Amlodipine - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (5 mg and 10 mg tablets) for the treatment of blood pressure and its reduction in adults, children and pregnancy

Amlodipine - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (5 mg and 10 mg tablets) for the treatment of blood pressure and its reduction in adults, children and pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Amlodipine. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Amlodipine in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of amlodipine in the presence of existing structural analogs. Use for the treatment of blood pressure and its reduction, stenocardia in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Amlodipine - dihydropyridine derivative - slow calcium channel blocker (BCCI) of the 2nd generation, has antianginal and hypotensive action. Linking with dihydropyridine receptors, blocks calcium channels, reduces the transmembrane transition of calcium ions into the cell (mostly in smooth muscle cells of blood vessels, rather than in cardiomyocytes).


Antianginal effect is due to the expansion of coronary and peripheral arteries and arterioles: with angina decreases the severity of myocardial ischemia; expanding peripheral arterioles, reduces OPSS, reduces preload on the heart, reduces the need for myocardium in oxygen. Expands the main coronary arteries and arterioles in unchanged and ischemic zones of the myocardium, increases the flow of oxygen into the myocardium (especially with vasospastic angina); prevents the development of spasm of the coronary arteries (including those caused by smoking). In patients with stable angina, a single daily dose increases exercise tolerance, slows the development of angina pectoris and "ischemic" depression of the ST segment, reduces the incidence of angina attacks and the consumption of Nitroglycerin and other nitrates.


Has a long-term dose-dependent hypotensive effect.The hypotensive effect is due to a direct vasodilating effect on smooth muscle vessels. With arterial hypertension, a single dose provides a clinically significant decrease in blood pressure over a period of 24 hours (in the position of the patient lying down and standing). Orthostatic hypotension in the appointment of amlodipine is rare.


Does not cause a decrease in exercise tolerance, a fraction of the ejection of the left ventricle. Reduces the degree of myocardial hypertrophy of the left ventricle, has antiatherosclerotic and cardioprotective action in IHD. Does not affect the contractility and conductance of the myocardium, does not cause a reflex increase in heart rate, inhibits platelet aggregation, increases the rate of glomerular filtration, has a weak natriuretic effect.


When diabetic nephropathy does not increase the severity of microalbuminuria. Does not have any adverse effect on the metabolism and concentration of plasma lipids and can be used in the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma, diabetes and gout.


A significant reduction in blood pressure is observed after 6-10 h, the duration of the effect is 24 h.With prolonged therapy, the maximum decrease in blood pressure occurs 6-12 hours after taking amlodipine by mouth. If after prolonged treatment with amlodipine abolished, an effective reduction in blood pressure persists for 48 hours after the last dose. Then the blood pressure indicators gradually return to the baseline within 5-6 days.




After ingestion, amlodipine is slowly absorbed from the digestive tract. Food intake does not affect the absorption of amlodipine. Most of the drug in the blood (95%), binds to blood plasma proteins. Amlodipine undergoes a slow but active metabolism in the liver in the absence of a significant "first pass" effect. Metabolites do not have significant pharmacological activity. About 60% of the dose taken internally is excreted by the kidneys mainly in the form of metabolites, 10% - unchanged, and 20-25% - through the intestine, as well as breast milk.


The drug penetrates the blood-brain barrier. When hemodialysis is not removed.


In elderly patients (over 65 years), amlodipine excretion is slowed compared to young patients, but this difference is not clinically significant.



  • Arterial hypertension (in monotherapy or in combination with other drugs);
  • angina pectoris tension;
  • vasospastic angina (Prinzmetal angina).


Forms of release


Tablets 5 mg and 10 mg. Can be produced in combination with other dosage forms (combination drugs).


Instructions for use and dosing regimen


Inside, the initial dose for the treatment of hypertension and angina is 5 mg once a day. The maximum daily dose is 10 mg once.


With arterial hypertension, the maintenance dose can be 2.5-5 mg (1/2 tablets of 5 mg - 1 tablet of 5 mg) per day


With angina pectoris and vasospastic angina pectoris, 5-10 mg per day, once. In order to prevent attacks of angina pectoris - 10 mg per day.


Patients with impaired hepatic function as an antihypertensive agent Amlodipine is administered with caution, at an initial dose of 2.5 mg (1/2 tablet at 5 mg), as an antianginal agent - 5 mg.


Do not require dose changes with simultaneous administration with thiazide diuretics, beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors.


Do not require dose changes in patients with renal insufficiency.


Side effect

  • palpitation;
  • peripheral edema (swelling of the ankles and feet);
  • "tides" of blood to the skin of the face;
  • excessive decrease in blood pressure;
  • dyspnea;
  • vasculitis;
  • orthostatic hypotension;
  • development or exacerbation of heart failure;
  • heart rhythm disturbances (including bradycardia, ventricular tachycardia and atrial fibrillation);
  • myocardial infarction;
  • pain in the chest;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • asthenia;
  • paresthesia;
  • insomnia;
  • mood lability;
  • unusual dreams;
  • nervousness;
  • depression;
  • anxiety;
  • migraine;
  • increased sweating;
  • nausea;
  • stomach ache;
  • vomiting;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • dyspepsia;
  • anorexia;
  • dry mouth;
  • thirst;
  • increased appetite;
  • gastritis;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia;
  • frequent urination;
  • painful urination;
  • impotence;
  • gynecomastia;
  • dyspnea;
  • rhinitis;
  • cough;
  • dermatitis;
  • violation of skin pigmentation;
  • itching;
  • rash (including erythematous, maculopapular rash, urticaria);
  • angioedema;
  • muscle cramps;
  • backache;
  • tinnitus;
  • Pain in the eyes;
  • chills;
  • nose bleed.



  • severe arterial hypotension (systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg);
  • collapse, cardiogenic shock;
  • unstable angina (with the exception of Prinzmetal's stenocardia);
  • clinically significant aortic stenosis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age under 18 years (effectiveness and safety not studied);
  • deficiency of lactase, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • increased sensitivity to amlodipine, dihydropyridine derivatives and other components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


There was no evidence of teratogenicity of amlodipine in the study on animals, but there is no clinical experience of its use in pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, amlodipine should not be given to pregnant women during lactation, as well as to women of childbearing age, unless they use reliable contraceptive methods.


special instructions


During the period of Amlodipine treatment, it is necessary to control the body weight and sodium intake, the purpose of the appropriate diet. It is necessary to maintain dental hygiene and supervision at the dentist (to prevent soreness, bleeding and gingival hyperplasia).


Patients with low body weight, low growth patients and patients with severe liver function impairment may need a smaller dose.


Despite the fact that stopping the use of amlodipine is not accompanied by the development of the "withdrawal" syndrome, it is desirable to stop the treatment, gradually reducing the dose of the drug.


The effectiveness and safety of the drug in hypertensive crisis is not established.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


There were no reports of Amlodipine's influence on driving or working with machinery. However, some patients, mainly at the beginning of treatment, may experience drowsiness and dizziness. When they occur, the patient must observe special precautions when driving and working with complex mechanisms.


Drug Interactions


Amlodipine can safely be used to treat hypertension along with thiazide diuretics, alpha-adrenoblockers, beta-blockers, or ACE inhibitors. In patients with stable angina, the drug can be combined with other antianginal agents, for example, with long-acting nitrates, beta-blockers or short-acting nitrates.


Amlodipine can be used simultaneously with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (especially indomethacin), antibacterial agents and hypoglycemic agents for oral administration.


It is possible to strengthen the anti-anginal and hypotensive action of BCCC when combined with thiazide and loop diuretics, verapamil, ACE inhibitors, beta-adrenoblockers and nitrates, as well as enhance their hypotensive effect when combined with alpha-blockers, antipsychotics.


Although no negative inotropic effects were usually observed in the study of amlodipine, nevertheless, some BCCCs can increase the negative inotropic effect of antiarrhythmic agents that cause prolongation of the QT interval (eg, Amiodarone and quinidine).


A single dose of 100 mg of Sildenafil (Viagra) in patients with essential hypertension does not affect the pharmacokinetics of amlodipine.


The repeated use of amlodipine in a dose of 10 mg and Atorvastatin at a dose of 80 mg is not accompanied by significant changes in the pharmacokinetics of atorvastatin.


Ethanol (alcohol-containing beverages): Amlodipine in single and repeated application at a dose of 10 mg does not affect the pharmacokinetics of ethanol (alcohol).


Antiviral agents (ritonavir) increase the plasma concentrations of BCCI, incl. amlodipine.


Neuroleptics and isoflurane - strengthening of hypotensive action of dihydropyridine derivatives.


Calcium preparations can reduce the effect of BCCC.


When amlodipine is used together with lithium preparations, it is possible to intensify manifestations of neurotoxicity (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, ataxia, tremor, tinnitus).


Amlodipine does not change the pharmacokinetics of cyclosporine.


Does not affect the concentration of serum Digoxin and its renal clearance.


Has no significant effect on the effect of Warfarin (prothrombin time).


Cimetidine does not affect the pharmacokinetics of amlodipine.


Grapefruit juice: simultaneous single intake of 240 mg of grapefruit juice and 10 mg of amlodipine inwards is not accompanied by a significant change in the pharmacokinetics of amlodipine.


Analogues of the drug Amlodipine


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Acridipine;
  • Amlovas;
  • Amlodak;
  • Amlodigamma;
  • Amlodipine Alkaloid;
  • Amlodipine Zentiva;
  • Amlodipine Cardio;
  • Amlodipine Sandoz;
  • Amlodipine-Ajio;
  • Amlodipine-Biocom;
  • Amlodipine-3T;
  • Amlodipine-Prana;
  • Amlodipine-Teva;
  • Amlodipine-Chaikafarma;
  • Amlodipine besylate;
  • Amlodipina besilat;
  • Amlodipine maleate;
  • Amlodipharm;
  • Amlocard-Sanovel;
  • Amlong;
  • Ammonorm;
  • Amrorus;
  • Amlotop;
  • Vero-Amlodipine;
  • Kalchek;
  • Cardilopin;
  • Corvadil;
  • Cordy Cor;
  • Norvasc;
  • Normodipine;
  • Omerar Cardio;
  • Stamlo;
  • Tenox.

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Reviews (192):
Ivan Viktorovich
A good drug against the pressure of amlodipine, well reduces and keeps the pressure at an acceptable level. But the problem of swelling at the bottom of the legs is very urgent for him. I had to get off this drug for Lercamen, although it was more expensive, but it turned out to be the same, though it was a more expensive medicine. And so still tried Amlodip instead of Amlodipin, but also a good reduction in pressure, with edema on the legs,so I had to give up this medicine finally.
Question to the mail from irinaivanova (spelling is observed):
Respond, please, whether it is possible to replace a constant reception of a диратона by reception амлодипина?

I answer:
Diroton and amplodipine belong to different classes of pharmacological preparations, so the question is incorrect. If the doctor appointed Diroton instead of Amlodipine (probably to lower and control blood pressure), maybe he had the grounds or the drug you just is not like, which required his replacement.
Accepted Amlotor 10mg, the result is not the best pressure does not hold, jumps. Moved to Amlodipine Teva immediately normalized. And who else took Teva? Is it an accident or an expected result?
Tatyana, in rare cases, excipients can enhance the curative effect of the main active ingredients of the drug, so an expensive original is sometimes more useful than a cheap generic.But your case seems to me not to this. The reasons can be mass from a poor-quality lot or substance from which the drug is made, to a fake, which is also unlikely given the price of Amlodipine.
On the fourth day of taking Vero, amlodipine felt severe pain when urinating with blood from the urine. the bubble. I called an ambulance, (at night) afraid of bleeding, said that it will pass by itself. I drank coffee and waited in the morning for a trip to the hospital.
Accepted drugs diroton with indapamide. He began to raise sugar, before eating 7.5, and after 2 hours 9.2. I have type 2 diabetes mellitus. I want to go to the drug Amlodipine, can I?
NadiaIt is doubtful that your combination of drugs could cause a rise in sugar. It is better to contact an endocrinologist to compensate for your diabetes. Perhaps the medicine from him stopped acting on you or the treatment scheme no longer compensates for this disease.Amlodipine is a drug from another group, as it will go to you, too, not to decide in absentia, given the serious concomitant pathology.
There are many contraindications to this amlodipine.
I took amlodipine, another doctor appointed a concor, I accept, but then it turns out that it is impossible to stop drinking or is it still possible? How to go back to amlodipine, pulse 54 -60 beats per minute.
I am 59 years old. I tried the drug Amlodipine several times. It reduces the pressure very well and for a long time. But at the same time it hurts his head for several days and generally feels bad.
Irina, Concor can be undone. To do this, gradually reduce the dosage and the frequency of administration of the drug. Your cardiologist will prescribe the plan for you. Just like the justification for the return of Amlodipine. From the question of the validity of the appointment of the two drugs can not be understood, in addition, these drugs from different pharmacological groups.
Amlodipine was prescribed to me, but my legs became swollen * I also had a ileal vein thrombus * and I was replaced with a lercaman, although it is very expensive for me, but I accept it. But I can not say that it greatly reduces * 10 mg in the morning and in the evening *. I would like to know whether it can be replaced with another cheaper, but not to swell legs.
CATHERINE, Of the analogs of Lercamen on the active substance, registered in Russia, there are two more drugs - Koripren and Zanidip-Recordati. I doubt that they will cost you cheaper, and cheaper analogs and funds from hypertension in you cause swelling. May be your doctor will try to appoint you from the Enalapril group (but it is necessary to watch your concomitant pathology).
I am 60 years old. I take amlodipine for two years and I am very pleased with the result, because I could not previously choose an effective drug for myself. In order not to swell my legs, I was prescribed a doctor to take daily amlodipine - 5 single tablets, vazar-n 160 mg tablet floor and asparks one tablet.
Can I take amladipine and cancor together?
Elena, Amlodipine is well combined with beta-blockers, one of the representatives of this group is Concor. So the answer is yes, you can take both drugs together.
Eleanor, Moved your question to the appropriate section (about Renitek). Thank you.
I take amlodipine 5 mg for 8 months already. Because of the pobochek I'm going to switch to another drug. How slow is it necessary to reduce the intake of amlodipine so as not to cause a sudden rise in pressure, let alone a hypertensive crisis?
BorisIf you cancel Amlodipine at the same time, then after 5-6 days the pressure figures will return to the original (which were before the treatment). You can reduce the dose of medicine gradually in equal parts within a week. By the end of the reception, keep ready for the new drug for the relief of hypertension, which you want to replace the current medicine and begin its reception the day after the end of Amlodipine.
Give Amlopidine 5 mg, the boy is 12 years old. In the morning, Lozap, in the evening amlodipine. How correctly to reduce it on doses for how long to exclude it altogether?
oxanaAnswered a similar question about your question. Look closely.
I take amlodipine for several years now, it keeps pressure very well. There are small edema on the ankles, more left. They do not bother me. Is it possible not to pay attention to them, are these edemas harmful to the body?
Tatyana, Small swelling on Amlodipine is the norm. So do not worry and take the drug further, everything is fine.
How to remove edema on the legs if you drink Amlodipine? Tell me please.
Galina, Ordinary diuretics from edema caused by amlodipine are not used.If not critical, then with this side effect you need to learn how to live, for this medication this is a frequent phenomenon. If swelling interferes with life, then the spectrum of drugs similar to Amlodipine is large and there are many different groups of drugs, in which case it is necessary to consult a therapist or cardiologist to replace the drug with another.
My husband had a high blood pressure of 200/105, while he felt well. Here already 5 days accepts Amlodipin 5 mg + Enalapril 5 mg in the morning and in the evening. The pressure dropped to 153/80 165/90, but there was nausea, weakness and fatigue. Can take Amlodipine once a day?
Olga, Your husband can have two things. The first is negative vascular reactions that can cause this symptomatology. Before the start of taking medication, the pressure was high, and after that it decreased and now the body lacks blood on the periphery. This is a temporary vascular reaction and is facilitated by the use of drugs Fezam, Sermion or Nicergoline.

The second is the adverse reactions of the body, indicated by you in the question, caused by the administration of Amlodipine and Enalapril. It will already be necessary for your husband's doctor and himself to select appropriate medications to reduce pressure and dosage by selecting them.

According to the initial figures that were observed in your husband and the dosages of drugs, it is evident that the dosages are small for such figures of blood pressure and it is even possible to prescribe large dosages, but this is later, when this state stabilizes at some acceptable level.
The doctor prescribed amlodipine. My pressure is always normal, even a low one happens more often than an increased 90,100,120 / 60,70,80. rhythm from 52 to 70. In coronary angiography, there was a spasm of the artery channel. Do I need this drug at all? There was RF in occasion of AV nodal tachycardia.
Natalia, Amlodipine is used not only for the treatment of hypertension. It is also used for vasospastic angina, and you just had a spasm of the artery channel. So probably your doctor has a reason to prescribe you this drug.
I take Amlodipine Teva 5 mg. 3 months. Began to notice that after reception, I feel pressure and an ache in the top gums. Could this be because of this drug?
Galina, Perhaps these are some side effects associated with vascular changes that occur in response to taking Amlodipine. If they appeared after the beginning of therapy with the drug, then everything is possible. If a lot of inconvenience is not delivered - try to continue treatment and wait for the disappearance of negative side symptoms, if this does not happen - change the drug to another.
I accept Lodoz. Is it possible to switch to amlodipine.
Natalia, Drugs are different in composition and action on the pathological link, so you need a full-time consultation of a doctor (preferably a cardiologist) with the gradual cancellation of one drug and replacing it with another, if there is a real need for it.
I drink diroton 10 mg once a day, the pressure keeps the doctor offered to drink 1 time in the evening amlodipine. These drugs are compatible?
Alla, Yes, the medications you give are compatible. It is an adequate combination for reducing pressure in case of monotherapy failure.
Pugh Amlodipine 5mg once a day + Egilok 12.5 mg 2 times a day, are these drugs compatible?
RustemAs I wrote above, Amlodipine goes well with a group of beta-blockers, another representative of which is the drug Egilok. So the combination is good and these drugs are compatible.
From Amlodipina rash and itching, there are no other pobochek and at a price very much suits. Advise how to be?
Raisa, There is no choice - you need to change the drug. Since you will take it for a long time, perhaps even for life, so this pobochka is hardly permissible here.Address to your attending physician, let will appoint or nominate other preparation - from pressure them now much.
Tell me, please, my grandfather is 77 years old, without tablets, the pressure is over 220. From high blood pressure: eyesight (one eye no longer sees) and heart, and the rest seems to be nothing. He smokes. Now he takes Lozap 50 mg and Concor-Cor 2.5 mg in the morning, and 5 mg in the evening of Amlodipine-Teva. The pressure jumps 170-200. Whether it is possible to increase a dose in the evening Amlodipina - Teva and to accept two tablets on 5 mg, or to cut and take 1,5 tablets-7,5 mg. Concor can not be increased, because the pulse becomes low (before drinking). And maybe instead of Lozap drink Lozap Plus (we also drank it before, but only with other medicines). Is it possible to combine? I go to the doctor instead of him and the doctor periodically changes the pills, but we have no progress. Thank you.
Alla, There are special dosage of Amlodipine tablets 10 mg, therefore it is not necessary to take separately or two tablets. At the initial stage, it is possible (as long as the former 5 mg tablets were left) to give two 5 mg tablets to check the effect and not to spend a large dosage, which is not known to help.

Lopaz Plus is also possible to add (just change first one thing and see the weeks after two and a half effect to understand what will be the possible negative effect). But with this drug caution is needed, as it contains a diuretic and your grandfather should be all right with the kidneys. So the question of this appointment is better coordinated with the doctor, suddenly he has some kind of pobachka there or violations of electrolyte metabolism, in which the diuretic is contraindicated.
Your question and the answer to it are transferred to the section about the preparation of Equator.
Hello! Can I switch from Amlodipine + Egilok to Enalapril + Egilok because of the swelling of the legs? Thank you.
RustemThis is usually done if Amlodipine causes a strong puffiness. And then they look at the result and select the necessary combinations to achieve acceptable pressure figures.
Evgeny Nikolaevich
I am 64 years old. 8 years took Corinfar retard twice a day and concor 5 to 10 mg once a day. Recently, after coronarography and stenting, cases of arrhythmia with emergency calls increased. The cardiologist replaced Corinfar retard for lercamen 20 twice a day. The pressure keeps well, but there are pains behind the sternum, not removed by nitroglycerin. The pain passes after taking no-shpy. The cardiologist suggested replacing the lercamen with amlodipine 10 mg twice daily. Is the dose too high?
Evgeny NikolaevichThe maximum daily dose of Amlodipine is 10 mg once daily. You are offered twice a day, that is, exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations by half. I would still point out to the treating doctor that he is wrong. Perhaps he missed something in the instructions. Otherwise, all the changes in your situation must be made through a cardiologist, since the case is not simple or standard, but already with a history.
I took the drug, being in the hospital for a week and a half, a dose of 7.5 mg. At a pressure of 140 per 100 did not help at all.
Hello! At pregnancy because of a high pressure to me have appointed or nominated amlodipin and atenolol. The pressure was dropping. After childbirth went to the therapist and he allowed to take medicine and breast-feed. Can you please tell if you can breastfeed your baby if you take these drugs? Thank you!
AllaAbsolute prohibition on taking these drugs in the instructions to them there. Relative - is.

Amlodipine, for example, is generally not recommended for pregnancy and lactation, as its effect in these conditions is not sufficiently understood. Atenolol in general can cause fetal and newborn changes in blood glucose and bradycardia (a decrease in the pulse).

If your blood pressure is high and persists after delivery, then there is no particular choice, since these medications have an indication that the final choice is for the doctor. Here either we take risks and take medications or worsen our health.
Hello! Consult, please! Father is 68 years old. Hypertension, stenocardia, stroke 2 months ago.Can not choose the optimal dose to adjust the pressure and relieve the pain behind the sternum. The doctor is indifferent. In the morning the pressure is 160/80. Drinks amlodipine 5 mg., Sildnofarm 2 mg. After 3 hours, the pressure drops to 100/60. How can I adjust the dose? Thank you!
Lekusha, Amlodipine is taken in the minimum dosage, it in standard cases is not halved for a dose of 2.5 mg. The pressure decreases strongly, after a stroke it is fraught with its possible repetition. It is necessary with the doctor to agree a replacement for another drug. Perhaps ACE inhibitors (Enalapril, Lysinopril the rest more expensive) or beta-blockers (Egilok, Bisoprolol and many others) may be suitable. Remotely, a man of age, burdened with concomitant symptoms, does not assign much.
Vera Eremina
I am 68 years old. I used to take a diroton from pressure, then the doctor replaced me with Lorist H 12.5 + 50 mg by 1tab. 2 times a day and amlodipine 1tab. 1 per day. I feel good, but the pressure is 110 \ 60, sometimes lower. Should I worry and reduce the dose?
Vera EreminaThe pressure for your age is low, there may be a shortage of blood in your organs, and this is fraught with complications. I see in your scheme irrational use of the drug Lorist H, it must be used 1 tablet a day, and not 2 as the doctor advised you (this is even indicated in the instructions to this medicine). In other respects, the scheme has the right to exist. It is only necessary for you and your doctor to adjust the dosage or the frequency of taking medications.
Vladimir, Carried your question to the drug Corinfar, where it is more appropriate.
Good afternoon. To me 41 year, the woman. For five days, Vals drank 80 mg (the doctor said that the effect of the pill would come on the 7th day of admission). Yesterday, the pressure jumped to 160/113, today the doctor said to increase the Wals to 160 mg, added 5 mg of amlodipine. Is it possible to combine Amlodipine, Wales and Cardiomagnum? Whether it is possible to drink in the morning Valz of 160 mg at once with Amlodipinom of 5 mg, and for the night Cardiomagnum? Or how to distribute them within 24 hours? Thanks in advance, Lina.
Lina2244, All the medications you specify are combined. You can take and together, I advise then to take them before meals with a half-hour interval, and not all at once a handful. And then take the cardiomagnol at night.
Thank you.
Please, tell me! Today I drank in the morning Wales 160 mg,
2 tabl.No-shpa,
2 of the tablets of acetylsalicylic acid,
1 tabl.cytromona.

The pressure still rose and my head ached, I drank 2 tablets. Corinfar with an interval of 1 hour. Can I take amlodipine 5 mg today? Pressure 134/85? Also what it is possible to accept at the increased pulse (90-100 ud.)?
Lina2244, Amlodipine accept better tomorrow, today you seem to overdo it with medications. The pulse is more affordable and more rationally regulated by beta-blockers (their large number of trade names), but without knowing your situation and accompanying diseases, I advise you to consult a cardiologist for advice and selection of a treatment regimen that you will be taking all the time.
Good afternoon! I am 68 years old.I took carvedilol and enalapril together. Pressure began to jump. Can I take amlodipine instead of enalapril? together with carvedilol. Are they compatible or not. Thank you.
valentines, Amlodipine and Carvedilol are compatible with each other and possible their joint reception. Only it is necessary to take into account that antihypertensive drugs can strengthen the action of Carvedilol, therefore it is recommended in such combinations to begin treatment with minimal dosages.
Umerova Galiya Iskhakovna, 64
All the side effects are mine, but except for amlodipine nothing reduces blood pressure, I drink 10 mg, the pressure below 155 does not decrease, and when taking Captopril AD - 198-197 at 76-83. Ankles swell very much, but I can not give up the drug, I realized that we need BCCC, which can be replaced. Lozap was appointed, but I'm afraid that he acts like a hood.
Umerova Galiya Iskhakovna, 64, All three drugs are different in the group, although they are struggling with increased blood pressure.Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker (BCC), Kapoten is an ACE inhibitor, Lozap is an angiotensin receptor antagonist. 2. Telling what exactly will help you is difficult, but if you are taking drugs from different groups, the probability of finding your medicine is going up.
Moved your question to Andipal.
To the husband have registered in the morning Enap Н, and in the evening амлодипин. Are they compatible? The pressure is high 180 to 110. He is 55 years old.
galena, Yes, they are compatible. In the instructions to these drugs, there are no negative side effects when taken together. Individual adverse reactions are possible, as with any drug.
Grandmother is 79 years old. For about 20 years, he has been reducing adelphan pressure and does not admit anything else. About 10 years ago she suffered a stroke. Now adelphan disappeared from the pharmacies. Is it possible for her to switch to amlodipine? Along the way, she has an arrhythmia.
IrinaIt is necessary to select drugs from the pressure with the doctor, as in the elderly there are a lot of side diagnoses and complications. In this situation, I will not tell you anything specific, but Adelphan needs to be changed if his grandmother went on a stroke. Drugs from pressure now a great many.
Hello. Tell me, please, why it is necessary to control body weight when taking amlodipine, does it help to increase the volume? And amlodipine has a diuretic effect, why there is a puffiness from it. I can not bring down the pressure 180/90, and for some reason I do not trust Amlodipin, dissuade, please. Thank you and be well!
Mila, Amlodipine can cause edema (rarely), hence the increase in volume and weight due to excess water held back by the body. Never had a diuretic effect. The fact that the unloading of blood flow under increased pressure by drugs leads to a diuretic effect does not confer on them a prefix - diuretics.Take it as the doctor advised you, the rest is conjecture.
Elena I.
Is it necessary to drink two drugs from the pressure of the lorist + amlodipine teva, as the doctor prescribed? Or you can take one of them.
Elena I.Do always always as advised by the doctor. I'm on pressure issues from the smaller to the larger, with a rare exception, when initially the numbers are very high and threaten the patient's health. If this is your first treatment plan, you can try to start with Lorista and after 2 weeks of constant intake and measurement of pressure figures, you need to understand whether further dosage increase or addition of an additional treatment component (the same Amlodipine) is necessary. In any case, a physician should appoint a specific treatment regimen and evaluation of pressure figures.
Accepted azomeks 2.5, but now this drug is not in the pharmacy, you can take amlodipine-zentiva and what dosage?
Lyudmila, The drug Azomex contains the S isomer of Amlodipine, so you need to try other Amlodipins, maybe they will suit you, but you can not say for sure. Dosage should be left the same.
After taking the belief, amlodipine / 5 mg / condition worsens. Dizziness, nausea and fever. What to do?
Catherine, Change the drug, probably Amlodipine does not suit you. Consult a therapist or cardiologist to replace it with another treatment.
I take amlodipine 5 mg twice a day for three weeks. At reception the palpitation and a status inside of a trembling, inflow to the person becomes more frequent. The pressure of the truth was normal. What to do, reduce the dose or even eliminate the drug?
NataliaIf three weeks of receiving the condition is the same as you described in the question, then, of course, you need to change the drug to another. Perhaps Amlodipine does not suit you. Consult a doctor who has prescribed this medicine for replacement.
Good evening! To my grandmother 95 years 6 years ago there was a stroke the doctor prescribed 2 times a day to take nifedipine and once a day sermion. Now nifedipine found in pharmacies could not. They suggested using amlodipine. Have not yet applied. Is it worth trying or applying something else the pharmacist said that this is an analog?
123, Amlodipine is not an analogue of Nifedipine for the active substance, but the Directory contains the desired Nifedipine (search the site) and there is an extensive list of analogs for the active substance, perhaps you will pick something up from your pharmacy at the expense of your grandmother.

Although both drugs are representatives of one group (calcium channel blockers), I would agree to such a replacement with the attending physician-therapist, ideally a cardiologist, as each drug has its own nuances, and your grandmother already has a decent age and concomitant diagnoses probably enough, you never know what.
The last 5 years I take ramipril 5 mg in the morning and in the evening amlodipine 5 mg and plus in the morning and evening bisoprolol 5 mg. If the daytime pressure can drop to 110/70 and below, then in the morning it is always increased 150, 160. In the daytime I go broke, dizzy, sleepy, and in the morning I wake up with a headache.
In the course of half a year I take in the morning: lisinopril-teva 10 mg and concor 5 mg, in the evening amlodipine 10 mg, often, mostly in the morning I feel nauseous, feel headaches, besides it began to notice a specific (reminiscent of medicinal) odor from urine, such I smell the smell when I breathe in deeply with my nose (as if from inside the nose). Could this be from the above medicines? Thank you.
trybin1962, Most likely because of drugs, although I can hear about the drug smell from my mouth for the first time, but the chemical smell of urine is quite possible. Nausea and headaches may not be due to drugs, but due to unsettled pressure (for example, a morning surge upward or vice versa, too rapid a decrease in pressure).It is necessary to check with regular measurements of pressure in the morning and in the evening this time and then decide whether it is necessary to reduce something by dosages from the antihypertensive or vice versa, additionally add to the treatment regimen.
Took 3 months in the morning 2.5 bisoprolol and 5 mg amlodipine, in the evening 5 mg amlodipine. The pressure was kept 110 to 60 or 120 to 70. But there were edemas on the ankles, burning of the face and podruzhivanie. The doctor changed the amlodipine to an escordicor on the morning of 5 and in the evening. And the instructions say 5 mg per day. Will not it be too much. T.k pressure rises in the evening, 160 to 90. Sometimes with amlodipine was even 100 to 60. During the day.
olgaseIf there is swelling and podruzhivanie, then the doctor did correctly replacing Amlodipine, he can give something like that as side effects.

As for Escordicor, its maximum dosage is 5 mg per day and if you prescribe it twice a day, then only: 2.5 mg in the morning and 2.5 mg in the evening. But if at this dosage in the evening you still give high blood pressure, during the week of regular admission and monitoring of blood pressure, you will have to replace this drug with another one.As for Escorticore, you need to consult a doctor again, because something your expert has confused.
Belova love
I have been taking amlodipine for 8 years now. The pressure is normal.
In Alentine
I take amlodipine 10 mg on a half-tablet in the morning and in the evening, diovan 80 mg in the morning and in the evening and сотагексал 80 on полтаблетки in the morning and in the evening. All is well, but my legs began to swell.
Earlier I took: in the morning - lisinopril-teva 10 mg and concor 5 mg, in the evening amlodipine-teva 10 mg, the last 2 months, on the recommendation of the doctor, I accept: in the morning, vyloset 5-160 and concor 5 mg, however, every morning the pressure is about 145 to 95 , can again return to the previous tablets?
trybin1962If everything is as simple as you described. There was a treatment scheme - it worked, then changed to another (and why changed?) And the latter stopped working, it is better to return to the previous treatment scheme. It is worth talking to the attending physician about this or with a cardiologist, just so the working schemes do not change.
I am 45 years old. I take amlodipine 5 mg in the morning. AD keeps stably during the day 110 / 70-90 / 60, I feel broken and tired.
I am 61 years old. I drink amlodipine 5 mg six months. Now swollen legs, appointed indapamide. Helps, but I'm afraid to drink every day, so as not to harm the kidneys.
I accept coronale, enap-n and amlodipine 5 mg. When I'm almost asleep, I hear a sound in my head like a discharge of electricity. With horror I open my eyes and I understand that I almost fell asleep. I'm afraid to sleep. But the pressure returned to normal
I am 47 years old, I drink amlodipine 5 mg and indapamide 2.5 mg once a day in the mornings since 2009. The pressure is normal, but there are swelling.
I take a month and a half of amlodipine 10 mg + indapamide in the morning, at lunch, concor and in the evening a 10 mc focicard. The pressure stabilized, but at first the head hurted, and now the ankles and feet swell, the fatigue in the legs.
To me have registered Sotageksal 2 times on 80 mg, Pradaksa 110 + 110, amlodipin 2,5; valsartan 80, hypothiazide 6.25. How are they taken and combined? Whether it is possible to replace gipotiazid on indapamid (last I accepted earlier). Thank you in advance! Yours faithfully Henry.
strempler or Henry, Regarding a diuretic - you can replace Hypothiazide with Indapamide, this is one group of thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics. If you are more suited for Indapamide, use it.

Treatment to you is certainly chosen expensive and complex, it is visible serious health problems. I would take such a scheme: Sotagexal, Pradaksa, Valsartan and diuretic in the morning (try to observe a 15-minute interval between taking the pills), and everything else (Sotagexal (again), Pradaksa (again) and Amlodipine) in the evening, also with a 15-minute interval. Specifically, your rhythm of treatment is better to learn from the attending physician, as everything depends on the diagnosis and the prevailing disease, but I think the recommendation will be similar.
Doctor! Many thanks. Appealed to you because I live in the village. And in the city hospital I was not explained the order of taking medications. Thanks again. Success to you and health. Yours faithfully, Henry.
I take in the morning lisinopril 10 mg, in the evening amlodipine 5 mg (Ukrainian production), the pressure is normal, there are no side effects. I accept all this for six months. Prior to this, 4 years of age, she received bi Preserium 5/5. It was also wonderful until she began taking sea baths at home. Foolishly made them every day for 7 days in a row, until the pressure leaped to 180/100. But the bi-Presidium did not manage. That's when I was advised by the doctor to replace the pill, said that 4 years is already a lot. Has replaced and yet has not regretted. Especially in money it became much cheaper, because ukr. production, and the bi-prestarium has become very expensive.
Hello, Doctor. My father is 80 years old. Stroke, heart attack, Hypertrophy of gums (2-3 degrees), today the dentist was removed tartar. In the evening I read on the Internet that hypertrophy of gums can cause blockers of calcium channels, incl.Amlodipine, although nothing is said about the side effects of the drug. It is believed that this is due to "a violation of the calcium current through the membranes of gingival fibroblasts, which leads to a change in homeostasis in cells, collagenase activity and local immunity." Have you had to deal with this? And than you can replace amlodipine, if 2 times a day the father takes lopaz-50, physiotensis-0.2, amlodipine-5, eugilus-100, and in the morning, and diver-5? From Enap, anaprilina - cough. Edema from amlodipine is not present, always considered or counted its or his good preparation with a long period of action. He has been taking it for 4 years (after a stroke).
natalia, Most often, gingival hypertrophy of gums is observed with the use of drugs Phenytoin and Ciclosporin, but also from calcium channel blockers (which include Amlodipine), it can develop. A radical decision is a complete withdrawal of the drug or a substitute for drugs from another group. But replace the full analog (that is, a drug containing the same active substance or at least one subgroup) and you can independently, although in the case of gingival hypertrophy on the same group can not be replaced - the result will be the same.Given the complications of your father and a decent list of medications already taken, you need to see a doctor internally, as there are a lot of nuances in replacement and there's no getting around without consulting. I do not recommend doing this myself (let alone canceling it), but I should not tighten it, because the hypertrophic tissue of the gums can not always then be absorbed and surgical intervention may be required.
I accept Sotagexal 80 + 80, Pradaks 110 + 110, Vals 40, as you recommended to me in the morning and in the evening with 15 minutes. interruptions. Before that, I took amiodarone for several years, then I found nodules in the thyroid gland and it was replaced with sotahexal. Pressure and pulse (frequency) 130/70 on average. But by evening, especially when I lie down, interruptions begin in the heartbeat. On the left side, I can not lie at all. Several times a year I am treated in a hospital, the doctors conduct a standard examination, ultrasound, X-ray of the heart, lungs and spine, CT of the heart vessels, etc. Special deviations are not detected. Drip: panangin, actovegin. During a night's sleep, heart attacks occur about once a month.One such seizure was recorded during daily ECG monitoring. The maximum heart rate reached 148 beats / min. Interruptions in the heart. Pressure up to 180/110. Pathological supraventricular arrhythmias, extrasystoles, ventricular arrhythmias, extrasystoles (number above normal), fibrillation - atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation. Pain of varying intensity pressing in the chest to the left in the region of the heart - from the side. Shortness of breath. Some relief in sitting position. As I live in the village, I take seizures myself: anaprilin 0.04, capoten tablet - under the tongue; Validol, Corvalol, Sulphocamphocaine and Ketorol. Usually the attack lasts 60-70 minutes. Then the arrhythmia passes, there is a weakness. When I took amiodarone it was all the same.

Lech. doctors spread their hands and say: you have to live with this. I ask your advice or council: that it is possible to add to my preparations to clean or remove faults in heart in the evenings. How can I get rid of nighttime bouts in my sleep. Can advise still variants kupirovanija such night attacks. I lead a healthy lifestyle, in the daytime I can calmly walk 2-3 km, I work in the garden (pensioner), there is no shortness of breath during the day. With respect and wishes of all the best, Heinrich Strempler.
strempler, Thanks for the detailed description, so it's easier to work. A healthy lifestyle is right, at any age it is useful, or even better, fresh air, the main thing is not to overdo it with work. By the way, can attacks of an arrhythmia happen after an exercise stress, did not notice such behind itself? Anything can happen.

As for the drugs, you can not add anything, because with this set of drugs, the pressure indicators are at the upper limit of the norm, and the pulse is generally remarkable (if it's 70 beats per minute), if we add more blockers, then we can drive the pulse to the bradycardia, and this is already dangerous. So your only salvation is to try out sequentially other drugs from the group of blockers, possibly not only from the group of beta1, beta2 blockers (Anaprilin, Obsidan), but also beta1-blockers (Egilok, you can try a retarded form with prolonged action, maybe it will close and night window, when there are seizures, Estecor is a good, but expensive, Icelandic cardioblocker).

To select it is necessary correctly, by a two-week reception of a new preparation and the control over a condition and indications of pressure and the CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE. Of course, it is ideal to coordinate this scheme with a cardiologist.Otherwise, otherwise everything will remain so, but it's not normal, people are different, but it's better to do than do nothing and write off to nature, the main thing is to find your medicine.
Hello. To me 58, a hypertonia, a climacterium (seems, comes to an end request ) I work 12-14 hours a day, all the time at the computer. Excess weight, very little movement.
About a year ago, the cardiologist selected me the Concor scheme 5.0 / 1 r in the morning and Noliprel 1 t. / 1p in the morning. I take it all in a relatively regular way, the pressure keeps well, and when I feel good, I drink no less than half a tablet. It seems all right, but I have crisises regularly, and almost always - for hours to 2-3 nights. I go to bed "almost healthy" (well, as far as possible), but wake up from the fact that I begin to shiver, shake, etc. It turns out that the pressure is already 180 and rises very quickly.
Here have advised to my scheme or plan to add azomeks or amlodipin (I have looked or seen it, it turns out, the same preparation?). What do you think about this?
kamea, I think if crashes happen at night, then morning intake of medications to reduce blood pressure is not enough for a day and you need to add an evening reception. So the doctor did everything right and the evening reception of Amlodipin or Azomex is also correct. How much this will help in your case - this can only be checked by reception, as each medication has its side effects, but the logic does not suffer with this appointment, so there is a probability of a positive outcome for you.
One of the doctors said that, most likely, these crises are associated with the release of adrenaline and a general imbalance of the hormonal background as a result of menopause. In this case, whether it makes sense to take additional medications - because this is almost forever?
kamea, So what. If the pressure is not reduced, then another such outburst can result in a stroke or a heart attack. Do you need this? To determine the possible causes of rising pressure is necessary (for this it is worth consulting a cardiologist for advice),but if this is an essential hypertension, then lifelong reception of tablets is possible for its reduction and most hypertensive patients take it.
Of course, I'm not saying that the pressure should not be reduced at all - as far as possible, I would like to lower the total dose of drugs.
Is such a scheme possible: take in the morning not a whole Noliprel tablet immediately, but divide it into 2 receptions - morning and evening? Because after the morning reception at me quite often the top pressure below norm or rate - 105, or even 100.
kamea, I will clarify a little. Noliprel divisible tablets - there is a risk and can theoretically be divided (we are talking about Noliprel A). But the dosage will be very low. It may be worth talking to the attending physician about changing the drug to a weaker one or simply accepting the treatment that is prescribed for the patient.
Thank you.
The site does not just miss "thanks" - according to the developers "it does not carry any useful information."
Then thank you again. smile
Can I take amlodipine occasionally when the pressure is greater than 130?
alla171240, No. Drugs from pressure are taken for a long time (mostly for life) and on an ongoing basis, so this mode of taking Amlodipine is not used.
Galina. 59 years old
Amlodipine lowers blood pressure well, but after receiving a whole day the person burns, this is its inconvenience, the head is not very well made.

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