Kedrovit - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and form of release (elixir or balm) of the drug for the treatment of loss of strength, drowsiness, fatigue, memory impairment in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

Kedrovit - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and form of release (elixir or balm) of the drug for the treatment of loss of strength, drowsiness, fatigue, memory impairment in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Kedrovit. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Kedrovit in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Kedrovite analogs in the presence of existing structural analogs. Use to treat the decline of strength, drowsiness, fatigue, memory impairment in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the preparation.


Kedrovit - has a general strengthening effect, increases physical efficiency, promotes the regulation of metabolic processes in the body.




Seeds of Siberian pine cedar + hawthorn + fruits of chokeberry aronia + birch buds + rhizomes with roots of Eleutherococcus + hawthorn flowers + auxiliary substances.




The drug is a water-alcohol extract from a mixture of herbal medicinal raw materials and contains a complex of biologically active substances, and therefore, the conduct of pharmacokinetic studies is not possible.



  • for the treatment of asthenic-vegetative syndrome of different etiology;
  • in the period of recovery after the transferred diseases, proceeding with the defeat of the parenchymal organs.


Forms of release


Elixir or balm 54 g + 4 g + 2 g + 1.5 g + 1 g + 0.5 g (sometimes mistakenly call the drops).


The medicinal form in the form of capsules or tablets at the time of publication of the drug in the Directory did not exist.


Instructions for use and dosing regimen


Inside for 2-3 teaspoons (10-15 ml), diluted in 100 ml of water. 2 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.If necessary, the course of treatment can be increased to 2-3 weeks after consulting a doctor. Shake before use.


Side effect

  • allergic reactions.


If the condition worsens on the background of taking the drug, and you notice any side effects not listed in this manual, contact your doctor.



  • increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, including honey and bee products;
  • acute cardiovascular and acute renal failure;
  • severe liver disease;
  • alcoholism;
  • craniocerebral trauma;
  • diseases of the brain;
  • deficiency of sugar / isomaltase;
  • intolerance to fructose;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • age to 18 years.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


The use of the drug Kedrovit in pregnancy and during breastfeeding is contraindicated.


Use in children


Contraindicated in children and adolescents under the age of 18 years.


special instructions


The composition of the drug contains sucrose, which should be taken into account by a patient with diabetes mellitus. The maximum single dose of the drug contains 0.34 g of sucrose - corresponds to 0.3 XE (bread units), daily - 0.68 g (corresponding to 0.68 XE).


The preparation contains not less than 37% of ethyl alcohol. The maximum single dose of the drug contains 5.9 grams of absolute ethyl alcohol, the maximum daily dose of the drug contains 11.97 grams of absolute ethyl alcohol.


If you are taking other medications, always consult a doctor before taking the drug.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


In view of the presence of ethyl alcohol in the composition of alcohol, one should refrain from potentially dangerous activities requiring increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (vehicle management, work with moving mechanisms, dispatcher, operator, etc.).


Drug Interactions


With simultaneous use with nicotinic acid, lipid-lowering agents (cholesterol absorption inhibitors, fibrates), an increase in hypolipidemic action is possible.


Analogues of the medicinal preparation Kedrovit


There are no structural analogs for the composition of active substances.


Analogues on the pharmacological group (tonic preparations):

  • Abisib;
  • Alisat;
  • Alliter;
  • Apilak;
  • Aralia tincture;
  • Maurer's balsam;
  • Balsam "The Golden Dragon";
  • Bittner;
  • Buerlecithin;
  • Veromax;
  • Gastrofungin;
  • Herbion;
  • Herboton;
  • Geriatrix;
  • Gerimax;
  • Ginsan;
  • Giporolam;
  • Dia-actinade;
  • Doppelherz;
  • Ginseng tincture;
  • Coxpal Neo;
  • Camellin;
  • Cardioies;
  • Kerakol;
  • Cogitum;
  • Cropanol;
  • Ladasten;
  • Lacrinate;
  • Lamivite;
  • Melaxen;
  • Melarena;
  • Melaritm;
  • Melatonin;
  • Metaproth;
  • Pantocrine;
  • Pancy;
  • Propolis;
  • Simpletons;
  • Ribasan;
  • SanaSol;
  • Saparala;
  • Sargentor;
  • Sodecor;
  • Stimulus;
  • Trekrezan;
  • Fitovit;
  • Chagovit;
  • Rosehip fruit syrup;
  • Evalar;
  • Eleutherococcus extract is liquid;
  • Aneryon.


Response of a therapist


Kedrovit is an effective restorative. I assign it to patients with severe asthenia and asthenic syndrome of various nature. After several days of intake, the working capacity increases markedly, asthenia symptoms such as drowsiness, memory impairment, and decreased mental activity decrease or completely disappear. In addition, the drug is effective for restoring the body in patients after severe long-term illnesses. Take Kedrovit courses. Usually 5-7 days are enough, but if necessary, the duration of treatment can be increased to 2-3 weeks.

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