Yodditserin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (a solution of 25 ml in a vial) drugs for treatment of purulent wounds, burns, frostbites, mastitis and sore throat in adults, children and during pregnancy. Composition

Yodditserin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (a solution of 25 ml in a vial) drugs for treatment of purulent wounds, burns, frostbites, mastitis and sore throat in adults, children and during pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Yoddicerin. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Yoddicerin in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Yodditserin in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use to treat purulent wounds, burns, frostbites, pyoderma, mastitis and sore throat in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the preparation.


Yoddicerin- antiseptic, disinfectant, has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, local exasperating effect. Unlike other Iodine preparations intended for topical application, it does not concentrate and does not accumulate in the area of ​​action, which excludes painful, irritating and necrotic effects.


It is active against staphylococcus, streptococcus, meningococcus, gonococcus, pneumococcus, escherichia (including enteropathogenic, invasive and toxicogenic strains), salmonella, klebsiella, proteus, serratsy, cytobacteria, hemophilic rod, pseudomonads, fusobacteria, clostridia, nonclostridial anaerobes, peptococci, mycoplasmas, viruses of herpes, chicken pox, chlamydia.


Yoddicerin irreversibly blocks the transport processes of microorganisms in the cell wall and the cytoplasmic membrane adjacent to it. Such a defeat of microbes completely excludes the selection of resistant strains of bacteria, which is proved in special experiments.




Crystalline iodine + Dimexide + glycerin.




Quickly absorbed from the application site. Penetration into the skin and mucous membranes depends on the dose and time of contact with the surface.Bioavailability is complete due to external application. In this case, iodine ions do not concentrate at the site of application of Joddicerin. Free iodine ions bind to the surface of microorganisms, as well as proteins, forming iodamines, which enter the tissues and organs. Iodine ions are selectively absorbed, depending on the query, by the thyroid gland, are involved in the synthesis of thyroxine, enhance the processes of catabolism, which positively affects the bioenergetics of tissues and organs. They favorably act on lipid and protein metabolism, reducing the level of cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins. Do not cumulate. When applied once in conditions of moderate suppuration, the effect persists for 8-12 hours. Most of the iodine is excreted by the kidneys. Isolation is also carried out through the intestines, sweat and mammary glands.




Purulent infections of skin and mucous membranes (in surgery, obstetric-gynecological practice, dermatology, proctology, oncology, otorhinolaryngology, stomatology, urology, and children's practice):

  • purulent wounds;
  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • abscess (limited purulent inflammation);
  • phlegmon (diffuse purulent inflammation);
  • gangrene;
  • trophic and varicose ulcers;
  • pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura);
  • peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum);
  • prevention of complications after abortion;
  • cervical erosion;
  • trichomoniasis, gonorrhea;
  • tertiary syphilis;
  • mastitis (inflammation of the breast);
  • microbial and viral dermatitis;
  • pyoderma (purulent skin lesions with cocci);
  • folliculitis (superficial inflammation of the hair follicle);
  • furunculosis (inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissues);
  • sycosis (chronic inflammation of the hair follicles);
  • herpes lips and skin;
  • paraproctitis in the stage of infiltration (inflammation of fatty tissue around the rectum);
  • otitis (ear inflammation);
  • angina (acute inflammation of the tonsils);
  • tonsillitis (chronic inflammation of the tonsils);
  • sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinus);
  • sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses);
  • stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa);
  • gingivitis (inflammation of the gums);
  • periodontitis (inflammation of periodontal tissues);
  • omphalitis (inflammation of the umbilical cord bottom);
  • atherosclerosis.


Forms of release


The solution is sterile in a 25 ml dropper.


Other dosage forms, whether candles or tablets, at the time of publication of the drug Joddicerin in the directory did not exist.


Instructions for use and dosing regimen


With small surface processes: copiously applied 2-3 times a day for 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of the purulent focus for 5-15 ml of the solution. The timing of treatment is determined by the time of complete cleansing of the wound surface, the appearance of granulation and epithelization. Usually the course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days.


With extensive or deep-seated lesions: in the form of impregnated with a solution of gauze bandages (superimposed on purulent wounds), turund or tampons (injected into wounds). If necessary, tampons or bandages can be bandaged, covered with polyethylene film or fixed with adhesive plaster.


Treatment of serous cavities, abscesses, ulcers: after removal of pus and washing with sterile saline or hydrogen peroxide, 5-10 ml of solution is injected and drained for constant outflow, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.


Yoddicerin for the throat is used by washing lacunas and supratonsillar spaces for 4-5 procedures at intervals of 2-3 days, for irrigation of the nasopharynx 2-3 times a week for 2-3 months, for instillation into the ear and rinsing for 2-4 weeks.


For oral administration: prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, with tertiary syphilis. The dose is set individually, depending on the indications and age of the patient.


Side effect

  • contact dermatitis;
  • erythema (redness);
  • dry skin;
  • itching, burning;
  • bronchospasm (sharp narrowing of the bronchi);
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • iodism (runny nose, rash, salivation and lacrimation);
  • hyperthermia (fever);
  • the phenomena of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism (hyper- and hypofunction of the thyroid gland);
  • changes in functional tests of the thyroid gland;
  • neutropenia (a decrease in the number of neutrophils in the blood);
  • hypernatremia (increased concentration of sodium ions in the blood);
  • metabolic acidosis (low blood ph value);
  • acute renal failure.



  • hypersensitivity to iodine and dimexide;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • adenoma of the thyroid gland;
  • hepatic and renal insufficiency;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • angina pectoris;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • stroke;
  • herpetiform dermatitis of Dühring;
  • coma;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation (if necessary lactating women should stop breastfeeding);
  • period before, during and after therapy with radioactive iodine.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Pregnant and lactating use of the drug Joddicerin is contraindicated. If necessary, lactating women should stop breastfeeding.


Use in children


Contraindicated for oral administration to children under 5 years.


special instructions


With prolonged use, the phenomena of iodism are possible. Before the start of treatment with Yoddicerin, a drug test for tolerability is performed. For this, the preparation is applied to the forearm skin with a cotton swab. The appearance of severe itching, redness and signs of iodine indicates a hypersensitivity to the drug.


Drug Interactions


Yoddicerin enhances the penetration through the skin of drugs that dissolve in dimethylsulfoxide (some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics), which leads to an increase in their specific activity, and in some combinations, to an increase in toxicity.


Pharmaceutically incompatible with essential oils, solutions of ammonia, white sedimentary mercury (an explosive mixture is formed).


When combined with yellow mercury ointment, the formation of mercuric iodide is possible, which has a cauterizing effect.


Weaken the hypothyroid and strugogenic effects of lithium preparations. In cases of patients using lithium drugs, regular use of Ioddicerin should be avoided, especially on large surfaces, since in this case iodine can cause hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland.


Yoddicerin is incompatible with other disinfectants and antiseptics, especially containing alkalis, enzymes and mercury. In an acidic environment the activity of the drug is reduced.


When used concomitantly with enzyme preparations, the latter become ineffective.


Yodditserin is incompatible with hydrogen peroxide, preparations containing silver, as well as reducing substances, salts of alkaloids and cationic antiseptics.


The drug enhances the effects of ethanol (alcohol), insulin, digitalis preparations, butadione, antibiotics, quinidine, nitroglycerin, sensitizes the body to anesthetics.


Analogues of the drug Yoddicerin


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • 9 months of potassium iodide;
  • Aquazan;
  • Antrustin Darnitsa;
  • Armenikum;
  • Betadine;
  • Iodine is a solution of alcohol;
  • Iodine-Vitrum;
  • Iodobalance;
  • Iodel;
  • Iodide;
  • Iodixanol;
  • Iodinol;
  • Iod-Ka;
  • Yodoxide;
  • Yodolipol;
  • Iodomarine;
  • Iodonate;
  • Yodopirone;
  • Iodistine;
  • Yopamidol;
  • Potassium iodide;
  • Lugol solution with glycerin;
  • Lugs;
  • Microroyod;
  • Mikroiodid;
  • Optiray;
  • Povidone-iodine.


Doctor's Feedbacksurgeon


Excellent domestic antiseptic for a penny price. Compared to a conventional alcohol solution, iodine hardly burns during application, does not have cauterizing effect, does not tighten tissues. You can easily apply both on the edges and the center of the wound, without fear of the emergence of necrosis. What distinguishes it from other antiseptics, works in purulent wounds, though weaker than in pure ones. Unlike antibiotics, resistance does not develop to Yodditserin, due to which it is successfully used in almost any surgical pathology: long-term healing wounds for diabetics, trophic ulcers, phlegmon, osteomyelitis. Well washed off the skin.

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