Ingavirin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (30 mg capsules, 60 mg and 90 mg capsules) for treatment of influenza and ARVI in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

Ingavirin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (30 mg capsules, 60 mg and 90 mg capsules) for treatment of influenza and ARVI in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Ingavirin. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Ingavirin in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Ingavirin in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use to treat influenza and ARVI in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Ingavirin - antiviral drug. Active against influenza A viruses (A / H1N1, incl."Pig" A / H1N1 swl, A / H3N2, A / H5N1) and type B, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus infection.


The antiviral mechanism of action is associated with the suppression of virus reproduction at the nuclear phase, delayed migration of the newly synthesized NP virus from the cytoplasm to the nucleus.


Has a modulating effect on the functional activity of Interferon system: cause elevation of blood physiological norm to interferon, stimulates and normalises reduced alpha interferonprodutsiruyuschuyu capacity of blood leukocytes, stimulates gamma interferonprodutsiruyuschuyu ability of leukocytes.


Causes the generation of cytotoxic lymphocytes and increases the content of NK-T cells, which have a high killer activity with respect to virus transformed cells and marked antiviral activity.


The anti-inflammatory effect is due to inhibition of the production of key proinflammatory cytokines (FNOalfa, IL-1beta and IL-6), a decrease of myeloperoxidase activity.


Therapeutic efficacy with influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) manifested in shortening the period of fever, decrease of toxicity (headache, weakness, dizziness), catarrhal symptoms,reduction in the number of complications and duration of the disease.




When used in recommended doses, the determination of the drug in blood plasma by available techniques is not possible. In experimental studies using a radioactive label, it was found that the drug quickly enters the blood from the digestive tract and is evenly distributed throughout the internal organs. With a 5-day course of oral intake of the drug 1 time per day, it accumulates in the internal organs and tissues. It is not metabolized in the body and is excreted unchanged. The main elimination process occurs within 24 hours. During this time, 80% of the dose is output. 77% of them are excreted in feces, 23% - with urine.




Imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid (vitaglutam) + auxiliary substances.



  • treatment of influenza A and B and other ARI (adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection).


Forms of release


Capsules 30 mg, 60 mg and 90 mg.


Forms in the form of tablets do not exist in nature, perhaps the drug in this form is a fake of the original Ingavirin.


Instructions for use and dosing regimen


Caspuly 90 mg


The drug should be taken orally, regardless of food intake, 90 mg once a day for 5-7 days (depending on the severity of the condition).


The drug should be taken from the moment the first symptoms appear, preferably no later than 36 hours after the onset of the disease.


Capsules 60 mg


To treat influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, children from 7 to 17 years are prescribed 1 capsule (60 mg) once a day. Duration of treatment is 5-7 days (depending on the severity of the condition). The drug should be taken from the moment the first symptoms appear, preferably no later than 2 days after the onset of the disease.


Side effect

  • allergic reactions.



  • pregnancy;
  • children under 7 years (for capsules 60 mg), children and adolescents under 18 years (for capsules 90 mg);
  • deficiency of lactase, lactose intolerance;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


The use of the drug in pregnancy has not been studied.


If you need to use the drug during lactation, you should decide whether to stop breastfeeding.


Ingavirin does not affect reproductive function, does not have embryotoxic and teratogenic effects.


special instructions


Experimental toxicological studies have shown a low level of toxicity and a high profile of drug safety (LD50 exceeds the therapeutic dose by more than 3000 times).


The drug does not have mutagenic, immunotoxic, allergic and carcinogenic properties, does not have a local irritant effect.


With regard to the joint administration of the drug and alcohol, standard recommendations, or, more precisely, a ban on simultaneous reception, are in effect. The combined action of ethanol and Ingavirin has not been studied.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


Ingavirin does not have a sedative effect, does not affect the speed of the psychomotor reaction, the drug can be used in persons of various professions, including. requiring increased attention and coordination of movements.


Drug Interactions


It is not recommended simultaneous use of Ingavirin with other antiviral drugs.


There were no cases of interaction of Ingavirin with other drugs.


Analogues of Ingavirin


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Vitaglutam;
  • Dicarbamine.


On the mechanism of action (antiviral effect):

  • Actipol;
  • Alpisarin;
  • Algiers;
  • Alfaferon;
  • Amizon;
  • Amiksin;
  • Arbidol;
  • Arpetolide;
  • Arpefly;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Betaferon;
  • Bonaphoton;
  • Valaciclovir;
  • Virazole;
  • Gevisos;
  • Grippferon;
  • Groprinosin;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Interferon;
  • Inferon;
  • Lavomax;
  • Midantan;
  • Neovir;
  • Oxolin;
  • Orvire;
  • Panavir;
  • Relenza;
  • Remantadine;
  • Ribavirin;
  • Tamiflu;
  • Thilaxin;
  • Tyloron;
  • Famciclovir;
  • Extavia;
  • Erazaban.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (54):
family man
Ingavirin was used as a good tool for the prevention of influenza. Among such medicines in the pharmacy there is a lot of frank bullshit, which either does not help, or helps, but it costs fabulous money, like the same overseas tamiflu. But Ingavirin, as a local and relatively inexpensive medicine, helped my family to prevent the flu last year, although before that they sneezed and warmed the chain throughout the family.
To me in a drugstore offered ингавирин as an alternative to arbidolum, since. on this drug was a very high price, and I noticed recently the inefficiency of arbidol, I think, pacifiers.

My daughter is 20 years old. On the first day of taking Ingavirin (once a day), the general condition improved significantly. During the week, all the symptoms of ARI were stopped and there were no complications (sinusitis).
On the second day of taking Ingavirin, the temperature dropped to 34.9 from 38. The extremities became cold, sweat broke out, the strongest tachycardia started, which lasted almost a day. Thank God I survived. Draw your own conclusions.
ORVI I accept ингавирин the third day, result positive after the first reception. Symptoms have disappeared, there are no complications.
My mother was ill. She drinks Ingavirin the second day, her throat feels lighter, but the temperature is still there and her head hurts. Look what happens next, but before that they helped.
I took this drug at an early pregnancy, because I did not know about my situation yet. As a result, for 17 weeks of pregnancy it was found out that my long-awaited child has a pathology of development and had to interrupt pregnancy. Like this. I can not forgive myself for everything that happened.
Feedback from the site visitor Hope, moved to the desired section:
First, colds took Otsilokoktsinum did not bring much relief. She switched to ingoverine. I did not find any drastic cardinal changes. Although the effect was greater than from the first drug. Accompanied by side effects: drowsiness, inhibition, the effect of a certain increase in temperature. Took 7 days, 90 g dosage. Complete cure for cold has not happened yet. Either the dose is needed more than once, or increase the rate to 10 days.
Margarita Petrovskaya
Margarita Petrovskaya, Your feedback will not be missed, since it contains advertising of another drug, not Ingavirin.Respect the visitors of my site and my colleagues on the pharmacy, otherwise the next time banned and moderated for the drug you are promoting Amixin will be tougher due to getting into the black list of drugs.
Some kind of deception. And advertising in general is designed for idiots, the drug scans infected cells, as it is generally possible. Nonsense, me and all my friends did not help. We will not buy this anymore. The price is insane, the mechanism of action is unclear. Yes, and the reception within 7 days raises questions. During this time, ARVI will pass without medication.
The deception is complete, the money has only been paid and not small.
Strongest tachycardia and no improvement in well-being. Many side effects: tachycardia, diarrhea, convulsions of the limbs, impaired vision. Very expensive in price.
Oleg Sergeevich
The drug does not work, checked on me, my wife and mother: no improvement. More precisely, the improvement came, but only on the fifth or sixth day, but for such a period the cold itself passes. I regret the money spent!
When it began to warm on the street, I decided to take a walk on the street without a hat. The rain was raining and a strong wind rose, the wet head was shorter than the wet one. At night, I was blown away by the temperature, headache and pain in my eyes. In the morning I went to the polyclinic, the doctor prescribed only this drug and everything, by the evening everything as a hand took off, even at work go, but no, I'm on a sick leave.
A good drug. When the cold begins immediately drink and advise everyone! No side effects. And dosage only once a day. Symptoms immediately.
Elena Andreevna
The drug helps or assists me, I use it not the first time. I can not say that on the first day it removes all the symptoms, but the cold is much easier to tolerate than with other drugs. From the rest, which by price category in the same range Less aid. However, one of the side effects is tachycardia, although the information in this manual is not available.
Elena Andreevna and the rest, I went to advertise Ingavirin on TV and, probably, I need to make reinforcements on the Internet. But in this Directory, advertising under the guise of reviews of ordinary visitors does not pass, so you can not try here any more, otherwise the ban will be noted by such comments, and the moderation of reviews for the drug will be significantly tightened. For the first time I bear a warning for this kind of advertising.
Began to take immediately after the onset of symptoms of intoxication. After the third capsule there was a complete recovery of health. I took capsules at 7 am, it seems that the whole body struggles with the infection all day, and at night, as if the button turns off someone, the state of health improves dramatically. On the second day, at 19-00, the temperature is 37.8, and at 20-00 it's already 36.2. As a side effect, a pulse increased to 90-100 strokes and blood pressure. Although it is possible that this is from the effects of the virus.
This drug is designed to treat ARVI, but it includes, for some reason, the active substances for those who suffer from cancer or are treated with chemotherapy.Personally, I do not understand how they combine the symptoms of SARS and onco.
I would not advise you to take medications that have not undergone a full-value placebo-controlled study. If you have such an opportunity, then before you buy the medicine try to get to know who, when and how it releases.
Alla b
Ingavirin helped me twice already, and after the onset of the disease in both cases, four days passed. Symptoms of the disease were significantly blunted and soon disappeared. Bronchitis did not start.
My husband really loves this drug, and I'm pretty skeptical. A little feeling that he falls ill, immediately drinks it. The last case: after the NG, the husband felt that he was ill (malaise, weakness, the tempo increased to low-grade figures), took Ingavirin, the next day the rate went up to 38.5, his throat ached, and pills were added from the pain in his throat. On the morning of the 3rd day the rate returned to normal, by the evening throat passed. Another couple of days I took Ingavirin "for fidelity." Was impressed that for 3 days rose to his feet)
Bogdan, this is called, to hear the ringing and not to know where he is. The active substance affects the immune system, but does not treat cancerous tumors, so what you are talking about is nonsense.
My husband is ill with the flu the 6th day, I am the 4th day. The doctor prescribed Ingavirin, but he does not help us, although they started taking it immediately, as soon as the temperature increased.
Ingavirin is one of the few drugs that I take relatively often. I have no chronic illnesses, but cold coughs. How much took, the maximum on the third day leaves the temperature and other symptoms, there is only weakness, well, sometimes even a couple of days cough. Side effects have never been, here it was written about tachycardia - so I always had the flu when it was the strongest, with tablets like even smaller.
Since I always work with people on the robot, there is a big risk of catching the virus, especially in the winter. Therefore, I decided to take Ingavirin for prevention.But I especially did not notice the result, because after 3 weeks I still fell ill. I see no reason to buy this drug.
Before the trip I fell ill. Began ingavirin drink as in the instructions written. For a couple of days it became easier, on the train already finished the whole pack, drank for 7 days. Conveniently, one tablet once a day. Also helps. For packing I gave 462 rubles.
My family and I like hiking for a few days, every vacation somewhere we go. The last time the son stumbled and his feet soaked in the mountain stream, until they reached the tent, while he changed his clothes he managed to freeze, we quickly gathered in the car. We arrived home - already zasoplivel and the temperature began to rise. His wife and daughter immediately gave Ingavirin / child, they were 12 years old /, gave her tea with raspberries and slept. The next morning the temperature was no longer there, only a cold was left, which after a couple of days passed. Ingavirin finished both before the full course, because the daughter was given prophylactic, or they always got sick together. This time, she was not sick.
Aristarch and the rest, I've tolerated your advertising campaign for a long time, but the limit has come. Henceforth the drug Ingavirin in black list, since the warning was issued earlier, but had no effect on the masters of the advertisers. Moderation of reviews for the drug is significantly tougher, you can not try any more.
B G R.
It is contraindicated for children - 18 years!
Strengthens the runny nose.
B G R., Yes, so it is written in the instructions.
Ingavirin 90 is prohibited until age 18, and Ingavirin 60 is a child drug, from 7 to 17 years. And he is on the list of vital medicines.
Sashulya, In the instructions to the drug Ingavirin, there are no divisions in dosages for use in different age groups. I just rechecked it.

P.S. As it turned out, the information is already outdated and the instruction has been corrected in accordance with the new data from the manufacturer.
Aristarchus, did you read the annotation? She pulled out the box and revised it again. Children under 18 years of age ... up to 13 there is said, but I would not give this medication. Independence to be honest. Threat I did not drink it (I do not drink anything at all), this time I bought my husband and drank, when I started to get sick, he often ill. Of course the speed of the spread of the virus across the body is enormous, and to fill up, for example, my need to try, but nevertheless managed to fall down. Well, I have not yet recovered from the disease, but he did not suffer like me. So think after what it was ...
Admin, look at the list of vital drugs, not the instructions. Ingavirin 60 mg for children got there this year, and instructions for use hang on the network for several years. And the search engines even for the request of Ingavirin 60 and Ingavirin for children are basically on the same obsolete instructions and deduce.
IlyanaUpdate the instructions to the drug and specify the use in children. Thanks for the signal.
I was treated with ingavirin this year, I did not like it. I thought that he would be the main medicine for the treatment of the disease, and not an auxiliary one. In general, the next advertised dummy with the effect of placebo.
Vladimir Nikolayevich
The wife was discharged with an unclear etiology of the disease, a suspicion of a flu. After the second capsule taken at night, convulsions arose, the jaws contracted strongly, the consciousness was absent for more than an hour. I barely got out of this state. Epilepsy is not present. And then - the whole picture. There was tachycardia and high blood pressure before taking the drug. The drug may have increased to critical levels. The third capsule did not continue to drink.
Can I use the pregnant girl at week 36?
Irina, According to the instructions, Ingavirin is contraindicated in pregnancy, but this is a relative contraindication and means that there is not enough clinical data on the use of the drug in your position.So here everything is decided by the position of the doctor who prescribes the medicine. He does not have drugs in his arsenal, which he thinks are safer - he appoints one that he considers least harmful. The instructions also say that Ingavirin does not affect reproductive function, does not have embryotoxic and teratogenic effects.
Nina Vasilevnv
This is our drug with an evidence base. In comparison with PR, Tamiflu is 3 times cheaper, and unscrupulous drug companies do not want to advertise this drug!
Vyacheslav Khan
Hmm, I read reviews and threw in the urn this Ingavirin 90.
Ingavirin was prescribed to me by the doctor after the first symptoms of the virus. I drink already 7 day, but I had to add antibiotics from the 5th day. Complications (a runny nose, a temperature of 37.2 and a sore throat on the 5th day of admission) went. I do not see the point in this drug.
I drank three days a drug. Today, the pressure has increased to 140 by 95. And a strong palpitation at rest 130 beats per minute. Although this has never happened. Tomorrow I do not drink the drug. I did not come. Although the symptoms of colds passed quickly.
Why does no one write that it causes severe diarrhea?
Elena Nikolaevna
Totally accidentally tried this drug in May 2017g. Took 7 days, as stated in the instructions. The medicine helped me. The second day I think it is a turning point in the development of the disease. I went to work, lay in the evening. On the 5th-7th day I felt even good. Second time I am being treated now for 5 days. All repeats. A tipping second day with a temperature, and then an improvement.
Marina Kazakova
At the beginning of 2015, for the first time, an antiviral was drunk for prophylaxis, initially it was distrustful of such drugs, but the appointment of pediatricians and persistent recommendations on TV did their job. I was prescribed an operation, and in the team were sick. After asking friends, I first heard about ingavirin, they treated them. Directly on the medicine box is written for treatment and prevention. Having studied the instructions of ingaverine, where it is written about the safety of the drug, having consulted a pharmacist, she drank for prophylaxis before the operation.At reception any signs were not, but after the bilirubin has raised or increased and hemoglobin has fallen. At that time, I did not associate this with taking ingavirin; I had a difficult period in my life - a disease and an operation for my relatives, my thoughts were different.
At the end of 2015, Ms. Skvortsova frightened daily reports about the number of victims of swine flu victims and the children's hospital had many children with pneumonia. My nerves could not stand it and I consulted a pharmacist and bought the same prescription Ingavirin for the prevention of my son, at that time he was already 18 years old. He also did not have any unpleasant symptoms at the time of admission, I take this very seriously. But after a while, a severe headache began, which did not last nearly a week. In 2015, I did not know that there are reviews, because did not use the PC, now having learned all the information about the drug, I lost my peace.
How can such a drug be sold without a prescription and advertised for prevention?
I do not remember the first time, I do not remember any significant improvements. So in the present case, I drink the second day, the temperature is 37.3, tearfulness, sore throat.I will drink further, it will suddenly help.
How can I take medication "and suddenly help" the cold is not treated in principle, because, in addition to its own immunity, no one will suppress it. And Ingavirin is a normal advertising move, and no more. Evidence of its effectiveness during treatment is not. So it helps or not, is also unknown.
The therapist has appointed a drug highly tech nose, the temperature was under 38. During the day, the temperature and brought down the symptoms, but blood pressure dramatically increased to 150/100 with a pulse of 100. Only on the third day realized that this may be due to the drug and He stopped taking it, knocked down the peaks of pressure. After another three days, the pressure still remains elevated, but gradually comes back to normal. Before this never happened and never took Ingavirin, maybe he is effective, but not at the same price of increased blood pressure.
shagabudinova tatyana
I got sick, the temperature was 38. On the 4th day I called a doctor, he prescribed Ingavirin, tk. there was bronchitis.I have heart rate ruptures; many complications after the operation, such as stroke and thrombosis, I take warfarin, so I survive as I can. Yesterday I took Ingavirin. As for the common cold, it became easier, but the night did not sleep. I said goodbye to life, as my heartbeat increased to 130, the pressure went down to 87/60, it was very bad. I drink cordarone from my heart, but it did not help. There are a lot of medicines, but today it's still bad. As I was able to get up, I immediately read the reviews for the computer. Thank you for sharing your experience. Now I know why I feel so bad. I will not take Ingavirin any more.
Three hours after the reception, a plentiful cold began, although it was not before it was received.
I got sick and my son is 27 years old. The temperature is 38.5, a runny nose. Sore throat in muscles. The son does not take Ingavirin. Counts as a pacifier. I began to accept. I was so ill that I was ready to drink quinine. I usually stay sick for more than a week. With a strong runny nose and a cough. And here - two days and all. True pressure rose to 150 to 90. I have hypertension and daily take drugs from pressure. And yet, there was a rise. But we recovered with my son in two days. What was it? What do you want to think.Now a slight runny nose remained.
After taking Ingavirin, headaches appeared, blood pressure increased, nausea appeared (these are all side effects). I drank only 2 capsules, I will not persecute myself any more, it's very hard for me to endure it.

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