Rinofluimucil - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (spray or nasal drops) of the drug for the treatment of cold and sinusitis in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

Rinofluimucil - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (spray or nasal drops) of the drug for the treatment of cold and sinusitis in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Rinoflumacil. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Rhinofluucima in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Rhinofluucimil in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use to treat the common cold and sinusitis (sinusitis) in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Rinoflumacil - a drug with mucolytic and vasoconstrictive action for use in ENT practice.


Acetylcysteine ​​liquefies mucous and purulent-mucous discharge by rupturing the disulfide bonds of mucus glycoproteins. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect (due to inhibition of leukocyte chemotaxis) and an antioxidant effect.


Tuaminogeptan sulfate is a sympathomimetic amine, which has a vasoconstrictive effect when applied topically. Eliminates edema and flushing of the nasal mucosa.




Acetylcysteine ​​+ tuamine heptane sulfate + excipients.




When topically applied at recommended doses, the drug is not absorbed.



  • acute and subacute rhinitis with a thick purulent-mucous secret;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • sinusitis.


Forms of release


Spray nasal (sometimes mistakenly called drops in the nose).


Instructions for use and how to use them


The drug is injected into the nasal cavity in the form of an aerosol using a special nebulizer.


Adults are given 2 doses of aerosol (2 pressure on the valve) in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day.


Children prescribe the drug for 1 dose of aerosol (1 pressure on the valve) in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day.The duration of therapy should not exceed 7 days.


Do not exceed recommended doses and treatment without consulting your doctor.


Application rules


1. Remove the cap from the vial with solution.

2. Remove the cap from the sprayer.

3. Remove the cover from the sprayer.

4. Press the spray button again.


Side effect

  • palpitation;
  • tachycardia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • excitation;
  • tremor;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, mouth and pharynx;
  • allergic reactions;
  • retention of urination;
  • inflammation of the sebaceous glands;
  • addictive to the drug with long-term admission.



  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • simultaneous application of MAO inhibitors and a period of up to 14 days after their cancellation;
  • simultaneous use of tricyclic antidepressants and a period of up to 14 days after their withdrawal;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


The use of the drug during pregnancy and during lactation is possible only in cases where the intended benefit to the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus and the baby.


Use in children

With caution appoint the drug to children under the age of 3 years.


special instructions


The drug is intended only for intranasal (into the nasal cavity) introduction.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


The drug does not affect the ability of patients to drive vehicles and other mechanisms.


Drug Interactions


With the combined use of Rhinofluucil with MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants, there is an increased likelihood of systemic side effects due to thiamine-heptane (as these drugs potentiate the action of sympathomimetic agents).


With the simultaneous use of Rinoflumacil can weaken the effect of antihypertensive drugs.


Analogues of the drug Rinofluimucil


Structural analogues of the active ingredient have no Rinoflumacil.


Analogues on the therapeutic effect (anticongestants):

  • Adrianol;
  • Alergoftal;
  • Cold storage;
  • Koldar;
  • Contact 400;
  • Ximelin Extra;
  • Nazik;
  • Nazik for children;
  • Nurofen Stoppold;
  • Opcon-A;
  • Pinovitum;
  • Pinosol;
  • Rinicold Bronho;
  • Rinoprint;
  • Sanorin-Anaerherol;
  • The spersallerg;
  • Evkasept.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (18):
As a vasoconstrictor, rhinoflumycin is absolutely useless, it has been digging it for three days with a cold that has appeared after the bronchitis that has been transferred and if only it became easier for an hour - all to no avail. Plus it is written that snot liquefies and is quickly removed from the nose, but this effect was not noticed behind this medicine. Plus, on the third day of its use, there was a tachycardia, it was necessary to cancel this remedy and change it to a proven pinosol, which helped me cure the rhinitis, although as a weak preparation that helps in breathing and pinosol, it is more like a remedy for a cold and not an emergency aid.

Since the prophylaxis of this rhinofluimucil, if all that is written in the manual and from which he should help, he does not help, moreover, adds additional diseases.
Have written out to the child (2d 10mes.) Direct indications - zalozhennost and dense snot. We puff the second day - the nose is also laid (((after it the mucus is also difficult to rinse (it seems that the edema does not remove).There was a question - whether it is possible to apply it together with adrianolum for example, or something one (since adrianol, vibrotsil, etc. to us at once a nose punch well).
Tatyana, if Adrianol, Vibrocil and other anticongestants relieve your child's rhinitis, then it's better to use proven means (see that they are allowed for use by children according to the instructions), but do not use it together. So cancel Rhinofluucimil and bury the medications you have checked and next time tell your pediatrician which medications you are helping, so that he does not prescribe those that do not suit you.
Zoya, 26 years old
In the fall of 2012, there was acute sinusitis with a ruptured cyst in the right sinus (the yellow water flowed from the nostril for 2 days, stremely). The ENT prescribed antibiotics + Rinofluimycil spray together with any nasal drops, but it is also desirable that the spray also be better irrigated the surface of the mucosa strictly 3 times a day according to the following pattern: to drip ordinary drops; after 10-15 minutes, bleach well, and only then sprinkle rhinofluimycil in each nostril with 2 spears.The effect was noticeable on the second day, the green snot became more liquid, and at times it departed much more and the nose remained clearer for longer. Pryskala under this scheme on the recommendation of the ENT in 5 days. By day 4, the nose was almost no longer lodged and the green snot practically passed
Read a lot of reviews and came to the conclusion that you need to use naphthyzine or xylenol, galazaline! All the rest is a waste of money!
The first time I tried rhinofluimucil with an acute cold. At first I liked how he quickly and without burning (as with ordinary drops) spread out his nose. But the effect lasted for 15 minutes, one nostril again laid. I sprinkled one more time, in five minutes - the same thing: the nose is laid again. I tormented myself almost at night until morning. This drug decomposes for 10 - 15 minutes only one nostril, and the one that he chooses, and the second, no matter how it is filled - is useless. Since the drug is still curative, it probably has some sense, but as a vasoconstrictor - absolutely useless. Perhaps, it can be used in the late stages of the common cold,when the snot is already thick and there is a problem with the excretion of mucus, but in the early days the usual and habitual vasoconstrictive preparations based on xylon or oxy-metazoline are better.
If it does not help. Then forgive the question, but why are they selling it?
hogIf to answer briefly it is business. Who as advertises, including among doctors, that and sells and earns on it.
Anastasia Bid
I read the above-mentioned. The guys with a nose suffer from 10 years, the eternal sinusitis survived to the 23rd and now the rhinitis is complicated, the maxillary sinusitis has already developed into a front, if before that doctors who did not know did cuckoos punctures, then for 6 years I am treated according to the scheme of one good doctor ...
This rinoflumucil treats! Immediately effect, therefore, no! To whom it is necessary that just immediately breathed a nose galazolin, naftizin and forward and with a song. And those people who suffer from serious forms need a real cure for a cold remedy of swelling, etc. I can cure the fronts without punctures and antibiotics.Under the scheme or plan not cheap I speak at once, but helps or assists effectively.
So, we buy tablets Sinupret (homeopathy), Diazolin or what is even better and stronger than citrine (relieves swelling), drops of rhinofluucim and polidex for the nose.
So, let's start drinking homeopathy according to the instructions, the more often the better. Worse from them will not be! This is grass. Diazoline or citrine according to 1 table. 3 times a day. We wash the nose with the aquamaris system with a blue dope (sold in a pharmacy) or take a teapot with a spout, we do the usual fiz. solution: salt-water. We wash one nostril with a full duck or teapot, we make a solution, we wash the second nostril. Then for two pshiki in each nostril of rhinofluucima 15 minutes walk with your head down. After we wash nat. solution once again, as well as in the first, flies and after 15 minutes splashes polidex. This procedure should be done 3 times a day.
Do not drip with this system any more drops. Edema will come down in 2-3 days and the nose will begin to breathe without any of your halazolines, rapes, naphthyzines.
All Health! Remember, each medicine performs its own action and affects everyone in its own way, each is individual.
Here at me a picture of a nose is those, a curvature of a septum, eternal genyantrites,moreover, a frontitis, a very heavy nose. And this system of treatment has been helping me for more than a year. Good luck, good health to you!
I'll support Anastasia! I suffer from chronic sinusitis. Rinoflumucil is an excellent medicine for sinusitis. It is necessary to use correctly! Anastasia, thank you for the scheme of treatment, you have appointed or nominated the attending physician or have come?
Nadezhda Khodakovskaya
Anastasia Bid, thank you very much for the treatment scheme!
My child constantly suffers from a runny nose, and any lung passes into purulent snot, than we just did not treat, that we just did not drip, there was almost no effect. Now according to the scheme I do - drops from the allergy the course we start to drink, we clear the nose and rinse, after pshikai rhinofluucim, after 2 days the snot starts to pass. The instructions wrote that up to 3 years it can not be used, but doctors appointed us from 1.5 years.
Angelina93, The instructions say that the drug should be prescribed with caution to children under 3 years of age,that is, Rinoflumucil can also be used in very young children, if there is a recommendation of a pediatrician or an ENT.
Ekaterina's mother
In very acute situations, such as purulent angina plus conjunctivitis, plus temperature, plus night 3 hours and the baby suffocates. I thought everything, suffocated, through the time the baby breathed to the aid realized to squirt washed the nose with saline solution for one pimple and glory to the heavens the baby is easier. So a good drug, I will not say anything. By the way, we are 7 months old, at our own risk.
For more than 10 years I have been using Rhinofluimacil, he is my salvation. There was a chronic rhinitis, a sinusitis, it was impossible to go out into the street in the winter, nothing helped, and only with Rhinofluimucil as anew was born. It liquefies very well and removes all the liquid, and sometimes it is necessary to spray several times. A wonderful drug.
Describe how I will not. At me a genyantritis, all deduces, all is excellent or different. Correctly use!
To make this product work - it is necessary before it drips - rinse well with the nose with salt or solution. And yes with genyantritis and thick snot - this is the only excellent tool. Above there were schemes or plans - safely use, similar to me also was prescribed by an ENT and I till now use and never he let me down. But when it is not on sale, at the moment it's just torture.
Anastasia, thanks for the scheme. Let's try.

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