Anaprilin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations (tablets 10 mg and 40 mg) of the drug for the treatment of hypertension, tachycardia and angina in adults, children and pregnancy

Anaprilin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations (tablets 10 mg and 40 mg) of the drug for the treatment of hypertension, tachycardia and angina in adults, children and pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Anaprilin. Presented are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of experts on the use of Anaprilin in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Anaprilin in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of hypertension, tachycardia and angina pectoris in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Anaprilin non-selective beta-blocker.It has antihypertensive, anti-anginal and antiarrhythmic effects. Due to the blockade of beta-adrenoreceptors, catecholamines-induced cAMP formation from ATP decreases, as a result, reduces the intracellular intake of calcium ions, has a negative chrono-, dromo-, batmo- and inotropic effect (decreases heart rate, inhibits conduction and excitability, reduces myocardial contractility). At the beginning of the use of beta-blockers OPSS in the first 24 hours increases (as a result of the reciprocal increase in the activity of alpha-adrenergic receptors and elimination of stimulation of beta2-adrenoreceptors of the vessels of skeletal muscles), but after 1-3 days it returns to the initial, and with prolonged use decreases.


The hypotensive effect is associated with a decrease in the minute volume of blood, sympathetic stimulation of the peripheral vessels, a decrease in the activity of the renin-angiotensin system (important in patients with initial hypersecretion of renin), the sensitivity of the aortic baroreceptors (there is no increase in their activity in response to a decrease in blood pressure) and the effect on CNS. The hypotensive effect is stabilized by the end of the second week of the course appointment.


The antianginal effect is due to a decrease in myocardial oxygen demand (due to a negative chronotropic and inotropic effect). The decrease in heart rate leads to diastole lengthening and improvement of myocardial perfusion. By increasing the end diastolic pressure in the left ventricle and increasing the stretching of the muscle fibers of the ventricles can increase the need for oxygen, especially in patients with chronic heart failure.


Antiarrhythmic effect is due to the elimination of arrhythmogenic factors (tachycardia, increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, increased cAMP, arterial hypertension), a decrease in the rate of spontaneous excitation of sinus and ectopic pacemakers and slowing of AV-conduction. Oppression of impulses is noted predominantly in the antegrade and to a lesser extent in the retrograde direction through the AV node and along additional paths. It belongs to the 2nd class of antiarrhythmics. Reducing the severity of myocardial ischemia - by reducing myocardial oxygen demand, postinfarction mortality may also decrease due to antiarrhythmic action.


The ability to prevent the development of headache of vascular genesis is due to a decrease in the expansion of cerebral arteries due to beta-adrenoblockade of vascular receptors, inhibition of catecholamine-induced platelet aggregation and lipolysis, a decrease in platelet adhesiveness, prevention of activation of clotting factors during adrenaline release, stimulation of oxygen supply to tissue and a decrease in secretion renin.


Reduction of tremor against the background of the use of Propranolol (the active substance of the drug Anaprilin) ​​is due primarily to blockade of peripheral beta2-adrenergic receptors.


Increases atherogenic properties of blood. Increases contractions of the uterus (spontaneous and caused by means that stimulate the myometrium). Increases bronchial tone. In high doses, it causes sedation.




After ingestion, about 90% of the dose taken is absorbed, but the bioavailability is low due to metabolism during the "first pass" through the liver. It is excreted by the kidneys mainly in the form of metabolites, in unchanged form - less than 1%.



  • arterial hypertension;
  • angina pectoris tension;
  • unstable angina;
  • sinus tachycardia (including hyperthyroidism);
  • supraventricular tachycardia;
  • tahisystolic form of atrial fibrillation;
  • supraventricular and ventricular extrasystole;
  • essential tremor;
  • prevention of migraine;
  • alcohol abstinence (agitation and trembling);
  • anxiety;
  • pheochromocytoma (auxiliary treatment);
  • diffuse-toxic goiter and thyrotoxic crisis (as an auxiliary, including with intolerance of thyreostatic drugs);
  • sympatoadrenal crises against the background of diencephalic syndrome.


Forms of release


Tablets 10 mg and 40 mg.


Instructions for use and dosage


Individually. When administered, the initial dose is 20 mg, a single dose of 40-80 mg, the frequency of reception - 2-3 times a day.


Side effect

  • increased fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • depression;
  • anxiety;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • hallucinations;
  • tremor;
  • nervousness;
  • anxiety;
  • decrease in secretion of tear fluid (dryness and soreness of the eyes);
  • sinus bradycardia, AV-blockade (until the development of complete transverse blockade and cardiac arrest);
  • arrhythmias;
  • development (aggravation) of chronic heart failure;
  • a decrease in blood pressure;
  • orthostatic hypotension;
  • manifestation of angiospasm (increased peripheral circulatory disturbance, coldness of the lower limbs, Raynaud's syndrome);
  • chest pain;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • discomfort in the epigastric region;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • changes in taste;
  • nasal congestion;
  • bronchospasm;
  • changes in blood glucose concentration (hypo- or hyperglycemia);
  • thrombocytopenia (unusual bleeding and hemorrhage), leukopenia;
  • increased sweating;
  • psoriasis-like skin reactions;
  • exacerbation of psoriasis symptoms;
  • itching;
  • skin rash;
  • hives;
  • backache;
  • arthralgia;
  • decreased potency;
  • withdrawal syndrome (increased angina attacks, myocardial infarction, increased blood pressure).



  • AV-blockade of 2 and 3 degrees;
  • sinoatrial blockade;
  • bradycardia (heart rate less than 55 bpm);
  • syndrome of weakness of the sinus node;
  • arterial hypotension (systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg, especially with myocardial infarction);
  • chronic heart failure 2B-3 stage;
  • acute heart failure;
  • cardiogenic shock;
  • hypersensitivity to propranolol.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


The use of propranolol in pregnancy is possible only if the intended benefit to the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus. If it is necessary to use during this period, careful monitoring of the fetal condition is necessary, for 48-72 h before the birth of propranolol should be discarded.


It should be borne in mind that a possible negative impact on the fetus: intrauterine growth retardation, hypoglycemia, bradycardia.


Propranolol excreted in breast milk. If it is necessary to use during lactation, it is necessary to establish a medical supervision of the child or to stop breastfeeding.


special instructions


Use with caution in patients with bronchial asthma, COPD, bronchitis, decompensated heart failure, diabetes mellitus, renal and / or hepatic insufficiency, hyperthyroidism, depression, myasthenia gravis, psoriasis, peripheral vascular occlusive diseases, pregnancy, lactation, elderly patients, in children (efficacy and safety not defined).


During the treatment may exacerbate psoriasis.


With pheochromocytoma propranolol can be used only after taking an alpha-blocker.


After a prolonged course of treatment, propranolol should be withdrawn gradually, under the supervision of a doctor.


Against the background of treatment with propranolol should be avoided in / in the introduction of verapamil, diltiazem. A few days before the anesthesia should stop taking propranolol or choose an agent for anesthesia with a minimal negative inotropic effect.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


In patients whose activities require increased attention, the question of the use of propranolol in an outpatient setting should be addressed only after assessing the patient's individual response.


Drug Interactions


With simultaneous use with hypoglycemic agents, there is a risk of developing hypoglycemia by increasing the effect of hypoglycemic agents.


With simultaneous use with MAO inhibitors, there is a possibility of developing undesirable manifestations of drug interaction.


The cases of development of severe bradycardia in the use of Anaprilin for arrhythmias caused by digitalis preparations are described.


With simultaneous use with funds for inhalation anesthesia, the risk of oppression of myocardial function and development of arterial hypotension increases.


With simultaneous use with Amiodarone possible arterial hypotension, bradycardia, ventricular fibrillation, asystole.


With simultaneous use with Verapamil possible arterial hypotension, bradycardia, dyspnea. Increases Cmax in blood plasma, increases AUC, decreases the clearance of propranolol due to the inhibition of its metabolism in the liver under the influence of verapamil.


Anaprilin does not affect the pharmacokinetics of verapamil.


A case of development of severe arterial hypotension and cardiac arrest is described with simultaneous application with haloperidol.


With simultaneous application with hydralazine, Cmax in the blood plasma and AUC of propranolol increases. It is believed that hydralazine can reduce hepatic blood flow or inhibit the activity of liver enzymes, which leads to a slowdown in the metabolism of propranolol.


With the simultaneous use of propranolol can inhibit the effects of glibenclamide, glyburide, chlorpropamide, tolbutamide, t. nonselective beta2-adrenoblockers are able to block beta-2-adrenergic receptors of the pancreas associated with insulin secretion.


Due to the action of sulfonylurea derivatives, the release of insulin from the pancreas is inhibited by beta-blockers,which to some extent prevents the development of hypoglycemic effect.


With simultaneous use with diltiazem, the concentration of propranolol in the blood plasma increases due to the inhibition of its metabolism under the influence of diltiazem. There is an additive inhibitory effect on the activity of the heart due to the slowing down of the impulse through the AV node caused by diltiazem. There is a risk of development of severe bradycardia, the impact and minute volume significantly decreases.


With simultaneous application, cases of increasing the concentration of Warfarin and phenindione in blood plasma are described.


At simultaneous application with doxorubicin in experimental researches the strengthening of cardiotoxicity is shown.


With the simultaneous use of propranolol interferes with the development of bronchodilating effect of isoprenaline, salbutamol, terbutaline.


With simultaneous application, the cases of increasing the concentration of imipramine in the blood plasma are described.


With simultaneous use with indomethacin, naproxen, piroxicam, acetylsalicylic acid, a decrease in the antihypertensive effect of propranolol is possible.


At simultaneous application with ketanserinom development of an additive hypotensive effect is possible.


With simultaneous application with clonidine, antihypertensive effect is enhanced.


In patients receiving propranolol, in the case of a sharp withdrawal of clonidine, the development of severe arterial hypertension is possible. It is believed that this is due to an increase in the content of catecholamines in the circulating blood and an increase in their vasoconstrictor action.


With simultaneous application with caffeine, a decrease in the effectiveness of propranolol is possible.


With simultaneous use, it is possible to intensify the effects of Lidocaine and bupivacaine (including toxic), apparently due to a slowing of the metabolism of local anesthetics in the liver.


At simultaneous application with lithium carbonate the case of development of a bradycardia is described.


With simultaneous application, the case of strengthening side effects of maprotiline is described, which is due, apparently, to a slowing of its metabolism in the liver and cumulation in the body.


With simultaneous application with mefloquine, the QT interval increases, the case of cardiac arrest is described; with morphine - exacerbating effect on the CNS, caused by morphine; with sodium amidotrizoate - cases of severe arterial hypotension have been described.


With simultaneous use with nizoldipine, Cmax and AUC of propranolol and nizoldipine in the blood plasma can increase, which leads to severe arterial hypotension. There is a report on reinforcing the beta-blocking action.


With simultaneous application with Nifedipine in patients with ischemic heart disease, it is possible to develop severe arterial hypotension, an increased risk of heart failure and myocardial infarction, which may be due to an increase in the negative inotropic effect of nifedipine.


Patients receiving Anaprilin have a risk of developing severe hypotension after taking the first dose of prazosin.


With simultaneous application with prenylamine, the QT interval increases.


With simultaneous application with propafenone, the concentration of propranolol in the blood plasma increases and toxic action develops. Propafenone is thought to inhibit the metabolism of propranolol in the liver, reducing its clearance and increasing serum concentrations.


With the simultaneous use of reserpine, other antihypertensive agents, the risk of developing arterial hypotension and bradycardia increases.


With simultaneous application, Cmax and AUC of rizatriptan are increased; with rifampicin - the concentration of propranolol in the blood plasma decreases; with suxamethonium chloride, tubocurarine chloride - it is possible to modify the action of muscle relaxants.


With simultaneous use, the clearance of theophylline decreases due to the slowing of its metabolism in the liver. There is a risk of developing bronchospasm in patients with bronchial asthma or COPD. Beta-adrenoblockers can block the inotropic effect of theophylline.


With simultaneous use with phenyldione, there have been cases of some increase in bleeding without changes in the coagulability of blood.


With simultaneous application with flecainide, additive cardiodepressive action is possible.


Fluoxetine inhibits the isoenzyme CYP2D6, which leads to oppression of propranolol metabolism and its cumulation and can enhance cardiodepressive action (including bradycardia). Fluoxetine and, mainly, its metabolites are characterized by prolonged T1 / 2, so the probability of drug interaction persists even a few days after fluoxetine cancellation.


With simultaneous use in blood plasma, concentrations of propranolol, chlorpromazine, thioridazine increase. Perhaps a sharp decrease in blood pressure.


Cimetidine inhibits the activity of microsomal liver enzymes (including isoenzyme CYP2D6), which leads to oppression of propranolol metabolism and its cumulation: an increase in negative inotropic action and the development of cardiodepressive action are observed.


With simultaneous use, the hypertensive effect of epinephrine increases, there is a risk of developing severe life-threatening hypertensive reactions and bradycardia. The bronchodilator effect of sympathomimetics (epinephrine, ephedrine) decreases.


With simultaneous application, cases of a decrease in the effectiveness of ergotamine are described.


There are reports of changes in hemodynamic effects of Anaprilin when used simultaneously with ethanol (alcohol).


Analogues of the drug Anaprilin


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Inderal;
  • Obsidan;
  • Propranolobene;
  • Propranolol;
  • Propranolol Nycomed;
  • Propranolol hydrochloride.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (145):
The drug is good, and most importantly cheap, it helped me from tachycardia, the diagnosis which the cardiologist, to which I got, having gone through different doctors diagnosed. They treated someone like the thyroid, an endocrinologist, who looked for an infection and made three hundred times to measure the temperature, as the therapist did, until I got to a specialist in "cardiac" cases and did not take Anadrilin. The whole problem with tachycardia does not bother me and my heart stopped pounding like a plague in my chest.
I was advised by a cardiologist as a symptomatic for an attack of tachycardia. It helps, the pulse calms down, but here the taste sensations in the mouth after it are awful, nauseous.
The drug is good. But you need a gradual admission, especially for allergic people and the elderly: first, do not cancel the medicine for pressure, start with one tablet a day, listen to yourself and your sensations.After a month of reception: periodically there is a small dermal tooth and depression.
Indeed, the attack tachycardia shoots with a bang, my doctor recommended it as a short-term and I did not regret it, but she advised me to take it under my tongue so I burned so mucous in my mouth that the skin slimmed for a week.
At me daily ekg-monitoring has shown 2 supraventricular ekstrasistolii and 4635 ventricular ekstrasistol. Have appointed or nominated from an arrhythmia anaprilin (a children's dosage since I the hypotonic). Before him, I clearly felt the distinct frequent fading behind the sternum (arrhythmia), as I began to take it, I hardly feel any fading, although the tonometer shows an arrhythmia and it is determined by the pulse. And more I was very worried about frequent belching out the air from the zhkt, under which, for some reason, I feel bad. I had a belch of air earlier, but much less often, I do not understand if I should take anaprilin next. Pulse it reduces and pressure a little reduces, but the arrhythmia at me all continues.
OLGA, I so understand Anaprilin has been appointed all the same from an arrhythmia, and as the problem is not eliminated, to you to the doctor for internal reception. Perhaps it makes sense to raise the dosage, or change the drug to another, or add more drugs to the scheme.
This drug I use when removing tachycardia, half an apple a day I splurge and spit out, after 5-10 minutes the pulse is normal.
I do not understand why I was prescribed with cirrhosis.
danil, It is better to learn about the reasons for prescribing a particular drug from your doctor. But most likely you have found an additional violation of the heart rate for the treatment of which most often and appoint Anaprilin.

Perhaps the cause of this violation was and your underlying disease (cirrhosis, probably the liver), as this can lead to electrolyte disorders in the blood and provoke violations of the heart rhythm. The heart is also worth exploring additionally.
I was advised by a paramedic in the ambulance to do so: take 1 tablet of anaprilin and 50 drops of corvalol. After 2-3 days, tachycardia began to decrease. I took almost 2 months, and she (it was in March) came to naught. But it is impossible to stop this treatment drastically. It is necessary to gradually decrease the dosage of anaprilin and Corvalolum.
To me the cardiologist has appointed or nominated anaprilin, as monitoring of an electrocardiogram has defined supraventricular extrasystoles and ventricular extrasystoles and a small tachycardia. I took the drug 3 times a day, it was all very good, but only 2 months, now I continue taking the drug, I began to give information about myself often to know extrasystole.
About a year the head hurts, toshnit, by attacks the pressure rises. There are no good diagnoses in the polyclinic. The ambulance was taken several times and with IHD, and with hypertension, etc. Davezut to the hospital, anaprilin on the road will work, and I like a cucumber. Back home, the hospital does not take. ECG, CT, X-ray of the neck, UZDG - all within the limits of the norm. Here's the neurologist advised to drink 10 mg 3 times a day.That's all the treatment. Without a diagnosis. Like while helps. Symptom can migraine it ??
ZSVIt's good to know your age. In principle, if taken to the ambulance and only Anaprilin helps, it is possible and poprinimat. The drug is non-toxic, if it goes generally good in terms of destination.

Migraines are not enough. Probably, it's worth checking the kidneys and adrenal glands (both on ultrasound and functionally according to the results of the tests), it can be something in violation of the functions of these organs.
I'm 42. Yes, I also examined the kidneys. I forgot how the examination is called, the catheter was inserted. Everything is okay. Analyzes are normal. Here have directed still on US of heart.
ZSVAs the adrenal glands used to say, hormones still check, maybe something is hidden in this imbalance. Age is young, it is better not to let things go. There can not be a transient pressure drop on an even place, for no reason. The stress factor preceding seizures can be ignored or there were some stressors before the onset of seizures?
In my little helps and normalizes the heartbeat.
Yes, life was very stressful. Today VSD have put, but, as it seems to me, again a finger in the sky. It is necessary to write something ... And so, the last 4 days, the picture every night is repeated: a jump in pressure, nausea, lump in the sternum, I can not fall asleep. Tried painkillers, nitroglycerin, validol, valerian - all is useless. I sit until the morning, until the eyes themselves are closed. I already experience my life.
ZSV, Vegeto-vascular dystonia is not a diagnosis, but a situation called "to get rid of the patient." If nothing is found, put this diagnosis. Although in most cases, the underlying cause of the disease is either organic (that is, a disease) or mental state (and in this I do not see anything reprehensible and terrible, as long as mental illness does not become a psychiatric illness, they respond well to treatment). So either change the doctors, or let them look for the real cause of the disease. The case, of course, is complicated, but it is necessary.
Thank you. But, anaprilin still good helps :)
Is it necessary to drink it under the tongue?
valentinesYou can take in and under the tongue. Recommendation such - if it is necessary that the drug acted faster, for example, used to stop hypertensive seizures, then take it under the tongue. If you need a long course of therapy, then Anaprilin is taken internally.
130 to 90 is the normal pressure? Can you live with him? I am 30 years old winked
paulo, It's not normal anymore. The normal pressure is up to 130 by 80 mm Hg. It is necessary to be examined for possible causes of increased pressure at such a young age. If there are hypertensive patients among close relatives, then it is probably worth thinking about the appointment of antihypertensive drugs in minimum doses.
I have a pressure of 105/110 at 70/75, but the pulse sometimes is 90-100. Can I take anaprilin? Pulse when high, very unpleasant sensations, but the pressure remains normal, maximum 120. Anaprilin first of all reduces the pressure, and I'm more interested in lowering the pulse.
Alla, Anaprilin is just used to adjust the heart rate (for the treatment of tachycardia, extrasystoles, etc.). It's a beta-blocker. And the normalization of pressure is if it is possible to say a pleasant side effect. But if your blood pressure is normal, you need to consult a doctor, he can prescribe you a monotherapy with one Anaprilin, so as not to lower the already low blood pressure.
Thank you very much for your answer. I would like to clarify, if at my low pressure there is an attack of tachycardia, then how much to take anaprilina? I have a dosage of 10 mg, will there be enough halves or even quarters of the tablet not to lower the already low blood pressure?
In advance thanks for the answer.
Alla, Cardiac drugs (and Anaprilin is no exception) should be titrated from small doses. Try to start with quarters and commit changes. If the pulse still remains frequent - try half a tablet and so on until you reach an acceptable result.

If there is no effect from the whole tablet and above - means, the medicine has not approached or suited and it is necessary to replace a preparation on another or to add in a combination something else. Aimed, no one will say which dosage will help specifically in your case. Much depends on the length of service and the severity of the disease. About the preliminary consultation of a cardiologist, I think I should not repeat myself, I have written about this more than once on the website.
I am 60 years old. I take anaprilin for a long time, but in small doses 10-20 mg + valoserdine per day before bedtime. Only this "cocktail" helps to fall asleep. Once, 20 years ago, I had terrible hypothalamic crises. I took anaprilin + amitriptyline for a long time. Now tachycardia is removed only anaprilinom. At the endocrinologist it was surveyed, it's OK.I have a question, can I take it long without much harm to the heart?
RaisaIf Anaprilin is right for you, you can take it under your scheme indefinitely without harm to the heart.
I have a high blood pressure, 180-200 at 110, but my pulse at that 55-65, I started taking anaprilin because of the availability in the price, but not regularly, but alternating with the clonidine.
Clopheline at night, when 180 and above, and anaprilin during the day. Below 160 AD does not fall, except that on the first day after taking clonidine, and if I'm not nervous and do not provoke a healthy diet, then up to several days there may be 150. I am a pensioner, I am 60 years old. AD-140 with 25 years, doctors said that this is a vascular nature. On the permanent antihypertensive drugs did not "sit down" because I'm allergic and not one did not fit that I tried. Now many new drugs, but because of the price it is difficult to experiment, although I tried. You can take chaotically anaprilin, so as not to cause addiction and do not provoke a withdrawal syndrome?
SEV, Basic pressure therapy is necessary for you in any case. Since you can not even stabilize with your swoops. And this is fraught with an increased risk of developing a stroke or heart attack. So you still have to select.

Given your age, it is possible to weaken the allergic component in the body and even earlier allergic reactions may be available to you. At a price, too, the range of drugs for reducing blood pressure is great, you can pick up on a wallet.

To Anaprilin, there is no getting used to and there is no withdrawal syndrome. It can be taken continuously for a long time, which many patients do. Clopheline is a means for emergency relief of a crisis, in a limited period of time, and indeed in the past century.
At attacks of a tachycardia itself I accept anaprilin under tongue, under the advice of the doctor of first aid. Very effective. I was afraid to take it more often. After reading the reviews, I realized that the preperat is good. Today, my son had to put a quarter of a pill under his tongue. He is 13 years old, height 170, weight 78 kg. Since morning, the pressure is 110 to 76 and the pulse is 80. I came somehow from school - the pressure is 116 to 86 and the pulse is 94.I felt bad. Has given anaprilin - and after a while the CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE was normalized. Immediately animated. At this age, how to react? At school, pressure often rises. But all the same on physical culture force to run. Our pediatrician does not pay much attention to this. Everything is written off to excess weight. Why should we wait? Is it possible for him to take anaprilin every time with a high pulse?
Tatyana, Your child Anaprilin is not shown. First, it grows, because of this, the growth of the circulatory system may lag behind the growth of the rest of the body (that is, organs and cells may lack the blood from which the body can give tachycardia to compensate for the lack of nutrition in the cells). By giving Anaprilin you even more impoverish the already suffering cells. Secondly, the excess weight, which you wrote to your child, does not help your health either. Children are now hypodynamic and sit more at computers than physically develop.

Solving your problems in adequate physical exertion, offer your child to swim and buy a subscription to the pool.Anaprilin accurately give at a young age is not worth it, the reasons for tachycardia in a child and you are different.

Before physical procedures it is better to reduce the child to a cardiologist, make an ECG, go through ultrasound. Maybe he had a heart defect since childhood, which doctors could see. If everything is fine, just gymnastics and diet to help.

And yet, if your child is a boy, then do not play with beta-blockers without the need at all, if you want your future man to be well-off in bed. Beta-blockers have a poor effect on male potency and at a young age they are not prescribed without extreme.
Thanks for the answer! Of course, we try to do all this, but it's bad. If he falls off his feet in the morning with dizziness and aching, his heart pounding, he wants to help him somehow at once. Is it possible to go in for exercise, when the pulse is almost 100? He visits the sports section, and before the cardiologist we will not get there soon.
Tatyana.If, as you describe, it is primarily for you to visit a cardiologist and a minimum of examinations at the initial stage than physical exercises.With the pulse of 100 to engage in physical education can be fraught, until you reach the cardiologist make at least an ultrasound of the heart and ECG them to you any pediatrician reads and understands. You can also check the hormonal background, may have problems with the thyroid gland. Such a situation as it is now is not normal.
My friend (medic) advised to take this drug when I'm nervous. He says that this drug works very well. But having read the instruction, I began to doubt - there are too many side effects and in general this drug is prescribed by a cardiologist. And my heart is all right, AD is true, very low ... 39 years ... Is it worth taking this medication to calm down or not?
OlgaThe nurse is not a doctor, but the average medical staff, her professional duty is to inject, take blood or perform another doctor's prescription.

Anaprilin to calm no one drinks. This is a cardiac drug. Do you want peace of mind - for this there are a lot of medicines from weak like tinctures of valerian, motherwort or drugs like Novopassita.The rest is serious medicine. Their reception can be started only after a sample of initial, weak funds and auto-training.
Whether it is possible to apply a preparation, at the big pulse, pressure usually 110/10, but pulse often high, about 90-94, from pressure if I rise I accept captopril quickly, but heart jumps out, pulse then reaches 130, and here from pulse is not I know what to take?
Inna, Tachycardia - the very acceleration of the pulse rate can in itself be a symptom of various diseases of the cardiovascular system, so this patient is shown the examination and consultation of the cardiologist to understand what treatment can be prescribed. Anaprilin, like a beta-blocker, reduces the incidence of cardiac pulsation, and can slightly lower blood pressure.
When arrhythmia worries fear in the form of a shiver. Is it possible to use anaprilin with something soothing, for example with phenazepam.
Nina, Similar use of two drugs is possible, if the scheme prescribed to you by your doctor. The only point is to monitor the blood pressure figures, since such a joint reception can cause a strong decrease in pressure, more than usual with Anaprilin.
Hello! I have a pregnancy of 23 weeks. There are bouts of tachycardia. The doctor at the hospital appointed the drug Concor, he had a long-term effect. Can I take anaprilin one-time instead? This is probably less harmful for a child than every dent drink concor in a min. dosage. Pressure at me more or less less in norm or rate, heart without pathologies.
Irina, My advice to you. Do you want to get pregnant normally - take what the doctor advises. Especially something you did not offer to be abnormal. The difference between Concor and Anaprilin is not in the global sense. Both belong to the group of beta-blockers.And what many of our patients like to take once - I leave it on their conscience and health. So have appointed Konkor - it and accept. Do not trust the hospital doctor, go to a paid consultation with another gynecologist - develop your fears. Of course, the taking of any drug during pregnancy is an extreme measure, but you did not go to the hospital by your own will, but because there were negative changes in the body that were extreme for your health and including the condition of your unborn child.
Tell me, please, I take my hypertension as a lorist to lower the pressure, but in the morning I have a pulse of 100-120. The doctor said to take anaprilin. Tell me, please, can I combine these drugs? Thank you
Irina, Lorist's drug is combined with Anaprilin, as well as with any other beta-blockers. There should be no side effects when taken together.
Hello! To me of 60 years I am ill or sick with a urolithiasis - 20 years, it is a lot of a nodal struma - 10 years, sinusovaja a tachycardia - 10 years.I take Anadrilin for 10 years, he helps me a lot, recently even reduced the dose to 20 mg 1 time in the morning, and at night I began to take pills Evening with mint, valerian and hops, like sleeping pills, which also mute lower the pressure, but slightly increase the pulse. The cardiologist changed me several times to replace Anaprilina, but from them I became worse (pain in the heart, attacks of strong palpitation, low blood pressure, even from small doses, etc.). And all my treating doctors recommend replacing anaprilin with other beta-blockers. Tell me why it is necessary to replace anaprilin, if I feel good about it?
Valentina, Because from the sales of Anaprilin there is no profit to the pharmacists and to the doctors the advertisers of this cheap medicine do not go, do not leave the pens. Stay on Anaprilin if you feel good about him. No one at this age like yours does not change therapy, if it goes well and there are no blatant bloopers in the appointment.
Anaprilin advised me after the operation: pressure rose, headache, tachycardia, nausea, too, was a little. I accept it for two years, but only when there is pressure and tachycardia.I take anaprilin, and after twenty minutes I take Citramon, it regulates the movement of blood in the body, after that I feel great. From dystonia I take Eleutherococcus, it regulates the tone of the vessels. That's it.
Good afternoon! I'm 63 years old, the pressure was always 115/65 and after the flu, headaches started. Pressure 137/80 and the doctor appointed Zanidip, I drink 10 mg once a day, but the pressure is 127/78 and the pulse is 75-78, and can I take Anaprilin? Thank you! I liked the answers of a specialist - it reduces the pressure.
Lyudmila, Anaprilin is taken more often for pulse correction, and not as a drug for reducing blood pressure (this is its additional effect as for all other blockers). On the pulse, you have no problems and the numbers are within the norm. The pressure is also a relative norm, the drug is prescribed for you to stop the initial manifestations of hypertension, so I do not see any reason to change anything. If the weeks after two Zanidipa administration the headaches do not go away, this is an excuse to replace the drug, but in this case it is better to contact the doctor in person as there may be concomitant pathology at this age.
Natalia Vasilievna
Since September of last year I suffer from atrial fibrillation, I take anaprilin during an attack, yesterday the pills ended and I bought a new package, began to study the instructions and reviews. I was very surprised to learn that the drug can be taken on a regular basis, doctors did not talk about it, recommended cordarone and sotahexal. Has decided to try or taste treatment anaprilinom as attacks have become frequent, happen on 2 times for a night, and now and in the afternoon. I am looking for folk, nontraditional methods of treatment, physical exercises, etc. for the treatment of this disease.
Hello! Our son is 6 months old. He has atrial single extrasystoles from the perinatal period (from the 30th week of pregnancy). On the Holter of single atrial extrasystoles about 8300 and tachycardia. The cardiologist appoints us anaprilin. Tell me, please, should we take it? Thanks in advance for the answer!
DinaIf the cardiologist appoints or stands, costs or stands. Although the efficacy and safety of Anaprilin in children is not established, but if there is no choice, then one must choose from what is.Children in general from cardiac preparations find it difficult to find something. Observe the recommendations of your doctor.
Good evening, I have an arrhythmia, which makes me very upset, please tell me, anaprilin without a doctor's appointment can be taken, the reviews are very good, would you like to try?
LilyAnd why ask if you have decided everything for yourself? I'm always against the appointment of serious medications myself. If the rhythm goes wrong, including because of improper treatment, the ambulance may not be in time to arrive. And so to determine the cause of arrhythmia (or maybe it's not) and already depending on the analysis to treat, including Anaprilin. It's much better.
Good afternoon! I am 45 years old. The cardiologist has appointed or nominated a preparation Anaprilin since. I have a rapid pulse of 90-100. I drank 2 weeks of 10 mg 2 times a day, then gradually 10 mg once a day. The doctor did not specify how much I needed to drink it, but I forgot to ask.Now I do not drink it, but the pulse jumps. Can I continue taking it at least once a day in the same dosage? When I took everything was good. Thank you.
LANAAt your age, cardiac drugs probably have to drink for life. This is not a cold that I drank a week, and then canceled everything. Yes, the dosage of the drug can be reduced, but keep at the minimum necessary for an adequate level of heart rate reduction will have a very long time and perhaps for life. So take Anaprilin as prescribed by a cardiologist. Otherwise it is fraught with serious complications in the future.
Hello! I read on the Internet that Anaprilin is advised with frequent redness of the face, for example, when communicating with another person or when speaking in front of the audience, naturally one-time before a crucial event. Is it so?
I have an extrasystole. Was at several cardiologists, appointed a heap of medicines, has not helped or assisted.But Anaprilin helped, having learned from your feedback. Thank you so much.
ANDREY, No not like this. Anaprilin is a beta-blocker that regulates the heart rate or rhythm, it practically does not affect the nervous transmission (only in high dosages, more therapeutic, may cause sedation or soothing effect, but this is harm to health), so redness of the face or others parts of the body, caused by nervous experiences, he can not eliminate.
Hello! The doctor with the ambulance advised Anaprilin, I have a high blood pressure as nervous. There is a migraine attack. From migraine to drink something is useless, until you bring down the pressure. Here I read that Anaprilin can be taken for the prevention of migraine. I am 43 years old. Advise how to take this medicine. Tired of migraine and high blood pressure. Thanks for the help. Yours faithfully Irishka.
IrishaAs you described, the causes of your so-called migraine are high blood pressure, which causes headaches. Migraine has nothing to do with it.

You need to pick up pills to reduce pressure, which you will drink for a long time, perhaps for life. For this it is necessary to pass the necessary minimum of tests: general blood and urine tests, biochemical blood test, ultrasound of the heart and kidneys, electrocardiogram. And with results of analyzes to address to the profile expert - to the cardiologist for purpose or appointment of treatment.

And rush to take various pills, even the same Anaprilin without a comprehensive approach to the problem, only to yourself and your health to harm. A doctor with an ambulance only stops acute conditions, but he does not heal for a long time, this is the task of other specialists.
There are days when, against a background of nervousness, the pulse becomes faster and pressure rises. 160/85 pulse for 90. I'm 62 years old. Anaprilin is shown in rare cases.
Whether prompt, please, it is possible to accept anaprilin without purpose or appointment of the doctor as at the measurement of pressure the device shows an arrhythmia. I am 65 years old.
Lyudmila, Arrhythmia is not always a diagnosis, sometimes it is a consequence of more serious diseases or causes in the work of the heart. Therefore, I can not give such a recommendation. Consult a physician (ideally for a cardiologist) for diagnosis and treatment.
In 35486
Tell me please. I am 55 years old. Diagnosed with an essential tremor of the head. Have appointed anaprilin 10 mg 2 times a day. There is a diagnosis in the indications, but there is not a single response about it. Basically it is a cardiologic preparation. If the pulse is normal, will not it be worse? I'm confused about the reception. Thank you.
In 35486, The effect of medications is multifaceted and if the instruction specifies some effect, it was usually revealed as a result of multicenter clinical studies that are conducted with any drugs before starting sales and use. So an essential tremor is declared as a possible indication of Anaprilin, which means that it is so and it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor.And the feedback about its blocking effect is greater, because people with rhythm disturbances are an order of magnitude larger than with tremors.
Hello. According to the appointment of a psychotherapist, I take antidepressant Zoloft 25mg and phenazepam quartet three times a day. These drugs do not eliminate my tachycardia. Tell me, please, is it possible to take anaprilin together with Zoloft and phenazepam to eliminate bouts of tachycardia? Thank you!
Olga M
Hello, I'm 43 years old, I take anaprilin as prescribed by a neurologist for 1 tablet (40 mg) in the morning and in the evening, for 4 years, to prevent migraine attacks. Attacks since then do not bother, but I suffer from constant depression, drowsiness, fast fatigue, I am allergic and more than a year as there were rashes on the face skin, I observe a diet. I would like to reduce the dosage of anaprilin or to give it up altogether. Prompt, whether these symptoms can arise from reception of the given preparation and how to reduce a dosage and absolutely to refuse its or his application? Thank you.
Nadin, Anaprilin drug can be used in treatment regimens with Zoloft and Phenazepam. No side effects should be taken when taking these medications together. However, it is worth to see a doctor for diagnosis and the appointment of the right treatment. Perhaps, tachycardia is caused by taking pills (for example, as a side effect), then you do not need to add, but adjust the treatment regimen and dosage of medications.

Olga M, Most drugs contain side effects of the indication of neurological and psychiatric symptoms, so it is possible that depressive episodes and drowsiness are caused by Anaprilin. To cancel gradually it is possible, zalolovinivaya a dose of a medicine. But it is better to do this under the supervision of the attending physician, ideally the one who prescribes this drug. Otherwise, you can get into a situation when the migraine returns and then you will regret not having suffered drowsiness or other symptoms, and now strong headaches have returned. All individually.
Svetlana 82
Good afternoon. My name is Svetlana, I'm 33 years old. Not so long ago, the examination was completed, ultrasound, holter, ECG, put the ventricular extrasystole. My pulse is 90-100 every morning. Bisoprolol, panangin, etc. were prescribed. - none of this does not help, only somehow worsens well-being and causes side effects. The arrhythmologist has written out anaprilin 10 mg every day a month morning-evening. I drink it on 1 pill only in the morning, as it suffices for the whole day, the pulse is normalized. The question is - I drink a whole month for 1 pill - until I feel the changes, that is, in the morning, the same nonsense with a pulse. And in the evening I'm afraid to drink, since suddenly he will reduce it altogether to 50. What should I do, continue drinking or, still, for the evening, drink at least 1/2 tablets at night, so that it would be easier in the morning? And can you sometimes, if you drink anaprilin, use alcohol - a glass of wine for example at dinner?
Svetlana 82, Contradict yourself. Then write that I drink Anaprilin and the pulse is normalized and immediately below note that the nonsense with the pulse is saved. I did not understand.

And it is necessary to take it as recommended by a doctor.Especially this is a narrow expert on your problem - an arrhythmologist who knows more about arrhythmia than you and even me.

Although alcohol and causes hemodynamic effects when used together with Anaprilin, but a glass of dry wine for dinner and occasionally it is permissible, even by the recommendations of the World Health Organization. Only not stronger and no more.
Svetlana 82
The question is, how many times a month two or constantly drink anaprilin? It turns out that when you take everything, it acts like a first aid, it takes off a great pulse. And in the morning the pulse is higher than normal. Need it take a very long time? Or how? After admission, the month of the morning until the heart rate is higher than normal.
Svetlana 82, Anaprilin, like all cardiac drugs, is taken for a long time, perhaps for life, with the rare exception of a specialized method or in young patients. If you have been taking Anaprilin for a month and have not reached the target heart rate, you should contact your doctor to replace the drug with another, change the dosage and / or the frequency of taking this medication.
Good afternoon. I am worried about the constant pulsation in my head (the sound of my heart) and the constant feeling of "not fresh", "plague" head (lasting several years). The pressure is 100/60, 90/60, the pulse is 60-65. The neurologist appointed anaprilin (start with a dose of 10 mg - 3 days, then increase to 40 mg), take 2 weeks. Prompt, unless it is possible to accept this preparation with such low pressure and pulse?
unona, Usually, you can not. In your situation, either the neurologist misunderstood something, or I do not see the general picture. But the pressure and pulse are normal, why take a blocker, which will further reduce these indicators.

Look for a normal neurologist, do ultrasound of the vessels of the neck, maybe a neurologist will recommend an MRI of the head, an x-ray of the cervical spine, it all depends on the situation. More similar to the syndrome of the vertebral artery, but this diagnosis is verified by the neurologist on a full-time examination and on the results of additional studies.
Thanks for the answer! I will specify that I'm 30 years old.MRT of a head with vessels did or made - all in norm or rate, US of vessels of a neck too did or made - too in norm or rate. ECG is the norm. The neck does not bother, there is no tension. It all began not from the neck (from chronic lack of sleep). The neurologist is good, literate. All that was prescribed by other doctors (vascular, sedative, antidepressants), nothing helped, the poet decided to try. He said that anaprilin would help calm the nervous system, restore sleep. I so have understood this any not standard treatment, but nevertheless I am afraid to make even more harm. Regarding the pulse, he said that you can not take anaprilin, if only a strong bradycardia (pulse less than 50). I drink on a quarter of 0.25 mg, pulse 58-60. He said that if only the pulse rate decreases, reduce the dose by half. I do not even know what. And you are not a doctor?
unona, I am a doctor, but the treatment is really non-standard, I'm talking about such a scheme, and even against the background of almost bradycardia I hear for the first time. Although, and say that you have, when all the examinations are normally difficult. Try to explore the neck, make an X-ray on a good machine, maybe there are structural changes that have little effect on the functional and cause only a ripple in the head.And still need to know the type of work, if sedentary (accountants, computer specialists of any color), it is more likely to assume scoliosis, osteochondrosis and arthrosis of the intervertebral joints and then Anaprilin will be useless. Or if you start taking the medicine - drink and watch the critical pulse numbers, and at the same time the condition, if you start to help, then you have found the treatment. It in your case will definitely be non-standard.
Hello! I am 37 years old. About 15 years ago I had problems such as panic attacks. When my parents left for the weekend and I was left alone, I screwed myself up, that suddenly it would be bad for me, and I'm home alone. I often ran at night to the ambulance (good, next to me). But I felt better already when I went inside, even it became uncomfortable, although before that there was tachycardia, fear, dizziness. To me did or made analyzes, US, an ECG to a tomography. Even the suspicion of pheochromocytoma was not confirmed. The doctor prescribed me, in addition to sedatives, anaprilin, gradually, when such a state occurs, tk. I have a pressure of 105-115 / 60-70. Then everything seemed to go away for a long time. Now a month ago (a month ago there was a lot of stress), I suffer quite often from sudden attacks of tachycardia, although my pulse is usually 45-55, and I feel fine.The symptoms are almost the same: the heart sometimes seems to freeze, at first as if it tends to sleep, the condition, as if oxygen was inhaled, then the heart, weakness, dizziness, fear begin to pound, that I will turn off. Then after 15-20 minutes it becomes easier, I just want to go to the toilet on a small one, the appetite wakes up somehow, my hands start to tremble. There comes this for no reason at all. I do not use alcohol at all, I smoked for 20 years, but I threw it 3,5 years ago. I do not know what to do, is there any reason to fool doctors if they most likely put the same diagnosis - VSD? Or nevertheless it is necessary to be surveyed? I have nothing to hurt, normal appetite, weight is ok, there are no changes in the body, I feel pretty normal. Today there was such an attack, anaprilin under the tongue helped. Thanks in advance if you answer.
Romance78, Somewhere in the Directory a similar question slipped, then I corresponded with the patient for a long time and eventually agreed on the psychogenic nature of the disease. Your description of the problem is one in one tracing paper with his troubles. Therefore, my advice is this, if previously passed examinations on the cardiovascular and everything was fine - the likelihood that now everything has become poorly small.If the funds for a re-examination are sufficient, then it is possible to undergo tests and studies - it will not be worse. But I'd rather find a normal psychologist with whom I discussed the problem, then he will assign you a cycle of soft sedatives (after the stress itself) and everything will be ok with your heart. And so psychosomatics will simply catch you. You yourself see what reactions your brain and body can give out. Most likely, in the first episode you were more helped by soothing, prescribed by a doctor, rather than Anaprilin. So take care of yourself and your psychological profile, and the rest itself will follow. Or repeat the course of sedatives and Anaprilin from the first course of treatment, if the situation is similar, then there is a high probability of what will help this time.
Good afternoon) My name is Darya to me of 20 years! I'm suffering for 3 months!
Symptoms: weakness, dizziness, double vision, ringing in the ears, intense sweating, chills, icy extremities, then throws up in the heat, or sweat but it's cold, the constant temperature 37.1 no more no less than 37 does not fall, does not rise higher,when the horizontal position changes to the vertical (even sitting) tachycardia appears around 130-150 beats / min, respiratory irritability appears, irritability, eye sensitivity to light, tearfulness, fatigue, anxiety, it is difficult to breathe, you just want to go back to bed, position all the symptoms except ringing in the ears and double vision in the eyes disappears! Because of this I can not walk, sit! I'm just lying! No trauma, was an active way of life!
Surveys: mrt head-no changes, mert neck osteochondrosis, scoliosis
Ultrasound of the vessels of the neck at the beginning of attacks showed protrusion of the c3-c4-c5 disks due to this disruption of the PA.
CT of the head without changes, the neck rengen with tilts there are no changes. The blood test is normal, the biochemical blood is normal, the copper and coagulability are normal, the urine is normal, the abdominal ultrasound is normal, only a small deposit of sand is found in the kidneys, only a tachycardia with 110 strokes was detected!
Was at the vascular surgeon, has told or said it not to her, has sent to the neurosurgeon, he too has told it not to it or him and has advised to be swept up!
There was a manual manual several times, three weeks of therapeutic massage!
They put them into neurology with suspicion of vertebral artery syndrome, Mexidol, v-12, magnesia, cytoflavin, paracetamol pills. After that, repeated ultrasound of the vessels of the neck, temples and back of the neck was done. Everything was normal, no protrusions, the lumen of the arteries is normal! We found a small asymmetry of PA in the blood flow rate! The diagnosis of the vertebral artery syndrome has not been confirmed! They also checked their eyesight and again did not reveal anything!
After discharging from the hospital, I just had dizziness, everything else is gone! Can tell me where to go ?! There was not one neurologist either that can not help, cardiologists say heart disease does not seem like it! Can you tell in your opinion what to do? The fourth month has gone like I'm lying. Thank you very much for your reply and your time, thank you again!
Daria, On diagnostics and the description of a problem I see only a syndrome of a vertebral artery. Given the age, I can advise you to limit to the maximum for yourself a computer and its analogues like tablets, smartphones. Correct posture in sitting position.Every hour spent sitting, warm-up gymnastics, in the morning and it's good to have a set of exercises for the spine in the evening (in any department of physiotherapy you will be told and will show this set of exercises and correctly teach it to perform). 1 time, and better 2 times a year, spa treatment with therapeutic mud and warming, plus additional symptoms for symptomatology. On pharmacology with your problems it is unlikely that you can do anything, everything you could have already done, there are no magic tablets in your situation. The process of recovery and alleviation of the condition will be long and it will be necessary to endure many pains, but this problem must be dealt with, and not rely only on tablets or droppers.
Good evening, and a good New Year! Mom is 78 years old, anaprilin 10 mg 4 rd, amlodipine 50 mg was prescribed 4 years ago. Ppm. in connection with GB 2 st, ischemic heart disease, ECG - tachycardia, left ventricular hypertrophy. A year later, the doctor said: select a blocker for the well-being of AD and pulse - concorcore, atenolol, bisoprolol, etc. Atenolol was drunk 50 mg, then 25 mg in the morning, amlodipine 50 mg in the afternoon, acetazolid at night.Periodically drink: tridukard, mexicor, capillar, panangin, vitamins. A week ago, in connection with a sharp change in the weather, there was tachycardia, difficulty breathing, weakness, "the heart seems to barely sway, the emptiness inside," declined AD. Weakness is such that it almost lies all day. The doctor prescribed corvalol, ordered to reduce the dose of all drugs, amlodipine was canceled, tk. pressure jumped to 90 at 58. Advised the Concorcor. Has bought or purchased konkor kor, and mum "has canceled" to itself atenolol and has returned to anaprilinu, speaks, he helps or assists. Although the pulse is frequent, but some malonapolnenny, now - about 80 U.d., weakness. I give anaprilin 2.5 mg 2 r.d. and triducard. Very much I ask you to help or assist the qualified advice or council on selection of adequate therapy. (because permanent residence - a countryside with all the consequences). Thank you in advance, I apologize for the worries during the holidays.
Sv1970, I did not understand one thing at once - amlodipine 50 mg, which doctor prescribed this dosage to you? This is the same 5 tablets of this drug in the maximum dosage. Apparently something is confusing.

Regarding the pulse, I'm so looking at everything your mom now is normal - 80 beats per minute normal heart rate,so the dosage and frequency of blockers - now I understand this Concoror and Anaprilin I would have left or tried to pick up the dosage of one of the blockers: either Concor Cor, or Anaprilin.

But the weakness of the reasons can be many, including the history of ischemic heart disease, in this case, drugs can be tried a lot and without a doctor they can not be picked up correctly, plus there should be a dynamic observation of a specialist. You can also assume the ischemic attack that your mother had in the episode of the crisis, which is now bad for her, but it will pass after the acute stage of the process. Or in general it was an allergic reaction to something. So the examination and consultation of a full-time doctor are necessary.
admin Thank you very much for your advice! We drink the third day of Concoror for 1.25, in case of a rise in pressure - Enap H for 2.5 mg, jump of the pulse - 0.5 mg of anaprilin, until it adapts to Concor. To this everything is + acetcardol + triducard + 30 drops of "balm" (mix - for a bottle of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, peony, mint, hawthorn). I do not know how high the adequacy of this therapy.
I ask you to tell me whether Concor Coroner really keeps the rhythm + treatment for IHD? Is it sufficient to take this drug in monotherapy? Shl. Of course, I made a mistake - amlodipine half a tablet of 5 mg :) Thank you very much and good Christmas!
Sv1970Is there a Concor Cor rus without Anaprilin? It is possible to use monotherapy or Concorom, or Anaprilin. The main thing is to choose a drug suitable for the patient, and this is achieved by the method of selection and control of heart rate (pulse) and patient's health.
Hello! My diagnosis of IHD: paroxysmal form of ciliary tachyarrhythmia, CHF-2, FK-2. Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis. Decoding ECG: sinus arrhythmia. Deviation of the electric axis of the heart to the left. Atrial dilatation time is increased. Incomplete blockade of the right branch of the fasciculus and antero-upper branching of the left bundle of His. Signs of blockade of anterior-medial branching of the left branch of the bundle. It is impossible to exclude an increase in the left atrium.Signs of myocardial hypertrophy of the left ventricle. Diffusive disturbance of processes of repolarization of a myocardium of a left ventricle. ECG conclusion: mitral valve insufficiency. Moderate insufficiency of the aortic and tricuspid valves. Sclerosis of the aorta. Diffuse cardiosclerosis.

I have frequent arrhythmia attacks. Sometimes I take off anaprilin 40, if an ambulance does not pass, the ambulance takes me to the hospital, they take it off with droppers. Attacks tormented since May 2013. Were written out tablets: Sotageksal, Allapinin, Propanorm, Bisoprolol, Cardiomagnet - there is no result. The arrhythmologist has written out Kordaron. Since March 2014 I drink Cordarone, seizures are also frequent. In a week there are 3-4 times. Pressure jumps, then rises to 150/90, then drops to 80/65. the rhythm is 50-55. Help please choose a medicine.
88LUDMILA88It is difficult to advise something so remotely. To you have already registered the whole heap of antiarrhythmic preparations and the more it is not clear why there can be attacks of an arrhythmia when all possible ways are already blocked. Even if you want to shove something into your circuit, you can not add more, because the pulse is already on the lower limit with the transition to the bradycardia, if you add a blocker, it can be quite a disaster.So your case is not trivial and not for parsing online. Treatment and preparations should be selected in the cardiological center, because you will not find much of the house so as not to drive the patient into arrhythmia, including medication.
Hello. I do not know where to go and where to go. (The town is small, there are no narrow specialists, it's not known how to be treated.) For half a year, tachycardia worries, at first it was 80-90 yds. And now, as soon as I open my eyes, 120 -140. The heart starts to beat in the chest like crazy, throws heat, nausea and everything else, as if I faint. I made uzi thyroid glands, hearts, donated hormones, blood for sugar. In general, everything that can be (on Holter they write sinus tachycardia, but they did not prescribe any medication. They said they took 40 mg of anaprilin for attacks. lived the pill under the tongue, as soon as the pulse began to subside, then spit out and then 2-3 days there were no tahi, but the condition did not improve, every day the pulse grows, began drinking anaprilin every morning for 10-20 mg. discomfort in the stomach and especially the liver (.Tell or Say, pzhl, whether such can be from tablets because the medicine now directly in a stomach gets? And today, after the pill, after half an hour, the beginning of the shake and the pulse has risen again!
Xerapendra, Adverse reactions from Anaprilin associated with the gastrointestinal tract are mostly rare, but there are. If you accurately link discomfort in the stomach and / or liver with taking this medication, then it is worth consulting with a doctor about its replacement with another. There are a lot of blockers on the market - Bisoprolol, Atenolol and many other medicines, there is one to choose from and choose one that will go to you according to the indications and concomitant pathology, if such is present. Perhaps some of this will go better for you than Anaprilina.
irina M
Hello. I am 36 years old. I have low blood pressure, my pulse is 95/60 and my hands are very cold. I got an ambulance in the hospital where they registered Magnelis and sent me home. The therapist added a motherwort (2 tons) to the magnetis (2 tons). The pulse is still high. With very poor health, they recommended a quarter of anaprilin under the tongue. Is it possible to take anaprilin at low pressure?
irina MA doctor in a hospital (or a district doctor in a polyclinic) should have a minimal amount of research (general and biochemical blood tests, ECG, ultrasound of the heart, possibly ultrasound of the extremities vessels according to indications). If they did not, then you need to remind them about it or go through all the research for money. So far, in addition to hypotension, I do not see any special problems, that's why the treatment was prescribed to you by nonspecific (Magnelis and the Motherwort). These are preparations for your soothing, they can not do much harm.

Anaprilin is assigned to you for that purpose, if the pulse rises above 90 beats per minute, then it makes sense to take it as an emergency help. This drug is more affecting the heart rate than the blood pressure. In the rest it is necessary to be surveyed and to find the reason of bad state of health.
The question is transferred to the drug Concor, where it is more appropriate.
irina M
Thanks for answering. In the hospital, I was given blood tests (some indicators are higher than normal, but the doctor said uncritically), a cardiogram of the heart and a flush. Yesterday I got to a neurologist. Has registered Nimesil and Phenibutum. And fits of weakness and furious pulse remained.
irina M, The function was examined, it remains to look at the ultrasound of the structure of the heart and blood vessels and we can then say that there are no problems with the cardiovascular system and all the symptoms go through the neurological part.
Hello. I am 43 years old. Anaprilin, I take 9 years, but I do not want to change, although I can not because of asthma. I because of the drug there is no joy, no activity, no adrenaline, inhibition. Although the drug is very good.
And I was prescribed a drug by a psychotherapist in panic attacks. Sex tablets under the tongue, dosage 0.5. It seems like ...
faith E
Hello! I ask for help for my mother. She is a hypertensive patient and an elderly woman, but in the last six months she has had trouble arrhythmia - the day does not pass without an attack of atrial fibrillation.She drinks Egilok and Cordaron. If the egiloc shoots at least a paroxysmal tachycardia, then on the background of taking (and 2 and 3 tablets!) The arrhythmia attack continues for 4 and 6 hours, reaching 130-140 strokes. The pressure is rarely below 13-140. The doctor in front of the cordaron asked if she was ready to buy an expensive concor, she refused (I just found out this). I beg, advise. 1. Whether to drink to it or her anaprilin that though to stop long attacks. 2. Will she go to Concor? It seems to me, her cordarone does not help. Thank you very much!
faith E, At you and already at me in a head porridge, from your question which hardly we will remotely solve. Anaprilin is a non-selective beta-blocker, Egilok, which is taken by your mother - a cardioselective beta blocker, like Concor, so if you replace one with another, then Egiloc changes to Concor, or at least Anadrilin (or vice versa), and not Cordarone on one of these drugs. Kordaron is a pure antiarrhythmic and has a different mechanism of action. On the drugs do not prompt, then your mother needs a full-time consultation of a cardiologist,because it takes drugs most likely for a long time, the body's response to them has decreased and it is necessary to change the treatment regimen or dose of medications taken.
Hello. We are facing a choice. At the daughter of 2,5 years a hemangioma on a labium. Now he is treated with anaprilin. The course of treatment can take up to six months. Hemangioma is not large. But still you can see. Can pass by 6-7 years, maybe not. If will not pass or take place to this age, then already treatment anaprilinom does not strongly help or assist. Then either cut, or sclerosing therapy. (to treat propranolol, hemangiomas began about 10 years ago.In the treatment of hemangioma by hormone therapy, the child developed a tachycardia, and propranolol was prescribed, and its side effect was the treatment of hemangioma.) So they cured). Tell me please, when prescribing anaprilin to children for a long course, which ones are the most common? How can affect your health in the future. The child at his age is active. He likes to move - skates, bicycles). With the heart all is well (surveyed).
Gulya, Yes the drug of choice (even better to say at the moment the only drug treatment for hemangiomas) is propranolol (the active substance of the drug Anaprilin). If it was assigned to your child - you do not have to doubt the appointment, the surgeon's scalpel should be left for later.

The attending physician should give you advice on monitoring the health of a small patient. Of the possible side effects, bradycardia (reducing the heart rate or heart rate less than 50 beats per minute) is worth noting, the remaining pobochka is individual and accounts for small percentages.
Thanks for the answer))) We hope that it will help and treatment will be without side effects)) another question: Anaprilin 40 rubles, obzidan 4000-5000 rub. What is the difference? Asked a question to the children's cardiologist, answered that there was no fundamental difference, except as a difference in value - no. The attending physician recommends recommending, although he says that anaprilin can be used. Is there any difference in the action of the drugs? Thank you.
Gulya, The difference is only in price. Regarding your case, the rule is: there is money - buy an expensive drug, there is no money - look at cheap analogs. It is better to be treated and live a normal life than to be driven and suffer privations in life, but to drink an imported brand drug. Obsidan and Anaprilin analogues for the active ingredient.
Took more than one month anaprilin. Gradually lowered the dosage and the pulse was high, it shows the withdrawal syndrome after all. You can not indulge in such serious drugs.
I take anaprilin two days for 10 mg, three times a day. Heart rate is now 70 beats. in minutes, but the pressure is still high at 160/90. Should I increase the dose?
Block, Anaprilin is a beta-blocker and primarily affects the heart rate and to a lesser extent lowers blood pressure, so increasing the dose will not help, it is already high and it needs to be lowered. Depending on the indications and contraindications in a particular patient, it is preferable to prescribe ACE inhibitors to reduce blood pressure (Enalapril,Lizinopril and many other drugs), calcium channel blockers (Nifedipine, Amlodipine), angiotensin 2 receptor antagonists (Lozartan, Telmisartan and others). I advise you to see a doctor for diagnosis and appointment appropriate to the current state of therapy.
Yuri 6807
Hello. Can I take valopidine and afobazole with anaprilin?
Yuri 6807
The doctor appointed nebilet 1 in the morning, and anaprilin if there is an attack of tachycardia under the tongue of 10 mg. This means that if the medicine for a thousand rubles does not help, then save yourself with a proven penny ... Perhaps this should be understood?
Yuri 6807, Can. According to the instructions, all three drugs mentioned in the question do not interact with each other and do not cause negative side effects during joint admission.
Yuri 6807, This means that if the drug is small, then you need to add a little more to stop the attack,but you can simply increase the dosage of Nebilet and dispense with Anaprilin, although in this case the pulse may fall to the lower limit, or even cause a bradycardia and will again have to reduce the dosage of the base preparation. So I would listen to the advice of the doctor and carry out his recommendations, perhaps an additional Anaprilin and will not be needed.
I read the entire instruction and only from the comments realized that the drug lowers the pressure. A kilometer instruction, and its action is not written in a simple and understandable language.

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