Remantadin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and form of release (50 mg tablets) for the treatment and prevention of influenza in adults, children and pregnancy

Remantadin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and form of release (50 mg tablets) for the treatment and prevention of influenza in adults, children and pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Remantadine. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Remantadine in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Remantadine in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment and prevention of influenza in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Remantadine antiviral agent, adamantane derivative.The main mechanism of antiviral action is the inhibition of the early stage of specific reproduction after the virus enters the cell and before the initial transcription of RNA. Pharmacological effectiveness is provided by inhibiting the reproduction of the virus in the initial stage of the infectious process.


It is active against various strains of influenza A virus (especially A2 type), as well as viruses of tick-borne encephalitis (central European and Russian spring-summer), which belong to the group of arboviruses of the Flaviviridae family.




Rimantadine hydrochloride + excipients.




After ingestion slowly, almost completely absorbed in the intestine. Concentration in nasal secretion is 50% higher than plasma concentration. Metabolised in the liver. It is excreted by the kidneys (15% in unchanged form, 20% in the form of hydroxyl metabolites).



  • prevention and early treatment of influenza in adults and children older than 7 years;
  • prevention of influenza in the period of epidemics in adults;
  • prevention of tick-borne encephalitis of viral etiology.


Forms of release


Tablets 50 mg.


Other medicinal forms of the drug, including syrup or capsules, do not exist, perhaps these drugs are fakes.


Instructions for use and dosage


Inside, after eating, on the 1st day - 100 mg 3 times (or 300 mg once), on the 2 nd and 3 rd day - 100 mg 2 times, on the 4 th day - 100 mg 1 time; children from 7 to 10 years - 50 mg 2 times a day, 11 to 14 years - 3 times a day. Course - 5 days.


As a preventive agent - 50 mg once a day for 10-15 days.


After bite of encephalitic tick - 100 mg 2 times a day within the next 72 hours.


Side effect

  • pain in epigastrium;
  • flatulence;
  • increased levels of bilirubin in the blood;
  • dry mouth;
  • anorexia;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • nervousness;
  • dizziness;
  • violation of concentration of attention;
  • drowsiness;
  • anxiety;
  • increased excitability;
  • fatigue;
  • allergic reactions.



  • acute liver disease;
  • acute and chronic kidney disease;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • children's age till 7 years;
  • increased sensitivity to rimantadine (active ingredient of Remantadine).


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Contraindicated in pregnancy.


special instructions


With caution apply rimantadine in arterial hypertension, epilepsy (including in the anamnesis), atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.


With the use of rimantadine, an exacerbation of chronic comorbidity may occur. In elderly patients with hypertension, the risk of hemorrhagic stroke increases. With a history of epilepsy and anticonvulsant therapy, the risk of epileptic seizure increases with rimantadine. In such cases, rimantadine is used at a dose of up to 100 mg per day concomitantly with anticonvulsant therapy.


With influenza caused by virus B, Remantadin has an antitoxic effect.


Joint reception with alcohol is not recommended. Possible development of complications from the liver, including liver failure.


Prophylactic reception is effective at contacts with the sick, with the spread of infection in closed collectives and at a high risk of the disease during the flu epidemic. Perhaps the emergence of drug-resistant viruses.


Drug Interactions


With simultaneous application of rimantadine reduces the effectiveness of antiepileptic drugs.


Adsorbents, astringents and enveloping agents reduce the absorption of Remantadine.


Means, acidifying urine (ammonium chloride, ascorbic acid), reduce the effectiveness of rimantadine (due to increased its excretion by the kidneys).


Means, alkalizing urine (acetazolamide, sodium bicarbonate) enhance its effectiveness (decreased excretion by the kidneys).


Cimetidine reduces the clearance of rimantadine by 18%.


Analogues of Remantadine


Structural analogues for the active substance (also added preparations of a similar antiviral focus):

  • Algiers;
  • Amiksin (a similar effect);
  • Arbidol (a similar effect);
  • Inhavirin (a similar effect);
  • Kagocel (a similar effect);
  • Orvire;
  • Rimantadine;
  • Rimantadine Aktitab;
  • Rimantadine-STI;
  • Rimantadine hydrochloride.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (36):
A good remedy for flu and ARI for the whole family. As soon as the first signs of a cold start, take Remantadin as written in the instructions, 2 tablets every 8 hours, then reduce the dose. As a result, at the end of the third day the condition improves, and by the fifth day everything passes. So it's better than the newfangled teraflum and other rubbish that only pushes the symptoms of the illness inside.
Now if I was asked: Which, in your opinion, is the most ineffective drug for cold and flu? I would say with complete confidence: Remantadin. Tried it, and more than once, to take as a prophylaxis seasonal colds and viral infectious diseases, incl. and the flu, sincerely believing in its effect - absolutely no effect, or rather, its complete absence. As it hurted, got cold every time in winter, and continued in the same spirit. And, remantadin did not even ease the course of illnesses. The drug is certainly inexpensive, but it does not heal. I save myself only by Koldakt Fly Plus.
Lyuda, The bad stuff is good, but it only alleviates the symptoms of flu and colds, but does not heal them.
The drug is effective enough if applied adequately and according to the scheme, the sooner the better. Eliminates only the flu A, so anyone who is trying to cure a cold and ARI effect is not achieved. Against ARI, take Biseptol. Those who are trying to treat the flu with a bad guy and other terafly are genuinely sorry for me.
Literally, about 15 minutes ago something was going on with me that incredible ... now being in my right mind I can share with the world and say do not drink Rimantadine ever!

Let's start, perhaps from the very beginning. Well, respectively, the impetus for buying an infernal drug was a sore throat cough (well, a standard set).

In order to avoid unnecessary problems, I decided to drink 6 tablets at once ... Well, it was written 300 mg, one 50 mg .. Well, using elementary mathematics, I drank 6!

Nitsche did not foretell troubles. Lying was watching the movie. Then she got up to drink water and strange sensations in the body were already read. I go to the decanter with water and ALL DO NOT FEEL THE HANDS ONE. A little panic began. I start to pinch her, touch and nifiga. Just not like it. And then full of trash. Brain Nitsche did not think, I went from corner to corner for an hour, with fear that the hand was taken away. She started to call Mom in a panic. She said to call an ambulance ... Feeling of fear even more drove ... Real feeling of panic attack. Thoughts ran. I'm really dull, but it's not the whole set. To this was added a frenzied tremor. I went to bed and started reading reviews about this miracle ... DRUG ...And there are more positive comments than negative ones ... I found a couple of notes about how the nariki gouged them and caught glitches ... And so basically everyone is happy with everything ... This tin lasted about 2 hours. Now it's gone. My head hurts ... I'm glad that I stayed alive. Thanks to Rimantide for being alive ...
irenadler drink it must be 3 times after eating 2 tablets. In the end, the day you drink 6. And you immediately bang. Therefore so probably.
I do not know what rememadin helped me. I drank 6 tablets within the first 6 hours after the disease was discovered, then on the schedule two days of 4 tab and day 2 tab, but relief was noticeable already on the second day and the throat passed and became easier! Previously, they did not have to use, but the effect was pleasant!
I went to the post office, why I have in the text about the drug Remantadin, there is also a mention of Rimantadine. I answer: the trade name Remantadin (sometimes in Russia it is also called rimantadine), and its active substance is called Rimantadine. I apologize for the possible confusion, but you can call it this way, and so on. Errors in this case there is no.
rose flower
I advise you not to take it. Heart plant. I have never had such a reaction to drugs for 56 years. My heart aches from the first application, I drink the third day. Have to stop. The heart reacts to it, although it never complained of the heart! The cold turns off, and the heart ...
Saw rimantadine - terrible tachycardia started, the temperature rose from 37 to 38.5, weakness, dry mouth unusual, insomnia. After taking one aspirin, many of the symptoms have passed, and an appetite has appeared. Saw the pattern, observing equal intervals. Saw for two days. Remantadine can not be drunk with arrhythmia and tachycardia - why about this there is not a word.
Irina, Because in the instruction there are no such contraindications. And every person has an individual reaction to any drug. You have manifested itself in this way on Remantadin, others have different ways - all people are different. In any case, thanks for the feedback about the drug.
I always have Remantadin in the medicine cabinet. He helps me very well. And my sister does not drink it, says that the liver reacts to it. So, each person has his own peculiarities of the organism ...)
I drank it, started to crush, I felt nishtyak. Drink 8 tablets and everything will go away. All 8 at once, as the hand will remove!
Ilya sub-tabulation
I bought it on the advice of a friend (sharp pains in the throat and weakness started). Well, in the end, what can I say - now I drank the second for 5 hours, only because I do not believe that he can not help. Wildly put on adultery side effects - even with one pill felt easy "departure", in general I will drink 2 days for 3 tablets a day and throw away the rest. Well them nafig, such "peretyazhi" as from a cigarette butt. All of health.
And someone with alcohol in one day used these pills?
KolyaAlthough there is no indication of the negative effects of simultaneous administration of Remantadine and alcohol, caution should be exercised with this mixture,since the active substance Remantadine is metabolized in the liver, where the transformation and neutralization of alcoholic poisons takes place. At the same time, I would not use this combination.
I read everything that I'm afraid to give it to the kids. I received a doctor rimantadine. The first time I see them at all. Has bought foolishly 2 packages after all cheap, and suddenly a miracle, will help.) Now I sit and think, that to me to do. Has already given to children 2 times them. It seems that with them everything is normal thank God.
Vasilisa Nikolaevna
An excellent preparation, we drink it for a long time and always helps in difference from kagocel, engorine and other expensive medicines. I take 6 tablets and then follow the scheme. Affordable price and efficient! And about dumb hands and not working brain nonsense, some. It is a pity only that you can only apply from 7 years.
An excellent drug, he is the only one that has many years of clinical research (in contrast to others, read scientific articles) since the Soviet era.His mum still gave me during the winter epidemics (so it turned out that up to 5 years I had twice pneumonia, I had a cold in the manger for the first time) and only with prophylaxis everything was good, (mom pharmacist in the specialty). Now, along with vaccines from influenza I give preventively to my children. Children up to 7 years old can share a tablet with a knife in 3 parts (there will be just 15 recommended mg).
Vadim M
I do not know the best medicine. I take 300 mg on the first day once. Further on the instructions and immediately drip into the nose for 1 drop of interferon after 0.5 hours 2-3 ampoules. Since the beginning of the 1980s, I have not been sick for more than a day.
It helps me.
Conclusion: The ineffectiveness of antiviral drugs due to the stability of strains of the virus The lack of a positive effect with the use of certain antiviral drugs for influenza is also possible due to the emergence of drug-resistant viruses and a specific influenza strain may already be resistant to a particular drug (for example,to Remantadin). The lack of benign research on the study of efficacy and side effects (on a large group of people, of different ages, for a long time) in most antiviral drugs from Orvi and influenza suggest the caution of their use or even the refusal to spend money on them, in some cases, considerable, for drugs with unproven efficacy, side effects, and questionable safety, perhaps, is not advisable. Any medicine, even useless or empty, can damage the body.
Based on recent data on the low effectiveness and non-safety of this antiviral, the international panel of experts on evidence-based medicine called on the governments of the world's leading countries to stop the massive purchases of drugs Tamiflu and Relenza.
ior, They write about Remantadin, they want to stop the purchases of Tamiflu and Relenza - Internet experts such experts, though hug, even crying smile
It should be added that almost half of the drugs in the pharmacies are fake.So who that drank from the above is still a question !?
ksy, Penny Remantadine is not usually faked. This is unprofitable. And in order not to get a fake drug - ask in pharmacies certificate for the party (a valid copy). Should provide and this document will not be faked, because fraught with criminal prosecution.
As I understand, it only helps with several viruses. And the meaning of it is to drink for prevention, when their darkness is now dark? Simply barrier reef then buy and hang around the neck, it will be more confusing.
sfwaqa, Another advertisement in the reviews about the barrier reef and your tool will go blacklisted and more mention of it in the Directory will not appear. I notice the advertising reviews very well, but sometimes I give a chance to those who posted corrections. Do not abuse my kindness. Moreover, Remantadine has a nonspecific antiviral effect, and not against individual viruses, there is no truth in your statement.
I drank Remantadine's course for prophylaxis during the flu and every day it got worse (jerking, nervousness, depression, heart pounding, etc.). I thought that all this was a side effect. After 11 tablets I began to feel very bad, the temperature was 38.5 and the headache. I stopped drinking it. And already the 2-nd day I do not drink it, but the temperature still keeps. Temperature and headache. I'll try to drink Amoxil, I hope it helps.
For many years, she was rescued from the disease by rimantadine. At the first signs of a cold, I started taking 2 tablets. I have my own scheme))) And if I do not begin to be treated, I get sick heavily.
I studied all the reviews ... I will not drink ... We bought Ergoferon.
I noticed that after receiving remantadine tingling of the skin occurs, which is very annoying. Often this drug was not helped, switched to amoxyl or amoxicillin. Does not help.
The drug is happy and the children are great, but for the second time I give my husband (age 50 years). Maybe it's a coincidence, he has a gout attack.Again, I re-read everything, like nothing should be like that. If anyone has such observations write.
Irina, Individual reaction of the body is possible for any medicine, not only Remantadine. If you know about this negative effect of this medicine, it is better for your husband not to give it any more.
Repeatedly helped. Maybe not "straight here once and healthy", but noticeable.
Too many negative reviews. I sit and think. I'm sick. A friend of him is delighted. I will not buy. Tea, lemon, cranberry, milk with turmeric is my already used many times and gives the result. RE or Rimantadine? As you want and write - all right. It already says that you forget about this drug and never remember it.
Tatyana, Remantadine and Rimantadine are absolute analogues, because in one and the other drug contains the same active substance - rimantadine hydrochloride.

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