Lactofiltrum - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets) of a drug for the treatment of diarrhea and allergies in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition and action

Lactofiltrum - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (tablets) of a drug for the treatment of diarrhea and allergies in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition and action

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Lactofiltrum. Comments of visitors of the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Lactofiltrum in their practice are presented. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues Lactofiltrum in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use to treat diarrhea and allergies in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition and effect of the drug.


Lactofiltrum - The pharmacological effect of the drug is due to the properties of its active ingredients - lignin and lactulose.


Lignin hydrolyzed - a natural enterosorbent, consisting of products of hydrolysis of wood components, has a high sorption activity and nonspecific detoxification action. Binds in the intestines and removes from the body pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, drugs, heavy metal salts, alcohol, allergens, as well as an excess of certain metabolic products, incl. bilirubin, cholesterol, histamine, serotonin, urea, other metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis.


Lactulose is a synthetic disaccharide, the molecule of which consists of the remains of galactose and fructose. In the large intestine, lactulose as a substrate is fermented by normal intestinal microflora, stimulating the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. As a result of hydrolysis of lactulose in the large intestine, organic acids are formed-lactic, acetic and formic, inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and thereby reducing the production of nitrogen-containing toxic substances.The described process leads to an increase in osmotic pressure in the lumen of the large intestine and stimulation of peristalsis.


The complex effect of the drug is aimed at normalizing the large intestine microbiocenosis and reducing the intensity of endogenous toxic conditions.




Lignin hydrolyzed is not absorbed, completely eliminated from the intestine within 24 hours.


Lactulose in the stomach and upper intestine is not absorbed and not hydrolyzed. Hydrolysis of lactulose occurs in the large intestine.




Lignin hydrolyzed + Lactulose + auxiliary substances.



  • disorders of intestinal microflora, incl. as a result of antibiotic therapy;
  • irritable bowel syndrome (as part of complex therapy);
  • hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver (as part of complex therapy);
  • allergic diseases (atopic dermatitis, urticaria) - as part of complex therapy.


Forms of release




Instructions for use and dosage


Tablets are taken orally, if necessary - after preliminary shredding, with water, 1 hour before meals and taking other medications.


Adults and children over 12 years are prescribed 2-3 tablets 3 times a day, children aged 8 to 12 years - 1-2 tablets 3 times a day, children aged 3 to 7 years - 1 tablet 3 times per day, children aged 1 year to 3 years - 1/2 tablets 3 times a day.


The average duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. Long-term use of the drug and repeated courses of treatment should be carried out only on the advice of a doctor.


Side effect

  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions.



  • intestinal obstruction;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • galactosemia;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Data on the safety of Lactofiltrum during pregnancy and lactation are not available.


special instructions


The drug can be used in complex therapy in conjunction with other medicines, subject to the rule of separate admission.


Drug Interactions


It is possible to reduce the therapeutic effect of some simultaneously taken drugs.


Analogues of the drug Lactofiltrum


The Lactofiltrum has no structural analogs for the active substance.However, there is a large class of preparations of adsorbents that have a similar medicinal effect:

  • Diosmectite;
  • Caeopectate;
  • Carbactin;
  • Carbopect;
  • Carbosorb;
  • Lignin hydrolyzed oxidized;
  • Neointestopan;
  • Neosmectin;
  • Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate;
  • Polysorb MP;
  • Polyphane;
  • Polyphepan;
  • Smecta;
  • Sorbeks;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Ultra-adsorbent;
  • Filtrum-STI;
  • Entereroz;
  • Enterosgel.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (69):
All the same, advertising does its black work. And I bought and bought Laktofiltrum in the pharmacy (I must say expensive medicine). Acquired to improve the complexion and get rid of small pimples. It was said that this was due to disturbances in the intestinal work and the so-called decay of undigested residues. That's to clean them and bought Laktofiltrum, because it helps to fight this scourge (as the advertisement claims). In general, for the full course of admission from two packages, I did not feel the effect - everything was as it was, at first seemed to notice the strengthening of the chair (more often went to the toilet) but acne remained,the complexion in my opinion the same remained, and much money was spent.
A good drug. Accepted from a dysbiosis, the doctor wrote out. I took a course of 3 weeks, two packages, the result is satisfied. Has got rid of a problem with locks, gases, the face really became fresh - the result is happy. What about the previous recall: a bad complexion can be from anything from smoking, lack of sleep, pimples - from liver problems, insufficient hygiene, etc. .. Do not yourself put diagnoses and prescribe tablets - and then wait for a wonderful result.
Advertising, too, could be less, or it turns out, and the liver is to blame, and lack of sleep together. And the advertisement describes what all the drugs are wonderful, but this is a fraud. Why all sorts of additions in advertising and on packages write in small print, and all advertising is large, they believe that it is written in large letters. Restrained need to be gentlemen healers.
I take Lactofiltrum, for cleaning the intestines, the results are very happy, I felt light and comfortable, the skin has a healthy color.
At first, when I was taking Lactofiltrum, I did not have any tangible results either, but I already wanted to start disappointing, but then I decided to show perseverance and finish the course to the end, well, I do not know about the intestines, but everything has improved, the pimples are gone and now they do not appear .
Nifiga did not help, also bought from acne, doctors said, that the body is slagged and my proposal to drive the slag with polyphepan, offered an expensive analogue of lactofiltrum. As a result, acne blossoms on the face as before, but the money in the wallet was reduced.
doctors in principle can not say that the body is "slagged", in medicine there is no such thing - "slag"! There are toxins, they can enter the blood from the fical masses, with constipation, and from this deteriorate the skin on the face, acne protrude. And how strange it is to offer doctors their treatment, then why should they be treated at all? From the category: "- You have appendicitis, you need an operation, - Or maybe I better give a hematogen?" I also prescribed a doctor lactofiltrum, after taking antibiotics - a good drug
Doctors speak usually in the patient's language, but they are good doctors, they are too smart to write unnecessary terms and patients' problems do not solve. I also say "slag" to patients, since I explain to more than half that such toxins of time are not enough. One grandmother of 80 years thought that I had gathered her zarin, remembered the war :)
))) grannies burn course of course))))))))))) I lactofiltrum like it helped with intestinal infection
My first days of treatment were constipation, but then everything became very good, and I still do not complain. This drug helped me personally
I did not have any pobochek, I took Lactofiltrum to normalize the work of the intestines, and in the end you will not believe I'm very thin, I was so happy that I bought another package I hope to lose a couple more pounds.
Well, maybe someone does not help, all the same individually I think, but I helped, I also bought to cope with pimples,the face has become much cleaner, I'm happy!
Depending on what pimples appear, if from problems with the intestine, then lactofiltrum will help 100%, but if acne due to other problems, then sorry. I'm here. he helped Pts well
Diluted here an advertising campaign in kammentah, from any pimples does not save Laktofiltrum, though it was drunk as it should be 3 tablets 3 times a day. Yes there are no components that can help with acne (as my doctor said), if they are really problematic as I have had.

While antibiotics like Junidox did not drink on the advice of a dermatocosmetologist, everything was consistently bad: a face in red pimples, and after healing there remained ugly scars. Only after antibiotics and lotions acne began to shrink and disappear, in any case only the doctor will help to determine the cause and prescribe the treatment, and everything else is bada and other homeopathy.
Lactofiltrum helps in the fight against acne if their cause is in problems with the intestines, which happens in most cases,its even dermatologists appoint together with the main treatment, just drink it and wait for you to help it even more so if you have a serious problem of course stupid, you also need to use external means, ointments, lotions, serious problems with the skin will help only a complex treatment
Oh, this drug is cool, my skin after it is perfect. I work as a flight attendant for international flights, you can lose money for pimples and work.
A good drug, unlike Linex, for example, does give visible results
Take the lactofiltrum as directed by the doctor, if you are not sure what exactly you need to treat. I myself knew that my intestines do not fret. Since my childhood I have. I'm used to activated carbon, but now such a wonderful tool appeared that even the skin improved, and I treated the gastrointestinal tract!
I know for sure that anyone who has an intestine is sick - those pimples climb only so, and if the intestines are cured, then the pyschy will pass away.I lactofiltrum-eco took, I had the prerequisites for dysbiosis were (in the form of which I will not describe).
We see that in the composition of the lamented Lactofiltrum - Lignin (scraps of wood products, used to be dumped in the dump - now they are taken inside, well, sort of like a sorbent. And Lactulose and the component, but the price. At Laktofiltrum, it is 240 rubles per package (prices in Moscow). Lactulose 70 rubles for a similar packing of tablets (sometimes called an ambassador) plus coal 5 rubles per packing and on the output we have the same lactofiltrum for composition, only at a price of 75 rubles, which is 3 times less. And you continue to fill the pockets of the lactofilters, judging by the reviews, they are well stuffed their pockets, so there is enough to order reviews.
Plus the price for convenience, you do not think that it is much more convenient to take one drug that combines the action of several than to stockpile a handful of tablets, especially when Lactofiltrum does give results
It is more convenient, undoubtedly, but only when the overpayment does not amount to 3 times the standard set of medicines. Moreover, the zakazuhu reviews can be very well traced when you see the number of likes on this drug - they are not. That is, they pay for one thing, the owners of Laktofiltrum, and they overlook the other.
Nikolai, your truth can be partly, since I still followed the reviews and followed. This site was originally created to accumulate feedback on various medications. Therefore, for the bombing of comments from the same commentators, I follow and try to suppress (methods are available). Although the number of positive reviews and the absence of likes about the drug are amazing and my imagination also.
Nikolai, I do not know how much this happens at all, I'm talking about custom-made reviews, but even if this is the case, it does not mean that the tool is necessarily bad, I think it's probably done because of people like you, Nikolai, who just like to leave negative feedback ,and the hands reach it only when there is some kind of discontent, and if the medicine helps, it is taken for granted and to share it with people does not come to mind
Poisoned, bought coal, and could not eat !! Filtrum, regular tablets are easy to drink and act faster.
yes the skin is really ideal after applying lactofiltrum.
The drug is good, but I agree with Nicholas, the price is prohibitive. It is difficult to find censorship in relation to the management and owners of the enterprise that produces this drug. So cash in on people, at least dishonestly.
We buy analogs!
By the way, "Julia", lactofiltrum tablets are larger and they are more difficult to drink than tablets of activated charcoal. Just compared;).
At my daughter a diarrhea temperature and it or her a little podtashnivaet drank too laktofiltrum - has not helped or assisted.
Laktofiltrum was prescribed to me by a therapist about my sleeping bowel, but in the hospital I was given a lineage, until I determined which is better.
I started very serious skin problems, went to a dermatologist-cosmetologist (my father's beauty salons and his specialists I trust), she appointed Laktofiltrum for 3 months, 3 packs a month. The first month I poured out very, very much, I was ashamed to leave the house, but then all the dirt from the body came out and I just had the perfect skin. Even internal gums that did not give in to cleaning came out. This is really a good drug and I do not regret money.
I tried my daughter a lot, her nose was very red and poured out. Very satisfied with the drug. It's just a solution to our problem. Now everything is there and it does not pour out. Helped almost immediately.
The drug has a good, natural taste, it is felt that there is coal. A good idea is to compare the effects of Lactofiltrum with Lactulose + charcoal, but I do not have time.

Still this drug is used after degermetization to remove killed parasites.Producers have to say that if the price is reduced by 2-3 times, then it will be bought 10 times more often.
I was advised by a dermatologist to take this remedy to get rid of hives, which appeared as a result of using one cosmetic. But he did not help me at all, I still had to use anti-allergic ointments and pills. A little truth with the chair became better, this is the only effect that I noted.
Varvara, Allergies from cosmetic products, it is better to treat means applied to the skin, since these are local allergic reactions. So it is likely that in your case Lactofiltrum did not help.
And it's always this medicine that helps me, even with poisoning it helps better and faster activated carbon! For the viscera is an excellent drug, and it did not lie, but at the expense of skin, acne, I do not know, I have no such problems and no!
Took Laktofiltrum, after taking antibiotics (an allergy started on the antibiotic). After the first reception, vomiting and diarrhea began. I am amazed by such positive responses. Apparently I have one such reaction to this drug.
Before you make a diagnosis of the pictures you need to see a doctor! Personal experience! A month of self-treatment led to a dermatologist, he prescribed a complex: tests for mites, allergens, and only afterwards he prescribed lactofiltrum, tavegil, askorutin, cindol, diet. Diagnosis of allergic dermatitis. The result for 10 days is super. There are still only ten days left with a lactofiltrum. I am pleased...
INGATo be treated independently is almost always harmful to health, I confirm on the basis of my many years of experience in healing.
On the second day of taking the lactofiltrum there was a severe bloating, belching, nausea, rumbling, then covered with draining urticaria from the drug, which should excrete toxins. She remained very unhappy.Be careful, allergies.
She gave her son acne and constipation, an excellent remedy, but in fact she can afford it. If a little lowered the price, then the demand would have increased. This is not a custom-made response, I'm from a different republic.
Stefania983 Svetlana
I was prescribed a lactofiltrum after a long torture with lamblia. For a long time I could not restore the digestive tract. I will not say anything bad about this drug.
I did not help him, as it was before him, and during and after.
Lyubov Viktorovna
The drug is really good. I myself took it, it's true not from acne, but with GI disease and the result was positive, not instantly of course, but in the end. But the body of each person is different because the results from its reception are different for everyone. In general, the drug is used for violations of intestinal microflora. Simply put, it is like a broom, cleansing the intestines from toxins of various origins formed in it.And if Alia drug did not help you, it means that you did not take it from you and you have something serious happening with the intestines. Only laktofiltrum here naturally does not help, especially from "bubbling." I think you need a whole set of drugs.
Lydia Grigorievna
I take Laktofiltrum 4 days, an allergist has been prescribed for allergic dermatitis, but somehow constipation has begun, how then does he clean the intestines?
Lydia Grigorievna, You seem to have developed an adverse reaction to this drug. So check with the attending physician for a substitute for another medicine.
Yesterday I drank a little, eventually woke up again. By the hour to work, for lack of coal, she threw herself a lactofiltrum (her son was prescribed for the allergy). I'm sitting in the toilet now, and I will not feel it by sensation soon. Do not take this drug on the track, because this track may not be at all.
To me the preparation has very much helped or assisted, the eruption was awful on the face, spots as at the teenager. Already on the 5th day they began to noticeably disappear
During the year, every three days I drank 6 bisacodyl tablets. The bowel just stood still. From this, the whole back was in terrible pimples and the face too. Saw a lot of all sorts of tablets, teas, broths, dairy products. Then I bought Laktofiltrum. 2 tablets three times a day. Full course - two packs. The guts work, to the toilet without problem, not a single pimple on the face, the complexion is chic, pain does not torment. I do not see anything bad in this drug. Well, since I'm only 19 years old naturally and the body is not yet ruined by pills. The result is satisfied, thank you to the manufacturers! :)
It helped me! I had an allergic rash on my face. The familiar cosmetician recommended to drink a course of lactofiltrum, after which my skin cleared.
A disgusting drug. Expensive and inefficient. Causes constipation, discomfort in the abdomen.
On the advice of a pharmacist in a pharmacy I bought a latrofiltrum. In the evening I drank 2 tablets.As a result, a day diarrhea and a temperature of 38.5.
The daughter was good and quickly helped with poisoning. Someone here compares with coal, but you try to drink this coal with handfuls, or shit does not come out, take it out right away, because coal is being drunk with handfuls. But the lactofiltrum is drunk 2 tablets 2-3 times a day in total. Oh, but in general what to say, when you get sick, that it tears and diarrhea and you can not get up, then you will give any money, if only it would stop soon. And then they painted it, coal and lactose plus, well, well, if you die, you'll drink, then. We eat and go to the toilet, do not feel sorry for the money, so I think in emergency situations, too, I should not be sorry, especially poisoning, it's definitely not a cough.
Lactofiltrum is a very good, effective medicine. Just at the beginning of treatment, it gives a few days not very pleasant sensations.
I take a day - full discomfort.
After the appointment, my head often got sore. Unpleasant (to put it mildly) the smell of stool + flatulence. As a result, the packaging was not mastered.About acne I can not say anything, because there was no such problem. Some improvements in the work of the intestine, too, not noted. This was the second and last approach to the drug.
I take the drug for 3 days, my stomach ached and pulled from the side, I went badly to the toilet. After 2 days of taking pain, they subsided noticeably, went to the toilet only for 3 days, and before that, too, was surprised how such a drug can be cleaned, believe me - it cleans)
Yulia Vladimirovna
The drug is good. But the first three days gives constipation, then everything is fine. It is necessary to drink to the end.
Atopic dermatitis, a doctor dermatologist prescribed, began to take, so we even more began to pour (forbidden foods do not eat).
yurchenko love Antonovna
The drug is very good, was allergic.
My son has diarrhea after antibiotics. Advise, you can take this drug for diarrhea?
Alyona, Can. And about it it is written in indications of the instruction to preparation Laktofiltrum.
Natalia Alexandrovna
I was prescribed a drug by a gastroenterologist, after a long examination and treatment, which helped poorly ... Take Lacto Filtrum was as much as 2 months for 1 tablet first 3 times a day for a week, and then 1 for the night. I performed and a week later I felt better - no bubbling, pain in the intestines passed, ease, I fell in love with them, that at intervals of a month I repeated the course again. I'm afraid that I sat down on them, albeit expensive, but really great result.
Five years ago, we recommended Lactofiltrum. The problem is the gastrointestinal tract, etc. I start immediately - I will report.
About pimples - cool. First, the pathogenic microflora kill by other drugs (I was helped by Enterofuril), and then clean with a lactofiltrum. He cleans, but does not heal. Do not confuse it! Intoxication abruptly removes and cleaves persistent metabolites ... I tried many drugs.This is really powerful: 6.5 years ago they made a test for an allergic reaction to the antibiotic, a necrotic stain did not pass all this time, after only 5 days of admission, only the point from the injection remained. I'm really shocked! Those. after cleaning, metabolic processes and tissue regeneration improved.
I hope he will help me cope with abdominal pain and constant swelling. I read reviews, decided to start drinking 1 tablet 2 r / day.
Dvoyakoe attitude to the drug. I gave the child with atopich. dermatitis (allergy to milk storage effect) at 4 years - doctor's recommendation. First it helped, skin rashes and dryness on the body passed. Six months later, I was given again to restore the intestines after taking medications (Severe SARS) - allergic reaction to the face began - redness and swelling.
Lactofiltrum is an excellent remedy for diarrhea. Immediately after abdominal pain and diarrhea, I take 4 tablets (I divide each in half to better swallow) an hour later the enterofuril capsule, and I continue the lactofiltrum for 2 or 3 pcs. 4 times a day for an hour before eating.Of course, with diarrhea or after poisoning, or with gastrointestinal diseases, diet compliance is mandatory for at least a few days. I would be glad if someone would come in handy my feedback.
I do not know. So far, have not tried. I read you and I can confidently say that the same thing is done with flax seeds in a milled form, I wanted to buy and believe in a miracle. But ... Now, after taking yoghurt from the seeds of flax milled (grind in a coffee grinder), which I take only a couple of days, I have reddening on the skin of my face and also, the chair has normalized, although there were no problems with it. So, I do not see the point in taking the next table, because nature takes its own. And it gives its results. And not that I would feed another gang of pharmacists, from which there is no point. Be carefull. We do not have medicines that could heal or heal. They either do nothing or do worse.
Ludmila E
The second time I tried to drink Lactofiltrum. I took the first 3 tons of instructions before eating. At night in the stomach a hurricane was created, in the morning - the wildest diarrhea. Began to drink 1 t 3 times a day - the result is the same.The intestines and loin began to hurt unbearably, the water from the river flows, the gases, as when an eruption of a volcano. I recommend this tool to use only for people with constipation. Today I will go another means to buy - from lactofiltrum to be treated ...))

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