Timalin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (injections in ampoules) for the treatment of immunodeficiency, purulent and viral diseases in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

Timalin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (injections in ampoules) for the treatment of immunodeficiency, purulent and viral diseases in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Timalin. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Timalin in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Timalin in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of immunodeficiency, purulent and viral diseases in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the preparation.


Timalin - immunostimulating agent. It restores immunological reactivity (the reaction of the body to pathogenic stimuli, usually accompanied by the formation of protective properties of the body) - regulates the number and ratio of T- and B-lymphocytes (the blood constituents responsible for the formation of cellular and tissue protective forces of the organism) and their subpopulations, stimulates the reaction of cellular immunity (cellular protective forces of the body), enhances phagocytosis (the process of active capture and destruction by phagocytes (blood cells) of pathogenic microorganisms ganizmov), stimulates the processes of regeneration (regeneration) and hematopoiesis in case of their inhibition, and also improves the processes of cellular metabolism (metabolism).


A preparation of a polypeptide nature, obtained by extraction (extraction) from the thymus gland (thymus) of cattle.




Preparation of thymus of cattle + auxiliary substances.



  • immunodeficiency states in adult patients with a predominant defeat of the T-system of immunity against the background of infectious, purulent and septic processes, lymphoproliferative diseases (lymphogranulomatosis, lymphatic leukemia);
  • acute and chronic viral and bacterial infections;
  • conditions associated with hypothyroidism (weakening of activity) of the thymus gland, with inhibition of immunity and hematopoiesis after radiation therapy or chemotherapy in cancer patients and in other conditions;
  • with the purpose of preventing infectious and other complications, in the post-traumatic and postoperative periods, when administering large doses of antibiotics.


Forms of release


Lyophilizate for the preparation of solution for intramuscular injection (injections in ampoules for injection).


Other dosage forms, be it tablets or capsules, do not exist.


Instructions for use and dosing regimen


The drug is administered subcutaneously once a day (at night) at a dose of 40 μg / m2 body surface for 5-7 days. If necessary, treatment can be repeated.


With persistent impairment of immunity, the drug is administered in the same doses for 5-6 days, then 1 time every 7-10 days.


For treatment of surgical patients the drug is administered within 2 days before the operation and within 3 days after it.


With lymphoproliferative diseases, the drug is administered before and, if necessary, in the intervals between courses of antitumor therapy.


For treatment of recurrent ophthalmoherpes, the dose is 10 μg / m2 per day, with an interval of 1 day, for 14 days. The course of treatment is repeated after 4-6 months.


For the prevention of persistently recurring ophthalmoherpes in the period usually preceding the time of onset of relapse, every 3-6 months at 25-50 μg; course of treatment - 5 injections every other day.


The contents of the vial before injection are dissolved in 1-2 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution. The drug is administered intramuscularly daily in the following doses: adults - 5-20 mg (30-100 mg per course of treatment), children under 1 year - 1 mg, 1-3 years - 1-2 mg, 4-6 years - 3 mg, 7-14 years - 3-5 mg for 3-10 days, depending on the severity of immunity disorders. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment (after 1-6 months).


With the preventive purpose, the drug is administered intramuscularly daily to adults of 5-10 mg, children - 1-5 mg for 3-5 days.


Side effect

  • provocation of hyperimmune cytolysis;
  • exacerbation of purulent infections;
  • allergic reactions.



  • hypersensitivity;
  • atopic bronchial asthma;
  • pregnancy.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Timalin is contraindicated in pregnancy.


Use in children


Possible use in children according to the dosing regimen.


special instructions


Before using Timalin, the patient is recommended to undergo training in order to increase the release of T cell progenitors from the bone marrow. To this end, prescribed stimulant drugs: sodium nucleate, Pentoxyl, Methyluracil, Leukogen. They should be taken 10-14 days.


Drug Interactions


Not noted.


Analogues of Timalin


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Vilozen;
  • Tactivin;
  • Timaktid;
  • Timarin.


Analogues for the pharmacological group (immunostimulants):

  • Actinolysate;
  • Arpetolide;
  • Affinoleukin;
  • Beast;
  • Betaleukin;
  • Bioaron C;
  • Bronho Vaxom;
  • Vilozen;
  • Viruter;
  • Vitanam;
  • Wobenzym;
  • Gepon;
  • Glutoxim;
  • Deoxynate;
  • Immunal;
  • Immunomax;
  • Immunorm;
  • Imudon;
  • Imunofan;
  • Kipferon;
  • Leukogen;
  • Lycopid;
  • Methyluracil;
  • Myelopid;
  • Moliksan;
  • Sodium nucleate;
  • Neovir;
  • Pentoxyl;
  • Pyrogenal;
  • Polydane;
  • Polymuramyl;
  • Rexod;
  • Ribomunyl;
  • Ridostin;
  • Ruzam;
  • Stisamet;
  • Stimforte;
  • Tamerite;
  • Tubosan;
  • Uro Vaxom;
  • Phlogenzyme;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Cytovir 3;
  • Erbisol;
  • Ergoferon;
  • Estifan;
  • Echinacea;
  • Echinocor.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (19):
At the age of 28, ARVI was often ill, constantly disturbed by coughing (tonsillectomy at 17 years old). Has made 10 injections of thymalin and for 20 years has forgotten about all catarrhal diseases, any more did not disturb ORVI, or a flu. Now, 20 years later, she has again injected thymalin, but the effectiveness is less pronounced, whether the drug is not that old, or is it age! :-)
Prompt, at application of Timalin in complex treatment of patients with an autoimmune thyroiditis, really gives good results?
Arina, As an immunomodulator to use Timalin in the treatment of chronic or subacute autoimmune thyroiditis is quite possible, this technique is.For very good results of such treatment I will not say, but if after immunogram and analysis for the determination of antibodies to thyroid cells certain immunity defects and autoimmune reactions are revealed, in this case immunomodulators with a good response to similar therapy can be used.
A wonderful drug. Twice she raised her husband: after a serious operation and after a tuberculosis. Permanently saved him and her friend from herpes. He was recommended to me by our local therapist, for which he thanked you so much.
Hello, when undergoing chemotherapy lung cancer with metastases to the liver 4 stage how to apply?
zinaide, I think this will be told to you in detail by the attending physician of the patient. Independently in such a difficult situation to experiment I do not advise, especially if it is a non-expert recommendation.
Hello.I have hepatitis c, liver cirrhosis, varicose veins of the esophagus (with periodic breakthroughs). Can I take a course of Timalin?
koppilifThe effect will be minimal, if at all. In old monographs, there are indications of the use of thymus gland preparations (Timalin, Timogen and others) for the treatment of chronic hepatitis, but then there were not so many modern ones and it should be noted effective means for treating this ailment. The final word in the treatment of hepatitis C is polymerase inhibitors (Sofosbuvir and its analogs), inhibitors of the protein of the virus (Daklatasvir and its analogs).
In your information it is indicated that there is no tableted Timalin. But I found data on the Internet that the pills still exist. They are kept under the tongue (25 mg), without chewing until complete resorption for 15-30 minutes. After that, you can not drink or eat 1-1.5 hours. Treatment is conducted after 18 hours with an interval of 4 days (i.e., once every 4 days). On the course of 5-7 tablets. Repeated course after 1-2 months. Side effect - rash, hives.
IRINAThere are many things on the Internet. On the territory of Russia, a different dosage form of Timalin, other than that indicated in the instructions above, is not for sale.
Hello. I have chronic osteomyelitis of the sternum. Can I take a course of Timalin? In the instruction - a side effect: exacerbation of purulent infections. Thank you.
nataly123If the doctor has appointed or nominated, it is possible. Usually appoints an immunologist after the immunogram analysis. In the rest, of course, it is necessary to consider the possibility of reactivation of a chronic infection, in which quality osteomyelitis acts and without proper indications Timalin should not be used.
My daughter is 18 years old. Very often he suffers from colds, 2-3 times a year with purulent sore throat. Is it possible to take a course of timalin?
Hello! Tell or say please, whether it is possible to put timalin at vich?
Irina, Your question is rather debatable and from the field of scientific research, rather than for practical application. I believe that in relation to HIV infection, Timalin's use is useless. Such immunostimulants lead the immune system of the infected person to the combat situation, and as the infection can not be completely defeated, such a devastation of the reserve will shorten the life of the patient. That is, immune reserves are depleted and there is nothing to fight against infections. Although colleagues can and argue. In the testimony of Timalin, there is no HIV infection.

Lyudmila, First an immunogram - then a consultation of an immunologist - then Timalin or another drug on the recommendation. Immunologists are full of various drugs from various defects of immunity units. Well, if self-medication simply does not lead to anything, it can also aggravate your daughter's health.
My son has chronic sinusitis, do you think this miracle drug will help in the treatment? This biaqa got the young man, does not smell or taste of him ...
alekxa1968The causes of sinusitis are currently unknown. Timalin was never a miracle tool, but has clear indications for use. It is prescribed for specific immunity defects, which is determined by the immunologist after the immunogram was given. Whether or not he will help your son, without surrendering this analysis and consulting a specialist can not be predicted, it is rather a question to a fortuneteller.
In the distant 1988 after the course of treatment with thymalin, my year-old child was cured of the strongest diathesis. I did not know what to feed the baby, no diet helped. His hands dropped. And, if I'm not mistaken, this medicine was related to the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy. Thanks to the developers and manufacturers of this drug.
Timalin pierced my friend. After that, has not been ill with cold for nearly a year. And earlier always took a hospital 1-2 times a month, suffered even pneumonia. I myself also get sick often.Looking at her friend had a course of treatment, for 2 months never sneezed.

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