Vibrocil - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (nasal drops, gel and nasal spray) drugs for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and sinusitis in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

Vibrocil - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (nasal drops, gel and nasal spray) drugs for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and sinusitis in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Vibrocil. Presented are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of specialists on the use of Vibrocil in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Vibrocil analogues in the presence of existing structural analogs. Use for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and sinusitis in adults, children (including babies and newborns), as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the preparation.


Vibrocil - a drug with vasoconstrictive and antiallergic effect for topical application in diseases of ENT organs.


Phenylephrine - sympathomimetic, when applied topically has a moderate vasoconstrictor effect (by stimulation of alpha 1-adrenergic receptors of venous vessels of the nasal mucosa), eliminates the swelling of nasal mucous membrane and paranasal sinuses.


Dimethinden is a blocker of histamine H1 receptors. Has anti-allergic effect. Does not reduce the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the nasal mucosa.




Phenylephrine + Dimethindene maleate + excipients.




Vibrocil is intended for topical application, and its activity does not depend on the concentration of active substances in the blood plasma.



  • acute rhinitis (including with colds);
  • allergic rhinitis (including hay fever);
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • acute and chronic sinusitis;
  • acute otitis media (as an adjuvant);
  • preparation for surgical interventions in the area of ​​the nose and the elimination of edema of the nasal mucosa and sinuses after surgery in this area.


Forms of release


Nasal drops.


Gel nasal (sometimes mistakenly called ointment).


Spray for nasal application.


Instructions for use and how to use them


Before using the drug, you should thoroughly clean the nasal cavity.


Nasal drops are instilled in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day. For children under the age of 1 year, a single dose - 1 drop. For children aged 1 to 6 years, a single dose is 1-2 drops. For children over the age of 6 and adults, a single dose is 3-4 drops. Before using the drug, you should thoroughly clean the nasal cavity. Drops nasal instilled in the nose, threw back his head. This position of the head is kept for a few minutes. Breast children are buried in the nose before feeding.


Sprays nasal to children over the age of 6 and adults are prescribed 1-2 injections in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day. The atomizer should be kept vertically, tipped to the top. Holding the head straight, insert the tip into the nostril, 1 time with a short sharp movement compress the nebulizer and, taking the tip out of the nose, unclench. During injection, it is recommended to inhale slightly through the nose.


Gel nasal to children over the age of 6 years and adults are injected into each nasal passage as deep as possible 3-4 times a day.The use of the nasal gel just before bedtime ensures that the nose is not blocked during the whole night.


Side effect

  • a mild and transitory sensation of burning and dryness of the nasal mucosa.



  • atrophic rhinitis (including with fetid detachable - ozena);
  • simultaneous administration of MAO inhibitors and up to 14 days after their withdrawal;
  • Children under 6 years of age (for nasal spray);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Given the possible systemic vasoconstrictive effect, Vibrocil is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.


Use in children under 12 years of age


In children younger than 6 years (that is, in infants and newborns) only nasal drops are used.


special instructions


Vibrocil in the form of a nasal gel is preferred in case of dryness of the nasal mucosa, in the presence of crusts in the nasal cavity, with the consequences of a nose injury, and to prevent nasal congestion at night.


Vibrocil should not be used for more than 1 week without consulting a doctor. Prolonged (more than 2 weeks) or excessive use of the drug may cause tachyphylaxis and effect"ricochet" (medicamentous rhinitis), lead to the development of systemic vasoconstrictive action.


Do not exceed recommended doses of Vibrocil. Otherwise, there may be symptoms of systemic effects of the drug.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


Vibrocil does not have a sedative effect (does not affect the rate of psychomotor reactions).


Drug Interactions


Phenylephrine (as well as other vasoconstrictors) is contraindicated in patients receiving MAO inhibitors at this time or receiving them during the previous two weeks.


You should not prescribe a drug with tricyclic antidepressants or antihypertensive drugs, for example, beta-blockers.


Analogues of the drug Vibrocil


Structural analogues for the active substance drug Vibrocil does not.


Analogues for the pharmacological group (antihistamines in combinations):

  • Allergoferon;
  • Betadrin;
  • Diacin;
  • Clarinase-12;
  • Cold storage;
  • Koldar;
  • Contact 400;
  • Migrenol PM;
  • Has occluded;
  • Orinol;
  • Orinol Plus;
  • Polynadym;
  • Rinicold Bronho;
  • Terasil-D;
  • Femizol.

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Reviews (6):
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Catherine, for the first time I warn you that direct advertising in the comments under the guise of visitors I will not tolerate, you want direct advertising, then write to me through the feedback form, and I will not mask for the visitors. The first feedback about your products has passed, but the rest will be deleted, and even the ban will hang on adding reviews.
The nose of my child is a sore spot. He is the first to react to internal and external stimuli. If the child has caught a cold - a runny nose. If the apartment is dry, then the nose stops breathing and the night turns into a nightmare. The manifestation of an allergic reaction is also one. It's a stuffy nose. So it turns out that we are treating the nose all year round.We suffer from all sorts of "nasal sores," you can say, all your life. And this, without small, eight years. We tried a lot of drugs, until we discovered the Vibrocil.

I will not say that we stopped being sick. It's just when he gets a cold at his fingertips. I know that I can always bury my nose before going to bed and the child will sleep without suffering and not waking up every minute. Two years, from time to time, I use drops and have not yet noticed addiction.

Vibrozil I buy in drops. If earlier for the application of the spray there were age limits, now there are none, but the habit has remained. I wanted to try another cold for another medicine, but only tortured the child. It was necessary to take the whim of the daughter's nose for a given and not to experiment any more.
My daughter is 4.5 years old, six months we have a spout, we used several drugs at the same time: we washed Aqua with lorry, it can be saline, but it is more convenient for the aquarium due to the nozzle, then the dendrite, and after the vibrocyl. But the practice also showed that you can just rinse your nose and dig in the vibrocil.Moreover, when a child has an allergy that can be taken internally by a zirtek, it is anti-allergic. I'm happy with the result.
There was an experience of using the drug vibrocil when my six-year-old granddaughter had acute rhinitis, she often suffers from colds and her nose is the weakest point. Therefore, we certainly know all the similar drops for nose and sprays. Vibrocilum was advised to us by the doctor, as to similar preparations already there was an accustoming. But the girl began to feel a constant burning sensation in the nasal mucosa and there was a strong dryness that even breathing was hard. Naturally, we had to abandon him.
Natalia E.
The son is allergic to pollen (pollinosis) from April to August, but when he is sick with ARVI in winter, he is also sometimes prescribed antihistamines to the pediatrician. So the vibrocil was once recommended by a pediatrician as a vasoconstrictive drug with an antiallergic component. The drug is not liked, because the usual galazolin and naphthysine with a runny nose cope better than vibrocil.After vibrocil, the child has a nose in 3-4 hours later, and after nasol, galazolin, naftizine, only after 12 hours there is a stuffy nose and a runny nose. During the allergy period, this drug does not work at all.

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