosis in women is increased, but this treatment is not for the joints.
In spring, the results of calcaneal densitometry showed that I have osteoporosis in severe form. Immediately began taking boviviva once a month and now it's the 6th month. I take calcemin advance by 1 tab. 2 times a day. I follow a diet, do regular gymnastics. But the blood retains a low level of ionized calcium, just below normal. Pain in the spine is periodically disturbed, cramps occur at night. What is the reason? Why do not I have enough calcium in my blood? Maybe I should take 3 tab.? Or in these tablets not so much calcium, how much is declared on the package?
Svetlana Martynova, The reasons for the lack of calcium are actually only two - either calcium from the outside is not enough, or enough, but it is not absorbed by your body. Most likely, your case is the last, since you take Calcium and calcium in the body comes in sufficient quantity.

In order to determine what the problem may be, it is necessary to check the gastrointestinal tract completely, because there may be a concomitant pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, which does not allow calcium to be absorbed properly (although calcium is absorbed in a very small amount, but this is for all people so ). Or to check up endocrine system (to address to the endocrinologist and to hand over necessary analyzes on hormones influencing an exchange of a calcium). Or the most incredible option, try to repeat the course of treatment with other drugs that affect calcium metabolism (for example, use Osteogenon, instead of Bonviv).
Hello! I take Calcemin 3 days twice a day just as vitamins to improve well-being. Every time after taking a light nausea and loss of appetite. Does this mean that he does not suit me and will not help? If it does not really bother me, can I continue to take it and expect a good result. Or is it better to quit, because the reception will be wasted?
AlinaIf these side effects do not interfere with you - you can take it further. Just look, if the body signals something, maybe it signals not in vain. The preparation may irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines, and this can cause gastritis. So try to cancel Calcemin - if the symptoms go away, I would advise you to find another medicine. If you stay - it means the medicine is not to blame and it is necessary to search for the cause in the gastrointestinal tract.
Hello! The thyroid gland was removed 8 years ago. A thyroxine a dose 200. Me excites, how I accept Calceminum (basically I drink Advance)? Do I need to take a break? When I took on 1t 2p a day, constantly, felt unwell. Now I take Im 1p a day and then not always (I can forget). Sometimes it seems that the body itself reminds you when you need to drink a pill, not every day.
natalivyatkaIt is always necessary to take such drugs when there are serious problems with calcium metabolism (osteoporosis, lack of calcium based on the results of tests). And this is the preparations of the course.That is, it is enough to take Calcemin for 1 month and then take a break, let's say six months. Although, if the doctor sees you have a permanent loss of calcium, including because of a distant thyroid gland, then you need an individual intake according to the scheme recommended by your doctor.
Can I take Calcium with oncology?
Inna, It is possible, if the doctor has appointed or nominated. When oncology self-medication in general do not advise. And so no restrictions on the use of Calcemin in your case in the instructions are not spelled out.
55 years, osteopenia. After the first reception of a preparation (I have accepted it or him with a supper, ie for the night) I was tormented with terrible dryness in a mouth. Why this can be? My doctor prescribed a drug Miakaltsik (nasal spray) on his was the same reaction - dry mouth, thirst. He had to give up. Accepted Calcium D3 Nycomed - on him no reaction. I do not even know if he worked, I just drank everything.But they advised Calcemin Advance - and here is the same reaction. Tell me, please, what to do. Thank you.
olga anatol'evnaIf the side effect interferes with living and working or threatening health - it is usually canceled and replaced with other drugs. If tolerable - continue treatment. So it's up to you to decide whether you are taking Calcemine Advance or if you consult with a doctor, decide to switch to other drugs. Dryness in the mouth often comes from different drugs, can an auxiliary substance or preservative in the drugs indicated in the question is not suitable.
She started taking Calcemin silver. Constipation appeared, but they warn about it. At the third week of reception, I suddenly felt interruptions, became a high blood pressure. I'm 55 years old, but there were no such problems before. I do not take the drug anymore, I finished it all the same. It seems to be better, no more trouble. But in the analysis of blood soy 30 with complete well-being. Is all of the above associated with taking calcemin? Thank you.
Irina Leonidovna, Pressure may be associated, since calcium and their derivatives may lead to an increase in blood pressure. ESR is unlikely, in this case it is necessary to look for a hotbed of inflammation or an inflammatory disease (possibly recent, for example, a cold), which can lead to an increase in ESR.
Larissa Smirnova
In my 44 years, the bones of the legs began to ache in the spring and autumn: first the shins hurt, then the thigh bones began to break. They were racked as at a temperature of 37-38 degrees. C-reactive protein and calcium levels in the blood were normal. Perhaps this is the beginning of osteoporosis. I bought Calcemin Advance in the pharmacy and drank just 30 tablets and was very happy that I stopped breaking my bones. But I did not experience the effect of tablets Complyit calcium D3, unfortunately, it was useless. If you have broken bones or joints, it is better to buy Advance, it helps to get rid of aches and pain.
I'm 15 years old, can I take Calcemin?
Aizhanka, Can. The drug is allowed to use from the age of 5 years (Advance from 12 years). The remaining questions (dosage and the need for taking the drug) are resolved with the attending physician.
Hello! At me a dilemma ... My child (7 years) is observed at cardio of the rheumatologist, he has appointed or nominated to us Kaltzemin 250 mg, because of weak growth of a teeth, and the stomatologist does not recommend to drink it in the summer and marks normal growth of a teeth (the dairy teeth were awful). Here's how to be? I understand that it will not be worse from admission, I just doubt for the time of the year. Thanks for the answer!
Victoric, Vitamin D3 (and it is also contained in the preparation Calcemin) in the summer to take it is not necessary, and more time to spend with the child on the street, because the sun is a natural source of vitamin D. If so vitamins are needed (and this issue must be solved with the child's doctor and if the problem is only in the teeth, then the opinion of the dentist is more important, since this is his sphere of activity), then you can take only calcium preparations, and vitamin D in the summer naturally get in the sun.If it is absolutely correct - then it is necessary to pass tests for vitamins, which according to doctors in the deficit of a child.
Hello. At me an osteoporosis, have appointed or nominated kaltsemin advans. Yesterday morning I drank one 500mg tablet. After dinner, the whole body poured out a rash. Can I continue to drink it further?
Shishkina, No. Urticaria is a contraindication to taking any medications. In order not to aggravate the body's response, it is better to consult a doctor who has appointed Calcemin Advance, to replace the drug with another. It is better to use in this case, pure calcium preparations without other microelements and vitamins, which can potentially cause allergic reactions.
Good day! I'm at a loss ... Is it possible to divide a Calcemin tablet into 2 parts for a child? From the instruction: pills biconvex oval, covered with a film shell of white color with a risk on one side?
IrinaNo one divides Calcemin tablets. The minimum dosage of the drug, including for children from 5 years - 1 tablet at the reception.
Thank you for such a prompt reply.) My daughter 7 years after 1 tablet, her head began to ache from time to time (it hurts, 3 minutes later ceased). In a comment Eugene on January 22, 2015 g read about a half tablet. Well, the risk of suggesting the possibility of dividing the pill. It can not be divided, because the distribution of ingredients is uneven? Or because it's just that no one does? It's important to me.
IrinaThe distribution of the active substances is probably uniform, but here the film membrane suggests that the tablet is still indivisible. And our people do a lot of things wrong and if it helps, it does not mean that the disease could have passed without such a half-hearted treatment as a placebo effect.
I am 62 years old. I have a common osteochondrosis and signs of osteoporosis are found in the cervico-thoracic section in X-ray images.He began to take calceamine on his own, as spasms appear and joints and bones began to ache heavily. I even felt relief after taking the medicine. She drank 1.5 months. Whether it is possible to accept further this preparation? The truth recently has changed a preparation on komplivit where it is simple one calcium and vitamin D3. But here the second day something with a stomach - a spasm in an intestine and a stomach. Is this possible from the fact that it has changed the drug, where more calcium is available. Or continue to drink Calcemin?
Love, Accepted Calcemin and everything was fine, then take it further. If the experiment ends unsuccessfully, then roll back to normal values ​​and this is about your situation.

The duration of the preventive course of treatment is 1 month. You already have osteoporosis, so taking calcium will take a long time. Preliminary it is necessary to descend or go on reception to the endocrinologist because at women at the age at an osteoporosis mainly hormonal reasons, instead of a disadvantage of a calcium.
Hello. I have a dilemma.To the child of 9 months, there is no a tooth, the therapist has written out kaltsemin on 1/2 once a day. And according to the annotation it can be drunk to children over 5 years old. Tell me, please, to drink or not?
LubasikHow can the extra calcium that your baby is given in the form of a Calcemin preparation help to accelerate the growth of teeth? The answer is no. If the baby is healthy, there are no abnormalities in growth and development, then everything is fine. At boys and after a year a teeth appear and it is considered norm or rate. Another thing is if there is a deficit of calcium, but for its replenishment there are special children's preparations in the form of drops, not tablets. Therefore, I would consult with another doctor about the adequacy of the appointment.
Thank you) We did not do any tests, calcium deficiency is not confirmed, that's why I doubted.
My daughter 10 years 10 months. diagnosed with osteoporosis. The endocrinologist has appointed or nominated Advance on 1 tab. 1 per day. Has told or said to drink half a year. Can I take this medication or consult with another specialist.If it is allowed, then how to exercise control? Thank you.
Wiki, I do not understand such doctors. Why give drugs if the instructions clearly state that Calcemin and its Advance form are contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. There are analogues of calcium preparations especially for children, which is what is written in their instructions: Complymium calcium D3, Calcium D3 Nycomed, Multi tabs are with calcium.

A blood test for calcium allows you to determine the amount of free calcium in the patient's blood. Hand over better before the treatment and afterwards for monitoring, also monitor the degree of regression of osteoporosis. If it does not help, look for other reasons - the state of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic causes, endocrine diseases.
Several times I took to drink calcium plus myoclalcus, then calcium advans plus phosphate ... Each time the calcium increased where necessary. But the problems with the eyes began - blushed, watered, ached. Long healed, then everything again. Can give calcium complications on the eyes? What to do with osteopenia?
Mmaria, Such a side effect for calcium drugs is not observed, but in life and treatment everything is possible. I would try injectable forms of calcium, for example Calcium Gluconate, because before that you took Myocalcic - it's kind of calcium, but its synthetic analogue, then Calcemin Advance - there's a whole mixture of calcium with other vitamins and trace elements. It is necessary to try pure calcium and it is better in the form of nyxes. If he also gives a reaction to the eyes, then with osteopenia will have to live or go to the hospital, to be examined why calcium is gone and treated permanently, maybe the professors there will look and find the cause.
Dinara 090288
Hello. To the child of 5 months. She has a problem with her leg on the right side, like a cup is not formed. If I correctly write a disposition from her. To us the orthopedist has appointed or nominated treatment and has registered kaltsemin to the child on a floor of a tablet to crumble and add in meal. I do not know whether you can give or not? The instructions say that you can take calcemin from 5 years.
Dinara 090288Most likely dysplasia, but not the essence is important. Calcium is contraindicated in children under 5 years of age. If calcium is needed, it is better to use special children's complexes with vitamins, microelements and calcium (Complymium calcium D3 for babies, Piimaks, children's Multitabs and many other means) than to experiment on the child.
a guest
Has started to accept kaltsemin advans. Two tablets a day. At night, a strong dryness in the mouth, an appetite decreased, and what is most troubling is the evening increase in pressure to 170/104. Probably, I will stop taking the drug. Had to knock down the pressure in the evenings.
Patient 1
Three times I tried to start to drink calceamine advance and each time the pressure was increased. Yesterday until 180/96. The drug prescribed rheumatologist, 1 tablet a day. Is it a reaction to calcium or excipients?
Patient 1, Taking calcium medications can lead to increased blood pressure in some patients.And already the reaction is to the drug, or the reaction to calcium contained in the composition of Calcemin Advance, or any other reasons, must be disassembled with your doctor.
Hello. A tooth broke off, decided to drink for prevention of Calcemin. Not that there is no effect, but the state of health is somehow horrible. The symptoms of the beginning menopause - nervous state, night sweats, bad sleep, etc., intensified. In addition, my leg began to ache, I have arthrosis of the ankle, and somehow it became very painful to stop, and, in general, for no apparent reason. I'm approaching the end of the procedure, 2 tab. in a day. Probably, I already had enough calcium, or the microelements did not behave this way, but this medication did not help me at all. And the nails are as they are, they continue.
10 days ago the thyroid gland was removed, postoperative diagnosis was put - hypoparathyroidism. The following medicines are prescribed: L-thyroxine 100, Alpha D3 Teva 2 mcg and Calcemin Advance 2 times 2 tablets. Thus it is recommended dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese). But the ache in the spine, giving to the left hand does not pass. In addition, it does not hold the intestines, although I drink baktisubtil.
Do not believe blindly to pharmacists and doctors working in pharmaceutics as dealers. There are absolutely safe medicines. Each medicine does some harm to your body. Not an exception and calcium preparations that neutralize and displace from the body a number of substances necessary for life, for example, iron. The most dangerous uncontrolled use of vitamin D3, which is part of all forms of Calcemin. The use of vitamin D3 significantly increases the absorption of phosphates into the blood, the excess of which reduces GFR and is a killer of the kidneys. I'm not talking about cancer - quite a rare phenomenon.
Larisa Larisa
She started taking Calceminum Advance as a prophylaxis for 1 tablet a day. On the third day there were spasms, pain in the digestive tract. Experts write that calcium preparations can promote the development of gastritis and ulcers.
Tatyana Kivalova
I take Calcemin 2 weeks, the kidney pain began.

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