Ketanov - instructions for use, real counterparts and release form (tablets 10 mg injections in vials for injection) drugs for the treatment of pain (headache, toothache, menstrual) in adults, children and in pregnancy

Ketanov - instructions for use, real counterparts and release form (tablets 10 mg injections in vials for injection) drugs for the treatment of pain (headache, toothache, menstrual) in adults, children and in pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Ketanov. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Ketanov in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Ketanov with available structural analogues. Use for the treatment of pain (headache, dental, when menstruating) in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.The mechanism of analgesic effect.


Ketanov - a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, a pyrrolizine-carboxylic acid derivative. It has a pronounced analgesic effect, has also an anti-inflammatory and moderate antipyretic effect. The mechanism of action is associated with oppression of the activity of COX, the main enzyme of arachidonic acid metabolism, which is the precursor of prostaglandins, which play a major role in the pathogenesis of inflammation, pain and fever. The active substance of the drug is Ketorolac.




When ingested absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Eating does not affect absorption. More than 90% of the dose is excreted in the urine, in unchanged form - 60%; The rest is through the intestines.



  • for short-term relief of moderate and severe pain of various genesis.


Forms of release


The tablets covered with a cover of 10 mg.


Solution for intramuscular injection (injections in ampoules for injection) 30 mg / ml.


Other forms of the drug (whether candles or suspension) are either counterfeits of the original drug, or other forms and trade names of the active substance Ketorolac.


Instructions for use and dosing regimen


Adults with oral administration - 10 mg every 4-6 hours, if necessary - 20 mg 3-4 times a day.


With intramuscular injection, a single dose of 10-30 mg, the interval between administrations is 4-6 hours. The maximum duration of application is 2 times a day.


Maximum doses: when ingestion or intramuscular injection - 90 mg per day; for patients with a body weight of up to 50 kg, with violations of kidney function, as well as for people over 65 years - 60 mg per day.


Side effect

  • bradycardia;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • palpitation;
  • fainting;
  • nausea;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • feeling of overflow of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • vomiting;
  • dry mouth;
  • thirst;
  • stomatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anxiety;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • depression;
  • euphoria;
  • sleep disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • change in taste;
  • attacks of suffocation;
  • increased frequency of urination;
  • nasal bleeding;
  • Anemia, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia;
  • increased sweating;
  • edema;
  • hypokalemia, hyponatremia;
  • itching;
  • hemorrhagic rash;
  • exfoliative dermatitis;
  • hives;
  • Lyell's syndrome;
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • bronchospasm;
  • angioedema;
  • fever;
  • pain at the injection site.



  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the phase of exacerbation;
  • presence or suspicion of gastrointestinal bleeding and / or craniocerebral hemorrhage;
  • blood clotting disorders in the anamnesis;
  • a condition with a high risk of bleeding or incomplete hemostasis;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • moderate and severe renal dysfunction (serum creatinine content more than 50 mg / l);
  • risk of developing renal failure in hypovolemia and dehydration;
  • "aspirin triad";
  • bronchial asthma;
  • polyps of the nasal cavity;
  • angioedema in history;
  • preventive anesthesia before surgery and during surgery;
  • children and adolescents under 16;
  • pregnancy;
  • childbirth;
  • lactation;
  • increased sensitivity to ketorolac, acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Contraindicated in pregnancy, during labor and during lactation (breastfeeding).


Ketanov is contraindicated for use as a means for premedication, supporting anesthesia and for anesthesia in obstetric practice, since under its influence it is possible to increase the duration of the first period of labor.In addition, Ketorolac can inhibit uterine contractility and fetal circulation.


special instructions


They are used with caution in patients with impaired liver and kidney function, chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, in patients with erosive and ulcerative gastrointestinal lesions and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract in anamnesis.


Caetanov should be used with caution in the postoperative period in cases when particularly careful hemostasis is required (including after resection of the prostate, tonsillectomy, in cosmetic surgery), as well as in senile patients. the half-life of ketorolac is prolonged, and plasma clearance may decrease. In this category of patients it is recommended to use ketorolac in doses close to the lower limit of the therapeutic range. If there are symptoms of liver damage, skin rash, eosinophilia, ketorolac should be discarded. Ketorolac is not indicated for use in chronic pain syndrome.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


If during the treatment with ketorolac there are drowsiness, dizziness,insomnia or depression, special care must be taken during occupations with potentially dangerous activities requiring increased attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.


When taken concomitantly with ethanol (alcohol), it can cause bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.


Drug Interactions


With the simultaneous use of Ketanov with other NSAIDs, it is possible to develop additive side effects; with pentoksifillinom, anticoagulants (including Heparin in low doses) - may increase the risk of bleeding; with ACE inhibitors - there may be an increased risk of kidney dysfunction; with probenecid - the concentration of ketorolac in the plasma and its half-life increase; with lithium preparations - it is possible to reduce renal clearance of lithium and increase its concentration in plasma; with Furosemide - a decrease in its diuretic effect.


When ketorolac is used, the need for opioid analgesics for analgesia is reduced.


Analogues of the drug Ketanov


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Adolor;
  • Akyular;
  • Dolak;
  • Dolomin;
  • Ketalgin;
  • Ketolac;
  • Ketorol;
  • Ketorolac;
  • Ketorolac Rhompharm;
  • Ketorolac-OBL;
  • Ketorolak-Eskom;
  • Ketorolac tromethamine;
  • Ketofril;
  • Thoradol;
  • Torolac.

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Reviews (19):
A powerful remedy for Ketanov's pain, especially doctors do not recommend to use it for a long time, because according to them it is something like a drug and possibly addictive. I usually accept when other pains, like it was after the operation, when the anesthesia let go, and the pain was the strongest, well, or the wife uses, for example, when the head and at the same time also hurts, also speaks perfectly helps to kill two birds with one stone with one medicine.
Site visitor feedback ninel cherry moved to the required section:
The second time with a strong stretching of the foot helped only ketones. Thank you so much.
Ketanov is good at anesthesia of toothache before visiting the dentist. I was well helped to anesthetize temporarily the tooth, but when a neurologist appointed me for osteochondrosis and pain in the cervical region, the drug was useless. Moreover, it has a strong effect on the kidneys.It is better to apply in extreme cases.
Anton, advise your wife to read the instructions of the Ketanov better. And use other medicines for menstrual and headaches.
My head hurt a lot. Checked the pressure - the pressure was normal. I used to take pills Citramon and Anaprilin (separately) - they helped, but this time they did not help. Having drunk 1 pill Ketanov - the condition has improved.
Severe toothache. I was at the dentist, he raskovyryal tooth and for 4 days left me until Monday, on Sunday, climbed on the wall from the pain. Neither Mig nor analgin has helped. I read from you about ketanov. I bought and drank the pain in 20 minutes, I was still. Spasibki!
Pugh Ketanov either with headaches or with menstrual pain. And even with attacks of neuralgia, but in this case the medicine works better in injections. As for addiction, I can not say anything, because I take the drug only when it really is needed, usually 4-5 times a month.
Can I drink Ketanov during the period of feeding?
bol`noi, Use of the drug Ketanov is contraindicated in feeding, as well as during pregnancy.
Julia L. ..
I drink after an operation on the ankle.
He removed two teeth, when anesthesia began to come off, there was a strong dull pain. I drank 1 tablet of ketones (10 mg). Within 40 min. the pain was absolutely gone. Thank you.
I had a very bad tooth, even woke me up. Drank ketas, let the beginning of the minutes in 10-15.
The first tablet Ketanova ate six months ago, when he took a lumbar chondrosis, and it was necessary to go to work. On the way I went to the pharmacy, at the same place I ate a pill. After 20 minutes it became much easier. I worked for the shift, and there I used other means.
And the second tablet was eaten yesterday after a week with exacerbated shoulder-scapular arthrosis. I just wanted to sleep without pain. And today the hand moves almost without pain! winked
Prompt, please, through how much the preparation is deduced from an organism, namely a prick Ketanov?
Olivia, The half-life of the preparation Ketanov, both in tablets and in injections is 4-6 hours, that is, by the evening there should be no traces of the drug in the body.
The second day the tooth hurts, there are suspicions, that two. Has returned from business trip, Sunday, it is necessary to suffer somehow till tomorrow. Read the article, reviews. In the pharmacy there was only an analogue of "Ketorol". I took it, I noticed the time. Parallel to gout (leg), he took NICE, did not act on the tooth, although he hoped many sites advised. 18 minutes! let go and the tooth, and the leg, though it's true that they slept)
With dental acute pain, ketones are an excellent painkiller. Once at work the tooth was inflamed, the pain was unbearable, I agreed to lie under the guillotine to cut off the head along with the pain, I just ripped off the roof.I barely waited until the end of work, on the way I went to the pharmacy, I was offered ketones, I took the pill right at the pharmacy and took it without even washing it down. While I got home, the pain subsided, I slept all night like a baby, and in the morning I went to the dentist. True, the doctor said that with purulent inflammation in the gum, this drug is undesirable. But I'm glad that Ketanov helped me live until morning without pain.
Doctors very often prescribe ketas for osteochondrosis course of 10 days in the scheme with other drugs. But after all, it's short-acting, which can give 1 injection a day, even if it does not relieve pain at all. The ambulance on the call is very reluctant to do the ketas, as if this is a drug, and even the doctor argues that the pain will be removed for a day. What reference books do they work with? It's bullshit!

Irina Bannikova
Only by appointment of a doctor! Several times there was a very bad condition - dizziness, with the heart bad, blood from the nose, the ambulance did not cause. It turned out - after the reception of the Ketas. The condition passes through the day.If I knew that from the Ketan, the ray would suffer pain (anaesthetized the spine and legs). It's just that I do not advise myself. I just threw the rest of the pills.

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