Reduxin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets, capsules 10 and 15 mg, 625 mg) of the drug for weight loss, including during pregnancy. Differences Light form (without a prescription, dietary supplements). Side effects

Reduxin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets, capsules 10 and 15 mg, 625 mg) of the drug for weight loss, including during pregnancy. Differences Light form (without a prescription, dietary supplements). Side effects

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Reduxin. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors specialists on the use of Reduxin in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues Reduxina in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of alimentary obesity and weight loss, including during pregnancy and lactation.


Reduxin - A combined drug for the treatment of obesity, the effect of which is due to its constituent components. Reduxin (its active substance Sibutramine) is a prodrug and shows its effect in vivo due to metabolites (primary and secondary amines) inhibiting the reuptake of monoamines (mainly serotonin and norepinephrine). An increase in the content of neurotransmitters in the synapses increases the activity of central serotonin 5-HT receptors and adrenoreceptors, which increases the feeling of satiety and reduced food requirements, as well as an increase in thermal production. By indirectly activating beta3-adrenoreceptors, Sibutramine acts on brown fatty tissue. The decrease in body weight is accompanied by an increase in the concentration in the blood serum of HDL and the decrease in the amount of triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL, uric acid.


Redoxine and its metabolites do not affect the release of monoamines, do not inhibit MAO; have no affinity for a large number of neurotransmitter receptors, including serotonin (5-HT1, 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C), adrenoreceptors (beta1, beta2, beta3, alpha1, alpha2), dopamine (D1, D2), muscarinic, histamine (H1), benzodiazepine and NMDA receptors.


Microcrystalline cellulose is an enterosorbent, it possesses sorption properties and nonspecific detoxification action. Binds and removes from the body various microorganisms, the products of their vital functions, toxins of exogenous and endogenous nature, allergens, xenobiotics, as well as an excess of certain metabolic products and metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis.




Reduxin consists of two components:

  • sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate
  • microcrystalline cellulose




After taking the drug inside, sibutramine is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract, no less than 77%. Active metabolites undergo hydroxylation and conjugation with the formation of inactive metabolites, which are excreted mainly by the kidneys.




To reduce body weight with the following conditions:

  • alimentary obesity with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg / m2 and more;
  • nutritional obesity with a BMI of 27 kg / m2 or more in combination with other risk factors due to overweight (type 2 diabetes / non-insulin-independent / or dyslipoproteinemia).


Forms of release


The medicinal form in the form of tablets of the drug Reduxin does not exist. If you have met somewhere mention of tablets - do not believe it is a fake, which can be dangerous for your health.


Capsules 10 and 15 mg.


Reduxin Light - capsules 625 mg.


Instructions for use


Reduksin appointed inside once a day. The dose is set individually, depending on the tolerability and clinical effectiveness. The recommended initial dose is 10 mg, with poor tolerability, a dose of 5 mg is possible. Capsules should be taken in the morning without chewing and drinking with a sufficient amount of liquid. The drug can be taken as an empty stomach or combined with a meal.


If within 4 weeks from the beginning of treatment there is no reduction in body weight by 5% or more, then the dose is increased to 15 mg per day. The duration of therapy with Reduxin should not exceed 3 months in patients who do not respond well enough to therapy (ie, they can not reduce the weight by 5% of the initial body weight during the 3 months of treatment). Treatment should not be continued if, in further therapy (after the achieved weight loss), the patient again adds 3 kg or more in the body mass.


The total duration of therapy should not exceed 2 years, since there is no data on efficacy and safety for a longer period of sibutramine intake.


Therapy Reduxin should be conducted by a doctor who has a practical experience in the treatment of obesity. The intake of the drug should be combined with diet and exercise.


Differences Reduxina Light


Unlike the usual Reduxine Light form is a biologically active additive (BAD) and is sold in any pharmacy without a prescription.


Side effect

  • dry mouth, insomnia;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • anxiety;
  • paresthesia;
  • depression;
  • drowsiness;
  • emotional lability, anxiety, irritability, nervousness;
  • convulsions;
  • tachycardia, palpitations;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • loss of appetite;
  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • sweating;
  • itching;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • edema;
  • influenza-like syndrome;
  • bleeding;
  • thrombocytopenia.


Most often, side effects occur at the beginning of treatment (in the first 4 weeks). Their severity and frequency diminish over time. Side effects are generally light and reversible.



  • the presence of organic causes of obesity (eg, hypothyroidism);
  • serious eating disorders (anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa);
  • mental illness;
  • Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (generalized tics);
  • simultaneous administration of MAO inhibitors (eg, phentermine, fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine, ethylamphetamine, ephedrine) or their use for 2 weeks prior to the administration of the drug Reduxine; the use of other drugs acting on the central nervous system (eg, antidepressants, antipsychotics); drugs prescribed for sleep disorders containing tryptophan, as well as other drugs of central action to reduce body weight;
  • IHD, decompensated chronic heart failure, congenital heart diseases, occlusive diseases of peripheral arteries, tachycardia, arrhythmias, cerebrovascular diseases (stroke, transient disorders of cerebral circulation);
  • uncontrolled arterial hypertension (blood pressure above 145/90 mm Hg);
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • severe violations of liver function;
  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • established drug, narcotic or alcohol dependence;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation (breastfeeding);
  • children and adolescents under 18;
  • elderly age over 65;
  • established hypersensitivity to sibutramine or to other components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


The drug should not be used during pregnancy because of the lack of a sufficiently convincing number of studies of the safety of the effects of sibutramine on the fetus.


Women of childbearing age during the use of Reduxin should use contraceptives.


Reduxin should not be used during breastfeeding.


special instructions


Reduxin should be used only in those cases when all non-medicamentous measures to reduce body weight are ineffective - if the decrease in body weight during 3 months was less than 5 kg.


Treatment Reduxin should be carried out as part of a comprehensive therapy to reduce body weight under the supervision of a doctor who has practical experience in the treatment of obesity.


Complex therapy of obesity includes both changing diet and lifestyle, and increasing physical activity. An important component of therapy is the creation of prerequisites for a permanent change in eating habits and lifestyle that are necessary to maintain the achieved weight loss and after the abolition of drug therapy. Patients need to change their lifestyle and habits within the framework of therapy with the Reduxin drug in such a way as to ensure that the achieved weight loss is maintained after the treatment is completed. Patients should clearly realize that failure to comply with these requirements will lead to a second increase in body weight and repeated calls to the treating physician.


In patients taking Reduxin, it is necessary to measure blood pressure and heart rate. In the first 2 months of treatment, these parameters should be monitored every 2 weeks, and then monthly. In patients with hypertension (who have a blood pressure level above 145/90 mm Hg on the background of antihypertensive therapy), this control should be carried out especially carefully and, if necessary, at shorter intervals. In patients in whom blood pressure twice exceeded the level of 145/90 mm Hg on repeated measurement. treatment with Reduxin should be suspended.


The interval between taking MAO inhibitors and Reduxin should be at least 2 weeks.


The connection between the use of Reduction and the development of primary pulmonary hypertension has not been established, but considering the generally known risk of this group of drugs, with regular medical supervision, special attention should be paid to symptoms such as progressive dyspnea (breathing disorder), chest pain and swelling of the legs.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


The use of Reduxin can limit the patient's ability to drive and manage machinery.


Drug Interactions


Inhibitors of microsomal oxidation, incl. inhibitors of the 3A4 cytochrome P450 isoenzyme (including ketoconazole, erythromycin, cyclosporine) increase the plasma concentrations of sibutramine metabolites with an increase in heart rate and clinically insignificant increase in the QT interval. Rifampicin, macrolide antibiotics, phenytoin, carbamazepine, Phenobarbital and Dexamethasone can accelerate the metabolism of sibutramine. The simultaneous use of several drugs that increase serotonin levels in the blood can lead to the development of serious interaction.The so-called serotonin syndrome can develop in rare cases with the simultaneous use of Reduxin with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (drugs for the treatment of depression), with some drugs for the treatment of migraine (sumatriptan, dihydroergotamine), with potent analgesics (pentazocine, pethidine, fentanyl) or antitussive drugs (dextromethorphan). Sibutramine does not affect the effect of oral contraceptives.


With the simultaneous administration of sibutramine and ethanol (alcohol), there was no increase in the negative effect of ethanol. However, the use of alcohol is absolutely not compatible with the recommended dietary measures when taking sibutramine.


Analogs of the drug Reduxin


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Reduxin Light

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Other medicines:

Reviews (127):
Bullshit is all that Reduxin reduces weight, how many did not drink any effect did not notice.I do not know how everything else is listed here, but with fat it's a dead number.
Although for various dietary supplements, especially for weight loss, I'm not indifferent, but to pay one and a half thousand for packing Reduxina Light is I'll tell you a bust. Especially since I've been drinking it for the second week, but it's no use to him. Better already press to shake - a sense in my opinion and the look of my scales more. In general, a cure for the lazy and rich, pass the time between liposuction. For more, it is hardly fit.
Reduxin my mom really helped, she had a very big problem of excess weight, and -17 kilograms with the help of a reduction for her a big victory. I finish now the course on lightweight reductus, I really wanted to remove the tummy, for two months Reduxin light, along with the waist exercises minus 4 cm, and visually tucked up. On the scales I have minus 5 kg. So our family is very positive about reduxins.
I chose reductin light for myself, because the acid that is a part of is very useful.I am glad that I was not mistaken in the choice, and although I am taking only a month, already notable changes have taken place. I will write my results on the results of the whole course.
I drank exactly a month Reduxin 15, my height 163 weight was 78.5, now weight 71 kg, the last 10 capsules were drunk almost every other day, because side effects sweating is not very pleasant, when you go to a business meeting, very satisfied with the result. Has bought or purchased to itself still, by-effects are, but not so that they could not be transferred or carried. The result is worth it.
I think the most important thing is not to be lazy yourself and not to rely on miracles. I am for a comprehensive approach, pills, sports, diet, normal rest and self-love. I drink Reduxin Light now, I'm running around in the morning with a dog, I'm dieting and I want to marry a prince))))
Reduxin and Reduxin Light are absolutely different things. The main component of the reduction - sibutramine is completely absent in Reduxine light. And what's the point of paying for this useless dietary supplements.
I took an analog of Reduxin Lindax.I almost do not have excess weight, with an increase of 174 cm weight 64 kg, I dropped 3 kg per month, I think a good result for me :) The truth was pobochki: almost no sleep, the first day 4 hurted back. My friend accepted Reduxin. Has thrown off for 3 months of reception of 25-28 kg. She weighed 102 kg with a height of 162 cm, a wonderful result.
But again, every medicine acts differently on everyone, and if it helped us, it does not mean that it will help everyone. Another friend took Linda for about a month - without results.
Angel a
URAA !!! Reduxin Light is a super theme! sat on a low-calorie diet. Saw Reduxin Light. Today I met with friends who have not seen a month, so they just stunned me!
Zakidayte me tomatoes, but to pay such a deng out for the fact that I now constantly want to sleep, and at night I suffer from insomnia, plus the declared effect is absolutely not visible in terms of losing weight - that's what my experience with using Reduxin. So what do you want, but here's a pack of finish and I'll throw as for my body the effect is never obvious. It is better to buy a subscription to the pool and fitness, there long and hard,but with the effect, than there are incomprehensible additional symptoms, which will not add to the health.
Polina, the city of Perm
Today I bought Reduxin Light and started to drink during lunch. My dream is that my thighs lose weight and I could not hide behind my long blouses and t-shirts.
My weight is 69 kg with an increase of 162. I started taking capsule reduxin, today is the second day, all the side effects on the face are sweating, nausea, palpitations, dry mouth, irritability, etc. But at the same time, the appetite really decreased, feelings there is no hunger, but if it does, it is enough to eat quite a bit, that would feel full. After reading a lot of reviews on the Internet about this drug, I had doubts whether it is worth it to external beauty and harmony so ruin your health !!! But the most terrible thing is that this drug affects the nervous system and sends impulses to the brain to drown out the feeling of hunger, which is unnatural for the body. And yet the reaction is dulled, a feeling that you have been poured over your head with a sack, you are dying in a terrible way! I probably will not drink it any more, I'm afraid ...(it's a pity I just threw out so much money, because it's not cheap) and I do not advise others, especially young girls, think about your health, we still have children to give birth!
Elena, in your case I would definitely not Reduxin, there were too many side effects, plus there is an effect on the nervous system, that is, a systemic negative effect.
Everyone has his own story and his own organism, some people are not allowed to eat apples. While only 10 days I sit on Reduxinum light quite normal state of health. Before buying it all the Internet turned over, I studied the composition.
I bought the Reduxin, while I did not notice anything, but I hope!
And I Reduxin Light began to drink and after a week, somewhere the belly began to "decrease." Now I have sat down on a low-calorie diet, so in general for a week an average of minus 3 kg goes.
Polina, the city of Perm, it's the same Oksana stop advertising flooding in your reviews, make a worse advertised drug, and I can punish.
Reduxin Light helped me. And it's not even how much, and for how much.
The fact is that before I did not lose weight. Dangerous preparations did not drink (which for a month for 2-3 tons clean), and Reduxin lite and is safe and effective.
I also helped reduxin light. Only I used it as an additional tool. As the main thing - running and not eating after 6. A month later, volumes decreased significantly. After 3 months - the kilograms are gone. The initial weight was 54 kg, now 47. I have not gained weight for six months already.
I had a stop in losing weight, that is, I was doing sports, eating right, but the weight froze and did not move down any more. I needed to lose about 8 kg more, but I did not want to starve. With the help of redusin-light it was possible to overcome this difficulty. Weight began to decline again. This makes me happy!
I read the reviews, many good and bad. I do not even know what to do! Tell me, which doctor should you consult about this?
Marina, All of the problems with being overweight should be solved through endocrinologists in the first place, to prevent severe organic pathology, if the specialist will show that you have all right, you can refer to a dietitian, who will adjust the power, he may appoint and preparations that will promote weight loss . Only so, self-medication is always performed at your own peril and risk.
Oh, so with all med.preparatami, reviews cardinally opposite. One way out is to try. Every year I have a nutritionist, she makes me a menu to not think about myself, what can, what can not. So she did not mind Reduxin Light, I've been drinking it for 2 months. At me the truth, stocks of fat still those, eh! I did not notice any negative influences, Now I'm reading, I think, mood swings, is it from him?
When I read the composition of Rudusin Light, I realized that I had already heard it somewhere. And in fact, to me that vitamin E, that linoleic acid was prescribed already earlier, to strengthen the body. Maybe the results are not all good, because the drug itself does not remove fat, you need exercise and proper nutrition.
Dear advertisers Reduxina and Reduxina Light, while the placement of your advertising, I suspend, as rave reviews of the drug from the same people are already fed up. I can clearly see where the stream of these rave reviews comes from, or with a small amount of criticism, but still positive. DO NOT WORK. You have already already inflated a lot, too much.
One drug Reduxin Light can not save his figure. Basically, you need proper nutrition, matched by a dietitian and exercise. A Reduxin Light can act as an additional effective assistant in the fight against obesity.
I read the reviews, many good and bad. I do not even know what to do! Tell me, which doctor should you consult about this?
Marina! I want to complete the message to you from admin (he is absolutely right). I simply have a very good knowledge of the topic and can not pass by. Any doctor can write out the right prescription for reduction. But endocrinologists are professionally engaged in obesity. I tell you from personal experience. It is the endocrinologists who speak the subject deeply. I still had obesity at school (my weight was 2 times higher than normal) and already then prescribed pills that muffled appetite. Obesity is not a sudden attack, but such a disease as everyone else is even more serious because it provokes other diseases. And if the doctor sees that the excess of your body weight is harmful to your health, he will without hindrance write you a prescription for Reduxin, which will help to correct your weight.
When I recovered after the birth, I could not lose weight within a year. Lose two kilograms, and a week later they returned. I started going to the gym and my coach advised me to reduce-light.He said that he helps well in combination with physical exertion. It turned out that this is true - for three months I dropped my extra 10 kg, and now I look fine. As if she did not give birth!
I would think 100 times about taking this drug. Taking a medicine containing sibutramine can lead to suicide, heart attacks and strokes. If there are no side effects at once, it's not a fact that they will not arise afterwards. Women write that they can not even get pregnant after sibutramine !!!! In the US, the Food and Drug Administration has banned - http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm228746.htm
Reduxin-Light is simply a biologically active additive. Type of vitamin, so that the great effect of it would be strange to wait. If such things give effect, then this is the type of placebo effect.

The "Reduxin" remedy itself, but it's even worse - "Light" does not do much good, but it does not harm it either, but "Reduxin" is a harmful prohibited drug with a lot of pobochek. And most importantly, what is banned in Europe.

And we have progress in this direction: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/20121120235630.shtml (Committee of the State Duma will appeal to Roszdravnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor on facts of mass falsification of dietary supplements).
Has started to drink rekusin a week ago very good result of 3,5 kg for a week + certainly a diet and not is after 6.
Has bought or purchased usual reductinum. Height 172 weight 75 (before pregnancy 60). I drink the second day creepy. Is it necessary to cancel the drug? Like other pobochek I do not see.
Ksenia, it is possible that from Reduxin. Try to cancel the drug and see if this side effect will pass. Although I personally doubt that this tool is shown to you with your parameters.
Tell me please. Here I take Reduxin 15 the fifth day ... Of the listed pobochek only dries in the mouth ... That's what interests me ... The weight seems to be in place, and the volumes go away ... And yet, it began to sweat very much .. Is this normal? Thanks in advance...
Oksana, dry mouth and sweating are related to the side effects of the drug Reduxin. In the annotation it is written that these effects with subsequent administration of the drug are reduced.Ironically, your problem could be addressed to a doctor who prescribes this medicine to you, but apparently you accept it yourself, like most people, so here it is difficult to advise you something about the dynamics of losing weight.
Well, the drug decided to take it myself ... Just because no diet was good ... But with a reduction, I began to lose weight ... And it was not so easy to take it, excessive weight became my number one problem .. I learned from a friend, she also takes it on her own initiative, that he helps her well ... Here's another question: please, tell me, the first days of the appetite have left, but now I just want to eat? Means to act on weight loss pills will not be so effective ... Simply if it's already talked about what I'm taking without the appointment of a doctor, I'll say that with the growth of 156, my weight is 90 kg ... I'm just tired ... I thank ...
Oksana, I understand your condition, but I say that you apply an antiscientific approach, like most people who thoughtlessly take drugs from losing weight.In this market, a wide range of drugs, both in effect and in price. In my memory only pseudo drugs from weight loss, which in actual fact turned out to be ordinary diuretics, weight is very good for them, but also quickly restored after the end of the reception. Therefore, you need to go to the problem of weight reduction correctly - an endocrinologist, a nutritionist. These specialists after the examination will choose a diet (without losing weight it is meaningless) and the necessary preparations (it is quite possible and Reduxin, but with a weight loss scheme - you will know how much should lose over a certain period of time).
I accept the second week p 10 sense of zero (((((
Prompt, what laxative agent can be used at reception Reduxina 10?
ElenaLaxatives can be found on a lot, even on this site, but you can only recommend the medication internally. Therefore, if constipation occurs against the background of taking Reduxin 10, it makes sense to think about the cancellation of this medication. And it is better to see a doctor.
I took a year, I lost 14 kg. No appetite, but "the habit of chewing-the process of eating" in my head remained. We must try to drink more.
I bought a reduction, I drink the fifth day, something becomes uncomfortable, dryness in my mouth, I can not sleep, I tossed about until 4 am. I got a lot of different horrors about him, I probably will not take any more, that's what I looked at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bBcl9jLPRM I'll look for something safer, and I really want to lose weight by the summer.
I'm 35 years old, I gave birth to two children, as I did not try to be in "form" extra pounds arrived. I took Reduxin last year 10 days result minus 5 kg. Now the second day I take the drug, of course there are side effects (sweating, dry mouth, palpitation), but dear ladies - beauty requires sacrifice!
Reduxin Light helped me to lose 6 kg in a month and a half, as for me - a good result. And you did not notice, that during reception редуксина a light intimate muscles are toned?
Elina, no, I can not say anything about intimate muscles, I did not notice, but the muscles of the abdomen and the priest definitely began to tighten and more hard - yes, I noticed after taking 2 months of reduction-light. This effect was not achieved by one exercise alone. I do not know yet, whether or not, but I noticed that my nails are better, although I do not remember the instructions in this manual. But nonetheless. And so I for 2 months have dumped almost 8 kg and have passed from 48 sizes to 46. The result has remained it is happy that the drug in general in any way was not felt in the plan of any by-effects.
Svetlana, I still can not understand how muscles can tighten Sibutramine, which is the active substance Reduxina? Fat split is yes, but it is unlikely to tone muscles. It is possible only on sensations, but not physically.
admin, and I wrote not about simplex reductsin, where sibutramine, but about reductus light, where the active substance is CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). It works pretty well on muscle tissue, especially if you combine it with the load.About reductuksin can not say anything, I did not take it, and as far as I know, you absolutely right there are another way of acting and take it at the doctor's prescription exclusively
Distributors of Reduxin, you are a warning. You will continue to play with the hidden advertising of your drug, get into the blacklist and then the laudatory comment will be placed very difficult.
Hello everyone! Accepted "Reduxin 10" two months and nothing ... Weight is not gone! Moreover, even a kilogram was not wasted. Appetite became more than usual! Money paid for a pack (60 tablets) is not small, but if you take into account that "Reduxin 10" is a dummy, it's just money to the wind !!! "Reduxin 15" did not buy, because there is no motivation for this. If Reduxin-10 helped a little, then it would be possible to purchase Reduxin-15. But alas ... The drug did not live up to the expectations and invested money!
Decided to start using this drug, but ahead of the New Year holidays.Tell me whether it can be used by drinking?
Irina, I'm a doctor categorically against drinking alcohol. Our people do not know how to do this, both women and men, and even more so to drink alcohol together with medicines that themselves have a negative effect on the liver, kidneys and other systems of secretion and detoxification.

Now the essence of the matter. Direct instructions on the prohibition of the use of Reduxin with alcohol in the instruction there. Of course, the use of alcohol weakly matches the effect of the drug, since alcohol to a dietary product does not apply and contains many calories that quickly enter the blood and settle on the sides. So it's up to you, but the New Year without alcohol is entirely possible.
Hello, discharged Reduxin 15, I accept the second day, the first day was all right, on the second day of the morning my head ached very much, it just cracked, nausea. Tell me, please, what are the pain relievers compatible with Reduxin? Thank you.Before Reduxina took Xenical of the month 3, dropped 3 kg., And Reduxin Light did not help at all.
AlinaIf the side effects are strong, then no painkillers need to remove them, but to cancel and replace the drug (in this case Reduxin) to another. Address to the endocrinologist, then it is possible or probable to the dietician and if the problem exists, these experts to appoint or nominate to you complex treatment of your diseases.
I heard that with the application of "Reduxina" there is diarrhea, is it?
I take Reduxin-15 24 days on weight, decreased appetite, relieved walking and working, constipation, sweating, dry mouth. I think to drink for 3 months. I take the drug without prescribing a doctor.
Olga161, Not true. Diarrhea will be a side effect on the background of taking this drug, but not the main one. When there is a persistent diarrhea when taking the drug Reduxin, you need to think about adjusting the dosage or changing the medication to another.

Svetlana, There are many side effects of taking the drug at once and together, it may be better to contact a doctor endocrinologist and a nutritionist to appoint a competent treatment.
I tried to take Reduxin last fall - I really wanted to lose some weight by the new year. I read reviews, asked my girlfriends who took ... I did not hear anything good about this drug: all have terrible side effects, from diarrhea to pressure surges. But the result is promising. My mistake is that I decided that beauty requires sacrifice and if you need a little patience, then I will suffer. In general, the only result I managed to achieve in three weeks of taking a reduction is two months of constant trips to different doctors in an attempt to correct my own stupidity. Instead of losing weight (which did not happen!), I got a sleep disorder and liver problems! Thank you Reduxin!
The doctor advised to apply Reduxin 15. I warned that if the weight loss for the month is less than 4kg, you can not waste money. I take 4 weeks, weight loss 5kg.Decreased appetite, sometimes you do not feel hungry, sometimes you feel hunger as usual. From pobochek only dry mouth. In general, Reduxin is a cure for obesity. How can you call obesity "extra" 5-6 kg? Why do their owners first swallow the pills, and then complain that it does not help !?
I accept Reduxin 15 from February 14, 2014, today is 5 day, of the small pox only dry mouth, with the growth of 165 cm, weight 95 kg., Today, weight 92 kg., While I drink only green tea without sugar, I eat vegetables, poultry meat cooked, excluded the floury, sweet, fatty, fried. I eat in small portions, tk. especially do not feel like it, I feel good.
Only one BUT, I do not visit the toilet as often as many write about the reduction, so I want to drink a diuretic (some grass, not pills) but not much, so as not to "wash" calcium from the body.
So maybe it just cost less to eat and do not poison yourself with all sorts of reduxins, and a diuretic for weight loss is generally a clinic, the author has already noted about this issue in diuretics.People - limit yourself in nutrition and activate the motor activity, to whom this is not helped by the whole problem in the endocrine and it is necessary to go to the appropriate doctor, reductives will not help you.
Ivan, why bother with the inconvenience, drive yourself around the stadium before blueing, go past the store, if you can tapnut tabletochku and calmly chew cakes at the TV ?? You know, if there are no brains, you can not screw your head. Let them buy, let it be once again convinced that this is garbage, let them walk thick as cows! Then some other figs will be invented, again there will be queues in pharmacies. Buy, you little fools, that's all we need! Yes, and fitness clubs are also rabid money tear. And to lose weight for free, and even better not to gain excess weight - this is a constant continuous work, this is not our option.
Reduxino4ka, I will post your feedback in the black list of drugs, let people be pleased with the quality of performance. Although they would hide the ordered nature of the recall, they generally lost their fear.
Oh my God!!! Yes, what are you doing! Like adult women, but behave like schoolgirls! Read that you do not know how! Written BMI more than 30 kg! Well, where are you with your 5-10-15 climb! But my friend after childbirth of 135 kg with a weight of 170, that's what I understand! And I'm basically not better = 30 kg after the baby to all the terrible pain in the back, and when 15 on his back lie down so generally the lower part is taken away (that's what I mean indications for Reduxin)!
Let's just say, once a dietician appointed lindax, for 2 months - 23 kg minus, but this is with a diet. Now lindaksy on sale is not present, I drink rejdusin, besides with a diet. I will not say that it is easy, but if you strongly want to, everything will turn out, and all these horror stories that write, do not clog your head.
I accept Reduxin for the 6th week. In May, I bought clothes of size 50, weighed 88kg with a height of 176 cm. At the moment, the size of clothing was reduced to 44, weight - 78kg. First I bought a dosage of 10 mg, then 15. Now I think again to return to 10. And not because of any side effects, but because the lack of appetite and the amount of food absorbed is frightening - I eat it once a day and this reception is getting smaller every day and less. Got weight after birth, before pregnancy weighed 74 kg.I'll get to that threshold and stop. At least I'll try. Because the result is very happy and happy. And by the way, I do not refuse anything to myself - I eat and drink what I want, I do not observe any side effects, except that the increased sentimentality and mood swings (although this can be got rid of by making love))). The husband looks at me, says buy me too, otherwise I'm not looking beautiful against your background))) But I do not know if he can - he has a stomach ulcer. It seems that there is nothing in this manual. Admin, will you respond?
And those who doubt the contradictory opinions I can say - do not try - do not know. Everything depends on the individual organism. And I also think that the price is quite acceptable, yes, a little expensive, but you can give a thousand rubles for a month for weight reduction.
ElenaS, Pro contraindications in the form of a stomach ulcer or gastritis in the instructions to the drug says nothing.
Catherine B
Two years ago, saw, the result is excellent, although there was a slight irritability.For the sake of this result, you can and suffer! Now another problem, in the drugstore they say that Reduxin is banned and I can not buy it anywhere !! What to do?? Has anyone bought it on the Internet?
Catherine B, The drug seems to be not prohibited. Online you are unlikely to buy it because you need a prescription (I personally have not found such pharmacies). For example, in Moscow, there are full pharmacies offline, where this drug is sold. Search in your region.
I really did not think that we can still buy sibutramine without a prescription! In ordinary pharmacies like all this poison was banned, and it's unfortunate that such a respected resource explains where and how to buy tablets that do not bring anything except harm!
MarinaSomeone uses gunpowder for good, and some do harm. The question was about authorizing the sale of the drug. The native state allows sale to its citizens - it permits (there is no official prohibition), other questions to doctors and patients.Some appoint - others accept, but you can also read reviews if your head is on your shoulders. Yes, and without a prescription do not buy it in the matter described.
I've been drinking since March with interruptions. First I was on a strict diet. Now I do not refuse anything. My result is 15 kg.
Lydia Ivanova
I do not know how anyone, but I really liked losing weight on it. I drank it in the spring. As a result, for two and a half months dropped 7 kilograms. I still keep within the framework of the discarded, nothing hurts anywhere, the body feels fine. Even the skin did not hang anywhere, although that was what frightened me.
Miracle means, I never thought that ours could come up with something like that. I was helped very much to remove the very last 5 kilograms, which could not remove after delivery. I have two girlfriends on it losing weight and also have achieved good results.
I drink 2 month Reduxin, side effects are - strong nausea, reaction to smells nausea, insomnia, nervousness, loss of appetite, problems with stool. Has grown thin for 3 kg my body height 160 weight was 55.I was always difficult to lose weight - the sport, the diet for the month was only 3kg, and now eat whatever you want, even at night, and now the holidays were the New Year's regime of the day shot down that afternoon, and at night you walk, eat, drink weight is not added. Only in the mornings, not a pleasant feeling in the stomach, as if the stomach tightened tightly and when you feel that the stomach can burst, even if you eat only a cookie with tea. Right now I'll finish the pill and stop buying them, I'll stick to the proper nutrition.
I want to turn to Xenia! Do not hurt yourself, you do not have excess weight. But having sharply thrown to drink Reduxin, you will get it, especially with such pobochkami. I myself drank in 2006g. "Lida". I lost 7 kg in a month, from dryness I began to drink more water, but it was just fine. Then I could not buy a capsule, weight returned. Yes, I forgot the most basic with the growth of 162 my weight of 90 kg. Now I pass treatment together with the endocrinologist, tk. according to the results of the analyzes, thyroid and liver diseases were identified, complex treatment, including Reduxin 15. Of the poxiness, dryness and drowsiness. I drink capsules for 3 days. I hope for the result, while the volumes are leaving.With respect to all losing weight!
Victoria, Your approach is correct and demonstrates that the pills are effective only when they are needed and appointed by a specialist. Otherwise, you can endlessly stuff yourself with chemistry and get a negative result, undermining your health.
And I've only been reducing for the second week. Not itself has solved, to me the endocrinologist has written out. I have gained weight in the last 2 years. Earlier it was easy to follow and lose weight is not difficult. But after 40 it does not work out in the same way as before. The endocrinologist said that as long as there are no contraindications, you need to take the drug and get rid of weight, or just get the whole bouquet, which brings extra weight with you.
I took Reduxin last year. The result exceeded my expectations, for 2 months 10 kg. From pobochki only a strong sweating and dryness in a mouth. I'm going to repeat the procedure again.
I have been taking 14 days. There is only dryness. I did not feel a special dump even of extra grammes. Height 157, weight75. Maybe it's too early to judge. But there is less hunting. Only towards the night is especially melancholy somehow. I look like a small ball, and my husband is tall and healthy, funny looking.
I lost ten pounds on a reduction of 15 kg for half a year. Dryness was, but you need to drink more water. On the pn passed quietly.
Catherine B
Where do you buy it? I really need it!
Catherine BThere are many pharmacies in Moscow, where he meets on sale. It is necessary to specify in your region.
Catherine B
In our region, only with a prescription!
Catherine BIn Russia, this medicine is also available on prescription.
I took the course at a period of 2 years Reduxin. Does not work.First the weight is thrown off, and then we dial. And then there are a lot of side effects: palpitation, dryness, drowsiness. Understanding women - they want everything at once, but reductions are expensive and weight returns ...
I bought reduxin in a pharmacy. The doctor gave me the prescription.
I did not like this dietary supplements, I took the course completely, but I managed to lose only 2 kilograms. In addition, I began to suffer from tachycardia, there was insomnia and drowsiness. And in general this drug had a lot of side effects, it was worthwhile to read about them right away. More take it, I will not and do not advise anyone, the result is zero, and health deteriorated. I think that even a diet will better act on the body than these tablets.
branda, did the doctor prescribe your reduction? What dosage? If the dosage is picked up incorrectly and you yourself began to drink, then of course there will be pobochki. Take it must be strictly until 12.00. Under the supervision of a doctor to lose weight. The drug is worthy, in vain you are.
Reducine capsules 15 mg helped both me and my sister and my girlfriend. After childbirth, I weighed 70. After a month of taking the capsules, I began to weigh 53. My sister also took off a lot. And a girlfriend with 75 threw off 20. And after she became pregnant. I could not have children because of excess weight. I'm for reduction! :-) I'm glad that he is.

Ilmira, me and the girls only after 4 weeks began to feel the result. Weight began to decline. And before that, even upset, thought garbage. Reduxin cool thing! Believe and wait. And special efforts did not apply) all sorts of exercises and m))
I want to ask a question to those who write that Reduxin did not help, but how did you take it? Did you appoint him yourself? This is the error of many. I was thin on Reduxina and very pleased, but I was appointed by a doctor, I drank it strictly according to the instructions, and did not sit on the couch, because Reduxin blocks appetite, my fat should be driven in the gym.
Alice, it's the same Nadia, and many others (probably the whole department), I already warned you about advertising your Reduxin.If you are a lawyer of your brand, then use legal channels for advertising, and do not publish here under the guise of ordinary visitors and do not offend visitors who give an objective picture without advertising. The warning was already there and not one at all, so do not blame it, it pulls on ban and toughening of moderation, now you can advertise on other sites that allow you to create similar with visitors. I respect my own.

P.S. Your feedback on Sibutramin was deleted.
Dear admin, you are a strange person, people write a bad review, you publish it, because you see it is true, and what helped me is Reduxin this garbage. You have a great position. There is no objectivity in you and your site. How can I prove that I am a real person? invite you to visit?
Nadia, On a visit to you I will not go you to my entire department pile wink or should I write to you specifically and where did these reviews come from? I know all your kitchen, I have a lot of friends, including among the medical representatives. I can perfectly imagine your special attitude to the Internet, as a place with a free opportunity to popiaritsya.So we will not argue, the more the Reduxin warning was already issued and you were well warned.
Once after the birth of the second child I tried to drink jujdemen, it helped, but everything came back in time, and Reduxin №15 began to drink after the birth of the third child, after 4 years of breastfeeding it was corrected by almost 15 kg (75 kg with an increase of 162 cm) for three months lost weight on 13 kg. I am very satisfied with the result. Reduxin is a medicinal product, and it is sold only on prescription! (not to be confused with Reduxin Light), it is 100% helpful and it's not advertising. I tried a lot of nonsense, and only this medicine is a panacea, although there are a lot of side effects, you just need to follow the recommendations of the doctors appointing it.
Girls! Sell ​​Redus, India. Bought for myself, but it turned out that hypertensive patients can not drink it. The dosage of sibutramine is 15 mg. 2 packs (90 tabs per pack). Original. I will send cash on delivery. Questions to the mail: *** @ ***
Olga, Sale of medicines,carried out not through the official pharmacy network, is banned in Russia, so you and your counterfeit offers are no longer in the Directory. All the same I will delete.
I took reduxin five years ago, now I do not remember 10 or 15. I remember that it's just hell to drink it on an empty stomach. Only after breakfast, preferably dense. I did not take it for a long time, a month. Gone are the volumes for a couple of sizes in clothes, in kg not much, not more than 5. But constipation, it's probably the most memorable. And still the inhibition, correctly written as a bag of ogrely and such dullness covers you. Initially, there was less like, then sweets all ceased to bring joy and I stopped eating them at all. And then when I stopped taking them, I did not gain weight, and did not eat sweets. And she gave birth to everything. Hello sweets and extra 10 kg. But while I will not lose weight, I will not lose weight. All the measures for weight loss will be taken after. If after the GW is not started to lose weight, I'll go to the endocrinologist. I will not take self-medication, my mother needs a healthy baby.
The drug works, but you need to do sports, and choose healthy food. Reduxin saw for two months, took off 11 kg. There were no side effects, but I approached the issue of taking a reduction with caution. Has consulted at the doctor, has handed over the general or common analyzes.
Yes, here each post-advertising) Lose weight with the help of proper nutrition, sport and willpower. Eat with a smaller bucket, walk more on foot, and leave the reductin lazy and stupid!
Reduxin will help you, if you are also involved, i.e. go to the PP, go in for sports, let it be walking, but it will. If you drink water. Will go well volumes, then weight.
Here I bought the Reduxin 15. I read all the reviews, I sit, I'm afraid of side effects, and if they appear, how to get rid of them. I did not see a doctor, no one prescribed a drug to me. I just added after 2 years and I want to lose some.
Alla, Your review is moved to the drug Orsoten, where it is more appropriate.
Descended or went to the endocrinologist it has appeared, that at me a hypothyrosis, but the doctor all the same has registered to me a reduction, and in the instruction it is written in black and white contraindicated and how it to understand?
AnastasiaIt must be understood in this way - if you have hypothyroidism and it is untreated, then taking Reduxin is useless, it is possible that obesity is caused by hormonal problems with the thyroid gland. If you have hypothyroidism and you have long been treated with replacement tablets (Eutirox, L-thyroxine, etc.), you control the level of hormones and there is still an excess of weight, then the endocrinologist can prescribe to you Reduxin according to the indications, if to the same the preliminary correction of the diet did not help.
Today I bought at the drugstore Reduxin 10 mg (without a doctor's prescription), I drank 1 tab. In the morning, in the evening I feel a small palpitation and euphoria.If you take a capsule in a day, then will the pimples decrease? PS: I'll just say that I do not intend to take this drug for months, maybe only two weeks, to wean myself to eat a lot and go to a low-dose diet. Height 170 - weight 75.
Larka, As for hypersthenic you have normal combinations of weight and height that do not need correction (but it is necessary to watch a specialist live, your type, body mass index and other parameters). A Reduxin is taken correctly - once a day and has its own clear indications and contraindications. Medicines must be taken correctly. I would consult a doctor for advice.
Saw Reduxin 8 days, sensations terrible - a sweating, in a head wadding, from driving of the car it was necessary to refuse. There are forgetful, therefore gastritis has become aggravated. In my opinion, the drug is very serious and it should not be taken without the doctor's recommendations.
Good afternoon! Tell me, girls, can I have some wrong Reduxin? At me after three days to reception in general any reaction is not present. Just nothing (((
Good day! I've been drinking Reduxin Light for two weeks already, on the scales the figure is the same.
Good afternoon. Waiting for an order for Reduxin 10, ordered in a pharmacy. My height 158 ​​weight 72, tried various bads, teas, all nonsense! Survey pass periodically, I really hope for the result, even -10.

I also drank Reduxin Light, the result of 0. In the pharmacy, the pharmacist explained that RL does not affect the appetite.
admin, and you can take this drug if you have an anamnesis oncology? In contraindications nothing is written ... It is very necessary to lose weight. Diets no longer help.
Natusik.Such questions should be solved with your oncologist. There are a lot of drugs, each with its own effects, besides, oncology is different (in the question it is not indicated). Therefore, please refer to this question to a specialist. I will not help you in this matter, I did not encounter such a thing.

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