Homeopathy = placebo or the recognition of the obvious by academicians of the RAS

Homeopathy = placebo or the recognition of the obvious by academicians of the RAS

Homeopathy is a kind of alternative medicine that involves the use of highly diluted drugs that presumably cause symptoms in healthy people, similar to those of a patient's illness. The concept of treatment according to the pseudo-scientific "similar to similar" principle.


That is, the definition itself already assumes that the homeopathic remedies do not contain a therapeutic principle. What has long been a secret for practicing physicians became clear to academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) who recognized Homeopathy as a pseudoscience, as it always was. Although it is strongly said that homeopathy is called pseudoscience, it is rather an expensive parasitizing on the patient's internal forces and its susceptibility to the placebo effect.


Here it is necessary to give the following definition: placebo - a substance without explicit therapeutic properties, used as a medicinal product, the therapeutic effect of which is related to the patient's belief in the efficacy of the drug.Sometimes a capsule or tablet with a placebo is called a pacifier. Lactose is often used as a substance for placebo.


I would put an equal sign between homeopathy, herbal medicine, vitamins, dietary supplements and other supposedly funds for treatment with placebo. According to statistics, 60% of patients with non-serious diseases (like colds) recover with a placebo and 80% recover when taking officially recognized medications. That is, in the dry balance, the effectiveness of real medicines is 20% compared to patients who either do not receive treatment or take dummies (homeopathy, dietary supplements, etc.). This percentage is not the one to even advise with mild or moderate severity of influenza infection or other acute respiratory viral infections in general any treatment, due to the massive infection and the adequacy of the immune defenses of most patients. But our person psychologically needs a pill and doctors, like sorcerers, shamans and herbalists, begin to offer a rich list of such medicines Oscillococcinum, Anaferon, Aflubina, Ergoferon.


A similar situation with the pathologies of the female cycle (cycle disorders, climacteric disorders), if it is not hormonal problems,then the essence of these problems is psychological (all diseases from nerves), it means that you need a pill or medicine that does not hurt and the funds go to the way Mastodinona, Estrovela and others.


The more interesting is the treatment of arthritis and arthritis with drugs Arthrofoon, Traumeel C and the like. Most likely there is another psychological zamalivanie pain associated with articular syndrome and inflammation, and not a real elimination of the pathological process.


Okay, it does not hurt, you could calm down and leave it as it was, but recently, due to the crisis, the financial aspect has become relevant. Why make a 500% profit on pacifiers? After all, there is no active ingredient in these drugs, which means that we have either lactose or regular sugar (if it's pellets or tablets) or ordinary water (if we are dealing with potions and drops). To give 200 rubles for water or lactose I consider an inadmissible luxury in our time. It is better to buy fruit than another charlatan and high-margin kit from the flu. As Academicians admitted in their report: "Homeopathy is not harmless: patients neglect treatment products with proven efficacy and spend considerable funds on non-active drugs."


If these pseudo-drugs were worth 30 rubles and would give their owners 100% profit, it would be possible to consider this a normal price for psychological comfort accented on tablets by individuals who were allegedly treated and recovered due to internal reserve and psychological mobilization of the body. Therefore it is good that the idea of ​​recognizing these means as pseudo-scientific has gone to the masses. I fully support it, in view of the inadequate price policy of producers. Placebo should cost a penny and be sold separately from medications, like sausage in a store.

Reviews (3):
I read a lot of your articles. Even some of them took notes. But this article does not agree. Very many (far from medicine) claim, like you, that this is auto-suggestion, etc. But the drugs that give and babies, and they help, what can there be a self-suggestion? Edas - work, traumele injections are put to animals and it helps. I will give you an example: my husband is a peanut from the age of 20 years. When we met, a lot of money went to his "exacerbation" 2 times he swallowed a light bulb, stood on the register. When I accidentally stumbled upon the "BUD" Alfit-14. All ... 20 years, he no longer goes to the doctor.Just 3 times a year I brew him Alfit. It turns out that not only the symptoms are removed, but also treats. I work in a pharmacy, we have regular clients, and I, of course, are interested in whether our drugs help, if not, then I address to your articles, I am looking for the reason why this or that does not help. But you really do not criticize anything ... Homeopathy is a science that we can not explain yet, but it helps. I'm a skeptic - but "against facts you can not trample on."
Tell me, please, and how was humanity treated before the emergence of pharmaceutical companies with their chemotherapy drugs? How did my grandmother, in the late 60's, put me on my feet when I crashed badly, and the nearest doctor was 20 km away?
IrinaI think in the late 60's your "babulechka" used herbs and naturopathy, and not homeopathy.

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